This function performs optimized componentwise multiplication of two Q1.15 vectors. The output IS ADDED TO y. WARNING: make sure that output_shift is set to the right value, so that the result of the multiplication has the comma at the same place as y.
@param x1 Input 1 in the format |Re0 Im0 Re0 Im0|,......,|Re(N-1) Im(N-1) Re(N-1) Im(N-1)|
@param x2 Input 2 in the format |Re0 -Im0 Im0 Re0|,......,|Re(N-1) -Im(N-1) Im(N-1) Re(N-1)|
@param y Output in the format |Re0 Im0 Re0 Im0|,......,|Re(N-1) Im(N-1) Re(N-1) Im(N-1)|
@param N Length of Vector WARNING: N>=4
@param output_shift Number of bits to shift output down to Q1.15 (should be 15 for Q1.15 inputs) WARNING: log2_amp>0 can cause overflow!!
The function implemented is : \f$\mathbf{y} += \mathbf{x_1}\odot\mathbf{x_2}\f$
This function performs optimized componentwise multiplication of the vector x1 with the conjugate of the vector x2. The output IS ADDED TO y. WARNING: make sure that output_shift is set to the right value, so that the result of the multiplication has the comma at the same place as y.
@param x1 Input 1 in the format |Re0 Im0 Re0 Im0|,......,|Re(N-1) Im(N-1) Re(N-1) Im(N-1)|
@param x2 Input 2 in the format |Re0 Im0 Re0 Im0|,......,|Re(N-1) Im(N-1) Re(N-1) Im(N-1)|
@param y Output in the format |Re0 Im0 Re0 Im0|,......,|Re(N-1) Im(N-1) Re(N-1) Im(N-1)|
@param N Length of Vector (complex samples) WARNING: N>=4
@param output_shift Number of bits to shift output down to Q1.15 (should be 15 for Q1.15 inputs) WARNING: log2_amp>0 can cause overflow!!
@param sign +1..add, -1..substract
The function implemented is : \f$\mathbf{y} = \mathbf{y} + \mathbf{x_1}\odot\mathbf{x_2}^*\f$
This function performs optimized componentwise matrix multiplication of the 2x2 matrices x1 with the 2x2 matrices x2. The output IS ADDED TO y (i.e. make sure y is initilized correctly). WARNING: make sure that output_shift is set to the right value, so that the result of the multiplication has the comma at the same place as y.
@param x1 Input 1 in the format |Re0 Im0 Re0 Im0|,......,|Re(N-1) Im(N-1) Re(N-1) Im(N-1)|
@param x2 Input 2 in the format |Re0 Im0 Re0 Im0|,......,|Re(N-1) Im(N-1) Re(N-1) Im(N-1)|
@param y Output in the format |Re0 Im0 Re0 Im0|,......,|Re(N-1) Im(N-1) Re(N-1) Im(N-1)|
@param N Length of Vector (complex samples) WARNING: N>=4
@param output_shift Number of bits to shift output down to Q1.15 (should be 15 for Q1.15 inputs) WARNING: log2_amp>0 can cause overflow!!
@param hermitian if !=0 the hermitian transpose is returned (i.e. A^H*B instead of A*B^H)
This function performs optimized componentwise matrix-vector multiplication of the 2x2 matrices x1 with the 2x1 vectors x2. The output IS ADDED TO y (i.e. make sure y is initilized correctly). WARNING: make sure that output_shift is set to the right value, so that the result of the multiplication has the comma at the same place as y.
@param x1 Input 1 in the format |Re0 Im0 Re0 Im0|,......,|Re(N-1) Im(N-1) Re(N-1) Im(N-1)|
@param x2 Input 2 in the format |Re0 -Im0 Im0 Re0|,......,|Re(N-1) -Im(N-1) Im(N-1) Re(N-1)|
@param y Output in the format |Re0 Im0 Re0 Im0|,......,|Re(N-1) Im(N-1) Re(N-1) Im(N-1)| WARNING: y must be different for x2
@param N Length of Vector (complex samples) WARNING: N>=4
@param output_shift Number of bits to shift output down to Q1.15 (should be 15 for Q1.15 inputs) WARNING: log2_amp>0 can cause overflow!!