Commit 52006fc6 authored by fnabet's avatar fnabet

RLC AM : Add Rx PDU Segment handling

parent daa308c3
......@@ -212,7 +212,8 @@ void
const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP,
rlc_am_entity_t * const rlc_pP,
mem_block_t * const tb_pP)
mem_block_t * const tb_pP,
boolean_t free_rlc_pdu)
int i,j;
......@@ -397,5 +398,7 @@ rlc_am_reassemble_pdu(
if (free_rlc_pdu) {
free_mem_block(tb_pP, __func__);
......@@ -72,13 +72,14 @@ private_rlc_am_reassembly( void rlc_am_reassembly (const protocol_ctxt_t* co
private_rlc_am_reassembly( void rlc_am_send_sdu (const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxtP, rlc_am_entity_t * const rlc_pP);)
/*! \fn void rlc_am_reassemble_pdu(const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxtP, rlc_am_entity_t * const rlc_pP, const mem_block_t* const tb_pP)
/*! \fn void rlc_am_reassemble_pdu(const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxtP, rlc_am_entity_t * const rlc_pP, const mem_block_t* const tb_pP,boolean_t free_rlc_pdu)
* \brief Reassembly a RLC AM PDU, depending of the content of this PDU, data will be reassemblied to the current output SDU, the current will be sent to higher layers or not, after or before the reassembly, or no send of SDU will be triggered, depending on FI field in PDU header.
* \param[in] ctxtP Running context.
* \param[in] rlc_pP RLC AM protocol instance pointer.
* \param[in] tb_pP RLC AM PDU embedded in a mem_block_t.
* \param[in] free_rlc_pdu Flag for freeing RLC AM PDU after reassembly.
protected_rlc_am_reassembly( void rlc_am_reassemble_pdu(const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxtP, rlc_am_entity_t * const rlc_pP, mem_block_t* const tb_pP);)
protected_rlc_am_reassembly( void rlc_am_reassemble_pdu(const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxtP, rlc_am_entity_t * const rlc_pP, mem_block_t* const tb_pP,boolean_t free_rlc_pdu);)
/** @} */
......@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#include "LAYER2/MAC/extern.h"
#include "UTIL/LOG/log.h"
signed int
......@@ -330,7 +331,8 @@ rlc_am_receive_process_data_pdu (
if (rlc_am_rx_list_insert_pdu(ctxt_pP, rlc_pP,tb_pP) < 0) {
pdu_status = rlc_am_rx_list_check_duplicate_insert_pdu(ctxt_pP, rlc_pP,tb_pP);
if (pdu_status != RLC_AM_DATA_PDU_STATUS_OK) {
rlc_pP->stat_rx_data_pdu_dropped += 1;
rlc_pP->stat_rx_data_bytes_dropped += tb_size_in_bytesP;
......@@ -398,7 +400,7 @@ rlc_am_receive_process_data_pdu (
rlc_pP->vr_mr = (rlc_pP->vr_r + RLC_AM_WINDOW_SIZE) & RLC_AM_SN_MASK;
reassemble = true;
reassemble = rlc_am_rx_check_vr_reassemble(ctxt_pP, rlc_pP);
//TODO : optimization : check whether a reassembly is needed by looking at LI, FI, SO, etc...
......@@ -446,7 +448,7 @@ rlc_am_receive_process_data_pdu (
/* 3) Check for triggering a Tx Status PDU if a poll is received or if a pending status was delayed */
if (pdu_info_p->p) {
if ((pdu_info_p->p) && (pdu_status < RLC_AM_DATA_PDU_STATUS_BUFFER_FULL)) {
......@@ -31,7 +31,595 @@
#include "UTIL/LOG/log.h"
boolean_t rlc_am_rx_check_vr_reassemble(
const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP,
const rlc_am_entity_t* const rlc_pP)
mem_block_t* cursor_p = NULL;
cursor_p = rlc_pP->receiver_buffer.head;
boolean_t reassemble = FALSE;
if (cursor_p != NULL) {
rlc_am_pdu_info_t* pdu_info_p = &((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(cursor_p->data))->pdu_info;
rlc_usn_t sn_ref = pdu_info_p->sn;
if (sn_ref != rlc_pP->vr_r) {
reassemble = TRUE;
/* jump up to vrR */
while ((RLC_AM_DIFF_SN(pdu_info_p->sn,sn_ref) < RLC_AM_DIFF_SN(rlc_pP->vr_r,sn_ref)) && (cursor_p != NULL)) {
if ((pdu_info_p->rf) && (((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(cursor_p->data))->segment_reassembled == RLC_AM_RX_PDU_SEGMENT_REASSEMBLE_NO)) {
((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(cursor_p->data))->segment_reassembled = RLC_AM_RX_PDU_SEGMENT_REASSEMBLE_PENDING;
cursor_p = cursor_p->next;
if (cursor_p != NULL) {
pdu_info_p = &((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(cursor_p->data))->pdu_info;
if ((cursor_p != NULL) && (pdu_info_p->sn == rlc_pP->vr_r)) {
/* case vrR = partially received */
rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t * pdu_cursor_mgnt_p = (rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t *) (cursor_p->data);
sdu_size_t next_waited_so = 0;
AssertFatal(pdu_cursor_mgnt_p->all_segments_received == 0,"AM Rx Check Reassembly vr=%d should be partly received LCID=%d\n",
while ((cursor_p != NULL) && (pdu_info_p->sn == rlc_pP->vr_r) && (pdu_info_p->so == next_waited_so)) {
if (pdu_cursor_mgnt_p->segment_reassembled == RLC_AM_RX_PDU_SEGMENT_REASSEMBLE_NO) {
pdu_cursor_mgnt_p->segment_reassembled = RLC_AM_RX_PDU_SEGMENT_REASSEMBLE_PENDING;
reassemble = TRUE;
next_waited_so += pdu_info_p->payload_size;
cursor_p = cursor_p->next;
if (cursor_p != NULL) {
pdu_cursor_mgnt_p = (rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t *) (cursor_p->data);
pdu_info_p = &((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(cursor_p->data))->pdu_info;
return reassemble;
mem_block_t * create_new_segment_from_pdu(
mem_block_t* const tb_pP,
uint16_t so_offset, /* offset from the data part of the PDU to copy */
sdu_size_t data_length_to_copy)
rlc_am_pdu_info_t* pdu_rx_info_p = &((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(tb_pP->data))->pdu_info;
rlc_am_pdu_info_t* pdu_new_segment_info_p = NULL;
mem_block_t * new_segment_p = NULL;
int16_t new_li_list[RLC_AM_MAX_SDU_IN_PDU];
int16_t header_size = 0;
uint8_t num_li = 0;
boolean_t fi_start, fi_end, lsf;
/* Init some PDU Segment header fixed parameters */
fi_start = !((pdu_rx_info_p->fi & 0x2) >> 1);
fi_end = !(pdu_rx_info_p->fi & 0x1);
lsf = ((pdu_rx_info_p->lsf == 1) || (pdu_rx_info_p->rf == 0));
/* Handle NO Li case fist */
if (pdu_rx_info_p->num_li == 0) {
if (so_offset) {
fi_start = FALSE;
if (so_offset + data_length_to_copy != pdu_rx_info_p->payload_size) {
fi_end = FALSE;
lsf = FALSE;
} // end no LI in original segment
else {
uint8_t li_index = 0;
uint16_t li_sum = 0;
num_li = pdu_rx_info_p->num_li;
/* set LSF to false if we know that end of the original segment will not be copied */
if (so_offset + data_length_to_copy != pdu_rx_info_p->payload_size) {
lsf = FALSE;
/* catch the first LI containing so_offset */
while ((li_index < pdu_rx_info_p->num_li) && (li_sum + pdu_rx_info_p->li_list[li_index] <= so_offset)) {
li_sum += pdu_rx_info_p->li_list[li_index];
num_li --;
li_index ++;
/* set FI start if so_offset = LI sum and at least one LI have been read */
if ((li_index) && (so_offset == li_sum)) {
fi_start = TRUE;
/* Fill LI until the end */
if (num_li) {
sdu_size_t remaining_size = data_length_to_copy;
uint8_t j = 0;
new_li_list[0] = li_sum + pdu_rx_info_p->li_list[li_index] - so_offset;
if (data_length_to_copy <= new_li_list[0]) {
num_li = 0;
else {
remaining_size -= new_li_list[0];
li_index ++;
while ((li_index < pdu_rx_info_p->num_li) && (remaining_size >= pdu_rx_info_p->li_list[li_index])) {
remaining_size -= pdu_rx_info_p->li_list[li_index];
new_li_list[j] = pdu_rx_info_p->li_list[li_index];
li_index ++;
/* update number of LI in the segment */
num_li = j;
/* set FI End if remaining size = 0 */
if (remaining_size == 0) {
fi_end = TRUE;
/* compute header size */
header_size = RLC_AM_PDU_SEGMENT_HEADER_SIZE(num_li);
} // end LIs in original segment
/* Allocate new buffer */
new_segment_p = get_free_mem_block(sizeof (mac_rlc_max_rx_header_size_t) + header_size + data_length_to_copy, __func__);
/* Fill PDU Segment Infos and Header */
if (new_segment_p != NULL) {
pdu_new_segment_info_p = &((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(new_segment_p->data))->pdu_info;
rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t * pdu_cursor_mgnt_p = (rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t *) (new_segment_p->data);
uint8_t *pdu_segment_header_p = &(new_segment_p->data[sizeof (mac_rlc_max_rx_header_size_t)]);
pdu_cursor_mgnt_p->segment_reassembled = RLC_AM_RX_PDU_SEGMENT_REASSEMBLE_NO; //to be updated after if SN = vrR
pdu_new_segment_info_p->d_c = pdu_rx_info_p->d_c;
pdu_new_segment_info_p->sn = pdu_rx_info_p->sn;
pdu_new_segment_info_p->p = pdu_rx_info_p->p;
pdu_new_segment_info_p->rf = 1;
pdu_new_segment_info_p->fi = (((fi_start ? 0: 1) << 1) | (fi_end ? 0: 1));
pdu_new_segment_info_p->e = (num_li ? 1: 0);
pdu_new_segment_info_p->lsf = (lsf ? 1: 0);
pdu_new_segment_info_p->so = pdu_rx_info_p->so + so_offset;
pdu_new_segment_info_p->payload = pdu_segment_header_p + header_size;
pdu_new_segment_info_p->header_size = header_size;
pdu_new_segment_info_p->payload_size = data_length_to_copy;
pdu_new_segment_info_p->hidden_size = data_length_to_copy;
for (int i=0; i < num_li; i++) {
pdu_new_segment_info_p->li_list[i] = new_li_list[i];
pdu_new_segment_info_p->hidden_size -= new_li_list[i];
/* Fill Header part in the buffer */
/* Content is supposed to be init with 0 so with FIStart=FIEnd=TRUE */
/* copy first two bytes from original: D/C + RF + FI + E+ SN*/
memset(pdu_segment_header_p, 0, header_size);
if (pdu_new_segment_info_p->p) {
/* Change FI */
if (!fi_start)
// Set to not starting
(*pdu_segment_header_p) |= (1 << (RLC_AM_PDU_FI_OFFSET + 1));
if (!fi_end)
// Set to not starting
(*pdu_segment_header_p) |= (1 << (RLC_AM_PDU_FI_OFFSET));
/* E */
if (pdu_new_segment_info_p->e) {
/* SN */
(*pdu_segment_header_p) |= (pdu_new_segment_info_p->sn >> 8) ;
*(pdu_segment_header_p + 1) = (pdu_new_segment_info_p->sn & 0xFF);
pdu_segment_header_p += 2;
/* Last Segment Flag (LSF) */
if (lsf)
/* Store SO bytes */
* (pdu_segment_header_p ) = (pdu_new_segment_info_p->so >> 8) & 0xFF;
* (pdu_segment_header_p + 1) = pdu_new_segment_info_p->so & 0xFF;
if (num_li) {
uint16_t index = 0;
uint16_t temp = 0;
uint8_t li_bit_offset = 4; /* toggle between 0 and 4 */
uint8_t li_jump_offset = 1; /* toggle between 1 and 2 */
/* loop on nb of LIs */
pdu_segment_header_p += 2;
while (index < num_li)
/* Set E bit for next LI if present */
if (index < num_li - 1)
RLC_SET_BIT(temp,li_bit_offset + RLC_AM_LI_BITS);
/* Set LI */
*pdu_segment_header_p = temp >> 8;
*(pdu_segment_header_p + 1) = temp & 0xFF;
pdu_segment_header_p += li_jump_offset;
li_bit_offset ^= 0x4;
li_jump_offset ^= 0x3;
temp = ((*pdu_segment_header_p) << 8) | (*(pdu_segment_header_p + 1));
index ++;
/* copy data part */
/* Fill mem_block contexts */
((struct mac_tb_ind *) (new_segment_p->data))->first_bit = 0;
((struct mac_tb_ind *) (new_segment_p->data))->data_ptr = (uint8_t*)&new_segment_p->data[sizeof (mac_rlc_max_rx_header_size_t)];
((struct mac_tb_ind *) (new_segment_p->data))->size = data_length_to_copy + header_size;
memcpy(pdu_new_segment_info_p->payload,pdu_rx_info_p->payload + so_offset,data_length_to_copy);
return new_segment_p;
rlc_am_rx_pdu_status_t rlc_am_rx_list_handle_pdu_segment(
const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP,
rlc_am_entity_t* const rlc_pP,
mem_block_t* const tb_pP)
rlc_am_pdu_info_t* pdu_rx_info_p = &((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(tb_pP->data))->pdu_info;
rlc_am_pdu_info_t* pdu_info_cursor_p = NULL;
rlc_am_pdu_info_t* pdu_info_previous_cursor_p = NULL;
mem_block_t* cursor_p = NULL;
mem_block_t* previous_cursor_p = NULL;
mem_block_t* next_cursor_p = NULL;
cursor_p = rlc_pP->receiver_buffer.head;
boolean_t prev_segment_found = FALSE;
boolean_t next_segment_found = FALSE;
uint16_t so_start = 0;
uint16_t so_end = 0;
uint16_t so_start_segment = pdu_rx_info_p->so;
uint16_t so_end_segment = pdu_rx_info_p->so + pdu_rx_info_p->payload_size - 1;
// 1) Find previous cursor to the PDU to insert
previous_cursor_p = cursor_p;
pdu_info_cursor_p = &((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(cursor_p->data))->pdu_info;
pdu_info_previous_cursor_p = pdu_info_cursor_p;
while (cursor_p != NULL) {
pdu_info_cursor_p = &((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(cursor_p->data))->pdu_info;
// Stop if Cursor SN >= Received SN
if (RLC_AM_DIFF_SN(pdu_info_cursor_p->sn,rlc_pP->vr_r) >= RLC_AM_DIFF_SN(pdu_rx_info_p->sn,rlc_pP->vr_r)) {
previous_cursor_p = cursor_p;
pdu_info_previous_cursor_p = pdu_info_cursor_p;
cursor_p = cursor_p->next;
// 2) Store the received Segment
// First case : cursor_p is NULL or its SN is different from the received one, it means the SN is received for the first time
// Insert PDU after previous_cursor_p
if ((cursor_p == NULL) || (pdu_info_cursor_p->sn != pdu_rx_info_p->sn)) {
list2_insert_after_element(tb_pP, previous_cursor_p, &rlc_pP->receiver_buffer);
// Filter out SN duplicate
rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t * pdu_cursor_mgnt_p = (rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t *) (cursor_p->data);
if (pdu_cursor_mgnt_p->all_segments_received) {
// Handle the remaining case : some PDU Segments already received for the same SN
// Try to insert the PDU according to its SO and SO+datalength of stored ones
// First find the segment just before the pdu to insert
while ((cursor_p != NULL) && (pdu_info_cursor_p->sn == pdu_rx_info_p->sn)) {
if (pdu_rx_info_p->so < pdu_info_cursor_p->so) {
prev_segment_found = TRUE;
previous_cursor_p = cursor_p;
pdu_info_previous_cursor_p = pdu_info_cursor_p;
cursor_p = cursor_p->next;
if (cursor_p != NULL) {
pdu_info_cursor_p = &((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(cursor_p->data))->pdu_info;
/* if not previously inserted, it will be put after the last segment if it was not LSF*/
if ((!prev_segment_found) && (pdu_info_previous_cursor_p->lsf == 0)) {
prev_segment_found = TRUE;
next_segment_found = TRUE; // no more segment after the PDU
next_cursor_p = cursor_p;
AssertFatal(previous_cursor_p->next == next_cursor_p,"AM Rx PDU Segment store at the end error, SN=%d \n",pdu_rx_info_p->sn);
// the segment is duplicate
// Check that the Segment is not duplicate by scanning stored contiguous segments from previous_cursor_p
pdu_info_previous_cursor_p = &((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(previous_cursor_p->data))->pdu_info;
if ((previous_cursor_p != NULL) && (pdu_info_previous_cursor_p->sn == pdu_rx_info_p->sn)) {
so_start = pdu_info_previous_cursor_p->so;
so_end = pdu_info_previous_cursor_p->so + pdu_info_previous_cursor_p->payload_size - 1;
cursor_p = previous_cursor_p;
pdu_info_cursor_p = &((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(cursor_p->data))->pdu_info;
cursor_p = cursor_p->next;
rlc_am_pdu_info_t* pdu_info_cursor_next_p = NULL;
if (cursor_p != NULL) {
pdu_info_cursor_next_p = &((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(cursor_p->data))->pdu_info;
while ((cursor_p != NULL) && (pdu_info_cursor_next_p->sn == pdu_rx_info_p->sn)
&& (pdu_info_cursor_next_p->so == pdu_info_cursor_p->so + pdu_info_cursor_p->payload_size)) {
so_end += pdu_info_cursor_next_p->payload_size;
pdu_info_cursor_p = pdu_info_cursor_next_p;
cursor_p = cursor_p->next;
if (cursor_p != NULL) {
pdu_info_cursor_next_p = &((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(cursor_p->data))->pdu_info;
/* Now discard the PDU segment if it is within so_start so_end */
if ((so_start <= so_start_segment) && (so_end_segment <= so_end)) {
// Now found the segment which will be right after the pdu to insert
if (!next_segment_found) {
cursor_p = previous_cursor_p->next;
next_cursor_p = cursor_p;
if (next_cursor_p != NULL) {
pdu_info_cursor_p = &((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(next_cursor_p->data))->pdu_info;
// Discard embedded segments in the received PDU segment
while ((next_cursor_p != NULL) && (pdu_info_cursor_p->sn == pdu_rx_info_p->sn) &&
(pdu_rx_info_p->so + pdu_rx_info_p->payload_size >= pdu_info_cursor_p->so + pdu_info_cursor_p->payload_size)) {
/* Discard the segment */
cursor_p = next_cursor_p;
next_cursor_p = next_cursor_p->next;
list2_remove_element (cursor_p, &rlc_pP->receiver_buffer);
free_mem_block(cursor_p, __func__);
if (next_cursor_p != NULL) {
pdu_info_cursor_p = &((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(next_cursor_p->data))->pdu_info;
/* Now remove duplicate bytes */
// remove duplicate at the begining, only valid if the segment is to be inserted after a PDU segment of the same SN
pdu_info_previous_cursor_p = &((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(previous_cursor_p->data))->pdu_info;
if (pdu_info_previous_cursor_p->sn == pdu_rx_info_p->sn) {
so_start_segment += (pdu_info_previous_cursor_p->so + pdu_info_previous_cursor_p->payload_size - pdu_rx_info_p->so);
// remove duplicate at the end
if (next_cursor_p != NULL) {
pdu_info_cursor_p = &((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(next_cursor_p->data))->pdu_info;
if ((pdu_info_cursor_p->sn == pdu_rx_info_p->sn) && (so_end_segment >= pdu_info_cursor_p->so)) {
so_end_segment = pdu_info_cursor_p->so - 1;
AssertFatal((so_start_segment <= so_end_segment) && (pdu_rx_info_p->so <= so_start_segment) &&
(so_end_segment <= pdu_rx_info_p->so + pdu_rx_info_p->payload_size - 1),
" AM RX PDU Segment Duplicate elimination error OldSOStart=%d OldSOEnd=%d newSOStart=%d newSOEnd =%d SN=%d\n",
pdu_rx_info_p->so,pdu_rx_info_p->so + pdu_rx_info_p->payload_size - 1,so_start_segment,so_end_segment,pdu_rx_info_p->sn);
/* Last step : Insertion */
/* If some duplicate bytes had been removed, build a new PDU segment */
if ((pdu_rx_info_p->so != so_start_segment) || (so_end_segment != pdu_rx_info_p->so + pdu_rx_info_p->payload_size - 1)) {
mem_block_t* trunc_segment = create_new_segment_from_pdu(tb_pP,so_start_segment - pdu_rx_info_p->so,so_end_segment - so_start_segment + 1);
if (trunc_segment != NULL) {
list2_insert_after_element(trunc_segment, previous_cursor_p, &rlc_pP->receiver_buffer);
/* Free original PDU Segment */
free_mem_block(tb_pP, __func__);
else {
list2_insert_after_element(tb_pP, previous_cursor_p, &rlc_pP->receiver_buffer);
rlc_am_rx_pdu_status_t rlc_am_rx_list_handle_pdu(
const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP,
rlc_am_entity_t* const rlc_pP,
mem_block_t* const tb_pP)
rlc_am_pdu_info_t* pdu_rx_info_p = &((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(tb_pP->data))->pdu_info;
rlc_am_pdu_info_t* pdu_info_cursor_p = NULL;
mem_block_t* cursor_p = NULL;
mem_block_t* previous_cursor_p = NULL;
cursor_p = rlc_pP->receiver_buffer.head;
rlc_am_rx_pdu_status_t pdu_status = RLC_AM_DATA_PDU_STATUS_OK;
// it is assumed this pdu is in rx window
// 1) Find previous cursor to the PDU to insert
previous_cursor_p = cursor_p;
pdu_info_cursor_p = &((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(cursor_p->data))->pdu_info;
while (cursor_p != NULL) {
pdu_info_cursor_p = &((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(cursor_p->data))->pdu_info;
// Stop if Cursor SN >= Received SN
if (RLC_AM_DIFF_SN(pdu_info_cursor_p->sn,rlc_pP->vr_r) >= RLC_AM_DIFF_SN(pdu_rx_info_p->sn,rlc_pP->vr_r)) {
previous_cursor_p = cursor_p;
cursor_p = cursor_p->next;
// 2) Insert PDU by removing byte duplicate if required
// First case : cursor_p is NULL, it means the SN is received for the first time
// Insert PDU after previous_cursor_p
if ((cursor_p == NULL) || (pdu_info_cursor_p->sn != pdu_rx_info_p->sn)) {
list2_insert_after_element(tb_pP, previous_cursor_p, &rlc_pP->receiver_buffer);
return pdu_status;
// Filter out SN duplicate
// SN of received PDU has already data stored
rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t * pdu_cursor_mgnt_p = (rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t *) (cursor_p->data);
if (pdu_cursor_mgnt_p->all_segments_received) {
/* check if the received PDU is equal to vrR */
if ((pdu_rx_info_p->sn != rlc_pP->vr_r) || (pdu_info_cursor_p->so != 0)) {
/* The full received PDU can replace the allready received PDU Segments. */
/* clean them and append this PDU */
mem_block_t* cursor_next_p = cursor_p;
while (cursor_next_p) {
cursor_p = cursor_next_p;
cursor_next_p = cursor_next_p->next;
list2_remove_element (cursor_p, &rlc_pP->receiver_buffer);
free_mem_block(cursor_p, __func__);
if (cursor_next_p != NULL) {
pdu_info_cursor_p = &((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(cursor_next_p->data))->pdu_info;
if (pdu_info_cursor_p->sn != pdu_rx_info_p->sn) {
list2_insert_after_element(tb_pP, previous_cursor_p, &rlc_pP->receiver_buffer);
return pdu_status;
} // End SN != vrR or SO != 0
else {
/* First update cursor until discontinuity */
previous_cursor_p = cursor_p;
AssertFatal(pdu_info_cursor_p->rf != 0,"AM Rx PDU Error, stored SN=%d should be a PDU segment\n",pdu_info_cursor_p->sn);
AssertFatal(((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t *) (cursor_p->data))->all_segments_received == 0,
"AM Rx PDU Error, stored SN=%d already fully received\n",pdu_info_cursor_p->sn);
sdu_size_t next_waited_so = 0;
while ((cursor_p != NULL) && (pdu_info_cursor_p->sn == pdu_rx_info_p->sn) && (pdu_info_cursor_p->so == next_waited_so)) {
next_waited_so += pdu_info_cursor_p->payload_size;
previous_cursor_p = cursor_p;
cursor_p = cursor_p->next;
if (cursor_p != NULL) {
pdu_info_cursor_p = &((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(cursor_p->data))->pdu_info;
/* Create a new PDU segment by removing first next_waited_so bytes */
mem_block_t* trunc_pdu = create_new_segment_from_pdu(tb_pP,next_waited_so,pdu_rx_info_p->payload_size - next_waited_so);
if (trunc_pdu != NULL) {
((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t *) (trunc_pdu->data))->segment_reassembled = RLC_AM_RX_PDU_SEGMENT_REASSEMBLE_PENDING;
/* Insert PDU Segment */
list2_insert_after_element(trunc_pdu, previous_cursor_p, &rlc_pP->receiver_buffer);
/* clean previous stored segments in duplicate */
if ((cursor_p != NULL) && (pdu_info_cursor_p->sn == pdu_rx_info_p->sn)) {
mem_block_t* cursor_next_p = cursor_p;
while (cursor_next_p) {
cursor_p = cursor_next_p;
cursor_next_p = cursor_next_p->next;
list2_remove_element (cursor_p, &rlc_pP->receiver_buffer);
free_mem_block(cursor_p, __func__);
if (cursor_next_p != NULL) {
pdu_info_cursor_p = &((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(cursor_next_p->data))->pdu_info;
if (pdu_info_cursor_p->sn != pdu_rx_info_p->sn) {
/* Free original PDU */
free_mem_block(tb_pP, __func__);
return pdu_status;
else {
// returns 0 if success
// returns neg value if failure
const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP,
rlc_am_entity_t* const rlc_pP,
mem_block_t* const tb_pP)
rlc_am_pdu_info_t* pdu_rx_info_p = &((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(tb_pP->data))->pdu_info;
mem_block_t* cursor_p = NULL;
cursor_p = rlc_pP->receiver_buffer.head;
rlc_am_rx_pdu_status_t pdu_status = RLC_AM_DATA_PDU_STATUS_OK;
// it is assumed this pdu is in rx window
if (cursor_p == NULL) {
list2_add_head(tb_pP, &rlc_pP->receiver_buffer);
return pdu_status;
/* Init Reassembly status */
((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(tb_pP->data))->segment_reassembled = RLC_AM_RX_PDU_SEGMENT_REASSEMBLE_NO;
if (pdu_rx_info_p->rf == 0) { // Case normal PDU received
pdu_status = rlc_am_rx_list_handle_pdu(ctxt_pP,rlc_pP,tb_pP);
else {
pdu_status = rlc_am_rx_list_handle_pdu_segment(ctxt_pP,rlc_pP,tb_pP);
return pdu_status;
#if 0
// returns 0 if success
// returns neg value if failure
......@@ -483,6 +1071,8 @@ rlc_am_rx_list_insert_pdu(
return -1;
......@@ -523,8 +1113,10 @@ rlc_am_rx_check_all_byte_segments(
// in case all first segments up to tb_pP are in list
// the so field of the first PDU should be 0
//cursor_p = list.head;
//we start from the first stored PDU segment of this SN
pdu_info_p = &((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(cursor_p->data))->pdu_info;
// if the first segment does not have SO = 0 then no need to continue
if (pdu_info_p->so != 0) {
......@@ -553,13 +1145,15 @@ rlc_am_rx_check_all_byte_segments(
next_waited_so = next_waited_so + pdu_info_p->payload_size;
//msg("rlc_am_rx_check_all_byte_segments(%d) @6\n",sn);
} else { // assumed pdu_info_p->so + pdu_info_p->payload_size > next_waited_so
next_waited_so = (next_waited_so + pdu_info_p->payload_size) - (next_waited_so - pdu_info_p->so);
//next_waited_so = (next_waited_so + pdu_info_p->payload_size) - (next_waited_so - pdu_info_p->so);
//msg("rlc_am_rx_check_all_byte_segments(%d) @7\n",sn);
if (pdu_info_p->lsf > 0) {
//msg("rlc_am_rx_check_all_byte_segments(%d) @8\n",sn);
rlc_am_rx_mark_all_segments_received(ctxt_pP, rlc_pP, first_cursor_p);
......@@ -610,6 +1204,7 @@ rlc_am_rx_list_reassemble_rlc_sdus(
mem_block_t* cursor_p = NULL;
rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t* rlc_am_rx_old_pdu_management = NULL;
rlc_am_pdu_info_t* pdu_info_p = NULL;
cursor_p = list2_get_head(&rlc_pP->receiver_buffer);
......@@ -618,11 +1213,31 @@ rlc_am_rx_list_reassemble_rlc_sdus(
rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t* rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_p = ((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(cursor_p->data));
pdu_info_p = &((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(cursor_p->data))->pdu_info;
/* Specific process for the first SN if all PDU segments had been reassembled but not freed */
if ((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_p->all_segments_received > 0) && (pdu_info_p->rf != 0)) {
rlc_sn_t sn = pdu_info_p->sn;
while ((cursor_p != NULL) && (((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(cursor_p->data))->segment_reassembled == RLC_AM_RX_PDU_SEGMENT_REASSEMBLED)
&& ((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(cursor_p->data))-> == sn) {
cursor_p = list2_remove_head(&rlc_pP->receiver_buffer);
free_mem_block(cursor_p, __func__);
cursor_p = list2_get_head(&rlc_pP->receiver_buffer);
/* Reset Management pointers */
if (cursor_p != NULL) {
rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_p = ((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(cursor_p->data));
else {
do {
if (rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_p->all_segments_received > 0) {
cursor_p = list2_remove_head(&rlc_pP->receiver_buffer);
rlc_am_reassemble_pdu(ctxt_pP, rlc_pP, cursor_p);
rlc_am_reassemble_pdu(ctxt_pP, rlc_pP, cursor_p,TRUE);
rlc_am_rx_old_pdu_management = rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_p;
cursor_p = list2_get_head(&rlc_pP->receiver_buffer);
......@@ -631,7 +1246,22 @@ rlc_am_rx_list_reassemble_rlc_sdus(
rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_p = ((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(cursor_p->data));
} else {
else if (rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_p->segment_reassembled == RLC_AM_RX_PDU_SEGMENT_REASSEMBLE_PENDING) {
rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_p->segment_reassembled = RLC_AM_RX_PDU_SEGMENT_REASSEMBLED;
cursor_p = list2_remove_head(&rlc_pP->receiver_buffer);
rlc_am_reassemble_pdu(ctxt_pP, rlc_pP, cursor_p,FALSE);
rlc_am_rx_old_pdu_management = rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_p;
cursor_p = list2_get_head(&rlc_pP->receiver_buffer);
if (cursor_p == NULL) {
rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_p = ((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t*)(cursor_p->data));
else {
if (list2_get_head(&rlc_pP->receiver_buffer) != cursor_p) {
......@@ -645,7 +1275,8 @@ rlc_am_rx_list_reassemble_rlc_sdus(
} while ((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_p-> == ((rlc_am_rx_old_pdu_management-> + 1) & RLC_AM_SN_MASK))
|| ((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_p-> == rlc_am_rx_old_pdu_management-> && (rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_p->all_segments_received > 0)));
|| ((rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_p-> == rlc_am_rx_old_pdu_management-> && (
(rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_p->all_segments_received > 0) || (rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_p->segment_reassembled == RLC_AM_RX_PDU_SEGMENT_REASSEMBLE_PENDING))));
mem_block_t *
......@@ -59,6 +59,16 @@
#include "PHY/defs.h"
/*! \fn rlc_am_rx_pdu_status_t rlc_am_rx_list_check_duplicate_insert_pdu(const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP,rlc_am_entity_t* const rlc_pP,mem_block_t* const tb_pP)
* \brief Insert a PDU in the RX buffer after removing byte duplicate (implemented with a list).
* \param[in] ctxt_pP Running context.
* \param[in] rlcP RLC AM protocol instance pointer.
* \param[in] tbP A PDU embedded in a mem_block_t.
* \return Zero if the PDU could be inserted in the RX buffer, a negative value if the PDU could not be inserted.
protected_rlc_am_rx_list( rlc_am_rx_pdu_status_t rlc_am_rx_list_check_duplicate_insert_pdu(const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP,rlc_am_entity_t* const rlc_pP,mem_block_t* const tb_pP);)
#if 0
/*! \fn signed int rlc_am_rx_list_insert_pdu(const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP, rlc_am_entity_t* const rlcP , mem_block_t* const tbP)
* \brief Insert a PDU in the RX buffer (implemented with a list).
* \param[in] ctxt_pP Running context.
......@@ -67,6 +77,15 @@
* \return Zero if the PDU could be inserted in the RX buffer, a negative value if the PDU could not be inserted.
protected_rlc_am_rx_list( signed int rlc_am_rx_list_insert_pdu(const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP, rlc_am_entity_t* const rlcP, mem_block_t* const tbP);)
/*! \fn boolean_t rlc_am_rx_check_vr_reassemble(const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP,const rlc_am_entity_t* const rlc_pP)
* \brief Check if reassembly taking into account potential new vrR value
* \param[in] ctxt_pP Running context.
* \param[in] rlcP RLC AM protocol instance pointer.
* \return TRUE if reassembly must be done, FALSE else
protected_rlc_am_rx_list( boolean_t rlc_am_rx_check_vr_reassemble(const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP,const rlc_am_entity_t* const rlc_pP);)
/*! \fn void rlc_am_rx_check_all_byte_segments(const protocol_ctxt_t* const ctxt_pP, rlc_am_entity_t* const rlcP, mem_block_t* const tbP)
* \brief Check if all sub-segments of a PDU are received, if yes then call rlc_am_rx_mark_all_segments_received() procedure.
......@@ -233,12 +233,24 @@ typedef struct rlc_am_timer {
* @{
typedef enum rlc_am_rx_segment_reassemble_info
/** No Reassembly scheduled */
/** Reassembly scheduled */
/** Reassembly done */
} rlc_am_rx_segment_reassemble_info_t;
/*! \struct rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t
* \brief Structure for storing decoded informations from the header of a AMD PDU or AMD PDU segment and information on reassembly.
typedef struct rlc_am_rx_pdu_management {
rlc_am_pdu_info_t pdu_info; /*!< \brief Field for storing decoded informations from the header of a AMD PDU or AMD PDU segment. */
uint8_t all_segments_received; /*!< \brief Is all segments of PDU SN have been received. */
rlc_am_rx_segment_reassemble_info_t segment_reassembled; /*!< \brief if the segment for SN=vrR is reassembled but not discarded yet. */
} rlc_am_rx_pdu_management_t;
/** @} */
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