Commit 4bc36627 authored by laurent's avatar laurent

fix some used but not initialized variables

parent 4d6e647a
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ task_list_t tasks[TASK_MAX];
void *itti_malloc(task_id_t origin_task_id, task_id_t destination_task_id, ssize_t size) {
void *ptr = NULL;
AssertFatal ((ptr=malloc (size)) != NULL, "Memory allocation of %zu bytes failed (%d -> %d)!\n",
AssertFatal ((ptr=calloc (size, 1)) != NULL, "Memory allocation of %zu bytes failed (%d -> %d)!\n",
size, origin_task_id, destination_task_id);
return ptr;
......@@ -91,8 +91,16 @@ task_list_t tasks[TASK_MAX];
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
// in the two following functions, the +32 in malloc is there to deal with gcc memory alignment
// because a struct size can be larger than sum(sizeof(struct components))
// We should remove the itti principle of a huge union for all types of messages in paramter "msg_t ittiMsg"
// to use a more C classical pointer casting "void * ittiMsg", later casted in the right struct
// but we would have to change all legacy macros, as per this example
// #define S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ(mSGpTR) (mSGpTR)->ittiMsg.s1ap_register_enb_req
// would become
// #define S1AP_REGISTER_ENB_REQ(mSGpTR) (s1ap_register_enb_req) mSGpTR)->ittiMsg
MessageDef *itti_alloc_new_message_sized(task_id_t origin_task_id, MessagesIds message_id, MessageHeaderSize size) {
MessageDef *temp = (MessageDef *)itti_malloc (origin_task_id, TASK_UNKNOWN, sizeof(MessageHeader) + size);
MessageDef *temp = (MessageDef *)itti_malloc (origin_task_id, TASK_UNKNOWN, sizeof(MessageHeader) +32 + size);
temp->ittiMsgHeader.messageId = message_id;
temp->ittiMsgHeader.originTaskId = origin_task_id;
temp->ittiMsgHeader.ittiMsgSize = size;
......@@ -100,7 +108,7 @@ task_list_t tasks[TASK_MAX];
MessageDef *itti_alloc_new_message(task_id_t origin_task_id, MessagesIds message_id) {
int size=sizeof(MessageHeader) + messages_info[message_id].size;
int size=sizeof(MessageHeader) + 32 + messages_info[message_id].size;
MessageDef *temp = (MessageDef *)itti_malloc (origin_task_id, TASK_UNKNOWN, size);
temp->ittiMsgHeader.messageId = message_id;
temp->ittiMsgHeader.originTaskId = origin_task_id;
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