diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/config.c b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/config.c
index 8e266b920f14ba6bab3652f530c959d851481c9a..69fb7731e35574ce1ec2e2a50770cad20a08f5e4 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/config.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/config.c
@@ -1384,58 +1384,92 @@ rrc_mac_config_req_ue(
         UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sourceL2Id = *sourceL2Id;
         LOG_I(MAC,"[UE %d] Configure source L2Id 0x%08x \n", Mod_idP, *sourceL2Id );
-     if (destinationL2Id) {
-        j = 0;
-        k = 0;
-        LOG_I(MAC,"[UE %d] Configure destination L2Id 0x%08x\n", Mod_idP, *destinationL2Id );
-        for (k=0; k< MAX_NUM_DEST; k++) {
-           if ((UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].destinationList[k] == 0) && (j == 0)) j = k+1;
-           if (UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].destinationList[k] == *destinationL2Id) break; //destination already exists!
-        }
-        if ((k == MAX_NUM_DEST) && (j > 0)) {
-           UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].destinationList[j-1] = *destinationL2Id;
-          // UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].numCommFlows++;
-        }
-        for (k=0; k< MAX_NUM_DEST; k++) {
-           LOG_I(MAC,"[UE %d] destination %d L2Id 0x%08x\n", Mod_idP,k,UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].destinationList[k] );
-        }
-     }
-     if (groupL2Id) {
-        j = 0;
-        k = 0;
-        LOG_I(MAC,"[UE %d] Configure group L2Id 0x%08x\n", Mod_idP, *groupL2Id );
-        for (k=0; k< MAX_NUM_DEST; k++) {
-           if ((UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].groupList[k] == 0) && (j == 0)) j = k+1;
-           if (UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].groupList[k] == *groupL2Id) break; //group already exists!
-        }
-        if ((k == MAX_NUM_DEST) && (j > 0)) {
-           UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].groupList[j-1] = *groupL2Id;
-          // UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].numCommFlows++;
-        }
-        for (k=0; k< MAX_NUM_DEST; k++) {
-           LOG_I(MAC,"[UE %d] group %d L2Id 0x%08x\n", Mod_idP,k,UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].groupList[k] );
-        }
-     }
-     //store list of LCIDs for SL
-     if (logicalChannelIdentity >0 ){
-        j = 0;
-        k = 0;
-        for (k=0; k< MAX_NUM_LCID; k++) {
-           if ((UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].SL_LCID[k] == 0) && (j == 0)) j = k+1;
-           if (UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].SL_LCID[k] == logicalChannelIdentity) break; //LCID already exists!
-        }
-        if ((k == MAX_NUM_LCID) && (j > 0)) {
-           UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].SL_LCID[j-1] = logicalChannelIdentity;
-           UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].numCommFlows++;
+     //store list of (S,D,G,LCID) for SL
+     if ((logicalChannelIdentity > 0) && (logicalChannelIdentity < MAX_NUM_LCID_DATA)) {
+        if (groupL2Id){
+           LOG_I(MAC,"[UE %d] Configure group L2Id 0x%08x\n", Mod_idP, *groupL2Id );
+           j = 0;
+           k = 0;
+           for (k=0; k< MAX_NUM_LCID_DATA; k++) {
+              if ((UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[k].LCID == 0) && (j == 0)) j = k+1;
+              if ((UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[k].LCID == logicalChannelIdentity) && (UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[k].groupL2Id == *groupL2Id)) break; //(LCID, G) already exists!
+           }
+           if ((k == MAX_NUM_LCID_DATA) && (j > 0)) {
+              UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[j-1].LCID = logicalChannelIdentity;
+              UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[j-1].groupL2Id = *groupL2Id;
+              UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].numCommFlows++;
+           }
+           for (k=0; k< MAX_NUM_LCID_DATA; k++) {
+              LOG_I(MAC,"[UE %d] logical channel %d channel id %d, groupL2Id %d\n", Mod_idP,k,UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[k].LCID, UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[k].groupL2Id );
+           }
-        for (k=0; k< MAX_NUM_LCID; k++) {
-           LOG_I(MAC,"[UE %d] logical channel %d channel id %d\n", Mod_idP,k,UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].SL_LCID[k] );
+        if (destinationL2Id){
+           LOG_I(MAC,"[UE %d] Configure destination L2Id 0x%08x\n", Mod_idP, *destinationL2Id );
+           j = 0;
+           k = 0;
+           for (k=0; k< MAX_NUM_LCID_DATA; k++) {
+              if ((UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[k].LCID == 0) && (j == 0)) j = k+1;
+              if ((UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[k].LCID == logicalChannelIdentity) && (UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[k].destinationL2Id == *destinationL2Id)) break; //(LCID, D) already exists!
+           }
+           if ((k == MAX_NUM_LCID_DATA) && (j > 0)) {
+              UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[j-1].LCID = logicalChannelIdentity;
+              UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[j-1].destinationL2Id = *destinationL2Id;
+              UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].numCommFlows++;
+           }
+           for (k=0; k< MAX_NUM_LCID_DATA; k++) {
+              LOG_I(MAC,"[UE %d] logical channel %d channel id %d, destinationL2Id %d\n", Mod_idP,k,UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[k].LCID, UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[k].destinationL2Id);
+           }
+     } else if ((logicalChannelIdentity >= MAX_NUM_LCID_DATA) && (logicalChannelIdentity < MAX_NUM_LCID)) {
+        if (destinationL2Id){
+                   LOG_I(MAC,"[UE %d] Configure destination L2Id 0x%08x for PC5S\n", Mod_idP, *destinationL2Id );
+                   j = 0;
+                   k = 0;
+                   for (k=MAX_NUM_LCID_DATA; k< MAX_NUM_LCID; k++) {
+                      if ((UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[k].LCID == 0) && (j == 0)) j = k+1;
+                      if ((UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[k].LCID == logicalChannelIdentity) && (UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[k].destinationL2Id == *destinationL2Id)) break; //(LCID, D) already exists!
+                   }
+                   if ((k == MAX_NUM_LCID) && (j > 0)) {
+                      UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[j-1].LCID = logicalChannelIdentity;
+                      UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[j-1].destinationL2Id = *destinationL2Id;
+                      UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].numCommFlows++;
+                   }
+                   for (k=MAX_NUM_LCID_DATA; k< MAX_NUM_LCID; k++) {
+                      LOG_I(MAC,"[UE %d] logical channel %d channel id %d, destinationL2Id %d\n", Mod_idP,k,UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[k].LCID, UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[k].destinationL2Id);
+                   }
+                }
-     //TODO
+     // OK for the moment since LCID is unique per flow
+     if ((logicalChannelIdentity > 0) && (logicalChannelIdentity < MAX_NUM_LCID_DATA)) {
+        LOG_I(MAC,"[UE %d] Remove (logicalChannelIdentity %d)\n", Mod_idP, logicalChannelIdentity );
+             k = 0;
+             for (k = 0; k < MAX_NUM_LCID_DATA; k++) {
+                if (UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[k].LCID == logicalChannelIdentity) {
+                   UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[k].LCID = 0;
+                   UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[k].destinationL2Id = 0;
+                   UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[k].groupL2Id = 0;
+                   UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].numCommFlows--;
+                   break;
+                }
+             }
+             for (k = 0; k < MAX_NUM_LCID_DATA; k++) {
+                LOG_I(MAC,"[UE %d] channel id %d, destinationL2Id %d, groupL2Id %d\n", Mod_idP, UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[k].LCID, UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[k].destinationL2Id, UE_mac_inst[Mod_idP].sl_info[k].groupL2Id);
+             }
+          } else if ((logicalChannelIdentity >= MAX_NUM_LCID_DATA) && (logicalChannelIdentity < MAX_NUM_LCID)) {
+             //Todo - remove RBID for PCS5
+          }
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/defs.h b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/defs.h
index fab9715942499962f29a98102ff6dd73e4ea605b..bc7134d94b1dcfd7023d55f495fa781a4e8ad62a 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/defs.h
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/defs.h
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@
 #define LCGID3 3
 /*!\brief Maximum number of logical chanels */
 #define MAX_NUM_LCID 11
+#define MAX_NUM_LCID_DATA 8
 /*!\brief Maximum number od control elemenets */
 #define MAX_NUM_CE 5
 /*!\brief Maximum number of random access process */
@@ -1294,6 +1295,16 @@ typedef struct {
   // Bucket size per lcid
   int16_t bucket_size[MAX_NUM_LCID];
+typedef struct {
+   //SL groupL2Id
+   uint32_t groupL2Id;
+   //SL destinationL2Id
+   uint32_t destinationL2Id;
+   //LCID
+   uint32_t  LCID;
 /*!\brief Top level UE MAC structure */
 typedef struct {
   uint16_t Node_id;
@@ -1342,12 +1353,9 @@ typedef struct {
   uint32_t groupL2Id;
   //SL destinationL2Id
   uint32_t destinationL2Id;
-  //List of destinations (unicast)
-  uint32_t destinationList[MAX_NUM_DEST];
-  //List of group (multicast)
-  uint32_t groupList[MAX_NUM_DEST];
   uint8_t numCommFlows;
-  uint32_t  SL_LCID[MAX_NUM_LCID];
+  //list of (SLID, G, D)s
+  SL_INFO sl_info[MAX_NUM_LCID];
   /// pointer to TDD Configuration (NULL for FDD)
diff --git a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/ue_procedures.c b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/ue_procedures.c
index a957c9ba621175c92cd7faae9bb39f3a55f74501..2e200a1680161eb83008086a89f0e02baa835962 100644
--- a/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/ue_procedures.c
+++ b/openair2/LAYER2/MAC/ue_procedures.c
@@ -773,17 +773,17 @@ void ue_send_sl_sdu(module_id_t module_idP,
   LOG_D( MAC, "[DestinationL2Id:  0x%08x]  \n", destinationL2Id );
   //in case of 1-n communication, verify that UE belongs to that group
   int i = 0;
-  for (i=0; i< MAX_NUM_DEST; i++)
-     if (UE_mac_inst[module_idP].groupList[i] == destinationL2Id) break;
+  for (i=0; i< MAX_NUM_LCID; i++)
+     if (UE_mac_inst[module_idP].sl_info[i].groupL2Id == destinationL2Id) break;
   int j = 0;
-  for (j=0; j< MAX_NUM_DEST; j++)
-       if (UE_mac_inst[module_idP].destinationList[j] == sourceL2Id) break;
+  for (j=0; j< MAX_NUM_LCID; j++)
+            if (UE_mac_inst[module_idP].sl_info[j].destinationL2Id == sourceL2Id) break;
   //match the destinationL2Id with UE L2Id or groupL2ID
-  if (!(((destinationL2Id == UE_mac_inst[module_idP].sourceL2Id) && (j < MAX_NUM_DEST)) | ((destinationL2Id == UE_mac_inst[module_idP].sourceL2Id) && (longh->LCID == 10)) | (i < MAX_NUM_DEST))){
-     LOG_D( MAC, "[Destination Id is neither matched with Source Id nor with Group Id, drop the packet!!! \n");
-     return;
-  }
+    if (!(((destinationL2Id == UE_mac_inst[module_idP].sourceL2Id) && (j < MAX_NUM_LCID)) | ((destinationL2Id == UE_mac_inst[module_idP].sourceL2Id) && (longh->LCID >= MAX_NUM_LCID_DATA)) | (i < MAX_NUM_LCID))){
+       LOG_D( MAC, "[Destination Id is neither matched with Source Id nor with Group Id, drop the packet!!! \n");
+       return;
+    }
   if (longh->F==1) {
@@ -2807,7 +2807,7 @@ SLSCH_t *ue_get_slsch(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_id,frame_t frameP,sub_frame_
    LOG_D(MAC,"Checking SLSCH for absSF %d\n",absSF);
    if ((absSF%40) == 0) { // fill PSCCH data later in first subframe of SL period
       ue->sltx_active = 0;
       for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_LCID; i++){
          if (ue->SL_LCID[i] > 0) {
             for (int j = 0; j < ue->numCommFlows; j++){
@@ -2843,6 +2843,42 @@ SLSCH_t *ue_get_slsch(module_id_t module_idP,int CC_id,frame_t frameP,sub_frame_
          if ( ue->sltx_active == 1) break;
+      */
+      for (i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_LCID; i++){
+               if (ue->sl_info[i].LCID > 0) {
+                  for (int j = 0; j < ue->numCommFlows; j++){
+                     if ((ue->sourceL2Id > 0) && (ue->sl_info[j].destinationL2Id >0) ){
+                        rlc_status = mac_rlc_status_ind(module_idP, 0x1234,0,frameP,subframeP,ENB_FLAG_NO,MBMS_FLAG_NO,
+                              ue->sl_info[i].LCID, 0xFFFF, ue->sourceL2Id, ue->sl_info[j].destinationL2Id );
+                        if (rlc_status.bytes_in_buffer > 2){
+                           LOG_I(MAC,"SFN.SF %d.%d: Scheduling for %d bytes in Sidelink buffer\n",frameP,subframeP,rlc_status.bytes_in_buffer);
+                           // Fill in group id for off-network communications
+                           ue->sltx_active = 1;
+                           //store LCID, destinationL2Id
+                           ue->slsch_lcid =  ue->sl_info[i].LCID;
+                           ue->destinationL2Id = ue->sl_info[j].destinationL2Id;
+                           break;
+                        }
+                     }
+                     if ((ue->sourceL2Id > 0) && (ue->sl_info[j].groupL2Id >0) ){
+                        rlc_status = mac_rlc_status_ind(module_idP, 0x1234,0,frameP,subframeP,ENB_FLAG_NO,MBMS_FLAG_NO,
+                              ue->sl_info[i].LCID, 0xFFFF, ue->sourceL2Id, ue->sl_info[j].groupL2Id);
+                        if (rlc_status.bytes_in_buffer > 2){
+                           LOG_I(MAC,"SFN.SF %d.%d: Scheduling for %d bytes in Sidelink buffer\n",frameP,subframeP,rlc_status.bytes_in_buffer);
+                           // Fill in group id for off-network communications
+                           ue->sltx_active = 1;
+                           //store LCID, destinationL2Id
+                           ue->slsch_lcid =  ue->sl_info[i].LCID;
+                           ue->destinationL2Id = ue->sl_info[j].groupL2Id;
+                           break;
+                        }
+                     }
+                  }
+               }
+               if ( ue->sltx_active == 1) break;
+            }
    } // we're not in the SCCH period
    else if (((absSF & 3) == 0 ) &&
          (ue->sltx_active == 1)) { // every 4th subframe, check for new data from RLC
diff --git a/openair2/RRC/LITE/defs.h b/openair2/RRC/LITE/defs.h
index a08984d1c2b28812ae3654a481a70dabeeb6b0fb..93728d22120c1289c8358d79342d6c0ca0cc8df2 100644
--- a/openair2/RRC/LITE/defs.h
+++ b/openair2/RRC/LITE/defs.h
@@ -84,13 +84,13 @@
-#define PC5S_ESTABLISH_REQ                  9
-#define PC5S_ESTABLISH_RSP                  10
-#define PC5_DISCOVERY_MESSAGE          	  11
+#define PC5S_ESTABLISH_REQ                  11
+#define PC5S_ESTABLISH_RSP                  12
+#define PC5_DISCOVERY_MESSAGE               13
+#define PC5_DISCOVERY_PAYLOAD_SIZE	        29
 typedef enum {
@@ -140,6 +140,10 @@ typedef struct  {
    uint32_t measuredPower;
 }  __attribute__((__packed__)) PC5DiscoveryMessage ;
+typedef enum {
+} Direct_Communication_Status_t;
 struct sidelink_ctrl_element {
    unsigned short type;
@@ -147,7 +151,7 @@ struct sidelink_ctrl_element {
       struct GroupCommunicationEstablishReq group_comm_establish_req;
       struct DirectCommunicationEstablishReq direct_comm_establish_req;
       Group_Communication_Status_t group_comm_release_rsp;
-      //struct DirectCommunicationReleaseReq  direct_comm_release_req;
+      Direct_Communication_Status_t direct_comm_release_rsp;
       SL_UE_STATE_t ue_state;
       int slrb_id;
       struct PC5SEstablishReq pc5s_establish_req;
@@ -741,10 +745,7 @@ typedef struct UE_RRC_INST_s {
   uint32_t groupL2Id;
   //current destination
   uint32_t destinationL2Id;
-  //List of destinations (unicast)
-  uint32_t destinationList[MAX_NUM_DEST];
-  //List of groups (multicast)
-  uint32_t groupList[MAX_NUM_DEST];
+  SL_INFO sl_info[MAX_NUM_LCID];
   SRB_INFO SL_Discovery[NB_CNX_UE];
diff --git a/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_UE.c b/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_UE.c
index 8e9f30d24fea5b947927b183df8cc4390a958fde..adf07c0fd55a8262374eb49f9e0254376d281952 100644
--- a/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_UE.c
+++ b/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_UE.c
@@ -5478,6 +5478,7 @@ void *rrc_control_socket_thread_fct(void *arg)
    long                               *logicalchannelgroup_drb          = NULL;
    int j = 0;
    int i = 0;
+   int slrb_id =0;
    //from the main program, listen for the incoming messages from control socket (ProSe App)
    prose_addr_len = sizeof(prose_app_addr);
@@ -5543,7 +5544,7 @@ void *rrc_control_socket_thread_fct(void *arg)
          sourceL2Id = sl_ctrl_msg_recv->sidelinkPrimitive.group_comm_establish_req.sourceL2Id;
          groupL2Id = sl_ctrl_msg_recv->sidelinkPrimitive.group_comm_establish_req.groupL2Id;
-         int group_comm_rbid = 4;
+         int group_comm_rbid = 0;
          LOG_I(RRC,"[GroupCommunicationEstablishReq] Received on socket from ProSe App (msg type: %d)\n",sl_ctrl_msg_recv->type);
@@ -5557,11 +5558,24 @@ void *rrc_control_socket_thread_fct(void *arg)
          UE_rrc_inst[module_id].groupL2Id = groupL2Id;
          j = 0;
          i = 0;
-         for (i=0; i< MAX_NUM_DEST; i++) {
-            if ((UE_rrc_inst[module_id].groupList[i] == 0) && (j == 0)) j = i+1;
-            if (UE_rrc_inst[module_id].groupList[i] == groupL2Id) break; //group already exists!
+         //get available rbid for this communication and store (LCID, G)
+         if (groupL2Id > 0){
+            for (i=0; i< MAX_NUM_LCID_DATA; i++) {
+               if ((UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[i].LCID == 0) && (j == 0)) j = i+1;
+               if (UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[i].groupL2Id == groupL2Id) {
+                  group_comm_rbid =  UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[i].LCID;
+                  LOG_I(RRC,"[GroupCommunicationEstablishReq] rbid %d for group Id: 0x%08x\n already exists",group_comm_rbid, UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[i].groupL2Id );
+                  break; //(LCID, G) already exists!
+               }
+            }
+            if ((i == MAX_NUM_LCID_DATA) && (j > 0)) {
+               UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[j-1].LCID = (j-1)+3;
+               group_comm_rbid =  UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[j-1].LCID;
+               UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[j-1].groupL2Id = groupL2Id;
+               LOG_I(RRC,"[GroupCommunicationEstablishReq] establish rbid %d for group Id: 0x%08x\n",group_comm_rbid, UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[j-1].groupL2Id );
+            }
-         if ((i == MAX_NUM_DEST) && (j > 0))  UE_rrc_inst[module_id].groupList[j-1] = groupL2Id;
          // configure lower layers PDCP/MAC/PHY for this communication
          //Establish a new RBID/LCID for this communication
@@ -5725,10 +5739,24 @@ void *rrc_control_socket_thread_fct(void *arg)
          LOG_I(RRC,"[GroupCommunicationReleaseRequest] Received on socket from ProSe App (msg type: %d)\n",sl_ctrl_msg_recv->type);
          LOG_I(RRC,"[GroupCommunicationReleaseRequest] Slrb Id: %i\n",sl_ctrl_msg_recv->sidelinkPrimitive.slrb_id);
+         slrb_id = sl_ctrl_msg_recv->sidelinkPrimitive.slrb_id;
          //reset groupL2ID from MAC LAYER
          UE_rrc_inst[module_id].groupL2Id = 0x00000000;
          sourceL2Id = UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sourceL2Id;
+         //find the corresponding record and reset the values
+         if (slrb_id > 0){
+            for (i=0; i< MAX_NUM_LCID_DATA; i++) {
+               if (UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[i].LCID == slrb_id) {
+                  UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[i].LCID = 0;
+                  LOG_I(RRC,"[GroupCommunicationReleaseRequest] rbid %d for group Id: 0x%08x\n has been removed",slrb_id, UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[i].groupL2Id );
+                  UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[i].groupL2Id = 0x00;
+                  break;
+               }
+            }
+         }
          rrc_mac_config_req_ue(module_id,0,0, //eNB_index =0
                     (RadioResourceConfigCommonSIB_t *)NULL,
                     (struct PhysicalConfigDedicated *)NULL,
@@ -5738,7 +5766,7 @@ void *rrc_control_socket_thread_fct(void *arg)
                     (MeasObjectToAddMod_t **)NULL,
                     (MAC_MainConfig_t *)NULL,
-                    0,
+                    slrb_id,
                     (struct LogicalChannelConfig *)NULL,
                     (MeasGapConfig_t *)NULL,
                     (TDD_Config_t *)NULL,
@@ -5763,7 +5791,7 @@ void *rrc_control_socket_thread_fct(void *arg)
          #if defined(Rel10) || defined(Rel14)
-                    &destinationL2Id,
+                    NULL,
@@ -5774,15 +5802,8 @@ void *rrc_control_socket_thread_fct(void *arg)
          sl_ctrl_msg_send = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sidelink_ctrl_element));
          sl_ctrl_msg_send->type = GROUP_COMMUNICATION_RELEASE_RSP;
-         //if the requested id exists -> release this ID
-         if (sl_ctrl_msg_recv->sidelinkPrimitive.slrb_id == slrb_id) {
-            sl_ctrl_msg_send->sidelinkPrimitive.group_comm_release_rsp = GROUP_COMMUNICATION_RELEASE_OK;
-            // pthread_mutex_lock(&slrb_mutex);
-            slrb_id = 0; //Reset slrb_id
-            //pthread_mutex_unlock(&slrb_mutex);
-         } else {
-            sl_ctrl_msg_send->sidelinkPrimitive.group_comm_release_rsp = GROUP_COMMUNICATION_RELEASE_FAILURE;
-         }
+         sl_ctrl_msg_send->sidelinkPrimitive.group_comm_release_rsp = GROUP_COMMUNICATION_RELEASE_OK;
          memcpy((void *)send_buf, (void *)sl_ctrl_msg_send, sizeof(struct sidelink_ctrl_element));
@@ -5798,7 +5819,7 @@ void *rrc_control_socket_thread_fct(void *arg)
          sourceL2Id = sl_ctrl_msg_recv->sidelinkPrimitive.direct_comm_establish_req.sourceL2Id;
          destinationL2Id = sl_ctrl_msg_recv->sidelinkPrimitive.direct_comm_establish_req.destinationL2Id;
-         int direct_comm_rbid = 3;
+         int direct_comm_rbid = 0;
          LOG_I(RRC,"[DirectCommunicationEstablishReq] Received on socket from ProSe App (msg type: %d)\n",sl_ctrl_msg_recv->type);
@@ -5810,11 +5831,25 @@ void *rrc_control_socket_thread_fct(void *arg)
          UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sourceL2Id = sourceL2Id;
          i = 0;
          j = 0;
-         for (i=0; i< MAX_NUM_DEST; i++) {
-            if ((UE_rrc_inst[module_id].destinationList[i] == 0) && (j == 0)) j = i+1;
-            if (UE_rrc_inst[module_id].destinationList[i] == destinationL2Id) break; //destination already exists!
+         //get available rbid for this communication and store (LCID, D)
+         if (destinationL2Id >0){
+            for (i=0; i< MAX_NUM_LCID_DATA; i++) {
+               if ((UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[i].LCID == 0) && (j == 0)) j = i+1;
+               if (UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[i].destinationL2Id == destinationL2Id) {
+                  direct_comm_rbid =  UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[i].LCID;
+                  LOG_I(RRC,"[DirectCommunicationEstablishReq] rbid %d for destination Id: 0x%08x already exists!\n",direct_comm_rbid, UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[i].destinationL2Id );
+                  break; //(LCID, D) already exists!
+               }
+            }
+            if ((i == MAX_NUM_LCID_DATA) && (j > 0)) {
+               UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[j-1].LCID = (j-1)+3;
+               direct_comm_rbid =  UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[j-1].LCID;
+               UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[j-1].destinationL2Id = destinationL2Id;
+               LOG_I(RRC,"[DirectCommunicationEstablishReq] establish rbid %d for destination Id: 0x%08x\n",direct_comm_rbid, UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[j-1].destinationL2Id );
+            }
-         if ((i == MAX_NUM_DEST) && (j > 0))  UE_rrc_inst[module_id].destinationList[j-1] = destinationL2Id;
          // configure lower layers PDCP/MAC/PHY for this communication
          //Establish a new RBID/LCID for this communication
@@ -5972,10 +6007,92 @@ void *rrc_control_socket_thread_fct(void *arg)
+          printf("-----------------------------------\n");
+          LOG_I(RRC,"[DirectCommunicationReleaseRequest] Received on socket from ProSe App (msg type: %d)\n",sl_ctrl_msg_recv->type);
+          LOG_I(RRC,"[DirectCommunicationReleaseRequest] Slrb Id: %i\n",sl_ctrl_msg_recv->sidelinkPrimitive.slrb_id);
+ #endif
+          slrb_id = sl_ctrl_msg_recv->sidelinkPrimitive.slrb_id;
+          //reset groupL2ID from MAC LAYER
+          UE_rrc_inst[module_id].destinationL2Id = 0x00000000;
+          sourceL2Id = UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sourceL2Id;
+          //find the corresponding record and reset the values
+          if (slrb_id > 0){
+             for (i=0; i< MAX_NUM_LCID_DATA; i++) {
+                if (UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[i].LCID == slrb_id) {
+                   UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[i].LCID = 0;
+                   LOG_I(RRC,"[GroupCommunicationReleaseRequest] rbid %d for destination Id: 0x%08x\n has been removed",slrb_id, UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[i].destinationL2Id );
+                   UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[i].destinationL2Id = 0x00;
+                   break;
+                }
+             }
+          }
+          rrc_mac_config_req_ue(module_id,0,0, //eNB_index =0
+                     (RadioResourceConfigCommonSIB_t *)NULL,
+                     (struct PhysicalConfigDedicated *)NULL,
+          #if defined(Rel10) || defined(Rel14)
+                     (SCellToAddMod_r10_t *)NULL,
+                     //struct PhysicalConfigDedicatedSCell_r10 *physicalConfigDedicatedSCell_r10,
+          #endif
+                     (MeasObjectToAddMod_t **)NULL,
+                     (MAC_MainConfig_t *)NULL,
+                     slrb_id,
+                     (struct LogicalChannelConfig *)NULL,
+                     (MeasGapConfig_t *)NULL,
+                     (TDD_Config_t *)NULL,
+                     (MobilityControlInfo_t *)NULL,
+                     NULL,
+                     NULL,
+                     NULL,
+                     NULL,
+                     NULL,
+                     NULL
+          #if defined(Rel10) || defined(Rel14)
+                     ,0,
+                     (MBSFN_AreaInfoList_r9_t *)NULL,
+                     (PMCH_InfoList_r9_t *)NULL
+          #endif
+          #ifdef CBA
+                     ,
+                     0,
+                     0
+          #endif
+          #if defined(Rel10) || defined(Rel14)
+                     ,CONFIG_ACTION_REMOVE,
+                     &sourceL2Id,
+                     NULL,
+                     NULL
+          #endif
+                     );
+          LOG_I(RRC,"Send DirectCommunicationReleaseResponse to ProSe App \n");
+          memset(send_buf, 0, BUFSIZE);
+          sl_ctrl_msg_send = calloc(1, sizeof(struct sidelink_ctrl_element));
+          sl_ctrl_msg_send->type = DIRECT_COMMUNICATION_RELEASE_RSP;
+          sl_ctrl_msg_send->sidelinkPrimitive.direct_comm_release_rsp = DIRECT_COMMUNICATION_RELEASE_OK;
+          memcpy((void *)send_buf, (void *)sl_ctrl_msg_send, sizeof(struct sidelink_ctrl_element));
+          free(sl_ctrl_msg_send);
+          prose_addr_len = sizeof(prose_app_addr);
+          n = sendto(ctrl_sock_fd, (char *)send_buf, sizeof(struct sidelink_ctrl_element), 0, (struct sockaddr *)&prose_app_addr, prose_addr_len);
+          if (n < 0){
+             LOG_E(RRC, "ERROR: Failed to send to ProSe App\n");
+             exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+          }
+          break;
       case PC5S_ESTABLISH_REQ:
          type =  sl_ctrl_msg_recv->sidelinkPrimitive.pc5s_establish_req.type;
          sourceL2Id = sl_ctrl_msg_recv->sidelinkPrimitive.pc5s_establish_req.sourceL2Id;
-         int pc5s_rbid = 10;
+         int pc5s_rbid = 0;
          LOG_I(RRC,"[PC5EstablishReq] Received on socket from ProSe App (msg type: %d)\n",sl_ctrl_msg_recv->type);
          LOG_I(RRC,"[PC5EstablishReq] type: %d\n",sl_ctrl_msg_recv->sidelinkPrimitive.pc5s_establish_req.type); //RX/TX
@@ -5993,18 +6110,32 @@ void *rrc_control_socket_thread_fct(void *arg)
             UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sourceL2Id = sourceL2Id;
             j = 0;
             i = 0;
-            for (i=0; i< MAX_NUM_DEST; i++) {
-               if ((UE_rrc_inst[module_id].destinationList[i] == 0) && (j == 0)) j = i+1;
-               if (UE_rrc_inst[module_id].destinationList[i] == destinationL2Id) break; //destination already exists!
+            if (destinationL2Id > 0){
+               for (i = MAX_NUM_LCID_DATA; i < MAX_NUM_LCID; i++) {
+                  if ((UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[i].LCID == 0) && (j == 0)) j = i+1;
+                  if (UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[i].destinationL2Id == destinationL2Id) {
+                     pc5s_rbid =  UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[i].LCID;
+                     LOG_I(RRC,"[PC5EstablishReq] rbid %d for destination Id: 0x%08x\n ",pc5s_rbid, UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[i].destinationL2Id );
+                     break; //(LCID, D) already exists!
+                  }
+               }
+               if ((i == MAX_NUM_LCID) && (j > 0)) {
+                  UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[j-1].LCID = (j-1);
+                  pc5s_rbid = UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[j-1].LCID;
+                  UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[j-1].destinationL2Id = destinationL2Id;
+                  LOG_I(RRC,"[PC5EstablishReq] establish rbid %d for destinationL2Id Id: 0x%08x\n",pc5s_rbid, UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sl_info[j-1].destinationL2Id );
+               }
-            if ((i == MAX_NUM_DEST) && (j > 0))  UE_rrc_inst[module_id].destinationList[j-1] = destinationL2Id;
          } else {//RX
             UE_rrc_inst[module_id].sourceL2Id = sourceL2Id;
          // configure lower layers PDCP/MAC/PHY for this communication
          //Establish a new RBID/LCID for this communication
-         // Establish a SLRB (using DRB 10 for now)
+         // Establish a SLRB (starting from 8 for now)
          UE  = &UE_rrc_inst[module_id];
          PROTOCOL_CTXT_SET_BY_MODULE_ID(&ctxt, 0, ENB_FLAG_NO, 0x1234, 0, 0,0);