Commit 60d81f23 authored by cig's avatar cig

Configuration changes to support FDD

- adapted the get_band function: the algorithm is now taking into account
  also the UL frequency in order to fetch the proper band (this was failing
  before as some NR bands have the same DL band, e.g. band 65 and 66)
- added new bands to the NR table as per TS 38.101 V16.4.0 (2020)
- made the from_nrarfcn function compatible with UL FDD (this function,
  used for both DL and UL  was previously working with TDD only as it
  did not compute properly the frequency for the UL FDD, throwing asserts)
- introduced common functions to get the NR table idx and the duplex mode,
  removing repeated code in the process
- removed the unused function to get the uldl offset
- improved some logging
- other minor fixes to the relevant code
parent 609844a3
......@@ -1160,11 +1160,11 @@ void fill_rf_config(RU_t *ru, char *rf_config_file) {
cfg->tx_gain[i] = ru->att_tx;
cfg->rx_gain[i] = ru->max_rxgain-ru->att_rx;
cfg->configFilename = rf_config_file;
LOG_I(PHY, "Channel %d: setting tx_gain offset %f, rx_gain offset %f, tx_freq %d Hz, rx_freq %d Hz\n",
LOG_I(PHY, "Channel %d: setting tx_gain offset %f, rx_gain offset %f, tx_freq %lu Hz, rx_freq %lu Hz\n",
i, cfg->tx_gain[i],
(unsigned long)cfg->tx_freq[i],
(unsigned long)cfg->rx_freq[i]);
......@@ -45,8 +45,6 @@
extern uint32_t from_nrarfcn(int nr_bandP,uint32_t dl_nrarfcn);
extern int32_t get_nr_uldl_offset(int nr_bandP);
extern openair0_config_t openair0_cfg[MAX_CARDS];
......@@ -433,6 +431,8 @@ void nr_phy_config_request(NR_PHY_Config_t *phy_config) {
uint8_t short_sequence, num_sequences, rootSequenceIndex, fd_occasion;
NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *fp = &RC.gNB[Mod_id]->frame_parms;
nfapi_nr_config_request_scf_t *gNB_config = &RC.gNB[Mod_id]->gNB_config;
int32_t dlul_offset = 0;
lte_frame_type_t frame_type = 0;
RC.gNB[Mod_id]->mac_enabled = 1;
......@@ -440,15 +440,12 @@ void nr_phy_config_request(NR_PHY_Config_t *phy_config) {
uint64_t dl_bw_khz = (12*gNB_config->carrier_config.dl_grid_size[gNB_config->ssb_config.scs_common.value].value)*(15<<gNB_config->ssb_config.scs_common.value);
fp->dl_CarrierFreq = ((dl_bw_khz>>1) + gNB_config->carrier_config.dl_frequency.value)*1000 ;
int32_t dlul_offset = 0;
lte_frame_type_t frame_type = 0;
uint64_t ul_bw_khz = (12*gNB_config->carrier_config.ul_grid_size[gNB_config->ssb_config.scs_common.value].value)*(15<<gNB_config->ssb_config.scs_common.value);
fp->ul_CarrierFreq = ((ul_bw_khz>>1) + gNB_config->carrier_config.uplink_frequency.value)*1000 ;
AssertFatal(fp->ul_CarrierFreq==(fp->dl_CarrierFreq+dlul_offset), "Disagreement in uplink frequency for band %d\n", fp->nr_band);
get_band(fp->dl_CarrierFreq, fp->ul_CarrierFreq, &fp->nr_band, &dlul_offset, &frame_type);
AssertFatal(fp->ul_CarrierFreq == (fp->dl_CarrierFreq + dlul_offset), "Disagreement in uplink frequency for band %d: ul_CarrierFreq = %lu Hz vs expected %lu Hz\n", fp->nr_band, fp->ul_CarrierFreq, fp->dl_CarrierFreq + dlul_offset);
fp->threequarter_fs = openair0_cfg[0].threequarter_fs;
LOG_I(PHY,"Configuring MIB for instance %d, : (Nid_cell %d,DL freq %llu, UL freq %llu)\n",
......@@ -331,10 +331,10 @@ int nr_init_frame_parms_ue(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *fp,
int32_t uplink_frequency_offset = 0;
get_band(fp->dl_CarrierFreq, &fp->nr_band, &uplink_frequency_offset, &fp->frame_type);
get_band(fp->dl_CarrierFreq, fp->ul_CarrierFreq, &fp->nr_band, &uplink_frequency_offset, &fp->frame_type);
AssertFatal(fp->frame_type==config->cell_config.frame_duplex_type, "Invalid duplex type in config request file for band %d\n", fp->nr_band);
AssertFatal(fp->ul_CarrierFreq==(fp->dl_CarrierFreq+uplink_frequency_offset), "Disagreement in uplink frequency for band %d\n", fp->nr_band);
AssertFatal(fp->ul_CarrierFreq == (fp->dl_CarrierFreq + uplink_frequency_offset), "Disagreement in uplink frequency for band %d: ul_CarrierFreq = %lu Hz vs expected %lu Hz\n", fp->nr_band, fp->ul_CarrierFreq, fp->dl_CarrierFreq + uplink_frequency_offset);
printf("Initializing UE frame parms for mu %d, N_RB %d, Ncp %d\n",fp->numerology_index, fp->N_RB_DL, Ncp);
......@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ uint16_t NCS_restricted_TypeB_delta_f_RA_5[14] = {36,57,60,63,65,68,71,77,81,8
uint16_t NCS_unrestricted_delta_f_RA_15[16] = {0,2,4,6,8,10,12,13,15,17,19,23,27,34,46,69};
const char *prachfmt[]={"0","1","2","3", "A1","A2","A3","B1","B4","C0","C2","A1/B1","A2/B2","A3/B3"};
const char *duplex_mode[]={"FDD","TDD"};
uint16_t get_NCS(uint8_t index, uint16_t format0, uint8_t restricted_set_config) {
......@@ -1443,7 +1444,12 @@ uint8_t compute_nr_root_seq(NR_RACH_ConfigCommon_t *rach_config,
// Table 5.2-1 NR operating bands in FR1 & FR2 (3GPP TS 38.101)
// Table Applicable NR-ARFCN per operating band in FR1 & FR2 (3GPP TS 38.101)
// Notes:
// - N_OFFs for bands from 80 to 89 and band 95 is referred to UL
// - Frequencies are expressed in KHz
// - col: NR_band ul_min ul_max dl_min dl_max step N_OFFs_DL deltaf_raster
nr_bandentry_t nr_bandtable[] = {
{1, 1920000, 1980000, 2110000, 2170000, 20, 422000, 100},
{2, 1850000, 1910000, 1930000, 1990000, 20, 386000, 100},
......@@ -1452,17 +1458,27 @@ nr_bandentry_t nr_bandtable[] = {
{7, 2500000, 2570000, 2620000, 2690000, 20, 524000, 100},
{8, 880000, 915000, 925000, 960000, 20, 185000, 100},
{12, 698000, 716000, 728000, 746000, 20, 145800, 100},
{14, 788000, 798000, 758000, 768000, 20, 151600, 100},
{18, 815000, 830000, 860000, 875000, 20, 172000, 100},
{20, 832000, 862000, 791000, 821000, 20, 158200, 100},
{25, 1850000, 1915000, 1930000, 1995000, 20, 386000, 100},
{26, 814000, 849000, 859000, 894000, 20, 171800, 100},
{28, 703000, 758000, 758000, 813000, 20, 151600, 100},
{29, 000, 000, 717000, 728000, 20, 143400, 100},
{30, 2305000, 2315000, 2350000, 2360000, 20, 470000, 100},
{34, 2010000, 2025000, 2010000, 2025000, 20, 402000, 100},
{38, 2570000, 2620000, 2570000, 2630000, 20, 514000, 100},
{39, 1880000, 1920000, 1880000, 1920000, 20, 376000, 100},
{40, 2300000, 2400000, 2300000, 2400000, 20, 460000, 100},
{41, 2496000, 2690000, 2496000, 2690000, 3, 499200, 15},
{41, 2496000, 2690000, 2496000, 2690000, 6, 499200, 30},
{47, 5855000, 5925000, 5855000, 5925000, 1, 790334, 15},
{48, 3550000, 3700000, 3550000, 3700000, 1, 636667, 15},
{48, 3550000, 3700000, 3550000, 3700000, 2, 636668, 30},
{50, 1432000, 1517000, 1432000, 1517000, 20, 286400, 100},
{51, 1427000, 1432000, 1427000, 1432000, 20, 285400, 100},
{53, 2483500, 2495000, 2483500, 2495000, 20, 496700, 100},
{65, 1920000, 2010000, 2110000, 2200000, 20, 422000, 100},
{66, 1710000, 1780000, 2110000, 2200000, 20, 422000, 100},
{70, 1695000, 1710000, 1995000, 2020000, 20, 399000, 100},
{71, 663000, 698000, 617000, 652000, 20, 123400, 100},
......@@ -1480,7 +1496,16 @@ nr_bandentry_t nr_bandtable[] = {
{82, 832000, 862000, 000, 000, 20, 166400, 100},
{83, 703000, 748000, 000, 000, 20, 140600, 100},
{84, 1920000, 1980000, 000, 000, 20, 384000, 100},
{86, 1710000, 1785000, 000, 000, 20, 342000, 100},
{86, 1710000, 1780000, 000, 000, 20, 342000, 100},
{89, 824000, 849000, 000, 000, 20, 342000, 100},
{90, 2496000, 2690000, 2496000, 2690000, 3, 499200, 15},
{90, 2496000, 2690000, 2496000, 2690000, 6, 499200, 30},
{90, 2496000, 2690000, 2496000, 2690000, 20, 499200, 100},
{91, 832000, 862000, 1427000, 1432000, 20, 285400, 100},
{92, 832000, 862000, 1432000, 1517000, 20, 286400, 100},
{93, 880000, 915000, 1427000, 1432000, 20, 285400, 100},
{94, 880000, 915000, 1432000, 1517000, 20, 286400, 100},
{95, 2010000, 2025000, 000, 000, 20, 402000, 100},
{257,26500000,29500000,26500000,29500000, 1,2054166, 60},
{257,26500000,29500000,26500000,29500000, 2,2054167, 120},
{258,24250000,27500000,24250000,27500000, 1,2016667, 60},
......@@ -1534,7 +1559,44 @@ int32_t table_6_4_1_1_3_4_pusch_dmrs_positions_l [12][8] = {
#define NR_BANDTABLE_SIZE (sizeof(nr_bandtable)/sizeof(nr_bandentry_t))
// Computes the duplex spacing (either positive or negative) in KHz
void get_delta_duplex(int nr_table_idx, int32_t *delta_duplex){
int supplementary_bands[] = {29,75,76,80,81,82,83,84,86,89,95};
size_t s = sizeof(supplementary_bands)/sizeof(supplementary_bands[0]);
for(int i = 0; i < s; i++){
if (nr_table_idx == supplementary_bands[i])
AssertFatal(0 == 1, "Band %d is a supplementary band. This is not supported yet.\n", nr_table_idx);
*delta_duplex = (nr_bandtable[nr_table_idx].ul_min - nr_bandtable[nr_table_idx].dl_min);
LOG_D(PHY, "NR band duplex spacing %d KHz (nr_bandtable[%d].band = %d)\n", *delta_duplex, nr_table_idx, nr_bandtable[nr_table_idx].band);
// Returns the corresponding row index of the NR table
int get_nr_table_idx(int nr_bandP, uint8_t scs_index){
int scs_khz = 15 << scs_index;
int i;
AssertFatal(nr_bandP <= nr_bandtable[NR_BANDTABLE_SIZE-1].band, "NR band %d exceeds NR bands table maximum limit %d\n", nr_bandP, nr_bandtable[NR_BANDTABLE_SIZE-1].band);
for (i = 0; i < NR_BANDTABLE_SIZE && nr_bandtable[i].band != nr_bandP; i++);
// selection of correct Deltaf raster according to SCS
if ((nr_bandtable[i].deltaf_raster != 100) && (nr_bandtable[i].deltaf_raster != scs_khz))
LOG_D(PHY, "NR band table index %d (Band %d)\n", i, nr_bandtable[i].band);
return i;
void get_band(uint64_t downlink_frequency,
uint64_t ul_frequency,
uint16_t *current_band,
int32_t *current_offset,
lte_frame_type_t *current_type)
......@@ -1543,6 +1605,7 @@ void get_band(uint64_t downlink_frequency,
uint64_t center_frequency_khz;
uint64_t center_freq_diff_khz;
uint64_t dl_freq_khz = downlink_frequency/1000;
uint64_t ul_freq_khz = ul_frequency/1000;
center_freq_diff_khz = 999999999999999999; // 2^64
*current_band = 0;
......@@ -1553,14 +1616,14 @@ void get_band(uint64_t downlink_frequency,
LOG_I(PHY, "Scanning band %d, dl_min %"PRIu64", ul_min %"PRIu64"\n", nr_bandtable[ind].band, nr_bandtable[ind].dl_min,nr_bandtable[ind].ul_min);
if ( nr_bandtable[ind].dl_min <= dl_freq_khz && nr_bandtable[ind].dl_max >= dl_freq_khz ) {
if (nr_bandtable[ind].dl_min <= dl_freq_khz && nr_bandtable[ind].dl_max >= dl_freq_khz && nr_bandtable[ind].ul_min <= ul_freq_khz && nr_bandtable[ind].ul_max >= ul_freq_khz) {
center_frequency_khz = (nr_bandtable[ind].dl_max + nr_bandtable[ind].dl_min)/2;
if (abs(dl_freq_khz - center_frequency_khz) < center_freq_diff_khz){
*current_band = nr_bandtable[ind].band;
*current_offset = (nr_bandtable[ind].ul_min - nr_bandtable[ind].dl_min)*1000;
get_delta_duplex(ind, current_offset);
*current_offset *= 1000;
center_freq_diff_khz = abs(dl_freq_khz - center_frequency_khz);
if (*current_offset == 0)
*current_type = TDD;
......@@ -1569,11 +1632,10 @@ void get_band(uint64_t downlink_frequency,
LOG_I( PHY, "DL frequency %"PRIu64": band %d, frame_type %d, UL frequency %"PRIu64"\n",
downlink_frequency, *current_band, *current_type, downlink_frequency+*current_offset);
LOG_I(PHY, "DL frequency %"PRIu64" Hz, UL frequency %"PRIu64" Hz: band %d, uldl offset %d Hz, duplex mode %s\n", downlink_frequency, ul_frequency, *current_band, *current_offset, duplex_mode[*current_type]);
AssertFatal(*current_band != 0, "Can't find NR band for frequency %lu\n", downlink_frequency);
AssertFatal(*current_band != 0,
"Can't find EUTRA band for frequency %lu\n", downlink_frequency);
uint16_t config_bandwidth(int mu, int nb_rb, int nr_band)
......@@ -1696,17 +1758,10 @@ uint32_t to_nrarfcn(int nr_bandP,
uint64_t dl_CarrierFreq_by_1k = dl_CarrierFreq / 1000;
int bw_kHz = bw / 1000;
int scs_khz = 15<<scs_index;
int i;
uint32_t nrarfcn, delta_arfcn;
int i = get_nr_table_idx(nr_bandP, scs_index);
LOG_I(MAC,"Searching for nr band %d DL Carrier frequency %llu bw %u\n",nr_bandP,(long long unsigned int)dl_CarrierFreq,bw);
AssertFatal(nr_bandP <= 261, "nr_band %d > 260\n", nr_bandP);
for (i = 0; i < NR_BANDTABLE_SIZE && nr_bandtable[i].band != nr_bandP; i++);
// selection of correct Deltaf raster according to SCS
if ( (nr_bandtable[i].deltaf_raster != 100) && (nr_bandtable[i].deltaf_raster != scs_khz))
AssertFatal(dl_CarrierFreq_by_1k >= nr_bandtable[i].dl_min,
"Band %d, bw %u : DL carrier frequency %llu kHz < %llu\n",
......@@ -1735,55 +1790,63 @@ uint32_t to_nrarfcn(int nr_bandP,
// this function applies to both DL and UL
uint64_t from_nrarfcn(int nr_bandP,
uint8_t scs_index,
uint32_t dl_nrarfcn)
uint32_t nrarfcn)
int i;
int deltaFglobal = 5;
int scs_khz = 15<<scs_index;
uint32_t delta_arfcn;
int32_t delta_duplex;
uint64_t N_OFFs, frequency, freq_min;
int i = get_nr_table_idx(nr_bandP, scs_index);
if (dl_nrarfcn > 599999 && dl_nrarfcn < 2016667)
if (nrarfcn > 599999 && nrarfcn < 2016667)
deltaFglobal = 15;
if (dl_nrarfcn > 2016666 && dl_nrarfcn < 3279166)
if (nrarfcn > 2016666 && nrarfcn < 3279166)
deltaFglobal = 60;
AssertFatal(nr_bandP <= 261, "nr_band %d > 260\n", nr_bandP);
for (i = 0; i < NR_BANDTABLE_SIZE && nr_bandtable[i].band != nr_bandP; i++);
AssertFatal(dl_nrarfcn>=nr_bandtable[i].N_OFFs_DL,"dl_nrarfcn %u < N_OFFs_DL[%d] %llu\n",dl_nrarfcn, nr_bandtable[i].band,(long long unsigned int)nr_bandtable[i].N_OFFs_DL);
// selection of correct Deltaf raster according to SCS
if ( (nr_bandtable[i].deltaf_raster != 100) && (nr_bandtable[i].deltaf_raster != scs_khz))
get_delta_duplex(i, &delta_duplex);
delta_arfcn = dl_nrarfcn - nr_bandtable[i].N_OFFs_DL;
AssertFatal(1==0,"dl_nrarfcn %u is not on the raster for step size %lu",dl_nrarfcn,nr_bandtable[i].step_size);
if (delta_duplex <= 0){ // DL band >= UL band
if (nrarfcn >= nr_bandtable[i].N_OFFs_DL){ // is TDD of FDD DL
N_OFFs = nr_bandtable[i].N_OFFs_DL;
freq_min = nr_bandtable[i].dl_min;
} else {// is FDD UL
N_OFFs = nr_bandtable[i].N_OFFs_DL + delta_duplex/deltaFglobal;
freq_min = nr_bandtable[i].ul_min;
} else { // UL band > DL band
if (nrarfcn >= nr_bandtable[i].N_OFFs_DL + delta_duplex/deltaFglobal){ // is FDD UL
N_OFFs = nr_bandtable[i].N_OFFs_DL + delta_duplex/deltaFglobal;
freq_min = nr_bandtable[i].ul_min;
} else { // is FDD DL
N_OFFs = nr_bandtable[i].N_OFFs_DL;
freq_min = nr_bandtable[i].dl_min;
LOG_I(PHY,"Computing dl_frequency (pointA %llu => %llu (dlmin %llu, nr_bandtable[%d].N_OFFs_DL %llu))\n",
(unsigned long long)dl_nrarfcn,
(unsigned long long)(1000*(nr_bandtable[i].dl_min + (dl_nrarfcn - nr_bandtable[i].N_OFFs_DL) * deltaFglobal)),
(unsigned long long)nr_bandtable[i].dl_min,
(unsigned long long)nr_bandtable[i].N_OFFs_DL);
LOG_D(PHY, "Frequency from NR-ARFCN for N_OFFs %lu, duplex spacing %d KHz, deltaFglobal %d KHz\n", N_OFFs, delta_duplex, deltaFglobal);
return 1000*(nr_bandtable[i].dl_min + (dl_nrarfcn - nr_bandtable[i].N_OFFs_DL) * deltaFglobal);
AssertFatal(nrarfcn >= N_OFFs,"nrarfcn %u < N_OFFs[%d] %llu\n", nrarfcn, nr_bandtable[i].band, (long long unsigned int)N_OFFs);
delta_arfcn = nrarfcn - N_OFFs;
AssertFatal(1 == 0, "nrarfcn %u is not on the raster for step size %lu", nrarfcn, nr_bandtable[i].step_size);
int32_t get_nr_uldl_offset(int nr_bandP)
int i;
frequency = 1000*(freq_min + (nrarfcn - N_OFFs) * deltaFglobal);
for (i = 0; i < NR_BANDTABLE_SIZE && nr_bandtable[i].band != nr_bandP; i++);
LOG_I(PHY, "Computing frequency (pointA %llu => %llu KHz (freq_min %llu KHz, NR band %d N_OFFs %llu))\n",
(unsigned long long)nrarfcn,
(unsigned long long)frequency/1000,
(unsigned long long)freq_min,
(unsigned long long)N_OFFs);
return frequency;
return (nr_bandtable[i].dl_min - nr_bandtable[i].ul_min);
void nr_get_tbs_dl(nfapi_nr_dl_tti_pdsch_pdu *pdsch_pdu,
int x_overhead,
uint8_t numdmrscdmgroupnodata,
......@@ -66,7 +66,9 @@ typedef enum {
uint16_t config_bandwidth(int mu, int nb_rb, int nr_band);
void get_band(uint64_t downlink_frequency, uint16_t *current_band, int32_t *current_offset, lte_frame_type_t *current_type);
void get_band(uint64_t dl_frequency, uint64_t ul_frequency, uint16_t *current_band, int32_t *current_offset, lte_frame_type_t *current_type);
void get_delta_duplex(int nr_table_idx, int32_t *delta_duplex);
uint64_t from_nrarfcn(int nr_bandP, uint8_t scs_index, uint32_t dl_nrarfcn);
......@@ -205,6 +205,7 @@ void config_common_ue(NR_UE_MAC_INST_t *mac,
int32_t offset;
......@@ -129,6 +129,7 @@ void config_common(int Mod_idP, int pdsch_AntennaPorts, NR_ServingCellConfigComm
int32_t offset;
......@@ -326,8 +326,6 @@ int get_ulscs(nfapi_nr_config_request_t *cfg);
int get_symbolsperslot(nfapi_nr_config_request_t *cfg);
int32_t get_nr_uldl_offset(int nr_bandP);
void config_nr_mib(int Mod_idP,
int CC_idP,
int p_gNBP,
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