diff --git a/common/config/config_cmdline.c b/common/config/config_cmdline.c
index c5461610a1c2716d3f22fdd393b02d4f69160db7..c22ecf964a0e99d6734cd7c97c3b20e6bcd8cde5 100644
--- a/common/config/config_cmdline.c
+++ b/common/config/config_cmdline.c
@@ -37,27 +37,31 @@
 int processoption(paramdef_t *cfgoptions, char *value)
-int optisset=0;
-int noarg=0;
-     if ((cfgoptions->paramflags &PARAMFLAG_BOOL) == 0) {
-        if (value == NULL) {
-	    noarg=1; 
-	} else if ( value[0] == '-') {
-	    noarg = 1;
-	}
-	if (noarg == 1) {
+int argok=1;
+char *tmpval = value;
+int optisset;
+char defbool[2]="1";
+     if (value == NULL) {
+     	 argok=0; 
+     } else if ( value[0] == '-') {
+     	 argok = 0;
+     }
+     if ((cfgoptions->paramflags &PARAMFLAG_BOOL) == 0) { /* not a boolean, argument required */
+	if (argok == 0) {
 	    fprintf(stderr,"[CONFIG] command line, option %s requires an argument\n",cfgoptions->optname);
 	    return 0;
-	}
-     } 
+	} 
+     } else {        /* boolean value */
+         tmpval = defbool;
+     }
+     printf("cc 0x%08x, %i\n",tmpval,argok);
        	case TYPE_STRING:
            config_check_valptr(cfgoptions, (char **)(cfgoptions->strptr), sizeof(char *));
-           config_check_valptr(cfgoptions, cfgoptions->strptr, strlen(value+1));
-           sprintf(*(cfgoptions->strptr), "%s",value);
-           printf_cmdl("[CONFIG] %s set to  %s from command line\n", cfgoptions->optname, value);
+           config_check_valptr(cfgoptions, cfgoptions->strptr, strlen(tmpval+1));
+           sprintf(*(cfgoptions->strptr), "%s",tmpval);
+           printf_cmdl("[CONFIG] %s set to  %s from command line\n", cfgoptions->optname, tmpval);
@@ -70,13 +74,13 @@ int noarg=0;
 	case TYPE_UINT8:
        	case TYPE_INT8:	
            config_check_valptr(cfgoptions, (char **)&(cfgoptions->iptr),sizeof(int32_t));
-	   config_assign_int(cfgoptions,cfgoptions->optname,(int32_t)strtol(value,NULL,0));  
+	   config_assign_int(cfgoptions,cfgoptions->optname,(int32_t)strtol(tmpval,NULL,0));  
        	case TYPE_UINT64:
        	case TYPE_INT64:
            config_check_valptr(cfgoptions, (char **)&(cfgoptions->i64ptr),sizeof(uint64_t));
-	   *(cfgoptions->i64ptr)=strtoll(value,NULL,0);  
+	   *(cfgoptions->i64ptr)=strtoll(tmpval,NULL,0);  
            printf_cmdl("[CONFIG] %s set to  %lli from command line\n", cfgoptions->optname, (long long)*(cfgoptions->i64ptr));
@@ -86,7 +90,7 @@ int noarg=0;
         case TYPE_DOUBLE:
            config_check_valptr(cfgoptions, (char **)&(cfgoptions->dblptr),sizeof(double)); 
-           *(cfgoptions->dblptr) = strtof(value,NULL);  
+           *(cfgoptions->dblptr) = strtof(tmpval,NULL);  
            printf_cmdl("[CONFIG] %s set to  %lf from command line\n", cfgoptions->optname, *(cfgoptions->dblptr));
@@ -103,7 +107,7 @@ int noarg=0;
           cfgoptions->paramflags = cfgoptions->paramflags |  PARAMFLAG_PARAMSET;
-    return optisset;
+    return argok;
 int config_process_cmdline(paramdef_t *cfgoptions,int numoptions, char *prefix)
@@ -123,7 +127,7 @@ char *cfgpath;
-    while (c >= 0 && *p != NULL) {
+    while (c > 0 && *p != NULL) {
         if (strcmp(*p, "-h") == 0 || strcmp(*p, "--help") == 0 ) {
@@ -138,9 +142,19 @@ char *cfgpath;
             if ( ((strlen(*p) == 2) && (strcmp(*p + 1,cfgpath) == 0))  || 
                  ((strlen(*p) > 2) && (strcmp(*p + 2,cfgpath ) == 0 )) ) {
-               p++;
-               j =+ processoption(&(cfgoptions[i]), *p);
-               c--;
+               if (c > 1) {
+                  p++;
+                  c--;
+                  j = processoption(&(cfgoptions[i]), *p);
+                  if ( j== 0) {
+                      c++;
+                      p--;
+                  }
+               } else {
+                  j = processoption(&(cfgoptions[i]), NULL);
+               }
diff --git a/common/config/config_load_configmodule.c b/common/config/config_load_configmodule.c
index 753659129e71e7f273e837b81c922eb7ba5b6d4c..60bcefad5ea74f0ecb9b0ca717dccfa491e2ebc3 100644
--- a/common/config/config_load_configmodule.c
+++ b/common/config/config_load_configmodule.c
@@ -139,11 +139,10 @@ int i;
        modeparams = strdup("oaisoftmodem.conf");
    else if ( i == 1 ) {
-  /* -O argument doesn't contain ":" separator, legacy -O <conf file> option, default cfgmode to libconfig
+  /* -O argument doesn't contain ":" separator, assume -O <conf file> option, default cfgmode to libconfig
      with one parameter, the path to the configuration file */
-       tmpflags = tmpflags | CONFIG_LEGACY;/* temporary, legacy mode */
    cfgptr = malloc(sizeof(configmodule_interface_t));
diff --git a/common/config/config_load_configmodule.h b/common/config/config_load_configmodule.h
index e9f1f7050fedfe2e992d6277fcd4cb8a0264d639..71c642f68054180bf521dfcd8a7e0f12bc39e57b 100644
--- a/common/config/config_load_configmodule.h
+++ b/common/config/config_load_configmodule.h
@@ -46,8 +46,7 @@
 #define CONFIG_DEBUGCMDLINE   4        // print command line processing messages
 #define CONFIG_HELP           8        // print help message
 #define CONFIG_ABORT          16       // config failed,abort execution 
-/* temporary flag to be able to use legacy config mechanism */
-#define CONFIG_LEGACY             (1 << 10)     
 typedef int(*configmodule_initfunc_t)(char *cfgP[],int numP);
 typedef int(*configmodule_getfunc_t)(paramdef_t *,int numparams, char *prefix);
diff --git a/common/config/config_userapi.h b/common/config/config_userapi.h
index 9cb4ff5773f44893f15848c5515dc202adad9f4c..6acaacf7166b3e3dcac77c46bff4bef5b7d4d807 100644
--- a/common/config/config_userapi.h
+++ b/common/config/config_userapi.h
@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@ extern int config_process_cmdline(paramdef_t *cfgoptions,int numoptions, char *p
 #define config_getlist config_get_if()->getlist
 #define CONFIG_GETCONFFILE (config_get_if()->cfgP[0])
 #ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/defs.h b/openair1/PHY/defs.h
index 01318b8b91ec0ef293f6def6850559020e060a50..b4b6247104293f12e02e14aee6f462b8b8a22f2d 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/defs.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/defs.h
@@ -645,7 +645,8 @@ typedef enum {
   REMOTE_IF5      =1,
   REMOTE_MBP_IF5  =2,
   REMOTE_IF4p5    =3,
+  REMOTE_IF1pp    =4,
 } RU_if_south_t;
 typedef struct RU_t_s{
diff --git a/openair2/ENB_APP/enb_config.c b/openair2/ENB_APP/enb_config.c
index 4e2491fe8576950c784d2c37b4667243bcbeeb8c..55a99ef03e991e834c2c55f3e90e16711dc55090 100644
--- a/openair2/ENB_APP/enb_config.c
+++ b/openair2/ENB_APP/enb_config.c
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
 #include <string.h>
-#include <libconfig.h>
 #include <inttypes.h>
 #include "log.h"
@@ -55,2732 +54,63 @@
 #include "targets/ARCH/ETHERNET/USERSPACE/LIB/ethernet_lib.h"
 #include "enb_paramdef.h"
 #include "common/config/config_userapi.h"
-/* those macros are here to help diagnose problems in configuration files
- * if the lookup fails, a warning is printed
- * (yes we can use the function name for the macro itself, the C preprocessor
- * won't die in an infinite loop)
- */
-#define config_setting_lookup_int(setting, name, value)			\
-  (config_setting_lookup_int(setting, name, value) ||			\
-   (printf("WARNING: setting '%s' not found in configuration file\n", name), 0))
-#define config_setting_lookup_int64(setting, name, value)		\
-  (config_setting_lookup_int64(setting, name, value) ||			\
-   (printf("WARNING: setting '%s' not found in configuration file\n", name), 0))
-#define config_setting_lookup_float(setting, name, value)		\
-  (config_setting_lookup_float(setting, name, value) ||			\
-   (printf("WARNING: setting '%s' not found in configuration file\n", name), 0))
-#define config_setting_lookup_bool(setting, name, value)		\
-  (config_setting_lookup_bool(setting, name, value) ||			\
-   (printf("WARNING: setting '%s' not found in configuration file\n", name), 0))
-#define config_setting_lookup_string(setting, name, value)		\
-  (config_setting_lookup_string(setting, name, value) ||		\
-   (printf("WARNING: setting '%s' not found in configuration file\n", name), 0))
-/* temporary code to switch to Eurecom config mechanism */
-static int donotuse_configmodule = 1;
-static int enb_check_band_frequencies(char* lib_config_file_name_pP,
-                                      int ind,
-                                      int16_t band,
-                                      uint32_t downlink_frequency,
-                                      int32_t uplink_frequency_offset,
-                                      lte_frame_type_t frame_type)
-  int errors = 0;
-  if (band > 0) {
-    int band_index;
-    for (band_index = 0; band_index < sizeof (eutra_bands) / sizeof (eutra_bands[0]); band_index++) {
-      if (band == eutra_bands[band_index].band) {
-        uint32_t uplink_frequency = downlink_frequency + uplink_frequency_offset;
-        AssertError (eutra_bands[band_index].dl_min < downlink_frequency, errors ++,
-                     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d downlink frequency %u too low (%u) for band %d!",
-                     lib_config_file_name_pP, ind, downlink_frequency, eutra_bands[band_index].dl_min, band);
-        AssertError (downlink_frequency < eutra_bands[band_index].dl_max, errors ++,
-                     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d downlink frequency %u too high (%u) for band %d!",
-                     lib_config_file_name_pP, ind, downlink_frequency, eutra_bands[band_index].dl_max, band);
-        AssertError (eutra_bands[band_index].ul_min < uplink_frequency, errors ++,
-                     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d uplink frequency %u too low (%u) for band %d!",
-                     lib_config_file_name_pP, ind, uplink_frequency, eutra_bands[band_index].ul_min, band);
-        AssertError (uplink_frequency < eutra_bands[band_index].ul_max, errors ++,
-                     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d uplink frequency %u too high (%u) for band %d!",
-                     lib_config_file_name_pP, ind, uplink_frequency, eutra_bands[band_index].ul_max, band);
-        AssertError (eutra_bands[band_index].frame_type == frame_type, errors ++,
-                     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d invalid frame type (%d/%d) for band %d!",
-                     lib_config_file_name_pP, ind, eutra_bands[band_index].frame_type, frame_type, band);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return errors;
-void RCconfig_RU(void);
-void RCconfig_L1(void);
-void RCconfig_macrlc(void);
-int  RCconfig_RRC(MessageDef *msg_p, uint32_t i, eNB_RRC_INST *rrc);
-int  RCconfig_S1(MessageDef *msg_p, uint32_t i);
-void Eurecom_RCconfig_RU(void);
-void Eurecom_RCconfig_L1(void);
-void Eurecom_RCconfig_macrlc(void);
-int  Eurecom_RCconfig_RRC(MessageDef *msg_p, uint32_t i, eNB_RRC_INST *rrc);
-int  Eurecom_RCconfig_S1(MessageDef *msg_p, uint32_t i);
-int load_config_file(config_t *cfg) {
-  config_init(cfg);
-  if (RC.config_file_name != NULL) {
-    // Read the file. If there is an error, report it and exit. 
-    if (! config_read_file(cfg, RC.config_file_name)) {
-      config_destroy(cfg);
-      AssertFatal (0, "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s!\n", RC.config_file_name);
-    }
-  } else {
-    config_destroy(cfg);
-    AssertFatal (0, "No eNB configuration file provided!\n");
-  }
-void Eurecom_RCconfig_RU() {
-  config_t          cfg;
-  config_setting_t *setting                       = NULL;
-  config_setting_t *setting_ru                    = NULL;
-  config_setting_t *setting_band                  = NULL;
-  config_setting_t *setting_band_elem             = NULL;
-  config_setting_t *setting_eNB_list              = NULL;
-  config_setting_t *setting_eNB_list_elem         = NULL;
-  char*             if_name                       = NULL;
-  char*             ipv4                          = NULL;
-  char*             ipv4_remote                   = NULL;
-  char              *local_rf                     = NULL;
-  char*             tr_preference                 = NULL;
-  libconfig_int     local_portc                   = 0;
-  libconfig_int     remote_portc                  = 0;
-  libconfig_int     local_portd                   = 0;
-  libconfig_int     remote_portd                  = 0;
-  libconfig_int     nb_tx                         = 0;
-  libconfig_int     nb_rx                         = 0;
-  libconfig_int     att_tx                        = 0;
-  libconfig_int     att_rx                        = 0;
-  libconfig_int     max_pdschReferenceSignalPower = 0;
-  libconfig_int     max_rxgain                    = 0;
-  int               j                             = 0;
-  int               i                             = 0;
-  int               num_bands                     = 0;
-  libconfig_int     band[256];
-  int               num_eNB4RU                    = 0;
-  libconfig_int     eNB_list[256];
-  int               fronthaul_flag                = CONFIG_TRUE;
-  /// TRUE for eNB or RRU, FALSE for RAU
-  int		    local_rf_flag		  = CONFIG_TRUE;
-  load_config_file(&cfg);
-  // Output a list of all RUs. 
-  setting = config_lookup(&cfg, CONFIG_STRING_RU_LIST);
-  if (setting != NULL) {
-    RC.ru = (RU_t**)malloc(RC.nb_RU*sizeof(RU_t*));
-    RC.ru_mask=(1<<NB_RU) - 1;
-    for (j = 0; j < RC.nb_RU; j++) {
-      setting_ru = config_setting_get_elem(setting, j);
-      printf("rru %d/%d\n",j,RC.nb_RU);
-      if (  !(
-	      config_setting_lookup_string(setting_ru, CONFIG_STRING_RU_LOCAL_IF_NAME,(const char **)&if_name)
-	      )
-	    ) {
-	fronthaul_flag = CONFIG_FALSE;
-      }
-      if (  !(
-              config_setting_lookup_string(setting_ru, CONFIG_STRING_RU_LOCAL_RF,(const char **)&local_rf)
-              )
-            ) {
-        local_rf_flag = CONFIG_FALSE;
-      }			  
-      else {
-        if (strcmp(local_rf, "no") == 0) 
-	  local_rf_flag = CONFIG_FALSE;
-      }      
-      if (local_rf_flag == CONFIG_TRUE) { // eNB or RRU
-	if (  !(
-                config_setting_lookup_int(setting_ru, CONFIG_STRING_RU_MAX_RS_EPRE, &max_pdschReferenceSignalPower) &&
-                config_setting_lookup_int(setting_ru, CONFIG_STRING_RU_MAX_RXGAIN, &max_rxgain)
-               )
-              ) {
-          AssertFatal (0,
-                       "Failed to parse configuration file %s, RU %d config !\n",
-                       RC.config_file_name, j);
-          continue;
-        }
-	AssertFatal((setting_band = config_setting_get_member(setting_ru, CONFIG_STRING_RU_BAND_LIST))!=NULL,"No allowable LTE bands\n");
-	if (setting_band != NULL) num_bands    = config_setting_length(setting_band);
-	else num_bands=0;
-	for (i=0;i<num_bands;i++) {
-	  setting_band_elem = config_setting_get_elem(setting_band,i);
-	  band[i] = config_setting_get_int(setting_band_elem);
-	  printf("RU %d: band %d\n",j,band[i]);
-	}
-      } // local_rf_flag == CONFIG_TRUE
-      if (fronthaul_flag == CONFIG_TRUE) { 
-	if (  !(
-		config_setting_lookup_string(setting_ru, CONFIG_STRING_RU_LOCAL_ADDRESS,        (const char **)&ipv4)
-	 	&& config_setting_lookup_string(setting_ru, CONFIG_STRING_RU_REMOTE_ADDRESS,       (const char **)&ipv4_remote)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_int   (setting_ru, CONFIG_STRING_RU_LOCAL_PORTC,          &local_portc)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_int   (setting_ru, CONFIG_STRING_RU_REMOTE_PORTC,         &remote_portc)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_int   (setting_ru, CONFIG_STRING_RU_LOCAL_PORTD,          &local_portd)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_int   (setting_ru, CONFIG_STRING_RU_REMOTE_PORTD,         &remote_portd)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_string(setting_ru, CONFIG_STRING_RU_TRANSPORT_PREFERENCE, (const char **)&tr_preference)
-		)
-	      ) {
-	  AssertFatal (0,
-		       "Failed to parse configuration file %s, RU %d config !\n",
-		       RC.config_file_name, j);
-	  continue;
-	}
-      } // fronthaul_flag == CONFIG_TRUE
-      if (RC.nb_L1_inst>0) {
-	AssertFatal((setting_eNB_list = config_setting_get_member(setting_ru, CONFIG_STRING_RU_ENB_LIST))!=NULL,"No RU<->eNB mappings\n");
-	if (setting_eNB_list != NULL) num_eNB4RU    = config_setting_length(setting_eNB_list);
-	else num_eNB4RU=0;
-	AssertFatal(num_eNB4RU>0,"Number of eNBs is zero\n");
-	for (i=0;i<num_eNB4RU;i++) {
-	  setting_eNB_list_elem = config_setting_get_elem(setting_eNB_list,i);
-	  eNB_list[i] = config_setting_get_int(setting_eNB_list_elem);
-	  printf("RU %d: eNB %d\n",j,eNB_list[i]);
-	}
-      }
-      config_setting_lookup_int(setting_ru, CONFIG_STRING_RU_ATT_TX, &att_tx);
-      config_setting_lookup_int(setting_ru, CONFIG_STRING_RU_ATT_RX, &att_rx);
-      if ( !(
-	               config_setting_lookup_int(setting_ru, CONFIG_STRING_RU_NB_TX,  &nb_tx)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(setting_ru, CONFIG_STRING_RU_NB_RX,  &nb_rx)
-		    )) {
-	AssertFatal (0,
-	  "Failed to parse configuration file %s, RU %d config !\n",
-	  RC.config_file_name, j);
-	continue; // FIXME will prevent segfaults below, not sure what happens at function exit...
-      }
-      RC.ru[j]                                    = (RU_t*)malloc(sizeof(RU_t));
-      memset((void*)RC.ru[j],0,sizeof(RU_t));
-      RC.ru[j]->idx                                 = j;
-      RC.ru[j]->if_timing                           = synch_to_ext_device;
-      RC.ru[j]->num_eNB                             = num_eNB4RU;
-      for (i=0;i<num_eNB4RU;i++) RC.ru[j]->eNB_list[i] = RC.eNB[eNB_list[i]][0];
-      if (strcmp(local_rf, "yes") == 0) {
-	if (fronthaul_flag == CONFIG_FALSE) {
-	  RC.ru[j]->if_south                        = LOCAL_RF;
-	  RC.ru[j]->function                        = eNodeB_3GPP;
-	  printf("Setting function for RU %d to eNodeB_3GPP\n",j);
-        }
-        else { 
-	  RC.ru[j]->eth_params.local_if_name            = strdup(if_name);
-	  RC.ru[j]->eth_params.my_addr                  = strdup(ipv4);
-	  RC.ru[j]->eth_params.remote_addr              = strdup(ipv4_remote);
-	  RC.ru[j]->eth_params.my_portc                 = local_portc;
-	  RC.ru[j]->eth_params.remote_portc             = remote_portc;
-	  RC.ru[j]->eth_params.my_portd                 = local_portd;
-	  RC.ru[j]->eth_params.remote_portd             = remote_portd;
-	  if (strcmp(tr_preference, "udp") == 0) {
-	    RC.ru[j]->if_south                        = LOCAL_RF;
-	    RC.ru[j]->function                        = NGFI_RRU_IF5;
-	    RC.ru[j]->eth_params.transp_preference    = ETH_UDP_MODE;
-	    printf("Setting function for RU %d to NGFI_RRU_IF5 (udp)\n",j);
-	  } else if (strcmp(tr_preference, "raw") == 0) {
-	    RC.ru[j]->if_south                        = LOCAL_RF;
-	    RC.ru[j]->function                        = NGFI_RRU_IF5;
-	    RC.ru[j]->eth_params.transp_preference    = ETH_RAW_MODE;
-	    printf("Setting function for RU %d to NGFI_RRU_IF5 (raw)\n",j);
-	  } else if (strcmp(tr_preference, "udp_if4p5") == 0) {
-	    RC.ru[j]->if_south                        = LOCAL_RF;
-	    RC.ru[j]->function                        = NGFI_RRU_IF4p5;
-	    RC.ru[j]->eth_params.transp_preference    = ETH_UDP_IF4p5_MODE;
-	    printf("Setting function for RU %d to NGFI_RRU_IF4p5 (udp)\n",j);
-	  } else if (strcmp(tr_preference, "raw_if4p5") == 0) {
-	    RC.ru[j]->if_south                        = LOCAL_RF;
-	    RC.ru[j]->function                        = NGFI_RRU_IF4p5;
-	    RC.ru[j]->eth_params.transp_preference    = ETH_RAW_IF4p5_MODE;
-	    printf("Setting function for RU %d to NGFI_RRU_IF4p5 (raw)\n",j);
-	  }
-	}
-	RC.ru[j]->max_pdschReferenceSignalPower     = max_pdschReferenceSignalPower;
-	RC.ru[j]->max_rxgain                        = max_rxgain;
-	RC.ru[j]->num_bands                         = num_bands;
-	for (i=0;i<num_bands;i++) RC.ru[j]->band[i] = band[i]; 
-      } //strcmp(local_rf, "yes") == 0
-      else {
-	printf("RU %d: Transport %s\n",j,tr_preference);
-	RC.ru[j]->eth_params.local_if_name            = strdup(if_name);
-	RC.ru[j]->eth_params.my_addr                  = strdup(ipv4);
-	RC.ru[j]->eth_params.remote_addr              = strdup(ipv4_remote);
-	RC.ru[j]->eth_params.my_portc                 = local_portc;
-	RC.ru[j]->eth_params.remote_portc             = remote_portc;
-	RC.ru[j]->eth_params.my_portd                 = local_portd;
-	RC.ru[j]->eth_params.remote_portd             = remote_portd;
-	if (strcmp(tr_preference, "udp") == 0) {
-	  RC.ru[j]->if_south                     = REMOTE_IF5;
-	  RC.ru[j]->function                     = NGFI_RAU_IF5;
-	  RC.ru[j]->eth_params.transp_preference = ETH_UDP_MODE;
-	} else if (strcmp(tr_preference, "raw") == 0) {
-	  RC.ru[j]->if_south                     = REMOTE_IF5;
-	  RC.ru[j]->function                     = NGFI_RAU_IF5;
-	  RC.ru[j]->eth_params.transp_preference = ETH_RAW_MODE;
-	} else if (strcmp(tr_preference, "udp_if4p5") == 0) {
-	  RC.ru[j]->if_south                     = REMOTE_IF4p5;
-	  RC.ru[j]->function                     = NGFI_RAU_IF4p5;
-	  RC.ru[j]->eth_params.transp_preference = ETH_UDP_IF4p5_MODE;
-	} else if (strcmp(tr_preference, "raw_if4p5") == 0) {
-	  RC.ru[j]->if_south                     = REMOTE_IF4p5;
-	  RC.ru[j]->function                     = NGFI_RAU_IF4p5;
-	  RC.ru[j]->eth_params.transp_preference = ETH_RAW_IF4p5_MODE;
-	} else if (strcmp(tr_preference, "raw_if5_mobipass") == 0) {
-	  RC.ru[j]->if_south                     = REMOTE_IF5;
-	  RC.ru[j]->function                     = NGFI_RAU_IF5;
-	  RC.ru[j]->if_timing                    = synch_to_other;
-	  RC.ru[j]->eth_params.transp_preference = ETH_RAW_IF5_MOBIPASS;
-	}
-	RC.ru[j]->att_tx                         = att_tx; 
-	RC.ru[j]->att_rx                         = att_rx; 
-      }// strcmp(local_rf, "yes") != 0
-      RC.ru[j]->nb_tx                             = nb_tx;
-      RC.ru[j]->nb_rx                             = nb_rx;
-    }// j=0..num_rus
-  } else {
-    RC.nb_RU = 0;	    
-  } // setting != NULL
-  return;
-void Eurecom_RCconfig_L1() {
-  int               i,j;
-  config_t          cfg;
-  config_setting_t *setting                         = NULL;
-  config_setting_t *setting_l1                      = NULL;
-  char*             if_name_n                       = NULL;
-  char*             ipv4_n                          = NULL;
-  char*             ipv4_n_remote                   = NULL;
-  char*             tr_n_preference                 = NULL;
-  libconfig_int     local_n_portc                   = 0;
-  libconfig_int     remote_n_portc                  = 0;
-  libconfig_int     local_n_portd                   = 0;
-  libconfig_int     remote_n_portd                  = 0;
-  load_config_file(&cfg);
-  setting = config_lookup(&cfg, CONFIG_STRING_L1_LIST);
-  if (setting != NULL) {
-    if (RC.eNB == NULL) {
-      RC.eNB                               = (PHY_VARS_eNB ***)malloc((1+NUMBER_OF_eNB_MAX)*sizeof(PHY_VARS_eNB***));
-      LOG_I(PHY,"RC.eNB = %p\n",RC.eNB);
-      memset(RC.eNB,0,(1+NUMBER_OF_eNB_MAX)*sizeof(PHY_VARS_eNB***));
-      RC.nb_L1_CC = malloc((1+RC.nb_L1_inst)*sizeof(int));
-    }
-    for (j = 0; j < RC.nb_L1_inst; j++) {
-      setting_l1 = config_setting_get_elem(setting, j);
-      if (!config_setting_lookup_int   (setting_l1,CONFIG_STRING_L1_CC,&RC.nb_L1_CC[j]))
-	AssertFatal (0,
-		     "Failed to parse configuration file %s, L1 %d config !\n",
-		     RC.config_file_name, j);	
-      if (RC.eNB[j] == NULL) {
-	RC.eNB[j]                       = (PHY_VARS_eNB **)malloc((1+MAX_NUM_CCs)*sizeof(PHY_VARS_eNB**));
-	LOG_I(PHY,"RC.eNB[%d] = %p\n",j,RC.eNB[j]);
-	memset(RC.eNB[j],0,(1+MAX_NUM_CCs)*sizeof(PHY_VARS_eNB***));
-      }
-      for (i=0;i<RC.nb_L1_CC[j];i++) {
-	if (RC.eNB[j][i] == NULL) {
-	  RC.eNB[j][i] = (PHY_VARS_eNB *)malloc(sizeof(PHY_VARS_eNB));
-	  memset((void*)RC.eNB[j][i],0,sizeof(PHY_VARS_eNB));
-	  LOG_I(PHY,"RC.eNB[%d][%d] = %p\n",j,i,RC.eNB[j][i]);
-	  RC.eNB[j][i]->Mod_id  = j;
-	  RC.eNB[j][i]->CC_id   = i;
-	}
-      }
-      printf("l1 %d/%d (nb CC %d)\n",j,RC.nb_inst,RC.nb_L1_CC[j]);
-      printf("RU %d: Transport %s\n",j,tr_n_preference);
-      if (!(config_setting_lookup_string(setting_l1, CONFIG_STRING_L1_TRANSPORT_N_PREFERENCE, (const char **)&tr_n_preference))) {
-	  AssertFatal (0,
-		       "Failed to parse configuration file %s, L1 %d config !\n",
-		       RC.config_file_name, j);
-      }
-      if (strcmp(tr_n_preference, "local_mac") == 0) {
-      }
-      else if (strcmp(tr_n_preference, "nfapi") == 0) {
-	if (  !(
-		config_setting_lookup_string(setting_l1, CONFIG_STRING_L1_LOCAL_N_IF_NAME,        (const char **)&if_name_n)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_string(setting_l1, CONFIG_STRING_L1_LOCAL_N_ADDRESS,        (const char **)&ipv4_n)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_string(setting_l1, CONFIG_STRING_L1_REMOTE_N_ADDRESS,       (const char **)&ipv4_n_remote)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_int   (setting_l1, CONFIG_STRING_L1_LOCAL_N_PORTC,          &local_n_portc)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_int   (setting_l1, CONFIG_STRING_L1_REMOTE_N_PORTC,         &remote_n_portc)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_int   (setting_l1, CONFIG_STRING_L1_LOCAL_N_PORTD,          &local_n_portd)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_int   (setting_l1, CONFIG_STRING_L1_REMOTE_N_PORTD,         &remote_n_portd)
-		)
-	      ) {
-	  AssertFatal (0,
-		       "Failed to parse configuration file %s, L1 %d config !\n",
-		       RC.config_file_name, j);
-	  continue; // FIXME will prevent segfaults below, not sure what happens at function exit...
-	}
-	RC.eNB[j][0]->eth_params_n.local_if_name            = strdup(if_name_n);
-	RC.eNB[j][0]->eth_params_n.my_addr                  = strdup(ipv4_n);
-	RC.eNB[j][0]->eth_params_n.remote_addr              = strdup(ipv4_n_remote);
-	RC.eNB[j][0]->eth_params_n.my_portc                 = local_n_portc;
-	RC.eNB[j][0]->eth_params_n.remote_portc             = remote_n_portc;
-	RC.eNB[j][0]->eth_params_n.my_portd                 = local_n_portd;
-	RC.eNB[j][0]->eth_params_n.remote_portd             = remote_n_portd;
-	RC.eNB[j][0]->eth_params_n.transp_preference          = ETH_UDP_MODE;
-      }
-      else { // other midhaul
-      }	
-    }// j=0..num_inst
-    printf("Initializing northbound interface for L1\n");
-    l1_north_init_eNB();
-  }
-  return;
-void Eurecom_RCconfig_macrlc() {
-  int               j;
-  config_t          cfg;
-  config_setting_t *setting                         = NULL;
-  config_setting_t *setting_macrlc                  = NULL;
-  char*             if_name_s                       = NULL;
-  char*             ipv4_s                          = NULL;
-  char*             ipv4_s_remote                   = NULL;
-  char*             tr_s_preference                 = NULL;
-  libconfig_int     local_s_portc                   = 0;
-  libconfig_int     remote_s_portc                  = 0;
-  libconfig_int     local_s_portd                   = 0;
-  libconfig_int     remote_s_portd                  = 0;
-  char*             if_name_n                       = NULL;
-  char*             ipv4_n                          = NULL;
-  char*             ipv4_n_remote                   = NULL;
-  char*             tr_n_preference                 = NULL;
-  libconfig_int     local_n_portc                   = 0;
-  libconfig_int     remote_n_portc                  = 0;
-  libconfig_int     local_n_portd                   = 0;
-  libconfig_int     remote_n_portd                  = 0;
-  load_config_file(&cfg);
-  setting = config_lookup(&cfg, CONFIG_STRING_MACRLC_LIST);
-  if (setting != NULL) {
-    if ((RC.nb_macrlc_inst=config_setting_length(setting))>0) mac_top_init_eNB();
-    else AssertFatal(1==0,"improper macrlc setting\n");
-    for (j=0;j<RC.nb_macrlc_inst;j++) {
-      setting_macrlc = config_setting_get_elem(setting, j);
-      printf("macrlc %d/%d \n",j,RC.nb_macrlc_inst);
-      if (!(config_setting_lookup_string(setting_macrlc, CONFIG_STRING_MACRLC_TRANSPORT_N_PREFERENCE, (const char **)&tr_n_preference))) {
-	AssertFatal (0,
-		     "Failed to parse configuration file %s, L1 %d config !\n",
-		     RC.config_file_name, j);
-      }
-      printf("MACRLC %d: Northbound Transport %s\n",j,tr_n_preference);
-      if (strcmp(tr_n_preference, "local_RRC") == 0) {
-	// check number of instances is same as RRC/PDCP
-      }
-      else if (strcmp(tr_n_preference, "cudu") == 0) {
-	if (  !(
-		config_setting_lookup_string(setting_macrlc, CONFIG_STRING_MACRLC_LOCAL_N_IF_NAME,        (const char **)&if_name_n)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_string(setting_macrlc, CONFIG_STRING_MACRLC_LOCAL_N_ADDRESS,        (const char **)&ipv4_n)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_string(setting_macrlc, CONFIG_STRING_MACRLC_REMOTE_N_ADDRESS,       (const char **)&ipv4_n_remote)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_int   (setting_macrlc, CONFIG_STRING_MACRLC_LOCAL_N_PORTC,          &local_n_portc)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_int   (setting_macrlc, CONFIG_STRING_MACRLC_REMOTE_N_PORTC,         &remote_n_portc)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_int   (setting_macrlc, CONFIG_STRING_MACRLC_LOCAL_N_PORTD,          &local_n_portd)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_int   (setting_macrlc, CONFIG_STRING_MACRLC_REMOTE_N_PORTD,         &remote_n_portd)
-		)
-	      ) {
-	  AssertFatal (0,
-		       "Failed to parse configuration file %s, L1 %d config !\n",
-		       RC.config_file_name, j);
-	  continue; // FIXME will prevent segfaults below, not sure what happens at function exit...
-	}
-	RC.mac[j]->eth_params_n.local_if_name            = strdup(if_name_n);
-	RC.mac[j]->eth_params_n.my_addr                  = strdup(ipv4_n);
-	RC.mac[j]->eth_params_n.remote_addr              = strdup(ipv4_n_remote);
-	RC.mac[j]->eth_params_n.my_portc                 = local_n_portc;
-	RC.mac[j]->eth_params_n.remote_portc             = remote_n_portc;
-	RC.mac[j]->eth_params_n.my_portd                 = local_n_portd;
-	RC.mac[j]->eth_params_n.remote_portd             = remote_n_portd;
-	RC.mac[j]->eth_params_n.transp_preference        = ETH_UDP_MODE;
-      }
-      else { // other midhaul
-	AssertFatal(1==0,"MACRLC %d: unknown northbound midhaul\n",j);
-      }	
-      if (!(config_setting_lookup_string(setting_macrlc, CONFIG_STRING_MACRLC_TRANSPORT_S_PREFERENCE, (const char **)&tr_s_preference))) {
-	AssertFatal (0,
-		     "Failed to parse configuration file %s, L1 %d config !\n",
-		     RC.config_file_name, j);
-	continue; // FIXME will prevent segfaults below, not sure what happens at function exit...
-      }
-      printf("MACRLC %d: Southbound Transport %s\n",j,tr_s_preference);
-      if (strcmp(tr_s_preference, "local_L1") == 0) {
-      }
-      else if (strcmp(tr_s_preference, "nfapi") == 0) {
-	if (  !( 
-		config_setting_lookup_string(setting_macrlc, CONFIG_STRING_MACRLC_LOCAL_S_IF_NAME,        (const char **)&if_name_s)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_string(setting_macrlc, CONFIG_STRING_MACRLC_LOCAL_S_ADDRESS,        (const char **)&ipv4_s)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_string(setting_macrlc, CONFIG_STRING_MACRLC_REMOTE_S_ADDRESS,       (const char **)&ipv4_s_remote)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_int   (setting_macrlc, CONFIG_STRING_MACRLC_LOCAL_S_PORTC,          &local_s_portc)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_int   (setting_macrlc, CONFIG_STRING_MACRLC_REMOTE_S_PORTC,         &remote_s_portc)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_int   (setting_macrlc, CONFIG_STRING_MACRLC_LOCAL_S_PORTD,          &local_s_portd)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_int   (setting_macrlc, CONFIG_STRING_MACRLC_REMOTE_S_PORTD,         &remote_s_portd)
-		 )){
-	  AssertFatal (0,
-		       "Failed to parse configuration file %s, L1 %d config !\n",
-		       RC.config_file_name, j);
-	  continue; // FIXME will prevent segfaults below, not sure what happens at function exit...
-	}
-	RC.mac[j]->eth_params_s.local_if_name            = strdup(if_name_s);
-	RC.mac[j]->eth_params_s.my_addr                  = strdup(ipv4_s);
-	RC.mac[j]->eth_params_s.remote_addr              = strdup(ipv4_s_remote);
-	RC.mac[j]->eth_params_s.my_portc                 = local_s_portc;
-	RC.mac[j]->eth_params_s.remote_portc             = remote_s_portc;
-	RC.mac[j]->eth_params_s.my_portd                 = local_s_portd;
-	RC.mac[j]->eth_params_s.remote_portd             = remote_s_portd;
-	RC.mac[j]->eth_params_s.transp_preference        = ETH_UDP_MODE;
-      }
-      else { // other midhaul
-	AssertFatal(1==0,"MACRLC %d: unknown southbound midhaul\n",j);
-      }	
-    }// j=0..num_inst
-  }
-  return;
-int Eurecom_RCconfig_RRC(MessageDef *msg_p, uint32_t i, eNB_RRC_INST *rrc) {
-  config_t          cfg;
-  config_setting_t *setting                       = NULL;
-  config_setting_t *setting_component_carriers    = NULL;
-  config_setting_t *component_carrier             = NULL;
-  config_setting_t *setting_srb1                  = NULL;
-  config_setting_t *setting_enb                  = NULL;
-  int               num_enbs                      = 0;
-  int               num_component_carriers        = 0;
-  int               j                             = 0;
-  libconfig_int     enb_id                        = 0;
-  int               nb_cc                         = 0;
-  char*             if_name_s                       = NULL;
-  char*             ipv4_s                          = NULL;
-  char*             ipv4_s_remote                   = NULL;
-  char*             tr_s_preference                 = NULL;
-  libconfig_int     local_s_portc                   = 0;
-  libconfig_int     remote_s_portc                  = 0;
-  libconfig_int     local_s_portd                   = 0;
-  libconfig_int     remote_s_portd                  = 0;
-  const char*       cell_type                     = NULL;
-  const char*       tac                           = 0;
-  const char*       enb_name                      = NULL;
-  const char*       mcc                           = 0;
-  const char*       mnc                           = 0;
-  const char*       frame_type                    = NULL;
-  libconfig_int     tdd_config                    = 0;
-  libconfig_int     tdd_config_s                  = 0;
-  const char*       prefix_type                   = NULL;
-  const char*       pbch_repetition               = NULL;
-  libconfig_int     eutra_band                    = 0;
-  long long int     downlink_frequency            = 0;
-  libconfig_int     uplink_frequency_offset       = 0;
-  libconfig_int     Nid_cell                      = 0;
-  libconfig_int     Nid_cell_mbsfn                = 0;
-  libconfig_int     N_RB_DL                       = 0;
-  libconfig_int     nb_antenna_ports              = 0;
-  libconfig_int     prach_root                    = 0;
-  libconfig_int     prach_config_index            = 0;
-  const char*            prach_high_speed         = NULL;
-  libconfig_int     prach_zero_correlation        = 0;
-  libconfig_int     prach_freq_offset             = 0;
-  libconfig_int     pucch_delta_shift             = 0;
-  libconfig_int     pucch_nRB_CQI                 = 0;
-  libconfig_int     pucch_nCS_AN                  = 0;
-#if !defined(Rel10) && !defined(Rel14)
-  libconfig_int     pucch_n1_AN                   = 0;
-  libconfig_int     pdsch_referenceSignalPower    = 0;
-  libconfig_int     pdsch_p_b                     = 0;
-  libconfig_int     pusch_n_SB                    = 0;
-  const char *      pusch_hoppingMode             = NULL;
-  libconfig_int     pusch_hoppingOffset           = 0;
-  const char*          pusch_enable64QAM          = NULL;
-  const char*          pusch_groupHoppingEnabled  = NULL;
-  libconfig_int     pusch_groupAssignment         = 0;
-  const char*          pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled = NULL;
-  libconfig_int     pusch_nDMRS1                  = 0;
-  const char*       phich_duration                = NULL;
-  const char*       phich_resource                = NULL;
-  const char*       srs_enable                    = NULL;
-  libconfig_int     srs_BandwidthConfig           = 0;
-  libconfig_int     srs_SubframeConfig            = 0;
-  const char*       srs_ackNackST                 = NULL;
-  const char*       srs_MaxUpPts                  = NULL;
-  libconfig_int     pusch_p0_Nominal              = 0;
-  const char*       pusch_alpha                   = NULL;
-  libconfig_int     pucch_p0_Nominal              = 0;
-  libconfig_int     msg3_delta_Preamble           = 0;
-  //libconfig_int     ul_CyclicPrefixLength         = 0;
-  const char*       pucch_deltaF_Format1          = NULL;
-  //const char*       pucch_deltaF_Format1a         = NULL;
-  const char*       pucch_deltaF_Format1b         = NULL;
-  const char*       pucch_deltaF_Format2          = NULL;
-  const char*       pucch_deltaF_Format2a         = NULL;
-  const char*       pucch_deltaF_Format2b         = NULL;
-  libconfig_int     rach_numberOfRA_Preambles     = 0;
-  const char*       rach_preamblesGroupAConfig    = NULL;
-  libconfig_int     rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA = 0;
-  libconfig_int     rach_messageSizeGroupA        = 0;
-  const char*       rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB = NULL;
-  libconfig_int     rach_powerRampingStep         = 0;
-  libconfig_int     rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower    = 0;
-  libconfig_int     rach_preambleTransMax         = 0;
-  libconfig_int     rach_raResponseWindowSize     = 0;
-  libconfig_int     rach_macContentionResolutionTimer = 0;
-  libconfig_int     rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx           = 0;
-  libconfig_int     pcch_defaultPagingCycle       = 0;
-  const char*       pcch_nB                       = NULL;
-  libconfig_int     bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff  = 0;
-  libconfig_int     ue_TimersAndConstants_t300    = 0;
-  libconfig_int     ue_TimersAndConstants_t301    = 0;
-  libconfig_int     ue_TimersAndConstants_t310    = 0;
-  libconfig_int     ue_TimersAndConstants_t311    = 0;
-  libconfig_int     ue_TimersAndConstants_n310    = 0;
-  libconfig_int     ue_TimersAndConstants_n311    = 0;
-  libconfig_int     ue_TransmissionMode           = 0;
-  libconfig_int     srb1_timer_poll_retransmit    = 0;
-  libconfig_int     srb1_timer_reordering         = 0;
-  libconfig_int     srb1_timer_status_prohibit    = 0;
-  libconfig_int     srb1_poll_pdu                 = 0;
-  libconfig_int     srb1_poll_byte                = 0;
-  libconfig_int     srb1_max_retx_threshold       = 0;
-  libconfig_int     my_int;
-  const char*       active_enb[MAX_ENB];
-  char             *astring                       = NULL;
-  // for no gcc warnings 
-  (void)astring;
-  (void)my_int;
-  memset((char*)active_enb,     0 , MAX_ENB * sizeof(char*));
-  config_init(&cfg);
-  if (RC.config_file_name != NULL) {
-    // Read the file. If there is an error, report it and exit. 
-    if (! config_read_file(&cfg, RC.config_file_name)) {
-      config_destroy(&cfg);
-      AssertFatal (0, "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s!\n", RC.config_file_name);
-    }
-  } else {
-    config_destroy(&cfg);
-    AssertFatal (0, "No eNB configuration file provided!\n");
-  }
-#if defined(ENABLE_ITTI) && defined(ENABLE_USE_MME)
-  if (  (config_lookup_string( &cfg, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ASN1_VERBOSITY, (const char **)&astring) )) {
-    if (strcasecmp(astring , ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ASN1_VERBOSITY_NONE) == 0) {
-      asn_debug      = 0;
-      asn1_xer_print = 0;
-    } else if (strcasecmp(astring , ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ASN1_VERBOSITY_INFO) == 0) {
-      asn_debug      = 1;
-      asn1_xer_print = 1;
-    } else if (strcasecmp(astring , ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ASN1_VERBOSITY_ANNOYING) == 0) {
-      asn_debug      = 1;
-      asn1_xer_print = 2;
-    } else {
-      asn_debug      = 0;
-      asn1_xer_print = 0;
-    }
-  }
-  // Get list of active eNBs, (only these will be configured)
-  setting = config_lookup(&cfg, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ACTIVE_ENBS);
-  if (setting != NULL) {
-    num_enbs = config_setting_length(setting);
-    setting_enb   = config_setting_get_elem(setting, i);
-    active_enb[i] = config_setting_get_string (setting_enb);
-    AssertFatal (active_enb[i] != NULL,
-		 "Failed to parse config file %s, %uth attribute %s \n",
-		 RC.config_file_name, i, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ACTIVE_ENBS);
-    active_enb[i] = strdup(active_enb[i]);
-  }
-  if (num_enbs>0) {
-    // Output a list of all eNBs.
-    setting = config_lookup(&cfg, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ENB_LIST);
-    if (setting != NULL) {
-      num_enbs = config_setting_length(setting);
-      setting_enb = config_setting_get_elem(setting, i);
-      if (! config_setting_lookup_int(setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ENB_ID, &enb_id)) {
-	// Calculate a default eNB ID
-# if defined(ENABLE_USE_MME)
-	uint32_t hash;
-	hash = s1ap_generate_eNB_id ();
-	enb_id = i + (hash & 0xFFFF8);
-# else
-	enb_id = i;
-# endif
-      }
-      if (  !(       config_setting_lookup_string(setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_CELL_TYPE,           &cell_type)
-		     && config_setting_lookup_string(setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ENB_NAME,            &enb_name)
-		     && config_setting_lookup_string(setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_TRACKING_AREA_CODE,  &tac)
-		     && config_setting_lookup_string(setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_MOBILE_COUNTRY_CODE, &mcc)
-		     && config_setting_lookup_string(setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_MOBILE_NETWORK_CODE, &mnc)
-		     && config_setting_lookup_string(setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_TRANSPORT_S_PREFERENCE, (const char **)&tr_s_preference)
-		     )
-	    ) {
-	AssertFatal (0,
-		     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, %u th enb\n",
-		     RC.config_file_name, i);
-      }
-      printf("RRC %d: Southbound Transport %s\n",j,tr_s_preference);
-      if (strcmp(tr_s_preference, "local_mac") == 0) {
-      }
-      else if (strcmp(tr_s_preference, "cudu") == 0) {
-	if (  !(config_setting_lookup_string(setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_LOCAL_S_IF_NAME,        (const char **)&if_name_s)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_string(setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_LOCAL_S_ADDRESS,        (const char **)&ipv4_s)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_string(setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_REMOTE_S_ADDRESS,       (const char **)&ipv4_s_remote)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_int   (setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_LOCAL_S_PORTC,          &local_s_portc)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_int   (setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_REMOTE_S_PORTC,         &remote_s_portc)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_int   (setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_LOCAL_S_PORTD,          &local_s_portd)
-		&& config_setting_lookup_int   (setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_REMOTE_S_PORTD,         &remote_s_portd)	
-		)
-	    ) {
-	  AssertFatal (0,
-		       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, %u th enb\n",
-		       RC.config_file_name, i);
-	}
-	rrc->eth_params_s.local_if_name            = strdup(if_name_s);
-	rrc->eth_params_s.my_addr                  = strdup(ipv4_s);
-	rrc->eth_params_s.remote_addr              = strdup(ipv4_s_remote);
-	rrc->eth_params_s.my_portc                 = local_s_portc;
-	rrc->eth_params_s.remote_portc             = remote_s_portc;
-	rrc->eth_params_s.my_portd                 = local_s_portd;
-	rrc->eth_params_s.remote_portd             = remote_s_portd;
-	rrc->eth_params_s.transp_preference        = ETH_UDP_MODE;
-      }
-      else { // other midhaul
-      }	      
-      // search if in active list
-      for (j=0; j < num_enbs; j++) {
-	if (strcmp(active_enb[j], enb_name) == 0) {
-	  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).cell_identity = enb_id;
-	  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).tac              = (uint16_t)atoi(tac);
-	  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).mcc              = (uint16_t)atoi(mcc);
-	  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).mnc              = (uint16_t)atoi(mnc);
-	  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).mnc_digit_length = strlen(mnc);
-	  AssertFatal((RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).mnc_digit_length == 2) ||
-		      (RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).mnc_digit_length == 3),
-		      "BAD MNC DIGIT LENGTH %d",
-		      RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).mnc_digit_length);
-	  LOG_I(RRC,"RRC config (%s,%s,%s)\n",mcc,mnc,tac);
-	  // Parse optional physical parameters
-	  setting_component_carriers = config_setting_get_member (setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_COMPONENT_CARRIERS);
-	  nb_cc = 0;
-	  if (setting_component_carriers != NULL) {
-	    num_component_carriers     = config_setting_length(setting_component_carriers);
-	    LOG_I(RRC,"num component carriers %d \n", num_component_carriers);
-	    //enb_properties_loc.properties[enb_properties_loc_index]->nb_cc = num_component_carriers;
-	    for (j = 0; j < num_component_carriers ;j++) { // && j < MAX_NUM_CCs; j++) {
-	      component_carrier = config_setting_get_elem(setting_component_carriers, j);
-	      //printf("Component carrier %d\n",component_carrier);
-	      if (!(config_setting_lookup_string(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_FRAME_TYPE, &frame_type)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_TDD_CONFIG, &tdd_config)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_TDD_CONFIG_S, &tdd_config_s)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_string(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PREFIX_TYPE, &prefix_type)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_string(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PBCH_REPETITION, &pbch_repetition)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_EUTRA_BAND, &eutra_band)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int64(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_DOWNLINK_FREQUENCY, &downlink_frequency)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_UPLINK_FREQUENCY_OFFSET, &uplink_frequency_offset)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_NID_CELL, &Nid_cell)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_N_RB_DL, &N_RB_DL)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_CELL_MBSFN, &Nid_cell_mbsfn)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_NB_ANT_PORTS, &nb_antenna_ports)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PRACH_ROOT, &prach_root)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PRACH_CONFIG_INDEX, &prach_config_index)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_string(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PRACH_HIGH_SPEED, &prach_high_speed)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PRACH_ZERO_CORRELATION, &prach_zero_correlation)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PRACH_FREQ_OFFSET, &prach_freq_offset)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUCCH_DELTA_SHIFT, &pucch_delta_shift)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUCCH_NRB_CQI, &pucch_nRB_CQI)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUCCH_NCS_AN, &pucch_nCS_AN)
-#if !defined(Rel10) && !defined(Rel14)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUCCH_N1_AN, &pucch_n1_AN)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PDSCH_RS_EPRE, &pdsch_referenceSignalPower)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PDSCH_PB, &pdsch_p_b)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUSCH_N_SB, &pusch_n_SB)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_string(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUSCH_HOPPINGMODE, &pusch_hoppingMode)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUSCH_HOPPINGOFFSET, &pusch_hoppingOffset)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_string(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUSCH_ENABLE64QAM, &pusch_enable64QAM)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_string(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUSCH_GROUP_HOPPING_EN, &pusch_groupHoppingEnabled)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUSCH_GROUP_ASSIGNMENT, &pusch_groupAssignment)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_string(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUSCH_SEQUENCE_HOPPING_EN, &pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUSCH_NDMRS1, &pusch_nDMRS1)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_string(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PHICH_DURATION, &phich_duration)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_string(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PHICH_RESOURCE, &phich_resource)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_string(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_SRS_ENABLE, &srs_enable)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUSCH_PO_NOMINAL, &pusch_p0_Nominal)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_string(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUSCH_ALPHA, &pusch_alpha)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUCCH_PO_NOMINAL, &pucch_p0_Nominal)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_MSG3_DELTA_PREAMBLE, &msg3_delta_Preamble)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_string(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUCCH_DELTAF_FORMAT1, &pucch_deltaF_Format1)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_string(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUCCH_DELTAF_FORMAT1b, &pucch_deltaF_Format1b)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_string(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUCCH_DELTAF_FORMAT2, &pucch_deltaF_Format2)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_string(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUCCH_DELTAF_FORMAT2A, &pucch_deltaF_Format2a)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_string(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUCCH_DELTAF_FORMAT2B, &pucch_deltaF_Format2b)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_RACH_NUM_RA_PREAMBLES, &rach_numberOfRA_Preambles)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_string(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_RACH_PREAMBLESGROUPACONFIG, &rach_preamblesGroupAConfig)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_RACH_POWERRAMPINGSTEP, &rach_powerRampingStep)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_RACH_PREAMBLEINITIALRECEIVEDTARGETPOWER, &rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_RACH_PREAMBLETRANSMAX, &rach_preambleTransMax)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_RACH_RARESPONSEWINDOWSIZE, &rach_raResponseWindowSize)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_RACH_MACCONTENTIONRESOLUTIONTIMER, &rach_macContentionResolutionTimer)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_RACH_MAXHARQMSG3TX, &rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_RACH_MAXHARQMSG3TX, &bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PCCH_DEFAULT_PAGING_CYCLE,  &pcch_defaultPagingCycle)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_string(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PCCH_NB,  &pcch_nB)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_BCCH_MODIFICATIONPERIODCOEFF,  &bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_UETIMERS_T300,  &ue_TimersAndConstants_t300)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_UETIMERS_T301,  &ue_TimersAndConstants_t301)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_UETIMERS_T310,  &ue_TimersAndConstants_t310)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_UETIMERS_T311,  &ue_TimersAndConstants_t311)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_UETIMERS_N310,  &ue_TimersAndConstants_n310)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_UETIMERS_N311,  &ue_TimersAndConstants_n311)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_UE_TRANSMISSION_MODE,  &ue_TransmissionMode)
-#if defined(Rel10) || defined(Rel14)
-		    )) {
-		AssertFatal (0,
-			     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, Component Carrier %d!\n",
-			     RC.config_file_name, nb_cc++);
-		continue; // FIXME this prevents segfaults below, not sure what happens after function exit
-	      }
-	      nb_cc++;
-	      RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).tdd_config[j] = tdd_config;
-	      AssertFatal (tdd_config <= TDD_Config__subframeAssignment_sa6,
-			   "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d illegal tdd_config %d (should be 0-%d)!",
-			   RC.config_file_name, i, tdd_config, TDD_Config__subframeAssignment_sa6);
-	      RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).tdd_config_s[j] = tdd_config_s;
-	      AssertFatal (tdd_config_s <= TDD_Config__specialSubframePatterns_ssp8,
-			   "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d illegal tdd_config_s %d (should be 0-%d)!",
-			   RC.config_file_name, i, tdd_config_s, TDD_Config__specialSubframePatterns_ssp8);
-	      if (!prefix_type)
-		AssertFatal (0,
-			     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d define %s: NORMAL,EXTENDED!\n",
-			     RC.config_file_name, i, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PREFIX_TYPE);
-	      else if (strcmp(prefix_type, "NORMAL") == 0) {
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).prefix_type[j] = NORMAL;
-	      } else  if (strcmp(prefix_type, "EXTENDED") == 0) {
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).prefix_type[j] = EXTENDED;
-	      } else {
-		AssertFatal (0,
-			     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for prefix_type choice: NORMAL or EXTENDED !\n",
-			     RC.config_file_name, i, prefix_type);
-	      }
-#ifdef Rel14
-	      if (!pbch_repetition)
-		AssertFatal (0,
-			     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d define %s: TRUE,FALSE!\n",
-			     RC.config_file_name, i, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PBCH_REPETITION);
-	      else if (strcmp(pbch_repetition, "TRUE") == 0) {
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pbch_repetition[j] = 1;
-	      } else  if (strcmp(pbch_repetition, "FALSE") == 0) {
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pbch_repetition[j] = 0;
-	      } else {
-		AssertFatal (0,
-			     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for pbch_repetition choice: TRUE or FALSE !\n",
-			     RC.config_file_name, i, pbch_repetition);
-	      }
-	      RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).eutra_band[j] = eutra_band;
-	      RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).downlink_frequency[j] = (uint32_t) downlink_frequency;
-	      RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).uplink_frequency_offset[j] = (unsigned int) uplink_frequency_offset;
-	      RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).Nid_cell[j]= Nid_cell;
-	      if (Nid_cell>503) {
-		AssertFatal (0,
-			     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for Nid_cell choice: 0...503 !\n",
-			     RC.config_file_name, i, Nid_cell);
-	      }
-	      RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).N_RB_DL[j]= N_RB_DL;
-	      if ((N_RB_DL!=6) && (N_RB_DL!=15) && (N_RB_DL!=25) && (N_RB_DL!=50) && (N_RB_DL!=75) && (N_RB_DL!=100)) {
-		AssertFatal (0,
-			     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for N_RB_DL choice: 6,15,25,50,75,100 !\n",
-			     RC.config_file_name, i, N_RB_DL);
-	      }
-	      if (strcmp(frame_type, "FDD") == 0) {
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).frame_type[j] = FDD;
-	      } else  if (strcmp(frame_type, "TDD") == 0) {
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).frame_type[j] = TDD;
-	      } else {
-		AssertFatal (0,
-			     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for frame_type choice: FDD or TDD !\n",
-			     RC.config_file_name, i, frame_type);
-	      }
-	      RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).tdd_config[j] = tdd_config;
-	      AssertFatal (tdd_config <= TDD_Config__subframeAssignment_sa6,
-			   "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d illegal tdd_config %d (should be 0-%d)!",
-			   RC.config_file_name, i, tdd_config, TDD_Config__subframeAssignment_sa6);
-	      RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).tdd_config_s[j] = tdd_config_s;
-	      AssertFatal (tdd_config_s <= TDD_Config__specialSubframePatterns_ssp8,
-			   "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d illegal tdd_config_s %d (should be 0-%d)!",
-			   RC.config_file_name, i, tdd_config_s, TDD_Config__specialSubframePatterns_ssp8);
-	      if (!prefix_type)
-		AssertFatal (0,
-			     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d define %s: NORMAL,EXTENDED!\n",
-			     RC.config_file_name, i, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PREFIX_TYPE);
-	      else if (strcmp(prefix_type, "NORMAL") == 0) {
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).prefix_type[j] = NORMAL;
-	      } else  if (strcmp(prefix_type, "EXTENDED") == 0) {
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).prefix_type[j] = EXTENDED;
-	      } else {
-		AssertFatal (0,
-			     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for prefix_type choice: NORMAL or EXTENDED !\n",
-			     RC.config_file_name, i, prefix_type);
-	      }
-	      RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).eutra_band[j] = eutra_band;
-	      // printf( "\teutra band:\t%d\n",RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).eutra_band);
-	      RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).downlink_frequency[j] = (uint32_t) downlink_frequency;
-	      //printf( "\tdownlink freq:\t%u\n",RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).downlink_frequency);
-	      RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).uplink_frequency_offset[j] = (unsigned int) uplink_frequency_offset;
-	      if (enb_check_band_frequencies(RC.config_file_name,
-					     j,
-					     RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).eutra_band[j],
-					     RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).downlink_frequency[j],
-					     RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).uplink_frequency_offset[j],
-					     RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).frame_type[j])) {
-		AssertFatal(0, "error calling enb_check_band_frequencies\n");
-	      }
-	      if ((nb_antenna_ports <1) || (nb_antenna_ports > 2))
-		AssertFatal (0,
-			     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for nb_antenna_ports choice: 1..2 !\n",
-			     RC.config_file_name, i, nb_antenna_ports);
-	      RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).nb_antenna_ports[j] = nb_antenna_ports;
-	      RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).prach_root[j] =  prach_root;
-	      if ((prach_root <0) || (prach_root > 1023))
-		AssertFatal (0,
-			     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for prach_root choice: 0..1023 !\n",
-			     RC.config_file_name, i, prach_root);
-	      RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).prach_config_index[j] = prach_config_index;
-	      if ((prach_config_index <0) || (prach_config_index > 63))
-		AssertFatal (0,
-			     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for prach_config_index choice: 0..1023 !\n",
-			     RC.config_file_name, i, prach_config_index);
-	      if (!prach_high_speed)
-		AssertFatal (0,
-			     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d define %s: ENABLE,DISABLE!\n",
-			     RC.config_file_name, i, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PRACH_HIGH_SPEED);
-	      else if (strcmp(prach_high_speed, "ENABLE") == 0) {
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).prach_high_speed[j] = TRUE;
-	      } else if (strcmp(prach_high_speed, "DISABLE") == 0) {
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).prach_high_speed[j] = FALSE;
-	      } else
-		AssertFatal (0,
-			     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for prach_config choice: ENABLE,DISABLE !\n",
-			     RC.config_file_name, i, prach_high_speed);
-	      RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).prach_zero_correlation[j] =prach_zero_correlation;
-	      if ((prach_zero_correlation <0) || (prach_zero_correlation > 15))
-		AssertFatal (0,
-			     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for prach_zero_correlation choice: 0..15!\n",
-			     RC.config_file_name, i, prach_zero_correlation);
-	      RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).prach_freq_offset[j] = prach_freq_offset;
-	      if ((prach_freq_offset <0) || (prach_freq_offset > 94))
-		AssertFatal (0,
-			     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for prach_freq_offset choice: 0..94!\n",
-			     RC.config_file_name, i, prach_freq_offset);
-	      RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pucch_delta_shift[j] = pucch_delta_shift-1;
-	      if ((pucch_delta_shift <1) || (pucch_delta_shift > 3))
-		AssertFatal (0,
-			     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for pucch_delta_shift choice: 1..3!\n",
-			     RC.config_file_name, i, pucch_delta_shift);
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pucch_nRB_CQI[j] = pucch_nRB_CQI;
-		if ((pucch_nRB_CQI <0) || (pucch_nRB_CQI > 98))
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for pucch_nRB_CQI choice: 0..98!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, pucch_nRB_CQI);
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pucch_nCS_AN[j] = pucch_nCS_AN;
-		if ((pucch_nCS_AN <0) || (pucch_nCS_AN > 7))
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for pucch_nCS_AN choice: 0..7!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, pucch_nCS_AN);
-#if !defined(Rel10) && !defined(Rel14)
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pucch_n1_AN[j] = pucch_n1_AN;
-		if ((pucch_n1_AN <0) || (pucch_n1_AN > 2047))
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for pucch_n1_AN choice: 0..2047!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, pucch_n1_AN);
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pdsch_referenceSignalPower[j] = pdsch_referenceSignalPower;
-		if ((pdsch_referenceSignalPower <-60) || (pdsch_referenceSignalPower > 50))
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for pdsch_referenceSignalPower choice:-60..50!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, pdsch_referenceSignalPower);
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pdsch_p_b[j] = pdsch_p_b;
-		if ((pdsch_p_b <0) || (pdsch_p_b > 3))
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for pdsch_p_b choice: 0..3!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, pdsch_p_b);
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_n_SB[j] = pusch_n_SB;
-		if ((pusch_n_SB <1) || (pusch_n_SB > 4))
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for pusch_n_SB choice: 1..4!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, pusch_n_SB);
-		if (!pusch_hoppingMode)
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d define %s: interSubframe,intraAndInterSubframe!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUSCH_HOPPINGMODE);
-		else if (strcmp(pusch_hoppingMode,"interSubFrame")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_hoppingMode[j] = PUSCH_ConfigCommon__pusch_ConfigBasic__hoppingMode_interSubFrame;
-		}  else if (strcmp(pusch_hoppingMode,"intraAndInterSubFrame")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_hoppingMode[j] = PUSCH_ConfigCommon__pusch_ConfigBasic__hoppingMode_intraAndInterSubFrame;
-		} else
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for pusch_hoppingMode choice: interSubframe,intraAndInterSubframe!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, pusch_hoppingMode);
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_hoppingOffset[j] = pusch_hoppingOffset;
-		if ((pusch_hoppingOffset<0) || (pusch_hoppingOffset>98))
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for pusch_hoppingOffset choice: 0..98!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, pusch_hoppingMode);
-		if (!pusch_enable64QAM)
-		  AssertFatal (0, 
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d define %s: ENABLE,DISABLE!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUSCH_ENABLE64QAM);
-		else if (strcmp(pusch_enable64QAM, "ENABLE") == 0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_enable64QAM[j] = TRUE;
-		}  else if (strcmp(pusch_enable64QAM, "DISABLE") == 0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_enable64QAM[j] = FALSE;
-		} else
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for pusch_enable64QAM choice: ENABLE,DISABLE!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, pusch_enable64QAM);
-		if (!pusch_groupHoppingEnabled)
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d define %s: ENABLE,DISABLE!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUSCH_GROUP_HOPPING_EN);
-		else if (strcmp(pusch_groupHoppingEnabled, "ENABLE") == 0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_groupHoppingEnabled[j] = TRUE;
-		}  else if (strcmp(pusch_groupHoppingEnabled, "DISABLE") == 0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_groupHoppingEnabled[j] = FALSE;
-		} else
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for pusch_groupHoppingEnabled choice: ENABLE,DISABLE!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, pusch_groupHoppingEnabled);
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_groupAssignment[j] = pusch_groupAssignment;
-		if ((pusch_groupAssignment<0)||(pusch_groupAssignment>29))
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for pusch_groupAssignment choice: 0..29!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, pusch_groupAssignment);
-		if (!pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled)
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d define %s: ENABLE,DISABLE!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_PUSCH_SEQUENCE_HOPPING_EN);
-		else if (strcmp(pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled, "ENABLE") == 0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled[j] = TRUE;
-		}  else if (strcmp(pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled, "DISABLE") == 0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled[j] = FALSE;
-		} else
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled choice: ENABLE,DISABLE!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, pusch_sequenceHoppingEnabled);
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_nDMRS1[j] = pusch_nDMRS1;  //cyclic_shift in RRC!
-		if ((pusch_nDMRS1 <0) || (pusch_nDMRS1>7))
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for pusch_nDMRS1 choice: 0..7!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, pusch_nDMRS1);
-		if (strcmp(phich_duration,"NORMAL")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).phich_duration[j] = PHICH_Config__phich_Duration_normal;
-		} else if (strcmp(phich_duration,"EXTENDED")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).phich_duration[j] = PHICH_Config__phich_Duration_extended;
-		} else
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for phich_duration choice: NORMAL,EXTENDED!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, phich_duration);
-		if (strcmp(phich_resource,"ONESIXTH")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).phich_resource[j] = PHICH_Config__phich_Resource_oneSixth ;
-		} else if (strcmp(phich_resource,"HALF")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).phich_resource[j] = PHICH_Config__phich_Resource_half;
-		} else if (strcmp(phich_resource,"ONE")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).phich_resource[j] = PHICH_Config__phich_Resource_one;
-		} else if (strcmp(phich_resource,"TWO")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).phich_resource[j] = PHICH_Config__phich_Resource_two;
-		} else
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for phich_resource choice: ONESIXTH,HALF,ONE,TWO!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, phich_resource);
-		printf("phich.resource %ld (%s), phich.duration %ld (%s)\n",
-		       RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).phich_resource[j],phich_resource,
-		       RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).phich_duration[j],phich_duration);
-		if (strcmp(srs_enable, "ENABLE") == 0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).srs_enable[j] = TRUE;
-		} else if (strcmp(srs_enable, "DISABLE") == 0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).srs_enable[j] = FALSE;
-		} else
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for srs_BandwidthConfig choice: ENABLE,DISABLE !\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, srs_enable);
-		if (RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).srs_enable[j] == TRUE) {
-		  if (!(config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_SRS_BANDWIDTH_CONFIG, &srs_BandwidthConfig)
-			&& config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_SRS_SUBFRAME_CONFIG, &srs_SubframeConfig)
-			&& config_setting_lookup_string(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_SRS_ACKNACKST_CONFIG, &srs_ackNackST)
-			&& config_setting_lookup_string(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_SRS_MAXUPPTS, &srs_MaxUpPts)
-			))
-		    AssertFatal(0,
-				"Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown values for srs_BandwidthConfig, srs_SubframeConfig, srs_ackNackST, srs_MaxUpPts\n",
-				RC.config_file_name, i);
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).srs_BandwidthConfig[j] = srs_BandwidthConfig;
-		  if ((srs_BandwidthConfig < 0) || (srs_BandwidthConfig >7))
-		    AssertFatal (0, "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value %d for srs_BandwidthConfig choice: 0...7\n",
-				 RC.config_file_name, i, srs_BandwidthConfig);
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).srs_SubframeConfig[j] = srs_SubframeConfig;
-		  if ((srs_SubframeConfig<0) || (srs_SubframeConfig>15))
-		    AssertFatal (0,
-				 "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for srs_SubframeConfig choice: 0..15 !\n",
-				 RC.config_file_name, i, srs_SubframeConfig);
-		  if (strcmp(srs_ackNackST, "ENABLE") == 0) {
-		    RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).srs_ackNackST[j] = TRUE;
-		  } else if (strcmp(srs_ackNackST, "DISABLE") == 0) {
-		    RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).srs_ackNackST[j] = FALSE;
-		  } else
-		    AssertFatal (0,
-				 "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for srs_BandwidthConfig choice: ENABLE,DISABLE !\n",
-				 RC.config_file_name, i, srs_ackNackST);
-		  if (strcmp(srs_MaxUpPts, "ENABLE") == 0) {
-		    RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).srs_MaxUpPts[j] = TRUE;
-		  } else if (strcmp(srs_MaxUpPts, "DISABLE") == 0) {
-		    RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).srs_MaxUpPts[j] = FALSE;
-		  } else
-		    AssertFatal (0,
-				 "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for srs_MaxUpPts choice: ENABLE,DISABLE !\n",
-				 RC.config_file_name, i, srs_MaxUpPts);
-		}
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_p0_Nominal[j] = pusch_p0_Nominal;
-		if ((pusch_p0_Nominal<-126) || (pusch_p0_Nominal>24))
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for pusch_p0_Nominal choice: -126..24 !\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, pusch_p0_Nominal);
-#ifndef Rel14
-		if (strcmp(pusch_alpha,"AL0")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_alpha[j] = UplinkPowerControlCommon__alpha_al0;
-		} else if (strcmp(pusch_alpha,"AL04")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_alpha[j] = UplinkPowerControlCommon__alpha_al04;
-		} else if (strcmp(pusch_alpha,"AL05")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_alpha[j] = UplinkPowerControlCommon__alpha_al05;
-		} else if (strcmp(pusch_alpha,"AL06")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_alpha[j] = UplinkPowerControlCommon__alpha_al06;
-		} else if (strcmp(pusch_alpha,"AL07")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_alpha[j] = UplinkPowerControlCommon__alpha_al07;
-		} else if (strcmp(pusch_alpha,"AL08")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_alpha[j] = UplinkPowerControlCommon__alpha_al08;
-		} else if (strcmp(pusch_alpha,"AL09")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_alpha[j] = UplinkPowerControlCommon__alpha_al09;
-		} else if (strcmp(pusch_alpha,"AL1")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_alpha[j] = UplinkPowerControlCommon__alpha_al1;
-		} 
-		if (strcmp(pusch_alpha,"AL0")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_alpha[j] = Alpha_r12_al0;
-		} else if (strcmp(pusch_alpha,"AL04")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_alpha[j] = Alpha_r12_al04;
-		} else if (strcmp(pusch_alpha,"AL05")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_alpha[j] = Alpha_r12_al05;
-		} else if (strcmp(pusch_alpha,"AL06")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_alpha[j] = Alpha_r12_al06;
-		} else if (strcmp(pusch_alpha,"AL07")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_alpha[j] = Alpha_r12_al07;
-		} else if (strcmp(pusch_alpha,"AL08")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_alpha[j] = Alpha_r12_al08;
-		} else if (strcmp(pusch_alpha,"AL09")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_alpha[j] = Alpha_r12_al09;
-		} else if (strcmp(pusch_alpha,"AL1")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pusch_alpha[j] = Alpha_r12_al1;
-		} 
-		else
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for pucch_Alpha choice: AL0,AL04,AL05,AL06,AL07,AL08,AL09,AL1!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, pusch_alpha);
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pucch_p0_Nominal[j] = pucch_p0_Nominal;
-		if ((pucch_p0_Nominal<-127) || (pucch_p0_Nominal>-96))
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for pucch_p0_Nominal choice: -127..-96 !\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, pucch_p0_Nominal);
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).msg3_delta_Preamble[j] = msg3_delta_Preamble;
-		if ((msg3_delta_Preamble<-1) || (msg3_delta_Preamble>6))
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for msg3_delta_Preamble choice: -1..6 !\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, msg3_delta_Preamble);
-		if (strcmp(pucch_deltaF_Format1,"deltaF_2")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pucch_deltaF_Format1[j] = DeltaFList_PUCCH__deltaF_PUCCH_Format1_deltaF_2;
-		} else if (strcmp(pucch_deltaF_Format1,"deltaF0")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pucch_deltaF_Format1[j] = DeltaFList_PUCCH__deltaF_PUCCH_Format1_deltaF0;
-		} else if (strcmp(pucch_deltaF_Format1,"deltaF2")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pucch_deltaF_Format1[j] = DeltaFList_PUCCH__deltaF_PUCCH_Format1_deltaF2;
-		} else
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for pucch_deltaF_Format1 choice: deltaF_2,dltaF0,deltaF2!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, pucch_deltaF_Format1);
-		if (strcmp(pucch_deltaF_Format1b,"deltaF1")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pucch_deltaF_Format1b[j] = DeltaFList_PUCCH__deltaF_PUCCH_Format1b_deltaF1;
-		} else if (strcmp(pucch_deltaF_Format1b,"deltaF3")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pucch_deltaF_Format1b[j] = DeltaFList_PUCCH__deltaF_PUCCH_Format1b_deltaF3;
-		} else if (strcmp(pucch_deltaF_Format1b,"deltaF5")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pucch_deltaF_Format1b[j] = DeltaFList_PUCCH__deltaF_PUCCH_Format1b_deltaF5;
-		} else
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for pucch_deltaF_Format1b choice: deltaF1,dltaF3,deltaF5!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, pucch_deltaF_Format1b);
-		if (strcmp(pucch_deltaF_Format2,"deltaF_2")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pucch_deltaF_Format2[j] = DeltaFList_PUCCH__deltaF_PUCCH_Format2_deltaF_2;
-		} else if (strcmp(pucch_deltaF_Format2,"deltaF0")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pucch_deltaF_Format2[j] = DeltaFList_PUCCH__deltaF_PUCCH_Format2_deltaF0;
-		} else if (strcmp(pucch_deltaF_Format2,"deltaF1")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pucch_deltaF_Format2[j] = DeltaFList_PUCCH__deltaF_PUCCH_Format2_deltaF1;
-		} else if (strcmp(pucch_deltaF_Format2,"deltaF2")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pucch_deltaF_Format2[j] = DeltaFList_PUCCH__deltaF_PUCCH_Format2_deltaF2;
-		} else
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for pucch_deltaF_Format2 choice: deltaF_2,dltaF0,deltaF1,deltaF2!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, pucch_deltaF_Format2);
-		if (strcmp(pucch_deltaF_Format2a,"deltaF_2")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pucch_deltaF_Format2a[j] = DeltaFList_PUCCH__deltaF_PUCCH_Format2a_deltaF_2;
-		} else if (strcmp(pucch_deltaF_Format2a,"deltaF0")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pucch_deltaF_Format2a[j] = DeltaFList_PUCCH__deltaF_PUCCH_Format2a_deltaF0;
-		} else if (strcmp(pucch_deltaF_Format2a,"deltaF2")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pucch_deltaF_Format2a[j] = DeltaFList_PUCCH__deltaF_PUCCH_Format2a_deltaF2;
-		} else
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for pucch_deltaF_Format2a choice: deltaF_2,dltaF0,deltaF2!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, pucch_deltaF_Format2a);
-		if (strcmp(pucch_deltaF_Format2b,"deltaF_2")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pucch_deltaF_Format2b[j] = DeltaFList_PUCCH__deltaF_PUCCH_Format2b_deltaF_2;
-		} else if (strcmp(pucch_deltaF_Format2b,"deltaF0")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pucch_deltaF_Format2b[j] = DeltaFList_PUCCH__deltaF_PUCCH_Format2b_deltaF0;
-		} else if (strcmp(pucch_deltaF_Format2b,"deltaF2")==0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pucch_deltaF_Format2b[j] = DeltaFList_PUCCH__deltaF_PUCCH_Format2b_deltaF2;
-		} else
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for pucch_deltaF_Format2b choice: deltaF_2,dltaF0,deltaF2!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, pucch_deltaF_Format2b);
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_numberOfRA_Preambles[j] = (rach_numberOfRA_Preambles/4)-1;
-		if ((rach_numberOfRA_Preambles <4) || (rach_numberOfRA_Preambles>64) || ((rach_numberOfRA_Preambles&3)!=0))
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for rach_numberOfRA_Preambles choice: 4,8,12,...,64!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, rach_numberOfRA_Preambles);
-		if (strcmp(rach_preamblesGroupAConfig, "ENABLE") == 0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_preamblesGroupAConfig[j] = TRUE;
-		  if (!(config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_RACH_SIZEOFRA_PREAMBLESGROUPA, &rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA)
-			&& config_setting_lookup_int(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_RACH_MESSAGESIZEGROUPA, &rach_messageSizeGroupA)
-			&& config_setting_lookup_string(component_carrier, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_RACH_MESSAGEPOWEROFFSETGROUPB, &rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB)))
-		    AssertFatal (0,
-				 "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d  rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA, messageSizeGroupA,messagePowerOffsetGroupB!\n",
-				 RC.config_file_name, i);
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA[j] = (rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA/4)-1;
-		  if ((rach_numberOfRA_Preambles <4) || (rach_numberOfRA_Preambles>60) || ((rach_numberOfRA_Preambles&3)!=0))
-		    AssertFatal (0,
-				 "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA choice: 4,8,12,...,60!\n",
-				 RC.config_file_name, i, rach_sizeOfRA_PreamblesGroupA);
-		  switch (rach_messageSizeGroupA) {
-		  case 56:
-		    RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_messageSizeGroupA[j] = RACH_ConfigCommon__preambleInfo__preamblesGroupAConfig__messageSizeGroupA_b56;
-		    break;
-		  case 144:
-		    RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_messageSizeGroupA[j] = RACH_ConfigCommon__preambleInfo__preamblesGroupAConfig__messageSizeGroupA_b144;
-		    break;
-		  case 208:
-		    RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_messageSizeGroupA[j] = RACH_ConfigCommon__preambleInfo__preamblesGroupAConfig__messageSizeGroupA_b208;
-		    break;
-		  case 256:
-		    RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_messageSizeGroupA[j] = RACH_ConfigCommon__preambleInfo__preamblesGroupAConfig__messageSizeGroupA_b256;
-		    break;
-		  default:
-		    AssertFatal (0,
-				 "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for rach_messageSizeGroupA choice: 56,144,208,256!\n",
-				 RC.config_file_name, i, rach_messageSizeGroupA);
-		    break;
-		  }
-		  if (strcmp(rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB,"minusinfinity")==0) {
-		    RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB[j] = RACH_ConfigCommon__preambleInfo__preamblesGroupAConfig__messagePowerOffsetGroupB_minusinfinity;
-		  }
-		  else if (strcmp(rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB,"dB0")==0) {
-		    RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB[j] = RACH_ConfigCommon__preambleInfo__preamblesGroupAConfig__messagePowerOffsetGroupB_dB0;
-		  }
-		  else if (strcmp(rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB,"dB5")==0) {
-		    RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB[j] = RACH_ConfigCommon__preambleInfo__preamblesGroupAConfig__messagePowerOffsetGroupB_dB5;
-		  }
-		  else if (strcmp(rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB,"dB8")==0) {
-		    RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB[j] = RACH_ConfigCommon__preambleInfo__preamblesGroupAConfig__messagePowerOffsetGroupB_dB8;
-		  }
-		  else if (strcmp(rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB,"dB10")==0) {
-		    RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB[j] = RACH_ConfigCommon__preambleInfo__preamblesGroupAConfig__messagePowerOffsetGroupB_dB10;
-		  }
-		  else if (strcmp(rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB,"dB12")==0) {
-		    RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB[j] = RACH_ConfigCommon__preambleInfo__preamblesGroupAConfig__messagePowerOffsetGroupB_dB12;
-		  }
-		  else if (strcmp(rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB,"dB15")==0) {
-		    RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB[j] = RACH_ConfigCommon__preambleInfo__preamblesGroupAConfig__messagePowerOffsetGroupB_dB15;
-		  }
-		  else if (strcmp(rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB,"dB18")==0) {
-		    RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB[j] = RACH_ConfigCommon__preambleInfo__preamblesGroupAConfig__messagePowerOffsetGroupB_dB18;
-		  } else
-		    AssertFatal (0,
-				 "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB choice: minusinfinity,dB0,dB5,dB8,dB10,dB12,dB15,dB18!\n",
-				 RC.config_file_name, i, rach_messagePowerOffsetGroupB);
-		} else if (strcmp(rach_preamblesGroupAConfig, "DISABLE") == 0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_preamblesGroupAConfig[j] = FALSE;
-		} else
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for rach_preamblesGroupAConfig choice: ENABLE,DISABLE !\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, rach_preamblesGroupAConfig);
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower[j] = (rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower+120)/2;
-		if ((rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower<-120) || (rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower>-90) || ((rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower&1)!=0))
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower choice: -120,-118,...,-90 !\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, rach_preambleInitialReceivedTargetPower);
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_powerRampingStep[j] = rach_powerRampingStep/2;
-		if ((rach_powerRampingStep<0) || (rach_powerRampingStep>6) || ((rach_powerRampingStep&1)!=0))
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for rach_powerRampingStep choice: 0,2,4,6 !\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, rach_powerRampingStep);
-		switch (rach_preambleTransMax) {
-#ifndef Rel14
-		case 3:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_preambleTransMax[j] =  RACH_ConfigCommon__ra_SupervisionInfo__preambleTransMax_n3;
-		  break;
-		case 4:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_preambleTransMax[j] =  RACH_ConfigCommon__ra_SupervisionInfo__preambleTransMax_n4;
-		  break;
-		case 5:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_preambleTransMax[j] =  RACH_ConfigCommon__ra_SupervisionInfo__preambleTransMax_n5;
-		  break;
-		case 6:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_preambleTransMax[j] =  RACH_ConfigCommon__ra_SupervisionInfo__preambleTransMax_n6;
-		  break;
-		case 7:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_preambleTransMax[j] =  RACH_ConfigCommon__ra_SupervisionInfo__preambleTransMax_n7;
-		  break;
-		case 8:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_preambleTransMax[j] =  RACH_ConfigCommon__ra_SupervisionInfo__preambleTransMax_n8;
-		  break;
-		case 10:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_preambleTransMax[j] =  RACH_ConfigCommon__ra_SupervisionInfo__preambleTransMax_n10;
-		  break;
-		case 20:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_preambleTransMax[j] =  RACH_ConfigCommon__ra_SupervisionInfo__preambleTransMax_n20;
-		  break;
-		case 50:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_preambleTransMax[j] =  RACH_ConfigCommon__ra_SupervisionInfo__preambleTransMax_n50;
-		  break;
-		case 100:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_preambleTransMax[j] =  RACH_ConfigCommon__ra_SupervisionInfo__preambleTransMax_n100;
-		  break;
-		case 200:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_preambleTransMax[j] =  RACH_ConfigCommon__ra_SupervisionInfo__preambleTransMax_n200;
-		  break;
-		case 3:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_preambleTransMax[j] =  PreambleTransMax_n3;
-		  break;
-		case 4:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_preambleTransMax[j] =  PreambleTransMax_n4;
-		  break;
-		case 5:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_preambleTransMax[j] =  PreambleTransMax_n5;
-		  break;
-		case 6:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_preambleTransMax[j] =  PreambleTransMax_n6;
-		  break;
-		case 7:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_preambleTransMax[j] =  PreambleTransMax_n7;
-		  break;
-		case 8:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_preambleTransMax[j] =  PreambleTransMax_n8;
-		  break;
-		case 10:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_preambleTransMax[j] =  PreambleTransMax_n10;
-		  break;
-		case 20:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_preambleTransMax[j] =  PreambleTransMax_n20;
-		  break;
-		case 50:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_preambleTransMax[j] =  PreambleTransMax_n50;
-		  break;
-		case 100:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_preambleTransMax[j] =  PreambleTransMax_n100;
-		  break;
-		case 200:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_preambleTransMax[j] =  PreambleTransMax_n200;
-		  break;
-		default:
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for rach_preambleTransMax choice: 3,4,5,6,7,8,10,20,50,100,200!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, rach_preambleTransMax);
-		  break;
-		}
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_raResponseWindowSize[j] =  (rach_raResponseWindowSize==10)?7:rach_raResponseWindowSize-2;
-		if ((rach_raResponseWindowSize<0)||(rach_raResponseWindowSize==9)||(rach_raResponseWindowSize>10))
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for rach_raResponseWindowSize choice: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, rach_preambleTransMax);
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_macContentionResolutionTimer[j] = (rach_macContentionResolutionTimer/8)-1;
-		if ((rach_macContentionResolutionTimer<8) || (rach_macContentionResolutionTimer>64) || ((rach_macContentionResolutionTimer&7)!=0))
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for rach_macContentionResolutionTimer choice: 8,16,...,56,64!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, rach_preambleTransMax);
-		RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx[j] = rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx;
-		if ((rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx<0) || (rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx>8))
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for rach_maxHARQ_Msg3Tx choice: 1..8!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, rach_preambleTransMax);
-		switch (pcch_defaultPagingCycle) {
-		case 32:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pcch_defaultPagingCycle[j] = PCCH_Config__defaultPagingCycle_rf32;
-		  break;
-		case 64:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pcch_defaultPagingCycle[j] = PCCH_Config__defaultPagingCycle_rf64;
-		  break;
-		case 128:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pcch_defaultPagingCycle[j] = PCCH_Config__defaultPagingCycle_rf128;
-		  break;
-		case 256:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pcch_defaultPagingCycle[j] = PCCH_Config__defaultPagingCycle_rf256;
-		  break;
-		default:
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for pcch_defaultPagingCycle choice: 32,64,128,256!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, pcch_defaultPagingCycle);
-		  break;
-		}
-		if (strcmp(pcch_nB, "fourT") == 0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pcch_nB[j] = PCCH_Config__nB_fourT;
-		} else if (strcmp(pcch_nB, "twoT") == 0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pcch_nB[j] = PCCH_Config__nB_twoT;
-		} else if (strcmp(pcch_nB, "oneT") == 0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pcch_nB[j] = PCCH_Config__nB_oneT;
-		} else if (strcmp(pcch_nB, "halfT") == 0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pcch_nB[j] = PCCH_Config__nB_halfT;
-		} else if (strcmp(pcch_nB, "quarterT") == 0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pcch_nB[j] = PCCH_Config__nB_quarterT;
-		} else if (strcmp(pcch_nB, "oneEighthT") == 0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pcch_nB[j] = PCCH_Config__nB_oneEighthT;
-		} else if (strcmp(pcch_nB, "oneSixteenthT") == 0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pcch_nB[j] = PCCH_Config__nB_oneSixteenthT;
-		} else if (strcmp(pcch_nB, "oneThirtySecondT") == 0) {
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).pcch_nB[j] = PCCH_Config__nB_oneThirtySecondT;
-		} else
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for pcch_nB choice: fourT,twoT,oneT,halfT,quarterT,oneighthT,oneSixteenthT,oneThirtySecondT !\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, pcch_defaultPagingCycle);
-		switch (bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff) {
-		case 2:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff[j] = BCCH_Config__modificationPeriodCoeff_n2;
-		  break;
-		case 4:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff[j] = BCCH_Config__modificationPeriodCoeff_n4;
-		  break;
-		case 8:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff[j] = BCCH_Config__modificationPeriodCoeff_n8;
-		  break;
-		case 16:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff[j] = BCCH_Config__modificationPeriodCoeff_n16;
-		  break;
-		default:
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff choice: 2,4,8,16",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, bcch_modificationPeriodCoeff);
-		  break;
-		}
-		switch (ue_TimersAndConstants_t300) {
-		case 100:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t300[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t300_ms100;
-		  break;
-		case 200:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t300[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t300_ms200;
-		  break;
-		case 300:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t300[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t300_ms300;
-		  break;
-		case 400:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t300[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t300_ms400;
-		  break;
-		case 600:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t300[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t300_ms600;
-		  break;
-		case 1000:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t300[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t300_ms1000;
-		  break;
-		case 1500:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t300[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t300_ms1500;
-		  break;
-		case 2000:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t300[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t300_ms2000;
-		  break;
-		default:
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for ue_TimersAndConstants_t300 choice: 100,200,300,400,600,1000,1500,2000 ",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, ue_TimersAndConstants_t300);
-		  break;
-		}
-		switch (ue_TimersAndConstants_t301) {
-		case 100:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t301[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t301_ms100;
-		  break;
-		case 200:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t301[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t301_ms200;
-		  break;
-		case 300:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t301[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t301_ms300;
-		  break;
-		case 400:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t301[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t301_ms400;
-		  break;
-		case 600:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t301[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t301_ms600;
-		  break;
-		case 1000:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t301[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t301_ms1000;
-		  break;
-		case 1500:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t301[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t301_ms1500;
-		  break;
-		case 2000:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t301[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t301_ms2000;
-		  break;
-		default:
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for ue_TimersAndConstants_t301 choice: 100,200,300,400,600,1000,1500,2000 ",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, ue_TimersAndConstants_t301);
-		  break;
-		}
-		switch (ue_TimersAndConstants_t310) {
-		case 0:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t310[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t310_ms0;
-		  break;
-		case 50:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t310[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t310_ms50;
-		  break;
-		case 100:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t310[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t310_ms100;
-		  break;
-		case 200:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t310[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t310_ms200;
-		  break;
-		case 500:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t310[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t310_ms500;
-		  break;
-		case 1000:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t310[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t310_ms1000;
-		  break;
-		case 2000:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t310[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t310_ms2000;
-		  break;
-		default:
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for ue_TimersAndConstants_t310 choice: 0,50,100,200,500,1000,1500,2000 ",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, ue_TimersAndConstants_t310);
-		  break;
-		}
-		switch (ue_TimersAndConstants_t311) {
-		case 1000:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t311[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t311_ms1000;
-		  break;
-		case 3110:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t311[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t311_ms3000;
-		  break;
-		case 5000:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t311[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t311_ms5000;
-		  break;
-		case 10000:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t311[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t311_ms10000;
-		  break;
-		case 15000:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t311[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t311_ms15000;
-		  break;
-		case 20000:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t311[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t311_ms20000;
-		  break;
-		case 31100:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_t311[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__t311_ms30000;
-		  break;
-		default:
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for ue_TimersAndConstants_t311 choice: 1000,3000,5000,10000,150000,20000,30000",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, ue_TimersAndConstants_t311);
-		  break;
-		}
-		switch (ue_TimersAndConstants_n310) {
-		case 1:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_n310[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__n310_n1;
-		  break;
-		case 2:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_n310[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__n310_n2;
-		  break;
-		case 3:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_n310[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__n310_n3;
-		  break;
-		case 4:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_n310[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__n310_n4;
-		  break;
-		case 6:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_n310[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__n310_n6;
-		  break;
-		case 8:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_n310[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__n310_n8;
-		  break;
-		case 10:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_n310[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__n310_n10;
-		  break;
-		case 20:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_n310[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__n310_n20;
-		  break;
-		default:
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for ue_TimersAndConstants_n310 choice: 1,2,3,4,6,6,8,10,20",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, ue_TimersAndConstants_n311);
-		  break;
-		}
-		switch (ue_TimersAndConstants_n311) {
-		case 1:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_n311[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__n311_n1;
-		  break;
-		case 2:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_n311[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__n311_n2;
-		  break;
-		case 3:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_n311[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__n311_n3;
-		  break;
-		case 4:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_n311[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__n311_n4;
-		  break;
-		case 5:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_n311[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__n311_n5;
-		  break;
-		case 6:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_n311[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__n311_n6;
-		  break;
-		case 8:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_n311[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__n311_n8;
-		  break;
-		case 10:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TimersAndConstants_n311[j] = UE_TimersAndConstants__n311_n10;
-		  break;
-		default:
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for ue_TimersAndConstants_t311 choice: 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, ue_TimersAndConstants_t311);
-		  break;
-		}
-		switch (ue_TransmissionMode) {
-		case 1:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TransmissionMode[j] = AntennaInfoDedicated__transmissionMode_tm1;
-		  break;
-		case 2:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TransmissionMode[j] = AntennaInfoDedicated__transmissionMode_tm2;
-		  break;
-		case 3:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TransmissionMode[j] = AntennaInfoDedicated__transmissionMode_tm3;
-		  break;
-		case 4:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TransmissionMode[j] = AntennaInfoDedicated__transmissionMode_tm4;
-		  break;
-		case 5:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TransmissionMode[j] = AntennaInfoDedicated__transmissionMode_tm5;
-		  break;
-		case 6:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TransmissionMode[j] = AntennaInfoDedicated__transmissionMode_tm6;
-		  break;
-		case 7:
-		  RRC_CONFIGURATION_REQ (msg_p).ue_TransmissionMode[j] = AntennaInfoDedicated__transmissionMode_tm7;
-		  break;
-		default:
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%d\" for ue_TransmissionMode choice: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, ue_TransmissionMode);
-		  break;
-		}
-	      }
-	    }
-	    setting_srb1 = config_setting_get_member (setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_SRB1);
-	    if (setting_srb1 != NULL) {
-	      if (!(config_setting_lookup_int(setting_srb1, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_SRB1_TIMER_POLL_RETRANSMIT, &srb1_timer_poll_retransmit)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(setting_srb1, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_SRB1_TIMER_REORDERING,      &srb1_timer_reordering)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(setting_srb1, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_SRB1_TIMER_STATUS_PROHIBIT, &srb1_timer_status_prohibit)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(setting_srb1, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_SRB1_MAX_RETX_THRESHOLD,    &srb1_max_retx_threshold)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(setting_srb1, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_SRB1_POLL_PDU,              &srb1_poll_pdu)
-		    && config_setting_lookup_int(setting_srb1, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_SRB1_POLL_BYTE,             &srb1_poll_byte)))
-		AssertFatal (0,
-			     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d  timer_poll_retransmit, timer_reordering, "
-			     "timer_status_prohibit, poll_pdu, poll_byte, max_retx_threshold !\n",
-			     RC.config_file_name, i);
-	      switch (srb1_max_retx_threshold) {
-	      case 1:
-		rrc->srb1_max_retx_threshold = UL_AM_RLC__maxRetxThreshold_t1;
-		break;
-	      case 2:
-		rrc->srb1_max_retx_threshold = UL_AM_RLC__maxRetxThreshold_t2;
-		break;
-	      case 3:
-		rrc->srb1_max_retx_threshold = UL_AM_RLC__maxRetxThreshold_t3;
-		break;
-	      case 4:
-		rrc->srb1_max_retx_threshold = UL_AM_RLC__maxRetxThreshold_t4;
-		break;
-	      case 6:
-		rrc->srb1_max_retx_threshold = UL_AM_RLC__maxRetxThreshold_t6;
-		break;
-	      case 8:
-		rrc->srb1_max_retx_threshold = UL_AM_RLC__maxRetxThreshold_t8;
-		break;
-	      case 16:
-		rrc->srb1_max_retx_threshold = UL_AM_RLC__maxRetxThreshold_t16;
-		break;
-	      case 32:
-		rrc->srb1_max_retx_threshold = UL_AM_RLC__maxRetxThreshold_t32;
-		break;
-	      default:
-		AssertFatal (0,
-			     "Bad config value when parsing eNB configuration file %s, enb %d  srb1_max_retx_threshold %u!\n",
-			     RC.config_file_name, i, srb1_max_retx_threshold);
-	      }
-	      switch (srb1_poll_pdu) {
-	      case 4:
-		rrc->srb1_poll_pdu = PollPDU_p4;
-		break;
-	      case 8:
-		rrc->srb1_poll_pdu = PollPDU_p8;
-		break;
-	      case 16:
-		rrc->srb1_poll_pdu = PollPDU_p16;
-		break;
-	      case 32:
-		rrc->srb1_poll_pdu = PollPDU_p32;
-		break;
-	      case 64:
-		rrc->srb1_poll_pdu = PollPDU_p64;
-		break;
-	      case 128:
-		rrc->srb1_poll_pdu = PollPDU_p128;
-		break;
-	      case 256:
-		rrc->srb1_poll_pdu = PollPDU_p256;
-		break;
-	      default:
-		if (srb1_poll_pdu >= 10000)
-		  rrc->srb1_poll_pdu = PollPDU_pInfinity;
-		else
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Bad config value when parsing eNB configuration file %s, enb %d  srb1_poll_pdu %u!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, srb1_poll_pdu);
-	      }
-	      rrc->srb1_poll_byte             = srb1_poll_byte;
-	      switch (srb1_poll_byte) {
-	      case 25:
-		rrc->srb1_poll_byte = PollByte_kB25;
-		break;
-	      case 50:
-		rrc->srb1_poll_byte = PollByte_kB50;
-		break;
-	      case 75:
-		rrc->srb1_poll_byte = PollByte_kB75;
-		break;
-	      case 100:
-		rrc->srb1_poll_byte = PollByte_kB100;
-		break;
-	      case 125:
-		rrc->srb1_poll_byte = PollByte_kB125;
-		break;
-	      case 250:
-		rrc->srb1_poll_byte = PollByte_kB250;
-		break;
-	      case 375:
-		rrc->srb1_poll_byte = PollByte_kB375;
-		break;
-	      case 500:
-		rrc->srb1_poll_byte = PollByte_kB500;
-		break;
-	      case 750:
-		rrc->srb1_poll_byte = PollByte_kB750;
-		break;
-	      case 1000:
-		rrc->srb1_poll_byte = PollByte_kB1000;
-		break;
-	      case 1250:
-		rrc->srb1_poll_byte = PollByte_kB1250;
-		break;
-	      case 1500:
-		rrc->srb1_poll_byte = PollByte_kB1500;
-		break;
-	      case 2000:
-		rrc->srb1_poll_byte = PollByte_kB2000;
-		break;
-	      case 3000:
-		rrc->srb1_poll_byte = PollByte_kB3000;
-		break;
-	      default:
-		if (srb1_poll_byte >= 10000)
-		  rrc->srb1_poll_byte = PollByte_kBinfinity;
-		else
-		  AssertFatal (0,
-			       "Bad config value when parsing eNB configuration file %s, enb %d  srb1_poll_byte %u!\n",
-			       RC.config_file_name, i, srb1_poll_byte);
-	      }
-	      if (srb1_timer_poll_retransmit <= 250) {
-		rrc->srb1_timer_poll_retransmit = (srb1_timer_poll_retransmit - 5)/5;
-	      } else if (srb1_timer_poll_retransmit <= 500) {
-		rrc->srb1_timer_poll_retransmit = (srb1_timer_poll_retransmit - 300)/50 + 50;
-	      } else {
-		AssertFatal (0,
-			     "Bad config value when parsing eNB configuration file %s, enb %d  srb1_timer_poll_retransmit %u!\n",
-			     RC.config_file_name, i, srb1_timer_poll_retransmit);
-	      }
-	      if (srb1_timer_status_prohibit <= 250) {
-		rrc->srb1_timer_status_prohibit = srb1_timer_status_prohibit/5;
-	      } else if ((srb1_timer_poll_retransmit >= 300) && (srb1_timer_poll_retransmit <= 500)) {
-		rrc->srb1_timer_status_prohibit = (srb1_timer_status_prohibit - 300)/50 + 51;
-	      } else {
-		AssertFatal (0,
-			     "Bad config value when parsing eNB configuration file %s, enb %d  srb1_timer_status_prohibit %u!\n",
-			     RC.config_file_name, i, srb1_timer_status_prohibit);
-	      }
-	      switch (srb1_timer_reordering) {
-	      case 0:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms0;
-		break;
-	      case 5:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms5;
-		break;
-	      case 10:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms10;
-		break;
-	      case 15:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms15;
-		break;
-	      case 20:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms20;
-		break;
-	      case 25:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms25;
-		break;
-	      case 30:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms30;
-		break;
-	      case 35:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms35;
-		break;
-	      case 40:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms40;
-		break;
-	      case 45:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms45;
-		break;
-	      case 50:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms50;
-		break;
-	      case 55:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms55;
-		break;
-	      case 60:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms60;
-		break;
-	      case 65:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms65;
-		break;
-	      case 70:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms70;
-		break;
-	      case 75:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms75;
-		break;
-	      case 80:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms80;
-		break;
-	      case 85:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms85;
-		break;
-	      case 90:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms90;
-		break;
-	      case 95:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms95;
-		break;
-	      case 100:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms100;
-		break;
-	      case 110:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms110;
-		break;
-	      case 120:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms120;
-		break;
-	      case 130:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms130;
-		break;
-	      case 140:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms140;
-		break;
-	      case 150:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms150;
-		break;
-	      case 160:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms160;
-		break;
-	      case 170:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms170;
-		break;
-	      case 180:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms180;
-		break;
-	      case 190:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms190;
-		break;
-	      case 200:
-		rrc->srb1_timer_reordering = T_Reordering_ms200;
-		break;
-	      default:
-		AssertFatal (0,
-			     "Bad config value when parsing eNB configuration file %s, enb %d  srb1_timer_reordering %u!\n",
-			     RC.config_file_name, i, srb1_timer_reordering);
-	      }
-	    } else {
-	      rrc->srb1_timer_poll_retransmit = T_PollRetransmit_ms80;
-	      rrc->srb1_timer_reordering      = T_Reordering_ms35;
-	      rrc->srb1_timer_status_prohibit = T_StatusProhibit_ms0;
-	      rrc->srb1_poll_pdu              = PollPDU_p4;
-	      rrc->srb1_poll_byte             = PollByte_kBinfinity;
-	      rrc->srb1_max_retx_threshold    = UL_AM_RLC__maxRetxThreshold_t8;
-	    }
-	    break;
-	}
-      }
-    }
-  }
-int Eurecom_RCconfig_gtpu() {
-  config_t          cfg;
-  config_setting_t *setting                       = NULL;
-  config_setting_t *subsetting                    = NULL;
-  config_setting_t *setting_enb                   = NULL;
-  int               num_enbs                      = 0;
-  char*             enb_interface_name_for_S1U    = NULL;
-  char*             enb_ipv4_address_for_S1U      = NULL;
-  libconfig_int     enb_port_for_S1U              = 0;
-  char             *address                       = NULL;
-  char             *cidr                          = NULL;
-  char             *astring                       = NULL;
-  // for no gcc warnings 
-  (void)astring;
-  LOG_I(GTPU,"Configuring GTPu\n");
-  config_init(&cfg);
-  if (RC.config_file_name != NULL) {
-    // Read the file. If there is an error, report it and exit. 
-    if (! config_read_file(&cfg, RC.config_file_name)) {
-      config_destroy(&cfg);
-      AssertFatal (0, "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s!\n", RC.config_file_name);
-    }
-  } else {
-    config_destroy(&cfg);
-    AssertFatal (0, "No eNB configuration file provided!\n");
-  }
-  // Get list of active eNBs, (only these will be configured)
-  setting = config_lookup(&cfg, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ACTIVE_ENBS);
-  if (setting != NULL) {
-    num_enbs = config_setting_length(setting);
-    setting_enb   = config_setting_get_elem(setting, 0);
-  }
-  if (num_enbs>0) {
-    // Output a list of all eNBs.
-    setting = config_lookup(&cfg, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ENB_LIST);
-    if (setting != NULL) {
+RCconfig_RRC(MessageDef *msg_p, uint32_t i, eNB_RRC_INST *rrc);
+RCconfig_S1(MessageDef *msg_p, uint32_t i);
-      setting_enb = config_setting_get_elem(setting, 0);
-      subsetting = config_setting_get_member (setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_NETWORK_INTERFACES_CONFIG);
-      if (subsetting != NULL) {
-	if (  (config_setting_lookup_string( subsetting, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U,
-					     (const char **)&enb_interface_name_for_S1U)
-	       && config_setting_lookup_string( subsetting, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ENB_IPV4_ADDR_FOR_S1U,
-						(const char **)&enb_ipv4_address_for_S1U)
-	       && config_setting_lookup_int(subsetting, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U,
-					    &enb_port_for_S1U)
-	       )
-	      ) {
+static int enb_check_band_frequencies(char* lib_config_file_name_pP,
+                                      int ind,
+                                      int16_t band,
+                                      uint32_t downlink_frequency,
+                                      int32_t uplink_frequency_offset,
+                                      lte_frame_type_t frame_type)
+  int errors = 0;
-	  cidr = enb_ipv4_address_for_S1U;
-	  address = strtok(cidr, "/");
-	  if (address) {
-	    IPV4_STR_ADDR_TO_INT_NWBO ( address, RC.gtpv1u_data_g->enb_ip_address_for_S1u_S12_S4_up, "BAD IP ADDRESS FORMAT FOR eNB S1_U !\n" );
+  if (band > 0) {
+    int band_index;
-	    LOG_I(GTPU,"Configuring GTPu address : %s -> %x\n",address,RC.gtpv1u_data_g->enb_ip_address_for_S1u_S12_S4_up);
+    for (band_index = 0; band_index < sizeof (eutra_bands) / sizeof (eutra_bands[0]); band_index++) {
+      if (band == eutra_bands[band_index].band) {
+        uint32_t uplink_frequency = downlink_frequency + uplink_frequency_offset;
-	  }
+        AssertError (eutra_bands[band_index].dl_min < downlink_frequency, errors ++,
+                     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d downlink frequency %u too low (%u) for band %d!",
+                     lib_config_file_name_pP, ind, downlink_frequency, eutra_bands[band_index].dl_min, band);
+        AssertError (downlink_frequency < eutra_bands[band_index].dl_max, errors ++,
+                     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d downlink frequency %u too high (%u) for band %d!",
+                     lib_config_file_name_pP, ind, downlink_frequency, eutra_bands[band_index].dl_max, band);
-	  RC.gtpv1u_data_g->enb_port_for_S1u_S12_S4_up = enb_port_for_S1U;
+        AssertError (eutra_bands[band_index].ul_min < uplink_frequency, errors ++,
+                     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d uplink frequency %u too low (%u) for band %d!",
+                     lib_config_file_name_pP, ind, uplink_frequency, eutra_bands[band_index].ul_min, band);
+        AssertError (uplink_frequency < eutra_bands[band_index].ul_max, errors ++,
+                     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d uplink frequency %u too high (%u) for band %d!",
+                     lib_config_file_name_pP, ind, uplink_frequency, eutra_bands[band_index].ul_max, band);
-	}
+        AssertError (eutra_bands[band_index].frame_type == frame_type, errors ++,
+                     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d invalid frame type (%d/%d) for band %d!",
+                     lib_config_file_name_pP, ind, eutra_bands[band_index].frame_type, frame_type, band);
-int Eurecom_RCconfig_S1(MessageDef *msg_p, uint32_t i) {
-  config_t          cfg;
-  config_setting_t *setting                       = NULL;
-  config_setting_t *subsetting                    = NULL;
-  config_setting_t *setting_mme_addresses         = NULL;
-  config_setting_t *setting_mme_address           = NULL;
-  config_setting_t *setting_enb                   = NULL;
-  int               num_mme_address               = 0;
-  int               j                             = 0;
-  libconfig_int     enb_id                        = 0;
-  int               num_enbs                      = 0;
-  const char*       cell_type                     = NULL;
-  const char*       tac                           = 0;
-  const char*       enb_name                      = NULL;
-  const char*       mcc                           = 0;
-  const char*       mnc                           = 0;
-  libconfig_int     my_int;
-  char*             ipv4                          = NULL;
-  char*             ipv6                          = NULL;
-  char*             preference                    = NULL;
-  char*             active                        = NULL;
-  const char*       active_enb[MAX_ENB];
-  char*             enb_interface_name_for_S1U    = NULL;
-  char*             enb_ipv4_address_for_S1U      = NULL;
-  libconfig_int     enb_port_for_S1U              = 0;
-  char*             enb_interface_name_for_S1_MME = NULL;
-  char*             enb_ipv4_address_for_S1_MME   = NULL;
-  char             *address                       = NULL;
-  char             *cidr                          = NULL;
-  char             *astring                       = NULL;
-  // for no gcc warnings 
-  (void)astring;
-  (void)my_int;
-  memset((char*)active_enb,     0 , MAX_ENB * sizeof(char*));
-  config_init(&cfg);
-  if (RC.config_file_name != NULL) {
-    // Read the file. If there is an error, report it and exit. 
-    if (! config_read_file(&cfg, RC.config_file_name)) {
-      config_destroy(&cfg);
-      AssertFatal (0, "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s!\n", RC.config_file_name);
-    }
-  } else {
-    config_destroy(&cfg);
-    AssertFatal (0, "No eNB configuration file provided!\n");
-  }
-#if defined(ENABLE_ITTI) && defined(ENABLE_USE_MME)
-  if (  (config_lookup_string( &cfg, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ASN1_VERBOSITY, (const char **)&astring) )) {
-    if (strcasecmp(astring , ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ASN1_VERBOSITY_NONE) == 0) {
-      asn_debug      = 0;
-      asn1_xer_print = 0;
-    } else if (strcasecmp(astring , ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ASN1_VERBOSITY_INFO) == 0) {
-      asn_debug      = 1;
-      asn1_xer_print = 1;
-    } else if (strcasecmp(astring , ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ASN1_VERBOSITY_ANNOYING) == 0) {
-      asn_debug      = 1;
-      asn1_xer_print = 2;
-    } else {
-      asn_debug      = 0;
-      asn1_xer_print = 0;
-    }
-  }
-  // Get list of active eNBs, (only these will be configured)
-  setting = config_lookup(&cfg, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ACTIVE_ENBS);
-  if (setting != NULL) {
-    num_enbs = config_setting_length(setting);
-    setting_enb   = config_setting_get_elem(setting, i);
-    active_enb[i] = config_setting_get_string (setting_enb);
-    AssertFatal (active_enb[i] != NULL,
-		 "Failed to parse config file %s, %uth attribute %s \n",
-		 RC.config_file_name, i, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ACTIVE_ENBS);
-    active_enb[i] = strdup(active_enb[i]);
-  }
-  if (num_enbs>0) {
-    // Output a list of all eNBs.
-    setting = config_lookup(&cfg, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ENB_LIST);
-    if (setting != NULL) {
-      num_enbs = config_setting_length(setting);
-      for (i = 0; i < num_enbs; i++) {
-	setting_enb = config_setting_get_elem(setting, i);
-	if (! config_setting_lookup_int(setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ENB_ID, &enb_id)) {
-	  // Calculate a default eNB ID
-# if defined(ENABLE_USE_MME)
-	  uint32_t hash;
-	  hash = s1ap_generate_eNB_id ();
-	  enb_id = i + (hash & 0xFFFF8);
-# else
-	  enb_id = i;
-# endif
-	}
-	if (  !(       config_setting_lookup_string(setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_CELL_TYPE,           &cell_type)
-		       && config_setting_lookup_string(setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ENB_NAME,            &enb_name)
-		       && config_setting_lookup_string(setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_TRACKING_AREA_CODE,  &tac)
-		       && config_setting_lookup_string(setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_MOBILE_COUNTRY_CODE, &mcc)
-		       && config_setting_lookup_string(setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_MOBILE_NETWORK_CODE, &mnc)
-		       )
-	      ) {
-	  AssertFatal (0,
-		       "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, %u th enb\n",
-		       RC.config_file_name, i);
-	  continue; // FIXME this prevents segfaults below, not sure what happens after function exit
-	}
-	// search if in active list
-	for (j=0; j < num_enbs; j++) {
-	  if (strcmp(active_enb[j], enb_name) == 0) {
-	    S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).eNB_id = enb_id;
-	    if (strcmp(cell_type, "CELL_MACRO_ENB") == 0) {
-	      S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).cell_type = CELL_MACRO_ENB;
-	    } else  if (strcmp(cell_type, "CELL_HOME_ENB") == 0) {
-	      S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).cell_type = CELL_HOME_ENB;
-	    } else {
-	      AssertFatal (0,
-			   "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, enb %d unknown value \"%s\" for cell_type choice: CELL_MACRO_ENB or CELL_HOME_ENB !\n",
-			   RC.config_file_name, i, cell_type);
-	    }
-	    S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).eNB_name         = strdup(enb_name);
-	    S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).tac              = (uint16_t)atoi(tac);
-	    S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).mcc              = (uint16_t)atoi(mcc);
-	    S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).mnc              = (uint16_t)atoi(mnc);
-	    S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).mnc_digit_length = strlen(mnc);
-	    S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).default_drx      = 0;
-	    AssertFatal((S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).mnc_digit_length == 2) ||
-			(S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).mnc_digit_length == 3),
-			S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).mnc_digit_length);
-	    setting_mme_addresses = config_setting_get_member (setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_MME_IP_ADDRESS);
-	    num_mme_address     = config_setting_length(setting_mme_addresses);
-	    S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).nb_mme = 0;
-	    for (j = 0; j < num_mme_address; j++) {
-	      setting_mme_address = config_setting_get_elem(setting_mme_addresses, j);
-	      if (  !(
-		      config_setting_lookup_string(setting_mme_address, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_MME_IPV4_ADDRESS, (const char **)&ipv4)
-		      && config_setting_lookup_string(setting_mme_address, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_MME_IPV6_ADDRESS, (const char **)&ipv6)
-		      && config_setting_lookup_string(setting_mme_address, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_MME_IP_ADDRESS_ACTIVE, (const char **)&active)
-		      && config_setting_lookup_string(setting_mme_address, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_MME_IP_ADDRESS_PREFERENCE, (const char **)&preference)
-		      )
-		    ) {
-		AssertFatal (0,
-			     "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s, %u th enb %u th mme address !\n",
-			     RC.config_file_name, i, j);
-		continue; // FIXME will prevent segfaults below, not sure what happens at function exit...
-	      }
-	      S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).nb_mme += 1;
-	      strcpy(S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).mme_ip_address[j].ipv4_address,ipv4);
-	      strcpy(S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).mme_ip_address[j].ipv6_address,ipv6);
-	      if (strcmp(active, "yes") == 0) {
-#if defined(ENABLE_USE_MME)
-	      } 
-	      if (strcmp(preference, "ipv4") == 0) {
-		S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).mme_ip_address[j].ipv4 = 1;
-	      } else if (strcmp(preference, "ipv6") == 0) {
-		S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).mme_ip_address[j].ipv6 = 1;
-	      } else if (strcmp(preference, "no") == 0) {
-		S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).mme_ip_address[j].ipv4 = 1;
-		S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).mme_ip_address[j].ipv6 = 1;
-	      }
-	    }
-	    S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).sctp_out_streams = SCTP_OUT_STREAMS;
-	    S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).sctp_in_streams  = SCTP_IN_STREAMS;
-# if defined(ENABLE_USE_MME)
-	    subsetting = config_setting_get_member (setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_SCTP_CONFIG);
-	    if (subsetting != NULL) {
-	      if ( (config_setting_lookup_int( subsetting, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_SCTP_INSTREAMS, &my_int) )) {
-            	S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).sctp_in_streams = (uint16_t)my_int;
-	      }
-	      if ( (config_setting_lookup_int( subsetting, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_SCTP_OUTSTREAMS, &my_int) )) {
-            	S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).sctp_out_streams = (uint16_t)my_int;
-	      }
-	    }
-	    subsetting = config_setting_get_member (setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_NETWORK_INTERFACES_CONFIG);
-	    if (subsetting != NULL) {
-	      if (  (
-		     config_setting_lookup_string( subsetting, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1_MME,
-						   (const char **)&enb_interface_name_for_S1_MME)
-		     && config_setting_lookup_string( subsetting, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ENB_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_S1_MME,
-						      (const char **)&enb_ipv4_address_for_S1_MME)
-		     && config_setting_lookup_string( subsetting, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ENB_INTERFACE_NAME_FOR_S1U,
-						      (const char **)&enb_interface_name_for_S1U)
-		     && config_setting_lookup_string( subsetting, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ENB_IPV4_ADDR_FOR_S1U,
-						      (const char **)&enb_ipv4_address_for_S1U)
-		     && config_setting_lookup_int(subsetting, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U,
-						  &enb_port_for_S1U)
-		     )
-		    ) {
-		//		S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).enb_interface_name_for_S1U = strdup(enb_interface_name_for_S1U);
-		cidr = enb_ipv4_address_for_S1U;
-		address = strtok(cidr, "/");
-		S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).enb_ip_address.ipv6 = 0;
-		S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).enb_ip_address.ipv4 = 1;
-		strcpy(S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ (msg_p).enb_ip_address.ipv4_address, address);
-	      }
-	    }
-	    break;
-	  }
-	}
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return 0;
+  return errors;
-void Eurecom_RCConfig(const char *config_file_name) {
-  config_t          cfg;
-  config_setting_t *setting                       = NULL;
-  config_setting_t *setting_enb                   = NULL;
-  config_setting_t *setting_component_carriers    = NULL;
-  config_init(&cfg);
-  if (config_file_name != NULL) {
-    RC.config_file_name = config_file_name;
-    if (! config_read_file(&cfg, RC.config_file_name)) {
-      config_destroy(&cfg);
-      AssertFatal (0, "Failed to parse eNB configuration file %s!\n", RC.config_file_name);
-    }
-    // Get num eNB instances
-    setting = config_lookup(&cfg, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ACTIVE_ENBS);
-    if (setting != NULL) RC.nb_inst = config_setting_length(setting);
-    if (RC.nb_inst > 0) {
-      printf("Number of eNB RRC instances %d\n",RC.nb_inst);
-      setting = config_lookup(&cfg, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_ENB_LIST);
-      RC.nb_CC = (int *)malloc((1+RC.nb_inst)*sizeof(int));
-      for (int i=0;i<RC.nb_inst;i++) {
-	setting_enb                  = config_setting_get_elem(setting, i);
-	setting_component_carriers   = config_setting_get_member (setting_enb, ENB_CONFIG_STRING_COMPONENT_CARRIERS);
-	AssertFatal(setting_component_carriers != NULL, "No component carrier definitions in %s\n",RC.config_file_name); 
-	RC.nb_CC[i]                = config_setting_length(setting_component_carriers);
-	printf("Setting nb_CC to %d for instance %d\n",RC.nb_CC[i],i);
-      }
-    }
-    // Get num MACRLC instances
-    setting = config_lookup(&cfg, CONFIG_STRING_MACRLC_LIST);
-    if (setting != NULL) RC.nb_macrlc_inst = config_setting_length(setting);
-    // Get num L1 instances
-    setting = config_lookup(&cfg, CONFIG_STRING_L1_LIST);
-    if (setting != NULL) RC.nb_L1_inst = config_setting_length(setting);
-    // Get num RU instances
-    setting = config_lookup(&cfg, CONFIG_STRING_RU_LIST);
-    if (setting != NULL) RC.nb_RU     = config_setting_length(setting); 
-  }
-  else {
-    config_destroy(&cfg);
-    AssertFatal(0,"Configuration file is null\n");
-  }
-  return;
 /* --------------------------------------------------------*/
 /* from here function to use configuration module          */
-void RCconfig_RU() {
+void RCconfig_RU(void) {
-/* temporary code to use Eurecom configuration mechanism */
-  if ( donotuse_configmodule== 1){
-     return Eurecom_RCconfig_RU();
-  }
   int               j                             = 0;
   int               i                             = 0;
   int               num_bands                     = 0;
@@ -2816,7 +146,7 @@ void RCconfig_RU() {
       if (strcmp(*(RUParamList.paramarray[j][RU_LOCAL_RF_IDX].strptr), "yes") == 0) {
-	if (RUParamList.paramarray[j][RU_LOCAL_IF_NAME_IDX].strptr == NULL) {
+	if ( !(config_isparamset(RUParamList.paramarray[j],RU_LOCAL_IF_NAME_IDX)) ) {
 	  RC.ru[j]->if_south                        = LOCAL_RF;
 	  RC.ru[j]->function                        = eNodeB_3GPP;
 	  printf("Setting function for RU %d to eNodeB_3GPP\n",j);
@@ -2906,11 +236,6 @@ void RCconfig_RU() {
 void RCconfig_L1() {
-/* temporary code to use Eurecom configuration mechanism */
-  if ( donotuse_configmodule== 1){
-     return Eurecom_RCconfig_L1();
-  }
   int               i,j;
   paramdef_t L1_Params[] = L1PARAMS_DESC;
   paramlist_def_t L1_ParamList = {CONFIG_STRING_L1_LIST,NULL,0};
@@ -2973,11 +298,6 @@ void RCconfig_L1() {
 void RCconfig_macrlc() {
-/* temporary code to use Eurecom configuration mechanism */
-  if ( donotuse_configmodule== 1){
-     return Eurecom_RCconfig_macrlc();
-  }
   int               j;
@@ -3032,11 +352,7 @@ void RCconfig_macrlc() {
 int RCconfig_RRC(MessageDef *msg_p, uint32_t i, eNB_RRC_INST *rrc) {
-/* temporary code to use Eurecom configuration mechanism */
-  if ( donotuse_configmodule== 1){
-     return Eurecom_RCconfig_RRC(msg_p, i, rrc);
-  }
   int               num_enbs                      = 0;
   int               num_component_carriers        = 0;
@@ -5022,11 +2338,7 @@ return 0;
 int RCconfig_gtpu(void ) {
-/* temporary code to use Eurecom configuration mechanism */
-  if ( donotuse_configmodule== 1){
-     return Eurecom_RCconfig_gtpu();
-  }
   int               num_enbs                      = 0;
@@ -5073,12 +2385,6 @@ return 0;
 int RCconfig_S1(MessageDef *msg_p, uint32_t i) {
-/* temporary code to use Eurecom configuration mechanism */
-  if ( donotuse_configmodule== 1){
-     return Eurecom_RCconfig_S1(msg_p, i);
-  }
   int               j,k                           = 0;
@@ -5272,16 +2578,8 @@ int RCconfig_S1(MessageDef *msg_p, uint32_t i) {
 return 0;
-void RCConfig(const char *config_file_name) {
+void RCConfig(void) {
-/* temporary code to use Eurecom configuration mechanism */
-  if ( config_file_name != NULL ) {
-     Eurecom_RCConfig(config_file_name);
-     return;
-  } else {
-     donotuse_configmodule=0;
-  }
   paramlist_def_t MACRLCParamList = {CONFIG_STRING_MACRLC_LIST,NULL,0};
   paramlist_def_t L1ParamList = {CONFIG_STRING_L1_LIST,NULL,0};
   paramlist_def_t RUParamList = {CONFIG_STRING_RU_LIST,NULL,0};
diff --git a/openair2/ENB_APP/enb_config.h b/openair2/ENB_APP/enb_config.h
index a3f0cc786b087995c5ed483c9a2207692bc0021b..b41545bcecea1036cb271d9ac27947e6af8de079 100644
--- a/openair2/ENB_APP/enb_config.h
+++ b/openair2/ENB_APP/enb_config.h
@@ -91,7 +91,11 @@ typedef struct ru_config_s {
   uint8_t   if_compress;
 } ru_config_t;
+extern void RCconfig_RU(void);
+extern void RCconfig_L1(void);
+extern void RCconfig_macrlc(void);
+extern int  RCconfig_gtpu(void );
+extern void RCConfig(void);
 void                          enb_config_display(void);
 void                          ru_config_display(void);
diff --git a/openair2/ENB_APP/enb_paramdef.h b/openair2/ENB_APP/enb_paramdef.h
index 8f4c06330f3c29cb23d2660c571563707c733b60..309f8f4f00a49f5ed3743abbc7f9d469001f5d70 100755
--- a/openair2/ENB_APP/enb_paramdef.h
+++ b/openair2/ENB_APP/enb_paramdef.h
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ static int DEFENBS[] = {0};
 {CONFIG_STRING_RU_REMOTE_PORTC,             	 NULL,       0,       uptr:NULL,       defuintval:50000,	TYPE_UINT,	  0}, \
 {CONFIG_STRING_RU_LOCAL_PORTD,              	 NULL,       0,       uptr:NULL,       defuintval:50001,	TYPE_UINT,	  0}, \
 {CONFIG_STRING_RU_REMOTE_PORTD,             	 NULL,       0,       uptr:NULL,       defuintval:50001,	TYPE_UINT,	  0}, \
-{CONFIG_STRING_RU_TRANSPORT_PREFERENCE,     	 NULL,       0,       strptr:NULL,     defstrval:"udp_if4p5",	TYPE_STRING,	  0}, \
+{CONFIG_STRING_RU_TRANSPORT_PREFERENCE,     	 NULL,       0,       strptr:NULL,     defstrval:"udp_if5",	TYPE_STRING,	  0}, \
 {CONFIG_STRING_RU_LOCAL_RF,                 	 NULL,       0,       strptr:NULL,     defstrval:"yes", 	TYPE_STRING,	  0}, \
 {CONFIG_STRING_RU_NB_TX,                    	 NULL,       0,       uptr:NULL,       defuintval:1,		TYPE_UINT,	  0}, \
 {CONFIG_STRING_RU_NB_RX,                    	 NULL,       0,       uptr:NULL,       defuintval:1,		TYPE_UINT,	  0}, \
diff --git a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if4p5.50PRB.lo.conf b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if4p5.50PRB.lo.conf
index 11abf64431734d84b34b7a3752cfcdd086c88270..dfc836e6b239831e6fe673596143dc18efe28ebe 100644
--- a/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if4p5.50PRB.lo.conf
+++ b/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/rcc.band7.tm1.if4p5.50PRB.lo.conf
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
-Active_eNBs = ( "eNB_Eurecom_LTEBox");
-# Asn1_verbosity, choice in: none, info, annoying
-Asn1_verbosity = "none";
 eNBs =
+    # real_time choice in {hard, rt-preempt, no}
+    real_time       =  "no";
     ////////// Identification parameters:
     eNB_ID    =  0xe00;
diff --git a/targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.c b/targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.c
index b78e989b3af3f88c76be9d93731079d8b5cab8a4..3002370ad9d120d5f1ea2a2daccd4798001b9709 100644
--- a/targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.c
+++ b/targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.c
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ uint32_t                 downlink_frequency[MAX_NUM_CCs][4];
 int32_t                  uplink_frequency_offset[MAX_NUM_CCs][4];
-static char                    *conf_config_file_name = NULL;
 #if defined(ENABLE_ITTI)
 static char                    *itti_dump_file = NULL;
@@ -402,7 +402,6 @@ static void *scope_thread(void *arg) {
   FILE *UE_stats, *eNB_stats;
 # endif
-  int len = 0;
   struct sched_param sched_param;
   int UE_id, CC_id;
   int ue_cnt=0;
@@ -423,7 +422,7 @@ static void *scope_thread(void *arg) {
   while (!oai_exit) {
     if (UE_flag==1) {
-      len = dump_ue_stats (PHY_vars_UE_g[0][0], &PHY_vars_UE_g[0][0]->proc.proc_rxtx[0],stats_buffer, 0, mode,rx_input_level_dBm);
+      dump_ue_stats (PHY_vars_UE_g[0][0], &PHY_vars_UE_g[0][0]->proc.proc_rxtx[0],stats_buffer, 0, mode,rx_input_level_dBm);
       //fl_set_object_label(form_stats->stats_text, stats_buffer);
       fl_add_browser_line(form_stats->stats_text, stats_buffer);
@@ -578,17 +577,12 @@ void *l2l1_task(void *arg) {
 static void get_options(void) {
   int CC_id;
-  int clock_src;
   int tddflag;
   char *loopfile=NULL;
   int dumpframe;
   paramdef_t cmdline_params[] =CMDLINE_PARAMS_DESC ;
   config_process_cmdline( cmdline_params,sizeof(cmdline_params)/sizeof(paramdef_t),NULL); 
-  if (tddflag > 0) {
-      for (CC_id=0; CC_id<MAX_NUM_CCs; CC_id++) 
-	frame_parms[CC_id]->frame_type = TDD;
-  }
   if (strlen(in_path) > 0) {
       opt_type = OPT_PCAP;
@@ -603,6 +597,9 @@ static void get_options(void) {
   if (UE_flag > 0) {
      paramdef_t cmdline_uemodeparams[] =CMDLINE_UEMODEPARAMS_DESC;
      paramdef_t cmdline_ueparams[] =CMDLINE_UEPARAMS_DESC;
      config_process_cmdline( cmdline_uemodeparams,sizeof(cmdline_uemodeparams)/sizeof(paramdef_t),NULL);
      config_process_cmdline( cmdline_ueparams,sizeof(cmdline_ueparams)/sizeof(paramdef_t),NULL);
       if (loopfile != NULL) {
@@ -629,6 +626,10 @@ static void get_options(void) {
+      if (tddflag > 0) {
+         for (CC_id=0; CC_id<MAX_NUM_CCs; CC_id++) 
+	     frame_parms[CC_id]->frame_type = TDD;
+      }
       if (frame_parms[0]->N_RB_DL !=0) {
   	  if ( frame_parms[0]->N_RB_DL < 6 ) {
@@ -913,11 +914,14 @@ int main( int argc, char **argv )
   printf("Reading in command-line options\n");
-  // get options and fill parameters from configuration file
-  // temporary test to allow legacy config or config module */
   get_options (); 
+      fprintf(stderr,"Getting configuration failed\n");
+      exit(-1);
+  }
   T_init(T_port, T_wait, T_dont_fork);
diff --git a/targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.h b/targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.h
index 676908d423135294a0c5567f3af0c71c1497dd01..7a68d236549ded0b8b98964c3109d35f89ce0cc9 100644
--- a/targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.h
+++ b/targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.h
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ extern int16_t dlsch_demod_shift;
 {"A" ,  		  	 CONFIG_HLP_TADV,	0,		  uptr:&timing_advance, 		defintval:0,			   TYPE_UINT,	  0},			   \
 {"C" ,  		  	 CONFIG_HLP_DLF,	0,		  uptr:&(downlink_frequency[0][0]),	defuintval:2680000000,  	   TYPE_UINT,	  0},			   \
 {"a" ,  		  	 CONFIG_HLP_CHOFF,	0,		  iptr:&chain_offset,			defintval:0,			   TYPE_INT,	  0},			   \
-{"d" ,  		  	 CONFIG_HLP_SOFTS,	0,		  i8ptr:&do_forms,			defintval:0,			   TYPE_INT8,	  0},			   \
+{"d" ,  		  	 CONFIG_HLP_SOFTS,	PARAMFLAG_BOOL,	  uptr:(uint32_t *)&do_forms,		defintval:0,			   TYPE_INT8,	  0},			   \
 {"E" ,  		  	 CONFIG_HLP_TQFS,	PARAMFLAG_BOOL,   i8ptr:&threequarter_fs,		defintval:0,			   TYPE_INT8,	  0},			   \
 {"K" ,  		  	 CONFIG_HLP_ITTIL,	PARAMFLAG_NOFREE, strptr:&itti_dump_file,		defstrval:"/tmp/itti.dump",	   TYPE_STRING,   0},			   \
 {"U" ,  		  	 CONFIG_HLP_UE, 	PARAMFLAG_BOOL,   i8ptr:&UE_flag,			defintval:0,			   TYPE_INT8,	  0},			   \