Commit 7c9a7042 authored by Cedric Roux's avatar Cedric Roux

Setting up the callback mechanism.

parent 705be491
......@@ -71,6 +71,10 @@
#include "SCellToAddMod-r10.h"
#ifdef FAPI
#include "ff-mac.h"
//#ifdef PHY_EMUL
//#include "SIMULATION/PHY_EMULATION/impl_defs.h"
......@@ -910,6 +914,10 @@ typedef struct {
/// processing time of eNB ULSCH reception
time_stats_t rx_ulsch_sdu; // include rlc_data_ind
#ifdef FAPI
/// fapi interface handler
fapi_interface_t *fapi;
......@@ -3,60 +3,209 @@
#include "ff-mac-csched-sap.h"
#include "ff-mac-init.h"
#include "log.h"
#include "assertions.h"
#undef LOG_D
#define LOG_D LOG_I
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
/* number of callbacks */
#define N 9
/* this structure stores required data for OAI to work with FAPI */
/* it is the private version of fapi_interface_t */
struct fapi {
fapi_interface_t fi; /* the start of the structure matches fapi_interface_t */
pthread_mutex_t mutex[N];
pthread_cond_t cond[N];
volatile int req_id[N];
volatile int rsp_id[N];
struct CschedCellConfigCnfParameters CschedCellConfigCnfParameters;
/* here come the callbacks */
#define LOCK(fi, fn) do { \
LOG_D(MAC, "%s: locking fn %d fi %p mutex %p\n", __FUNCTION__, fn, fi, &fi->mutex[fn]); \
if (pthread_mutex_lock(&fi->mutex[fn])) \
AssertFatal(0, "%s:%d:%s: mutex error\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); \
} while (0)
#define UNLOCK(fi, fn) do { \
LOG_D(MAC, "%s: unlocking fn %d fi %p mutex %p\n", __FUNCTION__, fn, fi, &fi->mutex[fn]); \
if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&fi->mutex[fn])) \
AssertFatal(0, "%s:%d:%s: mutex error\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); \
} while (0)
#define CHECK(fi, fn) do { \
if (fi->req_id[fn] != fi->rsp_id[fn]) \
AssertFatal(0, "%s:%d:%s: check error\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); \
} while (0)
#define WAIT(fi, fn) do { \
LOG_D(MAC, "%s: WAIT fn %d req %d rsp %d\n", __FUNCTION__, fn, fi->req_id[fn], fi->rsp_id[fn]); \
while (fi->req_id[fn] == fi->rsp_id[fn]) \
if (pthread_cond_wait(&fi->cond[fn], &fi->mutex[fn])) \
AssertFatal(0, "%s:%d:%s: cond error\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); \
} while (0)
#define DONE_callback(fi, fn) do { \
fi->req_id[fn]++; \
if (pthread_cond_signal(&fi->cond[fn])) \
AssertFatal(0, "%s:%d:%s: mutex error\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__); \
} while (0)
#define DONE_wrapper(fi, fn) do { \
fi->rsp_id[fn]++; \
} while (0)
/* SCHED "wrappers" */
void SchedDlConfigInd(fapi_interface_t *_fi, struct SchedDlConfigIndParameters *params)
int fn = 0;
void SchedUlConfigInd(fapi_interface_t *_fi, struct SchedUlConfigIndParameters *params)
int fn = 1;
/* CSCHED "wrappers" */
void CschedCellConfigCnf(fapi_interface_t *_fi, struct CschedCellConfigCnfParameters *params)
struct fapi *fi = (struct fapi *)_fi;
int fn = 2;
LOG_D(MAC, "CschedCellConfigCnf enter\n");
LOCK(fi, fn);
WAIT(fi, fn);
*params = fi->CschedCellConfigCnfParameters;
DONE_wrapper(fi, fn);
UNLOCK(fi, fn);
LOG_D(MAC, "CschedCellConfigCnf leave\n");
void CschedUeConfigCnf(fapi_interface_t *_fi, struct CschedUeConfigCnfParameters *params)
int fn = 3;
void CschedLcConfigCnf(fapi_interface_t *_fi, struct CschedLcConfigCnfParameters *params)
int fn = 4;
void CschedLcReleaseCnf(fapi_interface_t *_fi, struct CschedLcReleaseCnfParameters *params)
int fn = 5;
void CschedUeReleaseCnf(fapi_interface_t *_fi, struct CschedUeReleaseCnfParameters *params)
int fn = 6;
void CschedUeConfigUpdateInd(fapi_interface_t *_fi, struct CschedUeConfigUpdateIndParameters *params)
int fn = 7;
void CschedCellConfigUpdateInd(fapi_interface_t *_fi, struct CschedCellConfigUpdateIndParameters *params)
int fn = 8;
/* SCHED callbacks */
void SchedDlConfigInd_callback(void *callback_data, const struct SchedDlConfigIndParameters *params)
int fn = 0;
void SchedUlConfigInd_callback(void *callback_data, const struct SchedUlConfigIndParameters *params)
int fn = 1;
/* CSCHED callbacks */
void CschedCellConfigCnf_callback(void *callback_data, const struct CschedCellConfigCnfParameters *params)
struct fapi *fi = callback_data;
int fn = 2;
LOG_D(MAC, "CschedCellConfigCnf_callback enter\n");
LOCK(fi, fn);
CHECK(fi, fn);
fi->CschedCellConfigCnfParameters = *params;
DONE_callback(fi, fn);
UNLOCK(fi, fn);
LOG_D(MAC, "CschedCellConfigCnf_callback leave\n");
void CschedUeConfigCnf_callback(void *callback_data, const struct CschedUeConfigCnfParameters *params)
int fn = 3;
void CschedLcConfigCnf_callback(void *callback_data, const struct CschedLcConfigCnfParameters *params)
int fn = 4;
void CschedLcReleaseCnf_callback(void *callback_data, const struct CschedLcReleaseCnfParameters *params)
int fn = 5;
void CschedUeReleaseCnf_callback(void *callback_data, const struct CschedUeReleaseCnfParameters *params)
int fn = 6;
void CschedUeConfigUpdateInd_callback(void *callback_data, const struct CschedUeConfigUpdateIndParameters *params)
int fn = 7;
void CschedCellConfigUpdateInd_callback(void *callback_data, const struct CschedCellConfigUpdateIndParameters *params)
int fn = 8;
fapi_interface_t *init_fapi(void)
struct fapi *ret;
int i;
LOG_I(MAC, "FAPI initialization\n");
ret = calloc(1, sizeof(struct fapi));
if (ret == NULL) LOG_E(MAC, "init_fapi: memory allocation error\n");
if (ret == NULL) {
LOG_E(MAC, "init_fapi: memory allocation error\n");
return NULL;
for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
if (pthread_mutex_init(&ret->mutex[i], NULL)) {
LOG_E(MAC, "init_fapi: mutex init error\n");
if (pthread_cond_init(&ret->cond[i], NULL)) {
LOG_E(MAC, "init_fapi: cond init error\n");
ret->req_id[i] = 0;
ret->rsp_id[i] = 0;
ret->fi.sched = SchedInit(ret,
......@@ -14,4 +14,25 @@ typedef struct {
fapi_interface_t *init_fapi(void);
/* the following functions are called by OAI
* they wait for the corresponding callback
* to be called by the FAPI scheduler
#include "ff-mac-sched-sap.h"
#include "ff-mac-csched-sap.h"
/* from SCHED */
void SchedDlConfigInd(fapi_interface_t *, struct SchedDlConfigIndParameters* params);
void SchedUlConfigInd(fapi_interface_t *, struct SchedUlConfigIndParameters* params);
/* from CSCHED */
void CschedCellConfigCnf(fapi_interface_t *, struct CschedCellConfigCnfParameters *params);
void CschedUeConfigCnf(fapi_interface_t *, struct CschedUeConfigCnfParameters *params);
void CschedLcConfigCnf(fapi_interface_t *, struct CschedLcConfigCnfParameters *params);
void CschedLcReleaseCnf(fapi_interface_t *, struct CschedLcReleaseCnfParameters *params);
void CschedUeReleaseCnf(fapi_interface_t *, struct CschedUeReleaseCnfParameters *params);
void CschedUeConfigUpdateInd(fapi_interface_t *, struct CschedUeConfigUpdateIndParameters *params);
void CschedCellConfigUpdateInd(fapi_interface_t *, struct CschedCellConfigUpdateIndParameters *params);
#endif /* FF_MAC_H */
......@@ -352,6 +352,22 @@ int mac_top_init(int eMBMS_active, char *uecap_xer, uint8_t cba_group_active, ui
//end ALU's algo
#ifdef FAPI
/// setup FAPI interface
for (i=0; i<NB_eNB_INST; i++) {
eNB_mac_inst[i].fapi = init_fapi();
AssertFatal(eNB_mac_inst[i].fapi != NULL, "error calling init_fapi()\n");
/* test code, to remove */
struct CschedCellConfigReqParameters p;
struct CschedCellConfigCnfParameters r;
CschedCellConfigReq(eNB_mac_inst[0].fapi->sched, &p);
CschedCellConfigCnf(eNB_mac_inst[0].fapi, &r);
if (r.result != ff_SUCCESS) abort();
LOG_I(MAC,"[MAIN][INIT] Init function finished\n");
......@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define LOG(...) do { printf("minifapi:%s:%d: ", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); printf(__VA_ARGS__); printf("\n"); } while (0)
struct scheduler {
void *callback_data;
SchedDlConfigInd_callback_t *SchedDlConfigInd;
......@@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ void *SchedInit(
struct scheduler *ret;
printf("minifapi:%s:%d: start\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
ret = calloc(1, sizeof(struct scheduler));
if (ret == NULL) {
......@@ -57,7 +59,7 @@ void *SchedInit(
ret->CschedUeConfigUpdateInd = CschedUeConfigUpdateInd;
ret->CschedCellConfigUpdateInd = CschedCellConfigUpdateInd;
printf("minifapi:%s:%d: done\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
return ret;
......@@ -112,6 +114,17 @@ void SchedUlCqiInfoReq(void *_sched, const struct SchedUlCqiInfoReqParameters *p
void CschedCellConfigReq(void *_sched, const struct CschedCellConfigReqParameters *params)
struct scheduler *sched = _sched;
struct CschedCellConfigCnfParameters conf;
conf.result = ff_SUCCESS;
conf.nr_vendorSpecificList = 0;
sched->CschedCellConfigCnf(sched->callback_data, &conf);
void CschedUeConfigReq(void *_sched, const struct CschedUeConfigReqParameters *params)
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