Commit 106f3135 authored by Michele Paffetti's avatar Michele Paffetti

implementation of is_SIB1_NB and is_SIB23_NB function for SI scheduling...

implementation of is_SIB1_NB and is_SIB23_NB function for SI scheduling purposes (NB_mac_rrc_data_req_eNB), the code compile but still warning to be solved
parent 4f5cc15c
......@@ -92,6 +92,10 @@ typedef boolean_t srb1bis_flag_t;
typedef boolean_t mib_flag_t;
typedef enum link_direction_e {
......@@ -69,6 +69,14 @@ schedule_SI(
* Major changes for NB-IoT needed:
* - any DCI message is transmitted for the SI-Message deconding, but all the information are inside the SIB1
* (once know the SIB1 the UE in principle should also know the TBS of the SI-Message (given by the si-TB field in schedulingInfoList)
* -given the TBS of the SI-Message the corresponding number of consecutive DL subframes for the broadcast of the SI is given (TS 36.331 si-TB):
* if TBS = 56 or 120 bits --> transmission over 2-subframes
* for every other TBS size --> transmission over 8 subframe
int8_t bcch_sdu_length;
......@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@ typedef boolean_t srb1bis_flag_t;
#define SRB1BIS_FLAG_YES TRUE //defined in interTask-interface = 1
typedef boolean_t mib_flag_t;
mui_t mui=0;
//XXX MP: just temporary usage since i put in one single file all the primitives modified (but they should be relocated in the
......@@ -123,11 +127,11 @@ int NB_rrc_mac_config_req_eNB(
int i;
//int i;
int UE_id = -1;
//eNB_MAC_INST_NB *eNB = &eNB_mac_inst_NB[Mod_idP];
UE_list_NB_t *UE_list= &eNB_mac_inst_NB->UE_list;
//UE_list_NB_t *UE_list= &eNB_mac_inst_NB->UE_list;
......@@ -216,67 +220,25 @@ int NB_rrc_mac_config_req_eNB(
//defined in L2_interface
int npdsch_rep_to_array[3] ={4,8,16}; //TS 36.213 Table
int sib1_startFrame_to_array[4] = {0,16,32,48};//TS 36.213 Table
//function called by eNB_dlsch_ulsch_scheduler--> Schedule_SI (eNB_scheduler_bch) for getting the bcch_sdu_legnth (BCCH case for SIBs and MIB)
//Function called in schedule_RA for getting RRCConnectionSetup message (Msg4) length of rrc_sdu_length (CCCH case)
int8_t NB_mac_rrc_data_req_eNB(
const module_id_t Mod_idP,
const int CC_id,
boolean_t is_SIB1_NB(
const frame_t frameP,
const rb_id_t Srb_id,
uint8_t* const buffer_pP,
long schedulingInfoSIB1,//from the mib
int physCellId, //from the MAC instance-> common_channel
const frame_t h_frameP, //HSFN
long si_periodicity, //SI-periodicity
long si_windowLength //Si-windwolength
int physCellId //by configuration
SRB_INFO *Srb_info;
uint8_t Sdu_size=0;
uint32_t index = 0;
uint32_t sib1_startFrame;
uint8_t nb_rep=0; // number of sib1-nb repetitions within the 256 radio frames
uint32_t sib1_NB_period = 256; //from specs TS 36.331
#ifdef DEBUG_RRC
int i;
LOG_T(RRC,"[eNB %d] NB_mac_rrc_data_req_eNB to SRB ID=%d\n",Mod_idP,Srb_id);
//for the moment we assume that this function is called in subframe #4 for both SIB1-NB and SIB23-NB
//*is better to introduce the logic in another function: is SIB1-NB? is SIB23-NB?
if((Srb_id & RAB_OFFSET) == BCCH) { //schedule_SI case or MIB? put a flag??
//should be added the case of BCCH that return the size of the MIB-NB if subframe 0 --> add a flag?
if(eNB_rrc_inst_NB[Mod_idP].carrier[CC_id].SI.Active==0) {
return 0;
if(schedulingInfoSIB1 > 11 || schedulingInfoSIB1 < 0){
LOG_E(RRC, "schedulingInfoSIB1 value incorrect");
return 0;
uint32_t sib1_startFrame;
uint32_t sib1_NB_period = 256;//from specs TS 36.331 (rf)
uint8_t index;
int offset;
int period_nb; // the number of the actual period over the 1024 frames
/*check if SIBs are initialized*/ //FIXME check when both are initialize and if make sense to have it
if (eNB_rrc_inst_NB[Mod_idP].carrier[CC_id].sizeof_SIB1_NB == 255) {
LOG_E(RRC,"[eNB %d] MAC Request for SIB1-NB and SIB1-NB not initialized\n",Mod_idP);
mac_xface->macphy_exit("mac_rrc_data_req: MAC Request for SIB1-NB and SIB1-NB not initialized");
if (eNB_rrc_inst_NB[Mod_idP].carrier[CC_id].sizeof_SIB23_NB == 255) {
LOG_E(RRC,"[eNB %d] MAC Request for SIB23-NB and SIB23-NB not initialized\n",Mod_idP);
mac_xface->macphy_exit("mac_rrc_data_req: MAC Request for SIB23-NB and SIB23-NB not initialized");
......@@ -286,6 +248,8 @@ int8_t NB_mac_rrc_data_req_eNB(
* schedule with a periodicity of 2560 ms (256 Radio Frames) and repetitions (4, 8 or 16) are made, equally spaced
* within the 2560 ms period
* 0)find the SIB1-NB period over the 1024 frames in which the actual frame fall (FIXME check if every 1023 wrap around the frame in OAI)
* 1)from the schedulingInfoSIB1 of MIB-NB and the physCell_id we deduce the starting radio frame
* 2)check if the actual frame is after the staring radio frame
* 3)check if the actual frame is within a SIB1-transmission interval
......@@ -293,9 +257,15 @@ int8_t NB_mac_rrc_data_req_eNB(
* (if the starting frame is even (0,16,32,48) then SIB1-NB is transmitted in even frames, if starting frame is odd (1)
* we can state that SIB1-NB will be transmitted in every odd frame since repetitions are 16 in 256 radio frame period)
* *0) is necessary because at least i need to know in which of the even frames the repetition are -> is based on the offset
* *in 1023 frames there are exactly 4 period of SIB1-NB
//SIB1-NB period number
period_nb = (int) frameP/sib1_NB_period;
//number of repetitions
nb_rep = npdsch_rep_to_array[schedulingInfoSIB1%3];
......@@ -319,19 +289,18 @@ int8_t NB_mac_rrc_data_req_eNB(
LOG_E(RRC, "Number of repetitions %d not allowed", nb_rep);
return 0;
return FALSE;
//check the actual frame w.r.t SIB1-NB starting frame
//XXX--> it means that also is not possible to have scheduling of other sibs since their info are contained in sib1-NB???
if(frameP < sib1_startFrame){
LOG_T(RRC, 'the actual frame %d is before the SIB1-NB starting frame %d --> bcch_sdu_legnth = 0', frameP, sib1_startFrame);
return 0;
if(frameP < sib1_startFrame + period_nb*256){
LOG_T(RRC, "the actual frame %d is before the SIB1-NB starting frame %d of the period--> bcch_sdu_legnth = 0", frameP, sib1_startFrame + period_nb*256);
return FALSE;
//calculate offset between SIB1-NB repetitions
int offset = (sib1_NB_period-(16*nb_rep))/nb_rep;
//calculate offset between SIB1-NB repetitions (repetitions are equally spaced)
offset = (sib1_NB_period-(16*nb_rep))/nb_rep;
* possible offset results (even numbers):
* nb_rep= 4 ---> offset = 48
......@@ -339,41 +308,261 @@ int8_t NB_mac_rrc_data_req_eNB(
* nb_rep = 16 --> offset = 0
for( int i = 0; i < nb_rep; i++)
//find the correct sib1-nb repetition interval in which the actual frame is
index = sib1_startFrame+ i*(16+offset);
index = sib1_startFrame+ i*(16+offset) + period_nb*256;
if(frameP>= index && frameP <= (index+15)) //SIB1_NB transmission interval
//find if the actual frame is one of the "every other frame in 16 continuous frame" in which SIB1-NB is transmitted
if(sib1_startFrame%2 != 0){ // means that the starting frame was 1 --> sib1-NB is transmitted in every odd frame
if(frameP%2 == 1){
return TRUE;
//in all other starting frame cases SIB1-NB is transmitted in the even frames inside the corresponding repetition interval
if(frameP%2 == 0){ // SIB1-NB is transmitted
return TRUE;
if(index> frameP) // was not inside an interval of 16 radio frames for sib1-nb transmission
return 0;
return FALSE;
int si_windowLength_to_rf[7]={16,32,48,64,96,128,160}; //TS 36.331 v14.2.1 pag 587
int si_repPattern_to_nb[4]={2,4,8,16};
int si_period_to_nb[7]={64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096};
boolean_t is_SIB23_NB(
const frame_t frameP,
const frame_t h_frameP, // the HSFN (increased by 1 every SFN wrap around) (10 bits)
long si_period, //SI-periodicity (rf)
long si_windowLength_ms, //Si-windowlength (ms) XXX received as an enumerative (see the IE of SIB1-NB)
long* si_RadioFrameOffset, //Optional
long si_RepetitionPattern // is given as an Enumerated
long w_start; //start of the si-window
long nb_periods; // number of si_periodicity inside an HSFN (1024 rf)
long si_offset; // offset for the starting of the SI-window
long si_windowLength;
long si_pattern;
long hsfn_in_periodicity;
long si_periodicity;
* SIB23-NB (xxx should be decided if include the SIB3 or not)
* The entire scheduling of the SI-Message is given by SIB1-NB information
* Parameters:
* -si_windowlenght(w) (millisecond) (same for all SI messages)
* -si_radioFrameOffset (radio frame) (same for all SI messages) //optional
* -si_periodicity (T) (radioframe)
* -si_repetitionPattern (long)
* Staring of the SI-Window: (TS 36.331 ch 5.2.3a)
* >Since we have only 1 entry in the SchedulingInfoList (SIB23-NB) --> n=1
* >therefore x = (n-1)*w = 0
* >Staring subframe = #0
* >Starting Frame = (HSFN*1024 + SFN) mod T = FLOOR(x/10 = 0) + si_radioFrameOffset = si_radioFrameOffset
*0) get the si_period in frame and check if the actual frame is in an HSFN interval that will include an si-window
*0.1)check si_window value is not a spare and get the si_windowLength in radio frames
*0.2)check si-window length and si-periodicity relation make sense
*0.3) get the si_repetitionPattern
*0.4)Since the si_offset is optional, whenever is not defined we put to 0 that value otherwise we use the value defined
*1)consider the number of time of si_periodiciy within 1 HFSN (1024) because after SFN wrap around
*2)evaluate the start of the si_window and check over the nb_periodicity if the current frame is within one of them
*3)check is the si_offset is even or odd
*(due to the si_repetitionPattern that start from the first frame of the si_window used and any value is even)
*-if si_offset is even: the radio frame for SI-Transmission must be even (following the repPattern)
*-if si_offset is odd: the radio frame for the SI-Transmission must be odd (following the pattern)
*the starting frame (thanks to HSFN) is always between 0-1023 --> the working interval to be considered
*the nb_periods is not affected by the offset since maxOffset = 15 but the minPeriodicity = 64
if(si_period == SchedulingInfo_NB_r13__si_Periodicity_r13_spare)
LOG_E(RRC, "is_SIB23_NB: Invalid parameters in SIB1-NB --> si_periodicity not defined (spare value)\n");
return FALSE;
si_periodicity = si_period_to_nb[si_period];
//check if the actual frame is within an HSFN interval that will include si-window (relation with the si-periodicity)
//XXX this could happen when the si-periodicity is larger than a HSFN interval (1024 rf)
hsfn_in_periodicity = (int) si_periodicity/1024;
if(hsfn_in_periodicity > 1){//periodicity is larger than 1024rf (HSFN) and not in all the hsfn a transmission will occurr
if(h_frameP%hsfn_in_periodicity != 0)// is not an hsfn inside the periodicity in which a transmission will occurr
LOG_I(RRC, "the actual HSFN correspond to an interval in which a SIB23 transmission will not occurr\n");
return FALSE;
if(si_windowLength_ms == SystemInformationBlockType1_NB__si_WindowLength_r13_spare1){
LOG_E(RRC, "is_SIB23_NB: Invalid parameters in SIB1-NB --> si_windowLength not defined (spare value)\n");
return FALSE;
//get the si_window in Radio Frame
si_windowLength = si_windowLength_to_rf[si_windowLength_ms];
if(si_windowLength > si_periodicity){
LOG_E(RRC, "is_SIB23_NB: Invalid parameters in SIB1-NB --> si_windowLength > si_periodicity\n");
return FALSE;
//get the si_pattern
si_pattern = si_repPattern_to_nb[si_RepetitionPattern];
if(si_RadioFrameOffset == NULL)//is not defined
LOG_I(RRC, "si_RadioFrame offset was NULL --> set = 0\n");
si_offset = 0;
si_offset = *(si_RadioFrameOffset);
//check how many nb_of periods in 1 hsfn
if(si_periodicity >= 1024){
nb_periods = 1;
nb_periods = 1024L / si_periodicity; // can get: 16,8,4,2 based on si_peridicity values
for(int i = 0; i < nb_periods; i++) {
w_start = si_offset+(i*si_periodicity); //if si_periodicity >= 1024--> imax =0
if(frameP >= w_start && frameP <= w_start + si_windowLength -1)
//this implementation is quite inefficent --> loop through the si-window
for(int x= 0; x < si_windowLength/si_pattern; x++)
if(frameP == w_start +x*si_pattern)
return 1;
return 0; //the frame is in the si_window bu not belongs to the repetition pattern
if(w_start > frameP)// the frame is out of the si_window in the current period
return FALSE;
return FALSE;
//defined in L2_interface
//function called by eNB_dlsch_ulsch_scheduler--> Schedule_SI (eNB_scheduler_bch) for getting the bcch_sdu_legnth (BCCH case for SIBs and MIB)
//Function called in schedule_RA for getting RRCConnectionSetup message (Msg4) length of rrc_sdu_length (CCCH case)
//Function will be called by schedule_MIB??? when subframe#0
int8_t NB_mac_rrc_data_req_eNB(
const module_id_t Mod_idP,
const int CC_id,
const frame_t frameP,
const frame_t h_frameP,
const rb_id_t Srb_id,
uint8_t* const buffer_pP,
long schedulingInfoSIB1,//from the mib
int physCellId, //from the MAC instance-> common_channel
mib_flag_t mib_flag
SRB_INFO_NB *Srb_info;
uint8_t Sdu_size=0;
#ifdef DEBUG_RRC
int i;
LOG_T(RRC,"[eNB %d] NB_mac_rrc_data_req_eNB to SRB ID=%d\n",Mod_idP,Srb_id);
if((Srb_id & RAB_OFFSET) == BCCH){
// Requesting for the MIB-NB
if(mib_flag == MIB_FLAG_YES){
//XXX to be check when MIB-NB should be initialized
if (eNB_rrc_inst_NB[Mod_idP].carrier[CC_id].sizeof_MIB_NB == 255) {
LOG_E(RRC,"[eNB %d] MAC Request for MIB-NB and MIB-NB not initialized\n",Mod_idP);
mac_xface->macphy_exit("NB_mac_rrc_data_req_eNB: MAC Request for MIB-NB and MIB-NB not initialized");
//XXX RRC_MAC_BCCH_DATA_REQ message not implemented in MAC layer (eNB_scheduler.c under ITTI)
#ifdef DEBUG_RRC
LOG_T(RRC,"[eNB %d] Frame %d : BCCH request => SIB1_NB\n",Mod_idP,frameP);
LOG_T(RRC,"[eNB %d] Frame %d : BCCH request => MIB_NB\n",Mod_idP,frameP);
for (i=0; i<eNB_rrc_inst_NB[Mod_idP].carrier[CC_id].sizeof_SIB1_NB; i++) {
for (i=0; i<eNB_rrc_inst_NB[Mod_idP].carrier[CC_id].sizeof_MIB_NB; i++) {
return (eNB_rrc_inst_NB[Mod_idP].carrier[CC_id].sizeof_SIB1_NB);
return (eNB_rrc_inst_NB[Mod_idP].carrier[CC_id].sizeof_MIB_NB);
//Requesting for SI Message
//XXX to be check when it is initialized
if(eNB_rrc_inst_NB[Mod_idP].carrier[CC_id].SI.Active==0) {
LOG_E(RRC, "SI value on the carrier = 0");
return 0;
//in all other starting frame cases SIB1-NB is transmitted in the even frames inside the corresponding repetition interval
if(frameP%2 == 0){ // SIB1-NB is transmitted
if(schedulingInfoSIB1 > 11 || schedulingInfoSIB1 < 0){
LOG_E(RRC, "schedulingInfoSIB1 value incorrect");
return 0;
/*check if SIBs are initialized*/
//FIXME to be check when both are initialize and if make sense to have it
if (eNB_rrc_inst_NB[Mod_idP].carrier[CC_id].sizeof_SIB1_NB == 255) {
LOG_E(RRC,"[eNB %d] MAC Request for SIB1-NB and SIB1-NB not initialized\n",Mod_idP);
mac_xface->macphy_exit("NB_mac_rrc_data_req_eNB: MAC Request for SIB1-NB and SIB1-NB not initialized");
if (eNB_rrc_inst_NB[Mod_idP].carrier[CC_id].sizeof_SIB23_NB == 255) {
LOG_E(RRC,"[eNB %d] MAC Request for SIB23-NB and SIB23-NB not initialized\n",Mod_idP);
mac_xface->macphy_exit("NB_mac_rrc_data_req_eNB: MAC Request for SIB23-NB and SIB23-NB not initialized");
if(is_SIB1_NB(frameP,schedulingInfoSIB1, physCellId)){
......@@ -381,6 +570,7 @@ int8_t NB_mac_rrc_data_req_eNB(
//XXX RRC_MAC_BCCH_DATA_REQ message not implemented in MAC layer (eNB_scheduler.c under ITTI)
#ifdef DEBUG_RRC
LOG_T(RRC,"[eNB %d] Frame %d : BCCH request => SIB1_NB\n",Mod_idP,frameP);
......@@ -393,34 +583,17 @@ int8_t NB_mac_rrc_data_req_eNB(
return (eNB_rrc_inst_NB[Mod_idP].carrier[CC_id].sizeof_SIB1_NB);
/*if we are here it means that we have SIB23-NB-Transmission??
//check for SIB23-Transmission
//**for NB_IoT Implementations
//parameters that comes into play (defined in SIB1-NB):
//1_ si_windowlenght (w) (same for all SI messages)
//2_ si_radioFrameOffset (same for all SI messages) (set to 0 generally but depends on the starting radio frame of SIB1-NB)
//3_ si_periodicity (T)
//4_ si_repetitionPattern
/*logic (see TS 36.331 5.2.3a)*/
//since we have only 1 entry in the SchedulingInfoList (SIB23-NB) --> n=1
//therefore x = (n-1)*w = 0
//Starting RF --> (HSFN*1024 + SFN) mod T = FLOOR(x/10 = 0) + si_radioFrameOffset (suppose = 0)
//Si-Window start radio frame = 0,64,...
//Assume that SIB23_NB transmission occur in SF #4 (like SIB1-NB) --> when this function should be called
for(int i = 0; i < (1024L/si_periodicity); i++) {
if(frameP >= i*si_periodicity && frameP <= i*(si_periodicity)+ si_windowLength -1)
if((frameP%2)==1) //every2ndframe --> si_repetitionPattern
for(int i = 0; i< eNB_rrc_inst_NB[Mod_idP].carrier[CC_id].sib1_NB->schedulingInfoList_r13.list.count; i++){
......@@ -434,16 +607,14 @@ int8_t NB_mac_rrc_data_req_eNB(
if( (Srb_id & RAB_OFFSET ) == CCCH) {
if( (Srb_id & RAB_OFFSET ) == CCCH) { //called when is requested the Msg3 transmission
LOG_T(RRC,"[eNB %d] Frame %d CCCH request (Srb_id %d)\n",Mod_idP,frameP, Srb_id);
if(eNB_rrc_inst_NB[Mod_idP].carrier[CC_id].Srb0.Active==0) {
......@@ -465,9 +636,6 @@ int8_t NB_mac_rrc_data_req_eNB(
return (Sdu_size);
......@@ -484,7 +652,7 @@ int8_t NB_mac_rrc_data_ind_eNB(
const sdu_size_t sdu_lenP
SRB_INFO *Srb_info;
SRB_INFO_NB *Srb_info;
protocol_ctxt_t ctxt;
sdu_size_t sdu_size = 0;
......@@ -565,7 +733,7 @@ int NB_rrc_mac_remove_ue(
rnti_t rntiP)
int i;
UE_list_t *UE_list = &eNB_mac_inst_NB[mod_idP].UE_list;
UE_list_NB_t *UE_list = &eNB_mac_inst_NB[mod_idP].UE_list;
int UE_id = find_UE_id(mod_idP,rntiP); //may should be changed
int pCC_id;
......@@ -591,7 +759,6 @@ printf("MAC: remove UE %d rnti %x\n", UE_id, rntiP);
UE_list->UE_template[pCC_id][UE_id].bsr_info[LCGID2] = 0;
UE_list->UE_template[pCC_id][UE_id].bsr_info[LCGID3] = 0;
UE_list->UE_template[pCC_id][UE_id].ul_SR = 0;
UE_list->UE_template[pCC_id][UE_id].rnti = NOT_A_RNTI;
UE_list->UE_template[pCC_id][UE_id].ul_active = FALSE;
eNB_ulsch_info[mod_idP][pCC_id][UE_id].rnti = NOT_A_RNTI;
......@@ -650,7 +817,7 @@ int NB_mac_eNB_get_rrc_status(
const rnti_t rntiP
struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
struct rrc_eNB_ue_context_NB_s* ue_context_p = NULL;
ue_context_p = rrc_eNB_get_ue_context_NB(
......@@ -2049,7 +2216,7 @@ NB_rlc_am_configure(
rlc_pP->max_retx_threshold = max_retx_thresholdP;
rlc_pP->protocol_state = RLC_DATA_TRANSFER_READY_STATE;
rlc_pP->t_poll_retransmit.ms_duration = t_poll_retransmitP;
rlc_pP->enableStatusReportSN_Gap = enableStatusReportSN_Gap; //FIXME: new defined in rlc_am_entity
rlc_pP->enableStatusReportSN_Gap = *(enableStatusReportSN_Gap); //FIXME: new defined in rlc_am_entity
} else {
......@@ -2087,9 +2254,7 @@ rlc_union_t* NB_rrc_rlc_add_rlc (
hash_key_t key_lcid = HASHTABLE_NOT_A_KEY_VALUE;
hashtable_rc_t h_lcid_rc;
rlc_union_t *rlc_union_p = NULL;
#if defined(Rel10) || defined(Rel14)
logical_chan_id_t lcid = 0;
#ifdef OAI_EMU
......@@ -2354,7 +2519,7 @@ NB_config_req_rlc_am (
} else {
......@@ -461,6 +461,7 @@ typedef struct {
// buffer that contains the encoded messages
uint8_t *MIB_NB;
uint8_t sizeof_MIB_NB;
uint8_t *SIB1_NB;
uint8_t sizeof_SIB1_NB;
uint8_t *SIB23_NB;
......@@ -541,7 +542,7 @@ typedef struct eNB_RRC_INST_NB_s {
hash_table_t *s1ap_id2_s1ap_ids ; // key is content is rrc_ue_s1ap_ids_t
//RRC configuration
RrcConfigurationReq configuration; //should be changed but need PHY specs also
RrcConfigurationReq configuration; //rrc_messages_types.h
// other PLMN parameters
/// Mobile country code
......@@ -93,21 +93,49 @@ int NB_rrc_mac_config_req_eNB(
/**\brief function for evaluate if the SIB1-NB transmission occur
* called by the NB_mac_rrc_data_req
boolean_t is_SIB1_NB(
const frame_t frameP,
long schedulingInfoSIB1,//from the mib
int physCellId
/**\brief function for evaluate if the SIB23-NB transmission occurr
* called by the NB_mac_rrc_data_req
boolean_t is_SIB23_NB(
const frame_t frameP,
const frame_t h_frameP, // the HSFN (increased by 1 every SFN wrap around) (10 bits)
long si_period, //SI-periodicity (rf)
long si_windowLength_ms, //Si-windowlength (ms) XXX received as an enumerative (see the IE of SIB1-NB)
long* si_RadioFrameOffset, //Optional
long si_RepetitionPattern // is given as an Enumerated
//defined in L2_interface
int8_t NB_mac_rrc_data_req_eNB(
const module_id_t Mod_idP,
const int CC_id,
const frame_t frameP,
const frame_t h_frameP,
const rb_id_t Srb_id,
uint8_t* const buffer_pP,
long schedulingInfoSIB1,//from the mib
int physCellId, //from the MAC instance-> common_channel
const frame_t h_frameP, //HSFN
long si_periodicity, //SI-periodicity
long si_windowLength //Si-windwolength
mib_flag_t mib_flag
//defined in L2_interface
//called by rx_sdu only in case of CCCH message (e.g RRCConnectionRequest-NB)
int8_t NB_mac_rrc_data_ind_eNB(
......@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ openair_eNB_rrc_on_NB(
unsigned short i;
int CC_id;
......@@ -200,11 +200,10 @@ L3_xface_init_NB(
//specialized function for the eNB initialization (NB-IoT)
//(OLD was called in MAC/main.c--> mac_top_init)(NEW is called in directly in "openair_rrc_eNB_configuration_NB")
openair_rrc_top_init_eNB_NB()//MP: XXX Raymond put this directly the definition on rrc_eNB.c file
openair_rrc_top_init_eNB_NB(void)//MP: XXX Raymond put this directly the definition on rrc_eNB.c file
module_id_t module_id;
int CC_id;
/* for no gcc warnings */
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