/******************************************************************************* OpenAirInterface Copyright(c) 1999 - 2014 Eurecom OpenAirInterface is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. OpenAirInterface is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with OpenAirInterface.The full GNU General Public License is included in this distribution in the file called "COPYING". If not, see . Contact Information OpenAirInterface Admin: openair_admin@eurecom.fr OpenAirInterface Tech : openair_tech@eurecom.fr OpenAirInterface Dev : openair4g-devel@eurecom.fr Address : Eurecom, Compus SophiaTech 450, route des chappes, 06451 Biot, France. *******************************************************************************/ #include #include #include #include #include #include "assertions.h" #include "queue.h" #include "mme_config.h" #include "intertask_interface.h" #include "timer.h" #include "NwLog.h" #include "NwGtpv2c.h" #include "NwGtpv2cIe.h" #include "NwGtpv2cMsg.h" #include "sgw_lite_ie_defs.h" #include "s11_common.h" #include "s11_sgw.h" #include "s11_sgw_bearer_manager.h" #include "s11_sgw_session_manager.h" static NwGtpv2cStackHandleT s11_sgw_stack_handle; /* ULP callback for the GTPv2-C stack */ static NwRcT s11_sgw_ulp_process_stack_req_cb( NwGtpv2cUlpHandleT hUlp, NwGtpv2cUlpApiT *pUlpApi) { int ret = 0; DevAssert(pUlpApi != NULL); switch (pUlpApi->apiType) { case NW_GTPV2C_ULP_API_INITIAL_REQ_IND: S11_DEBUG("Received initial req indication\n"); switch (pUlpApi->apiInfo.initialReqIndInfo.msgType) { case NW_GTP_CREATE_SESSION_REQ: ret = s11_sgw_handle_create_session_request( &s11_sgw_stack_handle, pUlpApi); break; case NW_GTP_MODIFY_BEARER_REQ: ret = s11_sgw_handle_modify_bearer_request( &s11_sgw_stack_handle, pUlpApi); break; case NW_GTP_DELETE_SESSION_REQ: ret = s11_sgw_handle_delete_session_request( &s11_sgw_stack_handle, pUlpApi); break; default: S11_WARN("Received unhandled message type %d\n", pUlpApi->apiInfo.initialReqIndInfo.msgType); break; } break; default: S11_ERROR("Received unknown stack req message %d\n", pUlpApi->apiType); break; } return ret == -1 ? NW_FAILURE : NW_OK; } static NwRcT s11_sgw_send_udp_msg( NwGtpv2cUdpHandleT udpHandle, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t buffer_len, uint32_t peerIpAddr, uint32_t peerPort) { // Create and alloc new message MessageDef *message_p; udp_data_req_t *udp_data_req_p; int ret = 0; message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_S11, UDP_DATA_REQ); udp_data_req_p = &message_p->ittiMsg.udp_data_req; udp_data_req_p->peer_address = peerIpAddr; udp_data_req_p->peer_port = peerPort; udp_data_req_p->buffer = buffer; udp_data_req_p->buffer_length = buffer_len; ret = itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_UDP, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p); return ret == 0 ? NW_OK : NW_FAILURE; } static NwRcT s11_sgw_log_wrapper(NwGtpv2cLogMgrHandleT hLogMgr, uint32_t logLevel, NwCharT* file, uint32_t line, NwCharT* logStr) { S11_DEBUG("%s\n", logStr); return NW_OK; } static NwRcT s11_sgw_start_timer_wrapper( NwGtpv2cTimerMgrHandleT tmrMgrHandle, uint32_t timeoutSec, uint32_t timeoutUsec, uint32_t tmrType, void *timeoutArg, NwGtpv2cTimerHandleT *hTmr) { long timer_id; int ret = 0; if (tmrType == NW_GTPV2C_TMR_TYPE_REPETITIVE) { ret = timer_setup(timeoutSec, timeoutUsec, TASK_S11, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, TIMER_PERIODIC, timeoutArg, &timer_id); } else { ret = timer_setup(timeoutSec, timeoutUsec, TASK_S11, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, TIMER_ONE_SHOT, timeoutArg, &timer_id); } return ret == 0 ? NW_OK : NW_FAILURE; } static NwRcT s11_sgw_stop_timer_wrapper( NwGtpv2cTimerMgrHandleT tmrMgrHandle, NwGtpv2cTimerHandleT tmrHandle) { int ret; long timer_id; timer_id = (long)tmrHandle; ret = timer_remove(timer_id); //TODO return ret == 0 ? NW_OK : NW_FAILURE; } static void *s11_sgw_thread(void *args) { itti_mark_task_ready(TASK_S11); while(1) { MessageDef *received_message_p = NULL; itti_receive_msg(TASK_S11, &received_message_p); assert(received_message_p != NULL); switch (ITTI_MSG_ID(received_message_p)) { case UDP_DATA_IND: { /* We received new data to handle from the UDP layer */ NwRcT rc; udp_data_ind_t *udp_data_ind; udp_data_ind = &received_message_p->ittiMsg.udp_data_ind; S11_DEBUG("Processing new data indication from UDP\n"); rc = nwGtpv2cProcessUdpReq(s11_sgw_stack_handle, udp_data_ind->buffer, udp_data_ind->buffer_length, udp_data_ind->peer_port, udp_data_ind->peer_address); DevAssert(rc == NW_OK); } break; case SGW_CREATE_SESSION_RESPONSE: { S11_DEBUG("Received create session response from S-PGW APP\n"); s11_sgw_handle_create_session_response( &s11_sgw_stack_handle, &received_message_p->ittiMsg.sgwCreateSessionResponse); } break; case SGW_MODIFY_BEARER_RESPONSE: { S11_DEBUG("Received modify bearer response from S-PGW APP\n"); s11_sgw_handle_modify_bearer_response( &s11_sgw_stack_handle, &received_message_p->ittiMsg.sgwModifyBearerResponse); } break; case SGW_DELETE_SESSION_RESPONSE: { S11_DEBUG("Received delete session response from S-PGW APP\n"); s11_sgw_handle_delete_session_response( &s11_sgw_stack_handle, &received_message_p->ittiMsg.sgwDeleteSessionResponse); } break; case TIMER_HAS_EXPIRED: { S11_DEBUG("Processing timeout for timer_id 0x%lx and arg %p\n", received_message_p->ittiMsg.timer_has_expired.timer_id, received_message_p->ittiMsg.timer_has_expired.arg); DevAssert(nwGtpv2cProcessTimeout(received_message_p->ittiMsg.timer_has_expired.arg) == NW_OK); } break; default: { S11_ERROR("Unkwnon message ID %d:%s\n", ITTI_MSG_ID(received_message_p), ITTI_MSG_NAME(received_message_p)); } break; } itti_free(ITTI_MSG_ORIGIN_ID(received_message_p), received_message_p); received_message_p = NULL; } return NULL; } static int s11_send_init_udp(char *address, uint16_t port_number) { MessageDef *message_p; message_p = itti_alloc_new_message(TASK_S11, UDP_INIT); if (message_p == NULL) { return -1; } message_p->ittiMsg.udp_init.port = port_number; //LG message_p->ittiMsg.udpInit.address = ""; //ANY address message_p->ittiMsg.udp_init.address = address; S11_DEBUG("Tx UDP_INIT IP addr %s\n", message_p->ittiMsg.udp_init.address); return itti_send_msg_to_task(TASK_UDP, INSTANCE_DEFAULT, message_p); } int s11_sgw_init(const mme_config_t *mme_config_p) { int ret = 0; NwGtpv2cUlpEntityT ulp; NwGtpv2cUdpEntityT udp; NwGtpv2cTimerMgrEntityT tmrMgr; NwGtpv2cLogMgrEntityT logMgr; struct in_addr addr; char *s11_address_str = NULL; S11_DEBUG("Initializing S11 interface\n"); if (nwGtpv2cInitialize(&s11_sgw_stack_handle) != NW_OK) { S11_ERROR("Failed to initialize gtpv2-c stack\n"); goto fail; } /* Set ULP entity */ ulp.hUlp = (NwGtpv2cUlpHandleT)NULL; ulp.ulpReqCallback = s11_sgw_ulp_process_stack_req_cb; DevAssert(NW_OK == nwGtpv2cSetUlpEntity(s11_sgw_stack_handle, &ulp)); /* Set UDP entity */ udp.hUdp = (NwGtpv2cUdpHandleT)NULL; udp.udpDataReqCallback = s11_sgw_send_udp_msg; DevAssert(NW_OK == nwGtpv2cSetUdpEntity(s11_sgw_stack_handle, &udp)); /* Set Timer entity */ tmrMgr.tmrMgrHandle = (NwGtpv2cTimerMgrHandleT)NULL; tmrMgr.tmrStartCallback = s11_sgw_start_timer_wrapper; tmrMgr.tmrStopCallback = s11_sgw_stop_timer_wrapper; DevAssert(NW_OK == nwGtpv2cSetTimerMgrEntity(s11_sgw_stack_handle, &tmrMgr)); logMgr.logMgrHandle = 0; logMgr.logReqCallback = s11_sgw_log_wrapper; DevAssert(NW_OK == nwGtpv2cSetLogMgrEntity(s11_sgw_stack_handle, &logMgr)); if (itti_create_task(TASK_S11, &s11_sgw_thread, NULL) < 0) { S11_ERROR("gtpv1u phtread_create: %s\n", strerror(errno)); goto fail; } DevAssert(NW_OK == nwGtpv2cSetLogLevel(s11_sgw_stack_handle, NW_LOG_LEVEL_DEBG)); config_read_lock(&mme_config); addr.s_addr = mme_config.ipv4.sgw_ip_address_for_S11; config_unlock(&mme_config); s11_address_str = inet_ntoa(addr); DevAssert(s11_address_str != NULL); s11_send_init_udp(s11_address_str, 2123); S11_DEBUG("Initializing S11 interface: DONE\n"); return ret; fail: S11_DEBUG("Initializing S11 interface: FAILURE\n"); return -1; }