/* * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance: * contact@openairinterface.org */ /*! \file PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/prach_common.c * \brief Common routines for UE/eNB PRACH physical channel V8.6 2009-03 * \author R. Knopp * \date 2011 * \version 0.1 * \company Eurecom * \email: knopp@eurecom.fr * \note * \warning */ #include "PHY/sse_intrin.h" #include "common/utils/LOG/vcd_signal_dumper.h" #include "PHY/impl_defs_nr.h" #include "PHY/defs_nr_UE.h" #include "PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_transport_proto_ue.h" #include "common/utils/LOG/log.h" #include "common/utils/LOG/vcd_signal_dumper.h" #include "T.h" extern uint16_t NCS_unrestricted_delta_f_RA_125[16]; extern uint16_t NCS_restricted_TypeA_delta_f_RA_125[15]; extern uint16_t NCS_restricted_TypeB_delta_f_RA_125[13]; extern uint16_t NCS_unrestricted_delta_f_RA_5[16]; extern uint16_t NCS_restricted_TypeA_delta_f_RA_5[16]; extern uint16_t NCS_restricted_TypeB_delta_f_RA_5[14]; extern uint16_t NCS_unrestricted_delta_f_RA_15[16]; extern uint16_t prach_root_sequence_map_0_3[838]; extern uint16_t prach_root_sequence_map_abc[138]; extern int64_t table_6_3_3_2_2_prachConfig_Index [256][9]; extern int64_t table_6_3_3_2_3_prachConfig_Index [256][9]; extern int64_t table_6_3_3_2_4_prachConfig_Index [256][10]; extern uint16_t nr_du[838]; extern int16_t nr_ru[2*839]; int32_t generate_nr_prach( PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue, uint8_t eNB_id, uint8_t subframe, uint16_t Nf ) { //lte_frame_type_t frame_type = ue->frame_parms.frame_type; //uint8_t tdd_config = ue->frame_parms.tdd_config; NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *fp=&ue->frame_parms; uint16_t rootSequenceIndex = fp->prach_config_common.rootSequenceIndex; uint8_t prach_ConfigIndex = fp->prach_config_common.prach_ConfigInfo.prach_ConfigIndex; uint8_t Ncs_config = fp->prach_config_common.prach_ConfigInfo.zeroCorrelationZoneConfig; uint8_t restricted_set = fp->prach_config_common.prach_ConfigInfo.highSpeedFlag; uint8_t preamble_index = ue->prach_resources[eNB_id]->ra_PreambleIndex; //uint8_t tdd_mapindex = ue->prach_resources[eNB_id]->ra_TDD_map_index; int16_t *prachF = ue->prach_vars[eNB_id]->prachF; int16_t prach_tmp[98304*2*4] __attribute__((aligned(32))); int16_t *prach = prach_tmp; int16_t *prach2; int16_t amp = ue->prach_vars[eNB_id]->amp; int16_t Ncp; uint16_t NCS=0; uint16_t *prach_root_sequence_map; uint16_t preamble_offset,preamble_shift; uint16_t preamble_index0,n_shift_ra,n_shift_ra_bar; uint16_t d_start,numshift; uint16_t prach_fmt = get_nr_prach_fmt(prach_ConfigIndex,fp->frame_type,fp->freq_range); //uint8_t Nsp=2; //uint8_t f_ra,t1_ra; uint16_t N_ZC = (prach_fmt<4)?839:139; uint8_t not_found; int16_t *Xu; uint16_t u; int32_t Xu_re,Xu_im; uint16_t offset,offset2; int prach_start; int i, prach_len=0; uint16_t first_nonzero_root_idx=0; #if defined(OAI_USRP) prach_start = (ue->rx_offset+subframe*(fp->samples_per_slot<<1)-ue->hw_timing_advance-ue->N_TA_offset); #ifdef NR_PRACH_DEBUG LOG_I(PHY,"[UE %d] prach_start %d, rx_offset %d, hw_timing_advance %d, N_TA_offset %d\n", ue->Mod_id, prach_start, ue->rx_offset, ue->hw_timing_advance, ue->N_TA_offset); #endif if (prach_start<0) prach_start+=((fp->samples_per_slot<<1)*LTE_NUMBER_OF_SUBFRAMES_PER_FRAME); if (prach_start>=((fp->samples_per_slot<<1)*LTE_NUMBER_OF_SUBFRAMES_PER_FRAME)) prach_start-=((fp->samples_per_slot<<1)*LTE_NUMBER_OF_SUBFRAMES_PER_FRAME); #else //normal case (simulation) prach_start = subframe*(fp->samples_per_slot<<1)-ue->N_TA_offset; LOG_D(PHY,"[UE %d] prach_start %d, rx_offset %d, hw_timing_advance %d, N_TA_offset %d\n", ue->Mod_id, prach_start, ue->rx_offset, ue->hw_timing_advance, ue->N_TA_offset); #endif // First compute physical root sequence /************************************************************************ * 4G and NR NCS tables are slightly different and depend on prach format * Table for preamble formats with delta_f_RA = 1.25 Khz (formats 0,1,2) * Table for preamble formats with delta_f_RA = 5 Khz (formats 3) * NOTE: Restricted set type B is not implemented *************************************************************************/ int restricted_Type = 0; //this is hardcoded ('0' for restricted_TypeA; and '1' for restricted_TypeB). FIXME if (prach_fmt<3){ if (restricted_set == 0) { NCS = NCS_unrestricted_delta_f_RA_125[Ncs_config]; } else { if (restricted_Type == 0) NCS = NCS_restricted_TypeA_delta_f_RA_125[Ncs_config]; // for TypeA, this is hardcoded. FIXME if (restricted_Type == 1) NCS = NCS_restricted_TypeB_delta_f_RA_125[Ncs_config]; // for TypeB, this is hardcoded. FIXME } } if (prach_fmt==3){ if (restricted_set == 0) { NCS = NCS_unrestricted_delta_f_RA_5[Ncs_config]; } else { if (restricted_Type == 0) NCS = NCS_restricted_TypeA_delta_f_RA_5[Ncs_config]; // for TypeA, this is hardcoded. FIXME if (restricted_Type == 1) NCS = NCS_restricted_TypeB_delta_f_RA_5[Ncs_config]; // for TypeB, this is hardcoded. FIXME } } if (prach_fmt>3){ NCS = NCS_unrestricted_delta_f_RA_15[Ncs_config]; } prach_root_sequence_map = (prach_fmt<4) ? prach_root_sequence_map_0_3 : prach_root_sequence_map_abc; // This is the relative offset (for unrestricted case) in the root sequence table (5.7.2-4 from 36.211) for the given preamble index preamble_offset = ((NCS==0)? preamble_index : (preamble_index/(N_ZC/NCS))); if (restricted_set == 0) { // This is the \nu corresponding to the preamble index preamble_shift = (NCS==0)? 0 : (preamble_index % (N_ZC/NCS)); preamble_shift *= NCS; } else { // This is the high-speed case #ifdef NR_PRACH_DEBUG LOG_I(PHY,"[UE %d] High-speed mode, NCS_config %d\n",ue->Mod_id,Ncs_config); #endif not_found = 1; preamble_index0 = preamble_index; // set preamble_offset to initial rootSequenceIndex and look if we need more root sequences for this // preamble index and find the corresponding cyclic shift preamble_offset = 0; // relative rootSequenceIndex; while (not_found == 1) { // current root depending on rootSequenceIndex and preamble_offset int index = (rootSequenceIndex + preamble_offset) % N_ZC; if (prach_fmt<4) { // prach_root_sequence_map points to prach_root_sequence_map0_3 DevAssert( index < sizeof(prach_root_sequence_map_0_3) / sizeof(prach_root_sequence_map_0_3[0]) ); } else { // prach_root_sequence_map points to prach_root_sequence_map4 DevAssert( index < sizeof(prach_root_sequence_map_abc) / sizeof(prach_root_sequence_map_abc[0]) ); } u = prach_root_sequence_map[index]; uint16_t n_group_ra = 0; if ( (nr_du[u]<(N_ZC/3)) && (nr_du[u]>=NCS) ) { n_shift_ra = nr_du[u]/NCS; d_start = (nr_du[u]<<1) + (n_shift_ra * NCS); n_group_ra = N_ZC/d_start; n_shift_ra_bar = max(0,(N_ZC-(nr_du[u]<<1)-(n_group_ra*d_start))/N_ZC); } else if ( (nr_du[u]>=(N_ZC/3)) && (nr_du[u]<=((N_ZC - NCS)>>1)) ) { n_shift_ra = (N_ZC - (nr_du[u]<<1))/NCS; d_start = N_ZC - (nr_du[u]<<1) + (n_shift_ra * NCS); n_group_ra = nr_du[u]/d_start; n_shift_ra_bar = min(n_shift_ra,max(0,(nr_du[u]- (n_group_ra*d_start))/NCS)); } else { n_shift_ra = 0; n_shift_ra_bar = 0; } // This is the number of cyclic shifts for the current root u numshift = (n_shift_ra*n_group_ra) + n_shift_ra_bar; if (numshift>0 && preamble_index0==preamble_index) first_nonzero_root_idx = preamble_offset; if (preamble_index0 < numshift) { not_found = 0; preamble_shift = (d_start * (preamble_index0/n_shift_ra)) + ((preamble_index0%n_shift_ra)*NCS); } else { // skip to next rootSequenceIndex and recompute parameters preamble_offset++; preamble_index0 -= numshift; } } } // now generate PRACH signal #ifdef NR_PRACH_DEBUG if (NCS>0) LOG_D(PHY,"Generate PRACH for RootSeqIndex %d, Preamble Index %d, PRACH Format %x, prach_ConfigIndex %d, NCS %d (NCS_config %d, N_ZC/NCS %d): Preamble_offset %d, Preamble_shift %d\n", rootSequenceIndex,preamble_index,prach_fmt,prach_ConfigIndex,NCS,Ncs_config,N_ZC/NCS, preamble_offset,preamble_shift); #endif // nsymb = (frame_parms->Ncp==0) ? 14:12; // subframe_offset = (unsigned int)frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size*subframe*nsymb; int kbar = 1; int K = 24; if (prach_fmt == 3) { K=4; kbar=10; } else if (prach_fmt > 3) { // Note: Assumes that PRACH SCS is same as PUSCH SCS K=1; kbar=2; } int n_ra_prb = fp->prach_config_common.prach_ConfigInfo.msg1_frequencystart; int k = (12*n_ra_prb) - 6*fp->N_RB_UL; k = (12*n_ra_prb) - 6*fp->N_RB_UL; if (k<0) k+=fp->ofdm_symbol_size; k*=K; k+=kbar; LOG_D(PHY,"placing prach in position %d\n",k); k*=2; Xu = (int16_t*)ue->X_u[preamble_offset-first_nonzero_root_idx]; /******************************************************** * * In function init_prach_tables: * to compute quantized roots of unity ru(n) = 32767 * exp j*[ (2 * PI * n) / N_ZC ] * * In compute_prach_seq: * to calculate Xu = DFT xu = xu (inv_u*k) * Xu[0] (This is a Zadoff-Chou sequence property: DFT ZC sequence is another ZC sequence) * * In generate_prach: * to do the cyclic-shifted DFT by multiplying Xu[k] * ru[k*preamble_shift] as: * If X[k] = DFT x(n) -> X_shifted[k] = DFT x(n+preamble_shift) = X[k] * exp -j*[ (2*PI*k*preamble_shift) / N_ZC ] * *********************************************************/ AssertFatal(prach_fmt>=3,"prach_fmt<=3: Fix this for other formats\n"); int dftlen=2048; if (fp->N_RB_UL >= 137) dftlen=4096; if (fp->threequarter_fs==1) dftlen=(3*dftlen)/4; for (offset=0,offset2=0; offset<N_ZC; offset++,offset2+=preamble_shift) { if (offset2 >= N_ZC) offset2 -= N_ZC; Xu_re = (((int32_t)Xu[offset<<1]*amp)>>15); Xu_im = (((int32_t)Xu[1+(offset<<1)]*amp)>>15); prachF[k++]= ((Xu_re*nr_ru[offset2<<1]) - (Xu_im*nr_ru[1+(offset2<<1)]))>>15; prachF[k++]= ((Xu_im*nr_ru[offset2<<1]) + (Xu_re*nr_ru[1+(offset2<<1)]))>>15; if (k==dftlen) k=0; } switch (fp->N_RB_UL) { case 6: memset((void*)prachF,0,4*1536); break; case 15: memset((void*)prachF,0,4*3072); break; case 25: memset((void*)prachF,0,4*6144); break; case 50: memset((void*)prachF,0,4*12288); break; case 75: memset((void*)prachF,0,4*18432); break; case 100: if (fp->threequarter_fs == 0) memset((void*)prachF,0,4*24576); else memset((void*)prachF,0,4*18432); break; /*case 106: memset((void*)prachF,0,4*24576); break;*/ } int mu = 1; // numerology is hardcoded. FIXME!!! switch (prach_fmt) { case 0: Ncp = 3168; break; case 1: Ncp = 21024; break; case 2: Ncp = 4688; break; case 3: Ncp = 3168; break; case 0xa1: Ncp = 288/(1<<mu); break; case 0xa2: Ncp = 576/(1<<mu); break; case 0xa3: Ncp = 864/(1<<mu); break; case 0xb1: Ncp = 216/(1<<mu); break; case 0xb2: Ncp = 360/(1<<mu); break; case 0xb3: Ncp = 504/(1<<mu); break; case 0xb4: Ncp = 936/(1<<mu); break; case 0xc0: Ncp = 1240/(1<<mu); break; case 0xc2: Ncp = 2048/(1<<mu); break; default: Ncp = 3168; break; } if (fp->N_RB_UL <= 100) AssertFatal(1==0,"N_RB_UL %d not supported for NR PRACH yet\n",fp->N_RB_UL); else if (fp->N_RB_UL < 137) { // 46.08 or 61.44 Ms/s if (fp->threequarter_fs==0) { //61.44 Ms/s Ncp<<=1; // This is after cyclic prefix (Ncp<<1 samples for 30.72 Ms/s, Ncp<<2 samples for 61.44 Ms/s prach2 = prach+(Ncp<<1); if (prach_fmt == 0) { //24576 samples @ 30.72 Ms/s, 49152 samples @ 61.44 Ms/s idft49152(prachF,prach2,1); // here we have |empty | Prach49152| memmove(prach,prach+(49152<<1),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach49152| prach_len = 49152+Ncp; dftlen=49152; } else if (prach_fmt == 1) { //24576 samples @ 30.72 Ms/s, 49152 samples @ 61.44 Ms/s idft49152(prachF,prach2,1); memmove(prach2+(49152<<1),prach2,(49152<<2)); // here we have |empty | Prach49152 | Prach49152| memmove(prach,prach+(49152<<2),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach49152 | Prach49152| prach_len = (49152*2)+Ncp; dftlen=49152; } else if (prach_fmt == 2) { //24576 samples @ 30.72 Ms/s, 49152 samples @ 61.44 Ms/s idft49152(prachF,prach2,1); memmove(prach2+(49152<<1),prach2,(49152<<2)); // here we have |empty | Prach49152 | Prach49152| empty49152 | empty49152 memmove(prach2+(49152<<2),prach2,(49152<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach49152 | Prach49152| Prach49152 | Prach49152 memmove(prach,prach+(49152<<3),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach49152 | Prach49152| Prach49152 | Prach49152 prach_len = (49152*4)+Ncp; dftlen=49152; } else if (prach_fmt == 3) { // //6144 samples @ 30.72 Ms/s, 12288 samples @ 61.44 Ms/s idft12288(prachF,prach2,1); memmove(prach2+(12288<<1),prach2,(12288<<2)); // here we have |empty | Prach12288 | Prach12288| empty12288 | empty12288 memmove(prach2+(12288<<2),prach2,(12288<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach12288 | Prach12288| Prach12288 | Prach12288 memmove(prach,prach+(12288<<3),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach12288 | Prach12288| Prach12288 | Prach12288 prach_len = (12288*4)+Ncp; dftlen=12288; } else if (prach_fmt == 0xa1 || prach_fmt == 0xb1 || prach_fmt == 0xc0) { prach2 = prach+(Ncp<<1); idft2048(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=2048; // here we have |empty | Prach2048 | if (prach_fmt != 0xc0) { memmove(prach2+(2048<<1),prach2,(2048<<2)); prach_len = (2048*2)+Ncp; } else prach_len = (2048*1)+Ncp; memmove(prach,prach+(2048<<1),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach2048 | Prach2048 (if ! 0xc0) | } else if (prach_fmt == 0xa2 || prach_fmt == 0xb2) { // 6x2048 idft2048(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=2048; // here we have |empty | Prach2048 | memmove(prach2+(2048<<1),prach2,(2048<<2)); // here we have |empty | Prach2048 | Prach2048| empty2048 | empty2048 | memmove(prach2+(2048<<2),prach2,(2048<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach2048 | Prach2048| Prach2048 | Prach2048 | memmove(prach,prach+(2048<<1),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach2048 | prach_len = (2048*4)+Ncp; } else if (prach_fmt == 0xa3 || prach_fmt == 0xb3) { // 6x2048 prach2 = prach+(Ncp<<1); idft2048(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=2048; // here we have |empty | Prach2048 | memmove(prach2+(2048<<1),prach2,(2048<<2)); // here we have |empty | Prach2048 | Prach2048| empty2048 | empty2048 | empty2048 | empty2048 memmove(prach2+(2048<<2),prach2,(2048<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach2048 | Prach2048| Prach2048 | Prach2048 | empty2048 | empty2048 memmove(prach2+(2048<<3),prach2,(2048<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach2048 | Prach2048| Prach2048 | Prach2048 | Prach2048 | Prach2048 memmove(prach,prach+(2048<<1),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach2048 | prach_len = (2048*6)+Ncp; } else if (prach_fmt == 0xb4) { // 12x2048 idft2048(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=2048; // here we have |empty | Prach2048 | memmove(prach2+(2048<<1),prach2,(2048<<2)); // here we have |empty | Prach2048 | Prach2048| empty2048 | empty2048 | empty2048 | empty2048 memmove(prach2+(2048<<2),prach2,(2048<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach2048 | Prach2048| Prach2048 | Prach2048 | empty2048 | empty2048 memmove(prach2+(2048<<3),prach2,(2048<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach2048 | Prach2048| Prach2048 | Prach2048 | Prach2048 | Prach2048 memmove(prach2+(2048<<1)*6,prach2,(2048<<2)*6); // here we have |empty | Prach2048 | Prach2048| Prach2048 | Prach2048 | Prach2048 | Prach2048 | Prach2048 | Prach2048| Prach2048 | Prach2048 | Prach2048 | Prach2048| memmove(prach,prach+(2048<<1),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach2048 | Prach2048| Prach2048 | Prach2048 | Prach2048 | Prach2048 | Prach2048 | Prach2048| Prach2048 | Prach2048 | Prach2048 | Prach2048| prach_len = (2048*12)+Ncp; } } else { // 46.08 Ms/s Ncp = (Ncp*3)/2; prach2 = prach+(Ncp<<1); if (prach_fmt == 0) { idft36864(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=36864; // here we have |empty | Prach73728| memmove(prach,prach+(36864<<1),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach73728| prach_len = (36864*1)+Ncp; } else if (prach_fmt == 1) { idft36864(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=36864; memmove(prach2+(36864<<1),prach2,(36864<<2)); // here we have |empty | Prach73728 | Prach73728| memmove(prach,prach+(36864<<2),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach73728 | Prach73728| prach_len = (36864*2)+Ncp; } if (prach_fmt == 2) { idft36864(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=36864; memmove(prach2+(36864<<1),prach2,(36864<<2)); // here we have |empty | Prach73728 | Prach73728| empty73728 | empty73728 memmove(prach2+(36864<<2),prach2,(36864<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach73728 | Prach73728| Prach73728 | Prach73728 memmove(prach,prach+(36864<<3),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach73728 | Prach73728| Prach73728 | Prach73728 prach_len = (36864*4)+Ncp; } else if (prach_fmt == 3) { idft9216(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=36864; memmove(prach2+(9216<<1),prach2,(9216<<2)); // here we have |empty | Prach9216 | Prach9216| empty9216 | empty9216 memmove(prach2+(9216<<2),prach2,(9216<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach9216 | Prach9216| Prach9216 | Prach9216 memmove(prach,prach+(9216<<3),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach9216 | Prach9216| Prach9216 | Prach9216 prach_len = (9216*4)+Ncp; } else if (prach_fmt == 0xa1 || prach_fmt == 0xb1 || prach_fmt == 0xc0) { idft1536(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=1536; // here we have |empty | Prach1536 | if (prach_fmt != 0xc0) { memmove(prach2+(1536<<1),prach2,(1536<<2)); prach_len = (1536*2)+Ncp; } else prach_len = (1536*1)+Ncp; memmove(prach,prach+(1536<<1),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach1536 | Prach1536 (if ! 0xc0) | } else if (prach_fmt == 0xa2 || prach_fmt == 0xb2) { // 6x1536 idft1536(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=1536; // here we have |empty | Prach1536 | memmove(prach2+(1536<<1),prach2,(1536<<2)); // here we have |empty | Prach1536 | Prach1536| empty1536 | empty1536 | memmove(prach2+(1536<<2),prach2,(1536<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach1536 | Prach1536| Prach1536 | Prach1536 | memmove(prach,prach+(1536<<1),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach1536 | prach_len = (1536*4)+Ncp; } else if (prach_fmt == 0xa3 || prach_fmt == 0xb3) { // 6x1536 idft1536(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=1536; // here we have |empty | Prach1536 | memmove(prach2+(1536<<1),prach2,(1536<<2)); // here we have |empty | Prach1536 | Prach1536| empty1536 | empty1536 | empty1536 | empty1536 memmove(prach2+(1536<<2),prach2,(1536<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach1536 | Prach1536| Prach1536 | Prach1536 | empty1536 | empty1536 memmove(prach2+(1536<<3),prach2,(1536<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach1536 | Prach1536| Prach1536 | Prach1536 | Prach1536 | Prach1536 memmove(prach,prach+(1536<<1),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach1536 | prach_len = (1536*6)+Ncp; } else if (prach_fmt == 0xb4) { // 12x1536 idft1536(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=1536; // here we have |empty | Prach1536 | memmove(prach2+(1536<<1),prach2,(1536<<2)); // here we have |empty | Prach1536 | Prach1536| empty1536 | empty1536 | empty1536 | empty1536 memmove(prach2+(1536<<2),prach2,(1536<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach1536 | Prach1536| Prach1536 | Prach1536 | empty1536 | empty1536 memmove(prach2+(1536<<3),prach2,(1536<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach1536 | Prach1536| Prach1536 | Prach1536 | Prach1536 | Prach1536 memmove(prach2+(1536<<1)*6,prach2,(1536<<2)*6); // here we have |empty | Prach1536 | Prach1536| Prach1536 | Prach1536 | Prach1536 | Prach1536 | Prach1536 | Prach1536| Prach1536 | Prach1536 | Prach1536 | Prach1536| memmove(prach,prach+(1536<<1),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach1536 | Prach1536| Prach1536 | Prach1536 | Prach1536 | Prach1536 | Prach1536 | Prach1536| Prach1536 | Prach1536 | Prach1536 | Prach1536| prach_len = (1536*12)+Ncp; } } } else if (fp->N_RB_UL <= 273) {// 92.16 or 122.88 Ms/s if (fp->threequarter_fs==0) { //122.88 Ms/s Ncp<<=2; prach2 = prach+(Ncp<<1); if (prach_fmt == 0) { //24576 samples @ 30.72 Ms/s, 98304 samples @ 122.88 Ms/s idft98304(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=98304; // here we have |empty | Prach98304| memmove(prach,prach+(98304<<1),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach98304| prach_len = (98304*1)+Ncp; } else if (prach_fmt == 1) { idft98304(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=98304; memmove(prach2+(98304<<1),prach2,(98304<<2)); // here we have |empty | Prach98304 | Prach98304| memmove(prach,prach+(98304<<2),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach98304 | Prach98304| prach_len = (98304*2)+Ncp; } else if (prach_fmt == 2) { idft98304(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=98304; memmove(prach2+(98304<<1),prach2,(98304<<2)); // here we have |empty | Prach98304 | Prach98304| empty98304 | empty98304 memmove(prach2+(98304<<2),prach2,(98304<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach98304 | Prach98304| Prach98304 | Prach98304 memmove(prach,prach+(98304<<3),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach98304 | Prach98304| Prach98304 | Prach98304 prach_len = (98304*4)+Ncp; } else if (prach_fmt == 3) { // 4x6144, Ncp 3168 idft24576(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=24576; memmove(prach2+(24576<<1),prach2,(24576<<2)); // here we have |empty | Prach24576 | Prach24576| empty24576 | empty24576 memmove(prach2+(24576<<2),prach2,(24576<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach24576 | Prach24576| Prach24576 | Prach24576 memmove(prach,prach+(24576<<3),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach24576 | Prach24576| Prach24576 | Prach24576 prach_len = (24576*4)+Ncp; } else if (prach_fmt == 0xa1 || prach_fmt == 0xb1 || prach_fmt == 0xc0) { idft4096(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=4096; // here we have |empty | Prach4096 | if (prach_fmt != 0xc0) { memmove(prach2+(4096<<1),prach2,(4096<<2)); prach_len = (4096*2)+Ncp; } else prach_len = (4096*1)+Ncp; memmove(prach,prach+(4096<<1),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach4096 | Prach4096 (if ! 0xc0) | } else if (prach_fmt == 0xa2 || prach_fmt == 0xb2) { // 4x4096 idft4096(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=4096; // here we have |empty | Prach4096 | memmove(prach2+(4096<<1),prach2,(4096<<2)); // here we have |empty | Prach4096 | Prach4096| empty4096 | empty4096 | memmove(prach2+(4096<<2),prach2,(4096<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach4096 | Prach4096| Prach4096 | Prach4096 | memmove(prach,prach+(4096<<1),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach4096 | prach_len = (4096*4)+Ncp; } else if (prach_fmt == 0xa3 || prach_fmt == 0xb3) { // 6x4096 idft4096(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=4096; // here we have |empty | Prach4096 | memmove(prach2+(4096<<1),prach2,(4096<<2)); // here we have |empty | Prach4096 | Prach4096| empty4096 | empty4096 | empty4096 | empty4096 memmove(prach2+(4096<<2),prach2,(4096<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach4096 | Prach4096| Prach4096 | Prach4096 | empty4096 | empty4096 memmove(prach2+(4096<<3),prach2,(4096<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach4096 | Prach4096| Prach4096 | Prach4096 | Prach4096 | Prach4096 memmove(prach,prach+(4096<<1),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach4096 | prach_len = (4096*6)+Ncp; } else if (prach_fmt == 0xb4) { // 12x4096 idft4096(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=4096; // here we have |empty | Prach4096 | memmove(prach2+(4096<<1),prach2,(4096<<2)); // here we have |empty | Prach4096 | Prach4096| empty4096 | empty4096 | empty4096 | empty4096 memmove(prach2+(4096<<2),prach2,(4096<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach4096 | Prach4096| Prach4096 | Prach4096 | empty4096 | empty4096 memmove(prach2+(4096<<3),prach2,(4096<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach4096 | Prach4096| Prach4096 | Prach4096 | Prach4096 | Prach4096 memmove(prach2+(4096<<1)*6,prach2,(4096<<2)*6); // here we have |empty | Prach4096 | Prach4096| Prach4096 | Prach4096 | Prach4096 | Prach4096 | Prach4096 | Prach4096| Prach4096 | Prach4096 | Prach4096 | Prach4096| memmove(prach,prach+(4096<<1),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach4096 | Prach4096| Prach4096 | Prach4096 | Prach4096 | Prach4096 | Prach4096 | Prach4096| Prach4096 | Prach4096 | Prach4096 | Prach4096| prach_len = (4096*12)+Ncp; } } else { // 92.16 Ms/s Ncp = (Ncp*3); prach2 = prach+(Ncp<<1); if (prach_fmt == 0) { idft73728(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=73728; // here we have |empty | Prach73728| memmove(prach,prach+(73728<<1),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach73728| prach_len = (73728*1)+Ncp; } else if (prach_fmt == 1) { idft73728(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=73728; memmove(prach2+(73728<<1),prach2,(73728<<2)); // here we have |empty | Prach73728 | Prach73728| memmove(prach,prach+(73728<<2),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach73728 | Prach73728| prach_len = (73728*2)+Ncp; } if (prach_fmt == 2) { idft73728(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=73728; memmove(prach2+(73728<<1),prach2,(73728<<2)); // here we have |empty | Prach73728 | Prach73728| empty73728 | empty73728 memmove(prach2+(73728<<2),prach2,(73728<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach73728 | Prach73728| Prach73728 | Prach73728 memmove(prach,prach+(73728<<3),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach73728 | Prach73728| Prach73728 | Prach73728 prach_len = (73728*4)+Ncp; } else if (prach_fmt == 3) { idft18432(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=18432; memmove(prach2+(18432<<1),prach2,(18432<<2)); // here we have |empty | Prach18432 | Prach18432| empty18432 | empty18432 memmove(prach2+(18432<<2),prach2,(18432<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach18432 | Prach18432| Prach18432 | Prach18432 memmove(prach,prach+(18432<<3),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach18432 | Prach18432| Prach18432 | Prach18432 prach_len = (18432*4)+Ncp; } else if (prach_fmt == 0xa1 || prach_fmt == 0xb1 || prach_fmt == 0xc0) { idft3072(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=3072; // here we have |empty | Prach3072 | if (prach_fmt != 0xc0) { memmove(prach2+(3072<<1),prach2,(3072<<2)); prach_len = (3072*2)+Ncp; } else prach_len = (3072*1)+Ncp; memmove(prach,prach+(3072<<1),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach3072 | Prach3072 (if ! 0xc0) | } else if (prach_fmt == 0xa3 || prach_fmt == 0xb3) { // 6x3072 idft3072(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=3072; // here we have |empty | Prach3072 | memmove(prach2+(3072<<1),prach2,(3072<<2)); // here we have |empty | Prach3072 | Prach3072| empty3072 | empty3072 | empty3072 | empty3072 memmove(prach2+(3072<<2),prach2,(3072<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach3072 | Prach3072| Prach3072 | Prach3072 | empty3072 | empty3072 memmove(prach2+(3072<<3),prach2,(3072<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach3072 | Prach3072| Prach3072 | Prach3072 | Prach3072 | Prach3072 memmove(prach,prach+(3072<<1),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach3072 | prach_len = (3072*6)+Ncp; } else if (prach_fmt == 0xa2 || prach_fmt == 0xb2) { // 4x3072 idft3072(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=3072; // here we have |empty | Prach3072 | memmove(prach2+(3072<<1),prach2,(3072<<2)); // here we have |empty | Prach3072 | Prach3072| empty3072 | empty3072 | memmove(prach2+(3072<<2),prach2,(3072<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach3072 | Prach3072| Prach3072 | Prach3072 | memmove(prach,prach+(3072<<1),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach3072 | prach_len = (3072*4)+Ncp; } else if (prach_fmt == 0xb4) { // 12x3072 idft3072(prachF,prach2,1); dftlen=3072; // here we have |empty | Prach3072 | memmove(prach2+(3072<<1),prach2,(3072<<2)); // here we have |empty | Prach3072 | Prach3072| empty3072 | empty3072 | empty3072 | empty3072 memmove(prach2+(3072<<2),prach2,(3072<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach3072 | Prach3072| Prach3072 | Prach3072 | empty3072 | empty3072 memmove(prach2+(3072<<3),prach2,(3072<<3)); // here we have |empty | Prach3072 | Prach3072| Prach3072 | Prach3072 | Prach3072 | Prach3072 memmove(prach2+(3072<<1)*6,prach2,(3072<<2)*6); // here we have |empty | Prach3072 | Prach3072| Prach3072 | Prach3072 | Prach3072 | Prach3072 | Prach3072 | Prach3072| Prach3072 | Prach3072 | Prach3072 | Prach3072| memmove(prach,prach+(3072<<1),(Ncp<<2)); // here we have |Prefix | Prach3072 | Prach3072| Prach3072 | Prach3072 | Prach3072 | Prach3072 | Prach3072 | Prach3072| Prach3072 | Prach3072 | Prach3072 | Prach3072| prach_len = (3072*12)+Ncp; } } } #if defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR) int j; int overflow = prach_start + prach_len - LTE_NUMBER_OF_SUBFRAMES_PER_FRAME*(fp->samples_per_slot<<1); LOG_D( PHY, "prach_start=%d, overflow=%d\n", prach_start, overflow ); for (i=prach_start,j=0; i<min((fp->samples_per_slot<<1)*LTE_NUMBER_OF_SUBFRAMES_PER_FRAME,prach_start+prach_len); i++,j++) { ((int16_t*)ue->common_vars.txdata[0])[2*i] = prach[2*j]; ((int16_t*)ue->common_vars.txdata[0])[2*i+1] = prach[2*j+1]; } for (i=0; i<overflow; i++,j++) { ((int16_t*)ue->common_vars.txdata[0])[2*i] = prach[2*j]; ((int16_t*)ue->common_vars.txdata[0])[2*i+1] = prach[2*j+1]; } #else LOG_D( PHY, "prach_start=%d\n", prach_start); for (i=0; i<prach_len; i++) { ((int16_t*)(&ue->common_vars.txdata[0][prach_start]))[2*i] = prach[2*i]; ((int16_t*)(&ue->common_vars.txdata[0][prach_start]))[2*i+1] = prach[2*i+1]; } #endif #if defined(PRACH_WRITE_OUTPUT_DEBUG) LOG_M("prach_txF0.m","prachtxF0",prachF,prach_len-Ncp,1,1); LOG_M("prach_tx0.m","prachtx0",prach+(Ncp<<1),prach_len-Ncp,1,1); LOG_M("txsig.m","txs",(int16_t*)(&ue->common_vars.txdata[0][prach_start]),4*fp->samples_per_slot,1,1); exit(-1); #endif return signal_energy( (int*)prach, 256 ); }