diff --git a/openair1/PHY/CODING/TESTBENCH/polartest.c b/openair1/PHY/CODING/TESTBENCH/polartest.c
index 14f9db98b5aed1ec356637d8743ef104f7b5d386..7e294a8230fb081f5570061e2bbbeff28c1b46ae 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/CODING/TESTBENCH/polartest.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/CODING/TESTBENCH/polartest.c
@@ -17,425 +17,414 @@
 //#define DEBUG_CRC
 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
-	//Initiate timing. (Results depend on CPU Frequency. Therefore, might change due to performance variances during simulation.)
-	time_stats_t timeEncoder,timeDecoder;
-	opp_enabled=1;
-	int decoder_int16=0;
-	cpu_freq_GHz = get_cpu_freq_GHz();
-	reset_meas(&timeEncoder);
-	reset_meas(&timeDecoder);
-	randominit(0);
-	crcTableInit();
-	//Default simulation values (Aim for iterations = 1000000.)
-	int itr, iterations = 1000, arguments, polarMessageType = 0; //0=PBCH, 1=DCI, -1=UCI
-	double SNRstart = -20.0, SNRstop = 0.0, SNRinc= 0.5; //dB
-	double SNR, SNR_lin;
-	int16_t nBitError = 0; // -1 = Decoding failed (All list entries have failed the CRC checks).
-	uint32_t decoderState=0, blockErrorState=0; //0 = Success, -1 = Decoding failed, 1 = Block Error.
-	uint16_t testLength = 0, coderLength = 0, blockErrorCumulative=0, bitErrorCumulative=0;
-	double timeEncoderCumulative = 0, timeDecoderCumulative = 0;
-	uint8_t aggregation_level = 8, decoderListSize = 8, pathMetricAppr = 0;
-	while ((arguments = getopt (argc, argv, "s:d:f:m:i:l:a:hqg")) != -1)
-	switch (arguments)
-	{
-		case 's':
-			SNRstart = atof(optarg);
-			break;
-		case 'd':
-			SNRinc = atof(optarg);
-			break;
-		case 'f':
-			SNRstop = atof(optarg);
-			break;
-		case 'm':
-			polarMessageType = atoi(optarg);
-			break;
-		case 'i':
-			iterations = atoi(optarg);
-			break;
-		case 'l':
-			decoderListSize = (uint8_t) atoi(optarg);
-			break;
-		case 'a':
-			pathMetricAppr = (uint8_t) atoi(optarg);
-			break;
-		case 'q':
-			decoder_int16 = 1;
-			break;
-		case 'g':
-			iterations = 1;
-			SNRstart = -6.0;
-			SNRstop = -6.0;
-			decoder_int16 = 1;
-			break;
-		case 'h':
-			printf("./polartest -s SNRstart -d SNRinc -f SNRstop -m [0=PBCH|1=DCI|2=UCI] -i iterations -l decoderListSize -a pathMetricAppr\n");
-			exit(-1);
-		default:
-			perror("[polartest.c] Problem at argument parsing with getopt");
-			exit(-1);
-	}
-	if (polarMessageType == 0) { //PBCH
-	  testLength = 64;//NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS;
-		coderLength = NR_POLAR_PBCH_E;
-		aggregation_level = NR_POLAR_PBCH_AGGREGATION_LEVEL;
-	} else if (polarMessageType == 1) { //DCI
-		//testLength = nr_get_dci_size(params_rel15->dci_format, params_rel15->rnti_type, &fp->initial_bwp_dl, cfg);
-	  testLength = 41; //20;
-	  coderLength = 108*8; //to be changed by aggregate level function.
-	} else if (polarMessageType == -1) { //UCI
-		//testLength = ;
-		//coderLength = ;
-	}
-	//Logging
-	time_t currentTime;
-	time (&currentTime);
-	char fileName[512], currentTimeInfo[25];
-	char folderName[] = ".";
-	/*
-	folderName=getenv("HOME");
-	strcat(folderName,"/Desktop/polartestResults");
-	*/
-	sprintf(fileName,"%s/TIMING_ListSize_%d_pmAppr_%d_Payload_%d_Itr_%d",folderName,decoderListSize,pathMetricAppr,testLength,iterations);
-	#else
-	sprintf(fileName,"%s/_ListSize_%d_pmAppr_%d_Payload_%d_Itr_%d",folderName,decoderListSize,pathMetricAppr,testLength,iterations);
-	#endif
-	strftime(currentTimeInfo, 25, "_%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.csv", localtime(&currentTime));
-	strcat(fileName,currentTimeInfo);
-	//Create "~/Desktop/polartestResults" folder if it doesn't already exist.
-	/*
-	struct stat folder = {0};
-	if (stat(folderName, &folder) == -1) mkdir(folderName, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO);
-	*/
-	FILE* logFile;
-	logFile = fopen(fileName, "w");
-	if (logFile==NULL) {
-	  fprintf(stderr,"[polartest.c] Problem creating file %s with fopen\n",fileName);
-	  exit(-1);
-	}
+  //Initiate timing. (Results depend on CPU Frequency. Therefore, might change due to performance variances during simulation.)
+  time_stats_t timeEncoder,timeDecoder;
+  opp_enabled=1;
+  int decoder_int16=0;
+  cpu_freq_GHz = get_cpu_freq_GHz();
+  reset_meas(&timeEncoder);
+  reset_meas(&timeDecoder);
+  randominit(0);
+  crcTableInit();
+  //Default simulation values (Aim for iterations = 1000000.)
+  int itr, iterations = 1000, arguments, polarMessageType = 0; //0=PBCH, 1=DCI, -1=UCI
+  double SNRstart = -20.0, SNRstop = 0.0, SNRinc= 0.5; //dB
+  double SNR, SNR_lin;
+  int16_t nBitError = 0; // -1 = Decoding failed (All list entries have failed the CRC checks).
+  uint32_t decoderState=0, blockErrorState=0; //0 = Success, -1 = Decoding failed, 1 = Block Error.
+  uint16_t testLength = 0, coderLength = 0, blockErrorCumulative=0, bitErrorCumulative=0;
+  double timeEncoderCumulative = 0, timeDecoderCumulative = 0;
+  uint8_t aggregation_level = 8, decoderListSize = 8, pathMetricAppr = 0;
+  while ((arguments = getopt (argc, argv, "s:d:f:m:i:l:a:hqg")) != -1)
+    switch (arguments) {
+      case 's':
+        SNRstart = atof(optarg);
+        break;
+      case 'd':
+        SNRinc = atof(optarg);
+        break;
+      case 'f':
+        SNRstop = atof(optarg);
+        break;
+      case 'm':
+        polarMessageType = atoi(optarg);
+        break;
+      case 'i':
+        iterations = atoi(optarg);
+        break;
+      case 'l':
+        decoderListSize = (uint8_t) atoi(optarg);
+        break;
+      case 'a':
+        pathMetricAppr = (uint8_t) atoi(optarg);
+        break;
+      case 'q':
+        decoder_int16 = 1;
+        break;
+      case 'g':
+        iterations = 1;
+        SNRstart = -6.0;
+        SNRstop = -6.0;
+        decoder_int16 = 1;
+        break;
+      case 'h':
+        printf("./polartest -s SNRstart -d SNRinc -f SNRstop -m [0=PBCH|1=DCI|2=UCI] -i iterations -l decoderListSize -a pathMetricAppr\n");
+        exit(-1);
+      default:
+        perror("[polartest.c] Problem at argument parsing with getopt");
+        exit(-1);
+    }
+  if (polarMessageType == 0) { //PBCH
+    testLength = 64;//NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS;
+    coderLength = NR_POLAR_PBCH_E;
+    aggregation_level = NR_POLAR_PBCH_AGGREGATION_LEVEL;
+  } else if (polarMessageType == 1) { //DCI
+    //testLength = nr_get_dci_size(params_rel15->dci_format, params_rel15->rnti_type, &fp->initial_bwp_dl, cfg);
+    testLength = 41; //20;
+    coderLength = 108*8; //to be changed by aggregate level function.
+  } else if (polarMessageType == -1) { //UCI
+    //testLength = ;
+    //coderLength = ;
+  }
+  //Logging
+  time_t currentTime;
+  time (&currentTime);
+  char fileName[512], currentTimeInfo[25];
+  char folderName[] = ".";
+  /*
+  folderName=getenv("HOME");
+  strcat(folderName,"/Desktop/polartestResults");
+  */
-    fprintf(logFile,",timeEncoderCRCByte[us],timeEncoderCRCBit[us],timeEncoderInterleaver[us],timeEncoderBitInsertion[us],timeEncoder1[us],timeEncoder2[us],timeEncoderRateMatching[us],timeEncoderByte2Bit[us]\n");
+  sprintf(fileName,"%s/TIMING_ListSize_%d_pmAppr_%d_Payload_%d_Itr_%d",folderName,decoderListSize,pathMetricAppr,testLength,iterations);
-    fprintf(logFile,",SNR,nBitError,blockErrorState,t_encoder[us],t_decoder[us]\n");
+  sprintf(fileName,"%s/_ListSize_%d_pmAppr_%d_Payload_%d_Itr_%d",folderName,decoderListSize,pathMetricAppr,testLength,iterations);
+  strftime(currentTimeInfo, 25, "_%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.csv", localtime(&currentTime));
+  strcat(fileName,currentTimeInfo);
+  //Create "~/Desktop/polartestResults" folder if it doesn't already exist.
+  /*
+  struct stat folder = {0};
+  if (stat(folderName, &folder) == -1) mkdir(folderName, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO);
+  */
+  FILE *logFile;
+  logFile = fopen(fileName, "w");
+  if (logFile==NULL) {
+    fprintf(stderr,"[polartest.c] Problem creating file %s with fopen\n",fileName);
+    exit(-1);
+  }
-    uint8_t testArrayLength = ceil(testLength / 32.0);
-    uint8_t coderArrayLength = ceil(coderLength / 32.0);
-	uint32_t testInput[testArrayLength]; //generate randomly
-	uint32_t encoderOutput[coderArrayLength];
-	uint32_t estimatedOutput[testArrayLength]; //decoder output
-	memset(testInput,0,sizeof(uint32_t) * testArrayLength);
-	memset(encoderOutput,0,sizeof(uint32_t) * coderArrayLength);
-	memset(estimatedOutput,0,sizeof(uint32_t) * testArrayLength);
-	uint8_t encoderOutputByte[coderLength];
-	double modulatedInput[coderLength]; //channel input
-	double channelOutput[coderLength];  //add noise
-	int16_t channelOutput_int16[coderLength];
-	t_nrPolar_params currentPtr = nr_polar_params(polarMessageType, testLength, aggregation_level);
+  fprintf(logFile,
+          ",timeEncoderCRCByte[us],timeEncoderCRCBit[us],timeEncoderInterleaver[us],timeEncoderBitInsertion[us],timeEncoder1[us],timeEncoder2[us],timeEncoderRateMatching[us],timeEncoderByte2Bit[us]\n");
+  fprintf(logFile,",SNR,nBitError,blockErrorState,t_encoder[us],t_decoder[us]\n");
+  uint8_t testArrayLength = ceil(testLength / 32.0);
+  uint8_t coderArrayLength = ceil(coderLength / 32.0);
+  uint32_t testInput[testArrayLength]; //generate randomly
+  uint32_t encoderOutput[coderArrayLength];
+  uint32_t estimatedOutput[testArrayLength]; //decoder output
+  memset(testInput,0,sizeof(uint32_t) * testArrayLength);
+  memset(encoderOutput,0,sizeof(uint32_t) * coderArrayLength);
+  memset(estimatedOutput,0,sizeof(uint32_t) * testArrayLength);
+  uint8_t encoderOutputByte[coderLength];
+  double modulatedInput[coderLength]; //channel input
+  double channelOutput[coderLength];  //add noise
+  int16_t channelOutput_int16[coderLength];
+  t_nrPolar_params currentPtr = nr_polar_params(polarMessageType, testLength, aggregation_level);
-	uint32_t dci_pdu[4];
-	memset(dci_pdu,0,sizeof(uint32_t)*4);
-	dci_pdu[0]=0x01189400;
-	printf("dci_pdu: [0]->0x%08x \t [1]->0x%08x \t [2]->0x%08x \t [3]->0x%08x\n",
-			dci_pdu[0], dci_pdu[1], dci_pdu[2], dci_pdu[3]);
-	uint32_t encoder_output[54];
-	memset(encoder_output,0,sizeof(uint32_t)*54);
-	uint16_t size=41;
-	uint16_t rnti=3;
-	aggregation_level=8;
-	t_nrPolar_params * currentPtrDCI=nr_polar_params(1, size, aggregation_level);
-	polar_encoder_dci(dci_pdu, encoder_output, currentPtrDCI, rnti);
-	for (int i=0;i<54;i++)
-		printf("encoder_output: [%2d]->0x%08x \n",i, encoder_output[i]);
-	uint8_t *encoder_outputByte = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * currentPtrDCI->encoderLength);
-	double *channel_output  = malloc (sizeof(double) * currentPtrDCI->encoderLength);
-	uint32_t dci_estimation[4];
-	memset(dci_estimation,0,sizeof(uint32_t)*4);
-	printf("dci_estimation: [0]->0x%08x \t [1]->0x%08x \t [2]->0x%08x \t [3]->0x%08x\n",
-			dci_estimation[0], dci_estimation[1], dci_estimation[2], dci_estimation[3]);
-	nr_bit2byte_uint32_8_t(encoder_output, currentPtrDCI->encoderLength, encoder_outputByte);
-	printf("[polartest] encoder_outputByte: ");
-	for (int i = 0; i < currentPtrDCI->encoderLength; i++) printf("%d-", encoder_outputByte[i]);
-	printf("\n");
-	for(int i=0; i<currentPtrDCI->encoderLength; i++) {
-		if (encoder_outputByte[i] == 0) {
-			channel_output[i]=1/sqrt(2);
-		}
-		else {
-			channel_output[i]=(-1)/sqrt(2);
-		}
-	}
-	decoderState = polar_decoder_dci(channel_output,
-									 dci_estimation,
-									 currentPtrDCI,
-									 rnti);
-	printf("dci_estimation: [0]->0x%08x \t [1]->0x%08x \t [2]->0x%08x \t [3]->0x%08x\n",
-			dci_estimation[0], dci_estimation[1], dci_estimation[2], dci_estimation[3]);
-	free(encoder_outputByte);
-	free(channel_output);
-	return 0;
+  uint32_t dci_pdu[4];
+  memset(dci_pdu,0,sizeof(uint32_t)*4);
+  dci_pdu[0]=0x01189400;
+  printf("dci_pdu: [0]->0x%08x \t [1]->0x%08x \t [2]->0x%08x \t [3]->0x%08x\n",
+         dci_pdu[0], dci_pdu[1], dci_pdu[2], dci_pdu[3]);
+  uint32_t encoder_output[54];
+  memset(encoder_output,0,sizeof(uint32_t)*54);
+  uint16_t size=41;
+  uint16_t rnti=3;
+  aggregation_level=8;
+  t_nrPolar_params *currentPtrDCI=nr_polar_params(1, size, aggregation_level);
+  polar_encoder_dci(dci_pdu, encoder_output, currentPtrDCI, rnti);
+  for (int i=0; i<54; i++)
+    printf("encoder_output: [%2d]->0x%08x \n",i, encoder_output[i]);
+  uint8_t *encoder_outputByte = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * currentPtrDCI->encoderLength);
+  double *channel_output  = malloc (sizeof(double) * currentPtrDCI->encoderLength);
+  uint32_t dci_estimation[4];
+  memset(dci_estimation,0,sizeof(uint32_t)*4);
+  printf("dci_estimation: [0]->0x%08x \t [1]->0x%08x \t [2]->0x%08x \t [3]->0x%08x\n",
+         dci_estimation[0], dci_estimation[1], dci_estimation[2], dci_estimation[3]);
+  nr_bit2byte_uint32_8_t(encoder_output, currentPtrDCI->encoderLength, encoder_outputByte);
+  printf("[polartest] encoder_outputByte: ");
+  for (int i = 0; i < currentPtrDCI->encoderLength; i++) printf("%d-", encoder_outputByte[i]);
+  printf("\n");
+  for(int i=0; i<currentPtrDCI->encoderLength; i++) {
+    if (encoder_outputByte[i] == 0) {
+      channel_output[i]=1/sqrt(2);
+    } else {
+      channel_output[i]=(-1)/sqrt(2);
+    }
+  }
+  decoderState = polar_decoder_dci(channel_output,
+                                   dci_estimation,
+                                   currentPtrDCI,
+                                   NR_POLAR_DECODER_LISTSIZE,
+                                   NR_POLAR_DECODER_PATH_METRIC_APPROXIMATION,
+                                   rnti);
+  printf("dci_estimation: [0]->0x%08x \t [1]->0x%08x \t [2]->0x%08x \t [3]->0x%08x\n",
+         dci_estimation[0], dci_estimation[1], dci_estimation[2], dci_estimation[3]);
+  free(encoder_outputByte);
+  free(channel_output);
+  return 0;
 #ifdef DEBUG_CRC
-	uint32_t crc;
-	unsigned int poly24c = 0xb2b11700;
-	uint32_t testInputCRC[4];
-	testInputCRC[0]=0x00291880;
-	//testInputCRC[0]=0x01189400;
-	testInputCRC[1]=0x00000000;
-	testInputCRC[2]=0x00000000;
-	testInputCRC[3]=0x00000000;
-	uint32_t testInputcrc=0x01189400;
-	uint32_t testInputcrc2=0x00291880;
-	uint8_t testInputCRC2[8];
-	nr_crc_bit2bit_uint32_8_t(testInputCRC, 32, testInputCRC2);
-	printf("testInputCRC2: [0]->%x \t [1]->%x \t [2]->%x \t [3]->%x\n"
-		   "            [4]->%x \t [5]->%x \t [6]->%x \t [7]->%x\n",
-				testInputCRC2[0], testInputCRC2[1], testInputCRC2[2], testInputCRC2[3],
-				testInputCRC2[4], testInputCRC2[5], testInputCRC2[6], testInputCRC2[7]);
-	unsigned int crc41 = crc24c(testInputCRC, 32);
-	unsigned int crc65 = crc24c(testInputCRC, 56);
-	printf("crc41: [0]->0x%08x\tcrc65: [0]->0x%08x\n",crc41, crc65);
-	for (int i=0;i<32;i++) printf("crc41[%d]=%d\tcrc65[%d]=%d\n",i,(crc41>>i)&1,i,(crc65>>i)&1);
-    crc = crc24c(testInputCRC, testLength)>>8;
-    for (int i=0;i<24;i++) printf("[i]=%d\n",(crc>>i)&1);
-    printf("crc: [0]->0x%08x\n",crc);
-    //crcbit(testInputCRC, sizeof(test) - 1, poly24c));
-    testInputCRC[testLength>>3] = ((uint8_t*)&crc)[2];
-    testInputCRC[1+(testLength>>3)] = ((uint8_t*)&crc)[1];
-    testInputCRC[2+(testLength>>3)] = ((uint8_t*)&crc)[0];
-    printf("testInputCRC: [0]->0x%08x \t [1]->0x%08x \t [2]->0x%08x \t [3]->0x%08x\n",
-    			testInputCRC[0], testInputCRC[1], testInputCRC[2], testInputCRC[3]);
-    //uint32_t trial32 = 0xffffffff;
-    uint32_t trial32 = 0xf10fffff;
-    uint8_t a[4];
-	//memcpy(a, &trial32, sizeof(trial32));
-	*(uint32_t *)a = trial32;
-    unsigned char trial[4];
-    trial[0]=0xff; trial[1]=0xff;  trial[2]=0x0f; trial[3]=0xf1;
-    uint32_t trialcrc = crc24c(trial, 32);
-    uint32_t trialcrc32 = crc24c((uint8_t *)&trial32, 32);
-    //uint32_t trialcrc32 = crc24c(a, 32);
-    printf("crcbit(trial = %x\n", crcbit(trial, 4, poly24c));
-    printf("trialcrc = %x\n", trialcrc);
-    printf("trialcrc32 = %x\n", trialcrc32);
-    for (int i=0;i<32;i++) printf("trialcrc[%2d]=%d\ttrialcrc32[%2d]=%d\n",i,(trialcrc>>i)&1,i,(trialcrc32>>i)&1);
-    //uint8_t nr_polar_A[32] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1};
-    uint8_t nr_polar_A[32] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1};
-    uint8_t nr_polar_crc[24];
-    uint8_t **crc_generator_matrix = crc24c_generator_matrix(32);
-	nr_matrix_multiplication_uint8_1D_uint8_2D(nr_polar_A,
-												   crc_generator_matrix,
-												   nr_polar_crc,
-												   32,
-												   24);
-	for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 24; i++){
-		nr_polar_crc[i] = (nr_polar_crc[i] % 2);
-		printf("nr_polar_crc[%d]=%d\n",i,nr_polar_crc[i]);
-	}
-    return 0;
+  uint32_t crc;
+  unsigned int poly24c = 0xb2b11700;
+  uint32_t testInputCRC[4];
+  testInputCRC[0]=0x00291880;
+  //testInputCRC[0]=0x01189400;
+  testInputCRC[1]=0x00000000;
+  testInputCRC[2]=0x00000000;
+  testInputCRC[3]=0x00000000;
+  uint32_t testInputcrc=0x01189400;
+  uint32_t testInputcrc2=0x00291880;
+  uint8_t testInputCRC2[8];
+  nr_crc_bit2bit_uint32_8_t(testInputCRC, 32, testInputCRC2);
+  printf("testInputCRC2: [0]->%x \t [1]->%x \t [2]->%x \t [3]->%x\n"
+         "            [4]->%x \t [5]->%x \t [6]->%x \t [7]->%x\n",
+         testInputCRC2[0], testInputCRC2[1], testInputCRC2[2], testInputCRC2[3],
+         testInputCRC2[4], testInputCRC2[5], testInputCRC2[6], testInputCRC2[7]);
+  unsigned int crc41 = crc24c(testInputCRC, 32);
+  unsigned int crc65 = crc24c(testInputCRC, 56);
+  printf("crc41: [0]->0x%08x\tcrc65: [0]->0x%08x\n",crc41, crc65);
+  for (int i=0; i<32; i++) printf("crc41[%d]=%d\tcrc65[%d]=%d\n",i,(crc41>>i)&1,i,(crc65>>i)&1);
+  crc = crc24c(testInputCRC, testLength)>>8;
+  for (int i=0; i<24; i++) printf("[i]=%d\n",(crc>>i)&1);
+  printf("crc: [0]->0x%08x\n",crc);
+  //crcbit(testInputCRC, sizeof(test) - 1, poly24c));
+  testInputCRC[testLength>>3] = ((uint8_t *)&crc)[2];
+  testInputCRC[1+(testLength>>3)] = ((uint8_t *)&crc)[1];
+  testInputCRC[2+(testLength>>3)] = ((uint8_t *)&crc)[0];
+  printf("testInputCRC: [0]->0x%08x \t [1]->0x%08x \t [2]->0x%08x \t [3]->0x%08x\n",
+         testInputCRC[0], testInputCRC[1], testInputCRC[2], testInputCRC[3]);
+  //uint32_t trial32 = 0xffffffff;
+  uint32_t trial32 = 0xf10fffff;
+  uint8_t a[4];
+  //memcpy(a, &trial32, sizeof(trial32));
+  *(uint32_t *)a = trial32;
+  unsigned char trial[4];
+  trial[0]=0xff;
+  trial[1]=0xff;
+  trial[2]=0x0f;
+  trial[3]=0xf1;
+  uint32_t trialcrc = crc24c(trial, 32);
+  uint32_t trialcrc32 = crc24c((uint8_t *)&trial32, 32);
+  //uint32_t trialcrc32 = crc24c(a, 32);
+  printf("crcbit(trial = %x\n", crcbit(trial, 4, poly24c));
+  printf("trialcrc = %x\n", trialcrc);
+  printf("trialcrc32 = %x\n", trialcrc32);
+  for (int i=0; i<32; i++) printf("trialcrc[%2d]=%d\ttrialcrc32[%2d]=%d\n",i,(trialcrc>>i)&1,i,(trialcrc32>>i)&1);
+  //uint8_t nr_polar_A[32] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1};
+  uint8_t nr_polar_A[32] = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1};
+  uint8_t nr_polar_crc[24];
+  uint8_t **crc_generator_matrix = crc24c_generator_matrix(32);
+  nr_matrix_multiplication_uint8_1D_uint8_2D(nr_polar_A,
+      crc_generator_matrix,
+      nr_polar_crc,
+      32,
+      24);
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
+    nr_polar_crc[i] = (nr_polar_crc[i] % 2);
+    printf("nr_polar_crc[%d]=%d\n",i,nr_polar_crc[i]);
+  }
+  return 0;
-	for (SNR = SNRstart; SNR <= SNRstop; SNR += SNRinc) {
-		SNR_lin = pow(10, SNR / 10);
-		for (itr = 1; itr <= iterations; itr++) {
-			for (int j=0; j<ceil(testLength / 32.0); j++) {
-				for(int i=0; i<32; i++) {
-					testInput[j] |= ( ((uint32_t) (rand()%2)) &1);
-					testInput[j]<<=1;
-				}
-			}
-			printf("testInput: [0]->0x%08x \n", testInput[0]);
-			polar_encoder_timing(testInput, encoderOutput, currentPtr, cpu_freq_GHz, logFile);
-		}
-	}
-	fclose(logFile);
-	free(testInput);
-	free(encoderOutput);
-	free(modulatedInput);
-	free(channelOutput);
-	free(estimatedOutput);
-	return (0);
-	// We assume no a priori knowledge available about the payload.
-	double aPrioriArray[currentPtr->payloadBits];
-	for (int i=0; i<currentPtr->payloadBits; i++) aPrioriArray[i] = NAN;
-	for (SNR = SNRstart; SNR <= SNRstop; SNR += SNRinc) {
-	  printf("SNR %f\n",SNR);
-		SNR_lin = pow(10, SNR/10);
-		for (itr = 1; itr <= iterations; itr++) {
-			for (int i = 0; i < testArrayLength; i++) {
-				for (int j = 0; j < (sizeof(testInput[0])*8)-1; j++) {
-					testInput[i] |= ( ((uint32_t) (rand()%2)) &1);
-					testInput[i]<<=1;
-				}
-				testInput[i] |= ( ((uint32_t) (rand()%2)) &1);
-			}
-			/*printf("testInput: [0]->0x%08x\n", testInput[0]);
-			for (int i=0; i<32; i++)
-				printf("%d\n",(testInput[0]>>i)&1);*/
-			int len_mod64=currentPtr->payloadBits&63;
-			((uint64_t*)testInput)[currentPtr->payloadBits/64]&=((((uint64_t)1)<<len_mod64)-1);
-			start_meas(&timeEncoder);
-			if (decoder_int16==0)
-			  polar_encoder(testInput, encoderOutput, currentPtr);
-			else
-				polar_encoder_fast((uint64_t*)testInput, encoderOutput,0, currentPtr);
-			  //polar_encoder_fast((uint64_t*)testInput, (uint64_t*)encoderOutput,0, currentPtr);
-			stop_meas(&timeEncoder);
-			/*printf("encoderOutput: [0]->0x%08x\n", encoderOutput[0]);
-			printf("encoderOutput: [1]->0x%08x\n", encoderOutput[1]);*/
-			//Bit-to-byte:
-			nr_bit2byte_uint32_8_t(encoderOutput, coderLength, encoderOutputByte);
-			//BPSK modulation
-			for(int i=0; i<coderLength; i++) {
-				if (encoderOutputByte[i] == 0)
-					modulatedInput[i]=1/sqrt(2);
-				else
-					modulatedInput[i]=(-1)/sqrt(2);
-				channelOutput[i] = modulatedInput[i] + (gaussdouble(0.0,1.0) * (1/sqrt(2*SNR_lin)));
-				if (decoder_int16==1) {
-				  if (channelOutput[i] > 15) channelOutput_int16[i] = 127;
-				  else if (channelOutput[i] < -16) channelOutput_int16[i] = -128;
-				  else channelOutput_int16[i] = (int16_t) (8*channelOutput[i]);
-				}
-			}
-			start_meas(&timeDecoder);
-			/*decoderState = polar_decoder(channelOutput,
-									 	 estimatedOutput,
-									 	 currentPtr,
-									 	 aPrioriArray,
-			if (decoder_int16==0)
-			  decoderState = polar_decoder_aPriori(channelOutput,
-							       estimatedOutput,
-							       currentPtr,
-							       aPrioriArray);
-			else 
-			  decoderState = polar_decoder_int16(channelOutput_int16,
-							     (uint64_t*)estimatedOutput,
-							     currentPtr);
-			stop_meas(&timeDecoder);
-			/*printf("testInput: [0]->0x%08x\n", testInput[0]);
-			printf("estimatedOutput: [0]->0x%08x\n", estimatedOutput[0]);*/
-			//calculate errors
-			if (decoderState!=0) {
-				blockErrorState=-1;
-				nBitError=-1;
-			} else {
-			  for (int j = 0; j < currentPtr->payloadBits; j++) {
-			    if (((estimatedOutput[0]>>j) & 1) != ((testInput[0]>>j) & 1)) nBitError++;
-			    //			    printf("bit %d: %d => %d\n",j,(testInput[0]>>j)&1,(estimatedOutput[0]>>j)&1);
-			  }
-			  if (nBitError>0) { 
-			    blockErrorState=1; 
-			    //			    printf("Error: Input %x, Output %x\n",testInput[0],estimatedOutput[0]);
-			  }
-			}
-			//Iteration times are in microseconds.
-			timeEncoderCumulative+=(timeEncoder.diff/(cpu_freq_GHz*1000.0));
-			timeDecoderCumulative+=(timeDecoder.diff/(cpu_freq_GHz*1000.0));
-			fprintf(logFile,",%f,%d,%d,%f,%f\n", SNR, nBitError, blockErrorState,
-					(timeEncoder.diff/(cpu_freq_GHz*1000.0)), (timeDecoder.diff/(cpu_freq_GHz*1000.0)));
-			if (nBitError<0) {
-				blockErrorCumulative++;
-				bitErrorCumulative+=testLength;
-			} else {
-				blockErrorCumulative+=blockErrorState;
-				bitErrorCumulative+=nBitError;
-			}
-			decoderState=0;
-			nBitError=0;
-			blockErrorState=0;
-		}
-		//Calculate error statistics for the SNR.
-		printf("[ListSize=%d, Appr=%d] SNR=%+8.3f, BLER=%9.6f, BER=%12.9f, t_Encoder=%9.3fus, t_Decoder=%9.3fus\n",
-				decoderListSize, pathMetricAppr, SNR, ((double)blockErrorCumulative/iterations),
-				((double)bitErrorCumulative / (iterations*testLength)),
-		       (double)timeEncoder.diff/timeEncoder.trials/(cpu_freq_GHz*1000.0),(double)timeDecoder.diff/timeDecoder.trials/(cpu_freq_GHz*1000.0));
-		       //(timeEncoderCumulative/iterations),timeDecoderCumulative/iterations);
-		if (blockErrorCumulative==0 && bitErrorCumulative==0)
-		  break;
-		blockErrorCumulative = 0; bitErrorCumulative = 0;
-		timeEncoderCumulative = 0; timeDecoderCumulative = 0;
-	}
-	print_meas(&timeEncoder,"polar_encoder",NULL,NULL);
-	print_meas(&timeDecoder,"polar_decoder",NULL,NULL);
-	fclose(logFile);
-	return (0);
+  for (SNR = SNRstart; SNR <= SNRstop; SNR += SNRinc) {
+    SNR_lin = pow(10, SNR / 10);
+    for (itr = 1; itr <= iterations; itr++) {
+      for (int j=0; j<ceil(testLength / 32.0); j++) {
+        for(int i=0; i<32; i++) {
+          testInput[j] |= ( ((uint32_t) (rand()%2)) &1);
+          testInput[j]<<=1;
+        }
+      }
+      printf("testInput: [0]->0x%08x \n", testInput[0]);
+      polar_encoder_timing(testInput, encoderOutput, currentPtr, cpu_freq_GHz, logFile);
+    }
+  }
+  fclose(logFile);
+  free(testInput);
+  free(encoderOutput);
+  free(modulatedInput);
+  free(channelOutput);
+  free(estimatedOutput);
+  return (0);
+  // We assume no a priori knowledge available about the payload.
+  double aPrioriArray[currentPtr->payloadBits];
+  for (int i=0; i<currentPtr->payloadBits; i++) aPrioriArray[i] = NAN;
+  for (SNR = SNRstart; SNR <= SNRstop; SNR += SNRinc) {
+    printf("SNR %f\n",SNR);
+    SNR_lin = pow(10, SNR/10);
+    for (itr = 1; itr <= iterations; itr++) {
+      for (int i = 0; i < testArrayLength; i++) {
+        for (int j = 0; j < (sizeof(testInput[0])*8)-1; j++) {
+          testInput[i] |= ( ((uint32_t) (rand()%2)) &1);
+          testInput[i]<<=1;
+        }
+        testInput[i] |= ( ((uint32_t) (rand()%2)) &1);
+      }
+      /*printf("testInput: [0]->0x%08x\n", testInput[0]);
+      for (int i=0; i<32; i++)
+        printf("%d\n",(testInput[0]>>i)&1);*/
+      int len_mod64=currentPtr->payloadBits&63;
+      ((uint64_t *)testInput)[currentPtr->payloadBits/64]&=((((uint64_t)1)<<len_mod64)-1);
+      start_meas(&timeEncoder);
+      if (decoder_int16==0)
+        polar_encoder(testInput, encoderOutput, currentPtr);
+      else
+        polar_encoder_fast((uint64_t *)testInput, encoderOutput,0, currentPtr);
+      //polar_encoder_fast((uint64_t*)testInput, (uint64_t*)encoderOutput,0, currentPtr);
+      stop_meas(&timeEncoder);
+      /*printf("encoderOutput: [0]->0x%08x\n", encoderOutput[0]);
+      printf("encoderOutput: [1]->0x%08x\n", encoderOutput[1]);*/
+      //Bit-to-byte:
+      nr_bit2byte_uint32_8_t(encoderOutput, coderLength, encoderOutputByte);
+      //BPSK modulation
+      for(int i=0; i<coderLength; i++) {
+        if (encoderOutputByte[i] == 0)
+          modulatedInput[i]=1/sqrt(2);
+        else
+          modulatedInput[i]=(-1)/sqrt(2);
+        channelOutput[i] = modulatedInput[i] + (gaussdouble(0.0,1.0) * (1/sqrt(2*SNR_lin)));
+        if (decoder_int16==1) {
+          if (channelOutput[i] > 15) channelOutput_int16[i] = 127;
+          else if (channelOutput[i] < -16) channelOutput_int16[i] = -128;
+          else channelOutput_int16[i] = (int16_t) (8*channelOutput[i]);
+        }
+      }
+      start_meas(&timeDecoder);
+      /*decoderState = polar_decoder(channelOutput,
+                     estimatedOutput,
+                     currentPtr,
+                     NR_POLAR_DECODER_LISTSIZE,
+                     aPrioriArray,
+      if (decoder_int16==0)
+        decoderState = polar_decoder_aPriori(channelOutput,
+                                             estimatedOutput,
+                                             currentPtr,
+                                             NR_POLAR_DECODER_LISTSIZE,
+                                             NR_POLAR_DECODER_PATH_METRIC_APPROXIMATION,
+                                             aPrioriArray);
+      else
+        decoderState = polar_decoder_int16(channelOutput_int16,
+                                           (uint64_t *)estimatedOutput,
+                                           currentPtr);
+      stop_meas(&timeDecoder);
+      /*printf("testInput: [0]->0x%08x\n", testInput[0]);
+      printf("estimatedOutput: [0]->0x%08x\n", estimatedOutput[0]);*/
+      //calculate errors
+      if (decoderState!=0) {
+        blockErrorState=-1;
+        nBitError=-1;
+      } else {
+        for (int j = 0; j < currentPtr->payloadBits; j++) {
+          if (((estimatedOutput[0]>>j) & 1) != ((testInput[0]>>j) & 1)) nBitError++;
+          //          printf("bit %d: %d => %d\n",j,(testInput[0]>>j)&1,(estimatedOutput[0]>>j)&1);
+        }
+        if (nBitError>0) {
+          blockErrorState=1;
+          //          printf("Error: Input %x, Output %x\n",testInput[0],estimatedOutput[0]);
+        }
+      }
+      //Iteration times are in microseconds.
+      timeEncoderCumulative+=(timeEncoder.diff/(cpu_freq_GHz*1000.0));
+      timeDecoderCumulative+=(timeDecoder.diff/(cpu_freq_GHz*1000.0));
+      fprintf(logFile,",%f,%d,%d,%f,%f\n", SNR, nBitError, blockErrorState,
+              (timeEncoder.diff/(cpu_freq_GHz*1000.0)), (timeDecoder.diff/(cpu_freq_GHz*1000.0)));
+      if (nBitError<0) {
+        blockErrorCumulative++;
+        bitErrorCumulative+=testLength;
+      } else {
+        blockErrorCumulative+=blockErrorState;
+        bitErrorCumulative+=nBitError;
+      }
+      decoderState=0;
+      nBitError=0;
+      blockErrorState=0;
+    }
+    //Calculate error statistics for the SNR.
+    printf("[ListSize=%d, Appr=%d] SNR=%+8.3f, BLER=%9.6f, BER=%12.9f, t_Encoder=%9.3fus, t_Decoder=%9.3fus\n",
+           decoderListSize, pathMetricAppr, SNR, ((double)blockErrorCumulative/iterations),
+           ((double)bitErrorCumulative / (iterations*testLength)),
+           (double)timeEncoder.diff/timeEncoder.trials/(cpu_freq_GHz*1000.0),(double)timeDecoder.diff/timeDecoder.trials/(cpu_freq_GHz*1000.0));
+    //(timeEncoderCumulative/iterations),timeDecoderCumulative/iterations);
+    if (blockErrorCumulative==0 && bitErrorCumulative==0)
+      break;
+    blockErrorCumulative = 0;
+    bitErrorCumulative = 0;
+    timeEncoderCumulative = 0;
+    timeDecoderCumulative = 0;
+  }
+  print_meas(&timeEncoder,"polar_encoder",NULL,NULL);
+  print_meas(&timeDecoder,"polar_decoder",NULL,NULL);
+  fclose(logFile);
+  return (0);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_decoder.c b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_decoder.c
index 8f91d4b28854bd701734d0ba7484baf641c2231e..cc90247c12c9bc1d0456cceec6c057b7a4ffcf73 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_decoder.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_decoder.c
@@ -40,1020 +40,1101 @@
 #include "assertions.h"
 int8_t polar_decoder(
-		double *input,
-		uint8_t *out,
-		t_nrPolar_params * polarParams,
-		uint8_t listSize,
-		uint8_t pathMetricAppr)
-	//Assumes no a priori knowledge.
-	uint8_t ***bit = nr_alloc_uint8_3D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1), 2*listSize);
-	uint8_t **bitUpdated = nr_alloc_uint8_2D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1)); //0=False, 1=True
-	uint8_t **llrUpdated = nr_alloc_uint8_2D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1)); //0=False, 1=True
-	double ***llr = nr_alloc_double_3D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1), 2*listSize);
-	uint8_t **crcChecksum = nr_alloc_uint8_2D_array(polarParams->crcParityBits, 2*listSize);
-	double *pathMetric = malloc(sizeof(double)*(2*listSize));
-	uint8_t *crcState = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t)*(2*listSize)); //0=False, 1=True
-	for (int i=0; i<(2*listSize); i++) {
-		pathMetric[i] = 0;
-		crcState[i]=1;
-	}
-	for (int i=0; i<polarParams->N; i++) {
-		llrUpdated[i][polarParams->n]=1;
-		bitUpdated[i][0]=((polarParams->information_bit_pattern[i]+1) % 2);
-	}
-	uint8_t **extended_crc_generator_matrix = malloc(polarParams->K * sizeof(uint8_t *)); //G_P3
-	uint8_t **tempECGM = malloc(polarParams->K * sizeof(uint8_t *)); //G_P2
-	for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->K; i++){
-		extended_crc_generator_matrix[i] = malloc(polarParams->crcParityBits * sizeof(uint8_t));
-		tempECGM[i] = malloc(polarParams->crcParityBits * sizeof(uint8_t));
-	}
-	for (int i=0; i<polarParams->payloadBits; i++) {
-		for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
-			tempECGM[i][j]=polarParams->crc_generator_matrix[i][j];
-		}
-	}
-	for (int i=polarParams->payloadBits; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
-			for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
-				if( (i-polarParams->payloadBits) == j ){
-					tempECGM[i][j]=1;
-				} else {
-					tempECGM[i][j]=0;
-				}
-			}
-	}
-	for (int i=0; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
-		for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
-			extended_crc_generator_matrix[i][j]=tempECGM[polarParams->interleaving_pattern[i]][j];
-		}
-	}
-	//The index of the last 1-valued bit that appears in each column.
-	uint16_t last1ind[polarParams->crcParityBits];
-	for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
-			for (int i=0; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
-				if (extended_crc_generator_matrix[i][j]==1) last1ind[j]=i;
-			}
-	}
-	double *d_tilde = malloc(sizeof(double) * polarParams->N);
-	nr_polar_rate_matching(input, d_tilde, polarParams->rate_matching_pattern, polarParams->K, polarParams->N, polarParams->encoderLength);
-	for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->N; j++) llr[j][polarParams->n][0]=d_tilde[j];
-	/*
-	 * SCL polar decoder.
-	 */
-	uint32_t nonFrozenBit=0;
-	uint8_t currentListSize=1;
-	uint8_t decoderIterationCheck=0;
-	int16_t checkCrcBits=-1;
-	uint8_t listIndex[2*listSize], copyIndex;
-	for (uint16_t currentBit=0; currentBit<polarParams->N; currentBit++){
-		updateLLR(llr, llrUpdated, bit, bitUpdated, currentListSize, currentBit, 0, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1), pathMetricAppr);
-		if (polarParams->information_bit_pattern[currentBit]==0) { //Frozen bit.
-			updatePathMetric(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, 0, currentBit, pathMetricAppr); //approximation=0 --> 11b, approximation=1 --> 12
-		} else { //Information or CRC bit.
-			updatePathMetric2(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, currentBit, pathMetricAppr);
-			for (int i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
-				for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->N; j++) {
-					for (int k = 0; k < (polarParams->n+1); k++) {
-						bit[j][k][i+currentListSize]=bit[j][k][i];
-						llr[j][k][i+currentListSize]=llr[j][k][i];}}}
-			for (int i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
-				bit[currentBit][0][i]=0;
-				crcState[i+currentListSize]=crcState[i];
-			}
-			for (int i = currentListSize; i < 2*currentListSize; i++) bit[currentBit][0][i]=1;
-			bitUpdated[currentBit][0]=1;
-			updateCrcChecksum2(crcChecksum, extended_crc_generator_matrix, currentListSize, nonFrozenBit, polarParams->crcParityBits);
-			currentListSize*=2;
-			//Keep only the best "listSize" number of entries.
-			if (currentListSize > listSize) {
-				for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 2*listSize; i++) listIndex[i]=i;
-				nr_sort_asc_double_1D_array_ind(pathMetric, listIndex, currentListSize);
-				//sort listIndex[listSize, ..., 2*listSize-1] in descending order.
-				uint8_t swaps, tempInd;
-				for (uint8_t i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {
-					swaps = 0;
-					for (uint8_t j = listSize; j < (2*listSize - i) - 1; j++) {
-						if (listIndex[j+1] > listIndex[j]) {
-							tempInd = listIndex[j];
-							listIndex[j] = listIndex[j + 1];
-							listIndex[j + 1] = tempInd;
-							swaps++;
-						}
-					}
-					if (swaps == 0)
-						break;
-				}
-				//First, backup the best "listSize" number of entries.
-				for (int k=(listSize-1); k>0; k--) {
-					for (int i=0; i<polarParams->N; i++) {
-						for (int j=0; j<(polarParams->n+1); j++) {
-							bit[i][j][listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]]=bit[i][j][listIndex[k]];
-							llr[i][j][listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]]=llr[i][j][listIndex[k]];
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				for (int k=(listSize-1); k>0; k--) {
-					for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
-						crcChecksum[i][listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]] = crcChecksum[i][listIndex[k]];
-					}
-				}
-				for (int k=(listSize-1); k>0; k--) crcState[listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]]=crcState[listIndex[k]];
-				//Copy the best "listSize" number of entries to the first indices.
-				for (int k = 0; k < listSize; k++) {
-					if (k > listIndex[k]) {
-						copyIndex = listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k];
-					} else { //Use the backup.
-						copyIndex = listIndex[k];
-					}
-					for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->N; i++) {
-						for (int j = 0; j < (polarParams->n + 1); j++) {
-							bit[i][j][k] = bit[i][j][copyIndex];
-							llr[i][j][k] = llr[i][j][copyIndex];
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				for (int k = 0; k < listSize; k++) {
-					if (k > listIndex[k]) {
-						copyIndex = listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k];
-					} else { //Use the backup.
-						copyIndex = listIndex[k];
-					}
-					for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
-						crcChecksum[i][k]=crcChecksum[i][copyIndex];
-					}
-				}
-				for (int k = 0; k < listSize; k++) {
-					if (k > listIndex[k]) {
-						copyIndex = listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k];
-					} else { //Use the backup.
-						copyIndex = listIndex[k];
-					}
-					crcState[k]=crcState[copyIndex];
-				}
-				currentListSize = listSize;
-				}
-			for (int i=0; i<polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
-				if (last1ind[i]==nonFrozenBit) {
-					checkCrcBits=i;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			if ( checkCrcBits > (-1) ) {
-				for (uint8_t i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
-					if (crcChecksum[checkCrcBits][i]==1) {
-						crcState[i]=0; //0=False, 1=True
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			for (uint8_t i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) decoderIterationCheck+=crcState[i];
-			if (decoderIterationCheck==0) {
-				//perror("[SCL polar decoder] All list entries have failed the CRC checks.");
-				free(d_tilde);
-				free(pathMetric);
-				free(crcState);
-				nr_free_uint8_3D_array(bit, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
-				nr_free_double_3D_array(llr, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
-				nr_free_uint8_2D_array(crcChecksum, polarParams->crcParityBits);
-				return(-1);
-			}
-			nonFrozenBit++;
-			decoderIterationCheck=0;
-			checkCrcBits=-1;
-		}
-	}
-	for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 2*listSize; i++) listIndex[i]=i;
-	nr_sort_asc_double_1D_array_ind(pathMetric, listIndex, currentListSize);
-	for (uint8_t i = 0; i < fmin(listSize, (pow(2,polarParams->crcCorrectionBits)) ); i++) {
-		if ( crcState[listIndex[i]] == 1 ) {
-			for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->N; j++) polarParams->nr_polar_U[j]=bit[j][0][listIndex[i]];
-			//Extract the information bits (û to ĉ)
-			nr_polar_info_bit_extraction(polarParams->nr_polar_U, polarParams->nr_polar_CPrime, polarParams->information_bit_pattern, polarParams->N);
-			//Deinterleaving (ĉ to b)
-			nr_polar_deinterleaver(polarParams->nr_polar_CPrime, polarParams->nr_polar_B, polarParams->interleaving_pattern, polarParams->K);
-			//Remove the CRC (â)
-			for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->payloadBits; j++) polarParams->nr_polar_A[j]=polarParams->nr_polar_B[j];
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	free(d_tilde);
-	free(pathMetric);
-	free(crcState);
-	nr_free_uint8_3D_array(bit, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
-	nr_free_double_3D_array(llr, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
-	nr_free_uint8_2D_array(crcChecksum, polarParams->crcParityBits);
-	nr_free_uint8_2D_array(extended_crc_generator_matrix, polarParams->K);
-	nr_free_uint8_2D_array(tempECGM, polarParams->K);
-	/*
-	 * Return bits.
-	 */
-	//nr_byte2bit_uint8_32_t(polarParams->nr_polar_A, polarParams->payloadBits, out);
-	return(0);
+  double *input,
+  uint8_t *out,
+  t_nrPolar_params *polarParams,
+  uint8_t listSize,
+  uint8_t pathMetricAppr) {
+  //Assumes no a priori knowledge.
+  uint8_t ***bit = nr_alloc_uint8_3D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1), 2*listSize);
+  uint8_t **bitUpdated = nr_alloc_uint8_2D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1)); //0=False, 1=True
+  uint8_t **llrUpdated = nr_alloc_uint8_2D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1)); //0=False, 1=True
+  double ***llr = nr_alloc_double_3D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1), 2*listSize);
+  uint8_t **crcChecksum = nr_alloc_uint8_2D_array(polarParams->crcParityBits, 2*listSize);
+  double *pathMetric = malloc(sizeof(double)*(2*listSize));
+  uint8_t *crcState = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t)*(2*listSize)); //0=False, 1=True
+  for (int i=0; i<(2*listSize); i++) {
+    pathMetric[i] = 0;
+    crcState[i]=1;
+  }
+  for (int i=0; i<polarParams->N; i++) {
+    llrUpdated[i][polarParams->n]=1;
+    bitUpdated[i][0]=((polarParams->information_bit_pattern[i]+1) % 2);
+  }
+  uint8_t **extended_crc_generator_matrix = malloc(polarParams->K * sizeof(uint8_t *)); //G_P3
+  uint8_t **tempECGM = malloc(polarParams->K * sizeof(uint8_t *)); //G_P2
+  for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->K; i++) {
+    extended_crc_generator_matrix[i] = malloc(polarParams->crcParityBits * sizeof(uint8_t));
+    tempECGM[i] = malloc(polarParams->crcParityBits * sizeof(uint8_t));
+  }
+  for (int i=0; i<polarParams->payloadBits; i++) {
+    for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
+      tempECGM[i][j]=polarParams->crc_generator_matrix[i][j];
+    }
+  }
+  for (int i=polarParams->payloadBits; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
+    for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
+      if( (i-polarParams->payloadBits) == j ) {
+        tempECGM[i][j]=1;
+      } else {
+        tempECGM[i][j]=0;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for (int i=0; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
+    for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
+      extended_crc_generator_matrix[i][j]=tempECGM[polarParams->interleaving_pattern[i]][j];
+    }
+  }
+  //The index of the last 1-valued bit that appears in each column.
+  uint16_t last1ind[polarParams->crcParityBits];
+  for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
+    for (int i=0; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
+      if (extended_crc_generator_matrix[i][j]==1) last1ind[j]=i;
+    }
+  }
+  double *d_tilde = malloc(sizeof(double) * polarParams->N);
+  nr_polar_rate_matching(input, d_tilde, polarParams->rate_matching_pattern, polarParams->K, polarParams->N, polarParams->encoderLength);
+  for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->N; j++) llr[j][polarParams->n][0]=d_tilde[j];
+  /*
+   * SCL polar decoder.
+   */
+  uint32_t nonFrozenBit=0;
+  uint8_t currentListSize=1;
+  uint8_t decoderIterationCheck=0;
+  int16_t checkCrcBits=-1;
+  uint8_t listIndex[2*listSize], copyIndex;
+  for (uint16_t currentBit=0; currentBit<polarParams->N; currentBit++) {
+    updateLLR(llr, llrUpdated, bit, bitUpdated, currentListSize, currentBit, 0, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1), pathMetricAppr);
+    if (polarParams->information_bit_pattern[currentBit]==0) { //Frozen bit.
+      updatePathMetric(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, 0, currentBit, pathMetricAppr); //approximation=0 --> 11b, approximation=1 --> 12
+    } else { //Information or CRC bit.
+      updatePathMetric2(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, currentBit, pathMetricAppr);
+      for (int i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
+        for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->N; j++) {
+          for (int k = 0; k < (polarParams->n+1); k++) {
+            bit[j][k][i+currentListSize]=bit[j][k][i];
+            llr[j][k][i+currentListSize]=llr[j][k][i];
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      for (int i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
+        bit[currentBit][0][i]=0;
+        crcState[i+currentListSize]=crcState[i];
+      }
+      for (int i = currentListSize; i < 2*currentListSize; i++) bit[currentBit][0][i]=1;
+      bitUpdated[currentBit][0]=1;
+      updateCrcChecksum2(crcChecksum, extended_crc_generator_matrix, currentListSize, nonFrozenBit, polarParams->crcParityBits);
+      currentListSize*=2;
+      //Keep only the best "listSize" number of entries.
+      if (currentListSize > listSize) {
+        for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 2*listSize; i++) listIndex[i]=i;
+        nr_sort_asc_double_1D_array_ind(pathMetric, listIndex, currentListSize);
+        //sort listIndex[listSize, ..., 2*listSize-1] in descending order.
+        uint8_t swaps, tempInd;
+        for (uint8_t i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {
+          swaps = 0;
+          for (uint8_t j = listSize; j < (2*listSize - i) - 1; j++) {
+            if (listIndex[j+1] > listIndex[j]) {
+              tempInd = listIndex[j];
+              listIndex[j] = listIndex[j + 1];
+              listIndex[j + 1] = tempInd;
+              swaps++;
+            }
+          }
+          if (swaps == 0)
+            break;
+        }
+        //First, backup the best "listSize" number of entries.
+        for (int k=(listSize-1); k>0; k--) {
+          for (int i=0; i<polarParams->N; i++) {
+            for (int j=0; j<(polarParams->n+1); j++) {
+              bit[i][j][listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]]=bit[i][j][listIndex[k]];
+              llr[i][j][listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]]=llr[i][j][listIndex[k]];
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        for (int k=(listSize-1); k>0; k--) {
+          for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
+            crcChecksum[i][listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]] = crcChecksum[i][listIndex[k]];
+          }
+        }
+        for (int k=(listSize-1); k>0; k--) crcState[listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]]=crcState[listIndex[k]];
+        //Copy the best "listSize" number of entries to the first indices.
+        for (int k = 0; k < listSize; k++) {
+          if (k > listIndex[k]) {
+            copyIndex = listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k];
+          } else { //Use the backup.
+            copyIndex = listIndex[k];
+          }
+          for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->N; i++) {
+            for (int j = 0; j < (polarParams->n + 1); j++) {
+              bit[i][j][k] = bit[i][j][copyIndex];
+              llr[i][j][k] = llr[i][j][copyIndex];
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        for (int k = 0; k < listSize; k++) {
+          if (k > listIndex[k]) {
+            copyIndex = listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k];
+          } else { //Use the backup.
+            copyIndex = listIndex[k];
+          }
+          for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
+            crcChecksum[i][k]=crcChecksum[i][copyIndex];
+          }
+        }
+        for (int k = 0; k < listSize; k++) {
+          if (k > listIndex[k]) {
+            copyIndex = listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k];
+          } else { //Use the backup.
+            copyIndex = listIndex[k];
+          }
+          crcState[k]=crcState[copyIndex];
+        }
+        currentListSize = listSize;
+      }
+      for (int i=0; i<polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
+        if (last1ind[i]==nonFrozenBit) {
+          checkCrcBits=i;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      if ( checkCrcBits > (-1) ) {
+        for (uint8_t i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
+          if (crcChecksum[checkCrcBits][i]==1) {
+            crcState[i]=0; //0=False, 1=True
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      for (uint8_t i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) decoderIterationCheck+=crcState[i];
+      if (decoderIterationCheck==0) {
+        //perror("[SCL polar decoder] All list entries have failed the CRC checks.");
+        free(d_tilde);
+        free(pathMetric);
+        free(crcState);
+        nr_free_uint8_3D_array(bit, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
+        nr_free_double_3D_array(llr, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
+        nr_free_uint8_2D_array(crcChecksum, polarParams->crcParityBits);
+        return(-1);
+      }
+      nonFrozenBit++;
+      decoderIterationCheck=0;
+      checkCrcBits=-1;
+    }
+  }
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 2*listSize; i++) listIndex[i]=i;
+  nr_sort_asc_double_1D_array_ind(pathMetric, listIndex, currentListSize);
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < fmin(listSize, (pow(2,polarParams->crcCorrectionBits)) ); i++) {
+    if ( crcState[listIndex[i]] == 1 ) {
+      for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->N; j++) polarParams->nr_polar_U[j]=bit[j][0][listIndex[i]];
+      //Extract the information bits (û to ĉ)
+      nr_polar_info_bit_extraction(polarParams->nr_polar_U, polarParams->nr_polar_CPrime, polarParams->information_bit_pattern, polarParams->N);
+      //Deinterleaving (ĉ to b)
+      nr_polar_deinterleaver(polarParams->nr_polar_CPrime, polarParams->nr_polar_B, polarParams->interleaving_pattern, polarParams->K);
+      //Remove the CRC (â)
+      for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->payloadBits; j++) polarParams->nr_polar_A[j]=polarParams->nr_polar_B[j];
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  free(d_tilde);
+  free(pathMetric);
+  free(crcState);
+  nr_free_uint8_3D_array(bit, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
+  nr_free_double_3D_array(llr, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
+  nr_free_uint8_2D_array(crcChecksum, polarParams->crcParityBits);
+  nr_free_uint8_2D_array(extended_crc_generator_matrix, polarParams->K);
+  nr_free_uint8_2D_array(tempECGM, polarParams->K);
+  /*
+   * Return bits.
+   */
+  //nr_byte2bit_uint8_32_t(polarParams->nr_polar_A, polarParams->payloadBits, out);
+  return(0);
 int8_t polar_decoder_aPriori(double *input,
-			     uint32_t *out,
-			     t_nrPolar_params * polarParams,
-			     uint8_t listSize,
-			     uint8_t pathMetricAppr,
-			     double *aPrioriPayload)
+                             uint32_t *out,
+                             t_nrPolar_params *polarParams,
+                             uint8_t listSize,
+                             uint8_t pathMetricAppr,
+                             double *aPrioriPayload) {
   uint8_t ***bit = nr_alloc_uint8_3D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1), 2*listSize);
-	uint8_t **bitUpdated = nr_alloc_uint8_2D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1)); //0=False, 1=True
-	uint8_t **llrUpdated = nr_alloc_uint8_2D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1)); //0=False, 1=True
-	double ***llr = nr_alloc_double_3D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1), 2*listSize);
-	uint8_t **crcChecksum = nr_alloc_uint8_2D_array(polarParams->crcParityBits, 2*listSize);
-	double *pathMetric = malloc(sizeof(double)*(2*listSize));
-	uint8_t *crcState = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t)*(2*listSize)); //0=False, 1=True
-	for (int i=0; i<(2*listSize); i++) {
-		pathMetric[i] = 0;
-		crcState[i]=1;
-	}
-	for (int i=0; i<polarParams->N; i++) {
-		llrUpdated[i][polarParams->n]=1;
-		bitUpdated[i][0]=((polarParams->information_bit_pattern[i]+1) % 2);
-	}
-	uint8_t **extended_crc_generator_matrix = malloc(polarParams->K * sizeof(uint8_t *)); //G_P3
-	uint8_t **tempECGM = malloc(polarParams->K * sizeof(uint8_t *)); //G_P2
-	for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->K; i++){
-		extended_crc_generator_matrix[i] = malloc(polarParams->crcParityBits * sizeof(uint8_t));
-		tempECGM[i] = malloc(polarParams->crcParityBits * sizeof(uint8_t));
-	}
-	for (int i=0; i<polarParams->payloadBits; i++) {
-		for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
-			tempECGM[i][j]=polarParams->crc_generator_matrix[i][j];
-		}
-	}
-	for (int i=polarParams->payloadBits; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
-			for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
-				if( (i-polarParams->payloadBits) == j ){
-					tempECGM[i][j]=1;
-				} else {
-					tempECGM[i][j]=0;
-				}
-			}
-	}
-	for (int i=0; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
-		for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
-			extended_crc_generator_matrix[i][j]=tempECGM[polarParams->interleaving_pattern[i]][j];
-		}
-	}
-	//The index of the last 1-valued bit that appears in each column.
-	uint16_t last1ind[polarParams->crcParityBits];
-	for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
-			for (int i=0; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
-				if (extended_crc_generator_matrix[i][j]==1) last1ind[j]=i;
-			}
-	}
-	double *d_tilde = malloc(sizeof(double) * polarParams->N);
-	nr_polar_rate_matching(input, d_tilde, polarParams->rate_matching_pattern, polarParams->K, polarParams->N, polarParams->encoderLength);
-	for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->N; j++) llr[j][polarParams->n][0]=d_tilde[j];
-	/*
-	 * SCL polar decoder.
-	 */
-	uint32_t nonFrozenBit=0;
-	uint8_t currentListSize=1;
-	uint8_t decoderIterationCheck=0;
-	int16_t checkCrcBits=-1;
-	uint8_t listIndex[2*listSize], copyIndex;
-	for (uint16_t currentBit=0; currentBit<polarParams->N; currentBit++){
-		updateLLR(llr, llrUpdated, bit, bitUpdated, currentListSize, currentBit, 0, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1), pathMetricAppr);
-		if (polarParams->information_bit_pattern[currentBit]==0) { //Frozen bit.
-			updatePathMetric(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, 0, currentBit, pathMetricAppr); //approximation=0 --> 11b, approximation=1 --> 12
-		} else { //Information or CRC bit.
-			if ( (polarParams->interleaving_pattern[nonFrozenBit] <= polarParams->payloadBits) &&
-					(aPrioriPayload[polarParams->interleaving_pattern[nonFrozenBit]] == 0) ) {
-				//Information bit with known value of "0".
-				updatePathMetric(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, 0, currentBit, pathMetricAppr);
-				bitUpdated[currentBit][0]=1; //0=False, 1=True
-			} else if ( (polarParams->interleaving_pattern[nonFrozenBit] <= polarParams->payloadBits) &&
-					(aPrioriPayload[polarParams->interleaving_pattern[nonFrozenBit]] == 1) ) {
-				//Information bit with known value of "1".
-				updatePathMetric(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, 1, currentBit, pathMetricAppr);
-				for (uint8_t i=0; i<currentListSize; i++) bit[currentBit][0][i]=1;
-				bitUpdated[currentBit][0]=1;
-				updateCrcChecksum(crcChecksum, extended_crc_generator_matrix, currentListSize, nonFrozenBit, polarParams->crcParityBits);
-			} else {
-				updatePathMetric2(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, currentBit, pathMetricAppr);
-				for (int i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
-					for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->N; j++) {
-						for (int k = 0; k < (polarParams->n+1); k++) {
-							bit[j][k][i+currentListSize]=bit[j][k][i];
-							llr[j][k][i+currentListSize]=llr[j][k][i];}}}
-				for (int i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
-					bit[currentBit][0][i]=0;
-					crcState[i+currentListSize]=crcState[i];
-				}
-				for (int i = currentListSize; i < 2*currentListSize; i++) bit[currentBit][0][i]=1;
-				bitUpdated[currentBit][0]=1;
-				updateCrcChecksum2(crcChecksum, extended_crc_generator_matrix, currentListSize, nonFrozenBit, polarParams->crcParityBits);
-				currentListSize*=2;
-				//Keep only the best "listSize" number of entries.
-				if (currentListSize > listSize) {
-					for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 2*listSize; i++) listIndex[i]=i;
-					nr_sort_asc_double_1D_array_ind(pathMetric, listIndex, currentListSize);
-					//sort listIndex[listSize, ..., 2*listSize-1] in descending order.
-					uint8_t swaps, tempInd;
-					for (uint8_t i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {
-						swaps = 0;
-						for (uint8_t j = listSize; j < (2*listSize - i) - 1; j++) {
-							if (listIndex[j+1] > listIndex[j]) {
-								tempInd = listIndex[j];
-								listIndex[j] = listIndex[j + 1];
-								listIndex[j + 1] = tempInd;
-								swaps++;
-							}
-						}
-						if (swaps == 0)
-							break;
-					}
-					//First, backup the best "listSize" number of entries.
-					for (int k=(listSize-1); k>0; k--) {
-						for (int i=0; i<polarParams->N; i++) {
-							for (int j=0; j<(polarParams->n+1); j++) {
-								bit[i][j][listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]]=bit[i][j][listIndex[k]];
-								llr[i][j][listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]]=llr[i][j][listIndex[k]];
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					for (int k=(listSize-1); k>0; k--) {
-						for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
-							crcChecksum[i][listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]] = crcChecksum[i][listIndex[k]];
-						}
-					}
-					for (int k=(listSize-1); k>0; k--) crcState[listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]]=crcState[listIndex[k]];
-					//Copy the best "listSize" number of entries to the first indices.
-					for (int k = 0; k < listSize; k++) {
-						if (k > listIndex[k]) {
-							copyIndex = listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k];
-						} else { //Use the backup.
-							copyIndex = listIndex[k];
-						}
-						for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->N; i++) {
-							for (int j = 0; j < (polarParams->n + 1); j++) {
-								bit[i][j][k] = bit[i][j][copyIndex];
-								llr[i][j][k] = llr[i][j][copyIndex];
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					for (int k = 0; k < listSize; k++) {
-						if (k > listIndex[k]) {
-							copyIndex = listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k];
-						} else { //Use the backup.
-							copyIndex = listIndex[k];
-						}
-						for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
-							crcChecksum[i][k]=crcChecksum[i][copyIndex];
-						}
-					}
-					for (int k = 0; k < listSize; k++) {
-						if (k > listIndex[k]) {
-							copyIndex = listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k];
-						} else { //Use the backup.
-							copyIndex = listIndex[k];
-						}
-						crcState[k]=crcState[copyIndex];
-					}
-					currentListSize = listSize;
-				}
-			}
-			for (int i=0; i<polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
-				if (last1ind[i]==nonFrozenBit) {
-					checkCrcBits=i;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			if ( checkCrcBits > (-1) ) {
-				for (uint8_t i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
-					if (crcChecksum[checkCrcBits][i]==1) {
-						crcState[i]=0; //0=False, 1=True
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			for (uint8_t i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) decoderIterationCheck+=crcState[i];
-			if (decoderIterationCheck==0) {
-				//perror("[SCL polar decoder] All list entries have failed the CRC checks.");
-				free(d_tilde);
-				free(pathMetric);
-				free(crcState);
-				nr_free_uint8_3D_array(bit, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
-				nr_free_double_3D_array(llr, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
-				nr_free_uint8_2D_array(crcChecksum, polarParams->crcParityBits);
-				return(-1);
-			}
-			nonFrozenBit++;
-			decoderIterationCheck=0;
-			checkCrcBits=-1;
-		}
-	}
-	for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 2*listSize; i++) listIndex[i]=i;
-	nr_sort_asc_double_1D_array_ind(pathMetric, listIndex, currentListSize);
-	for (uint8_t i = 0; i < fmin(listSize, (pow(2,polarParams->crcCorrectionBits)) ); i++) {
-		if ( crcState[listIndex[i]] == 1 ) {
-			for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->N; j++) polarParams->nr_polar_U[j]=bit[j][0][listIndex[i]];
-			//Extract the information bits (û to ĉ)
-			nr_polar_info_bit_extraction(polarParams->nr_polar_U, polarParams->nr_polar_CPrime, polarParams->information_bit_pattern, polarParams->N);
-			//Deinterleaving (ĉ to b)
-			nr_polar_deinterleaver(polarParams->nr_polar_CPrime, polarParams->nr_polar_B, polarParams->interleaving_pattern, polarParams->K);
-			//Remove the CRC (â)
-			for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->payloadBits; j++)
-			  polarParams->nr_polar_A[j]=polarParams->nr_polar_B[j];
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	free(d_tilde);
-	free(pathMetric);
-	free(crcState);
-	nr_free_uint8_3D_array(bit, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
-	nr_free_double_3D_array(llr, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
-	nr_free_uint8_2D_array(crcChecksum, polarParams->crcParityBits);
-	nr_free_uint8_2D_array(extended_crc_generator_matrix, polarParams->K);
-	nr_free_uint8_2D_array(tempECGM, polarParams->K);
-	/*
-	 * Return bits.
-	 */
-	nr_byte2bit_uint8_32_t(polarParams->nr_polar_A, polarParams->payloadBits, out);
-	return(0);
+  uint8_t **bitUpdated = nr_alloc_uint8_2D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1)); //0=False, 1=True
+  uint8_t **llrUpdated = nr_alloc_uint8_2D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1)); //0=False, 1=True
+  double ***llr = nr_alloc_double_3D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1), 2*listSize);
+  uint8_t **crcChecksum = nr_alloc_uint8_2D_array(polarParams->crcParityBits, 2*listSize);
+  double *pathMetric = malloc(sizeof(double)*(2*listSize));
+  uint8_t *crcState = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t)*(2*listSize)); //0=False, 1=True
+  for (int i=0; i<(2*listSize); i++) {
+    pathMetric[i] = 0;
+    crcState[i]=1;
+  }
+  for (int i=0; i<polarParams->N; i++) {
+    llrUpdated[i][polarParams->n]=1;
+    bitUpdated[i][0]=((polarParams->information_bit_pattern[i]+1) % 2);
+  }
+  uint8_t **extended_crc_generator_matrix = malloc(polarParams->K * sizeof(uint8_t *)); //G_P3
+  uint8_t **tempECGM = malloc(polarParams->K * sizeof(uint8_t *)); //G_P2
+  for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->K; i++) {
+    extended_crc_generator_matrix[i] = malloc(polarParams->crcParityBits * sizeof(uint8_t));
+    tempECGM[i] = malloc(polarParams->crcParityBits * sizeof(uint8_t));
+  }
+  for (int i=0; i<polarParams->payloadBits; i++) {
+    for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
+      tempECGM[i][j]=polarParams->crc_generator_matrix[i][j];
+    }
+  }
+  for (int i=polarParams->payloadBits; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
+    for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
+      if( (i-polarParams->payloadBits) == j ) {
+        tempECGM[i][j]=1;
+      } else {
+        tempECGM[i][j]=0;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for (int i=0; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
+    for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
+      extended_crc_generator_matrix[i][j]=tempECGM[polarParams->interleaving_pattern[i]][j];
+    }
+  }
+  //The index of the last 1-valued bit that appears in each column.
+  uint16_t last1ind[polarParams->crcParityBits];
+  for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
+    for (int i=0; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
+      if (extended_crc_generator_matrix[i][j]==1) last1ind[j]=i;
+    }
+  }
+  double *d_tilde = malloc(sizeof(double) * polarParams->N);
+  nr_polar_rate_matching(input, d_tilde, polarParams->rate_matching_pattern, polarParams->K, polarParams->N, polarParams->encoderLength);
+  for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->N; j++) llr[j][polarParams->n][0]=d_tilde[j];
+  /*
+   * SCL polar decoder.
+   */
+  uint32_t nonFrozenBit=0;
+  uint8_t currentListSize=1;
+  uint8_t decoderIterationCheck=0;
+  int16_t checkCrcBits=-1;
+  uint8_t listIndex[2*listSize], copyIndex;
+  for (uint16_t currentBit=0; currentBit<polarParams->N; currentBit++) {
+    updateLLR(llr, llrUpdated, bit, bitUpdated, currentListSize, currentBit, 0, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1), pathMetricAppr);
+    if (polarParams->information_bit_pattern[currentBit]==0) { //Frozen bit.
+      updatePathMetric(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, 0, currentBit, pathMetricAppr); //approximation=0 --> 11b, approximation=1 --> 12
+    } else { //Information or CRC bit.
+      if ( (polarParams->interleaving_pattern[nonFrozenBit] <= polarParams->payloadBits) &&
+           (aPrioriPayload[polarParams->interleaving_pattern[nonFrozenBit]] == 0) ) {
+        //Information bit with known value of "0".
+        updatePathMetric(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, 0, currentBit, pathMetricAppr);
+        bitUpdated[currentBit][0]=1; //0=False, 1=True
+      } else if ( (polarParams->interleaving_pattern[nonFrozenBit] <= polarParams->payloadBits) &&
+                  (aPrioriPayload[polarParams->interleaving_pattern[nonFrozenBit]] == 1) ) {
+        //Information bit with known value of "1".
+        updatePathMetric(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, 1, currentBit, pathMetricAppr);
+        for (uint8_t i=0; i<currentListSize; i++) bit[currentBit][0][i]=1;
+        bitUpdated[currentBit][0]=1;
+        updateCrcChecksum(crcChecksum, extended_crc_generator_matrix, currentListSize, nonFrozenBit, polarParams->crcParityBits);
+      } else {
+        updatePathMetric2(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, currentBit, pathMetricAppr);
+        for (int i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
+          for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->N; j++) {
+            for (int k = 0; k < (polarParams->n+1); k++) {
+              bit[j][k][i+currentListSize]=bit[j][k][i];
+              llr[j][k][i+currentListSize]=llr[j][k][i];
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        for (int i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
+          bit[currentBit][0][i]=0;
+          crcState[i+currentListSize]=crcState[i];
+        }
+        for (int i = currentListSize; i < 2*currentListSize; i++) bit[currentBit][0][i]=1;
+        bitUpdated[currentBit][0]=1;
+        updateCrcChecksum2(crcChecksum, extended_crc_generator_matrix, currentListSize, nonFrozenBit, polarParams->crcParityBits);
+        currentListSize*=2;
+        //Keep only the best "listSize" number of entries.
+        if (currentListSize > listSize) {
+          for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 2*listSize; i++) listIndex[i]=i;
+          nr_sort_asc_double_1D_array_ind(pathMetric, listIndex, currentListSize);
+          //sort listIndex[listSize, ..., 2*listSize-1] in descending order.
+          uint8_t swaps, tempInd;
+          for (uint8_t i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {
+            swaps = 0;
+            for (uint8_t j = listSize; j < (2*listSize - i) - 1; j++) {
+              if (listIndex[j+1] > listIndex[j]) {
+                tempInd = listIndex[j];
+                listIndex[j] = listIndex[j + 1];
+                listIndex[j + 1] = tempInd;
+                swaps++;
+              }
+            }
+            if (swaps == 0)
+              break;
+          }
+          //First, backup the best "listSize" number of entries.
+          for (int k=(listSize-1); k>0; k--) {
+            for (int i=0; i<polarParams->N; i++) {
+              for (int j=0; j<(polarParams->n+1); j++) {
+                bit[i][j][listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]]=bit[i][j][listIndex[k]];
+                llr[i][j][listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]]=llr[i][j][listIndex[k]];
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          for (int k=(listSize-1); k>0; k--) {
+            for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
+              crcChecksum[i][listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]] = crcChecksum[i][listIndex[k]];
+            }
+          }
+          for (int k=(listSize-1); k>0; k--) crcState[listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]]=crcState[listIndex[k]];
+          //Copy the best "listSize" number of entries to the first indices.
+          for (int k = 0; k < listSize; k++) {
+            if (k > listIndex[k]) {
+              copyIndex = listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k];
+            } else { //Use the backup.
+              copyIndex = listIndex[k];
+            }
+            for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->N; i++) {
+              for (int j = 0; j < (polarParams->n + 1); j++) {
+                bit[i][j][k] = bit[i][j][copyIndex];
+                llr[i][j][k] = llr[i][j][copyIndex];
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          for (int k = 0; k < listSize; k++) {
+            if (k > listIndex[k]) {
+              copyIndex = listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k];
+            } else { //Use the backup.
+              copyIndex = listIndex[k];
+            }
+            for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
+              crcChecksum[i][k]=crcChecksum[i][copyIndex];
+            }
+          }
+          for (int k = 0; k < listSize; k++) {
+            if (k > listIndex[k]) {
+              copyIndex = listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k];
+            } else { //Use the backup.
+              copyIndex = listIndex[k];
+            }
+            crcState[k]=crcState[copyIndex];
+          }
+          currentListSize = listSize;
+        }
+      }
+      for (int i=0; i<polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
+        if (last1ind[i]==nonFrozenBit) {
+          checkCrcBits=i;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      if ( checkCrcBits > (-1) ) {
+        for (uint8_t i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
+          if (crcChecksum[checkCrcBits][i]==1) {
+            crcState[i]=0; //0=False, 1=True
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      for (uint8_t i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) decoderIterationCheck+=crcState[i];
+      if (decoderIterationCheck==0) {
+        //perror("[SCL polar decoder] All list entries have failed the CRC checks.");
+        free(d_tilde);
+        free(pathMetric);
+        free(crcState);
+        nr_free_uint8_3D_array(bit, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
+        nr_free_double_3D_array(llr, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
+        nr_free_uint8_2D_array(crcChecksum, polarParams->crcParityBits);
+        return(-1);
+      }
+      nonFrozenBit++;
+      decoderIterationCheck=0;
+      checkCrcBits=-1;
+    }
+  }
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 2*listSize; i++) listIndex[i]=i;
+  nr_sort_asc_double_1D_array_ind(pathMetric, listIndex, currentListSize);
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < fmin(listSize, (pow(2,polarParams->crcCorrectionBits)) ); i++) {
+    if ( crcState[listIndex[i]] == 1 ) {
+      for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->N; j++) polarParams->nr_polar_U[j]=bit[j][0][listIndex[i]];
+      //Extract the information bits (û to ĉ)
+      nr_polar_info_bit_extraction(polarParams->nr_polar_U, polarParams->nr_polar_CPrime, polarParams->information_bit_pattern, polarParams->N);
+      //Deinterleaving (ĉ to b)
+      nr_polar_deinterleaver(polarParams->nr_polar_CPrime, polarParams->nr_polar_B, polarParams->interleaving_pattern, polarParams->K);
+      //Remove the CRC (â)
+      for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->payloadBits; j++)
+        polarParams->nr_polar_A[j]=polarParams->nr_polar_B[j];
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  free(d_tilde);
+  free(pathMetric);
+  free(crcState);
+  nr_free_uint8_3D_array(bit, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
+  nr_free_double_3D_array(llr, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
+  nr_free_uint8_2D_array(crcChecksum, polarParams->crcParityBits);
+  nr_free_uint8_2D_array(extended_crc_generator_matrix, polarParams->K);
+  nr_free_uint8_2D_array(tempECGM, polarParams->K);
+  /*
+   * Return bits.
+   */
+  nr_byte2bit_uint8_32_t(polarParams->nr_polar_A, polarParams->payloadBits, out);
+  return(0);
 int8_t polar_decoder_aPriori_timing(double *input,
-									uint32_t *out,
-									t_nrPolar_params * polarParams,
-									uint8_t listSize,
-									uint8_t pathMetricAppr,
-									double *aPrioriPayload,
-									double cpuFreqGHz,
-									FILE* logFile)
-	uint8_t ***bit = nr_alloc_uint8_3D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1), 2*listSize);
-	uint8_t **bitUpdated = nr_alloc_uint8_2D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1)); //0=False, 1=True
-	uint8_t **llrUpdated = nr_alloc_uint8_2D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1)); //0=False, 1=True
-	double ***llr = nr_alloc_double_3D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1), 2*listSize);
-	uint8_t **crcChecksum = nr_alloc_uint8_2D_array(polarParams->crcParityBits, 2*listSize);
-	double *pathMetric = malloc(sizeof(double)*(2*listSize));
-	uint8_t *crcState = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t)*(2*listSize)); //0=False, 1=True
-	for (int i=0; i<(2*listSize); i++) {
-		pathMetric[i] = 0;
-		crcState[i]=1;
-	}
-	for (int i=0; i<polarParams->N; i++) {
-		llrUpdated[i][polarParams->n]=1;
-		bitUpdated[i][0]=((polarParams->information_bit_pattern[i]+1) % 2);
-	}
-	uint8_t **extended_crc_generator_matrix = malloc(polarParams->K * sizeof(uint8_t *)); //G_P3
-	uint8_t **tempECGM = malloc(polarParams->K * sizeof(uint8_t *)); //G_P2
-	for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->K; i++){
-		extended_crc_generator_matrix[i] = malloc(polarParams->crcParityBits * sizeof(uint8_t));
-		tempECGM[i] = malloc(polarParams->crcParityBits * sizeof(uint8_t));
-	}
-	for (int i=0; i<polarParams->payloadBits; i++) {
-		for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
-			tempECGM[i][j]=polarParams->crc_generator_matrix[i][j];
-		}
-	}
-	for (int i=polarParams->payloadBits; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
-			for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
-				if( (i-polarParams->payloadBits) == j ){
-					tempECGM[i][j]=1;
-				} else {
-					tempECGM[i][j]=0;
-				}
-			}
-	}
-	for (int i=0; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
-		for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
-			extended_crc_generator_matrix[i][j]=tempECGM[polarParams->interleaving_pattern[i]][j];
-		}
-	}
-	//The index of the last 1-valued bit that appears in each column.
-	uint16_t last1ind[polarParams->crcParityBits];
-	for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
-			for (int i=0; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
-				if (extended_crc_generator_matrix[i][j]==1) last1ind[j]=i;
-			}
-	}
-	double *d_tilde = malloc(sizeof(double) * polarParams->N);
-	nr_polar_rate_matching(input, d_tilde, polarParams->rate_matching_pattern, polarParams->K, polarParams->N, polarParams->encoderLength);
-	for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->N; j++) llr[j][polarParams->n][0]=d_tilde[j];
-	/*
-	 * SCL polar decoder.
-	 */
-	uint32_t nonFrozenBit=0;
-	uint8_t currentListSize=1;
-	uint8_t decoderIterationCheck=0;
-	int16_t checkCrcBits=-1;
-	uint8_t listIndex[2*listSize], copyIndex;
-	for (uint16_t currentBit=0; currentBit<polarParams->N; currentBit++){
-		updateLLR(llr, llrUpdated, bit, bitUpdated, currentListSize, currentBit, 0, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1), pathMetricAppr);
-		if (polarParams->information_bit_pattern[currentBit]==0) { //Frozen bit.
-			updatePathMetric(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, 0, currentBit, pathMetricAppr); //approximation=0 --> 11b, approximation=1 --> 12
-		} else { //Information or CRC bit.
-			if ( (polarParams->interleaving_pattern[nonFrozenBit] <= polarParams->payloadBits) &&
-					(aPrioriPayload[polarParams->interleaving_pattern[nonFrozenBit]] == 0) ) {
-				//Information bit with known value of "0".
-				updatePathMetric(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, 0, currentBit, pathMetricAppr);
-				bitUpdated[currentBit][0]=1; //0=False, 1=True
-			} else if ( (polarParams->interleaving_pattern[nonFrozenBit] <= polarParams->payloadBits) &&
-					(aPrioriPayload[polarParams->interleaving_pattern[nonFrozenBit]] == 1) ) {
-				//Information bit with known value of "1".
-				updatePathMetric(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, 1, currentBit, pathMetricAppr);
-				for (uint8_t i=0; i<currentListSize; i++) bit[currentBit][0][i]=1;
-				bitUpdated[currentBit][0]=1;
-				updateCrcChecksum(crcChecksum, extended_crc_generator_matrix, currentListSize, nonFrozenBit, polarParams->crcParityBits);
-			} else {
-				updatePathMetric2(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, currentBit, pathMetricAppr);
-				for (int i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
-					for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->N; j++) {
-						for (int k = 0; k < (polarParams->n+1); k++) {
-							bit[j][k][i+currentListSize]=bit[j][k][i];
-							llr[j][k][i+currentListSize]=llr[j][k][i];}}}
-				for (int i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
-					bit[currentBit][0][i]=0;
-					crcState[i+currentListSize]=crcState[i];
-				}
-				for (int i = currentListSize; i < 2*currentListSize; i++) bit[currentBit][0][i]=1;
-				bitUpdated[currentBit][0]=1;
-				updateCrcChecksum2(crcChecksum, extended_crc_generator_matrix, currentListSize, nonFrozenBit, polarParams->crcParityBits);
-				currentListSize*=2;
-				//Keep only the best "listSize" number of entries.
-				if (currentListSize > listSize) {
-					for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 2*listSize; i++) listIndex[i]=i;
-					nr_sort_asc_double_1D_array_ind(pathMetric, listIndex, currentListSize);
-					//sort listIndex[listSize, ..., 2*listSize-1] in descending order.
-					uint8_t swaps, tempInd;
-					for (uint8_t i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {
-						swaps = 0;
-						for (uint8_t j = listSize; j < (2*listSize - i) - 1; j++) {
-							if (listIndex[j+1] > listIndex[j]) {
-								tempInd = listIndex[j];
-								listIndex[j] = listIndex[j + 1];
-								listIndex[j + 1] = tempInd;
-								swaps++;
-							}
-						}
-						if (swaps == 0)
-							break;
-					}
-					//First, backup the best "listSize" number of entries.
-					for (int k=(listSize-1); k>0; k--) {
-						for (int i=0; i<polarParams->N; i++) {
-							for (int j=0; j<(polarParams->n+1); j++) {
-								bit[i][j][listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]]=bit[i][j][listIndex[k]];
-								llr[i][j][listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]]=llr[i][j][listIndex[k]];
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					for (int k=(listSize-1); k>0; k--) {
-						for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
-							crcChecksum[i][listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]] = crcChecksum[i][listIndex[k]];
-						}
-					}
-					for (int k=(listSize-1); k>0; k--) crcState[listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]]=crcState[listIndex[k]];
-					//Copy the best "listSize" number of entries to the first indices.
-					for (int k = 0; k < listSize; k++) {
-						if (k > listIndex[k]) {
-							copyIndex = listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k];
-						} else { //Use the backup.
-							copyIndex = listIndex[k];
-						}
-						for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->N; i++) {
-							for (int j = 0; j < (polarParams->n + 1); j++) {
-								bit[i][j][k] = bit[i][j][copyIndex];
-								llr[i][j][k] = llr[i][j][copyIndex];
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					for (int k = 0; k < listSize; k++) {
-						if (k > listIndex[k]) {
-							copyIndex = listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k];
-						} else { //Use the backup.
-							copyIndex = listIndex[k];
-						}
-						for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
-							crcChecksum[i][k]=crcChecksum[i][copyIndex];
-						}
-					}
-					for (int k = 0; k < listSize; k++) {
-						if (k > listIndex[k]) {
-							copyIndex = listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k];
-						} else { //Use the backup.
-							copyIndex = listIndex[k];
-						}
-						crcState[k]=crcState[copyIndex];
-					}
-					currentListSize = listSize;
-				}
-			}
-			for (int i=0; i<polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
-				if (last1ind[i]==nonFrozenBit) {
-					checkCrcBits=i;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			if ( checkCrcBits > (-1) ) {
-				for (uint8_t i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
-					if (crcChecksum[checkCrcBits][i]==1) {
-						crcState[i]=0; //0=False, 1=True
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			for (uint8_t i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) decoderIterationCheck+=crcState[i];
-			if (decoderIterationCheck==0) {
-				//perror("[SCL polar decoder] All list entries have failed the CRC checks.");
-				free(d_tilde);
-				free(pathMetric);
-				free(crcState);
-				nr_free_uint8_3D_array(bit, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
-				nr_free_double_3D_array(llr, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
-				nr_free_uint8_2D_array(crcChecksum, polarParams->crcParityBits);
-				return(-1);
-			}
-			nonFrozenBit++;
-			decoderIterationCheck=0;
-			checkCrcBits=-1;
-		}
-	}
-	for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 2*listSize; i++) listIndex[i]=i;
-	nr_sort_asc_double_1D_array_ind(pathMetric, listIndex, currentListSize);
-	for (uint8_t i = 0; i < fmin(listSize, (pow(2,polarParams->crcCorrectionBits)) ); i++) {
-		if ( crcState[listIndex[i]] == 1 ) {
-			for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->N; j++) polarParams->nr_polar_U[j]=bit[j][0][listIndex[i]];
-			//Extract the information bits (û to ĉ)
-			nr_polar_info_bit_extraction(polarParams->nr_polar_U, polarParams->nr_polar_CPrime, polarParams->information_bit_pattern, polarParams->N);
-			//Deinterleaving (ĉ to b)
-			nr_polar_deinterleaver(polarParams->nr_polar_CPrime, polarParams->nr_polar_B, polarParams->interleaving_pattern, polarParams->K);
-			//Remove the CRC (â)
-			for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->payloadBits; j++) polarParams->nr_polar_A[j]=polarParams->nr_polar_B[j];
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	free(d_tilde);
-	free(pathMetric);
-	free(crcState);
-	nr_free_uint8_3D_array(bit, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
-	nr_free_double_3D_array(llr, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
-	nr_free_uint8_2D_array(crcChecksum, polarParams->crcParityBits);
-	nr_free_uint8_2D_array(extended_crc_generator_matrix, polarParams->K);
-	nr_free_uint8_2D_array(tempECGM, polarParams->K);
-	/*
-	 * Return bits.
-	 */
-	nr_byte2bit_uint8_32_t(polarParams->nr_polar_A, polarParams->payloadBits, out);
-	return(0);
+                                    uint32_t *out,
+                                    t_nrPolar_params *polarParams,
+                                    uint8_t listSize,
+                                    uint8_t pathMetricAppr,
+                                    double *aPrioriPayload,
+                                    double cpuFreqGHz,
+                                    FILE *logFile) {
+  uint8_t ***bit = nr_alloc_uint8_3D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1), 2*listSize);
+  uint8_t **bitUpdated = nr_alloc_uint8_2D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1)); //0=False, 1=True
+  uint8_t **llrUpdated = nr_alloc_uint8_2D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1)); //0=False, 1=True
+  double ***llr = nr_alloc_double_3D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1), 2*listSize);
+  uint8_t **crcChecksum = nr_alloc_uint8_2D_array(polarParams->crcParityBits, 2*listSize);
+  double *pathMetric = malloc(sizeof(double)*(2*listSize));
+  uint8_t *crcState = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t)*(2*listSize)); //0=False, 1=True
+  for (int i=0; i<(2*listSize); i++) {
+    pathMetric[i] = 0;
+    crcState[i]=1;
+  }
+  for (int i=0; i<polarParams->N; i++) {
+    llrUpdated[i][polarParams->n]=1;
+    bitUpdated[i][0]=((polarParams->information_bit_pattern[i]+1) % 2);
+  }
+  uint8_t **extended_crc_generator_matrix = malloc(polarParams->K * sizeof(uint8_t *)); //G_P3
+  uint8_t **tempECGM = malloc(polarParams->K * sizeof(uint8_t *)); //G_P2
+  for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->K; i++) {
+    extended_crc_generator_matrix[i] = malloc(polarParams->crcParityBits * sizeof(uint8_t));
+    tempECGM[i] = malloc(polarParams->crcParityBits * sizeof(uint8_t));
+  }
+  for (int i=0; i<polarParams->payloadBits; i++) {
+    for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
+      tempECGM[i][j]=polarParams->crc_generator_matrix[i][j];
+    }
+  }
+  for (int i=polarParams->payloadBits; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
+    for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
+      if( (i-polarParams->payloadBits) == j ) {
+        tempECGM[i][j]=1;
+      } else {
+        tempECGM[i][j]=0;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for (int i=0; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
+    for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
+      extended_crc_generator_matrix[i][j]=tempECGM[polarParams->interleaving_pattern[i]][j];
+    }
+  }
+  //The index of the last 1-valued bit that appears in each column.
+  uint16_t last1ind[polarParams->crcParityBits];
+  for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
+    for (int i=0; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
+      if (extended_crc_generator_matrix[i][j]==1) last1ind[j]=i;
+    }
+  }
+  double *d_tilde = malloc(sizeof(double) * polarParams->N);
+  nr_polar_rate_matching(input, d_tilde, polarParams->rate_matching_pattern, polarParams->K, polarParams->N, polarParams->encoderLength);
+  for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->N; j++) llr[j][polarParams->n][0]=d_tilde[j];
+  /*
+   * SCL polar decoder.
+   */
+  uint32_t nonFrozenBit=0;
+  uint8_t currentListSize=1;
+  uint8_t decoderIterationCheck=0;
+  int16_t checkCrcBits=-1;
+  uint8_t listIndex[2*listSize], copyIndex;
+  for (uint16_t currentBit=0; currentBit<polarParams->N; currentBit++) {
+    updateLLR(llr, llrUpdated, bit, bitUpdated, currentListSize, currentBit, 0, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1), pathMetricAppr);
+    if (polarParams->information_bit_pattern[currentBit]==0) { //Frozen bit.
+      updatePathMetric(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, 0, currentBit, pathMetricAppr); //approximation=0 --> 11b, approximation=1 --> 12
+    } else { //Information or CRC bit.
+      if ( (polarParams->interleaving_pattern[nonFrozenBit] <= polarParams->payloadBits) &&
+           (aPrioriPayload[polarParams->interleaving_pattern[nonFrozenBit]] == 0) ) {
+        //Information bit with known value of "0".
+        updatePathMetric(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, 0, currentBit, pathMetricAppr);
+        bitUpdated[currentBit][0]=1; //0=False, 1=True
+      } else if ( (polarParams->interleaving_pattern[nonFrozenBit] <= polarParams->payloadBits) &&
+                  (aPrioriPayload[polarParams->interleaving_pattern[nonFrozenBit]] == 1) ) {
+        //Information bit with known value of "1".
+        updatePathMetric(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, 1, currentBit, pathMetricAppr);
+        for (uint8_t i=0; i<currentListSize; i++) bit[currentBit][0][i]=1;
+        bitUpdated[currentBit][0]=1;
+        updateCrcChecksum(crcChecksum, extended_crc_generator_matrix, currentListSize, nonFrozenBit, polarParams->crcParityBits);
+      } else {
+        updatePathMetric2(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, currentBit, pathMetricAppr);
+        for (int i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
+          for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->N; j++) {
+            for (int k = 0; k < (polarParams->n+1); k++) {
+              bit[j][k][i+currentListSize]=bit[j][k][i];
+              llr[j][k][i+currentListSize]=llr[j][k][i];
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        for (int i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
+          bit[currentBit][0][i]=0;
+          crcState[i+currentListSize]=crcState[i];
+        }
+        for (int i = currentListSize; i < 2*currentListSize; i++) bit[currentBit][0][i]=1;
+        bitUpdated[currentBit][0]=1;
+        updateCrcChecksum2(crcChecksum, extended_crc_generator_matrix, currentListSize, nonFrozenBit, polarParams->crcParityBits);
+        currentListSize*=2;
+        //Keep only the best "listSize" number of entries.
+        if (currentListSize > listSize) {
+          for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 2*listSize; i++) listIndex[i]=i;
+          nr_sort_asc_double_1D_array_ind(pathMetric, listIndex, currentListSize);
+          //sort listIndex[listSize, ..., 2*listSize-1] in descending order.
+          uint8_t swaps, tempInd;
+          for (uint8_t i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {
+            swaps = 0;
+            for (uint8_t j = listSize; j < (2*listSize - i) - 1; j++) {
+              if (listIndex[j+1] > listIndex[j]) {
+                tempInd = listIndex[j];
+                listIndex[j] = listIndex[j + 1];
+                listIndex[j + 1] = tempInd;
+                swaps++;
+              }
+            }
+            if (swaps == 0)
+              break;
+          }
+          //First, backup the best "listSize" number of entries.
+          for (int k=(listSize-1); k>0; k--) {
+            for (int i=0; i<polarParams->N; i++) {
+              for (int j=0; j<(polarParams->n+1); j++) {
+                bit[i][j][listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]]=bit[i][j][listIndex[k]];
+                llr[i][j][listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]]=llr[i][j][listIndex[k]];
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          for (int k=(listSize-1); k>0; k--) {
+            for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
+              crcChecksum[i][listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]] = crcChecksum[i][listIndex[k]];
+            }
+          }
+          for (int k=(listSize-1); k>0; k--) crcState[listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]]=crcState[listIndex[k]];
+          //Copy the best "listSize" number of entries to the first indices.
+          for (int k = 0; k < listSize; k++) {
+            if (k > listIndex[k]) {
+              copyIndex = listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k];
+            } else { //Use the backup.
+              copyIndex = listIndex[k];
+            }
+            for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->N; i++) {
+              for (int j = 0; j < (polarParams->n + 1); j++) {
+                bit[i][j][k] = bit[i][j][copyIndex];
+                llr[i][j][k] = llr[i][j][copyIndex];
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          for (int k = 0; k < listSize; k++) {
+            if (k > listIndex[k]) {
+              copyIndex = listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k];
+            } else { //Use the backup.
+              copyIndex = listIndex[k];
+            }
+            for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
+              crcChecksum[i][k]=crcChecksum[i][copyIndex];
+            }
+          }
+          for (int k = 0; k < listSize; k++) {
+            if (k > listIndex[k]) {
+              copyIndex = listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k];
+            } else { //Use the backup.
+              copyIndex = listIndex[k];
+            }
+            crcState[k]=crcState[copyIndex];
+          }
+          currentListSize = listSize;
+        }
+      }
+      for (int i=0; i<polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
+        if (last1ind[i]==nonFrozenBit) {
+          checkCrcBits=i;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      if ( checkCrcBits > (-1) ) {
+        for (uint8_t i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
+          if (crcChecksum[checkCrcBits][i]==1) {
+            crcState[i]=0; //0=False, 1=True
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      for (uint8_t i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) decoderIterationCheck+=crcState[i];
+      if (decoderIterationCheck==0) {
+        //perror("[SCL polar decoder] All list entries have failed the CRC checks.");
+        free(d_tilde);
+        free(pathMetric);
+        free(crcState);
+        nr_free_uint8_3D_array(bit, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
+        nr_free_double_3D_array(llr, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
+        nr_free_uint8_2D_array(crcChecksum, polarParams->crcParityBits);
+        return(-1);
+      }
+      nonFrozenBit++;
+      decoderIterationCheck=0;
+      checkCrcBits=-1;
+    }
+  }
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 2*listSize; i++) listIndex[i]=i;
+  nr_sort_asc_double_1D_array_ind(pathMetric, listIndex, currentListSize);
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < fmin(listSize, (pow(2,polarParams->crcCorrectionBits)) ); i++) {
+    if ( crcState[listIndex[i]] == 1 ) {
+      for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->N; j++) polarParams->nr_polar_U[j]=bit[j][0][listIndex[i]];
+      //Extract the information bits (û to ĉ)
+      nr_polar_info_bit_extraction(polarParams->nr_polar_U, polarParams->nr_polar_CPrime, polarParams->information_bit_pattern, polarParams->N);
+      //Deinterleaving (ĉ to b)
+      nr_polar_deinterleaver(polarParams->nr_polar_CPrime, polarParams->nr_polar_B, polarParams->interleaving_pattern, polarParams->K);
+      //Remove the CRC (â)
+      for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->payloadBits; j++) polarParams->nr_polar_A[j]=polarParams->nr_polar_B[j];
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  free(d_tilde);
+  free(pathMetric);
+  free(crcState);
+  nr_free_uint8_3D_array(bit, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
+  nr_free_double_3D_array(llr, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
+  nr_free_uint8_2D_array(crcChecksum, polarParams->crcParityBits);
+  nr_free_uint8_2D_array(extended_crc_generator_matrix, polarParams->K);
+  nr_free_uint8_2D_array(tempECGM, polarParams->K);
+  /*
+   * Return bits.
+   */
+  nr_byte2bit_uint8_32_t(polarParams->nr_polar_A, polarParams->payloadBits, out);
+  return(0);
 int8_t polar_decoder_dci(double *input,
-						 uint32_t *out,
-						 t_nrPolar_params * polarParams,
-						 uint8_t listSize,
-						 uint8_t pathMetricAppr,
-						 uint16_t n_RNTI)
-	uint8_t ***bit = nr_alloc_uint8_3D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1), 2*listSize);
-	uint8_t **bitUpdated = nr_alloc_uint8_2D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1)); //0=False, 1=True
-	uint8_t **llrUpdated = nr_alloc_uint8_2D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1)); //0=False, 1=True
-	double ***llr = nr_alloc_double_3D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1), 2*listSize);
-	uint8_t **crcChecksum = nr_alloc_uint8_2D_array(polarParams->crcParityBits, 2*listSize);
-	double *pathMetric = malloc(sizeof(double)*(2*listSize));
-	uint8_t *crcState = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t)*(2*listSize)); //0=False, 1=True
-	uint8_t extended_crc_scrambling_pattern[polarParams->crcParityBits];
-	for (int i=0; i<(2*listSize); i++) {
-		pathMetric[i] = 0;
-		crcState[i]=1;
-	}
-	for (int i=0; i<polarParams->N; i++) {
-		llrUpdated[i][polarParams->n]=1;
-		bitUpdated[i][0]=((polarParams->information_bit_pattern[i]+1) % 2);
-	}
-	uint8_t **extended_crc_generator_matrix = malloc(polarParams->K * sizeof(uint8_t *)); //G_P3: K-by-P
-	uint8_t **tempECGM = malloc(polarParams->K * sizeof(uint8_t *)); //G_P2: K-by-P
-	for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->K; i++){
-		extended_crc_generator_matrix[i] = malloc(polarParams->crcParityBits * sizeof(uint8_t));
-		tempECGM[i] = malloc(polarParams->crcParityBits * sizeof(uint8_t));
-	}
-	for (int i=0; i<polarParams->payloadBits; i++) {
-		for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
-			tempECGM[i][j]=polarParams->crc_generator_matrix[i+polarParams->crcParityBits][j];
-		}
-	}
-	for (int i=polarParams->payloadBits; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
-			for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
-				if( (i-polarParams->payloadBits) == j ){
-					tempECGM[i][j]=1;
-				} else {
-					tempECGM[i][j]=0;
-				}
-			}
-	}
-	for (int i=0; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
-		for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
-			extended_crc_generator_matrix[i][j]=tempECGM[polarParams->interleaving_pattern[i]][j];
-		}
-	}
-	//The index of the last 1-valued bit that appears in each column.
-	uint16_t last1ind[polarParams->crcParityBits];
-	for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
-			for (int i=0; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
-				if (extended_crc_generator_matrix[i][j]==1) last1ind[j]=i;
-			}
-	}
-	for (int i=0;i<8;i++) extended_crc_scrambling_pattern[i]=0;
-	for (int i=8; i<polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
-		extended_crc_scrambling_pattern[i]=(n_RNTI>>(23-i))&1;
-	}
-	double *d_tilde = malloc(sizeof(double) * polarParams->N);
-	nr_polar_rate_matching(input, d_tilde, polarParams->rate_matching_pattern, polarParams->K, polarParams->N, polarParams->encoderLength);
-	for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->N; j++) llr[j][polarParams->n][0]=d_tilde[j];
-	/*
-	 * SCL polar decoder.
-	 */
-	for (int i=0; i<polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
-		for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) crcChecksum[i][0]=crcChecksum[i][0]+polarParams->crc_generator_matrix[j][i];
-		crcChecksum[i][0]=(crcChecksum[i][0]%2);
-	}
-	uint32_t nonFrozenBit=0;
-	uint8_t currentListSize=1;
-	uint8_t decoderIterationCheck=0;
-	int16_t checkCrcBits=-1;
-	uint8_t listIndex[2*listSize], copyIndex;
-	for (uint16_t currentBit=0; currentBit<polarParams->N; currentBit++){
-		updateLLR(llr, llrUpdated, bit, bitUpdated, currentListSize, currentBit, 0, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1), pathMetricAppr);
-		if (polarParams->information_bit_pattern[currentBit]==0) { //Frozen bit.
-			updatePathMetric(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, 0, currentBit, pathMetricAppr); //approximation=0 --> 11b, approximation=1 --> 12
-		} else { //Information or CRC bit.
-				updatePathMetric2(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, currentBit, pathMetricAppr);
-				for (int i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
-					for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->N; j++) {
-						for (int k = 0; k < (polarParams->n+1); k++) {
-							bit[j][k][i+currentListSize]=bit[j][k][i];
-							llr[j][k][i+currentListSize]=llr[j][k][i];}}}
-				for (int i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
-					bit[currentBit][0][i]=0;
-					crcState[i+currentListSize]=crcState[i];
-				}
-				for (int i = currentListSize; i < 2*currentListSize; i++) bit[currentBit][0][i]=1;
-				bitUpdated[currentBit][0]=1;
-				updateCrcChecksum2(crcChecksum, extended_crc_generator_matrix, currentListSize, nonFrozenBit, polarParams->crcParityBits);
-				currentListSize*=2;
-				//Keep only the best "listSize" number of entries.
-				if (currentListSize > listSize) {
-					for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 2*listSize; i++) listIndex[i]=i;
-					nr_sort_asc_double_1D_array_ind(pathMetric, listIndex, currentListSize);
-					//sort listIndex[listSize, ..., 2*listSize-1] in descending order.
-					uint8_t swaps, tempInd;
-					for (uint8_t i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {
-						swaps = 0;
-						for (uint8_t j = listSize; j < (2*listSize - i) - 1; j++) {
-							if (listIndex[j+1] > listIndex[j]) {
-								tempInd = listIndex[j];
-								listIndex[j] = listIndex[j + 1];
-								listIndex[j + 1] = tempInd;
-								swaps++;
-							}
-						}
-						if (swaps == 0)
-							break;
-					}
-					//First, backup the best "listSize" number of entries.
-					for (int k=(listSize-1); k>0; k--) {
-						for (int i=0; i<polarParams->N; i++) {
-							for (int j=0; j<(polarParams->n+1); j++) {
-								bit[i][j][listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]]=bit[i][j][listIndex[k]];
-								llr[i][j][listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]]=llr[i][j][listIndex[k]];
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					for (int k=(listSize-1); k>0; k--) {
-						for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
-							crcChecksum[i][listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]] = crcChecksum[i][listIndex[k]];
-						}
-					}
-					for (int k=(listSize-1); k>0; k--) crcState[listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]]=crcState[listIndex[k]];
-					//Copy the best "listSize" number of entries to the first indices.
-					for (int k = 0; k < listSize; k++) {
-						if (k > listIndex[k]) {
-							copyIndex = listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k];
-						} else { //Use the backup.
-							copyIndex = listIndex[k];
-						}
-						for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->N; i++) {
-							for (int j = 0; j < (polarParams->n + 1); j++) {
-								bit[i][j][k] = bit[i][j][copyIndex];
-								llr[i][j][k] = llr[i][j][copyIndex];
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					for (int k = 0; k < listSize; k++) {
-						if (k > listIndex[k]) {
-							copyIndex = listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k];
-						} else { //Use the backup.
-							copyIndex = listIndex[k];
-						}
-						for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
-							crcChecksum[i][k]=crcChecksum[i][copyIndex];
-						}
-					}
-					for (int k = 0; k < listSize; k++) {
-						if (k > listIndex[k]) {
-							copyIndex = listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k];
-						} else { //Use the backup.
-							copyIndex = listIndex[k];
-						}
-						crcState[k]=crcState[copyIndex];
-					}
-					currentListSize = listSize;
-				}
-			for (int i=0; i<polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
-				if (last1ind[i]==nonFrozenBit) {
-					checkCrcBits=i;
-					break;
-				}
-			}
-			if ( checkCrcBits > (-1) ) {
-				for (uint8_t i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
-					if (crcChecksum[checkCrcBits][i]!=extended_crc_scrambling_pattern[checkCrcBits]) {
-						crcState[i]=0; //0=False, 1=True
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			for (uint8_t i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) decoderIterationCheck+=crcState[i];
-			if (decoderIterationCheck==0) {
-				//perror("[SCL polar decoder] All list entries have failed the CRC checks.");
-				free(d_tilde);
-				free(pathMetric);
-				free(crcState);
-				nr_free_uint8_3D_array(bit, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
-				nr_free_double_3D_array(llr, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
-				nr_free_uint8_2D_array(crcChecksum, polarParams->crcParityBits);
-				return(-1);
-			}
-			nonFrozenBit++;
-			decoderIterationCheck=0;
-			checkCrcBits=-1;
-		}
-	}
-	for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 2*listSize; i++) listIndex[i]=i;
-	nr_sort_asc_double_1D_array_ind(pathMetric, listIndex, currentListSize);
-	for (uint8_t i = 0; i < fmin(listSize, (pow(2,polarParams->crcCorrectionBits)) ); i++) {
-		if ( crcState[listIndex[i]] == 1 ) {
-			for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->N; j++) polarParams->nr_polar_U[j]=bit[j][0][listIndex[i]];
-			//Extract the information bits (û to ĉ)
-			nr_polar_info_bit_extraction(polarParams->nr_polar_U, polarParams->nr_polar_CPrime, polarParams->information_bit_pattern, polarParams->N);
-			//Deinterleaving (ĉ to b)
-			nr_polar_deinterleaver(polarParams->nr_polar_CPrime, polarParams->nr_polar_B, polarParams->interleaving_pattern, polarParams->K);
-			//Remove the CRC (â)
-			for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->payloadBits; j++) polarParams->nr_polar_A[j]=polarParams->nr_polar_B[j];
-			break;
-		}
-	}
-	free(d_tilde);
-	free(pathMetric);
-	free(crcState);
-	nr_free_uint8_3D_array(bit, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
-	nr_free_double_3D_array(llr, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
-	nr_free_uint8_2D_array(crcChecksum, polarParams->crcParityBits);
-	nr_free_uint8_2D_array(extended_crc_generator_matrix, polarParams->K);
-	nr_free_uint8_2D_array(tempECGM, polarParams->K);
-	/*
-	 * Return bits.
-	 */
-	nr_byte2bit_uint8_32_t(polarParams->nr_polar_A, polarParams->payloadBits, out);
-	return(0);
+                         uint32_t *out,
+                         t_nrPolar_params *polarParams,
+                         uint8_t listSize,
+                         uint8_t pathMetricAppr,
+                         uint16_t n_RNTI) {
+  uint8_t ***bit = nr_alloc_uint8_3D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1), 2*listSize);
+  uint8_t **bitUpdated = nr_alloc_uint8_2D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1)); //0=False, 1=True
+  uint8_t **llrUpdated = nr_alloc_uint8_2D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1)); //0=False, 1=True
+  double ***llr = nr_alloc_double_3D_array(polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1), 2*listSize);
+  uint8_t **crcChecksum = nr_alloc_uint8_2D_array(polarParams->crcParityBits, 2*listSize);
+  double *pathMetric = malloc(sizeof(double)*(2*listSize));
+  uint8_t *crcState = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t)*(2*listSize)); //0=False, 1=True
+  uint8_t extended_crc_scrambling_pattern[polarParams->crcParityBits];
+  for (int i=0; i<(2*listSize); i++) {
+    pathMetric[i] = 0;
+    crcState[i]=1;
+  }
+  for (int i=0; i<polarParams->N; i++) {
+    llrUpdated[i][polarParams->n]=1;
+    bitUpdated[i][0]=((polarParams->information_bit_pattern[i]+1) % 2);
+  }
+  uint8_t **extended_crc_generator_matrix = malloc(polarParams->K * sizeof(uint8_t *)); //G_P3: K-by-P
+  uint8_t **tempECGM = malloc(polarParams->K * sizeof(uint8_t *)); //G_P2: K-by-P
+  for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->K; i++) {
+    extended_crc_generator_matrix[i] = malloc(polarParams->crcParityBits * sizeof(uint8_t));
+    tempECGM[i] = malloc(polarParams->crcParityBits * sizeof(uint8_t));
+  }
+  for (int i=0; i<polarParams->payloadBits; i++) {
+    for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
+      tempECGM[i][j]=polarParams->crc_generator_matrix[i+polarParams->crcParityBits][j];
+    }
+  }
+  for (int i=polarParams->payloadBits; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
+    for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
+      if( (i-polarParams->payloadBits) == j ) {
+        tempECGM[i][j]=1;
+      } else {
+        tempECGM[i][j]=0;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for (int i=0; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
+    for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
+      extended_crc_generator_matrix[i][j]=tempECGM[polarParams->interleaving_pattern[i]][j];
+    }
+  }
+  //The index of the last 1-valued bit that appears in each column.
+  uint16_t last1ind[polarParams->crcParityBits];
+  for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) {
+    for (int i=0; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
+      if (extended_crc_generator_matrix[i][j]==1) last1ind[j]=i;
+    }
+  }
+  for (int i=0; i<8; i++) extended_crc_scrambling_pattern[i]=0;
+  for (int i=8; i<polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
+    extended_crc_scrambling_pattern[i]=(n_RNTI>>(23-i))&1;
+  }
+  double *d_tilde = malloc(sizeof(double) * polarParams->N);
+  nr_polar_rate_matching(input, d_tilde, polarParams->rate_matching_pattern, polarParams->K, polarParams->N, polarParams->encoderLength);
+  for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->N; j++) llr[j][polarParams->n][0]=d_tilde[j];
+  /*
+   * SCL polar decoder.
+   */
+  for (int i=0; i<polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
+    for (int j=0; j<polarParams->crcParityBits; j++) crcChecksum[i][0]=crcChecksum[i][0]+polarParams->crc_generator_matrix[j][i];
+    crcChecksum[i][0]=(crcChecksum[i][0]%2);
+  }
+  uint32_t nonFrozenBit=0;
+  uint8_t currentListSize=1;
+  uint8_t decoderIterationCheck=0;
+  int16_t checkCrcBits=-1;
+  uint8_t listIndex[2*listSize], copyIndex;
+  for (uint16_t currentBit=0; currentBit<polarParams->N; currentBit++) {
+    updateLLR(llr, llrUpdated, bit, bitUpdated, currentListSize, currentBit, 0, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1), pathMetricAppr);
+    if (polarParams->information_bit_pattern[currentBit]==0) { //Frozen bit.
+      updatePathMetric(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, 0, currentBit, pathMetricAppr); //approximation=0 --> 11b, approximation=1 --> 12
+    } else { //Information or CRC bit.
+      updatePathMetric2(pathMetric, llr, currentListSize, currentBit, pathMetricAppr);
+      for (int i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
+        for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->N; j++) {
+          for (int k = 0; k < (polarParams->n+1); k++) {
+            bit[j][k][i+currentListSize]=bit[j][k][i];
+            llr[j][k][i+currentListSize]=llr[j][k][i];
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      for (int i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
+        bit[currentBit][0][i]=0;
+        crcState[i+currentListSize]=crcState[i];
+      }
+      for (int i = currentListSize; i < 2*currentListSize; i++) bit[currentBit][0][i]=1;
+      bitUpdated[currentBit][0]=1;
+      updateCrcChecksum2(crcChecksum, extended_crc_generator_matrix, currentListSize, nonFrozenBit, polarParams->crcParityBits);
+      currentListSize*=2;
+      //Keep only the best "listSize" number of entries.
+      if (currentListSize > listSize) {
+        for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 2*listSize; i++) listIndex[i]=i;
+        nr_sort_asc_double_1D_array_ind(pathMetric, listIndex, currentListSize);
+        //sort listIndex[listSize, ..., 2*listSize-1] in descending order.
+        uint8_t swaps, tempInd;
+        for (uint8_t i = 0; i < listSize; i++) {
+          swaps = 0;
+          for (uint8_t j = listSize; j < (2*listSize - i) - 1; j++) {
+            if (listIndex[j+1] > listIndex[j]) {
+              tempInd = listIndex[j];
+              listIndex[j] = listIndex[j + 1];
+              listIndex[j + 1] = tempInd;
+              swaps++;
+            }
+          }
+          if (swaps == 0)
+            break;
+        }
+        //First, backup the best "listSize" number of entries.
+        for (int k=(listSize-1); k>0; k--) {
+          for (int i=0; i<polarParams->N; i++) {
+            for (int j=0; j<(polarParams->n+1); j++) {
+              bit[i][j][listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]]=bit[i][j][listIndex[k]];
+              llr[i][j][listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]]=llr[i][j][listIndex[k]];
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        for (int k=(listSize-1); k>0; k--) {
+          for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
+            crcChecksum[i][listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]] = crcChecksum[i][listIndex[k]];
+          }
+        }
+        for (int k=(listSize-1); k>0; k--) crcState[listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k]]=crcState[listIndex[k]];
+        //Copy the best "listSize" number of entries to the first indices.
+        for (int k = 0; k < listSize; k++) {
+          if (k > listIndex[k]) {
+            copyIndex = listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k];
+          } else { //Use the backup.
+            copyIndex = listIndex[k];
+          }
+          for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->N; i++) {
+            for (int j = 0; j < (polarParams->n + 1); j++) {
+              bit[i][j][k] = bit[i][j][copyIndex];
+              llr[i][j][k] = llr[i][j][copyIndex];
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        for (int k = 0; k < listSize; k++) {
+          if (k > listIndex[k]) {
+            copyIndex = listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k];
+          } else { //Use the backup.
+            copyIndex = listIndex[k];
+          }
+          for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
+            crcChecksum[i][k]=crcChecksum[i][copyIndex];
+          }
+        }
+        for (int k = 0; k < listSize; k++) {
+          if (k > listIndex[k]) {
+            copyIndex = listIndex[(2*listSize-1)-k];
+          } else { //Use the backup.
+            copyIndex = listIndex[k];
+          }
+          crcState[k]=crcState[copyIndex];
+        }
+        currentListSize = listSize;
+      }
+      for (int i=0; i<polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) {
+        if (last1ind[i]==nonFrozenBit) {
+          checkCrcBits=i;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      if ( checkCrcBits > (-1) ) {
+        for (uint8_t i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) {
+          if (crcChecksum[checkCrcBits][i]!=extended_crc_scrambling_pattern[checkCrcBits]) {
+            crcState[i]=0; //0=False, 1=True
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      for (uint8_t i = 0; i < currentListSize; i++) decoderIterationCheck+=crcState[i];
+      if (decoderIterationCheck==0) {
+        //perror("[SCL polar decoder] All list entries have failed the CRC checks.");
+        free(d_tilde);
+        free(pathMetric);
+        free(crcState);
+        nr_free_uint8_3D_array(bit, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
+        nr_free_double_3D_array(llr, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
+        nr_free_uint8_2D_array(crcChecksum, polarParams->crcParityBits);
+        return(-1);
+      }
+      nonFrozenBit++;
+      decoderIterationCheck=0;
+      checkCrcBits=-1;
+    }
+  }
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 2*listSize; i++) listIndex[i]=i;
+  nr_sort_asc_double_1D_array_ind(pathMetric, listIndex, currentListSize);
+  for (uint8_t i = 0; i < fmin(listSize, (pow(2,polarParams->crcCorrectionBits)) ); i++) {
+    if ( crcState[listIndex[i]] == 1 ) {
+      for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->N; j++) polarParams->nr_polar_U[j]=bit[j][0][listIndex[i]];
+      //Extract the information bits (û to ĉ)
+      nr_polar_info_bit_extraction(polarParams->nr_polar_U, polarParams->nr_polar_CPrime, polarParams->information_bit_pattern, polarParams->N);
+      //Deinterleaving (ĉ to b)
+      nr_polar_deinterleaver(polarParams->nr_polar_CPrime, polarParams->nr_polar_B, polarParams->interleaving_pattern, polarParams->K);
+      //Remove the CRC (â)
+      for (int j = 0; j < polarParams->payloadBits; j++) polarParams->nr_polar_A[j]=polarParams->nr_polar_B[j];
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  free(d_tilde);
+  free(pathMetric);
+  free(crcState);
+  nr_free_uint8_3D_array(bit, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
+  nr_free_double_3D_array(llr, polarParams->N, (polarParams->n+1));
+  nr_free_uint8_2D_array(crcChecksum, polarParams->crcParityBits);
+  nr_free_uint8_2D_array(extended_crc_generator_matrix, polarParams->K);
+  nr_free_uint8_2D_array(tempECGM, polarParams->K);
+  /*
+   * Return bits.
+   */
+  nr_byte2bit_uint8_32_t(polarParams->nr_polar_A, polarParams->payloadBits, out);
+  return(0);
 void init_polar_deinterleaver_table(t_nrPolar_params *polarParams) {
   AssertFatal(polarParams->K > 32, "K = %d < 33, is not supported yet\n",polarParams->K);
   AssertFatal(polarParams->K < 129, "K = %d > 128, is not supported yet\n",polarParams->K);
   int bit_i,ip,ipmod64;
   int numbytes = polarParams->K>>3;
   int residue = polarParams->K&7;
   int numbits;
   if (residue>0) numbytes++;
-  for (int byte=0;byte<numbytes;byte++) {
+  for (int byte=0; byte<numbytes; byte++) {
     if (byte<(polarParams->K>>3)) numbits=8;
     else numbits=residue;
-    for (int i=0;i<numbits;i++) {
+    for (int i=0; i<numbits; i++) {
       // flip bit endian for B
       ip=polarParams->K - 1 - polarParams->interleaving_pattern[(8*byte)+i];
 #if 0
@@ -1061,107 +1142,97 @@ void init_polar_deinterleaver_table(t_nrPolar_params *polarParams) {
       ipmod64 = ip&63;
       AssertFatal(ip<128,"ip = %d\n",ip);
-      for (int val=0;val<256;val++) {
-	bit_i=(val>>i)&1;
-	if (ip<64) polarParams->B_tab0[byte][val] |= (((uint64_t)bit_i)<<ipmod64);
-	else       polarParams->B_tab1[byte][val] |= (((uint64_t)bit_i)<<ipmod64);
+      for (int val=0; val<256; val++) {
+        bit_i=(val>>i)&1;
+        if (ip<64) polarParams->B_tab0[byte][val] |= (((uint64_t)bit_i)<<ipmod64);
+        else       polarParams->B_tab1[byte][val] |= (((uint64_t)bit_i)<<ipmod64);
 uint32_t polar_decoder_int16(int16_t *input,
-			     uint64_t *out,
-			     const t_nrPolar_params *polarParams)
+                             uint64_t *out,
+                             const t_nrPolar_params *polarParams) {
   int16_t d_tilde[polarParams->N];// = malloc(sizeof(double) * polarParams->N);
   nr_polar_rate_matching_int16(input, d_tilde, polarParams->rate_matching_pattern, polarParams->K, polarParams->N, polarParams->encoderLength);
-  for (int i=0;i<polarParams->N;i++) {
+  for (int i=0; i<polarParams->N; i++) {
     if (d_tilde[i]<-128) d_tilde[i]=-128;
     else if (d_tilde[i]>127) d_tilde[i]=128;
-  memcpy((void*)&polarParams->tree.root->alpha[0],(void*)&d_tilde[0],sizeof(int16_t)*polarParams->N);
+  memcpy((void *)&polarParams->tree.root->alpha[0],(void *)&d_tilde[0],sizeof(int16_t)*polarParams->N);
   //Extract the information bits (û to ĉ)
-  uint64_t Cprime[4]={0,0,0,0};
-  uint64_t B[4]={0,0,0,0};
-  for (int i=0;i<polarParams->K;i++) Cprime[i>>6] = Cprime[i>>6] | ((uint64_t)polarParams->nr_polar_U[polarParams->Q_I_N[i]])<<(i&63);
+  uint64_t Cprime[4]= {0,0,0,0};
+  uint64_t B[4]= {0,0,0,0};
+  for (int i=0; i<polarParams->K; i++) Cprime[i>>6] = Cprime[i>>6] | ((uint64_t)polarParams->nr_polar_U[polarParams->Q_I_N[i]])<<(i&63);
   //Deinterleaving (ĉ to b)
-  uint8_t *Cprimebyte = (uint8_t*)Cprime;
+  uint8_t *Cprimebyte = (uint8_t *)Cprime;
   if (polarParams->K<65) {
     B[0] = polarParams->B_tab0[0][Cprimebyte[0]] |
-      polarParams->B_tab0[1][Cprimebyte[1]] |
-      polarParams->B_tab0[2][Cprimebyte[2]] |
-      polarParams->B_tab0[3][Cprimebyte[3]] |
-      polarParams->B_tab0[4][Cprimebyte[4]] |
-      polarParams->B_tab0[5][Cprimebyte[5]] |
-      polarParams->B_tab0[6][Cprimebyte[6]] |
-      polarParams->B_tab0[7][Cprimebyte[7]];
-  }
-  else if (polarParams->K<129) {
+           polarParams->B_tab0[1][Cprimebyte[1]] |
+           polarParams->B_tab0[2][Cprimebyte[2]] |
+           polarParams->B_tab0[3][Cprimebyte[3]] |
+           polarParams->B_tab0[4][Cprimebyte[4]] |
+           polarParams->B_tab0[5][Cprimebyte[5]] |
+           polarParams->B_tab0[6][Cprimebyte[6]] |
+           polarParams->B_tab0[7][Cprimebyte[7]];
+  } else if (polarParams->K<129) {
     int len = polarParams->K/8;
     if ((polarParams->K&7) > 0) len++;
-    for (int k=0;k<len;k++) {
+    for (int k=0; k<len; k++) {
       B[0] |= polarParams->B_tab0[k][Cprimebyte[k]];
       B[1] |= polarParams->B_tab1[k][Cprimebyte[k]];
   int len=polarParams->payloadBits;
   //int len_mod64=len&63;
   int crclen = polarParams->crcParityBits;
   uint64_t rxcrc=B[0]&((1<<crclen)-1);
   uint32_t crc;
   uint64_t Ar;
   AssertFatal(len<65,"A must be less than 65 bits\n");
   if (len<=32) {
     Ar = (uint32_t)(B[0]>>crclen);
     uint8_t A32_flip[4];
     uint32_t Aprime= (uint32_t)(Ar<<(32-len));
-    A32_flip[0]=((uint8_t*)&Aprime)[3];
-    A32_flip[1]=((uint8_t*)&Aprime)[2];
-    A32_flip[2]=((uint8_t*)&Aprime)[1];
-    A32_flip[3]=((uint8_t*)&Aprime)[0];
+    A32_flip[0]=((uint8_t *)&Aprime)[3];
+    A32_flip[1]=((uint8_t *)&Aprime)[2];
+    A32_flip[2]=((uint8_t *)&Aprime)[1];
+    A32_flip[3]=((uint8_t *)&Aprime)[0];
     crc = (uint64_t)(crc24c(A32_flip,len)>>8);
-  }
-  else if (len<=64) {
+  } else if (len<=64) {
     Ar = (B[0]>>crclen) | (B[1]<<(64-crclen));;
     uint8_t A64_flip[8];
     uint64_t Aprime= (uint32_t)(Ar<<(64-len));
-    A64_flip[0]=((uint8_t*)&Aprime)[7];
-    A64_flip[1]=((uint8_t*)&Aprime)[6];
-    A64_flip[2]=((uint8_t*)&Aprime)[5];
-    A64_flip[3]=((uint8_t*)&Aprime)[4];
-    A64_flip[4]=((uint8_t*)&Aprime)[3];
-    A64_flip[5]=((uint8_t*)&Aprime)[2];
-    A64_flip[6]=((uint8_t*)&Aprime)[1];
-    A64_flip[7]=((uint8_t*)&Aprime)[0];
+    A64_flip[0]=((uint8_t *)&Aprime)[7];
+    A64_flip[1]=((uint8_t *)&Aprime)[6];
+    A64_flip[2]=((uint8_t *)&Aprime)[5];
+    A64_flip[3]=((uint8_t *)&Aprime)[4];
+    A64_flip[4]=((uint8_t *)&Aprime)[3];
+    A64_flip[5]=((uint8_t *)&Aprime)[2];
+    A64_flip[6]=((uint8_t *)&Aprime)[1];
+    A64_flip[7]=((uint8_t *)&Aprime)[0];
     crc = (uint64_t)(crc24c(A64_flip,len)>>8);
 #if 0
   printf("A %llx B %llx|%llx Cprime %llx|%llx  (crc %x,rxcrc %llx %d)\n",
-	 Ar,
-	 B[1],B[0],Cprime[1],Cprime[0],crc,
-   	 rxcrc,polarParams->payloadBits);
+         Ar,
+         B[1],B[0],Cprime[1],Cprime[0],crc,
+         rxcrc,polarParams->payloadBits);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_defs.h b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_defs.h
index ef795cb26f250752c006aca8f543998ba22fe3ab..d42e8bb6fc77931eea01b1c364fa73f9ffbbe64d 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_defs.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_defs.h
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ struct nrPolar_params {
   //messageType: 0=PBCH, 1=DCI, -1=UCI
   int idx; //idx = (messageType * messageLength * aggregation_prime);
   struct nrPolar_params *nextPtr;
   uint8_t n_max;
   uint8_t i_il;
   uint8_t i_seg;
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ struct nrPolar_params {
   uint16_t N;
   uint8_t n;
   uint32_t crcBit;
   uint16_t *interleaving_pattern;
   uint16_t *deinterleaving_pattern;
   uint16_t *rate_matching_pattern;
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ struct nrPolar_params {
   uint8_t *information_bit_pattern;
   uint16_t *channel_interleaver_pattern;
   uint32_t crc_polynomial;
   uint8_t **crc_generator_matrix; //G_P
   uint8_t **G_N;
   uint64_t **G_N_tab;
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ struct nrPolar_params {
   uint64_t cprime_tab1[32][256];
   uint64_t B_tab0[32][256];
   uint64_t B_tab1[32][256];
-  uint32_t* crc256Table;
+  uint32_t *crc256Table;
   uint8_t **extended_crc_generator_matrix;
   //lowercase: bits, Uppercase: Bits stored in bytes
   //polar_encoder vectors
@@ -126,82 +126,82 @@ struct nrPolar_params {
   uint8_t *nr_polar_APrime;
   uint8_t *nr_polar_D;
   uint8_t *nr_polar_E;
   //Polar Coding vectors
   uint8_t *nr_polar_A;
   uint8_t *nr_polar_CPrime;
   uint8_t *nr_polar_B;
   uint8_t *nr_polar_U;
   decoder_tree_t tree;
 } __attribute__ ((__packed__));
 typedef struct nrPolar_params t_nrPolar_params;
 void polar_encoder(uint32_t *input,
-				   uint32_t *output,
-				   t_nrPolar_params* polarParams);
+                   uint32_t *output,
+                   t_nrPolar_params *polarParams);
 void polar_encoder_dci(uint32_t *in,
-					   uint32_t *out,
-					   t_nrPolar_params* polarParams,
-					   uint16_t n_RNTI);
+                       uint32_t *out,
+                       t_nrPolar_params *polarParams,
+                       uint16_t n_RNTI);
 void polar_encoder_fast(uint64_t *A,
-			uint32_t *out,
-			int32_t crcmask,
-			t_nrPolar_params* polarParams);
+                        uint32_t *out,
+                        int32_t crcmask,
+                        t_nrPolar_params *polarParams);
 int8_t polar_decoder(double *input,
-		 	 	 	 uint8_t *output,
-					 t_nrPolar_params* polarParams,
-					 uint8_t listSize,
-					 uint8_t pathMetricAppr);
+                     uint8_t *output,
+                     t_nrPolar_params *polarParams,
+                     uint8_t listSize,
+                     uint8_t pathMetricAppr);
 uint32_t polar_decoder_int16(int16_t *input,
-			     uint64_t *out,
-			     const t_nrPolar_params *polarParams);
+                             uint64_t *out,
+                             const t_nrPolar_params *polarParams);
 int8_t polar_decoder_aPriori(double *input,
-							 uint32_t *output,
-							 t_nrPolar_params* polarParams,
-							 uint8_t listSize,
-							 uint8_t pathMetricAppr,
-							 double *aPrioriPayload);
+                             uint32_t *output,
+                             t_nrPolar_params *polarParams,
+                             uint8_t listSize,
+                             uint8_t pathMetricAppr,
+                             double *aPrioriPayload);
 int8_t polar_decoder_aPriori_timing(double *input,
-									uint32_t *output,
-									t_nrPolar_params* polarParams,
-									uint8_t listSize,
-									uint8_t pathMetricAppr,
-									double *aPrioriPayload,
-									double cpuFreqGHz,
-									FILE* logFile);
+                                    uint32_t *output,
+                                    t_nrPolar_params *polarParams,
+                                    uint8_t listSize,
+                                    uint8_t pathMetricAppr,
+                                    double *aPrioriPayload,
+                                    double cpuFreqGHz,
+                                    FILE *logFile);
 int8_t polar_decoder_dci(double *input,
-						 uint32_t *out,
-						 t_nrPolar_params* polarParams,
-						 uint8_t listSize,
-						 uint8_t pathMetricAppr,
-						 uint16_t n_RNTI);
+                         uint32_t *out,
+                         t_nrPolar_params *polarParams,
+                         uint8_t listSize,
+                         uint8_t pathMetricAppr,
+                         uint16_t n_RNTI);
 void generic_polar_decoder(t_nrPolar_params *,
-		decoder_node_t *);
+                           decoder_node_t *);
 void build_decoder_tree(t_nrPolar_params *pp);
-void build_polar_tables(t_nrPolar_params* polarParams);
+void build_polar_tables(t_nrPolar_params *polarParams);
 void init_polar_deinterleaver_table(t_nrPolar_params *polarParams);
-void nr_polar_print_polarParams(t_nrPolar_params* polarParams);
+void nr_polar_print_polarParams(t_nrPolar_params *polarParams);
-t_nrPolar_params * nr_polar_params ( int8_t messageType,
-									 uint16_t messageLength,
-									 uint8_t aggregation_level);
+t_nrPolar_params *nr_polar_params ( int8_t messageType,
+                                    uint16_t messageLength,
+                                    uint8_t aggregation_level);
 uint16_t nr_polar_aggregation_prime (uint8_t aggregation_level);
-uint8_t** nr_polar_kronecker_power_matrices(uint8_t n);
+uint8_t **nr_polar_kronecker_power_matrices(uint8_t n);
-const uint16_t* nr_polar_sequence_pattern(uint8_t n);
+const uint16_t *nr_polar_sequence_pattern(uint8_t n);
 /*!@fn uint32_t nr_polar_output_length(uint16_t K, uint16_t E, uint8_t n_max)
  * @brief Computes...
@@ -209,168 +209,168 @@ const uint16_t* nr_polar_sequence_pattern(uint8_t n);
  * @param E
  * @param n_max */
 uint32_t nr_polar_output_length(uint16_t K,
-		uint16_t E,
-		uint8_t n_max);
+                                uint16_t E,
+                                uint8_t n_max);
 void nr_polar_channel_interleaver_pattern(uint16_t *cip,
-		uint8_t I_BIL,
-		uint16_t E);
+    uint8_t I_BIL,
+    uint16_t E);
 void nr_polar_rate_matching_pattern(uint16_t *rmp,
-		uint16_t *J,
-		const uint8_t *P_i_,
-		uint16_t K,
-		uint16_t N,
-		uint16_t E);
+                                    uint16_t *J,
+                                    const uint8_t *P_i_,
+                                    uint16_t K,
+                                    uint16_t N,
+                                    uint16_t E);
 void nr_polar_rate_matching(double *input,
-		double *output,
-		uint16_t *rmp,
-		uint16_t K,
-		uint16_t N,
-		uint16_t E);
+                            double *output,
+                            uint16_t *rmp,
+                            uint16_t K,
+                            uint16_t N,
+                            uint16_t E);
 void nr_polar_rate_matching_int16(int16_t *input,
-		int16_t *output,
-		uint16_t *rmp,
-		uint16_t K,
-		uint16_t N,
-		uint16_t E);
+                                  int16_t *output,
+                                  uint16_t *rmp,
+                                  uint16_t K,
+                                  uint16_t N,
+                                  uint16_t E);
 void nr_polar_interleaving_pattern(uint16_t K,
-		uint8_t I_IL,
-		uint16_t *PI_k_);
+                                   uint8_t I_IL,
+                                   uint16_t *PI_k_);
 void nr_polar_info_bit_pattern(uint8_t *ibp,
-		int16_t *Q_I_N,
-		int16_t *Q_F_N,
-		uint16_t *J,
-		const uint16_t *Q_0_Nminus1,
-		uint16_t K,
-		uint16_t N,
-		uint16_t E,
-		uint8_t n_PC);
+                               int16_t *Q_I_N,
+                               int16_t *Q_F_N,
+                               uint16_t *J,
+                               const uint16_t *Q_0_Nminus1,
+                               uint16_t K,
+                               uint16_t N,
+                               uint16_t E,
+                               uint8_t n_PC);
 void nr_polar_info_bit_extraction(uint8_t *input,
-		uint8_t *output,
-		uint8_t *pattern,
-		uint16_t size);
+                                  uint8_t *output,
+                                  uint8_t *pattern,
+                                  uint16_t size);
 void nr_bit2byte_uint32_8_t(uint32_t *in,
-		uint16_t arraySize,
-		uint8_t *out);
+                            uint16_t arraySize,
+                            uint8_t *out);
 void nr_byte2bit_uint8_32_t(uint8_t *in,
-		uint16_t arraySize,
-		uint32_t *out);
+                            uint16_t arraySize,
+                            uint32_t *out);
 void nr_crc_bit2bit_uint32_8_t(uint32_t *in,
-		uint16_t arraySize,
-		uint8_t *out);
+                               uint16_t arraySize,
+                               uint8_t *out);
 void nr_polar_bit_insertion(uint8_t *input,
-		uint8_t *output,
-		uint16_t N,
-		uint16_t K,
-		int16_t *Q_I_N,
-		int16_t *Q_PC_N,
-		uint8_t n_PC);
+                            uint8_t *output,
+                            uint16_t N,
+                            uint16_t K,
+                            int16_t *Q_I_N,
+                            int16_t *Q_PC_N,
+                            uint8_t n_PC);
 void nr_matrix_multiplication_uint8_1D_uint8_2D(uint8_t *matrix1,
-		uint8_t **matrix2,
-		uint8_t *output,
-		uint16_t row,
-		uint16_t col);
+    uint8_t **matrix2,
+    uint8_t *output,
+    uint16_t row,
+    uint16_t col);
 uint8_t ***nr_alloc_uint8_3D_array(uint16_t xlen,
-		uint16_t ylen,
-		uint16_t zlen);
+                                   uint16_t ylen,
+                                   uint16_t zlen);
 uint8_t **nr_alloc_uint8_2D_array(uint16_t xlen,
-		uint16_t ylen);
+                                  uint16_t ylen);
 double ***nr_alloc_double_3D_array(uint16_t xlen,
-		uint16_t ylen,
-		uint16_t zlen);
+                                   uint16_t ylen,
+                                   uint16_t zlen);
 double **nr_alloc_double_2D_array(uint16_t xlen,
-		uint16_t ylen);
+                                  uint16_t ylen);
 void nr_free_double_3D_array(double ***input,
-		uint16_t xlen,
-		uint16_t ylen);
+                             uint16_t xlen,
+                             uint16_t ylen);
 void nr_free_double_2D_array(double **input,
-		uint16_t xlen);
+                             uint16_t xlen);
 void nr_free_uint8_3D_array(uint8_t ***input,
-		uint16_t xlen,
-		uint16_t ylen);
+                            uint16_t xlen,
+                            uint16_t ylen);
 void nr_free_uint8_2D_array(uint8_t **input,
-		uint16_t xlen);
+                            uint16_t xlen);
 void nr_sort_asc_double_1D_array_ind(double *matrix,
-		uint8_t *ind,
-		uint8_t len);
+                                     uint8_t *ind,
+                                     uint8_t len);
 void nr_sort_asc_int16_1D_array_ind(int32_t *matrix,
-		int *ind,
-		int len);
+                                    int *ind,
+                                    int len);
 void nr_free_double_2D_array(double **input, uint16_t xlen);
 void updateLLR(double ***llr,
-		uint8_t **llrU,
-		uint8_t ***bit,
-		uint8_t **bitU,
-		uint8_t listSize,
-		uint16_t row,
-		uint16_t col,
-		uint16_t xlen,
-		uint8_t ylen,
-		uint8_t approximation);
+               uint8_t **llrU,
+               uint8_t ***bit,
+               uint8_t **bitU,
+               uint8_t listSize,
+               uint16_t row,
+               uint16_t col,
+               uint16_t xlen,
+               uint8_t ylen,
+               uint8_t approximation);
 void updateBit(uint8_t ***bit,
-		uint8_t **bitU,
-		uint8_t listSize,
-		uint16_t row,
-		uint16_t col,
-		uint16_t xlen,
-		uint8_t ylen);
+               uint8_t **bitU,
+               uint8_t listSize,
+               uint16_t row,
+               uint16_t col,
+               uint16_t xlen,
+               uint8_t ylen);
 void updatePathMetric(double *pathMetric,
-		double ***llr,
-		uint8_t listSize,
-		uint8_t bitValue,
-		uint16_t row,
-		uint8_t approximation);
+                      double ***llr,
+                      uint8_t listSize,
+                      uint8_t bitValue,
+                      uint16_t row,
+                      uint8_t approximation);
 void updatePathMetric2(double *pathMetric,
-		double ***llr,
-		uint8_t listSize,
-		uint16_t row,
-		uint8_t approximation);
+                       double ***llr,
+                       uint8_t listSize,
+                       uint16_t row,
+                       uint8_t approximation);
 void computeLLR(double ***llr,
-		uint16_t row,
-		uint16_t col,
-		uint8_t i,
-		uint16_t offset,
-		uint8_t approximation);
+                uint16_t row,
+                uint16_t col,
+                uint8_t i,
+                uint16_t offset,
+                uint8_t approximation);
 void updateCrcChecksum(uint8_t **crcChecksum,
-		uint8_t **crcGen,
-		uint8_t listSize,
-		uint32_t i2,
-		uint8_t len);
+                       uint8_t **crcGen,
+                       uint8_t listSize,
+                       uint32_t i2,
+                       uint8_t len);
 void updateCrcChecksum2(uint8_t **crcChecksum,
-		uint8_t **crcGen,
-		uint8_t listSize,
-		uint32_t i2,
-		uint8_t len);
+                        uint8_t **crcGen,
+                        uint8_t listSize,
+                        uint32_t i2,
+                        uint8_t len);
 uint8_t **crc24c_generator_matrix(uint16_t payloadSizeBits);
@@ -380,18 +380,16 @@ uint8_t **crc6_generator_matrix(uint16_t payloadSizeBits);
 //Also nr_polar_rate_matcher
 static inline void nr_polar_interleaver(uint8_t *input,
-					uint8_t *output,
-					uint16_t *pattern,
-					uint16_t size)
+                                        uint8_t *output,
+                                        uint16_t *pattern,
+                                        uint16_t size) {
   for (int i=0; i<size; i++) output[i]=input[pattern[i]];
 static inline void nr_polar_deinterleaver(uint8_t *input,
-					  uint8_t *output,
-					  uint16_t *pattern,
-					  uint16_t size)
+    uint8_t *output,
+    uint16_t *pattern,
+    uint16_t size) {
   for (int i=0; i<size; i++) {
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_encoder.c b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_encoder.c
index d68df025cee492640bbfc58836ed09d89de7e129..a9bef7ca38196c950849f02be4bedc4f9bc7b6f2 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_encoder.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_encoder.c
@@ -41,306 +41,326 @@
 //output [f_31 f_30 ... f_0] [f_63 f_62 ... f_32] ...
 void polar_encoder(uint32_t *in,
-		   uint32_t *out,
-		   t_nrPolar_params * polarParams)
-  if (polarParams->idx == 0){//PBCH
+                   uint32_t *out,
+                   t_nrPolar_params *polarParams) {
+  if (polarParams->idx == 0) { //PBCH
     uint64_t B = (((uint64_t)*in)&((((uint64_t)1)<<32)-1)) | (((uint64_t)crc24c((uint8_t*)in,polarParams->payloadBits)>>8)<<polarParams->payloadBits);
     printf("polar_B %llx (crc %x)\n",B,crc24c((uint8_t*)in,polarParams->payloadBits)>>8);
-nr_bit2byte_uint32_8_t((uint32_t*)&B, polarParams->K, polarParams->nr_polar_B);*/
-    nr_bit2byte_uint32_8_t((uint32_t*)in, polarParams->payloadBits, polarParams->nr_polar_A);
+    #endif
+    nr_bit2byte_uint32_8_t((uint32_t*)&B, polarParams->K, polarParams->nr_polar_B);*/
+    nr_bit2byte_uint32_8_t((uint32_t *)in, polarParams->payloadBits, polarParams->nr_polar_A);
      * Bytewise operations
     //Calculate CRC.
-      nr_matrix_multiplication_uint8_1D_uint8_2D(polarParams->nr_polar_A,
-						     polarParams->crc_generator_matrix,
-						     polarParams->nr_polar_crc,
-						     polarParams->payloadBits,
-						     polarParams->crcParityBits);
-      for (uint8_t i = 0; i < polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) 
-	polarParams->nr_polar_crc[i] = (polarParams->nr_polar_crc[i] % 2);
-      //Attach CRC to the Transport Block. (a to b)
-      for (uint16_t i = 0; i < polarParams->payloadBits; i++)
-	polarParams->nr_polar_B[i] = polarParams->nr_polar_A[i];
-      for (uint16_t i = polarParams->payloadBits; i < polarParams->K; i++)
-	polarParams->nr_polar_B[i]= polarParams->nr_polar_crc[i-(polarParams->payloadBits)];
+    nr_matrix_multiplication_uint8_1D_uint8_2D(polarParams->nr_polar_A,
+        polarParams->crc_generator_matrix,
+        polarParams->nr_polar_crc,
+        polarParams->payloadBits,
+        polarParams->crcParityBits);
+    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < polarParams->crcParityBits; i++)
+      polarParams->nr_polar_crc[i] = (polarParams->nr_polar_crc[i] % 2);
+    //Attach CRC to the Transport Block. (a to b)
+    for (uint16_t i = 0; i < polarParams->payloadBits; i++)
+      polarParams->nr_polar_B[i] = polarParams->nr_polar_A[i];
+    for (uint16_t i = polarParams->payloadBits; i < polarParams->K; i++)
+      polarParams->nr_polar_B[i]= polarParams->nr_polar_crc[i-(polarParams->payloadBits)];
     uint64_t B2=0;
-    for (int i = 0;i<polarParams->K;i++) B2 = B2 | ((uint64_t)polarParams->nr_polar_B[i] << i);
+    for (int i = 0; i<polarParams->K; i++) B2 = B2 | ((uint64_t)polarParams->nr_polar_B[i] << i);
     printf("polar_B %llx\n",B2);
     /*    for (int j=0;j<polarParams->crcParityBits;j++) {
-      for (int i=0;i<polarParams->payloadBits;i++) 
-	printf("%1d.%1d+",polarParams->crc_generator_matrix[i][j],polarParams->nr_polar_A[i]);
+      for (int i=0;i<polarParams->payloadBits;i++)
+    printf("%1d.%1d+",polarParams->crc_generator_matrix[i][j],polarParams->nr_polar_A[i]);
       printf(" => %d\n",polarParams->nr_polar_crc[j]);
   } else { //UCI
   //Interleaving (c to c')
-		       polarParams->nr_polar_CPrime,
-		       polarParams->interleaving_pattern,
-		       polarParams->K);
+                       polarParams->nr_polar_CPrime,
+                       polarParams->interleaving_pattern,
+                       polarParams->K);
   uint64_t Cprime=0;
-  for (int i = 0;i<polarParams->K;i++) {
+  for (int i = 0; i<polarParams->K; i++) {
     Cprime = Cprime | ((uint64_t)polarParams->nr_polar_CPrime[i] << i);
     if (polarParams->nr_polar_CPrime[i] == 1) printf("pos %d : %llx\n",i,Cprime);
   printf("polar_Cprime %llx\n",Cprime);
   //Bit insertion (c' to u)
-			 polarParams->nr_polar_U,
-			 polarParams->N,
-			 polarParams->K,
-			 polarParams->Q_I_N,
-			 polarParams->Q_PC_N,
-			 polarParams->n_pc);
+                         polarParams->nr_polar_U,
+                         polarParams->N,
+                         polarParams->K,
+                         polarParams->Q_I_N,
+                         polarParams->Q_PC_N,
+                         polarParams->n_pc);
   //Encoding (u to d)
   /*  memset(polarParams->nr_polar_U,0,polarParams->N);
-						 polarParams->G_N,
-						 polarParams->nr_polar_D,
-						 polarParams->N,
-						 polarParams->N);
+      polarParams->G_N,
+      polarParams->nr_polar_D,
+      polarParams->N,
+      polarParams->N);
   for (uint16_t i = 0; i < polarParams->N; i++)
     polarParams->nr_polar_D[i] = (polarParams->nr_polar_D[i] % 2);
   uint64_t D[8];
-  memset((void*)D,0,8*sizeof(int64_t));
+  memset((void *)D,0,8*sizeof(int64_t));
-  for (int i=0;i<polarParams->N;i++)  D[i/64] |= ((uint64_t)polarParams->nr_polar_D[i])<<(i&63);
+  for (int i=0; i<polarParams->N; i++)  D[i/64] |= ((uint64_t)polarParams->nr_polar_D[i])<<(i&63);
   printf("D %llx,%llx,%llx,%llx,%llx,%llx,%llx,%llx\n",
-	 D[0],D[1],D[2],D[3],D[4],D[5],D[6],D[7]);
+         D[0],D[1],D[2],D[3],D[4],D[5],D[6],D[7]);
   //Rate matching
   //Sub-block interleaving (d to y) and Bit selection (y to e)
-		       polarParams->nr_polar_E,
-		       polarParams->rate_matching_pattern,
-		       polarParams->encoderLength);
+                       polarParams->nr_polar_E,
+                       polarParams->rate_matching_pattern,
+                       polarParams->encoderLength);
    * Return bits.
-  for (int i=0; i< polarParams->encoderLength;i++) printf("f[%d]=%d\n", i, polarParams->nr_polar_E[i]);
+  for (int i=0; i< polarParams->encoderLength; i++) printf("f[%d]=%d\n", i, polarParams->nr_polar_E[i]);
   nr_byte2bit_uint8_32_t(polarParams->nr_polar_E, polarParams->encoderLength, out);
 void polar_encoder_dci(uint32_t *in,
-		       uint32_t *out,
-		       t_nrPolar_params * polarParams,
-		       uint16_t n_RNTI)
+                       uint32_t *out,
+                       t_nrPolar_params *polarParams,
+                       uint16_t n_RNTI) {
   printf("[polar_encoder_dci] in: [0]->0x%08x \t [1]->0x%08x \t [2]->0x%08x \t [3]->0x%08x\n", in[0], in[1], in[2], in[3]);
    * Bytewise operations
   //(a to a')
   nr_bit2byte_uint32_8_t(in, polarParams->payloadBits, polarParams->nr_polar_A);
   for (int i=0; i<polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) polarParams->nr_polar_APrime[i]=1;
   for (int i=0; i<polarParams->payloadBits; i++) polarParams->nr_polar_APrime[i+(polarParams->crcParityBits)]=polarParams->nr_polar_A[i];
   printf("[polar_encoder_dci] A: ");
   for (int i=0; i<polarParams->payloadBits; i++) printf("%d-", polarParams->nr_polar_A[i]);
   printf("[polar_encoder_dci] APrime: ");
   for (int i=0; i<polarParams->K; i++) printf("%d-", polarParams->nr_polar_APrime[i]);
   printf("[polar_encoder_dci] GP: ");
   for (int i=0; i<polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) printf("%d-", polarParams->crc_generator_matrix[0][i]);
   //Calculate CRC.
-						 polarParams->crc_generator_matrix,
-						 polarParams->nr_polar_crc,
-						 polarParams->K,
-						 polarParams->crcParityBits);
+      polarParams->crc_generator_matrix,
+      polarParams->nr_polar_crc,
+      polarParams->K,
+      polarParams->crcParityBits);
   for (uint8_t i = 0; i < polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) polarParams->nr_polar_crc[i] = (polarParams->nr_polar_crc[i] % 2);
   printf("[polar_encoder_dci] CRC: ");
   for (int i=0; i<polarParams->crcParityBits; i++) printf("%d-", polarParams->nr_polar_crc[i]);
   //Attach CRC to the Transport Block. (a to b)
   for (uint16_t i = 0; i < polarParams->payloadBits; i++)
     polarParams->nr_polar_B[i] = polarParams->nr_polar_A[i];
   for (uint16_t i = polarParams->payloadBits; i < polarParams->K; i++)
     polarParams->nr_polar_B[i]= polarParams->nr_polar_crc[i-(polarParams->payloadBits)];
   //Scrambling (b to c)
   for (int i=0; i<16; i++) {
     polarParams->nr_polar_B[polarParams->payloadBits+8+i] =
       ( polarParams->nr_polar_B[polarParams->payloadBits+8+i] + ((n_RNTI>>(15-i))&1) ) % 2;
-  /*	//(a to a')
-	nr_crc_bit2bit_uint32_8_t(in, polarParams->payloadBits, polarParams->nr_polar_aPrime);
-	//Parity bits computation (p)
-	polarParams->crcBit = crc24c(polarParams->nr_polar_aPrime, (polarParams->payloadBits+polarParams->crcParityBits));
-	printf("[polar_encoder_dci] crc: 0x%08x\n", polarParams->crcBit);
-	for (int i=0; i<32; i++)
-	{
-	printf("%d\n",((polarParams->crcBit)>>i)&1);
-	}
-	#endif
-	//(a to b)
-	//
-	// Bytewise operations
-	//
-	uint8_t arrayInd = ceil(polarParams->payloadBits / 8.0);
-	for (int i=0; i<arrayInd-1; i++){
-	for (int j=0; j<8; j++) {
-	polarParams->nr_polar_B[j+(i*8)] = ((polarParams->nr_polar_aPrime[3+i]>>(7-j)) & 1);
-	}
-	}
-	for (int i=0; i<((polarParams->payloadBits)%8); i++) {
-	polarParams->nr_polar_B[i+(arrayInd-1)*8] = ((polarParams->nr_polar_aPrime[3+(arrayInd-1)]>>(7-i)) & 1);
-	}
-	for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
-	polarParams->nr_polar_B[polarParams->payloadBits+i] = ((polarParams->crcBit)>>(31-i))&1;
-	}
-	//Scrambling (b to c)
-	for (int i=0; i<16; i++) {
-	polarParams->nr_polar_B[polarParams->payloadBits+8+i] =
-	( (((polarParams->crcBit)>>(23-i))&1) + ((n_RNTI>>(15-i))&1) ) % 2;
-	}*/
+  /*  //(a to a')
+  nr_crc_bit2bit_uint32_8_t(in, polarParams->payloadBits, polarParams->nr_polar_aPrime);
+  //Parity bits computation (p)
+  polarParams->crcBit = crc24c(polarParams->nr_polar_aPrime, (polarParams->payloadBits+polarParams->crcParityBits));
+  printf("[polar_encoder_dci] crc: 0x%08x\n", polarParams->crcBit);
+  for (int i=0; i<32; i++)
+  {
+  printf("%d\n",((polarParams->crcBit)>>i)&1);
+  }
+  #endif
+  //(a to b)
+  //
+  // Bytewise operations
+  //
+  uint8_t arrayInd = ceil(polarParams->payloadBits / 8.0);
+  for (int i=0; i<arrayInd-1; i++){
+  for (int j=0; j<8; j++) {
+  polarParams->nr_polar_B[j+(i*8)] = ((polarParams->nr_polar_aPrime[3+i]>>(7-j)) & 1);
+  }
+  }
+  for (int i=0; i<((polarParams->payloadBits)%8); i++) {
+  polarParams->nr_polar_B[i+(arrayInd-1)*8] = ((polarParams->nr_polar_aPrime[3+(arrayInd-1)]>>(7-i)) & 1);
+  }
+  for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
+  polarParams->nr_polar_B[polarParams->payloadBits+i] = ((polarParams->crcBit)>>(31-i))&1;
+  }
+  //Scrambling (b to c)
+  for (int i=0; i<16; i++) {
+  polarParams->nr_polar_B[polarParams->payloadBits+8+i] =
+  ( (((polarParams->crcBit)>>(23-i))&1) + ((n_RNTI>>(15-i))&1) ) % 2;
+  }*/
   printf("[polar_encoder_dci] B: ");
   for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->K; i++) printf("%d-", polarParams->nr_polar_B[i]);
   //Interleaving (c to c')
-		       polarParams->nr_polar_CPrime,
-		       polarParams->interleaving_pattern,
-		       polarParams->K);
+                       polarParams->nr_polar_CPrime,
+                       polarParams->interleaving_pattern,
+                       polarParams->K);
   //Bit insertion (c' to u)
-			 polarParams->nr_polar_U,
-			 polarParams->N,
-			 polarParams->K,
-			 polarParams->Q_I_N,
-			 polarParams->Q_PC_N,
-			 polarParams->n_pc);
+                         polarParams->nr_polar_U,
+                         polarParams->N,
+                         polarParams->K,
+                         polarParams->Q_I_N,
+                         polarParams->Q_PC_N,
+                         polarParams->n_pc);
   //Encoding (u to d)
-						 polarParams->G_N,
-						 polarParams->nr_polar_D,
-						 polarParams->N,
-						 polarParams->N);
+      polarParams->G_N,
+      polarParams->nr_polar_D,
+      polarParams->N,
+      polarParams->N);
   for (uint16_t i = 0; i < polarParams->N; i++)
     polarParams->nr_polar_D[i] = (polarParams->nr_polar_D[i] % 2);
   //Rate matching
   //Sub-block interleaving (d to y) and Bit selection (y to e)
-		       polarParams->nr_polar_E,
-		       polarParams->rate_matching_pattern,
-		       polarParams->encoderLength);
+                       polarParams->nr_polar_E,
+                       polarParams->rate_matching_pattern,
+                       polarParams->encoderLength);
    * Return bits.
   nr_byte2bit_uint8_32_t(polarParams->nr_polar_E, polarParams->encoderLength, out);
   printf("[polar_encoder_dci] E: ");
   for (int i = 0; i < polarParams->encoderLength; i++) printf("%d-", polarParams->nr_polar_E[i]);
   uint8_t outputInd = ceil(polarParams->encoderLength / 32.0);
   printf("\n[polar_encoder_dci] out: ");
   for (int i = 0; i < outputInd; i++) {
     printf("[%d]->0x%08x\t", i, out[i]);
-static inline void polar_rate_matching(t_nrPolar_params * polarParams,void *in,void *out) __attribute__((always_inline));
+static inline void polar_rate_matching(t_nrPolar_params *polarParams,void *in,void *out) __attribute__((always_inline));
-static inline void polar_rate_matching(t_nrPolar_params * polarParams,void *in,void *out) {
-  if (polarParams->groupsize == 8) 
-    for (int i=0;i<polarParams->encoderLength>>3;i++) ((uint8_t*)out)[i] = ((uint8_t *)in)[polarParams->rm_tab[i]];
+static inline void polar_rate_matching(t_nrPolar_params *polarParams,void *in,void *out) {
+  if (polarParams->groupsize == 8)
+    for (int i=0; i<polarParams->encoderLength>>3; i++) ((uint8_t *)out)[i] = ((uint8_t *)in)[polarParams->rm_tab[i]];
-    for (int i=0;i<polarParams->encoderLength>>4;i++) {
-      ((uint16_t*)out)[i] = ((uint16_t *)in)[polarParams->rm_tab[i]];
+    for (int i=0; i<polarParams->encoderLength>>4; i++) {
+      ((uint16_t *)out)[i] = ((uint16_t *)in)[polarParams->rm_tab[i]];
-void build_polar_tables(t_nrPolar_params * polarParams) {
+void build_polar_tables(t_nrPolar_params *polarParams) {
   // build table b -> c'
   AssertFatal(polarParams->K > 32, "K = %d < 33, is not supported yet\n",polarParams->K);
   AssertFatal(polarParams->K < 129, "K = %d > 64, is not supported yet\n",polarParams->K);
   int bit_i,ip;
   int numbytes = polarParams->K>>3;
   int residue = polarParams->K&7;
   int numbits;
   if (residue>0) numbytes++;
-  for (int byte=0;byte<numbytes;byte++) {
+  for (int byte=0; byte<numbytes; byte++) {
     if (byte<(polarParams->K>>3)) numbits=8;
     else numbits=residue;
-    for (int val=0;val<256;val++) {
+    for (int val=0; val<256; val++) {
       polarParams->cprime_tab0[byte][val] = 0;
       polarParams->cprime_tab1[byte][val] = 0;
-      for (int i=0;i<numbits;i++) {
-	// flip bit endian of B bitstring
-	ip=polarParams->deinterleaving_pattern[polarParams->K-1-((8*byte)+i)];
-	AssertFatal(ip<128,"ip = %d\n",ip);
-	bit_i=(val>>i)&1;
-	if (ip<64) polarParams->cprime_tab0[byte][val] |= (((uint64_t)bit_i)<<ip);				
-	else       polarParams->cprime_tab1[byte][val] |= (((uint64_t)bit_i)<<(ip&63));				
+      for (int i=0; i<numbits; i++) {
+        // flip bit endian of B bitstring
+        ip=polarParams->deinterleaving_pattern[polarParams->K-1-((8*byte)+i)];
+        AssertFatal(ip<128,"ip = %d\n",ip);
+        bit_i=(val>>i)&1;
+        if (ip<64) polarParams->cprime_tab0[byte][val] |= (((uint64_t)bit_i)<<ip);
+        else       polarParams->cprime_tab1[byte][val] |= (((uint64_t)bit_i)<<(ip&63));
   AssertFatal(polarParams->N==512,"N = %d, not done yet\n",polarParams->N);
   // build G bit vectors for information bit positions and convert the bit as bytes tables in nr_polar_kronecker_power_matrices.c to 64 bit packed vectors.
   // keep only rows of G which correspond to information/crc bits
-  polarParams->G_N_tab = (uint64_t**)malloc(polarParams->K * sizeof(int64_t*));
+  polarParams->G_N_tab = (uint64_t **)malloc(polarParams->K * sizeof(int64_t *));
   int k=0;
-  for (int i=0;i<polarParams->N;i++) {
+  for (int i=0; i<polarParams->N; i++) {
     if (polarParams->information_bit_pattern[i] > 0) {
-      polarParams->G_N_tab[k] = (uint64_t*)memalign(32,(polarParams->N/64)*sizeof(uint64_t));
-      memset((void*)polarParams->G_N_tab[k],0,(polarParams->N/64)*sizeof(uint64_t));
-      for (int j=0;j<polarParams->N;j++) 
-	polarParams->G_N_tab[k][j/64] |= ((uint64_t)polarParams->G_N[i][j])<<(j&63);
+      polarParams->G_N_tab[k] = (uint64_t *)memalign(32,(polarParams->N/64)*sizeof(uint64_t));
+      memset((void *)polarParams->G_N_tab[k],0,(polarParams->N/64)*sizeof(uint64_t));
+      for (int j=0; j<polarParams->N; j++)
+        polarParams->G_N_tab[k][j/64] |= ((uint64_t)polarParams->G_N[i][j])<<(j&63);
       printf("Bit %d Selecting row %d of G : ",k,i);
-      for (int j=0;j<polarParams->N;j+=4) printf("%1x",polarParams->G_N[i][j]+(polarParams->G_N[i][j+1]*2)+(polarParams->G_N[i][j+2]*4)+(polarParams->G_N[i][j+3]*8));
+      for (int j=0; j<polarParams->N; j+=4) printf("%1x",polarParams->G_N[i][j]+(polarParams->G_N[i][j+1]*2)+(polarParams->G_N[i][j+2]*4)+(polarParams->G_N[i][j+3]*8));
@@ -354,56 +374,57 @@ void build_polar_tables(t_nrPolar_params * polarParams) {
   int firstingroup_out=0;
   int firstingroup_in=iplast;
   int mingroupsize = 1024;
   // compute minimum group size of rate-matching pattern
   for (int outpos=1; outpos<polarParams->encoderLength; outpos++) {
     if ((ip - iplast) == 1) ccnt++;
     else {
       printf("group %d (size %d): (%d:%d) => (%d:%d)\n",groupcnt,ccnt+1,
-	     firstingroup_in,firstingroup_in+ccnt,
-	     firstingroup_out,firstingroup_out+ccnt);
+             firstingroup_in,firstingroup_in+ccnt,
+             firstingroup_out,firstingroup_out+ccnt);
       if ((ccnt+1)<mingroupsize) mingroupsize=ccnt+1;
   AssertFatal(mingroupsize==8 || mingroupsize==16,"mingroupsize %d, needs to be handled\n",mingroupsize);
   int shift=3;
   if (mingroupsize == 16) shift=4;
-  polarParams->rm_tab=(int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*polarParams->encoderLength/mingroupsize);
+  polarParams->rm_tab=(int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*polarParams->encoderLength/mingroupsize);
   // rerun again to create groups
   int tcnt=0;
-  for (int outpos=0;outpos<polarParams->encoderLength; outpos+=mingroupsize,tcnt++) 
+  for (int outpos=0; outpos<polarParams->encoderLength; outpos+=mingroupsize,tcnt++)
     polarParams->rm_tab[tcnt] = polarParams->rate_matching_pattern[outpos]>>shift;
 void polar_encoder_fast(uint64_t *A,
-			uint32_t *out,
-			int32_t crcmask,
-			t_nrPolar_params * polarParams) {
+                        uint32_t *out,
+                        int32_t crcmask,
+                        t_nrPolar_params *polarParams) {
   AssertFatal(polarParams->K > 32, "K = %d < 33, is not supported yet\n",polarParams->K);
   AssertFatal(polarParams->K < 129, "K = %d > 128, is not supported yet\n",polarParams->K);
   AssertFatal(polarParams->payloadBits < 65, "payload bits = %d > 64, is not supported yet\n",polarParams->payloadBits);
-  uint64_t B[4]={0,0,0,0},Cprime[4]={0,0,0,0};
+  uint64_t B[4]= {0,0,0,0},Cprime[4]= {0,0,0,0};
   int bitlen = polarParams->payloadBits;
   // append crc
   AssertFatal(bitlen<129,"support for payloads <= 128 bits\n");
   AssertFatal(polarParams->crcParityBits == 24,"support for 24-bit crc only for now\n");
   //int bitlen0=bitlen;
   uint64_t tcrc=0;
   // A bitstring should be stored as a_{N-1} a_{N-2} ... a_{N-A} 0 .... 0, where N=64,128,192,..., N is smallest multiple of 64 greater than or equal to A
@@ -413,41 +434,41 @@ void polar_encoder_fast(uint64_t *A,
   if (bitlen<=32) {
     uint8_t A32_flip[4];
     uint32_t Aprime= (uint32_t)(((uint32_t)*A)<<(32-bitlen));
-    A32_flip[0]=((uint8_t*)&Aprime)[3];
-    A32_flip[1]=((uint8_t*)&Aprime)[2];
-    A32_flip[2]=((uint8_t*)&Aprime)[1];
-    A32_flip[3]=((uint8_t*)&Aprime)[0];
+    A32_flip[0]=((uint8_t *)&Aprime)[3];
+    A32_flip[1]=((uint8_t *)&Aprime)[2];
+    A32_flip[2]=((uint8_t *)&Aprime)[1];
+    A32_flip[3]=((uint8_t *)&Aprime)[0];
     tcrc = (uint64_t)((crcmask^(crc24c(A32_flip,bitlen)>>8)));
-  }
-  else if (bitlen<=64) {
+  } else if (bitlen<=64) {
     uint8_t A64_flip[8];
     uint64_t Aprime= (uint32_t)(((uint64_t)*A)<<(64-bitlen));
-    A64_flip[0]=((uint8_t*)&Aprime)[7];
-    A64_flip[1]=((uint8_t*)&Aprime)[6];
-    A64_flip[2]=((uint8_t*)&Aprime)[5];
-    A64_flip[3]=((uint8_t*)&Aprime)[4];
-    A64_flip[4]=((uint8_t*)&Aprime)[3];
-    A64_flip[5]=((uint8_t*)&Aprime)[2];
-    A64_flip[6]=((uint8_t*)&Aprime)[1];
-    A64_flip[7]=((uint8_t*)&Aprime)[0];
+    A64_flip[0]=((uint8_t *)&Aprime)[7];
+    A64_flip[1]=((uint8_t *)&Aprime)[6];
+    A64_flip[2]=((uint8_t *)&Aprime)[5];
+    A64_flip[3]=((uint8_t *)&Aprime)[4];
+    A64_flip[4]=((uint8_t *)&Aprime)[3];
+    A64_flip[5]=((uint8_t *)&Aprime)[2];
+    A64_flip[6]=((uint8_t *)&Aprime)[1];
+    A64_flip[7]=((uint8_t *)&Aprime)[0];
     tcrc = (uint64_t)((crcmask^(crc24c(A64_flip,bitlen)>>8)));
   int n;
   // this is number of quadwords in the bit string
   int quadwlen = (polarParams->K>>6);
   if ((polarParams->K&63) > 0) quadwlen++;
   // Create the B bitstring as
   // b_{N'-1} b_{N'-2} ... b_{N'-A} b_{N'-A-1} ... b_{N'-A-Nparity} = a_{N-1} a_{N-2} ... a_{N-A} p_{N_parity-1} ... p_0
-  for (n=0;n<quadwlen;n++) if (n==0) B[n] = (A[n] << polarParams->crcParityBits) | tcrc;
-                           else      B[n] = (A[n] << polarParams->crcParityBits) | (A[n-1]>>(64-polarParams->crcParityBits));
-  uint8_t *Bbyte = (uint8_t*)B;
+  for (n=0; n<quadwlen; n++) if (n==0) B[n] = (A[n] << polarParams->crcParityBits) | tcrc;
+    else      B[n] = (A[n] << polarParams->crcParityBits) | (A[n-1]>>(64-polarParams->crcParityBits));
+  uint8_t *Bbyte = (uint8_t *)B;
   // for each byte of B, lookup in corresponding table for 64-bit word corresponding to that byte and its position
-  if (polarParams->K<65) 
+  if (polarParams->K<65)
     Cprime[0] = polarParams->cprime_tab0[0][Bbyte[0]] |
                 polarParams->cprime_tab0[1][Bbyte[1]] |
                 polarParams->cprime_tab0[2][Bbyte[2]] |
@@ -456,82 +477,81 @@ void polar_encoder_fast(uint64_t *A,
                 polarParams->cprime_tab0[5][Bbyte[5]] |
                 polarParams->cprime_tab0[6][Bbyte[6]] |
   else if (polarParams->K < 129) {
-    for (int i=0;i<1+(polarParams->K/8);i++) {
+    for (int i=0; i<1+(polarParams->K/8); i++) {
       Cprime[0] |= polarParams->cprime_tab0[i][Bbyte[i]];
       Cprime[1] |= polarParams->cprime_tab1[i][Bbyte[i]];
-  if (polarParams->K<65) 
+  if (polarParams->K<65)
     printf("A %llx B %llx Cprime %llx (payload bits %d,crc %x)\n",
-	   (unsigned long long)(A[0]&(((uint64_t)1<<bitlen)-1)),
-	   (unsigned long long)(B[0]),
-	   (unsigned long long)(Cprime[0]),
-	   polarParams->payloadBits,
-	   tcrc);
+           (unsigned long long)(A[0]&(((uint64_t)1<<bitlen)-1)),
+           (unsigned long long)(B[0]),
+           (unsigned long long)(Cprime[0]),
+           polarParams->payloadBits,
+           tcrc);
   else if (polarParams->K<129) {
     if (bitlen<64)
       printf("A %llx B %llx|%llx Cprime %llx|%llx (payload bits %d,crc %x)\n",
-	     (unsigned long long)(A[0]&(((uint64_t)1<<bitlen)-1)),
-	     (unsigned long long)(B[1]),(unsigned long long)(B[0]),
-	     (unsigned long long)(Cprime[1]),(unsigned long long)(Cprime[0]),
-	     polarParams->payloadBits,
-	     tcrc);
-    else 
+             (unsigned long long)(A[0]&(((uint64_t)1<<bitlen)-1)),
+             (unsigned long long)(B[1]),(unsigned long long)(B[0]),
+             (unsigned long long)(Cprime[1]),(unsigned long long)(Cprime[0]),
+             polarParams->payloadBits,
+             tcrc);
+    else
       printf("A %llx|%llx B %llx|%llx Cprime %llx|%llx (payload bits %d,crc %x)\n",
-	     (unsigned long long)(A[1]&(((uint64_t)1<<(bitlen-64))-1)),(unsigned long long)(A[0]),
-	     (unsigned long long)(B[1]),(unsigned long long)(B[0]),
-	     (unsigned long long)(Cprime[1]),(unsigned long long)(Cprime[0]),
-	     polarParams->payloadBits,
-	     crc24c((uint8_t*)A,bitlen)>>8);
+             (unsigned long long)(A[1]&(((uint64_t)1<<(bitlen-64))-1)),(unsigned long long)(A[0]),
+             (unsigned long long)(B[1]),(unsigned long long)(B[0]),
+             (unsigned long long)(Cprime[1]),(unsigned long long)(Cprime[0]),
+             polarParams->payloadBits,
+             crc24c((uint8_t *)A,bitlen)>>8);
   /*  printf("Bbytes : %x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x.%x\n",Bbyte[0],Bbyte[1],Bbyte[2],Bbyte[3],Bbyte[4],Bbyte[5],Bbyte[6],Bbyte[7]);
-  printf("%llx,%llx,%llx,%llx,%llx,%llx,%llx,%llx\n",polarParams->cprime_tab[0][Bbyte[0]] , 
-		  polarParams->cprime_tab[1][Bbyte[1]] , 
-		  polarParams->cprime_tab[2][Bbyte[2]] , 
-		  polarParams->cprime_tab[3][Bbyte[3]] , 
-		  polarParams->cprime_tab[4][Bbyte[4]] , 
-		  polarParams->cprime_tab[5][Bbyte[5]] , 
-		  polarParams->cprime_tab[6][Bbyte[6]] , 
-		  polarParams->cprime_tab[7][Bbyte[7]]);*/
+  printf("%llx,%llx,%llx,%llx,%llx,%llx,%llx,%llx\n",polarParams->cprime_tab[0][Bbyte[0]] ,
+      polarParams->cprime_tab[1][Bbyte[1]] ,
+      polarParams->cprime_tab[2][Bbyte[2]] ,
+      polarParams->cprime_tab[3][Bbyte[3]] ,
+      polarParams->cprime_tab[4][Bbyte[4]] ,
+      polarParams->cprime_tab[5][Bbyte[5]] ,
+      polarParams->cprime_tab[6][Bbyte[6]] ,
+      polarParams->cprime_tab[7][Bbyte[7]]);*/
   // now do Gu product (here using 64-bit XORs, we can also do with SIMD after)
   // here we're reading out the bits LSB -> MSB, is this correct w.r.t. 3GPP ?
   uint64_t Cprime_i;
   /*  printf("%llx Cprime_0 (%llx) G %llx,%llx,%llx,%llx,%llx,%llx,%llx,%llx\n",Cprime_i,Cprime &1,
-	 polarParams->G_N_tab[0][0],
-	 polarParams->G_N_tab[0][1],
-	 polarParams->G_N_tab[0][2],
-	 polarParams->G_N_tab[0][3],
-	 polarParams->G_N_tab[0][4],
-	 polarParams->G_N_tab[0][5],
-	 polarParams->G_N_tab[0][6],
-	 polarParams->G_N_tab[0][7]);*/
-  uint64_t D[8]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
+   polarParams->G_N_tab[0][0],
+   polarParams->G_N_tab[0][1],
+   polarParams->G_N_tab[0][2],
+   polarParams->G_N_tab[0][3],
+   polarParams->G_N_tab[0][4],
+   polarParams->G_N_tab[0][5],
+   polarParams->G_N_tab[0][6],
+   polarParams->G_N_tab[0][7]);*/
+  uint64_t D[8]= {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
   int off=0;
   int len=polarParams->K;
-  for (int j=0;j<(1+(polarParams->K>>6));j++,off+=64,len-=64) {
-    for (int i=0;i<((len>63) ? 64 : len);i++) {
+  for (int j=0; j<(1+(polarParams->K>>6)); j++,off+=64,len-=64) {
+    for (int i=0; i<((len>63) ? 64 : len); i++) {
       Cprime_i = -((Cprime[j]>>i)&1); // this converts bit 0 as, 0 => 0000x00, 1 => 1111x11
       printf("%llx Cprime_%d (%llx) G %llx,%llx,%llx,%llx,%llx,%llx,%llx,%llx\n",
-	     Cprime_i,off+i,(Cprime[j]>>i) &1,
-	     polarParams->G_N_tab[off+i][0],
-	     polarParams->G_N_tab[off+i][1],
-	     polarParams->G_N_tab[off+i][2],
-	     polarParams->G_N_tab[off+i][3],
-	     polarParams->G_N_tab[off+i][4],
-	     polarParams->G_N_tab[off+i][5],
-	     polarParams->G_N_tab[off+i][6],
-	     polarParams->G_N_tab[off+i][7]);
+       Cprime_i,off+i,(Cprime[j]>>i) &1,
+       polarParams->G_N_tab[off+i][0],
+       polarParams->G_N_tab[off+i][1],
+       polarParams->G_N_tab[off+i][2],
+       polarParams->G_N_tab[off+i][3],
+       polarParams->G_N_tab[off+i][4],
+       polarParams->G_N_tab[off+i][5],
+       polarParams->G_N_tab[off+i][6],
+       polarParams->G_N_tab[off+i][7]);
+      #endif
       uint64_t *Gi=polarParams->G_N_tab[off+i];
       D[0] ^= (Cprime_i & Gi[0]);
@@ -544,18 +564,17 @@ void polar_encoder_fast(uint64_t *A,
       D[7] ^= (Cprime_i & Gi[7]);
   printf("D %llx,%llx,%llx,%llx,%llx,%llx,%llx,%llx\n",
-	 D[0],
-	 D[1],
-	 D[2],
-	 D[3],
-	 D[4],
-	 D[5],
-	 D[6],
-	 D[7]);
+         D[0],
+         D[1],
+         D[2],
+         D[3],
+         D[4],
+         D[5],
+         D[6],
+         D[7]);
-  polar_rate_matching(polarParams,(void*)D,(void*)out);  
+  polar_rate_matching(polarParams,(void *)D,(void *)out);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nr_polar_init.c b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nr_polar_init.c
index c95ba2b608bee73a76ba37f220d1c4a7091a3340..dd0056b3b5bcc69b267e2bd19e41739c34600cd0 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/CODING/nr_polar_init.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/CODING/nr_polar_init.c
@@ -37,186 +37,175 @@
 #include "PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_dci.h"
 static int intcmp(const void *p1,const void *p2) {
-  return(*(int16_t*)p1 > *(int16_t*)p2);
+  return(*(int16_t *)p1 > *(int16_t *)p2);
 static void nr_polar_init(t_nrPolar_params * *polarParams,
-		   int8_t messageType,
-		   uint16_t messageLength,
-		   uint8_t aggregation_level)
-	t_nrPolar_params * currentPtr = *polarParams;
-	uint16_t aggregation_prime = nr_polar_aggregation_prime(aggregation_level);
-	//Parse the list. If the node is already created, return without initialization.
-	while (currentPtr != NULL) {
-	  //printf("currentPtr->idx %d, (%d,%d)\n",currentPtr->idx,currentPtr->payloadBits,currentPtr->encoderLength);
-	  if (currentPtr->idx == (messageType * messageLength * aggregation_prime)) return;
-	  else currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr;
-	}
-	//	printf("currentPtr %p (polarParams %p)\n",currentPtr,polarParams);
-	//Else, initialize and add node to the end of the linked list.
-	t_nrPolar_params * newPolarInitNode = malloc(sizeof(t_nrPolar_params));
-	if (newPolarInitNode != NULL) {
-		newPolarInitNode->idx = (messageType * messageLength * aggregation_prime);
-		newPolarInitNode->nextPtr = NULL;
-		//printf("newPolarInitNode->idx %d, (%d,%d,%d:%d)\n",newPolarInitNode->idx,messageType,messageLength,aggregation_prime,aggregation_level);
-		if (messageType == 0) { //PBCH
-			newPolarInitNode->n_max = NR_POLAR_PBCH_N_MAX;
-			newPolarInitNode->i_il = NR_POLAR_PBCH_I_IL;
-			newPolarInitNode->i_seg = NR_POLAR_PBCH_I_SEG;
-			newPolarInitNode->n_pc = NR_POLAR_PBCH_N_PC;
-			newPolarInitNode->n_pc_wm = NR_POLAR_PBCH_N_PC_WM;
-			newPolarInitNode->i_bil = NR_POLAR_PBCH_I_BIL;
-			newPolarInitNode->crcParityBits = NR_POLAR_PBCH_CRC_PARITY_BITS;
-			newPolarInitNode->payloadBits = NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS;
-			newPolarInitNode->encoderLength = NR_POLAR_PBCH_E;
-			newPolarInitNode->crcCorrectionBits = NR_POLAR_PBCH_CRC_ERROR_CORRECTION_BITS;
-			newPolarInitNode->crc_generator_matrix = crc24c_generator_matrix(newPolarInitNode->payloadBits);//G_P
-			//printf("Initializing polar parameters for PBCH (K %d, E %d)\n",newPolarInitNode->payloadBits,newPolarInitNode->encoderLength);
-		} else if (messageType == 1) { //DCI
-			newPolarInitNode->n_max = NR_POLAR_DCI_N_MAX;
-			newPolarInitNode->i_il = NR_POLAR_DCI_I_IL;
-			newPolarInitNode->i_seg = NR_POLAR_DCI_I_SEG;
-			newPolarInitNode->n_pc = NR_POLAR_DCI_N_PC;
-			newPolarInitNode->n_pc_wm = NR_POLAR_DCI_N_PC_WM;
-			newPolarInitNode->i_bil = NR_POLAR_DCI_I_BIL;
-			newPolarInitNode->crcParityBits = NR_POLAR_DCI_CRC_PARITY_BITS;
-			newPolarInitNode->payloadBits = messageLength;
-			newPolarInitNode->encoderLength = aggregation_level*108;
-			newPolarInitNode->crcCorrectionBits = NR_POLAR_DCI_CRC_ERROR_CORRECTION_BITS;
-			newPolarInitNode->crc_generator_matrix=crc24c_generator_matrix(newPolarInitNode->payloadBits+newPolarInitNode->crcParityBits);//G_P
-			//printf("Initializing polar parameters for DCI (K %d, E %d, L %d)\n",newPolarInitNode->payloadBits,newPolarInitNode->encoderLength,aggregation_level);
-		} else if (messageType == -1) { //UCI
-		} else {
-			AssertFatal(1 == 0, "[nr_polar_init] Incorrect Message Type(%d)", messageType);
-		}
-		newPolarInitNode->K = newPolarInitNode->payloadBits + newPolarInitNode->crcParityBits; // Number of bits to encode.
-		newPolarInitNode->N = nr_polar_output_length(newPolarInitNode->K, newPolarInitNode->encoderLength, newPolarInitNode->n_max);
-		newPolarInitNode->n = log2(newPolarInitNode->N);
-		newPolarInitNode->G_N = nr_polar_kronecker_power_matrices(newPolarInitNode->n);
-		//polar_encoder vectors:
-		newPolarInitNode->nr_polar_crc = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * newPolarInitNode->crcParityBits);
-		newPolarInitNode->nr_polar_aPrime = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * ((ceil((newPolarInitNode->payloadBits)/32.0)*4)+3));
-		newPolarInitNode->nr_polar_APrime = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * newPolarInitNode->K);
-		newPolarInitNode->nr_polar_D = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * newPolarInitNode->N);
-		newPolarInitNode->nr_polar_E = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * newPolarInitNode->encoderLength);
-		//Polar Coding vectors
-		newPolarInitNode->nr_polar_U = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * newPolarInitNode->N); //Decoder: nr_polar_uHat
-		newPolarInitNode->nr_polar_CPrime = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * newPolarInitNode->K); //Decoder: nr_polar_cHat
-		newPolarInitNode->nr_polar_B = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * newPolarInitNode->K); //Decoder: nr_polar_bHat
-		newPolarInitNode->nr_polar_A = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * newPolarInitNode->payloadBits); //Decoder: nr_polar_aHat
-		newPolarInitNode->Q_0_Nminus1 = nr_polar_sequence_pattern(newPolarInitNode->n);
-		newPolarInitNode->interleaving_pattern = malloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * newPolarInitNode->K);
-		nr_polar_interleaving_pattern(newPolarInitNode->K,
-									  newPolarInitNode->i_il,
-									  newPolarInitNode->interleaving_pattern);
-		newPolarInitNode->deinterleaving_pattern = malloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * newPolarInitNode->K);
-		for (int i=0;i<newPolarInitNode->K;i++)
-		  newPolarInitNode->deinterleaving_pattern[newPolarInitNode->interleaving_pattern[i]] = i;
-		newPolarInitNode->rate_matching_pattern = malloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * newPolarInitNode->encoderLength);
-		uint16_t *J = malloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * newPolarInitNode->N);
-		nr_polar_rate_matching_pattern(newPolarInitNode->rate_matching_pattern,
-									   J,
-									   nr_polar_subblock_interleaver_pattern,
-									   newPolarInitNode->K,
-									   newPolarInitNode->N,
-									   newPolarInitNode->encoderLength);
-		newPolarInitNode->information_bit_pattern = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * newPolarInitNode->N);
-		newPolarInitNode->Q_I_N = malloc(sizeof(int16_t) * (newPolarInitNode->K + newPolarInitNode->n_pc));
-		newPolarInitNode->Q_F_N = malloc( sizeof(int16_t) * (newPolarInitNode->N + 1)); // Last element shows the final array index assigned a value.
-		newPolarInitNode->Q_PC_N = malloc( sizeof(int16_t) * (newPolarInitNode->n_pc));
-		for (int i = 0; i <= newPolarInitNode->N; i++)
-			newPolarInitNode->Q_F_N[i] = -1; // Empty array.
-		nr_polar_info_bit_pattern(newPolarInitNode->information_bit_pattern,
-								  newPolarInitNode->Q_I_N,
-								  newPolarInitNode->Q_F_N,
-								  J,
-								  newPolarInitNode->Q_0_Nminus1,
-								  newPolarInitNode->K,
-								  newPolarInitNode->N,
-								  newPolarInitNode->encoderLength,
-								  newPolarInitNode->n_pc);
-		// sort the Q_I_N array in ascending order (first K positions)
-		qsort((void*)newPolarInitNode->Q_I_N,newPolarInitNode->K,sizeof(int16_t),intcmp);
-		newPolarInitNode->channel_interleaver_pattern = malloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * newPolarInitNode->encoderLength);
-		nr_polar_channel_interleaver_pattern(newPolarInitNode->channel_interleaver_pattern,
-											 newPolarInitNode->i_bil,
-											 newPolarInitNode->encoderLength);
-		free(J);
-		build_decoder_tree(newPolarInitNode);
-		build_polar_tables(newPolarInitNode);
-		init_polar_deinterleaver_table(newPolarInitNode);
-		//printf("decoder tree nodes %d\n",newPolarInitNode->tree.num_nodes);
-	} else {
-		AssertFatal(1 == 0, "[nr_polar_init] New t_nrPolar_params * could not be created");
-	}
-	newPolarInitNode->nextPtr=*polarParams;
-	*polarParams=newPolarInitNode;
-	return;
+                          int8_t messageType,
+                          uint16_t messageLength,
+                          uint8_t aggregation_level) {
+  t_nrPolar_params *currentPtr = *polarParams;
+  uint16_t aggregation_prime = nr_polar_aggregation_prime(aggregation_level);
+  //Parse the list. If the node is already created, return without initialization.
+  while (currentPtr != NULL) {
+    //printf("currentPtr->idx %d, (%d,%d)\n",currentPtr->idx,currentPtr->payloadBits,currentPtr->encoderLength);
+    if (currentPtr->idx == (messageType * messageLength * aggregation_prime)) return;
+    else currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr;
+  }
+  //  printf("currentPtr %p (polarParams %p)\n",currentPtr,polarParams);
+  //Else, initialize and add node to the end of the linked list.
+  t_nrPolar_params *newPolarInitNode = malloc(sizeof(t_nrPolar_params));
+  if (newPolarInitNode != NULL) {
+    newPolarInitNode->idx = (messageType * messageLength * aggregation_prime);
+    newPolarInitNode->nextPtr = NULL;
+    //printf("newPolarInitNode->idx %d, (%d,%d,%d:%d)\n",newPolarInitNode->idx,messageType,messageLength,aggregation_prime,aggregation_level);
+    if (messageType == 0) { //PBCH
+      newPolarInitNode->n_max = NR_POLAR_PBCH_N_MAX;
+      newPolarInitNode->i_il = NR_POLAR_PBCH_I_IL;
+      newPolarInitNode->i_seg = NR_POLAR_PBCH_I_SEG;
+      newPolarInitNode->n_pc = NR_POLAR_PBCH_N_PC;
+      newPolarInitNode->n_pc_wm = NR_POLAR_PBCH_N_PC_WM;
+      newPolarInitNode->i_bil = NR_POLAR_PBCH_I_BIL;
+      newPolarInitNode->crcParityBits = NR_POLAR_PBCH_CRC_PARITY_BITS;
+      newPolarInitNode->payloadBits = NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS;
+      newPolarInitNode->encoderLength = NR_POLAR_PBCH_E;
+      newPolarInitNode->crcCorrectionBits = NR_POLAR_PBCH_CRC_ERROR_CORRECTION_BITS;
+      newPolarInitNode->crc_generator_matrix = crc24c_generator_matrix(newPolarInitNode->payloadBits);//G_P
+      //printf("Initializing polar parameters for PBCH (K %d, E %d)\n",newPolarInitNode->payloadBits,newPolarInitNode->encoderLength);
+    } else if (messageType == 1) { //DCI
+      newPolarInitNode->n_max = NR_POLAR_DCI_N_MAX;
+      newPolarInitNode->i_il = NR_POLAR_DCI_I_IL;
+      newPolarInitNode->i_seg = NR_POLAR_DCI_I_SEG;
+      newPolarInitNode->n_pc = NR_POLAR_DCI_N_PC;
+      newPolarInitNode->n_pc_wm = NR_POLAR_DCI_N_PC_WM;
+      newPolarInitNode->i_bil = NR_POLAR_DCI_I_BIL;
+      newPolarInitNode->crcParityBits = NR_POLAR_DCI_CRC_PARITY_BITS;
+      newPolarInitNode->payloadBits = messageLength;
+      newPolarInitNode->encoderLength = aggregation_level*108;
+      newPolarInitNode->crcCorrectionBits = NR_POLAR_DCI_CRC_ERROR_CORRECTION_BITS;
+      newPolarInitNode->crc_generator_matrix=crc24c_generator_matrix(newPolarInitNode->payloadBits+newPolarInitNode->crcParityBits);//G_P
+      //printf("Initializing polar parameters for DCI (K %d, E %d, L %d)\n",newPolarInitNode->payloadBits,newPolarInitNode->encoderLength,aggregation_level);
+    } else if (messageType == -1) { //UCI
+    } else {
+      AssertFatal(1 == 0, "[nr_polar_init] Incorrect Message Type(%d)", messageType);
+    }
+    newPolarInitNode->K = newPolarInitNode->payloadBits + newPolarInitNode->crcParityBits; // Number of bits to encode.
+    newPolarInitNode->N = nr_polar_output_length(newPolarInitNode->K, newPolarInitNode->encoderLength, newPolarInitNode->n_max);
+    newPolarInitNode->n = log2(newPolarInitNode->N);
+    newPolarInitNode->G_N = nr_polar_kronecker_power_matrices(newPolarInitNode->n);
+    //polar_encoder vectors:
+    newPolarInitNode->nr_polar_crc = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * newPolarInitNode->crcParityBits);
+    newPolarInitNode->nr_polar_aPrime = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * ((ceil((newPolarInitNode->payloadBits)/32.0)*4)+3));
+    newPolarInitNode->nr_polar_APrime = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * newPolarInitNode->K);
+    newPolarInitNode->nr_polar_D = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * newPolarInitNode->N);
+    newPolarInitNode->nr_polar_E = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * newPolarInitNode->encoderLength);
+    //Polar Coding vectors
+    newPolarInitNode->nr_polar_U = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * newPolarInitNode->N); //Decoder: nr_polar_uHat
+    newPolarInitNode->nr_polar_CPrime = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * newPolarInitNode->K); //Decoder: nr_polar_cHat
+    newPolarInitNode->nr_polar_B = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * newPolarInitNode->K); //Decoder: nr_polar_bHat
+    newPolarInitNode->nr_polar_A = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * newPolarInitNode->payloadBits); //Decoder: nr_polar_aHat
+    newPolarInitNode->Q_0_Nminus1 = nr_polar_sequence_pattern(newPolarInitNode->n);
+    newPolarInitNode->interleaving_pattern = malloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * newPolarInitNode->K);
+    nr_polar_interleaving_pattern(newPolarInitNode->K,
+                                  newPolarInitNode->i_il,
+                                  newPolarInitNode->interleaving_pattern);
+    newPolarInitNode->deinterleaving_pattern = malloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * newPolarInitNode->K);
+    for (int i=0; i<newPolarInitNode->K; i++)
+      newPolarInitNode->deinterleaving_pattern[newPolarInitNode->interleaving_pattern[i]] = i;
+    newPolarInitNode->rate_matching_pattern = malloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * newPolarInitNode->encoderLength);
+    uint16_t *J = malloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * newPolarInitNode->N);
+    nr_polar_rate_matching_pattern(newPolarInitNode->rate_matching_pattern,
+                                   J,
+                                   nr_polar_subblock_interleaver_pattern,
+                                   newPolarInitNode->K,
+                                   newPolarInitNode->N,
+                                   newPolarInitNode->encoderLength);
+    newPolarInitNode->information_bit_pattern = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * newPolarInitNode->N);
+    newPolarInitNode->Q_I_N = malloc(sizeof(int16_t) * (newPolarInitNode->K + newPolarInitNode->n_pc));
+    newPolarInitNode->Q_F_N = malloc( sizeof(int16_t) * (newPolarInitNode->N + 1)); // Last element shows the final array index assigned a value.
+    newPolarInitNode->Q_PC_N = malloc( sizeof(int16_t) * (newPolarInitNode->n_pc));
+    for (int i = 0; i <= newPolarInitNode->N; i++)
+      newPolarInitNode->Q_F_N[i] = -1; // Empty array.
+    nr_polar_info_bit_pattern(newPolarInitNode->information_bit_pattern,
+                              newPolarInitNode->Q_I_N,
+                              newPolarInitNode->Q_F_N,
+                              J,
+                              newPolarInitNode->Q_0_Nminus1,
+                              newPolarInitNode->K,
+                              newPolarInitNode->N,
+                              newPolarInitNode->encoderLength,
+                              newPolarInitNode->n_pc);
+    // sort the Q_I_N array in ascending order (first K positions)
+    qsort((void *)newPolarInitNode->Q_I_N,newPolarInitNode->K,sizeof(int16_t),intcmp);
+    newPolarInitNode->channel_interleaver_pattern = malloc(sizeof(uint16_t) * newPolarInitNode->encoderLength);
+    nr_polar_channel_interleaver_pattern(newPolarInitNode->channel_interleaver_pattern,
+                                         newPolarInitNode->i_bil,
+                                         newPolarInitNode->encoderLength);
+    free(J);
+    build_decoder_tree(newPolarInitNode);
+    build_polar_tables(newPolarInitNode);
+    init_polar_deinterleaver_table(newPolarInitNode);
+    //printf("decoder tree nodes %d\n",newPolarInitNode->tree.num_nodes);
+  } else {
+    AssertFatal(1 == 0, "[nr_polar_init] New t_nrPolar_params * could not be created");
+  }
+  //Fixme: the list is not thread safe
+  //The defect is not critical: we always append (never delete items) and adding two times the same is fine
+  newPolarInitNode->nextPtr=*polarParams;
+  *polarParams=newPolarInitNode;
+  return;
-void nr_polar_print_polarParams(t_nrPolar_params * polarParams)
-	uint8_t i = 0;
-	if (polarParams == NULL) {
-		printf("polarParams is empty.\n");
-	} else {
-		while (polarParams != NULL){
-			printf("polarParams[%d] = %d\n", i, polarParams->idx);
-			polarParams = polarParams->nextPtr;
-			i++;
-		}
-	}
-	return;
+void nr_polar_print_polarParams(t_nrPolar_params *polarParams) {
+  uint8_t i = 0;
+  if (polarParams == NULL) {
+    printf("polarParams is empty.\n");
+  } else {
+    while (polarParams != NULL) {
+      printf("polarParams[%d] = %d\n", i, polarParams->idx);
+      polarParams = polarParams->nextPtr;
+      i++;
+    }
+  }
+  return;
-t_nrPolar_params * nr_polar_params ( int8_t messageType,
-				     uint16_t messageLength,
-				     uint8_t aggregation_level)
-	static t_nrPolar_params * polarList = NULL;
-	nr_polar_init(&polarList, messageType,messageLength,aggregation_level);
-        t_nrPolar_params * polarParams=polarList;
-	const int tag=messageType * messageLength * nr_polar_aggregation_prime(aggregation_level);
-	while (polarParams != NULL) {
-		if (polarParams->idx == tag)
-		return polarParams;
-			polarParams = polarParams->nextPtr;
-		}
-		AssertFatal(false,"Polar Init tables internal failure\n");
-	return NULL;
+t_nrPolar_params *nr_polar_params ( int8_t messageType,
+                                    uint16_t messageLength,
+                                    uint8_t aggregation_level) {
+  static t_nrPolar_params *polarList = NULL;
+  nr_polar_init(&polarList, messageType,messageLength,aggregation_level);
+  t_nrPolar_params *polarParams=polarList;
+  const int tag=messageType * messageLength * nr_polar_aggregation_prime(aggregation_level);
+  while (polarParams != NULL) {
+    if (polarParams->idx == tag)
+      return polarParams;
+    polarParams = polarParams->nextPtr;
+  }
+  AssertFatal(false,"Polar Init tables internal failure\n");
+  return NULL;
-uint16_t nr_polar_aggregation_prime (uint8_t aggregation_level)
-	if (aggregation_level == 0) return 0;
-	else if (aggregation_level == 1) return NR_POLAR_AGGREGATION_LEVEL_1_PRIME;
-	else if (aggregation_level == 2) return NR_POLAR_AGGREGATION_LEVEL_2_PRIME;
-	else if (aggregation_level == 4) return NR_POLAR_AGGREGATION_LEVEL_4_PRIME;
-	else if (aggregation_level == 8) return NR_POLAR_AGGREGATION_LEVEL_8_PRIME;
-	else return NR_POLAR_AGGREGATION_LEVEL_16_PRIME; //aggregation_level == 16
+uint16_t nr_polar_aggregation_prime (uint8_t aggregation_level) {
+  if (aggregation_level == 0) return 0;
+  else if (aggregation_level == 1) return NR_POLAR_AGGREGATION_LEVEL_1_PRIME;
+  else if (aggregation_level == 2) return NR_POLAR_AGGREGATION_LEVEL_2_PRIME;
+  else if (aggregation_level == 4) return NR_POLAR_AGGREGATION_LEVEL_4_PRIME;
+  else if (aggregation_level == 8) return NR_POLAR_AGGREGATION_LEVEL_8_PRIME;
+  else return NR_POLAR_AGGREGATION_LEVEL_16_PRIME; //aggregation_level == 16
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/INIT/nr_init.c b/openair1/PHY/INIT/nr_init.c
index 0f098a2a1ba1f075b282d1f48ea01d230a6e633b..8ee883ffc7c5a511891c97ea8193fda387a187e9 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/INIT/nr_init.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/INIT/nr_init.c
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 #include "assertions.h"
 #include <math.h>
-#include "PHY/NR_REFSIG/nr_refsig.h" 
+#include "PHY/NR_REFSIG/nr_refsig.h"
 #include "PHY/LTE_REFSIG/lte_refsig.h"
 #include "SCHED_NR/fapi_nr_l1.h"
@@ -41,99 +41,86 @@ extern uint32_t from_nrarfcn(int nr_bandP,uint32_t dl_nrarfcn);
 extern int32_t get_uldl_offset(int nr_bandP);
 int l1_north_init_gNB() {
   int i,j;
-  if (RC.nb_nr_L1_inst > 0 && RC.nb_nr_L1_CC != NULL && RC.gNB != NULL)
-  {
+  if (RC.nb_nr_L1_inst > 0 && RC.nb_nr_L1_CC != NULL && RC.gNB != NULL) {
     AssertFatal(RC.nb_nr_L1_CC!=NULL,"nb_nr_L1_CC is null\n");
     AssertFatal(RC.gNB!=NULL,"RC.gNB is null\n");
     LOG_I(PHY,"%s() RC.nb_nr_L1_inst:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, RC.nb_nr_L1_inst);
-    for (i=0;i<RC.nb_nr_L1_inst;i++) {
+    for (i=0; i<RC.nb_nr_L1_inst; i++) {
       AssertFatal(RC.gNB[i]!=NULL,"RC.gNB[%d] is null\n",i);
       LOG_I(PHY,"%s() RC.nb_nr_L1_CC[%d]:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, i,  RC.nb_nr_L1_CC[i]);
-      for (j=0;j<RC.nb_nr_L1_CC[i];j++) {
+      for (j=0; j<RC.nb_nr_L1_CC[i]; j++) {
         AssertFatal(RC.gNB[i][j]!=NULL,"RC.gNB[%d][%d] is null\n",i,j);
-        if ((RC.gNB[i][j]->if_inst =  NR_IF_Module_init(i))<0) return(-1); 
+        if ((RC.gNB[i][j]->if_inst =  NR_IF_Module_init(i))<0) return(-1);
         LOG_I(PHY,"%s() RC.gNB[%d][%d] installing callbacks\n", __FUNCTION__, i,  j);
         RC.gNB[i][j]->if_inst->NR_PHY_config_req = nr_phy_config_request;
         RC.gNB[i][j]->if_inst->NR_Schedule_response = nr_schedule_response;
-  }
-  else
-  {
+  } else {
     LOG_I(PHY,"%s() Not installing PHY callbacks - RC.nb_nr_L1_inst:%d RC.nb_nr_L1_CC:%p RC.gNB:%p\n", __FUNCTION__, RC.nb_nr_L1_inst, RC.nb_nr_L1_CC, RC.gNB);
 int phy_init_nr_gNB(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
-                     unsigned char is_secondary_gNB,
-                     unsigned char abstraction_flag)
+                    unsigned char is_secondary_gNB,
+                    unsigned char abstraction_flag) {
   // shortcuts
-  NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS* const fp       = &gNB->frame_parms;
-  nfapi_nr_config_request_t* cfg       = &gNB->gNB_config;
-  NR_gNB_COMMON* const common_vars  = &gNB->common_vars;
-  LTE_eNB_PUSCH** const pusch_vars   = gNB->pusch_vars;
-  LTE_eNB_SRS* const srs_vars        = gNB->srs_vars;
-  LTE_eNB_PRACH* const prach_vars    = &gNB->prach_vars;
-  int i, UE_id; 
+  NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *const fp       = &gNB->frame_parms;
+  nfapi_nr_config_request_t *cfg       = &gNB->gNB_config;
+  NR_gNB_COMMON *const common_vars  = &gNB->common_vars;
+  LTE_eNB_PUSCH **const pusch_vars   = gNB->pusch_vars;
+  LTE_eNB_SRS *const srs_vars        = gNB->srs_vars;
+  LTE_eNB_PRACH *const prach_vars    = &gNB->prach_vars;
+  int i, UE_id;
   LOG_I(PHY,"[gNB %d] %s() About to wait for gNB to be configured\n", gNB->Mod_id, __FUNCTION__);
   gNB->total_dlsch_bitrate = 0;
   gNB->total_transmitted_bits = 0;
   gNB->total_system_throughput = 0;
   while(gNB->configured == 0) usleep(10000);
-  LOG_I(PHY,"[gNB %"PRIu8"] Initializing DL_FRAME_PARMS : N_RB_DL %"PRIu8", PHICH Resource %d, PHICH Duration %d nb_antennas_tx:%u nb_antennas_rx:%u PRACH[rootSequenceIndex:%u prach_Config_enabled:%u configIndex:%u highSpeed:%u zeroCorrelationZoneConfig:%u freqOffset:%u]\n",
-        gNB->Mod_id,
-        fp->N_RB_DL,fp->phich_config_common.phich_resource,
-        fp->phich_config_common.phich_duration,
-        fp->nb_antennas_tx, fp->nb_antennas_rx,
-        fp->prach_config_common.rootSequenceIndex,
-        fp->prach_config_common.prach_Config_enabled,
-        fp->prach_config_common.prach_ConfigInfo.prach_ConfigIndex,
-        fp->prach_config_common.prach_ConfigInfo.highSpeedFlag,
-        fp->prach_config_common.prach_ConfigInfo.zeroCorrelationZoneConfig,
-        fp->prach_config_common.prach_ConfigInfo.prach_FreqOffset
-        );*/
+  /*
+    LOG_I(PHY,"[gNB %"PRIu8"] Initializing DL_FRAME_PARMS : N_RB_DL %"PRIu8", PHICH Resource %d, PHICH Duration %d nb_antennas_tx:%u nb_antennas_rx:%u PRACH[rootSequenceIndex:%u prach_Config_enabled:%u configIndex:%u highSpeed:%u zeroCorrelationZoneConfig:%u freqOffset:%u]\n",
+          gNB->Mod_id,
+          fp->N_RB_DL,fp->phich_config_common.phich_resource,
+          fp->phich_config_common.phich_duration,
+          fp->nb_antennas_tx, fp->nb_antennas_rx,
+          fp->prach_config_common.rootSequenceIndex,
+          fp->prach_config_common.prach_Config_enabled,
+          fp->prach_config_common.prach_ConfigInfo.prach_ConfigIndex,
+          fp->prach_config_common.prach_ConfigInfo.highSpeedFlag,
+          fp->prach_config_common.prach_ConfigInfo.zeroCorrelationZoneConfig,
+          fp->prach_config_common.prach_ConfigInfo.prach_FreqOffset
+          );*/
   LOG_D(PHY,"[MSC_NEW][FRAME 00000][PHY_gNB][MOD %02"PRIu8"][]\n", gNB->Mod_id);
   // PBCH DMRS gold sequences generation
   // Polar encoder init for PBCH
   //PDCCH DMRS init
-  gNB->nr_gold_pdcch_dmrs = (uint32_t ***)malloc16(fp->slots_per_frame*sizeof(uint32_t**));
+  gNB->nr_gold_pdcch_dmrs = (uint32_t ***)malloc16(fp->slots_per_frame*sizeof(uint32_t **));
   uint32_t ***pdcch_dmrs             = gNB->nr_gold_pdcch_dmrs;
   AssertFatal(pdcch_dmrs!=NULL, "NR init: pdcch_dmrs malloc failed\n");
   for (int slot=0; slot<fp->slots_per_frame; slot++) {
-    pdcch_dmrs[slot] = (uint32_t **)malloc16(fp->symbols_per_slot*sizeof(uint32_t*));
+    pdcch_dmrs[slot] = (uint32_t **)malloc16(fp->symbols_per_slot*sizeof(uint32_t *));
     AssertFatal(pdcch_dmrs[slot]!=NULL, "NR init: pdcch_dmrs for slot %d - malloc failed\n", slot);
-    for (int symb=0; symb<fp->symbols_per_slot; symb++){
+    for (int symb=0; symb<fp->symbols_per_slot; symb++) {
       pdcch_dmrs[slot][symb] = (uint32_t *)malloc16(NR_MAX_PDCCH_DMRS_INIT_LENGTH_DWORD*sizeof(uint32_t));
       AssertFatal(pdcch_dmrs[slot][symb]!=NULL, "NR init: pdcch_dmrs for slot %d symbol %d - malloc failed\n", slot, symb);
@@ -141,127 +128,115 @@ int phy_init_nr_gNB(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
   nr_init_pdcch_dmrs(gNB, cfg->sch_config.physical_cell_id.value);
+  //PDSCH DMRS init
+  gNB->nr_gold_pdsch_dmrs = (uint32_t ****)malloc16(fp->slots_per_frame*sizeof(uint32_t ***));
+  uint32_t ****pdsch_dmrs             = gNB->nr_gold_pdsch_dmrs;
-   //PDSCH DMRS init
-   gNB->nr_gold_pdsch_dmrs = (uint32_t ****)malloc16(fp->slots_per_frame*sizeof(uint32_t***));
-   uint32_t ****pdsch_dmrs             = gNB->nr_gold_pdsch_dmrs;
-   for (int slot=0; slot<fp->slots_per_frame; slot++) {
-    pdsch_dmrs[slot] = (uint32_t ***)malloc16(fp->symbols_per_slot*sizeof(uint32_t**));
+  for (int slot=0; slot<fp->slots_per_frame; slot++) {
+    pdsch_dmrs[slot] = (uint32_t ***)malloc16(fp->symbols_per_slot*sizeof(uint32_t **));
     AssertFatal(pdsch_dmrs[slot]!=NULL, "NR init: pdsch_dmrs for slot %d - malloc failed\n", slot);
-    for (int symb=0; symb<fp->symbols_per_slot; symb++){
-      pdsch_dmrs[slot][symb] = (uint32_t **)malloc16(NR_MAX_NB_CODEWORDS*sizeof(uint32_t*));
+    for (int symb=0; symb<fp->symbols_per_slot; symb++) {
+      pdsch_dmrs[slot][symb] = (uint32_t **)malloc16(NR_MAX_NB_CODEWORDS*sizeof(uint32_t *));
       AssertFatal(pdsch_dmrs[slot][symb]!=NULL, "NR init: pdsch_dmrs for slot %d symbol %d - malloc failed\n", slot, symb);
       for (int q=0; q<NR_MAX_NB_CODEWORDS; q++) {
-        pdsch_dmrs[slot][symb][q] = (uint32_t*)malloc16(NR_MAX_PDSCH_DMRS_INIT_LENGTH_DWORD*sizeof(uint32_t));
+        pdsch_dmrs[slot][symb][q] = (uint32_t *)malloc16(NR_MAX_PDSCH_DMRS_INIT_LENGTH_DWORD*sizeof(uint32_t));
         AssertFatal(pdsch_dmrs[slot][symb][q]!=NULL, "NR init: pdsch_dmrs for slot %d symbol %d codeword %d - malloc failed\n", slot, symb, q);
-   nr_init_pdsch_dmrs(gNB, cfg->sch_config.physical_cell_id.value);
+  nr_init_pdsch_dmrs(gNB, cfg->sch_config.physical_cell_id.value);
   /// Transport init necessary for NR synchro
-  lte_gold(fp,gNB->lte_gold_table,fp->Nid_cell);
-  generate_pcfich_reg_mapping(fp);
-  generate_phich_reg_mapping(fp);*/
+  /*
+    lte_gold(fp,gNB->lte_gold_table,fp->Nid_cell);
+    generate_pcfich_reg_mapping(fp);
+    generate_phich_reg_mapping(fp);*/
   for (UE_id=0; UE_id<NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX; UE_id++) {
     gNB->first_run_timing_advance[UE_id] =
       1; ///This flag used to be static. With multiple gNBs this does no longer work, hence we put it in the structure. However it has to be initialized with 1, which is performed here.
     // clear whole structure
     bzero( &gNB->UE_stats[UE_id], sizeof(LTE_eNB_UE_stats) );
     gNB->physicalConfigDedicated[UE_id] = NULL;
-  gNB->first_run_I0_measurements = 1; ///This flag used to be static. With multiple gNBs this does no longer work, hence we put it in the structure. However it has to be initialized with 1, which is performed here.
+  gNB->first_run_I0_measurements =
+    1; ///This flag used to be static. With multiple gNBs this does no longer work, hence we put it in the structure. However it has to be initialized with 1, which is performed here.
   common_vars->rxdata  = (int32_t **)NULL;
-  common_vars->txdataF = (int32_t **)malloc16(15*sizeof(int32_t*));
-  common_vars->rxdataF = (int32_t **)malloc16(64*sizeof(int32_t*));
-  for (i=0;i<15;i++){ 
-      common_vars->txdataF[i] = (int32_t*)malloc16_clear(fp->samples_per_frame_wCP*sizeof(int32_t) );
-      LOG_D(PHY,"[INIT] common_vars->txdataF[%d] = %p (%lu bytes)\n",
-	    i,common_vars->txdataF[i],
-	    fp->samples_per_frame_wCP*sizeof(int32_t));
+  common_vars->txdataF = (int32_t **)malloc16(15*sizeof(int32_t *));
+  common_vars->rxdataF = (int32_t **)malloc16(64*sizeof(int32_t *));
+  for (i=0; i<15; i++) {
+    common_vars->txdataF[i] = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear(fp->samples_per_frame_wCP*sizeof(int32_t) );
+    LOG_D(PHY,"[INIT] common_vars->txdataF[%d] = %p (%lu bytes)\n",
+          i,common_vars->txdataF[i],
+          fp->samples_per_frame_wCP*sizeof(int32_t));
   // Channel estimates for SRS
   for (UE_id=0; UE_id<NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX; UE_id++) {
-    srs_vars[UE_id].srs_ch_estimates      = (int32_t**)malloc16( 64*sizeof(int32_t*) );
-    srs_vars[UE_id].srs_ch_estimates_time = (int32_t**)malloc16( 64*sizeof(int32_t*) );
+    srs_vars[UE_id].srs_ch_estimates      = (int32_t **)malloc16( 64*sizeof(int32_t *) );
+    srs_vars[UE_id].srs_ch_estimates_time = (int32_t **)malloc16( 64*sizeof(int32_t *) );
     for (i=0; i<64; i++) {
-      srs_vars[UE_id].srs_ch_estimates[i]      = (int32_t*)malloc16_clear( sizeof(int32_t)*fp->ofdm_symbol_size );
-      srs_vars[UE_id].srs_ch_estimates_time[i] = (int32_t*)malloc16_clear( sizeof(int32_t)*fp->ofdm_symbol_size*2 );
+      srs_vars[UE_id].srs_ch_estimates[i]      = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear( sizeof(int32_t)*fp->ofdm_symbol_size );
+      srs_vars[UE_id].srs_ch_estimates_time[i] = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear( sizeof(int32_t)*fp->ofdm_symbol_size*2 );
   } //UE_id
   // SRS
   for (UE_id=0; UE_id<NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX; UE_id++) {
-    srs_vars[UE_id].srs = (int32_t*)malloc16_clear(2*fp->ofdm_symbol_size*sizeof(int32_t));
+    srs_vars[UE_id].srs = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear(2*fp->ofdm_symbol_size*sizeof(int32_t));
   // PRACH
-  prach_vars->prachF = (int16_t*)malloc16_clear( 1024*2*sizeof(int16_t) );
+  prach_vars->prachF = (int16_t *)malloc16_clear( 1024*2*sizeof(int16_t) );
   // assume maximum of 64 RX antennas for PRACH receiver
-  prach_vars->prach_ifft[0]    = (int32_t**)malloc16_clear(64*sizeof(int32_t*)); 
-  for (i=0;i<64;i++) prach_vars->prach_ifft[0][i]    = (int32_t*)malloc16_clear(1024*2*sizeof(int32_t)); 
+  prach_vars->prach_ifft[0]    = (int32_t **)malloc16_clear(64*sizeof(int32_t *));
-  prach_vars->rxsigF[0]        = (int16_t**)malloc16_clear(64*sizeof(int16_t*));
+  for (i=0; i<64; i++) prach_vars->prach_ifft[0][i]    = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear(1024*2*sizeof(int32_t));
+  prach_vars->rxsigF[0]        = (int16_t **)malloc16_clear(64*sizeof(int16_t *));
   for (UE_id=0; UE_id<NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX; UE_id++) {
-    pusch_vars[UE_id] = (LTE_eNB_PUSCH*)malloc16_clear( NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX*sizeof(LTE_eNB_PUSCH) );
-    pusch_vars[UE_id]->rxdataF_ext      = (int32_t**)malloc16( 2*sizeof(int32_t*) );
-    pusch_vars[UE_id]->rxdataF_ext2     = (int32_t**)malloc16( 2*sizeof(int32_t*) );
-    pusch_vars[UE_id]->drs_ch_estimates = (int32_t**)malloc16( 2*sizeof(int32_t*) );
-    pusch_vars[UE_id]->drs_ch_estimates_time = (int32_t**)malloc16( 2*sizeof(int32_t*) );
-    pusch_vars[UE_id]->rxdataF_comp     = (int32_t**)malloc16( 2*sizeof(int32_t*) );
-    pusch_vars[UE_id]->ul_ch_mag  = (int32_t**)malloc16( 2*sizeof(int32_t*) );
-    pusch_vars[UE_id]->ul_ch_magb = (int32_t**)malloc16( 2*sizeof(int32_t*) );
+    pusch_vars[UE_id] = (LTE_eNB_PUSCH *)malloc16_clear( NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX*sizeof(LTE_eNB_PUSCH) );
+    pusch_vars[UE_id]->rxdataF_ext      = (int32_t **)malloc16( 2*sizeof(int32_t *) );
+    pusch_vars[UE_id]->rxdataF_ext2     = (int32_t **)malloc16( 2*sizeof(int32_t *) );
+    pusch_vars[UE_id]->drs_ch_estimates = (int32_t **)malloc16( 2*sizeof(int32_t *) );
+    pusch_vars[UE_id]->drs_ch_estimates_time = (int32_t **)malloc16( 2*sizeof(int32_t *) );
+    pusch_vars[UE_id]->rxdataF_comp     = (int32_t **)malloc16( 2*sizeof(int32_t *) );
+    pusch_vars[UE_id]->ul_ch_mag  = (int32_t **)malloc16( 2*sizeof(int32_t *) );
+    pusch_vars[UE_id]->ul_ch_magb = (int32_t **)malloc16( 2*sizeof(int32_t *) );
     for (i=0; i<2; i++) {
       // RK 2 times because of output format of FFT!
       // FIXME We should get rid of this
-      pusch_vars[UE_id]->rxdataF_ext[i]      = (int32_t*)malloc16_clear( sizeof(int32_t)*cfg->rf_config.ul_carrier_bandwidth.value*12*fp->symbols_per_slot );
-      pusch_vars[UE_id]->rxdataF_ext2[i]     = (int32_t*)malloc16_clear( sizeof(int32_t)*cfg->rf_config.ul_carrier_bandwidth.value*12*fp->symbols_per_slot );
-      pusch_vars[UE_id]->drs_ch_estimates[i] = (int32_t*)malloc16_clear( sizeof(int32_t)*cfg->rf_config.ul_carrier_bandwidth.value*12*fp->symbols_per_slot );
-      pusch_vars[UE_id]->drs_ch_estimates_time[i] = (int32_t*)malloc16_clear( 2*sizeof(int32_t)*fp->ofdm_symbol_size );
-      pusch_vars[UE_id]->rxdataF_comp[i]     = (int32_t*)malloc16_clear( sizeof(int32_t)*cfg->rf_config.ul_carrier_bandwidth.value*12*fp->symbols_per_slot );
-      pusch_vars[UE_id]->ul_ch_mag[i]  = (int32_t*)malloc16_clear( fp->symbols_per_slot*sizeof(int32_t)*cfg->rf_config.ul_carrier_bandwidth.value*12 );
-      pusch_vars[UE_id]->ul_ch_magb[i] = (int32_t*)malloc16_clear( fp->symbols_per_slot*sizeof(int32_t)*cfg->rf_config.ul_carrier_bandwidth.value*12 );
-      }
-    pusch_vars[UE_id]->llr = (int16_t*)malloc16_clear( (8*((3*8*6144)+12))*sizeof(int16_t) );
+      pusch_vars[UE_id]->rxdataF_ext[i]      = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear( sizeof(int32_t)*cfg->rf_config.ul_carrier_bandwidth.value*12*fp->symbols_per_slot );
+      pusch_vars[UE_id]->rxdataF_ext2[i]     = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear( sizeof(int32_t)*cfg->rf_config.ul_carrier_bandwidth.value*12*fp->symbols_per_slot );
+      pusch_vars[UE_id]->drs_ch_estimates[i] = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear( sizeof(int32_t)*cfg->rf_config.ul_carrier_bandwidth.value*12*fp->symbols_per_slot );
+      pusch_vars[UE_id]->drs_ch_estimates_time[i] = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear( 2*sizeof(int32_t)*fp->ofdm_symbol_size );
+      pusch_vars[UE_id]->rxdataF_comp[i]     = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear( sizeof(int32_t)*cfg->rf_config.ul_carrier_bandwidth.value*12*fp->symbols_per_slot );
+      pusch_vars[UE_id]->ul_ch_mag[i]  = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear( fp->symbols_per_slot*sizeof(int32_t)*cfg->rf_config.ul_carrier_bandwidth.value*12 );
+      pusch_vars[UE_id]->ul_ch_magb[i] = (int32_t *)malloc16_clear( fp->symbols_per_slot*sizeof(int32_t)*cfg->rf_config.ul_carrier_bandwidth.value*12 );
+    }
+    pusch_vars[UE_id]->llr = (int16_t *)malloc16_clear( (8*((3*8*6144)+12))*sizeof(int16_t) );
   } //UE_id
   for (UE_id=0; UE_id<NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX; UE_id++)
     gNB->UE_stats_ptr[UE_id] = &gNB->UE_stats[UE_id];
-  gNB->pdsch_config_dedicated->p_a = dB0; //defaul value until overwritten by RRCConnectionReconfiguration
+  gNB->pdsch_config_dedicated->p_a = dB0; //defaul value until overwritten by RRCConnectionReconfiguration
   return (0);
 void phy_config_request(PHY_Config_t *phy_config) {
@@ -272,7 +247,7 @@ void phy_config_request(PHY_Config_t *phy_config) {
   PHICH_RESOURCE_t phich_resource_table[4]={oneSixth,half,one,two};
-  int                 eutra_band     = cfg->nfapi_config.rf_bands.rf_band[0];  
+  int                 eutra_band     = cfg->nfapi_config.rf_bands.rf_band[0];
   int                 dl_Bandwidth   = cfg->rf_config.dl_carrier_bandwidth.value;
   int                 ul_Bandwidth   = cfg->rf_config.ul_carrier_bandwidth.value;
   int                 Nid_cell       = cfg->sch_config.physical_cell_id.value;
@@ -281,7 +256,7 @@ void phy_config_request(PHY_Config_t *phy_config) {
   uint32_t            dl_CarrierFreq = cfg->nfapi_config.earfcn.value;
   LOG_I(PHY,"Configuring MIB for instance %d, CCid %d : (band %d,N_RB_DL %d, N_RB_UL %d, Nid_cell %d,gNB_tx_antenna_ports %d,Ncp %d,DL freq %u)\n",
-	Mod_id, CC_id, eutra_band, dl_Bandwidth, ul_Bandwidth, Nid_cell, p_eNB,Ncp,dl_CarrierFreq	);
+  Mod_id, CC_id, eutra_band, dl_Bandwidth, ul_Bandwidth, Nid_cell, p_eNB,Ncp,dl_CarrierFreq );
   AssertFatal(RC.gNB != NULL, "PHY instance pointer doesn't exist\n");
   AssertFatal(RC.gNB[Mod_id] != NULL, "PHY instance %d doesn't exist\n",Mod_id);
@@ -307,25 +282,23 @@ void phy_config_request(PHY_Config_t *phy_config) {
-void phy_free_nr_gNB(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB)
+void phy_free_nr_gNB(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB) {
   //NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS* const fp       = &gNB->frame_parms;
   //nfapi_nr_config_request_t *cfg       = &gNB->gNB_config;
-  NR_gNB_COMMON* const common_vars  = &gNB->common_vars;
-  LTE_eNB_PUSCH** const pusch_vars   = gNB->pusch_vars;
-  LTE_eNB_SRS* const srs_vars        = gNB->srs_vars;
-  LTE_eNB_PRACH* const prach_vars    = &gNB->prach_vars;
+  NR_gNB_COMMON *const common_vars  = &gNB->common_vars;
+  LTE_eNB_PUSCH **const pusch_vars   = gNB->pusch_vars;
+  LTE_eNB_SRS *const srs_vars        = gNB->srs_vars;
+  LTE_eNB_PRACH *const prach_vars    = &gNB->prach_vars;
   uint32_t ***pdcch_dmrs             = gNB->nr_gold_pdcch_dmrs;
   int i, UE_id;
   for (i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
-      /* rxdataF[i] is not allocated -> don't free */
+    /* rxdataF[i] is not allocated -> don't free */
   // PDCCH DMRS sequences
@@ -335,6 +308,7 @@ void phy_free_nr_gNB(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB)
   } //UE_id
@@ -346,8 +320,8 @@ void phy_free_nr_gNB(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB)
   for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) free_and_zero(prach_vars->prach_ifft[0][i]);
-  free_and_zero(prach_vars->prach_ifft[0]);
+  free_and_zero(prach_vars->prach_ifft[0]);
   for (UE_id=0; UE_id<NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX; UE_id++) {
@@ -360,6 +334,7 @@ void phy_free_nr_gNB(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB)
@@ -382,11 +357,9 @@ void install_schedule_handlers(IF_Module_t *if_inst)
 /// this function is a temporary addition for NR configuration
-void nr_phy_config_request_sim(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,int N_RB_DL,int N_RB_UL,int mu,int Nid_cell)
+void nr_phy_config_request_sim(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,int N_RB_DL,int N_RB_UL,int mu,int Nid_cell) {
   NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *fp = &gNB->frame_parms;
   nfapi_nr_config_request_t *gNB_config = &gNB->gNB_config;
   //overwrite for new NR parameters
   gNB_config->nfapi_config.rf_bands.rf_band[0] = 78;
   gNB_config->nfapi_config.nrarfcn.value = 620000;
@@ -399,31 +372,21 @@ void nr_phy_config_request_sim(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,int N_RB_DL,int N_RB_UL,int mu,
   gNB_config->sch_config.n_ssb_crb.value = (N_RB_DL-20);
   gNB_config->sch_config.ssb_subcarrier_offset.value = 0;
   gNB->mac_enabled     = 1;
   fp->dl_CarrierFreq = from_nrarfcn(gNB_config->nfapi_config.rf_bands.rf_band[0],gNB_config->nfapi_config.nrarfcn.value);
   fp->ul_CarrierFreq = fp->dl_CarrierFreq - (get_uldl_offset(gNB_config->nfapi_config.rf_bands.rf_band[0])*100000);
   fp->threequarter_fs                    = 0;
   nr_init_frame_parms(gNB_config, fp);
   gNB->configured                                   = 1;
   LOG_I(PHY,"gNB configured\n");
-void nr_phy_config_request(NR_PHY_Config_t *phy_config)
+void nr_phy_config_request(NR_PHY_Config_t *phy_config) {
   uint8_t Mod_id                  = phy_config->Mod_id;
   int     CC_id                   = phy_config->CC_id;
   NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS         *fp         = &RC.gNB[Mod_id][CC_id]->frame_parms;
   nfapi_nr_config_request_t *gNB_config = &RC.gNB[Mod_id][CC_id]->gNB_config;
   gNB_config->nfapi_config.rf_bands.rf_band[0]          = phy_config->cfg->nfapi_config.rf_bands.rf_band[0]; //22
   gNB_config->nfapi_config.nrarfcn.value                = phy_config->cfg->nfapi_config.nrarfcn.value; //6600
   gNB_config->subframe_config.numerology_index_mu.value = phy_config->cfg->subframe_config.numerology_index_mu.value;//1
@@ -436,77 +399,69 @@ void nr_phy_config_request(NR_PHY_Config_t *phy_config)
   if (phy_config->cfg->subframe_config.duplex_mode.value == 0) {
     gNB_config->subframe_config.duplex_mode.value    = TDD;
-  }
-  else {
+  } else {
     gNB_config->subframe_config.duplex_mode.value    = FDD;
   RC.gNB[Mod_id][CC_id]->mac_enabled     = 1;
   fp->dl_CarrierFreq = from_nrarfcn(gNB_config->nfapi_config.rf_bands.rf_band[0],gNB_config->nfapi_config.nrarfcn.value);
   fp->ul_CarrierFreq = fp->dl_CarrierFreq - (get_uldl_offset(gNB_config->nfapi_config.rf_bands.rf_band[0])*100000);
   fp->threequarter_fs                    = 0;
   LOG_I(PHY,"Configuring MIB for instance %d, CCid %d : (band %d,N_RB_DL %d, N_RB_UL %d, Nid_cell %d,DL freq %u)\n",
-	Mod_id, 
-	CC_id, 
-	gNB_config->nfapi_config.rf_bands.rf_band[0], 
-	gNB_config->rf_config.dl_carrier_bandwidth.value, 
-	gNB_config->rf_config.ul_carrier_bandwidth.value, 
-	gNB_config->sch_config.physical_cell_id.value, 
-	fp->dl_CarrierFreq );
+        Mod_id,
+        CC_id,
+        gNB_config->nfapi_config.rf_bands.rf_band[0],
+        gNB_config->rf_config.dl_carrier_bandwidth.value,
+        gNB_config->rf_config.ul_carrier_bandwidth.value,
+        gNB_config->sch_config.physical_cell_id.value,
+        fp->dl_CarrierFreq );
   nr_init_frame_parms(gNB_config, fp);
-  if (RC.gNB[Mod_id][CC_id]->configured == 1){
+  if (RC.gNB[Mod_id][CC_id]->configured == 1) {
     LOG_E(PHY,"Already gNB already configured, do nothing\n");
   RC.gNB[Mod_id][CC_id]->configured     = 1;
   LOG_I(PHY,"gNB %d/%d configured\n",Mod_id,CC_id);
 void init_nr_transport(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB) {
   int i;
   int j;
   NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *fp = &gNB->frame_parms;
   nfapi_nr_config_request_t *cfg = &gNB->gNB_config;
   LOG_I(PHY, "Initialise nr transport\n");
   for (i=0; i<NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX; i++) {
     LOG_I(PHY,"Allocating Transport Channel Buffers for DLSCH, UE %d\n",i);
     for (j=0; j<2; j++) {
       gNB->dlsch[i][j] = new_gNB_dlsch(1,16,NSOFT,0,fp,cfg);
       if (!gNB->dlsch[i][j]) {
-	LOG_E(PHY,"Can't get gNB dlsch structures for UE %d \n", i);
-	exit(-1);
+        LOG_E(PHY,"Can't get gNB dlsch structures for UE %d \n", i);
+        exit(-1);
       }/* else {
-	gNB->dlsch[i][j]->rnti=0;
-	LOG_D(PHY,"dlsch[%d][%d] => %p rnti:%d\n",i,j,gNB->dlsch[i][j], gNB->dlsch[i][j]->rnti);
+  gNB->dlsch[i][j]->rnti=0;
+  LOG_D(PHY,"dlsch[%d][%d] => %p rnti:%d\n",i,j,gNB->dlsch[i][j], gNB->dlsch[i][j]->rnti);
     //LOG_I(PHY,"Allocating Transport Channel Buffer for ULSCH, UE %d\n",i);
     //gNB->ulsch[1+i] = new_gNB_ulsch(MAX_TURBO_ITERATIONS,fp->N_RB_UL, 0);
     /*if (!gNB->ulsch[1+i]) {
       LOG_E(PHY,"Can't get gNB ulsch structures\n");
     // this is the transmission mode for the signalling channels
     // this will be overwritten with the real transmission mode by the RRC once the UE is connected
     //gNB->transmission_mode[i] = fp->nb_antenna_ports_gNB==1 ? 1 : 2;
   // ULSCH for RA
   //gNB->ulsch[0] = new_gNB_ulsch(MAX_TURBO_ITERATIONS, fp->N_RB_UL, 0);
   /*if (!gNB->ulsch[0]) {
     LOG_E(PHY,"Can't get gNB ulsch structures\n");
@@ -517,21 +472,14 @@ void init_nr_transport(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB) {
   LOG_D(PHY,"gNB %d.%d : RA %p\n",gNB->Mod_id,gNB->CC_id,gNB->dlsch_ra);
   gNB->dlsch_MCH = new_gNB_dlsch(1,8,NSOFT, 0, fp, cfg);
   LOG_D(PHY,"gNB %d.%d : MCH %p\n",gNB->Mod_id,gNB->CC_id,gNB->dlsch_MCH);
   for(i=0; i<NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX; i++)
     gNB->mu_mimo_mode[i].dl_pow_off = 2;
   gNB->check_for_total_transmissions = 0;
   gNB->check_for_MUMIMO_transmissions = 0;
   gNB->FULL_MUMIMO_transmissions = 0;
   gNB->check_for_SUMIMO_transmissions = 0;
   //fp->pucch_config_common.deltaPUCCH_Shift = 1;
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_dci.c b/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_dci.c
index e7522e6b182b4fd6155b9a0922b1335f99ba43de..929ac823ddf4c2ea9d554ae1e21bee3908ab3b19 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_dci.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_dci.c
@@ -40,14 +40,13 @@
 extern short nr_mod_table[NR_MOD_TABLE_SIZE_SHORT];
 uint16_t nr_get_dci_size(nfapi_nr_dci_format_e format,
-                        nfapi_nr_rnti_type_e rnti_type,
-                        uint16_t N_RB,
-                        nfapi_nr_config_request_t* config)
+                         nfapi_nr_rnti_type_e rnti_type,
+                         uint16_t N_RB,
+                         nfapi_nr_config_request_t *config) {
   uint16_t size = 0;
   switch(format) {
-/*Only sizes for 0_0 and 1_0 are correct at the moment*/
+    /*Only sizes for 0_0 and 1_0 are correct at the moment*/
     case NFAPI_NR_UL_DCI_FORMAT_0_0:
       /// fixed: Format identifier 1, Hop flag 1, MCS 5, NDI 1, RV 2, HARQ PID 4, PUSCH TPC 2 Time Domain assgnmt 4 --20
       size += 20;
@@ -82,7 +81,6 @@ uint16_t nr_get_dci_size(nfapi_nr_dci_format_e format,
       /// fixed: Format identifier 1, VRB2PRB 1, MCS 5, NDI 1, RV 2, HARQ PID 4, DAI 2, PUCCH TPC 2, PUCCH RInd 3, PDSCH to HARQ TInd 3 Time Domain assgnmt 4 -- 28
       size += 28;
       size += (uint8_t)ceil( log2( (N_RB*(N_RB+1))>>1 ) ); // Freq domain assignment
     case NFAPI_NR_DL_DCI_FORMAT_1_1:
@@ -95,7 +93,7 @@ uint16_t nr_get_dci_size(nfapi_nr_dci_format_e format,
       // PRB bundling size indicator
       // Rate matching indicator
       // ZP CSI-RS trigger
-        /// TB1- MCS 5, NDI 1, RV 2
+      /// TB1- MCS 5, NDI 1, RV 2
       size += 8;
       // TB2
       size += 4 ;  // HARQ PID
@@ -109,7 +107,6 @@ uint16_t nr_get_dci_size(nfapi_nr_dci_format_e format,
       // CBGTI
       // CBGFI
       size += 1; // DMRS sequence init
     case NFAPI_NR_DL_DCI_FORMAT_2_0:
@@ -124,8 +121,8 @@ uint16_t nr_get_dci_size(nfapi_nr_dci_format_e format,
     case NFAPI_NR_DL_DCI_FORMAT_2_3:
-  default:
-    AssertFatal(1==0, "Invalid NR DCI format %d\n", format);
+    default:
+      AssertFatal(1==0, "Invalid NR DCI format %d\n", format);
   return size;
@@ -135,11 +132,9 @@ void nr_pdcch_scrambling(uint32_t *in,
                          uint16_t size,
                          uint32_t Nid,
                          uint32_t n_RNTI,
-                         uint32_t* out) {
+                         uint32_t *out) {
   uint8_t reset;
   uint32_t x1, x2, s=0;
   reset = 1;
   x2 = (n_RNTI<<16) + Nid;
@@ -147,25 +142,24 @@ void nr_pdcch_scrambling(uint32_t *in,
     if ((i&0x1f)==0) {
       s = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &x2, reset);
       reset = 0;
-      if (i){
-	in++;
-	out++;
+      if (i) {
+        in++;
+        out++;
     (*out) ^= ((((*in)>>(i&0x1f))&1) ^ ((s>>(i&0x1f))&1))<<(i&0x1f);
-        //printf("nr_pdcch_scrambling: in %d seq 0x%08x => out %d\n",((*in)>>(i&0x1f))&1,s,((*out)>>(i&0x1f))&1);
+    //printf("nr_pdcch_scrambling: in %d seq 0x%08x => out %d\n",((*in)>>(i&0x1f))&1,s,((*out)>>(i&0x1f))&1);
 uint8_t nr_generate_dci_top(NR_gNB_PDCCH pdcch_vars,
                             uint32_t **gold_pdcch_dmrs,
-                            int32_t* txdataF,
+                            int32_t *txdataF,
                             int16_t amp,
                             NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS frame_parms,
-                            nfapi_nr_config_request_t config)
+                            nfapi_nr_config_request_t config) {
   int16_t mod_dmrs[NR_MAX_CSET_DURATION][NR_MAX_PDCCH_DMRS_LENGTH>>1]; // 3 for the max coreset duration
   uint32_t dmrs_seq[NR_MAX_PDCCH_DMRS_INIT_LENGTH_DWORD];
   uint16_t dmrs_offset=0;
@@ -175,7 +169,6 @@ uint8_t nr_generate_dci_top(NR_gNB_PDCCH pdcch_vars,
   nr_cce_t cce;
   nr_reg_t reg;
   nr_reg_t reg_mapping_list[NR_MAX_PDCCH_AGG_LEVEL*NR_NB_REG_PER_CCE];
   /*First iteration: single DCI*/
   NR_gNB_DCI_ALLOC_t dci_alloc = pdcch_vars.dci_alloc[0];
   nfapi_nr_dl_config_pdcch_parameters_rel15_t pdcch_params = dci_alloc.pdcch_params;
@@ -184,183 +177,193 @@ uint8_t nr_generate_dci_top(NR_gNB_PDCCH pdcch_vars,
   * in frequency: the first subcarrier is obtained by adding the first CRB overlapping the SSB and the rb_offset for coreset 0
   * or the rb_offset for other coresets
   * in time: by its first slot and its first symbol*/
-  if (pdcch_params.config_type == NFAPI_NR_CSET_CONFIG_MIB_SIB1){
+  if (pdcch_params.config_type == NFAPI_NR_CSET_CONFIG_MIB_SIB1) {
     cset_start_sc = frame_parms.first_carrier_offset + (frame_parms.ssb_start_subcarrier/NR_NB_SC_PER_RB +
-    pdcch_params.rb_offset)*NR_NB_SC_PER_RB;
-  }
-  else
+                    pdcch_params.rb_offset)*NR_NB_SC_PER_RB;
+  } else
     cset_start_sc = frame_parms.first_carrier_offset + pdcch_params.rb_offset*NR_NB_SC_PER_RB;
   cset_start_symb = pdcch_params.first_symbol;
   cset_nsymb = pdcch_params.n_symb;
   dci_idx = 0;
   LOG_I(PHY, "Coreset starting subcarrier %d on symbol %d (%d symbols)\n", cset_start_sc, cset_start_symb, cset_nsymb);
   // DMRS length is per OFDM symbol
   uint16_t dmrs_length = (pdcch_params.precoder_granularity == NFAPI_NR_CSET_ALL_CONTIGUOUS_RBS)?
-  (pdcch_params.n_rb*6) : (dci_alloc.L*36/cset_nsymb); //2(QPSK)*3(per RB)*6(REG per CCE)
+                         (pdcch_params.n_rb*6) : (dci_alloc.L*36/cset_nsymb); //2(QPSK)*3(per RB)*6(REG per CCE)
   uint16_t encoded_length = dci_alloc.L*108; //2(QPSK)*9(per RB)*6(REG per CCE)
   LOG_I(PHY, "DMRS length per symbol %d\t DCI encoded length %d\n", dmrs_length, encoded_length);
   /// DMRS QPSK modulation
-    /*There is a need to shift from which index the pregenerated DMRS sequence is used
-     * see 38211 r15.2.0 section assumption is the reference point for k refers to the DMRS sequence*/
+  /*There is a need to shift from which index the pregenerated DMRS sequence is used
+   * see 38211 r15.2.0 section assumption is the reference point for k refers to the DMRS sequence*/
   if (pdcch_params.config_type == NFAPI_NR_CSET_CONFIG_PDCCH_CONFIG) {
     for (int symb=cset_start_symb; symb<cset_start_symb + pdcch_params.n_symb; symb++)
       gold_pdcch_dmrs[symb] += (pdcch_params.rb_offset*3)>>5;
     dmrs_offset = (pdcch_params.rb_offset*3)&0x1f;
-  LOG_I(PHY, "PDCCH DMRS offset %d\n", dmrs_offset);
+    LOG_I(PHY, "PDCCH DMRS offset %d\n", dmrs_offset);
   for (int symb=cset_start_symb; symb<cset_start_symb + pdcch_params.n_symb; symb++) {
     if (dmrs_offset) {
       // a non zero offset requires the DMRS sequence to be rearranged
       memset(dmrs_seq,0, NR_MAX_PDCCH_DMRS_INIT_LENGTH_DWORD*sizeof(uint32_t));
       for (int i=0; i<dmrs_length; i++) {
         dmrs_seq[(i>>5)] |= ((gold_pdcch_dmrs[symb][(i+dmrs_offset)>>5]>>((i+dmrs_offset)&0x1f))&1)<<(i&0x1f);
-  //printf("out 0x%08x in 0x%08x \n", dmrs_seq[(i>>5)], gold_pdcch_dmrs[symb][(i+dmrs_offset)>>5]);
+        //printf("out 0x%08x in 0x%08x \n", dmrs_seq[(i>>5)], gold_pdcch_dmrs[symb][(i+dmrs_offset)>>5]);
       nr_modulation(dmrs_seq, dmrs_length, MOD_QPSK, mod_dmrs[symb]);
-    }
-    else
+    } else
       nr_modulation(gold_pdcch_dmrs[symb], dmrs_length, MOD_QPSK, mod_dmrs[symb]);
-  for (int i=0; i<dmrs_length>>1; i++)
-    if (dmrs_offset)
-      printf("symb %d i %d gold seq 0x%08x mod_dmrs %d %d\n", symb, i, dmrs_seq[i>>5],
-      mod_dmrs[symb][i<<1], mod_dmrs[symb][(i<<1)+1] );
-    else
-      printf("symb %d i %d gold seq 0x%08x mod_dmrs %d %d\n", symb, i,
-      gold_pdcch_dmrs[symb][i>>5], mod_dmrs[symb][i<<1], mod_dmrs[symb][(i<<1)+1] );
-  }
+    for (int i=0; i<dmrs_length>>1; i++)
+      if (dmrs_offset)
+        printf("symb %d i %d gold seq 0x%08x mod_dmrs %d %d\n", symb, i, dmrs_seq[i>>5],
+               mod_dmrs[symb][i<<1], mod_dmrs[symb][(i<<1)+1] );
+      else
+        printf("symb %d i %d gold seq 0x%08x mod_dmrs %d %d\n", symb, i,
+               gold_pdcch_dmrs[symb][i>>5], mod_dmrs[symb][i<<1], mod_dmrs[symb][(i<<1)+1] );
+  }
   /// DCI payload processing
-    // CRC attachment + Scrambling + Channel coding + Rate matching
+  // CRC attachment + Scrambling + Channel coding + Rate matching
   uint32_t encoder_output[NR_MAX_DCI_SIZE_DWORD];
   uint16_t n_RNTI = (pdcch_params.search_space_type == NFAPI_NR_SEARCH_SPACE_TYPE_UE_SPECIFIC)? pdcch_params.rnti:0;
   uint16_t Nid = (pdcch_params.search_space_type == NFAPI_NR_SEARCH_SPACE_TYPE_UE_SPECIFIC)?
-  pdcch_params.scrambling_id : config.sch_config.physical_cell_id.value;
-  t_nrPolar_params * currentPtr = nr_polar_params(NR_POLAR_DCI_MESSAGE_TYPE, dci_alloc.size, dci_alloc.L);
+                 pdcch_params.scrambling_id : config.sch_config.physical_cell_id.value;
+  t_nrPolar_params *currentPtr = nr_polar_params(NR_POLAR_DCI_MESSAGE_TYPE, dci_alloc.size, dci_alloc.L);
   polar_encoder_fast(dci_alloc.dci_pdu, encoder_output, pdcch_params.rnti,currentPtr);
   printf("polar rnti %d\n",pdcch_params.rnti);
   printf("DCI PDU: [0]->0x%lx \t [1]->0x%lx\n",
-    dci_alloc.dci_pdu[0], dci_alloc.dci_pdu[1]);
+         dci_alloc.dci_pdu[0], dci_alloc.dci_pdu[1]);
   printf("Encoded Payload (length:%d dwords):\n", encoded_length>>5);
-  for (int i=0;i<encoded_length>>5;i++)
+  for (int i=0; i<encoded_length>>5; i++)
     printf("[%d]->0x%08x \t", i,encoder_output[i]);
   /// Scrambling
-  uint32_t scrambled_output[NR_MAX_DCI_SIZE_DWORD]={0};
+  uint32_t scrambled_output[NR_MAX_DCI_SIZE_DWORD]= {0};
   nr_pdcch_scrambling(encoder_output, encoded_length, Nid, n_RNTI, scrambled_output);
-printf("scrambled output: [0]->0x%08x \t [1]->0x%08x \t [2]->0x%08x \t [3]->0x%08x\t [4]->0x%08x\t [5]->0x%08x\t \
+  printf("scrambled output: [0]->0x%08x \t [1]->0x%08x \t [2]->0x%08x \t [3]->0x%08x\t [4]->0x%08x\t [5]->0x%08x\t \
 [6]->0x%08x \t [7]->0x%08x \t [8]->0x%08x \t [9]->0x%08x\t [10]->0x%08x\t [11]->0x%08x\n",
-		  scrambled_output[0], scrambled_output[1], scrambled_output[2], scrambled_output[3], scrambled_output[4],scrambled_output[5],
-		  scrambled_output[6], scrambled_output[7], scrambled_output[8], scrambled_output[9], scrambled_output[10],scrambled_output[11] );	
+         scrambled_output[0], scrambled_output[1], scrambled_output[2], scrambled_output[3], scrambled_output[4],scrambled_output[5],
+         scrambled_output[6], scrambled_output[7], scrambled_output[8], scrambled_output[9], scrambled_output[10],scrambled_output[11] );
   /// QPSK modulation
   int16_t mod_dci[NR_MAX_DCI_SIZE>>1];
   nr_modulation(scrambled_output, encoded_length, MOD_QPSK, mod_dci);
 #ifdef DEBUG_DCI
   for (int i=0; i<encoded_length>>1; i++)
     printf("i %d mod_dci %d %d\n", i, mod_dci[i<<1], mod_dci[(i<<1)+1] );
   /// Resource mapping
-    if (cset_start_sc >= frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size)
-      cset_start_sc -= frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size;
+  if (cset_start_sc >= frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size)
+    cset_start_sc -= frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size;
+  /*Reorder REG list for a freq first mapping*/
+  uint8_t symb_idx[NR_MAX_CSET_DURATION] = {0,0,0};
+  uint8_t nb_regs = dci_alloc.L*NR_NB_REG_PER_CCE;
+  uint8_t regs_per_symb = nb_regs/cset_nsymb;
-    /*Reorder REG list for a freq first mapping*/
-    uint8_t symb_idx[NR_MAX_CSET_DURATION] = {0,0,0};
-    uint8_t nb_regs = dci_alloc.L*NR_NB_REG_PER_CCE;
-    uint8_t regs_per_symb = nb_regs/cset_nsymb;
-    for (int cce_idx=0; cce_idx<dci_alloc.L; cce_idx++){
-      cce = dci_alloc.cce_list[cce_idx];
-      for (int reg_idx=0; reg_idx<NR_NB_REG_PER_CCE; reg_idx++) {
-        reg = cce.reg_list[reg_idx];
-        reg_mapping_list[reg.symb_idx*regs_per_symb + symb_idx[reg.symb_idx]++] = reg;
-      }
+  for (int cce_idx=0; cce_idx<dci_alloc.L; cce_idx++) {
+    cce = dci_alloc.cce_list[cce_idx];
+    for (int reg_idx=0; reg_idx<NR_NB_REG_PER_CCE; reg_idx++) {
+      reg = cce.reg_list[reg_idx];
+      reg_mapping_list[reg.symb_idx*regs_per_symb + symb_idx[reg.symb_idx]++] = reg;
+  }
 #ifdef DEBUG_DCI
-    printf("\n Ordered REG list:\n");
-    for (int i=0; i<nb_regs; i++)
-      printf("%d\t",reg_mapping_list[i].reg_idx );
-    printf("\n");
+  printf("\n Ordered REG list:\n");
+  for (int i=0; i<nb_regs; i++)
+    printf("%d\t",reg_mapping_list[i].reg_idx );
+  printf("\n");
-    if (pdcch_params.precoder_granularity == NFAPI_NR_CSET_ALL_CONTIGUOUS_RBS) {
+  if (pdcch_params.precoder_granularity == NFAPI_NR_CSET_ALL_CONTIGUOUS_RBS) {
     /*in this case the DMRS are mapped on all the coreset*/
-      for (l=cset_start_symb; l<cset_start_symb+ cset_nsymb; l++) {
-        dmrs_idx = 0;
-        k = cset_start_sc + 1;
-        while (dmrs_idx<3*pdcch_params.n_rb) {
-          ((int16_t*)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1]       = ((amp>>1) * mod_dmrs[l][dmrs_idx<<1]) >> 15;
-          ((int16_t*)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1) + 1] = ((amp>>1) * mod_dmrs[l][(dmrs_idx<<1) + 1]) >> 15;
+    for (l=cset_start_symb; l<cset_start_symb+ cset_nsymb; l++) {
+      dmrs_idx = 0;
+      k = cset_start_sc + 1;
+      while (dmrs_idx<3*pdcch_params.n_rb) {
+        ((int16_t *)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1]       = ((amp>>1) * mod_dmrs[l][dmrs_idx<<1]) >> 15;
+        ((int16_t *)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1) + 1] = ((amp>>1) * mod_dmrs[l][(dmrs_idx<<1) + 1]) >> 15;
-  printf("symbol %d position %d => (%d,%d)\n",l,k,((int16_t*)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1] ,
-  ((int16_t*)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1)+1]);
+        printf("symbol %d position %d => (%d,%d)\n",l,k,((int16_t *)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1],
+               ((int16_t *)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1)+1]);
-          k+=4;
-          if (k >= frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size)
-            k -= frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size;
-          dmrs_idx++;
-        }
-      }    
-    }
+        k+=4;
-    /*Now mapping the encoded DCI based on newly constructed REG list
-     * and the DMRS for the precoder granularity same as REG bundle*/
-    for (int reg_idx=0; reg_idx<nb_regs; reg_idx++) {
-      reg = reg_mapping_list[reg_idx];
-      k = cset_start_sc + reg.start_sc_idx;
-      if (k >= frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size)
+        if (k >= frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size)
           k -= frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size;
-      l = cset_start_symb + reg.symb_idx;
-      dmrs_idx = (reg.reg_idx/cset_nsymb)*3;
-      k_prime = 0;
-      for (int m=0; m<NR_NB_SC_PER_RB; m++) {
-        if ( m == (k_prime<<2)+1) { // DMRS if not already mapped
-          if (pdcch_params.precoder_granularity == NFAPI_NR_CSET_SAME_AS_REG_BUNDLE) {
-            ((int16_t*)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1]       = ((amp>>1) * mod_dmrs[l][dmrs_idx<<1]) >> 15;
-            ((int16_t*)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1) + 1] = ((amp>>1) * mod_dmrs[l][(dmrs_idx<<1) + 1]) >> 15;
+        dmrs_idx++;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /*Now mapping the encoded DCI based on newly constructed REG list
+   * and the DMRS for the precoder granularity same as REG bundle*/
+  for (int reg_idx=0; reg_idx<nb_regs; reg_idx++) {
+    reg = reg_mapping_list[reg_idx];
+    k = cset_start_sc + reg.start_sc_idx;
+    if (k >= frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size)
+      k -= frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size;
+    l = cset_start_symb + reg.symb_idx;
+    dmrs_idx = (reg.reg_idx/cset_nsymb)*3;
+    k_prime = 0;
+    for (int m=0; m<NR_NB_SC_PER_RB; m++) {
+      if ( m == (k_prime<<2)+1) { // DMRS if not already mapped
+        if (pdcch_params.precoder_granularity == NFAPI_NR_CSET_SAME_AS_REG_BUNDLE) {
+          ((int16_t *)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1]       = ((amp>>1) * mod_dmrs[l][dmrs_idx<<1]) >> 15;
+          ((int16_t *)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1) + 1] = ((amp>>1) * mod_dmrs[l][(dmrs_idx<<1) + 1]) >> 15;
-  printf("l %d position %d => (%d,%d)\n",l,k,((int16_t*)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1] ,
-  ((int16_t*)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1)+1]);
+          printf("l %d position %d => (%d,%d)\n",l,k,((int16_t *)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1],
+                 ((int16_t *)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1)+1]);
-            dmrs_idx++;
-          }
-          k_prime++;
+          dmrs_idx++;
-        else { // DCI payload
-          ((int16_t*)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1]       = (amp * mod_dci[dci_idx<<1]) >> 15;
-          ((int16_t*)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1) + 1] = (amp * mod_dci[(dci_idx<<1) + 1]) >> 15;
+        k_prime++;
+      } else { // DCI payload
+        ((int16_t *)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1]       = (amp * mod_dci[dci_idx<<1]) >> 15;
+        ((int16_t *)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1) + 1] = (amp * mod_dci[(dci_idx<<1) + 1]) >> 15;
 #ifdef DEBUG_DCI
-  printf("l %d position %d => (%d,%d)\n",l,k,((int16_t*)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1] ,
-  ((int16_t*)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1)+1]);
+        printf("l %d position %d => (%d,%d)\n",l,k,((int16_t *)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1],
+               ((int16_t *)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1)+1]);
-          dci_idx++;
-        }
-        k++;
-        if (k >= frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size)
-          k -= frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size;
+        dci_idx++;
+      k++;
+      if (k >= frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size)
+        k -= frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size;
+  }
   return 0;
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_dci.h b/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_dci.h
index 7477bf4331fd4f7067c5fae0914de95d1aa432f3..21fcd06c09bcd5fcb4bee2520ce12fea32e7a90a 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_dci.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_dci.h
@@ -28,13 +28,13 @@
 typedef unsigned __int128 uint128_t;
 uint16_t nr_get_dci_size(nfapi_nr_dci_format_e format,
-                        nfapi_nr_rnti_type_e rnti_type,
-                        uint16_t N_RB,
-                        nfapi_nr_config_request_t* config);
+                         nfapi_nr_rnti_type_e rnti_type,
+                         uint16_t N_RB,
+                         nfapi_nr_config_request_t *config);
 uint8_t nr_generate_dci_top(NR_gNB_PDCCH pdcch_vars,
                             uint32_t **gold_pdcch_dmrs,
-                            int32_t* txdataF,
+                            int32_t *txdataF,
                             int16_t amp,
                             NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS frame_parms,
                             nfapi_nr_config_request_t config);
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ void nr_pdcch_scrambling(uint32_t *in,
                          uint16_t size,
                          uint32_t Nid,
                          uint32_t n_RNTI,
-                         uint32_t* out);
+                         uint32_t *out);
 void nr_fill_dci_and_dlsch(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
                            int frame,
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ void nr_fill_dci_and_dlsch(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
                            nfapi_nr_dl_config_dci_dl_pdu *pdu,
                            nfapi_nr_dl_config_dlsch_pdu *dlsch_pdu);
-void nr_fill_cce_list(NR_gNB_DCI_ALLOC_t* dci_alloc, uint16_t n_shift, uint8_t m);
+void nr_fill_cce_list(NR_gNB_DCI_ALLOC_t *dci_alloc, uint16_t n_shift, uint8_t m);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_pbch.c b/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_pbch.c
index ad76c803795208849c7cf723a7f263cec7d763a5..284a710335cb6080477206b3237cb5dd7a608339 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_pbch.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_pbch.c
@@ -43,21 +43,20 @@
 extern short nr_mod_table[NR_MOD_TABLE_SIZE_SHORT];
 uint8_t nr_pbch_payload_interleaving_pattern[32] = {16, 23, 18, 17, 8, 30, 10, 6, 24, 7, 0, 5, 3, 2, 1, 4,
-                                                9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31};
+                                                    9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31
+                                                   };
 int nr_generate_pbch_dmrs(uint32_t *gold_pbch_dmrs,
                           int32_t *txdataF,
                           int16_t amp,
                           uint8_t ssb_start_symbol,
-                          nfapi_nr_config_request_t* config,
-                          NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms)
+                          nfapi_nr_config_request_t *config,
+                          NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms) {
   int k,l;
   //int16_t a;
   int16_t mod_dmrs[NR_PBCH_DMRS_LENGTH<<1];
   uint8_t idx=0;
   uint8_t nushift = config->sch_config.physical_cell_id.value &3;
   LOG_D(PHY, "PBCH DMRS mapping started at symbol %d shift %d\n", ssb_start_symbol+1, nushift);
   /// QPSK modulation
@@ -66,79 +65,75 @@ int nr_generate_pbch_dmrs(uint32_t *gold_pbch_dmrs,
     mod_dmrs[m<<1] = nr_mod_table[(NR_MOD_TABLE_QPSK_OFFSET + idx)<<1];
     mod_dmrs[(m<<1)+1] = nr_mod_table[((NR_MOD_TABLE_QPSK_OFFSET + idx)<<1) + 1];
-  printf("m %d idx %d gold seq %d b0-b1 %d-%d mod_dmrs %d %d\n", m, idx, gold_pbch_dmrs[(m<<1)>>5], (((gold_pbch_dmrs[(m<<1)>>5])>>((m<<1)&0x1f))&1),
-  (((gold_pbch_dmrs[((m<<1)+1)>>5])>>(((m<<1)+1)&0x1f))&1), mod_dmrs[(m<<1)], mod_dmrs[(m<<1)+1]);
+    printf("m %d idx %d gold seq %d b0-b1 %d-%d mod_dmrs %d %d\n", m, idx, gold_pbch_dmrs[(m<<1)>>5], (((gold_pbch_dmrs[(m<<1)>>5])>>((m<<1)&0x1f))&1),
+           (((gold_pbch_dmrs[((m<<1)+1)>>5])>>(((m<<1)+1)&0x1f))&1), mod_dmrs[(m<<1)], mod_dmrs[(m<<1)+1]);
   /// Resource mapping
+  // PBCH DMRS are mapped  within the SSB block on every fourth subcarrier starting from nushift of symbols 1, 2, 3
+  ///symbol 1  [0+nushift:4:236+nushift] -- 60 mod symbols
+  k = frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + frame_parms->ssb_start_subcarrier + nushift;
+  l = ssb_start_symbol + 1;
-    // PBCH DMRS are mapped  within the SSB block on every fourth subcarrier starting from nushift of symbols 1, 2, 3
-      ///symbol 1  [0+nushift:4:236+nushift] -- 60 mod symbols
-    k = frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + frame_parms->ssb_start_subcarrier + nushift;
-    l = ssb_start_symbol + 1;
-    for (int m = 0; m < 60; m++) {
+  for (int m = 0; m < 60; m++) {
-  printf("m %d at k %d of l %d\n", m, k, l);
+    printf("m %d at k %d of l %d\n", m, k, l);
-      ((int16_t*)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1]       = (amp * mod_dmrs[m<<1]) >> 15;
-      ((int16_t*)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1) + 1] = (amp * mod_dmrs[(m<<1) + 1]) >> 15;
+    ((int16_t *)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1]       = (amp * mod_dmrs[m<<1]) >> 15;
+    ((int16_t *)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1) + 1] = (amp * mod_dmrs[(m<<1) + 1]) >> 15;
-      printf("(%d,%d)\n",
-	((int16_t*)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1],
-	((int16_t*)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1)+1]);
+    printf("(%d,%d)\n",
+           ((int16_t *)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1],
+           ((int16_t *)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1)+1]);
-      k+=4;
+    k+=4;
-      if (k >= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)
-        k-=frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size;
-    }
+    if (k >= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)
+      k-=frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size;
+  }
-      ///symbol 2  [0+u:4:44+nushift ; 192+nu:4:236+nushift] -- 24 mod symbols
-    k = frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + frame_parms->ssb_start_subcarrier + nushift;
-    l++;
+  ///symbol 2  [0+u:4:44+nushift ; 192+nu:4:236+nushift] -- 24 mod symbols
+  k = frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + frame_parms->ssb_start_subcarrier + nushift;
+  l++;
-    for (int m = 60; m < 84; m++) {
+  for (int m = 60; m < 84; m++) {
-  printf("m %d at k %d of l %d\n", m, k, l);
+    printf("m %d at k %d of l %d\n", m, k, l);
-      ((int16_t*)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1]       = (amp * mod_dmrs[m<<1]) >> 15;
-      ((int16_t*)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1) + 1] = (amp * mod_dmrs[(m<<1) + 1]) >> 15;
+    ((int16_t *)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1]       = (amp * mod_dmrs[m<<1]) >> 15;
+    ((int16_t *)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1) + 1] = (amp * mod_dmrs[(m<<1) + 1]) >> 15;
-      printf("(%d,%d)\n",
-	((int16_t*)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1],
-	((int16_t*)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1)+1]);
+    printf("(%d,%d)\n",
+           ((int16_t *)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1],
+           ((int16_t *)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1)+1]);
-      k+=(m==71)?148:4; // Jump from 44+nu to 192+nu
+    k+=(m==71)?148:4; // Jump from 44+nu to 192+nu
-      if (k >= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)
-        k-=frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size;
-    }
+    if (k >= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)
+      k-=frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size;
+  }
-      ///symbol 3  [0+nushift:4:236+nushift] -- 60 mod symbols
-    k = frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + frame_parms->ssb_start_subcarrier + nushift;
-    l++;
+  ///symbol 3  [0+nushift:4:236+nushift] -- 60 mod symbols
+  k = frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + frame_parms->ssb_start_subcarrier + nushift;
+  l++;
-    for (int m = 84; m < NR_PBCH_DMRS_LENGTH; m++) {
+  for (int m = 84; m < NR_PBCH_DMRS_LENGTH; m++) {
-  printf("m %d at k %d of l %d\n", m, k, l);
+    printf("m %d at k %d of l %d\n", m, k, l);
-      ((int16_t*)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1]       = (amp * mod_dmrs[m<<1]) >> 15;
-      ((int16_t*)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1) + 1] = (amp * mod_dmrs[(m<<1) + 1]) >> 15;
+    ((int16_t *)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1]       = (amp * mod_dmrs[m<<1]) >> 15;
+    ((int16_t *)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1) + 1] = (amp * mod_dmrs[(m<<1) + 1]) >> 15;
-      printf("(%d,%d)\n",
-	((int16_t*)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1],
-	((int16_t*)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1)+1]);
+    printf("(%d,%d)\n",
+           ((int16_t *)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1],
+           ((int16_t *)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1)+1]);
-      k+=4;
-      if (k >= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)
-        k-=frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size;
-    }
+    k+=4;
+    if (k >= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)
+      k-=frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size;
+  }
   write_output("txdataF_pbch_dmrs.m", "txdataF_pbch_dmrs", txdataF[0], frame_parms->samples_per_frame_wCP>>1, 1, 1);
@@ -186,6 +181,7 @@ void nr_pbch_scrambling(NR_gNB_PBCH *pbch,
           s = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &x2, reset);
           reset = 0;
         pbch->pbch_a_prime ^= (((pbch->pbch_a_interleaved>>i)&1) ^ ((s>>((k+offset)&0x1f))&1))<<i;
         k++;                  /// k increase only when payload bit is not special bit
@@ -206,11 +202,11 @@ void nr_pbch_scrambling(NR_gNB_PBCH *pbch,
 void nr_init_pbch_interleaver(uint8_t *interleaver) {
   uint8_t j_sfn=0, j_hrf=10, j_ssb=11, j_other=14;
-  memset((void*)interleaver,0, NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS);
+  memset((void *)interleaver,0, NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS);
   for (uint8_t i=0; i<NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS; i++)
     if (!i) // choice bit:1
-     *(interleaver+i) = *(nr_pbch_payload_interleaving_pattern+j_other++);
+      *(interleaver+i) = *(nr_pbch_payload_interleaving_pattern+j_other++);
     else if (i<7) //Sfn bits:6
       *(interleaver+i) = *(nr_pbch_payload_interleaving_pattern+j_sfn++);
     else if (i<24) // other:17
@@ -221,7 +217,6 @@ void nr_init_pbch_interleaver(uint8_t *interleaver) {
       *(interleaver+i) = *(nr_pbch_payload_interleaving_pattern+j_hrf);
     else // Ssb bits:3
       *(interleaver+i) = *(nr_pbch_payload_interleaving_pattern+j_ssb++);
 int nr_generate_pbch(NR_gNB_PBCH *pbch,
@@ -234,10 +229,8 @@ int nr_generate_pbch(NR_gNB_PBCH *pbch,
                      uint8_t Lmax,
                      uint8_t ssb_index,
                      int sfn,
-                     nfapi_nr_config_request_t* config,
-                     NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms)
+                     nfapi_nr_config_request_t *config,
+                     NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms) {
   int k,l,m;
   //int16_t a;
   int16_t mod_pbch_e[NR_POLAR_PBCH_E];
@@ -246,22 +239,23 @@ int nr_generate_pbch(NR_gNB_PBCH *pbch,
   uint8_t nushift;
   uint32_t unscrambling_mask;
   uint64_t a_reversed=0;
   LOG_I(PHY, "PBCH generation started\n");
   ///Payload generation
-  memset((void*)pbch, 0, sizeof(NR_gNB_PBCH));
+  memset((void *)pbch, 0, sizeof(NR_gNB_PBCH));
   for (int i=0; i<NR_PBCH_PDU_BITS; i++)
     pbch->pbch_a |= ((pbch_pdu[2-(i>>3)]>>(7-(i&7)))&1)<<i;
   for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
     printf("pbch_pdu[%d]: 0x%02x\n", i, pbch_pdu[i]);
   printf("PBCH payload = 0x%08x\n",pbch->pbch_a);
-    // Extra byte generation
+  // Extra byte generation
   for (int i=0; i<4; i++)
     pbch->pbch_a |= ((sfn>>(3-i))&1)<<(24+i); // resp. 4th, 3rd, 2nd ans 1st lsb of sfn
@@ -275,12 +269,12 @@ int nr_generate_pbch(NR_gNB_PBCH *pbch,
   LOG_I(PHY,"After extra byte: pbch_a = 0x%08x\n",pbch->pbch_a);
-    // Payload interleaving
+  // Payload interleaving
   for (int i=0; i<NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS; i++) {
     pbch->pbch_a_interleaved |= ((pbch->pbch_a>>i)&1)<<(*(interleaver+i));
-  printf("i %d out 0x%08x ilv %d (in>>i)&1) %d\n", i, pbch->pbch_a_interleaved, *(interleaver+i), (pbch->pbch_a>>i)&1);
+    printf("i %d out 0x%08x ilv %d (in>>i)&1) %d\n", i, pbch->pbch_a_interleaved, *(interleaver+i), (pbch->pbch_a>>i)&1);
@@ -288,8 +282,7 @@ int nr_generate_pbch(NR_gNB_PBCH *pbch,
   printf("pbch_a_interleaved: 0x%08x\n", pbch->pbch_a_interleaved);
-    // Scrambling
+  // Scrambling
   unscrambling_mask = (Lmax ==64)? 0x100006D:0x1000041;
   nushift = (((sfn>>2)&1)<<1) ^ ((sfn>>1)&1);
@@ -300,150 +293,141 @@ int nr_generate_pbch(NR_gNB_PBCH *pbch,
   printf("pbch_a_prime: 0x%08x\n", pbch->pbch_a_prime);
-// Encoder reversal
+  // Encoder reversal
   for (int i=0; i<NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS; i++)
     a_reversed |= (((uint64_t)pbch->pbch_a_prime>>i)&1)<<(31-i);
   /// CRC, coding and rate matching
-  polar_encoder_fast (&a_reversed, (uint32_t*)pbch->pbch_e, 0, 
+  polar_encoder_fast (&a_reversed, (uint32_t *)pbch->pbch_e, 0,
   printf("Channel coding:\n");
   for (int i=0; i<NR_POLAR_PBCH_E_DWORD; i++)
     printf("pbch_e[%d]: 0x%08x\t", i, pbch->pbch_e[i]);
   /// Scrambling
   nushift = (Lmax==4)? ssb_index&3 : ssb_index&7;
   nr_pbch_scrambling(pbch, (uint32_t)config->sch_config.physical_cell_id.value, nushift, M, NR_POLAR_PBCH_E, 1, 0);
   for (int i=0; i<NR_POLAR_PBCH_E_DWORD; i++)
     printf("pbch_e[%d]: 0x%08x\t", i, pbch->pbch_e[i]);
   /// QPSK modulation
-  for (int i=0; i<NR_POLAR_PBCH_E>>1; i++){
+  for (int i=0; i<NR_POLAR_PBCH_E>>1; i++) {
     idx = (((pbch->pbch_e[(i<<1)>>5]>>((i<<1)&0x1f))&1)<<1) ^ ((pbch->pbch_e[((i<<1)+1)>>5]>>(((i<<1)+1)&0x1f))&1);
     mod_pbch_e[i<<1] = nr_mod_table[(NR_MOD_TABLE_QPSK_OFFSET + idx)<<1];
     mod_pbch_e[(i<<1)+1] = nr_mod_table[((NR_MOD_TABLE_QPSK_OFFSET + idx)<<1)+1];
 #ifdef DEBUG_PBCH
-  printf("i %d idx %d  mod_pbch %d %d\n", i, idx, mod_pbch_e[2*i], mod_pbch_e[2*i+1]);
+    printf("i %d idx %d  mod_pbch %d %d\n", i, idx, mod_pbch_e[2*i], mod_pbch_e[2*i+1]);
   /// Resource mapping
   nushift = config->sch_config.physical_cell_id.value &3;
-    // PBCH modulated symbols are mapped  within the SSB block on symbols 1, 2, 3 excluding the subcarriers used for the PBCH DMRS
-      ///symbol 1  [0:239] -- 180 mod symbols
-    k = frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + frame_parms->ssb_start_subcarrier;
-    l = ssb_start_symbol + 1;
-    m = 0;
-    for (int ssb_sc_idx = 0; ssb_sc_idx < 240; ssb_sc_idx++) {
-      if ((ssb_sc_idx&3) == nushift) {  //skip DMRS
-        k++;
-        continue;
-      }
-      else {
+  // PBCH modulated symbols are mapped  within the SSB block on symbols 1, 2, 3 excluding the subcarriers used for the PBCH DMRS
+  ///symbol 1  [0:239] -- 180 mod symbols
+  k = frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + frame_parms->ssb_start_subcarrier;
+  l = ssb_start_symbol + 1;
+  m = 0;
+  for (int ssb_sc_idx = 0; ssb_sc_idx < 240; ssb_sc_idx++) {
+    if ((ssb_sc_idx&3) == nushift) {  //skip DMRS
+      k++;
+      continue;
+    } else {
 #ifdef DEBUG_PBCH
-  printf("m %d ssb_sc_idx %d at k %d of l %d\n", m, ssb_sc_idx, k, l);
+      printf("m %d ssb_sc_idx %d at k %d of l %d\n", m, ssb_sc_idx, k, l);
-        ((int16_t*)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1]       = (amp * mod_pbch_e[m<<1]) >> 15;
-        ((int16_t*)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1) + 1] = (amp * mod_pbch_e[(m<<1) + 1]) >> 15;
-        k++;
-        m++;
-      }
-      if (k >= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)
-        k-=frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size;
+      ((int16_t *)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1]       = (amp * mod_pbch_e[m<<1]) >> 15;
+      ((int16_t *)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1) + 1] = (amp * mod_pbch_e[(m<<1) + 1]) >> 15;
+      k++;
+      m++;
-      ///symbol 2  [0:47 ; 192:239] -- 72 mod symbols
-    k = frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + frame_parms->ssb_start_subcarrier;
-    l++;
-    m=180;
+    if (k >= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)
+      k-=frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size;
+  }
-    for (int ssb_sc_idx = 0; ssb_sc_idx < 48; ssb_sc_idx++) {
+  ///symbol 2  [0:47 ; 192:239] -- 72 mod symbols
+  k = frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + frame_parms->ssb_start_subcarrier;
+  l++;
+  m=180;
-      if ((ssb_sc_idx&3) == nushift) {
-        k++;
-        continue;
-      }
-      else {
+  for (int ssb_sc_idx = 0; ssb_sc_idx < 48; ssb_sc_idx++) {
+    if ((ssb_sc_idx&3) == nushift) {
+      k++;
+      continue;
+    } else {
 #ifdef DEBUG_PBCH
-  printf("m %d ssb_sc_idx %d at k %d of l %d\n", m, ssb_sc_idx, k, l);
+      printf("m %d ssb_sc_idx %d at k %d of l %d\n", m, ssb_sc_idx, k, l);
-        ((int16_t*)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1]       = (amp * mod_pbch_e[m<<1]) >> 15;
-        ((int16_t*)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1) + 1] = (amp * mod_pbch_e[(m<<1) + 1]) >> 15;
-        k++;
-        m++;
-      }
-      if (k >= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)
-        k-=frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size;
+      ((int16_t *)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1]       = (amp * mod_pbch_e[m<<1]) >> 15;
+      ((int16_t *)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1) + 1] = (amp * mod_pbch_e[(m<<1) + 1]) >> 15;
+      k++;
+      m++;
-    k += 144;
     if (k >= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)
+  }
-    m=216;
+  k += 144;
-    for (int ssb_sc_idx = 192; ssb_sc_idx < 240; ssb_sc_idx++) {
+  if (k >= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)
+    k-=frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size;
-      if ((ssb_sc_idx&3) == nushift) {
-        k++;
-        continue;
-      }
-      else {
+  m=216;
+  for (int ssb_sc_idx = 192; ssb_sc_idx < 240; ssb_sc_idx++) {
+    if ((ssb_sc_idx&3) == nushift) {
+      k++;
+      continue;
+    } else {
 #ifdef DEBUG_PBCH
-  printf("m %d ssb_sc_idx %d at k %d of l %d\n", m, ssb_sc_idx, k, l);
+      printf("m %d ssb_sc_idx %d at k %d of l %d\n", m, ssb_sc_idx, k, l);
-        ((int16_t*)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1]       = (amp * mod_pbch_e[m<<1]) >> 15;
-        ((int16_t*)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1) + 1] = (amp * mod_pbch_e[(m<<1) + 1]) >> 15;
-        k++;
-        m++;
-      }
-      if (k >= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)
-        k-=frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size;
+      ((int16_t *)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1]       = (amp * mod_pbch_e[m<<1]) >> 15;
+      ((int16_t *)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1) + 1] = (amp * mod_pbch_e[(m<<1) + 1]) >> 15;
+      k++;
+      m++;
-      ///symbol 3  [0:239] -- 180 mod symbols
-    k = frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + frame_parms->ssb_start_subcarrier;
-    l++;
-    m=252;
+    if (k >= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)
+      k-=frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size;
+  }
-    for (int ssb_sc_idx = 0; ssb_sc_idx < 240; ssb_sc_idx++) {
+  ///symbol 3  [0:239] -- 180 mod symbols
+  k = frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + frame_parms->ssb_start_subcarrier;
+  l++;
+  m=252;
-      if ((ssb_sc_idx&3) == nushift) {
-        k++;
-        continue;
-      }
-      else {
+  for (int ssb_sc_idx = 0; ssb_sc_idx < 240; ssb_sc_idx++) {
+    if ((ssb_sc_idx&3) == nushift) {
+      k++;
+      continue;
+    } else {
 #ifdef DEBUG_PBCH
-  printf("m %d ssb_sc_idx %d at k %d of l %d\n", m, ssb_sc_idx, k, l);
+      printf("m %d ssb_sc_idx %d at k %d of l %d\n", m, ssb_sc_idx, k, l);
-        ((int16_t*)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1]       = (amp * mod_pbch_e[m<<1]) >> 15;
-        ((int16_t*)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1) + 1] = (amp * mod_pbch_e[(m<<1) + 1]) >> 15;
-        k++;
-        m++;
-      }
-      if (k >= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)
-        k-=frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size;
+      ((int16_t *)txdataF)[(l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1]       = (amp * mod_pbch_e[m<<1]) >> 15;
+      ((int16_t *)txdataF)[((l*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size + k)<<1) + 1] = (amp * mod_pbch_e[(m<<1) + 1]) >> 15;
+      k++;
+      m++;
+    if (k >= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)
+      k-=frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size;
+  }
   return 0;
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_transport.h b/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_transport.h
index 082a12a1d345ea521ebb762b0f3d53ba665d491c..23413f591c20a70878d75a8c7d9262cef17a1ebe 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_transport.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_TRANSPORT/nr_transport.h
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ int nr_generate_pss(  int16_t *d_pss,
                       int32_t *txdataF,
                       int16_t amp,
                       uint8_t ssb_start_symbol,
-                      nfapi_nr_config_request_t* config,
+                      nfapi_nr_config_request_t *config,
                       NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms);
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ int nr_generate_sss(  int16_t *d_sss,
                       int32_t *txdataF,
                       int16_t amp,
                       uint8_t ssb_start_symbol,
-                      nfapi_nr_config_request_t* config,
+                      nfapi_nr_config_request_t *config,
                       NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms);
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ int nr_generate_pbch_dmrs(uint32_t *gold_pbch_dmrs,
                           int32_t *txdataF,
                           int16_t amp,
                           uint8_t ssb_start_symbol,
-                          nfapi_nr_config_request_t* config,
+                          nfapi_nr_config_request_t *config,
                           NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms);
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ int nr_generate_pbch(NR_gNB_PBCH *pbch,
                      uint8_t Lmax,
                      uint8_t ssb_index,
                      int sfn,
-                     nfapi_nr_config_request_t* config,
+                     nfapi_nr_config_request_t *config,
                      NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/dci_nr.c b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/dci_nr.c
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
index c1d7fbcac2b277eb567ddc0f1a69b5d39ae77c61..6f2f5bcf2d68cf434e5661ad4a7bbf1c4212313d
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/dci_nr.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/dci_nr.c
@@ -30,9 +30,9 @@
  * \warning
 #ifdef USER_MODE
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
+  #include <stdio.h>
+  #include <stdlib.h>
+  #include <string.h>
 #include "nr_transport_proto_ue.h"
 #include "PHY/CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_dci_defs.h"
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 #include "PHY/CODING/coding_extern.h"
 #include "PHY/sse_intrin.h"
-#include "assertions.h" 
+#include "assertions.h"
 #include "T.h"
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
 #ifdef LOG_I
-#undef LOG_I
-#define LOG_I(A,B...) printf(B)
+  #undef LOG_I
+  #define LOG_I(A,B...) printf(B)
@@ -73,16 +73,16 @@ void nr_pdcch_demapping_deinterleaving(uint32_t *llr,
                                        uint32_t coreset_nbr_rb,
                                        uint8_t reg_bundle_size_L,
                                        uint8_t coreset_interleaver_size_R,
-                                       uint8_t n_shift){
+                                       uint8_t n_shift) {
    * This function will do demapping and deinterleaving from llr containing demodulated symbols
    * Demapping will regroup in REG and bundles
    * Deinterleaving will order the bundles
-   * 
+   *
    * In the following example we can see the process. The llr contains the demodulated IQs, but they are not ordered from REG 0,1,2,..
    * In e_rx (z) we will order the REG ids and group them into bundles.
    * Then we will put the bundles in the correct order as indicated in subclause
-   * 
+   *
    llr --------------------------> e_rx (z) ----> e_rx (z)
    |   ...
    |   ...
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ void nr_pdcch_demapping_deinterleaving(uint32_t *llr,
    |   ...
    |   REG 5
    |   REG 2
    |   ...
    |   ...
    |   REG 25
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ void nr_pdcch_demapping_deinterleaving(uint32_t *llr,
    |   ...
    |   REG 4
    |   REG 1
    |   ...
    |   ...                           ...              ...
    |   REG 24 (bundle 7)             ...              ...
@@ -113,43 +113,47 @@ void nr_pdcch_demapping_deinterleaving(uint32_t *llr,
   uint16_t bundle_j=0, f_bundle_j=0,f_reg=0;
   uint32_t coreset_C=0;
   uint16_t index_z, index_llr;
   int coreset_interleaved = 0;
-  if (reg_bundle_size_L!=0){ // interleaving will be done only if reg_bundle_size_L != 0
+  if (reg_bundle_size_L!=0) { // interleaving will be done only if reg_bundle_size_L != 0
     coreset_C = (uint32_t)((coreset_nbr_rb * coreset_time_dur)/ (coreset_interleaver_size_R*reg_bundle_size_L));
   } else {
-  for(int reg=0; reg<((coreset_nbr_rb*coreset_time_dur)); reg++){
-    if ((reg%reg_bundle_size_L) == 0){
+  for(int reg=0; reg<((coreset_nbr_rb*coreset_time_dur)); reg++) {
+    if ((reg%reg_bundle_size_L) == 0) {
       if (r == coreset_interleaver_size_R) {
       bundle_j = (c*coreset_interleaver_size_R)+r;
       f_bundle_j = ((r*coreset_C)+c+n_shift)%((coreset_nbr_rb*coreset_time_dur)/reg_bundle_size_L);
       if (coreset_interleaved==0) f_bundle_j=bundle_j;
       printf("\n\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_demapping_deinterleaving)-> [r=%d,c=%d] bundle_j(%d) interleaved at f_bundle_j(%d)\n",r,c,bundle_j,f_bundle_j);
     f_reg = (f_bundle_j*reg_bundle_size_L)+(reg%reg_bundle_size_L);
     //index_z   = 9*reg;
     index_z   = 9*(uint16_t)floor(reg/coreset_time_dur) + (9*coreset_nbr_rb)*(reg%coreset_time_dur);
     //index_llr = 9*(((uint16_t)floor(f_reg/reg_bundle_size_L)+(f_reg)%coreset_time_dur))*(coreset_nbr_rb);
     index_llr = 9*((uint16_t)floor(f_reg/coreset_time_dur)+((f_reg%coreset_time_dur)*(coreset_nbr_rb)));
-    for (int i=0; i<9; i++){
-      z[index_z + i] = llr[index_llr + i];
+    for (int i=0; i<9; i++) {
+      z[index_z + i] = llr[index_llr + i];
       printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_demapping_deinterleaving)-> [reg=%d,bundle_j=%d] z[%d]=(%d,%d) <-> \t[f_reg=%d,fbundle_j=%d] llr[%d]=(%d,%d) \n",
-	     reg,bundle_j,(index_z + i),*(int16_t*) &z[index_z + i],*(1 + (int16_t*) &z[index_z + i]),
-	     f_reg,f_bundle_j,(index_llr + i),*(int16_t*) &llr[index_llr + i], *(1 + (int16_t*) &llr[index_llr + i]));
+             reg,bundle_j,(index_z + i),*(int16_t *) &z[index_z + i],*(1 + (int16_t *) &z[index_z + i]),
+             f_reg,f_bundle_j,(index_llr + i),*(int16_t *) &llr[index_llr + i], *(1 + (int16_t *) &llr[index_llr + i]));
     if ((reg%reg_bundle_size_L) == 0) r++;
@@ -158,31 +162,30 @@ void nr_pdcch_demapping_deinterleaving(uint32_t *llr,
 int32_t nr_pdcch_llr(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms, int32_t **rxdataF_comp,
-		     int16_t *pdcch_llr, uint8_t symbol,uint32_t coreset_nbr_rb) {
-  int16_t *rxF = (int16_t*) &rxdataF_comp[0][(symbol * coreset_nbr_rb * 12)];
+                     int16_t *pdcch_llr, uint8_t symbol,uint32_t coreset_nbr_rb) {
+  int16_t *rxF = (int16_t *) &rxdataF_comp[0][(symbol * coreset_nbr_rb * 12)];
   int32_t i;
   int16_t *pdcch_llrp;
   pdcch_llrp = &pdcch_llr[2 * symbol * coreset_nbr_rb * 9];
   if (!pdcch_llrp) {
     printf("pdcch_qpsk_llr: llr is null, symbol %d\n", symbol);
     return (-1);
   printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_llr)-> llr logs: pdcch qpsk llr for symbol %d (pos %d), llr offset %d\n",symbol,(symbol*frame_parms->N_RB_DL*12),pdcch_llrp-pdcch_llr);
   //for (i = 0; i < (frame_parms->N_RB_DL * ((symbol == 0) ? 16 : 24)); i++) {
   for (i = 0; i < (coreset_nbr_rb * ((symbol == 0) ? 18 : 18)); i++) {
     if (*rxF > 31)
       *pdcch_llrp = 31;
     else if (*rxF < -32)
       *pdcch_llrp = -32;
       *pdcch_llrp = (*rxF);
     printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_llr)-> llr logs: rb=%d i=%d *rxF:%d => *pdcch_llrp:%d\n",i/18,i,*rxF,*pdcch_llrp);
@@ -191,7 +194,6 @@ int32_t nr_pdcch_llr(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms, int32_t **rxdataF_comp,
   return (0);
@@ -200,13 +202,10 @@ int32_t nr_pdcch_llr(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms, int32_t **rxdataF_comp,
 int32_t pdcch_llr(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
                   int32_t **rxdataF_comp,
                   char *pdcch_llr,
-                  uint8_t symbol)
-  int16_t *rxF= (int16_t*) &rxdataF_comp[0][(symbol*frame_parms->N_RB_DL*12)];
+                  uint8_t symbol) {
+  int16_t *rxF= (int16_t *) &rxdataF_comp[0][(symbol*frame_parms->N_RB_DL*12)];
   int32_t i;
   char *pdcch_llr8;
   pdcch_llr8 = &pdcch_llr[2*symbol*frame_parms->N_RB_DL*12];
   if (!pdcch_llr8) {
@@ -217,7 +216,6 @@ int32_t pdcch_llr(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
   //    printf("pdcch qpsk llr for symbol %d (pos %d), llr offset %d\n",symbol,(symbol*frame_parms->N_RB_DL*12),pdcch_llr8-pdcch_llr);
   for (i=0; i<(frame_parms->N_RB_DL*((symbol==0) ? 16 : 24)); i++) {
     if (*rxF>31)
     else if (*rxF<-32)
@@ -231,7 +229,6 @@ int32_t pdcch_llr(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
 //__m128i avg128P;
@@ -240,9 +237,7 @@ int32_t pdcch_llr(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
 void pdcch_channel_level(int32_t **dl_ch_estimates_ext,
                          NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
                          int32_t *avg,
-                         uint8_t nb_rb)
+                         uint8_t nb_rb) {
   int16_t rb;
   uint8_t aarx;
 #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
@@ -252,40 +247,38 @@ void pdcch_channel_level(int32_t **dl_ch_estimates_ext,
   int16x8_t *dl_ch128;
   int32x4_t *avg128P;
   for (aarx=0; aarx<frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx; aarx++) {
     //clear average level
 #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
     avg128P = _mm_setzero_si128();
     dl_ch128=(__m128i *)&dl_ch_estimates_ext[aarx][0];
 #elif defined(__arm__)
     for (rb=0; rb<(nb_rb*3)>>2; rb++) {
 #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
       avg128P = _mm_add_epi32(avg128P,_mm_madd_epi16(dl_ch128[0],dl_ch128[0]));
       avg128P = _mm_add_epi32(avg128P,_mm_madd_epi16(dl_ch128[1],dl_ch128[1]));
       avg128P = _mm_add_epi32(avg128P,_mm_madd_epi16(dl_ch128[2],dl_ch128[2]));
 #elif defined(__arm__)
       //      for (int i=0;i<24;i+=2) printf("pdcch channel re %d (%d,%d)\n",(rb*12)+(i>>1),((int16_t*)dl_ch128)[i],((int16_t*)dl_ch128)[i+1]);
-	if (rb==0) {
-	print_shorts("dl_ch128",&dl_ch128[0]);
-	print_shorts("dl_ch128",&dl_ch128[1]);
-	print_shorts("dl_ch128",&dl_ch128[2]);
-	}
+      if (rb==0) {
+      print_shorts("dl_ch128",&dl_ch128[0]);
+      print_shorts("dl_ch128",&dl_ch128[1]);
+      print_shorts("dl_ch128",&dl_ch128[2]);
+      }
-    DevAssert( nb_rb );
-    avg[aarx] = (((int32_t*)&avg128P)[0] +
-		 ((int32_t*)&avg128P)[1] +
-		 ((int32_t*)&avg128P)[2] +
-		 ((int32_t*)&avg128P)[3])/(nb_rb*9);
+    DevAssert( nb_rb );
+    avg[aarx] = (((int32_t *)&avg128P)[0] +
+                 ((int32_t *)&avg128P)[1] +
+                 ((int32_t *)&avg128P)[2] +
+                 ((int32_t *)&avg128P)[3])/(nb_rb*9);
     //            printf("Channel level : %d\n",avg[(aatx<<1)+aarx]);
@@ -293,11 +286,10 @@ void pdcch_channel_level(int32_t **dl_ch_estimates_ext,
 #if defined(__x86_64) || defined(__i386__)
-__m128i mmtmpPD0,mmtmpPD1,mmtmpPD2,mmtmpPD3;
+  __m128i mmtmpPD0,mmtmpPD1,mmtmpPD2,mmtmpPD3;
 #elif defined(__arm__)
@@ -317,7 +309,6 @@ void nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single(int32_t **rxdataF,
                                  uint64_t coreset_freq_dom,
                                  uint32_t coreset_nbr_rb,
                                  uint32_t n_BWP_start) {
    * This function is demapping DM-RS PDCCH RE
    * Implementing 38.211 Section Mapping to physical resources
@@ -335,7 +326,6 @@ void nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single(int32_t **rxdataF,
 #define NBR_RE_PER_RB_WITH_DMRS           12
   // after removing the 3 DMRS RE, the RB contains 9 RE with PDCCH
 #define NBR_RE_PER_RB_WITHOUT_DMRS         9
   uint16_t c_rb, nb_rb = 0;
   // this variable will be incremented by 1 each time a bit set to '0' is found in coreset_freq_dom bitmap
   uint16_t offset_discontiguous=0;
@@ -344,21 +334,18 @@ void nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single(int32_t **rxdataF,
   int32_t *dl_ch0, *dl_ch0_ext, *rxF, *rxF_ext;
   int nushiftmod3 = frame_parms->nushift % 3;
   uint8_t symbol_mod;
   symbol_mod = (symbol >= (7 - frame_parms->Ncp)) ? symbol - (7 - frame_parms->Ncp) : symbol;
   c_rb = n_BWP_start; // c_rb is the common resource block: RB within the BWP
   LOG_I(PHY, "extract_rbs_single: symbol_mod %d\n",symbol_mod);
   for (aarx = 0; aarx < frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx; aarx++) {
-    if (high_speed_flag == 1){
+    if (high_speed_flag == 1) {
       dl_ch0 = &dl_ch_estimates[aarx][(symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size))];
       printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> dl_ch0 = &dl_ch_estimates[aarx = (%d)][ (symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size (%d))) = (%d)]\n",
-	     aarx,frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size,(symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)));
+             aarx,frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size,(symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)));
     } else {
       dl_ch0 = &dl_ch_estimates[aarx][0];
@@ -370,15 +357,14 @@ void nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single(int32_t **rxdataF,
     dl_ch0_ext = &dl_ch_estimates_ext[aarx][symbol * (coreset_nbr_rb * NBR_RE_PER_RB_WITH_DMRS)];
     printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> dl_ch0_ext = &dl_ch_estimates_ext[aarx = (%d)][symbol * (frame_parms->N_RB_DL * 9) = (%d)]\n",
-	   aarx,symbol * (coreset_nbr_rb * NBR_RE_PER_RB_WITH_DMRS));
+           aarx,symbol * (coreset_nbr_rb * NBR_RE_PER_RB_WITH_DMRS));
     rxF_ext = &rxdataF_ext[aarx][symbol * (coreset_nbr_rb * NBR_RE_PER_RB_WITH_DMRS)];
     printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> rxF_ext = &rxdataF_ext[aarx = (%d)][symbol * (frame_parms->N_RB_DL * 9) = (%d)]\n",
-	   aarx,symbol * (coreset_nbr_rb * NBR_RE_PER_RB_WITH_DMRS));
+           aarx,symbol * (coreset_nbr_rb * NBR_RE_PER_RB_WITH_DMRS));
     printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> (for symbol=%d, aarx=%d), symbol_mod=%d, nushiftmod3=%d \n",symbol,aarx,symbol_mod,nushiftmod3);
      * The following for loop handles treatment of PDCCH contained in table rxdataF (in frequency domain)
      * In NR the PDCCH IQ symbols are contained within RBs in the CORESET defined by higher layers which is located within the BWP
@@ -396,7 +382,6 @@ void nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single(int32_t **rxdataF,
      * then the IQ symbol is going to be found at the position 0+c_rb-N_RB_DL/2 in rxdataF and
      * we have to point the pointer at (1+c_rb-N_RB_DL/2) in rxdataF
     printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> n_BWP_start=%d, coreset_nbr_rb=%d\n",n_BWP_start,coreset_nbr_rb);
@@ -405,39 +390,42 @@ void nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single(int32_t **rxdataF,
       //c_rb_tmp = 0;
       if (((c_rb - n_BWP_start) % BIT_TO_NBR_RB_CORESET_FREQ_DOMAIN)==0) {
         bitcnt_coreset_freq_dom ++;
-        while ((((coreset_freq_dom & 0x1FFFFFFFFFFF) >> (CORESET_FREQ_DOMAIN_BITMAP_SIZE - bitcnt_coreset_freq_dom)) & 0x1)== 0){ // 46 -> 45 is number of bits in coreset_freq_dom
+        while ((((coreset_freq_dom & 0x1FFFFFFFFFFF) >> (CORESET_FREQ_DOMAIN_BITMAP_SIZE - bitcnt_coreset_freq_dom)) & 0x1)== 0) { // 46 -> 45 is number of bits in coreset_freq_dom
           // next 6 RB are not part of the CORESET within the BWP as bit in coreset_freq_dom is set to 0
           bitcnt_coreset_freq_dom ++;
           //c_rb_tmp = c_rb_tmp + 6;
           c_rb = c_rb + BIT_TO_NBR_RB_CORESET_FREQ_DOMAIN;
           offset_discontiguous ++;
-	  printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> we entered here as coreset_freq_dom=%lx (bit %d) is 0, coreset_freq_domain is discontiguous\n",coreset_freq_dom,(46 - bitcnt_coreset_freq_dom));
+          printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> we entered here as coreset_freq_dom=%lx (bit %d) is 0, coreset_freq_domain is discontiguous\n",coreset_freq_dom,
+                 (46 - bitcnt_coreset_freq_dom));
-      //c_rb = c_rb + c_rb_tmp;
+      //c_rb = c_rb + c_rb_tmp;
       printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> c_rb=%d\n",c_rb);
       // first we set initial conditions for pointer to rxdataF depending on the situation of the first RB within the CORESET (c_rb = n_BWP_start)
       if ((c_rb < (frame_parms->N_RB_DL >> 1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 0)) {
         //if RB to be treated is lower than middle system bandwidth then rxdataF pointed at (offset + c_br + symbol * ofdm_symbol_size): even case
         rxF = &rxdataF[aarx][(frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + 12 * c_rb + (symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)))];
-	printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> in even case c_rb (%d) is lower than half N_RB_DL -> rxF = &rxdataF[aarx = (%d)][(frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + 12 * c_rb + (symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size))) = (%d)]\n",
-	       c_rb,aarx,(frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + 12 * c_rb + (symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size))));
+        printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> in even case c_rb (%d) is lower than half N_RB_DL -> rxF = &rxdataF[aarx = (%d)][(frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + 12 * c_rb + (symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size))) = (%d)]\n",
+               c_rb,aarx,(frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + 12 * c_rb + (symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size))));
       if ((c_rb >= (frame_parms->N_RB_DL >> 1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) == 0)) {
         // number of RBs is even  and c_rb is higher than half system bandwidth (we don't skip DC)
         // if these conditions are true the pointer has to be situated at the 1st part of the rxdataF
         rxF = &rxdataF[aarx][(12*(c_rb - (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) + (symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)))]; // we point at the 1st part of the rxdataF in symbol
-	printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> in even case c_rb (%d) is higher than half N_RB_DL (not DC) -> rxF = &rxdataF[aarx = (%d)][(12*(c_rb - (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) + (symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size))) = (%d)]\n",
+        printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> in even case c_rb (%d) is higher than half N_RB_DL (not DC) -> rxF = &rxdataF[aarx = (%d)][(12*(c_rb - (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) + (symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size))) = (%d)]\n",
                c_rb,aarx,(12*(c_rb - (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) + (symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size))));
         //rxF = &rxdataF[aarx][(1 + 12*(c_rb - (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) + (symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)))]; // we point at the 1st part of the rxdataF in symbol
@@ -446,46 +434,47 @@ void nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single(int32_t **rxdataF,
         //         c_rb,aarx,(1 + 12*(c_rb - (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) + (symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size))));
-      if ((c_rb < (frame_parms->N_RB_DL >> 1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) != 0)){
+      if ((c_rb < (frame_parms->N_RB_DL >> 1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) != 0)) {
         //if RB to be treated is lower than middle system bandwidth then rxdataF pointed at (offset + c_br + symbol * ofdm_symbol_size): odd case
         rxF = &rxdataF[aarx][(frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + 12 * c_rb + (symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)))];
-	printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> in odd case c_rb (%d) is lower or equal than half N_RB_DL -> rxF = &rxdataF[aarx = (%d)][(frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + 12 * c_rb + (symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size))) = (%d)]\n",
-	       c_rb,aarx,(frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + 12 * c_rb + (symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size))));
+        printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> in odd case c_rb (%d) is lower or equal than half N_RB_DL -> rxF = &rxdataF[aarx = (%d)][(frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + 12 * c_rb + (symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size))) = (%d)]\n",
+               c_rb,aarx,(frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + 12 * c_rb + (symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size))));
-      if ((c_rb > (frame_parms->N_RB_DL >> 1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) != 0)){
+      if ((c_rb > (frame_parms->N_RB_DL >> 1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) != 0)) {
         // number of RBs is odd  and   c_rb is higher than half system bandwidth + 1
         // if these conditions are true the pointer has to be situated at the 1st part of the rxdataF just after the first IQ symbols of the RB containing DC
         rxF = &rxdataF[aarx][(12*(c_rb - (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) - 6 + (symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)))]; // we point at the 1st part of the rxdataF in symbol
-	printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> in odd case c_rb (%d) is higher than half N_RB_DL (not DC) -> rxF = &rxdataF[aarx = (%d)][(12*(c_rb - frame_parms->N_RB_DL) - 5 + (symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size))) = (%d)]\n",
-	       c_rb,aarx,(12*(c_rb - (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) - 6 + (symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size))));
+        printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> in odd case c_rb (%d) is higher than half N_RB_DL (not DC) -> rxF = &rxdataF[aarx = (%d)][(12*(c_rb - frame_parms->N_RB_DL) - 5 + (symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size))) = (%d)]\n",
+               c_rb,aarx,(12*(c_rb - (frame_parms->N_RB_DL>>1)) - 6 + (symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size))));
-      if ((c_rb == (frame_parms->N_RB_DL >> 1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) != 0)){ // treatment of RB containing the DC
+      if ((c_rb == (frame_parms->N_RB_DL >> 1)) && ((frame_parms->N_RB_DL & 1) != 0)) { // treatment of RB containing the DC
         // if odd number RBs in system bandwidth and first RB to be treated is higher than middle system bandwidth (around DC)
         // we have to treat the RB in two parts: first part from i=0 to 5, the data is at the end of rxdataF (pointing at the end of the table)
         rxF = &rxdataF[aarx][(frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + 12 * c_rb + (symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)))];
-	printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> in odd case c_rb (%d) is half N_RB_DL + 1 we treat DC case -> rxF = &rxdataF[aarx = (%d)][(frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + 12 * c_rb + (symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size))) = (%d)]\n",
-	       c_rb,aarx,(frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + 12 * c_rb + (symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size))));
+        printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> in odd case c_rb (%d) is half N_RB_DL + 1 we treat DC case -> rxF = &rxdataF[aarx = (%d)][(frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + 12 * c_rb + (symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size))) = (%d)]\n",
+               c_rb,aarx,(frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + 12 * c_rb + (symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size))));
         /*if (symbol_mod > 300) { // this if is going to be removed as DM-RS signals are present in all symbols of PDCCH
           for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
-	  dl_ch0_ext[i] = dl_ch0[i];
-	  rxF_ext[i] = rxF[i];
+        dl_ch0_ext[i] = dl_ch0[i];
+        rxF_ext[i] = rxF[i];
           rxF = &rxdataF[aarx][(symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size))]; // we point at the 1st part of the rxdataF in symbol
           #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
-	  printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> in odd case c_rb (%d) is half N_RB_DL +1 we treat DC case -> rxF = &rxdataF[aarx = (%d)][(symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)) = (%d)]\n",
-	  c_rb,aarx,(symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)));
+        printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> in odd case c_rb (%d) is half N_RB_DL +1 we treat DC case -> rxF = &rxdataF[aarx = (%d)][(symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)) = (%d)]\n",
+        c_rb,aarx,(symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)));
           for (; i < 12; i++) {
-	  dl_ch0_ext[i] = dl_ch0[i];
-	  rxF_ext[i] = rxF[(1 + i - 6)];
+        dl_ch0_ext[i] = dl_ch0[i];
+        rxF_ext[i] = rxF[(1 + i - 6)];
           dl_ch0_ext += 12;
@@ -495,6 +484,7 @@ void nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single(int32_t **rxdataF,
           } else {*/
         j = 0;
         for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { //treating first part of the RB note that i=5 would correspond to DC. We treat it in NR
           if ((i != 1) && (i != 5)) {
             dl_ch0_ext[j] = dl_ch0[i];
@@ -502,12 +492,14 @@ void nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single(int32_t **rxdataF,
             //              printf("**extract rb %d, re %d => (%d,%d)\n",rb,i,*(short *)&rxF_ext[j-1],*(1+(short*)&rxF_ext[j-1]));
         // then we point at the begining of the symbol part of rxdataF do process second part of RB
         rxF = &rxdataF[aarx][((symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)))]; // we point at the 1st part of the rxdataF in symbol
-	printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> in odd case c_rb (%d) is half N_RB_DL +1 we treat DC case -> rxF = &rxdataF[aarx = (%d)][(symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)) = (%d)]\n",
-	       c_rb,aarx,(symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)));
+        printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> in odd case c_rb (%d) is half N_RB_DL +1 we treat DC case -> rxF = &rxdataF[aarx = (%d)][(symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)) = (%d)]\n",
+               c_rb,aarx,(symbol * (frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size)));
         for (; i < 12; i++) {
           if ((i != 9)) {
             dl_ch0_ext[j] = dl_ch0[i];
@@ -515,35 +507,36 @@ void nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single(int32_t **rxdataF,
             //              printf("**extract rb %d, re %d => (%d,%d)\n",rb,i,*(short *)&rxF_ext[j-1],*(1+(short*)&rxF_ext[j-1]));
         dl_ch0_ext += NBR_RE_PER_RB_WITHOUT_DMRS;
         rxF_ext += NBR_RE_PER_RB_WITHOUT_DMRS;
         dl_ch0 += 12;
-	//rxF += 7;
-	//c_rb++;
-	//n_BWP_start++; // We have to increment this variable here to be consequent in the for loop afterwards
+        //rxF += 7;
+        //c_rb++;
+        //n_BWP_start++; // We have to increment this variable here to be consequent in the for loop afterwards
       } else { // treatment of any RB that does not contain the DC
         /*if (symbol_mod > 300) {
           memcpy(dl_ch0_ext, dl_ch0, 12 * sizeof(int32_t));
           for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
-	  rxF_ext[i] = rxF[i];
+        rxF_ext[i] = rxF[i];
           dl_ch0_ext += 12;
           rxF_ext += 12;
           dl_ch0 += 12;
           //rxF += 12;
-	  } else {*/
+        } else {*/
         j = 0;
         for (i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
           if ((i != 1) && (i != 5) && (i != 9)) {
             rxF_ext[j] = rxF[i];
-	    printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> RB[c_rb %d] \t RE[re %d] => rxF_ext[%d]=(%d,%d)\t rxF[%d]=(%d,%d)\n",
-		   c_rb, i, j, *(short *) &rxF_ext[j],*(1 + (short*) &rxF_ext[j]), i,
-		   *(short *) &rxF[i], *(1 + (short*) &rxF[i]));
+            printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> RB[c_rb %d] \t RE[re %d] => rxF_ext[%d]=(%d,%d)\t rxF[%d]=(%d,%d)\n",
+                   c_rb, i, j, *(short *) &rxF_ext[j],*(1 + (short *) &rxF_ext[j]), i,
+                   *(short *) &rxF[i], *(1 + (short *) &rxF[i]));
             dl_ch0_ext[j] = dl_ch0[i];
             //printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> ch %d => dl_ch0(%d,%d)\n", i, *(short *) &dl_ch0[i], *(1 + (short*) &dl_ch0[i]));
@@ -551,17 +544,18 @@ void nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single(int32_t **rxdataF,
           } else {
-	    printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> RB[c_rb %d] \t RE[re %d] => rxF_ext[%d]=(%d,%d)\t rxF[%d]=(%d,%d) \t\t <==> DM-RS PDCCH, this is a pilot symbol\n",
-		   c_rb, i, j, *(short *) &rxF_ext[j], *(1 + (short*) &rxF_ext[j]), i,
-		   *(short *) &rxF[i], *(1 + (short*) &rxF[i]));
+            printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single)-> RB[c_rb %d] \t RE[re %d] => rxF_ext[%d]=(%d,%d)\t rxF[%d]=(%d,%d) \t\t <==> DM-RS PDCCH, this is a pilot symbol\n",
+                   c_rb, i, j, *(short *) &rxF_ext[j], *(1 + (short *) &rxF_ext[j]), i,
+                   *(short *) &rxF[i], *(1 + (short *) &rxF[i]));
         dl_ch0_ext += NBR_RE_PER_RB_WITHOUT_DMRS;
         rxF_ext += NBR_RE_PER_RB_WITHOUT_DMRS;
         dl_ch0 += 12;
-	//rxF += 12;
+        //rxF += 12;
@@ -579,38 +573,31 @@ void nr_pdcch_channel_compensation(int32_t **rxdataF_ext,
                                    NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
                                    uint8_t symbol,
                                    uint8_t output_shift,
-                                   uint32_t coreset_nbr_rb)
+                                   uint32_t coreset_nbr_rb) {
   uint16_t rb; //,nb_rb=20;
   uint8_t aarx;
 #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
   __m128i mmtmpP0,mmtmpP1,mmtmpP2,mmtmpP3;
 #elif defined(__arm__)
   int16x8_t mmtmpP0,mmtmpP1,mmtmpP2,mmtmpP3;
 #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
   __m128i *dl_ch128,*rxdataF128,*rxdataF_comp128;
 #elif defined(__arm__)
   for (aarx=0; aarx<frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx; aarx++) {
 #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
     dl_ch128          = (__m128i *)&dl_ch_estimates_ext[aarx][symbol*coreset_nbr_rb*12];
     rxdataF128        = (__m128i *)&rxdataF_ext[aarx][symbol*coreset_nbr_rb*12];
     rxdataF_comp128   = (__m128i *)&rxdataF_comp[aarx][symbol*coreset_nbr_rb*12];
     //printf("ch compensation dl_ch ext addr %p \n", &dl_ch_estimates_ext[(aatx<<1)+aarx][symbol*20*12]);
     //printf("rxdataf ext addr %p symbol %d\n", &rxdataF_ext[aarx][symbol*20*12], symbol);
-    //printf("rxdataf_comp addr %p\n",&rxdataF_comp[(aatx<<1)+aarx][symbol*20*12]); 
+    //printf("rxdataf_comp addr %p\n",&rxdataF_comp[(aatx<<1)+aarx][symbol*20*12]);
 #elif defined(__arm__)
     // to be filled in
     for (rb=0; rb<(coreset_nbr_rb*3)>>2; rb++) {
       //printf("rb %d\n",rb);
 #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
@@ -620,7 +607,7 @@ void nr_pdcch_channel_compensation(int32_t **rxdataF_ext,
       // mmtmpP0 contains real part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
       mmtmpP1 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(dl_ch128[0],_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
       mmtmpP1 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(mmtmpP1,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
-      mmtmpP1 = _mm_sign_epi16(mmtmpP1,*(__m128i*)&conjugate[0]);
+      mmtmpP1 = _mm_sign_epi16(mmtmpP1,*(__m128i *)&conjugate[0]);
       //  print_ints("im",&mmtmpP1);
       mmtmpP1 = _mm_madd_epi16(mmtmpP1,rxdataF128[0]);
       // mmtmpP1 contains imag part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
@@ -636,13 +623,12 @@ void nr_pdcch_channel_compensation(int32_t **rxdataF_ext,
       // multiply by conjugated channel
       mmtmpP0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dl_ch128[1],rxdataF128[1]);
       // mmtmpP0 contains real part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
       mmtmpP1 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(dl_ch128[1],_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
       mmtmpP1 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(mmtmpP1,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
-      mmtmpP1 = _mm_sign_epi16(mmtmpP1,*(__m128i*)&conjugate[0]);
+      mmtmpP1 = _mm_sign_epi16(mmtmpP1,*(__m128i *)&conjugate[0]);
       mmtmpP1 = _mm_madd_epi16(mmtmpP1,rxdataF128[1]);
       // mmtmpP1 contains imag part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
       mmtmpP0 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpP0,output_shift);
@@ -653,13 +639,12 @@ void nr_pdcch_channel_compensation(int32_t **rxdataF_ext,
       // multiply by conjugated channel
       mmtmpP0 = _mm_madd_epi16(dl_ch128[2],rxdataF128[2]);
       // mmtmpP0 contains real part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
       mmtmpP1 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(dl_ch128[2],_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
       mmtmpP1 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(mmtmpP1,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
-      mmtmpP1 = _mm_sign_epi16(mmtmpP1,*(__m128i*)&conjugate[0]);
+      mmtmpP1 = _mm_sign_epi16(mmtmpP1,*(__m128i *)&conjugate[0]);
       mmtmpP1 = _mm_madd_epi16(mmtmpP1,rxdataF128[2]);
       // mmtmpP1 contains imag part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
       mmtmpP0 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpP0,output_shift);
@@ -671,26 +656,24 @@ void nr_pdcch_channel_compensation(int32_t **rxdataF_ext,
       for (int i=0; i<12 ; i++)
-	printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_channel_compensation)-> rxdataF128[%d]=(%d,%d) X dlch[%d]=(%d,%d) rxdataF_comp128[%d]=(%d,%d)\n",
-	       (rb*12)+i, ((short *)rxdataF128)[i<<1],((short*)rxdataF128)[1+(i<<1)],
-	       (rb*12)+i, ((short *)dl_ch128)[i<<1],((short*)dl_ch128)[1+(i<<1)],
-	       (rb*12)+i, ((short *)rxdataF_comp128)[i<<1],((short*)rxdataF_comp128)[1+(i<<1)]);
+        printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_channel_compensation)-> rxdataF128[%d]=(%d,%d) X dlch[%d]=(%d,%d) rxdataF_comp128[%d]=(%d,%d)\n",
+               (rb*12)+i, ((short *)rxdataF128)[i<<1],((short *)rxdataF128)[1+(i<<1)],
+               (rb*12)+i, ((short *)dl_ch128)[i<<1],((short *)dl_ch128)[1+(i<<1)],
+               (rb*12)+i, ((short *)rxdataF_comp128)[i<<1],((short *)rxdataF_comp128)[1+(i<<1)]);
 #elif defined(__arm__)
       // to be filled in
 #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
@@ -700,10 +683,7 @@ void nr_pdcch_channel_compensation(int32_t **rxdataF_ext,
 void pdcch_detection_mrc(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
                          int32_t **rxdataF_comp,
-                         uint8_t symbol)
+                         uint8_t symbol) {
 #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
   __m128i *rxdataF_comp128_0,*rxdataF_comp128_1;
 #elif defined(__arm__)
@@ -719,6 +699,7 @@ void pdcch_detection_mrc(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
     rxdataF_comp128_0   = (int16x8_t *)&rxdataF_comp[0][symbol*frame_parms->N_RB_DL*12];
     rxdataF_comp128_1   = (int16x8_t *)&rxdataF_comp[1][symbol*frame_parms->N_RB_DL*12];
     // MRC on each re of rb
     for (i=0; i<frame_parms->N_RB_DL*3; i++) {
 #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
@@ -733,24 +714,17 @@ void pdcch_detection_mrc(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
 void pdcch_siso(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
                 int32_t **rxdataF_comp,
-                uint8_t l)
+                uint8_t l) {
   uint8_t rb,re,jj,ii;
   for (rb=0; rb<frame_parms->N_RB_DL; rb++) {
     for (re=0; re<12; re++) {
       rxdataF_comp[0][jj++] = rxdataF_comp[0][ii];
@@ -773,19 +747,19 @@ int32_t nr_rx_pdcch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
                     int nb_coreset_active,
                     uint16_t symbol_mon,
                     NR_SEARCHSPACE_TYPE_t searchSpaceType) {
   NR_UE_COMMON *common_vars      = &ue->common_vars;
   NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms = &ue->frame_parms;
   NR_UE_PDCCH **pdcch_vars       = ue->pdcch_vars[ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx]];
   NR_UE_PDCCH *pdcch_vars2       = ue->pdcch_vars[ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx]][eNB_id];
   int do_common;
   if (searchSpaceType == common) do_common=1;
   if (searchSpaceType == ue_specific) do_common=0;
   uint8_t log2_maxh, aarx;
   int32_t avgs;
   int32_t avgP[4];
   // number of RB (1 symbol) or REG (12 RE) in one CORESET: higher-layer parameter CORESET-freq-dom
   // (bit map 45 bits: each bit indicates 6 RB in CORESET -> 1 bit MSB indicates PRB 0..6 are part of CORESET)
   uint64_t coreset_freq_dom                                 = pdcch_vars2->coreset[nb_coreset_active].frequencyDomainResources;
@@ -801,7 +775,6 @@ int32_t nr_rx_pdcch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
   //int tci_statesPDCCH                                       = pdcch_vars2->coreset[nb_coreset_active].tciStatesPDCCH;
   //int tci_present                                           = pdcch_vars2->coreset[nb_coreset_active].tciPresentInDCI;
   uint16_t pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id                         = pdcch_vars2->coreset[nb_coreset_active].pdcchDMRSScramblingID;
   // The UE can be assigned 4 different BWP but only one active at a time.
   // For each BWP the number of CORESETs is limited to 3 (including initial CORESET Id=0 -> ControlResourceSetId (0..maxNrofControlReourceSets-1) (0..12-1)
   //uint32_t n_BWP_start = 0;
@@ -819,13 +792,12 @@ int32_t nr_rx_pdcch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
   printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_rx_pdcch)-> symbol_mon=(%d) and start_symbol=(%d)\n",symbol_mon,start_symbol);
   printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_rx_pdcch)-> coreset_freq_dom=(%ld) n_rb_offset=(%d) coreset_time_dur=(%d) n_shift=(%d) reg_bundle_size_L=(%d) coreset_interleaver_size_R=(%d) scrambling_ID=(%d) \n",
-	 coreset_freq_dom,n_rb_offset,coreset_time_dur,n_shift,reg_bundle_size_L,coreset_interleaver_size_R,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id);
+         coreset_freq_dom,n_rb_offset,coreset_time_dur,n_shift,reg_bundle_size_L,coreset_interleaver_size_R,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id);
   // according to 38.213 v15.1.0: a PDCCH monitoring pattern within a slot,
   // indicating first symbol(s) of the control resource set within a slot
@@ -834,14 +806,12 @@ int32_t nr_rx_pdcch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
   // at the moment we do not implement this and start_symbol is always 0
   // note that the bitmap symbol_mon may indicate several monitoring times within a same slot (symbols 0..13)
   // this may lead to a modification in ue scheduler
   // indicates the number of active CORESETs for the current BWP to decode PDCCH: max is 3 (this variable is not useful here, to be removed)
   //uint8_t  coreset_nbr_act;
   // indicates the number of REG contained in the PDCCH (number of RBs * number of symbols, in CORESET)
   uint8_t  coreset_nbr_reg;
   uint32_t coreset_C;
   uint32_t coreset_nbr_rb = 0;
   // for (int j=0; j < coreset_nbr_act; j++) {
   // for each active CORESET (max number of active CORESETs in a BWP is 3),
   // we calculate the number of RB for each CORESET bitmap
@@ -849,10 +819,12 @@ int32_t nr_rx_pdcch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
   printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_rx_pdcch)-> coreset_freq_dom=(%ld)\n",coreset_freq_dom);
   int i; //for each bit in the coreset_freq_dom bitmap
   for (i = 0; i < 45; i++) {
     // this loop counts each bit of the bit map coreset_freq_dom, and increments nbr_RB_coreset for each bit set to '1'
     if (((coreset_freq_dom & 0x1FFFFFFFFFFF) >> i) & 0x1) coreset_nbr_rb++;
   coreset_nbr_rb = 6 * coreset_nbr_rb; // coreset_nbr_rb has to be multiplied by 6 to indicate the number of PRB or REG(=12 RE) within the CORESET
   printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_rx_pdcch)-> coreset_freq_dom=(%ld,%lx), coreset_nbr_rb=%d\n", coreset_freq_dom,coreset_freq_dom,coreset_nbr_rb);
@@ -861,16 +833,13 @@ int32_t nr_rx_pdcch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
   coreset_C = (uint32_t)(coreset_nbr_reg / (reg_bundle_size_L * coreset_interleaver_size_R));
   printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_rx_pdcch)-> coreset_nbr_rb=%d, coreset_nbr_reg=%d, coreset_C=(%d/(%d*%d))=%d\n",
-	 coreset_nbr_rb, coreset_nbr_reg, coreset_nbr_reg, reg_bundle_size_L,coreset_interleaver_size_R, coreset_C);
+         coreset_nbr_rb, coreset_nbr_reg, coreset_nbr_reg, reg_bundle_size_L,coreset_interleaver_size_R, coreset_C);
   for (int s = start_symbol; s < (start_symbol + coreset_time_dur); s++) {
     printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_rx_pdcch)-> we enter nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single(is_secondary_ue=%d) to remove DM-RS PDCCH\n",
-	   is_secondary_ue);
+           is_secondary_ue);
     printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_rx_pdcch)-> in nr_pdcch_extract_rbs_single(rxdataF -> rxdataF_ext || dl_ch_estimates -> dl_ch_estimates_ext)\n");
@@ -883,7 +852,6 @@ int32_t nr_rx_pdcch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
     printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_rx_pdcch)-> we enter pdcch_channel_level(avgP=%d) => compute channel level based on ofdm symbol 0, pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->dl_ch_estimates_ext\n",avgP);
     printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_rx_pdcch)-> in pdcch_channel_level(dl_ch_estimates_ext -> dl_ch_estimates_ext)\n");
@@ -894,13 +862,14 @@ int32_t nr_rx_pdcch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
     avgs = 0;
     for (aarx = 0; aarx < frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx; aarx++)
       avgs = cmax(avgs, avgP[aarx]);
     log2_maxh = (log2_approx(avgs) / 2) + 5;  //+frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx;
     LOG_D(PHY,"nr_tti_rx %d: pdcch log2_maxh = %d (%d,%d)\n",nr_tti_rx,log2_maxh,avgP[0],avgs);
     T(T_UE_PHY_PDCCH_ENERGY, T_INT(eNB_id), T_INT(0), T_INT(frame%1024), T_INT(nr_tti_rx),
       T_INT(avgP[0]), T_INT(avgP[1]), T_INT(avgP[2]), T_INT(avgP[3]));
@@ -918,8 +887,6 @@ int32_t nr_rx_pdcch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
                                   coreset_nbr_rb); // log2_maxh+I0_shift
 #ifdef DEBUG_PHY
     if (nr_tti_rx==5)
@@ -930,7 +897,7 @@ int32_t nr_rx_pdcch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
     if (frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx > 1) {
       printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_rx_pdcch)-> we enter pdcch_detection_mrc(frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx=%d)\n",
-	     frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx);
+             frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx);
       pdcch_detection_mrc(frame_parms, pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->rxdataF_comp,s);
@@ -940,11 +907,10 @@ int32_t nr_rx_pdcch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
     printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_rx_pdcch)-> in nr_pdcch_llr(rxdataF_comp -> llr)\n");
-		 pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->rxdataF_comp,
-		 pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->llr,
-		 s,
-		 coreset_nbr_rb);
+                 pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->rxdataF_comp,
+                 pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->llr,
+                 s,
+                 coreset_nbr_rb);
       T(T_UE_PHY_PDCCH_IQ, T_INT(frame_parms->N_RB_DL), T_INT(frame_parms->N_RB_DL),
@@ -955,36 +921,30 @@ int32_t nr_rx_pdcch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
     printf("demapping: nr_tti_rx %d, mi %d, tdd_config %d\n",nr_tti_rx,get_mi(frame_parms,nr_tti_rx),frame_parms->tdd_config);
   printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_rx_pdcch)-> we enter nr_pdcch_demapping_deinterleaving()\n");
-  nr_pdcch_demapping_deinterleaving((uint32_t*) pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->llr,
-				    (uint32_t*) pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->e_rx,
-				    frame_parms,
-				    coreset_time_dur,
-				    coreset_nbr_rb,
-				    reg_bundle_size_L,
-				    coreset_interleaver_size_R,
-				    n_shift);
+  nr_pdcch_demapping_deinterleaving((uint32_t *) pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->llr,
+                                    (uint32_t *) pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->e_rx,
+                                    frame_parms,
+                                    coreset_time_dur,
+                                    coreset_nbr_rb,
+                                    reg_bundle_size_L,
+                                    coreset_interleaver_size_R,
+                                    n_shift);
-			frame_parms,
-			nr_tti_rx,
-			pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->e_rx,
-			coreset_time_dur*coreset_nbr_rb*9*2,
-			// get_nCCE(n_pdcch_symbols, frame_parms, mi) * 72,
-			pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id,
-			do_common);
+                        frame_parms,
+                        nr_tti_rx,
+                        pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->e_rx,
+                        coreset_time_dur*coreset_nbr_rb*9*2,
+                        // get_nCCE(n_pdcch_symbols, frame_parms, mi) * 72,
+                        pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id,
+                        do_common);
   printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_rx_pdcch)-> we end nr_pdcch_unscrambling()\n");
   printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_rx_pdcch)-> Ending nr_rx_pdcch() function\n");
@@ -995,25 +955,23 @@ int32_t nr_rx_pdcch(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
 void pdcch_scrambling(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
-		      uint8_t nr_tti_rx,
-		      uint8_t *e,
-		      uint32_t length) {
+                      uint8_t nr_tti_rx,
+                      uint8_t *e,
+                      uint32_t length) {
   int i;
   uint8_t reset;
   uint32_t x1, x2, s=0;
   reset = 1;
   // x1 is set in lte_gold_generic
   x2 = (nr_tti_rx<<9) + frame_parms->Nid_cell; //this is c_init in 36.211 Sec 6.8.2
   for (i=0; i<length; i++) {
     if ((i&0x1f)==0) {
       s = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &x2, reset);
       reset = 0;
     //    printf("scrambling %d : e %d, c %d\n",i,e[i],((s>>(i&0x1f))&1));
     if (e[i] != 2) // <NIL> element is 2
       e[i] = (e[i]&1) ^ ((s>>(i&0x1f))&1);
@@ -1024,33 +982,34 @@ void pdcch_scrambling(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
 void nr_pdcch_unscrambling(uint16_t crnti, NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms, uint8_t nr_tti_rx,
-			   int16_t *z, uint32_t length, uint16_t pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, int do_common) {
+                           int16_t *z, uint32_t length, uint16_t pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, int do_common) {
   int i;
   uint8_t reset;
   uint32_t x1, x2, s = 0;
   uint16_t n_id; //{0,1,...,65535}
   uint32_t n_rnti;
   reset = 1;
   // x1 is set in first call to lte_gold_generic
-  if (do_common){
+  if (do_common) {
     n_id = frame_parms->Nid_cell;
     n_rnti = 0;
   } else {
     n_id = pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id;
     n_rnti = (uint32_t)crnti;
   //x2 = ((n_rnti * (1 << 16)) + n_id)%(1 << 31);
   //uint32_t puissance_2_16 = ((1<<16)*n_rnti)+n_id;
   //uint32_t puissance_2_31= (1<<30)*2;
   //uint32_t calc_x2=puissance_2_16%puissance_2_31;
   x2 = (((1<<16)*n_rnti)+n_id); //mod 2^31 is implicit //this is c_init in 38.211 v15.1.0 Section
-  //	x2 = (nr_tti_rx << 9) + frame_parms->Nid_cell; //this is c_init in 36.211 Sec 6.8.2
+  //  x2 = (nr_tti_rx << 9) + frame_parms->Nid_cell; //this is c_init in 36.211 Sec 6.8.2
   //printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_unscrambling)->  (c_init=%d, n_id=%d, n_rnti=%d, length=%d)\n",x2,n_id,n_rnti,length);
   for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
     if ((i & 0x1f) == 0) {
       s = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &x2, reset);
@@ -1058,106 +1017,99 @@ void nr_pdcch_unscrambling(uint16_t crnti, NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms, uint8
       reset = 0;
-    /*    
+    /*
+    #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
     if (i%2 == 0) printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_unscrambling)->  unscrambling %d : scrambled_z=%d, => ",
-			 i,*(char*) &z[(int)floor(i/2)]);
+       i,*(char*) &z[(int)floor(i/2)]);
     if (i%2 == 1) printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_unscrambling)->  unscrambling %d : scrambled_z=%d, => ",
-			 i,*(1 + (char*) &z[(int)floor(i/2)]));
+       i,*(1 + (char*) &z[(int)floor(i/2)]));
+    #endif
     if (((s >> (i % 32)) & 1) == 1){
       if (i%2 == 0) *(char*) &z[(int)floor(i/2)] = -(*(char*) &z[(int)floor(i/2)]);
       if (i%2 == 1) *(1 + (char*) &z[(int)floor(i/2)]) = -(*(1 + (char*) &z[(int)floor(i/2)]));
     //llr[i] = -llr[i];
     //llr[i] = (-1)*llr[i];
+    #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
     if (i%2 == 0) printf("unscrambled_z=%d\n",*(char*) &z[(int)floor(i/2)]);
     if (i%2 == 1) printf("unscrambled_z=%d\n",*(1 + (char*) &z[(int)floor(i/2)]));
+    #endif
     printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_pdcch_unscrambling)->  unscrambling %d : scrambled_z=%d, => ",
-      i,z[i]);
+           i,z[i]);
     if (((s >> (i % 32)) & 1) == 1) z[i] = -z[i];
-void nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(int s,                                                                        
-				int p,
-				int coreset_time_dur,
-				uint16_t coreset_nbr_rb,                                                     
-				NR_UE_PDCCH **pdcch_vars,                                                    
-				int do_common,                                                                
-				uint8_t nr_tti_rx,                                                            
-				NR_DCI_ALLOC_t *dci_alloc,                                                    
-				int16_t eNB_id,                                                               
-				uint8_t current_thread_id,                                                    
-				NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
-				//uint8_t mi,
-				uint16_t crc_scrambled_values[TOTAL_NBR_SCRAMBLED_VALUES],                                            
-				uint8_t L,
-				uint8_t sizeof_bits,
-				uint8_t sizeof_bytes,
-				uint8_t *dci_cnt,
-				crc_scrambled_t *crc_scrambled,
-				format_found_t *format_found,
-				uint16_t pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id,
-				uint32_t *CCEmap0,
-				uint32_t *CCEmap1,
-				uint32_t *CCEmap2) {
+void nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(int s,
+                                int p,
+                                int coreset_time_dur,
+                                uint16_t coreset_nbr_rb,
+                                NR_UE_PDCCH **pdcch_vars,
+                                int do_common,
+                                uint8_t nr_tti_rx,
+                                NR_DCI_ALLOC_t *dci_alloc,
+                                int16_t eNB_id,
+                                uint8_t current_thread_id,
+                                NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
+                                //uint8_t mi,
+                                uint16_t crc_scrambled_values[TOTAL_NBR_SCRAMBLED_VALUES],
+                                uint8_t L,
+                                NR_UE_SEARCHSPACE_CSS_DCI_FORMAT_t format_css,
+                                NR_UE_SEARCHSPACE_USS_DCI_FORMAT_t format_uss,
+                                uint8_t sizeof_bits,
+                                uint8_t sizeof_bytes,
+                                uint8_t *dci_cnt,
+                                crc_scrambled_t *crc_scrambled,
+                                format_found_t *format_found,
+                                uint16_t pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id,
+                                uint32_t *CCEmap0,
+                                uint32_t *CCEmap1,
+                                uint32_t *CCEmap2) {
   uint32_t crc, CCEind, nCCE[3];
   uint32_t *CCEmap = NULL, CCEmap_mask = 0;
   uint8_t L2 = (1 << L);
   unsigned int Yk, nb_candidates = 0, i, m;
   unsigned int CCEmap_cand;
   uint32_t decoderState=0;
   // A[p], p is the current active CORESET
-  uint16_t A[3]={39827,39829,39839};
+  uint16_t A[3]= {39827,39829,39839};
   //Table 10.1-2: Maximum number of PDCCH candidates    per slot and per serving cell as a function of the subcarrier spacing value 2^mu*15 KHz, mu {0,1,2,3}
   uint8_t m_max_slot_pdcch_Table10_1_2 [4] = {44,36,22,20};
   //Table 10.1-3: Maximum number of non-overlapped CCEs per slot and per serving cell as a function of the subcarrier spacing value 2^mu*15 KHz, mu {0,1,2,3}
   //uint8_t cce_max_slot_pdcch_Table10_1_3 [4] = {56,56,48,32};
   int coreset_nbr_cce_per_symbol=0;
   printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> format_found is %d \n", *format_found);
   //if (mode == NO_DCI) {
   //  #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
   //    printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> skip DCI decoding: expect no DCIs at nr_tti_rx %d in current searchSpace\n", nr_tti_rx);
   //  #endif
   //  return;
   printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> frequencyDomainResources=%lx, duration=%d\n",
-	 pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->coreset[p].frequencyDomainResources, pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->coreset[p].duration);
+         pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->coreset[p].frequencyDomainResources, pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->coreset[p].duration);
   // nCCE = get_nCCE(pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->num_pdcch_symbols, frame_parms, mi);
   for (int i = 0; i < 45; i++) {
     // this loop counts each bit of the bit map coreset_freq_dom, and increments nbr_RB_coreset for each bit set to '1'
     if (((pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->coreset[p].frequencyDomainResources & 0x1FFFFFFFFFFF) >> i) & 0x1) coreset_nbr_cce_per_symbol++;
   nCCE[p] = pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->coreset[p].duration*coreset_nbr_cce_per_symbol; // 1 CCE = 6 RB
   // p is the current CORESET we are currently monitoring (among the 3 possible CORESETs in a BWP)
   // the number of CCE in the current CORESET is:
@@ -1168,46 +1120,52 @@ void nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(int s,
   printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> nCCE[%d]=%d\n",p,nCCE[p]);
-  /*	if (nCCE > get_nCCE(3, frame_parms, 1)) {
-	"skip DCI decoding: nCCE=%d > get_nCCE(3,frame_parms,1)=%d\n",
-	nCCE, get_nCCE(3, frame_parms, 1));
-	return;
-	}
-	if (nCCE < L2) {
-	LOG_D(PHY, "skip DCI decoding: nCCE=%d < L2=%d\n", nCCE, L2);
-	return;
-	}
-	if (mode == NO_DCI) {
-	LOG_D(PHY, "skip DCI decoding: expect no DCIs at nr_tti_rx %d\n",
-	nr_tti_rx);
-	return;
-	}
+  /*  if (nCCE > get_nCCE(3, frame_parms, 1)) {
+  "skip DCI decoding: nCCE=%d > get_nCCE(3,frame_parms,1)=%d\n",
+  nCCE, get_nCCE(3, frame_parms, 1));
+  return;
+  }
+  if (nCCE < L2) {
+  LOG_D(PHY, "skip DCI decoding: nCCE=%d < L2=%d\n", nCCE, L2);
+  return;
+  }
+  if (mode == NO_DCI) {
+  LOG_D(PHY, "skip DCI decoding: expect no DCIs at nr_tti_rx %d\n",
+  nr_tti_rx);
+  return;
+  }
   if (do_common == 1) {
     Yk = 0;
     if (pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->searchSpace[s].searchSpaceType.common_dci_formats == cformat2_0) {
       // for dci_format_2_0, the nb_candidates is obtained from a different variable
       switch (L2) {
-      case 1:
-	nb_candidates = pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->searchSpace[s].searchSpaceType.sfi_nrofCandidates_aggrlevel1;
-	break;
-      case 2:
-	nb_candidates = pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->searchSpace[s].searchSpaceType.sfi_nrofCandidates_aggrlevel2;
-	break;
-      case 4:
-	nb_candidates = pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->searchSpace[s].searchSpaceType.sfi_nrofCandidates_aggrlevel4;
-	break;
-      case 8:
-	nb_candidates = pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->searchSpace[s].searchSpaceType.sfi_nrofCandidates_aggrlevel8;
-	break;
-      case 16:
-	nb_candidates = pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->searchSpace[s].searchSpaceType.sfi_nrofCandidates_aggrlevel16;
-	break;
-      default:
-	break;
+        case 1:
+          nb_candidates = pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->searchSpace[s].searchSpaceType.sfi_nrofCandidates_aggrlevel1;
+          break;
+        case 2:
+          nb_candidates = pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->searchSpace[s].searchSpaceType.sfi_nrofCandidates_aggrlevel2;
+          break;
+        case 4:
+          nb_candidates = pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->searchSpace[s].searchSpaceType.sfi_nrofCandidates_aggrlevel4;
+          break;
+        case 8:
+          nb_candidates = pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->searchSpace[s].searchSpaceType.sfi_nrofCandidates_aggrlevel8;
+          break;
+        case 16:
+          nb_candidates = pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->searchSpace[s].searchSpaceType.sfi_nrofCandidates_aggrlevel16;
+          break;
+        default:
+          break;
     } else if (pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->searchSpace[s].searchSpaceType.common_dci_formats == cformat2_3) {
       // for dci_format_2_3, the nb_candidates is obtained from a different variable
@@ -1220,49 +1178,59 @@ void nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(int s,
   } else {
     switch (L2) {
-    case 1:
-      nb_candidates = pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->searchSpace[s].nrofCandidates_aggrlevel1;
-      break;
-    case 2:
-      nb_candidates = pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->searchSpace[s].nrofCandidates_aggrlevel2;
-      break;
-    case 4:
-      nb_candidates = pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->searchSpace[s].nrofCandidates_aggrlevel4;
-      break;
-    case 8:
-      nb_candidates = pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->searchSpace[s].nrofCandidates_aggrlevel8;
-      break;
-    case 16:
-      nb_candidates = pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->searchSpace[s].nrofCandidates_aggrlevel16;
-      break;
-    default:
-      break;
+      case 1:
+        nb_candidates = pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->searchSpace[s].nrofCandidates_aggrlevel1;
+        break;
+      case 2:
+        nb_candidates = pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->searchSpace[s].nrofCandidates_aggrlevel2;
+        break;
+      case 4:
+        nb_candidates = pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->searchSpace[s].nrofCandidates_aggrlevel4;
+        break;
+      case 8:
+        nb_candidates = pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->searchSpace[s].nrofCandidates_aggrlevel8;
+        break;
+      case 16:
+        nb_candidates = pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->searchSpace[s].nrofCandidates_aggrlevel16;
+        break;
+      default:
+        break;
     // Find first available in ue specific search space
     // according to procedure in Section 10.1 of 38.213
     // compute Yk
     Yk = (unsigned int) pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->crnti;
     for (i = 0; i <= nr_tti_rx; i++)
       Yk = (Yk * A[p%3]) % 65537;
   printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> L2(%d) | nCCE[%d](%d) | Yk(%d) | nb_candidates(%d)\n",L2,p,nCCE[p],Yk,nb_candidates);
   /*  for (CCEind=0;
       CCEind+=(1<<L)) {*/
-  //	if (nb_candidates * L2 > nCCE[p])
-  //		nb_candidates = nCCE[p] / L2;
+  //  if (nb_candidates * L2 > nCCE[p])
+  //    nb_candidates = nCCE[p] / L2;
   // In the next code line there is maybe a bug. The spec is not comparing Table 10.1-2 with nb_candidates, but with total number of candidates for all s and all p
   int m_p_s_L_max = (m_max_slot_pdcch_Table10_1_2[1]<=nb_candidates ? m_max_slot_pdcch_Table10_1_2[1] : nb_candidates);
   if (L==4) m_p_s_L_max=1; // Table 10.1-2 is not defined for L=4
   printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> m_max_slot_pdcch_Table10_1_2(%d)=%d\n",L,m_max_slot_pdcch_Table10_1_2[L]);
   for (m = 0; m < nb_candidates; m++) {
     int n_ci = 0;
     if (nCCE[p] < L2) return;
@@ -1274,9 +1242,10 @@ void nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(int s,
     CCEind = (((Yk + (uint16_t)(floor((m*nCCE[p])/(L2*m_p_s_L_max))) + n_ci) % (uint16_t)(floor(nCCE[p] / L2))) * L2);
     printf ("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> CCEind(%d) = (((Yk(%d) + ((m(%d)*nCCE[p](%d))/(L2(%d)*m_p_s_L_max(%d)))) % (nCCE[p] / L2)) * L2)\n",
-	    CCEind,Yk,m,nCCE[p],L2,m_p_s_L_max);
+            CCEind,Yk,m,nCCE[p],L2,m_p_s_L_max);
     printf ("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> n_candidate(m)=%d | CCEind=%d |",m,CCEind);
     if (CCEind < 32)
       CCEmap = CCEmap0;
     else if (CCEind < 64)
@@ -1284,92 +1253,93 @@ void nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(int s,
     else if (CCEind < 96)
       CCEmap = CCEmap2;
     else AssertFatal(1==0,"Illegal CCEind %d (Yk %d, m %d, nCCE %d, L2 %d\n",CCEind, Yk, m, nCCE[p], L2);
     switch (L2) {
-    case 1:
-      CCEmap_mask = (1 << (CCEind & 0x1f));
-      break;
-    case 2:
-      CCEmap_mask = (3 << (CCEind & 0x1f));
-      break;
-    case 4:
-      CCEmap_mask = (0xf << (CCEind & 0x1f));
-      break;
-    case 8:
-      CCEmap_mask = (0xff << (CCEind & 0x1f));
-      break;
-    case 16:
-      CCEmap_mask = (0xfff << (CCEind & 0x1f));
-      break;
-    default:
-      LOG_E(PHY, "Illegal L2 value %d\n", L2);
-      //mac_xface->macphy_exit("Illegal L2\n");
-      return; // not reached
+      case 1:
+        CCEmap_mask = (1 << (CCEind & 0x1f));
+        break;
+      case 2:
+        CCEmap_mask = (3 << (CCEind & 0x1f));
+        break;
+      case 4:
+        CCEmap_mask = (0xf << (CCEind & 0x1f));
+        break;
+      case 8:
+        CCEmap_mask = (0xff << (CCEind & 0x1f));
+        break;
+      case 16:
+        CCEmap_mask = (0xfff << (CCEind & 0x1f));
+        break;
+      default:
+        LOG_E(PHY, "Illegal L2 value %d\n", L2);
+        //mac_xface->macphy_exit("Illegal L2\n");
+        return; // not reached
     CCEmap_cand = (*CCEmap) & CCEmap_mask;
     // CCE is not allocated yet
     printf ("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> CCEmap_cand=%d \n",CCEmap_cand);
-    if (CCEmap_cand == 0) {
+    if (CCEmap_cand == 0) {
       if (do_common == 1)
-	LOG_I(PHY,"[DCI search nPdcch %d - common] Attempting candidate %d Aggregation Level %d DCI length %d at CCE %d/%d (CCEmap %x,CCEmap_cand %x)\n",
-	      pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->num_pdcch_symbols,m,L2,sizeof_bits,CCEind,nCCE,*CCEmap,CCEmap_mask);
+        LOG_I(PHY,"[DCI search nPdcch %d - common] Attempting candidate %d Aggregation Level %d DCI length %d at CCE %d/%d (CCEmap %x,CCEmap_cand %x)\n",
+              pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->num_pdcch_symbols,m,L2,sizeof_bits,CCEind,nCCE,*CCEmap,CCEmap_mask);
-	LOG_I(PHY,"[DCI search nPdcch %d - ue spec] Attempting candidate %d Aggregation Level %d DCI length %d at CCE %d/%d (CCEmap %x,CCEmap_cand %x) format %d\n",
-	      pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->num_pdcch_symbols,m,L2,sizeof_bits,CCEind,nCCE,*CCEmap,CCEmap_mask,format_uss);
+        LOG_I(PHY,"[DCI search nPdcch %d - ue spec] Attempting candidate %d Aggregation Level %d DCI length %d at CCE %d/%d (CCEmap %x,CCEmap_cand %x) format %d\n",
+              pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->num_pdcch_symbols,m,L2,sizeof_bits,CCEind,nCCE,*CCEmap,CCEmap_mask,format_uss);
       printf ("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> ... we enter function dci_decoding(sizeof_bits=%d L=%d) -----\n",sizeof_bits,L);
       printf ("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> ... we have to replace this part of the code by polar decoding\n");
       //      for (int m=0; m < (nCCE[p]*6*9*2); m++)
       printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0: polar decoding)-> polar intput (with coreset_time_dur=%d, coreset_nbr_rb=%d, p=%d, CCEind=%d): \n",
-	     coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,p,CCEind);
+             coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,p,CCEind);
       int reg_p=0,reg_e=0;
       for (int m=0; m < (L2*6); m++){
-	reg_p = (((int)floor(m/coreset_time_dur))+((m%coreset_time_dur)*(L2*6/coreset_time_dur)))*9*2;
-	reg_e = m*9*2;
-	for (int i=0; i<9*2; i++){
-	  //polar_input[reg_p+i] = (pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->e_rx[((CCEind*9*6*2) + reg_e + i)]>0) ? (1.0):(-1.0);
-	  polar_input[reg_e+i] = (pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->e_rx[((CCEind*9*6*2) + reg_e + i)]>0) ? (1/sqrt(2)):((-1)/sqrt(2));
-	  //printf("\t m=%d \tpolar_input[%d]=%lf <-> e_rx[%d]=%d\n",m,reg_e+i,polar_input[reg_e+i],
-	  //        ((CCEind*9*6*2) + reg_e + i),pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->e_rx[((CCEind*9*6*2) + reg_e + i)]);
-	  //printf("\t m=%d \tpolar_input[%d]=%lf <-> e_rx[%d]=%d\n",m,reg_p+i,polar_input[reg_p+i],
-	  //        ((CCEind*9*6*2) + reg_e + i),pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->e_rx[((CCEind*9*6*2) + reg_e + i)]);
-	}
+      reg_p = (((int)floor(m/coreset_time_dur))+((m%coreset_time_dur)*(L2*6/coreset_time_dur)))*9*2;
+      reg_e = m*9*2;
+      for (int i=0; i<9*2; i++){
+      //polar_input[reg_p+i] = (pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->e_rx[((CCEind*9*6*2) + reg_e + i)]>0) ? (1.0):(-1.0);
+      polar_input[reg_e+i] = (pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->e_rx[((CCEind*9*6*2) + reg_e + i)]>0) ? (1/sqrt(2)):((-1)/sqrt(2));
+      //printf("\t m=%d \tpolar_input[%d]=%lf <-> e_rx[%d]=%d\n",m,reg_e+i,polar_input[reg_e+i],
+      //        ((CCEind*9*6*2) + reg_e + i),pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->e_rx[((CCEind*9*6*2) + reg_e + i)]);
+      //printf("\t m=%d \tpolar_input[%d]=%lf <-> e_rx[%d]=%d\n",m,reg_p+i,polar_input[reg_p+i],
+      //        ((CCEind*9*6*2) + reg_e + i),pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->e_rx[((CCEind*9*6*2) + reg_e + i)]);
+      }
+      #ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
       int j=0;
       uint32_t polar_hex[27] = {0};
       for (int i=0; i<L2*9*6*2; i++){2
-	  if ((i%32 == 0) && (i!=0)) j++;
-	//polar_hex[j] = (polar_hex[j]<<1) + ((polar_input[i]==-1)? 1:0);
-	polar_hex[j] = polar_hex[j] + (((polar_input[i]==((-1)/sqrt(2)))?1:0)<<(i%32));
+      if ((i%32 == 0) && (i!=0)) j++;
+      //polar_hex[j] = (polar_hex[j]<<1) + ((polar_input[i]==-1)? 1:0);
+      polar_hex[j] = polar_hex[j] + (((polar_input[i]==((-1)/sqrt(2)))?1:0)<<(i%32));
       for (j=0;j<27;j++) printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0: polar decoding input)-> polar_hex[%d]=%x\n",j,polar_hex[j]);
+      #endif
-      uint64_t dci_estimation[2]={0};
-      const t_nrPolar_params* currentPtrDCI=nr_polar_params(1, sizeof_bits, L2);
+      uint64_t dci_estimation[2]= {0};
+      const t_nrPolar_params *currentPtrDCI=nr_polar_params(1, sizeof_bits, L2);
       decoderState = polar_decoder_int16(&pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->e_rx[CCEind*9*6*2],
-					 dci_estimation,
-					 currentPtrDCI);
+                                         dci_estimation,
+                                         currentPtrDCI);
       crc = decoderState;
       //crc = (crc16(&dci_decoded_output[current_thread_id][0], sizeof_bits) >> 16) ^ extract_crc(&dci_decoded_output[current_thread_id][0], sizeof_bits);
       printf ("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> ... we end function dci_decoding() with crc=%x\n",crc);
@@ -1383,202 +1353,228 @@ void nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(int s,
       printf ("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> crc_scrambled=%d\n",*crc_scrambled);
       if (crc == crc_scrambled_values[_C_RNTI_])  {
-	*crc_scrambled =_c_rnti;
-	*format_found=1;
+        *crc_scrambled =_c_rnti;
+        *format_found=1;
       if (crc == crc_scrambled_values[_CS_RNTI_])  {
-	*crc_scrambled =_cs_rnti;
-	*format_found=1;
+        *crc_scrambled =_cs_rnti;
+        *format_found=1;
       if (crc == crc_scrambled_values[_NEW_RNTI_])  {
-	*crc_scrambled =_new_rnti;
-	*format_found=1;
+        *crc_scrambled =_new_rnti;
+        *format_found=1;
       if (crc == crc_scrambled_values[_TC_RNTI_])  {
-	*crc_scrambled =_tc_rnti;
-	*format_found=_format_1_0_found;
+        *crc_scrambled =_tc_rnti;
+        *format_found=_format_1_0_found;
       if (crc == crc_scrambled_values[_P_RNTI_])  {
-	*crc_scrambled =_p_rnti;
-	*format_found=_format_1_0_found;
+        *crc_scrambled =_p_rnti;
+        *format_found=_format_1_0_found;
       if (crc == crc_scrambled_values[_SI_RNTI_])  {
-	*crc_scrambled =_si_rnti;
-	*format_found=_format_1_0_found;
+        *crc_scrambled =_si_rnti;
+        *format_found=_format_1_0_found;
       if (crc == crc_scrambled_values[_RA_RNTI_])  {
-	*crc_scrambled =_ra_rnti;
-	*format_found=_format_1_0_found;
+        *crc_scrambled =_ra_rnti;
+        *format_found=_format_1_0_found;
       if (crc == crc_scrambled_values[_SP_CSI_RNTI_])  {
-	*crc_scrambled =_sp_csi_rnti;
-	*format_found=_format_0_1_found;
+        *crc_scrambled =_sp_csi_rnti;
+        *format_found=_format_0_1_found;
       if (crc == crc_scrambled_values[_SFI_RNTI_])  {
-	*crc_scrambled =_sfi_rnti;
-	*format_found=_format_2_0_found;
+        *crc_scrambled =_sfi_rnti;
+        *format_found=_format_2_0_found;
       if (crc == crc_scrambled_values[_INT_RNTI_])  {
-	*crc_scrambled =_int_rnti;
-	*format_found=_format_2_1_found;
+        *crc_scrambled =_int_rnti;
+        *format_found=_format_2_1_found;
       if (crc == crc_scrambled_values[_TPC_PUSCH_RNTI_]) {
-	*crc_scrambled =_tpc_pusch_rnti;
-	*format_found=_format_2_2_found;
+        *crc_scrambled =_tpc_pusch_rnti;
+        *format_found=_format_2_2_found;
       if (crc == crc_scrambled_values[_TPC_PUCCH_RNTI_]) {
-	*crc_scrambled =_tpc_pucch_rnti;
-	*format_found=_format_2_2_found;
+        *crc_scrambled =_tpc_pucch_rnti;
+        *format_found=_format_2_2_found;
       if (crc == crc_scrambled_values[_TPC_SRS_RNTI_]) {
-	*crc_scrambled =_tpc_srs_rnti;
-	*format_found=_format_2_3_found;
+        *crc_scrambled =_tpc_srs_rnti;
+        *format_found=_format_2_3_found;
+      //#ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
       printf ("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> format_found=%d\n",*format_found);
       printf ("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> crc_scrambled=%d\n",*crc_scrambled);
+      //#endif
       if (*format_found!=255) {
-	dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].dci_length = sizeof_bits;
-	dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].rnti = crc;
-	dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].L = L;
-	dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].firstCCE = CCEind;
-	dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].dci_pdu[0] = dci_estimation[0];
-	dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].dci_pdu[1] = dci_estimation[1];
-	dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].dci_pdu[2] = dci_estimation[2];
-	dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].dci_pdu[3] = dci_estimation[3];
-	printf ("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> rnti matches -> DCI FOUND !!! crc =>0x%x, sizeof_bits %d, sizeof_bytes %d \n",
-		dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].rnti, dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].dci_length, sizeof_bytes);
-	printf ("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> dci_cnt %d (format_css %d crc_scrambled %d) L %d, firstCCE %d pdu[0] 0x%lx pdu[1] 0x%lx \n",
-		*dci_cnt, format_css,*crc_scrambled,dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].L, dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].firstCCE,dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].dci_pdu[0],dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].dci_pdu[1]);
-	if ((format_css == cformat0_0_and_1_0) || (format_uss == uformat0_0_and_1_0)){
-	  if ((*crc_scrambled == _p_rnti) || (*crc_scrambled == _si_rnti) || (*crc_scrambled == _ra_rnti)){
-	    dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format1_0;
-	    *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
-	    *format_found=_format_1_0_found;
-	    //	    printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> a format1_0=%d and dci_cnt=%d\n",*format_found,*dci_cnt);
-	  } else {
-	    if ((dci_estimation[0]&1) == 0){
-	      dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format0_0;
-	      *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
-	      *format_found=_format_0_0_found;
-	      //	      printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> b format0_0=%d and dci_cnt=%d\n",*format_found,*dci_cnt);
-	    }
-	    if ((dci_estimation[0]&1) == 1){
-	      dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format1_0;
-	      *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
-	      *format_found=_format_1_0_found;
-	      //	      printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> c format1_0=%d and dci_cnt=%d\n",*format_found,*dci_cnt);
-	    }
-	  }
-	}
-	if (format_css == cformat2_0){
-	  dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format2_0;
-	  *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
-	  *format_found=_format_2_0_found;
-	}
-	if (format_css == cformat2_1){
-	  dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format2_1;
-	  *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
-	  *format_found=_format_2_1_found;
-	}
-	if (format_css == cformat2_2){
-	  dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format2_2;
-	  *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
-	  *format_found=_format_2_2_found;
-	}
-	if (format_css == cformat2_3){
-	  dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format2_3;
-	  *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
-	  *format_found=_format_2_3_found;
-	}
-	if (format_uss == uformat0_1_and_1_1){
-	  if ((dci_estimation[0]&1) == 0){
-	    dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format0_1;
-	    *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
-	    *format_found=_format_0_1_found;
-	  }
-	  if ((dci_estimation[0]&1) == 1){
-	    dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format1_1;
-	    *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
-	    *format_found=_format_1_1_found;
-	  }
-	}
-	// store first nCCE of group for PUCCH transmission of ACK/NAK
-	pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->nCCE[nr_tti_rx] = CCEind;
-	/*				if (crc == si_rnti) {
-					dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format_si;
-					*dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
-					} else if (crc == p_rnti) {
-					dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format_p;
-					*dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
-					} else if (crc == ra_rnti) {
-					dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format_ra;
-					// store first nCCE of group for PUCCH transmission of ACK/NAK
-					pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->nCCE[nr_tti_rx] = CCEind;
-					*dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
-					} else if (crc == pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->crnti) {
-					if ((mode & UL_DCI) && (format_c == format0)
-					&& ((dci_decoded_output[current_thread_id][0] & 0x80)
-					== 0)) { // check if pdu is format 0 or 1A
-					if (*format0_found == 0) {
-					dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format0;
-					*format0_found = 1;
-					*dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
-					pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->nCCE[nr_tti_rx] = CCEind;
-					}
-					} else if (format_c == format0) { // this is a format 1A DCI
-					dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format1A;
-					*dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
-					pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->nCCE[nr_tti_rx] = CCEind;
-					} else {
-					// store first nCCE of group for PUCCH transmission of ACK/NAK
-					if (*format_c_found == 0) {
-					dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format_c;
-					*dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
-					*format_c_found = 1;
-					pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->nCCE[nr_tti_rx] = CCEind;
-					}
-					}
-					}*/
-	//LOG_I(PHY,"DCI decoding CRNTI  [format: %d, nCCE[nr_tti_rx: %d]: %d ], AggregationLevel %d \n",format_c, nr_tti_rx, pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->nCCE[nr_tti_rx],L2);
-	//  memcpy(&dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].dci_pdu[0],dci_decoded_output,sizeof_bytes);
-	switch (1 << L) {
-	case 1:
-	  *CCEmap |= (1 << (CCEind & 0x1f));
-	  break;
-	case 2:
-	  *CCEmap |= (1 << (CCEind & 0x1f));
-	  break;
-	case 4:
-	  *CCEmap |= (1 << (CCEind & 0x1f));
-	  break;
-	case 8:
-	  *CCEmap |= (1 << (CCEind & 0x1f));
-	  break;
-	case 16:
-	  *CCEmap |= (1 << (CCEind & 0x1f));
-	  break;
-	}
+        dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].dci_length = sizeof_bits;
+        dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].rnti = crc;
+        dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].L = L;
+        dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].firstCCE = CCEind;
+        dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].dci_pdu[0] = dci_estimation[0];
+        dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].dci_pdu[1] = dci_estimation[1];
+        dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].dci_pdu[2] = dci_estimation[2];
+        dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].dci_pdu[3] = dci_estimation[3];
+        //#ifdef NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG
+        printf ("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> rnti matches -> DCI FOUND !!! crc =>0x%x, sizeof_bits %d, sizeof_bytes %d \n",
+                dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].rnti, dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].dci_length, sizeof_bytes);
+        printf ("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> dci_cnt %d (format_css %d crc_scrambled %d) L %d, firstCCE %d pdu[0] 0x%lx pdu[1] 0x%lx \n",
+                *dci_cnt, format_css,*crc_scrambled,dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].L, dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].firstCCE,dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].dci_pdu[0],dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].dci_pdu[1]);
-	LOG_I(PHY,"[DCI search] Found DCI %d rnti %x Aggregation %d length %d format %d in CCE %d (CCEmap %x) candidate %d / %d \n",
-	      *dci_cnt,crc,1<<L,sizeof_bits,dci_alloc[*dci_cnt-1].format,CCEind,*CCEmap,m,nb_candidates );
-	//	nr_extract_dci_into(
-	//	dump_dci(frame_parms,&dci_alloc[*dci_cnt-1]);
+        //#endif
+        if ((format_css == cformat0_0_and_1_0) || (format_uss == uformat0_0_and_1_0)) {
+          if ((*crc_scrambled == _p_rnti) || (*crc_scrambled == _si_rnti) || (*crc_scrambled == _ra_rnti)) {
+            dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format1_0;
+            *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
+            *format_found=_format_1_0_found;
+            //      printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> a format1_0=%d and dci_cnt=%d\n",*format_found,*dci_cnt);
+          } else {
+            if ((dci_estimation[0]&1) == 0) {
+              dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format0_0;
+              *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
+              *format_found=_format_0_0_found;
+              //        printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> b format0_0=%d and dci_cnt=%d\n",*format_found,*dci_cnt);
+            }
+            if ((dci_estimation[0]&1) == 1) {
+              dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format1_0;
+              *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
+              *format_found=_format_1_0_found;
+              //        printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> c format1_0=%d and dci_cnt=%d\n",*format_found,*dci_cnt);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        if (format_css == cformat2_0) {
+          dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format2_0;
+          *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
+          *format_found=_format_2_0_found;
+        }
+        if (format_css == cformat2_1) {
+          dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format2_1;
+          *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
+          *format_found=_format_2_1_found;
+        }
+        if (format_css == cformat2_2) {
+          dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format2_2;
+          *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
+          *format_found=_format_2_2_found;
+        }
+        if (format_css == cformat2_3) {
+          dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format2_3;
+          *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
+          *format_found=_format_2_3_found;
+        }
+        if (format_uss == uformat0_1_and_1_1) {
+          if ((dci_estimation[0]&1) == 0) {
+            dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format0_1;
+            *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
+            *format_found=_format_0_1_found;
+          }
+          if ((dci_estimation[0]&1) == 1) {
+            dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format1_1;
+            *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
+            *format_found=_format_1_1_found;
+          }
+        }
+        // store first nCCE of group for PUCCH transmission of ACK/NAK
+        pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->nCCE[nr_tti_rx] = CCEind;
+        /*        if (crc == si_rnti) {
+                dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format_si;
+                *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
+                } else if (crc == p_rnti) {
+                dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format_p;
+                *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
+                } else if (crc == ra_rnti) {
+                dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format_ra;
+                // store first nCCE of group for PUCCH transmission of ACK/NAK
+                pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->nCCE[nr_tti_rx] = CCEind;
+                *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
+                } else if (crc == pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->crnti) {
+                if ((mode & UL_DCI) && (format_c == format0)
+                && ((dci_decoded_output[current_thread_id][0] & 0x80)
+                == 0)) { // check if pdu is format 0 or 1A
+                if (*format0_found == 0) {
+                dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format0;
+                *format0_found = 1;
+                *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
+                pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->nCCE[nr_tti_rx] = CCEind;
+                }
+                } else if (format_c == format0) { // this is a format 1A DCI
+                dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format1A;
+                *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
+                pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->nCCE[nr_tti_rx] = CCEind;
+                } else {
+                // store first nCCE of group for PUCCH transmission of ACK/NAK
+                if (*format_c_found == 0) {
+                dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].format = format_c;
+                *dci_cnt = *dci_cnt + 1;
+                *format_c_found = 1;
+                pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->nCCE[nr_tti_rx] = CCEind;
+                }
+                }
+                }*/
+        //LOG_I(PHY,"DCI decoding CRNTI  [format: %d, nCCE[nr_tti_rx: %d]: %d ], AggregationLevel %d \n",format_c, nr_tti_rx, pdcch_vars[eNB_id]->nCCE[nr_tti_rx],L2);
+        //  memcpy(&dci_alloc[*dci_cnt].dci_pdu[0],dci_decoded_output,sizeof_bytes);
+        switch (1 << L) {
+          case 1:
+            *CCEmap |= (1 << (CCEind & 0x1f));
+            break;
+          case 2:
+            *CCEmap |= (1 << (CCEind & 0x1f));
+            break;
+          case 4:
+            *CCEmap |= (1 << (CCEind & 0x1f));
+            break;
+          case 8:
+            *CCEmap |= (1 << (CCEind & 0x1f));
+            break;
+          case 16:
+            *CCEmap |= (1 << (CCEind & 0x1f));
+            break;
+        }
+        LOG_I(PHY,"[DCI search] Found DCI %d rnti %x Aggregation %d length %d format %d in CCE %d (CCEmap %x) candidate %d / %d \n",
+              *dci_cnt,crc,1<<L,sizeof_bits,dci_alloc[*dci_cnt-1].format,CCEind,*CCEmap,m,nb_candidates );
+        //  nr_extract_dci_into(
+        //  dump_dci(frame_parms,&dci_alloc[*dci_cnt-1]);
-	return;
+        return;
       } // rnti match
     } else { // CCEmap_cand == 0
       if ( agregationLevel != 0xFF &&
       (format_c == format0 && m==0 && si_rnti != SI_RNTI))
@@ -1588,6 +1584,7 @@ void nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(int s,
   } // candidate loop
   printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure0)-> end candidate loop\n");
@@ -1748,10 +1745,10 @@ void nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(int s,
   //  for (i=0;i<3+(sizeof_bits>>3);i++)
   //  printf("dci_decoded_output[%d] => %x\n",i,dci_decoded_output[i]);
   crc = (crc16(&dci_decoded_output[current_thread_id][0],sizeof_bits)>>16) ^ extract_crc(&dci_decoded_output[current_thread_id][0],sizeof_bits);
   printf("crc =>%x\n",crc);
@@ -1859,8 +1856,8 @@ void nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(int s,
   } // rnti match
   }  // CCEmap_cand == 0
-  //	if ( agregationLevel != 0xFF &&
+  //  if ( agregationLevel != 0xFF &&
   //        (format_c == format0 && m==0 && si_rnti != SI_RNTI))
   //    {
   //      //Only valid for OAI : Save some processing time when looking for DCI format0. From the log we see the DCI only on candidate 0.
@@ -2049,18 +2046,17 @@ void nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(int s,
 uint16_t nr_dci_format_size (PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
-			     uint16_t eNB_id,
-			     uint8_t nr_tti_rx,
-			     int p,
-			     crc_scrambled_t crc_scrambled,
-			     uint16_t n_RB_ULBWP,
-			     uint16_t n_RB_DLBWP,
-			     uint8_t dci_fields_sizes[NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS][NBR_NR_FORMATS],
-			     uint8_t format){
+                             uint16_t eNB_id,
+                             uint8_t nr_tti_rx,
+                             int p,
+                             crc_scrambled_t crc_scrambled,
+                             uint16_t n_RB_ULBWP,
+                             uint16_t n_RB_DLBWP,
+                             uint8_t dci_fields_sizes[NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS][NBR_NR_FORMATS],
+                             uint8_t format) {
   printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_format_size)-> crc_scrambled=%d, n_RB_ULBWP=%d, n_RB_DLBWP=%d\n",crc_scrambled,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP);
    * function nr_dci_format_size calculates and returns the size in bits of a determined format
    * it also returns an bi-dimensional array 'dci_fields_sizes' with x rows and y columns, where:
@@ -2068,7 +2064,6 @@ uint16_t nr_dci_format_size (PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
    * y is the number of formats
    *   e.g.: dci_fields_sizes[10][0] contains the size in bits of the field FREQ_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT_UL for format 0_0
   // pdsch_config contains the PDSCH-Config IE is used to configure the UE specific PDSCH parameters (TS 38.331)
   PDSCH_Config_t pdsch_config       = ue->PDSCH_Config;
   // pusch_config contains the PUSCH-Config IE is used to configure the UE specific PUSCH parameters (TS 38.331)
@@ -2081,15 +2076,14 @@ uint16_t nr_dci_format_size (PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
   PUSCH_ServingCellConfig_t PUSCH_ServingCellConfig= ue->PUSCH_ServingCellConfig;
   PDSCH_ServingCellConfig_t PDSCH_ServingCellConfig= ue->PDSCH_ServingCellConfig;
   NR_UE_PDCCH *pdcch_vars2 = ue->pdcch_vars[ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx]][eNB_id];
   // 1  CARRIER_IN
   // crossCarrierSchedulingConfig from higher layers, variable crossCarrierSchedulingConfig indicates if 'cross carrier scheduling' is enabled or not:
   //      if No cross carrier scheduling: number of bits for CARRIER_IND is 0
   //      if Cross carrier scheduling: number of bits for CARRIER_IND is 3
   // The IE CrossCarrierSchedulingConfig is used to specify the configuration when the cross-carrier scheduling is used in a cell
   uint8_t crossCarrierSchedulingConfig_ind = 0;
-  if (crossCarrierSchedulingConfig.schedulingCellInfo.other.cif_InSchedulingCell !=0 ) crossCarrierSchedulingConfig_ind=1;
+  if (crossCarrierSchedulingConfig.schedulingCellInfo.other.cif_InSchedulingCell !=0 ) crossCarrierSchedulingConfig_ind=1;
   // 2  SUL_IND_0_1, // 40 SRS_REQUEST, // 50 SUL_IND_0_0
   // UL/SUL indicator (TS 38.331, supplementary uplink is indicated in higher layer parameter ServCellAdd-SUL from IE ServingCellConfig and ServingCellConfigCommon):
@@ -2097,7 +2091,6 @@ uint16_t nr_dci_format_size (PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
   // 1 bit for UEs configured with SUL in the cell as defined in Table
   // sul_ind indicates whether SUL is configured in cell or not
   uint8_t sul_ind=ue->supplementaryUplink.supplementaryUplink; // this value will be 0 or 1 depending on higher layer parameter ServCellAdd-SUL. FIXME!!!
   // number of UL BWPs configured by higher layers
   uint8_t n_UL_BWP_RRC=1; // initialized to 1 but it has to be initialized by higher layers FIXME!!!
@@ -2105,16 +2098,14 @@ uint16_t nr_dci_format_size (PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
   // number of DL BWPs configured by higher layers
   uint8_t n_DL_BWP_RRC=1; // initialized to 1 but it has to be initialized by higher layers FIXME!!!
   n_DL_BWP_RRC = ((n_DL_BWP_RRC > 3)?n_DL_BWP_RRC:(n_DL_BWP_RRC+1));
   // if format0_0, only resource allocation type 1 is allowed
   // if format0_1, then resource allocation type 0 can be configured and N_RBG is defined in TS 38.214 subclause
   // for PUSCH hopping with resource allocation type 1
   //      n_UL_hopping = 1 if the higher layer parameter frequencyHoppingOffsetLists contains two  offset values
   //      n_UL_hopping = 2 if the higher layer parameter frequencyHoppingOffsetLists contains four offset values
   uint8_t n_UL_hopping=pusch_config.n_frequencyHoppingOffsetLists;
   if (n_UL_hopping == 2) {
     n_UL_hopping = 1;
   } else if (n_UL_hopping == 4) {
@@ -2122,27 +2113,39 @@ uint16_t nr_dci_format_size (PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
   } else {
     n_UL_hopping = 0;
   ul_resourceAllocation_t ul_resource_allocation_type = pusch_config.ul_resourceAllocation;
   uint8_t ul_res_alloc_type_0 = 0;
   uint8_t ul_res_alloc_type_1 = 0;
   if (ul_resource_allocation_type == ul_resourceAllocationType0) ul_res_alloc_type_0 = 1;
   if (ul_resource_allocation_type == ul_resourceAllocationType1) ul_res_alloc_type_1 = 1;
   if (ul_resource_allocation_type == ul_dynamicSwitch) {
     ul_res_alloc_type_0 = 1;
     ul_res_alloc_type_1 = 1;
   uint8_t n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_ul=0,n_ul_RGB_tmp;
-  if (ul_res_alloc_type_0 == 1){ // implementation of Table TC 38.214 subclause
+  if (ul_res_alloc_type_0 == 1) { // implementation of Table TC 38.214 subclause
     // config1: PUSCH-Config IE contains rbg-Size ENUMERATED {config1 config2}
     ul_rgb_Size_t config = pusch_config.ul_rgbSize;
     uint8_t nominal_RBG_P               = (config==ul_rgb_config1?2:4);
     if (n_RB_ULBWP > 36)  nominal_RBG_P = (config==ul_rgb_config1?4:8);
     if (n_RB_ULBWP > 72)  nominal_RBG_P = (config==ul_rgb_config1?8:16);
     if (n_RB_ULBWP > 144) nominal_RBG_P = 16;
     n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_ul = (uint8_t)ceil((n_RB_ULBWP+(0%nominal_RBG_P))/nominal_RBG_P);                                   //FIXME!!! what is 0???
     n_ul_RGB_tmp = n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_ul;
   if (ul_res_alloc_type_1 == 1) n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_ul = (uint8_t)(ceil(log2(n_RB_ULBWP*(n_RB_ULBWP+1)/2)))-n_UL_hopping;
   if ((ul_res_alloc_type_0 == 1) && (ul_res_alloc_type_1 == 1))
     n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_ul = ((n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_ul>n_ul_RGB_tmp)?(n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_ul+1):(n_ul_RGB_tmp+1));
@@ -2152,37 +2155,49 @@ uint16_t nr_dci_format_size (PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
   dl_resourceAllocation_t dl_resource_allocation_type = pdsch_config.dl_resourceAllocation;
   uint8_t dl_res_alloc_type_0 = 0;
   uint8_t dl_res_alloc_type_1 = 0;
   if (dl_resource_allocation_type == dl_resourceAllocationType0) dl_res_alloc_type_0 = 1;
   if (dl_resource_allocation_type == dl_resourceAllocationType1) dl_res_alloc_type_1 = 1;
   if (dl_resource_allocation_type == dl_dynamicSwitch) {
     dl_res_alloc_type_0 = 1;
     dl_res_alloc_type_1 = 1;
   uint8_t n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_dl=0,n_dl_RGB_tmp;
-  if (dl_res_alloc_type_0 == 1){ // implementation of Table TC 38.214 subclause
+  if (dl_res_alloc_type_0 == 1) { // implementation of Table TC 38.214 subclause
     // config1: PDSCH-Config IE contains rbg-Size ENUMERATED {config1, config2}
     dl_rgb_Size_t config = pdsch_config.dl_rgbSize;
     uint8_t nominal_RBG_P               = (config==dl_rgb_config1?2:4);
     if (n_RB_DLBWP > 36)  nominal_RBG_P = (config==dl_rgb_config1?4:8);
     if (n_RB_DLBWP > 72)  nominal_RBG_P = (config==dl_rgb_config1?8:16);
     if (n_RB_DLBWP > 144) nominal_RBG_P = 16;
     n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_dl = (uint8_t)ceil((n_RB_DLBWP+(0%nominal_RBG_P))/nominal_RBG_P);                                     //FIXME!!! what is 0???
     n_dl_RGB_tmp = n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_dl;
   if (dl_res_alloc_type_1 == 1) n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_dl = (uint8_t)(ceil(log2(n_RB_DLBWP*(n_RB_DLBWP+1)/2)));
   if ((dl_res_alloc_type_0 == 1) && (dl_res_alloc_type_1 == 1))
     n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_dl = ((n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_dl>n_dl_RGB_tmp)?(n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_dl+1):(n_dl_RGB_tmp+1));
   uint8_t pusch_alloc_list = pusch_config.n_push_alloc_list;
   uint8_t pdsch_alloc_list = pdsch_config.n_pdsh_alloc_list;
   // 14 PRB_BUNDLING_SIZE_IND:0 bit if the higher layer parameter PRB_bundling is not configured or is set to 'static', or 1 bit if the higher layer parameter PRB_bundling is set to 'dynamic' according to Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]
   static_bundleSize_t static_prb_BundlingType = pdsch_config.prbBundleType.staticBundling;
   bundleSizeSet1_t dynamic_prb_BundlingType1  = pdsch_config.prbBundleType.dynamicBundlig.bundleSizeSet1;
   bundleSizeSet2_t dynamic_prb_BundlingType2  = pdsch_config.prbBundleType.dynamicBundlig.bundleSizeSet2;
   uint8_t prb_BundlingType_size=0;
   if ((static_prb_BundlingType==st_n4)||(static_prb_BundlingType==st_wideband)) prb_BundlingType_size=0;
   if ((dynamic_prb_BundlingType1==dy_1_n4)||(dynamic_prb_BundlingType1==dy_1_wideband)||(dynamic_prb_BundlingType1==dy_1_n2_wideband)||(dynamic_prb_BundlingType1==dy_1_n4_wideband)||
       (dynamic_prb_BundlingType2==dy_2_n4)||(dynamic_prb_BundlingType2==dy_2_wideband)) prb_BundlingType_size=1;
@@ -2193,37 +2208,38 @@ uint16_t nr_dci_format_size (PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
   // 0, 1, or 2 bits as defined in Subclause of [6, TS 38.214].
   // is the number of ZP CSI-RS resource sets in the higher layer parameter zp-CSI-RS-Resource
   uint8_t n_zp_bits = pdsch_config.n_zp_CSI_RS_ResourceId;
   // freqHopping is defined by higher layer parameter frequencyHopping from IE PUSCH-Config. Values are ENUMERATED{mode1, mode2}
   frequencyHopping_t f_hopping = pusch_config.frequencyHopping;
   uint8_t freqHopping = 0;
   if ((f_hopping==f_hop_mode1)||(f_hopping==f_hop_mode2)) freqHopping = 1;
   // 28 DAI
   pdsch_HARQ_ACK_Codebook_t pdsch_HARQ_ACK_Codebook = pdsch_config.pdsch_HARQ_ACK_Codebook;
   uint8_t n_dai = 0;
   uint8_t n_serving_cell_dl = 1; // this is hardcoded to 1 as we need to get this value from RRC higher layers parameters. FIXME!!!
   if ((pdsch_HARQ_ACK_Codebook == dynamic) && (n_serving_cell_dl == 1)) n_dai = 2;
   if ((pdsch_HARQ_ACK_Codebook == dynamic) && (n_serving_cell_dl > 1))  n_dai = 4;
   // 29 FIRST_DAI
   uint8_t codebook_HARQ_ACK = 0;           // We need to get this value to calculate number of bits of fields 1st DAI and 2nd DAI.
   if (pdsch_HARQ_ACK_Codebook == semiStatic) codebook_HARQ_ACK = 1;
   if (pdsch_HARQ_ACK_Codebook == dynamic) codebook_HARQ_ACK = 2;
   // 30 SECOND_DAI
   uint8_t n_HARQ_ACK_sub_codebooks = 0;   // We need to get this value to calculate number of bits of fields 1st DAI and 2nd DAI. FIXME!!!
   uint8_t pdsch_harq_t_ind = (uint8_t)ceil(log2(pucch_config_dedicated.dl_DataToUL_ACK[0]));
   // n_SRS is the number of configured SRS resources in the SRS resource set associated with the higher layer parameter usage of value 'codeBook' or 'nonCodeBook'
   // from SRS_ResourceSet_t type we should get the information of the usage parameter (with possible values beamManagement, codebook, nonCodebook, antennaSwitching)
   // at frame_parms->srs_nr->p_SRS_ResourceSetList[]->usage
   uint8_t n_SRS = ue->srs.number_srs_Resource_Set;
   txConfig_t txConfig = pusch_config.txConfig;
@@ -2233,91 +2249,118 @@ uint16_t nr_dci_format_size (PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
   uint8_t num_antenna_ports = 1; // this is hardcoded. We need to get the real value FIXME!!!
   uint8_t precond_nbr_layers_bits = 0;
   uint8_t antenna_ports_bits_ul = 0;
   // searching number of bits at tables from TS 38.212 subclause
-  if (txConfig == txConfig_codebook){
+  if (txConfig == txConfig_codebook) {
     if (num_antenna_ports == 4) {
       if ((transformPrecoder == transformPrecoder_disabled) && ((maxRank == 2)||(maxRank == 3)||(maxRank == 4))) { // Table
-	if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_fullyAndPartialAndNonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=6;
-	if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_partialAndNonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=5;
-	if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_nonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=4;
+        if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_fullyAndPartialAndNonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=6;
+        if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_partialAndNonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=5;
+        if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_nonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=4;
       if (((transformPrecoder == transformPrecoder_enabled)||(transformPrecoder == transformPrecoder_disabled)) && (maxRank == 1)) { // Table
-	if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_fullyAndPartialAndNonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=5;
-	if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_partialAndNonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=4;
-	if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_nonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=2;
+        if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_fullyAndPartialAndNonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=5;
+        if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_partialAndNonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=4;
+        if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_nonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=2;
     if (num_antenna_ports == 2) {
       if ((transformPrecoder == transformPrecoder_disabled) && (maxRank == 2)) { // Table
-	if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_fullyAndPartialAndNonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=4;
-	if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_nonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=2;
+        if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_fullyAndPartialAndNonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=4;
+        if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_nonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=2;
       if (((transformPrecoder == transformPrecoder_enabled)||(transformPrecoder == transformPrecoder_disabled)) && (maxRank == 1)) { // Table
-	if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_fullyAndPartialAndNonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=3;
-	if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_nonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=1;
+        if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_fullyAndPartialAndNonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=3;
+        if (codebookSubset == codebookSubset_nonCoherent) precond_nbr_layers_bits=1;
-  if (txConfig == txConfig_nonCodebook){
+  if (txConfig == txConfig_nonCodebook) {
   // searching number of bits at tables
-  if((dmrs_UplinkConfig.pusch_dmrs_type == pusch_dmrs_type1)){
+  if((dmrs_UplinkConfig.pusch_dmrs_type == pusch_dmrs_type1)) {
     if ((transformPrecoder == transformPrecoder_enabled) && (dmrs_UplinkConfig.pusch_maxLength == pusch_len1)) antenna_ports_bits_ul = 2;
     if ((transformPrecoder == transformPrecoder_enabled) && (dmrs_UplinkConfig.pusch_maxLength == pusch_len2)) antenna_ports_bits_ul = 4;
     if ((transformPrecoder == transformPrecoder_disabled) && (dmrs_UplinkConfig.pusch_maxLength == pusch_len1)) antenna_ports_bits_ul = 3;
     if ((transformPrecoder == transformPrecoder_disabled) && (dmrs_UplinkConfig.pusch_maxLength == pusch_len2)) antenna_ports_bits_ul = 4;
-  if((dmrs_UplinkConfig.pusch_dmrs_type == pusch_dmrs_type2)){
+  if((dmrs_UplinkConfig.pusch_dmrs_type == pusch_dmrs_type2)) {
     if ((transformPrecoder == transformPrecoder_disabled) && (dmrs_UplinkConfig.pusch_maxLength == pusch_len1)) antenna_ports_bits_ul = 4;
     if ((transformPrecoder == transformPrecoder_disabled) && (dmrs_UplinkConfig.pusch_maxLength == pusch_len2)) antenna_ports_bits_ul = 5;
   // for format 1_1 number of bits as defined by Tables
   uint8_t antenna_ports_bits_dl = 0;
   if((dmrs_DownlinkConfig.pdsch_dmrs_type == pdsch_dmrs_type1) && (dmrs_DownlinkConfig.pdsch_maxLength == pdsch_len1)) antenna_ports_bits_dl = 4; // Table
   if((dmrs_DownlinkConfig.pdsch_dmrs_type == pdsch_dmrs_type1) && (dmrs_DownlinkConfig.pdsch_maxLength == pdsch_len2)) antenna_ports_bits_dl = 5; // Table
   if((dmrs_DownlinkConfig.pdsch_dmrs_type == pdsch_dmrs_type2) && (dmrs_DownlinkConfig.pdsch_maxLength == pdsch_len1)) antenna_ports_bits_dl = 5; // Table
   if((dmrs_DownlinkConfig.pdsch_dmrs_type == pdsch_dmrs_type2) && (dmrs_DownlinkConfig.pdsch_maxLength == pdsch_len2)) antenna_ports_bits_dl = 6; // Table
   // 39 TCI
   uint8_t tci_bits=0;
   if (pdcch_vars2->coreset[p].tciPresentInDCI == tciPresentInDCI_enabled) tci_bits=3;
   // 42 CSI_REQUEST
   // reportTriggerSize is defined in the CSI-MeasConfig IE (TS 38.331).
   // Size of CSI request field in DCI (bits). Corresponds to L1 parameter 'ReportTriggerSize' (see 38.214, section 5.2)
   uint8_t reportTriggerSize = csi_MeasConfig.reportTriggerSize; // value from 0..6
   // 43 CBGTI
   // for format 0_1
   uint8_t maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock = 0;
   if (PUSCH_ServingCellConfig.maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock != 0)
     maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock = (uint8_t)PUSCH_ServingCellConfig.maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock;
   // for format 1_1, as defined in Subclause 5.1.7 of [6, TS38.214]
   uint8_t maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock_dl = 0;
   if (PDSCH_ServingCellConfig.maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock_dl != 0)
     maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock_dl = pdsch_config.maxNrofCodeWordsScheduledByDCI; // FIXME!!!
   // 44 CBGFI
   uint8_t cbgfi_bit = PDSCH_ServingCellConfig.codeBlockGroupFlushIndicator;
   // 45 PTRS_DMRS
   // 0 bit if PTRS-UplinkConfig is not configured and transformPrecoder=disabled, or if transformPrecoder=enabled, or if maxRank=1
   // 2 bits otherwise
   uint8_t ptrs_dmrs_bits=0; //FIXME!!!
   // at IE PUSCH-Config, beta_offset indicator – 0 if the higher layer parameter betaOffsets = semiStatic; otherwise 2 bits
   // uci-OnPUSCH
   // Selection between and configuration of dynamic and semi-static beta-offset. If the field is absent or released, the UE applies the value 'semiStatic' and the BetaOffsets
   uint8_t betaOffsets = 0;
   if (pusch_config.uci_onPusch.betaOffset_type == betaOffset_semiStatic);
   if (pusch_config.uci_onPusch.betaOffset_type == betaOffset_dynamic) betaOffsets = 2;
   // 47 DMRS_SEQ_INI
   uint8_t dmrs_seq_ini_bits_ul = 0;
   uint8_t dmrs_seq_ini_bits_dl = 0;
   //1 bit if both scramblingID0 and scramblingID1 are configured in DMRS-UplinkConfig
   if ((transformPrecoder == transformPrecoder_disabled) && (dmrs_UplinkConfig.scramblingID0 != 0) && (dmrs_UplinkConfig.scramblingID1 != 0)) dmrs_seq_ini_bits_ul = 1;
   //1 bit if both scramblingID0 and scramblingID1 are configured in DMRS-DownlinkConfig
   if ((dmrs_DownlinkConfig.scramblingID0 != 0) && (dmrs_DownlinkConfig.scramblingID0 != 0)) dmrs_seq_ini_bits_dl = 1;
@@ -2347,49 +2390,68 @@ uint16_t nr_dci_format_size (PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
   // 40 SRS_REQUEST
   // 41 TPC_CMD
   uint8_t tpc_cmd_bit_2_3 = 0;
   uint8_t dci_field_size_table [NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS][NBR_NR_FORMATS] = { // This table contains the number of bits for each field (row) contained in each dci format (column).
     // The values of the variables indicate field sizes in number of bits
     //Format0_0                     Format0_1                      Format1_0                      Format1_1             Formats2_0/1/2/3
-    {1,                             1,                             (((crc_scrambled == _p_rnti) || (crc_scrambled == _si_rnti) || (crc_scrambled == _ra_rnti)) ? 0:1),
-     1,                             0,0,0,0}, // 0  IDENTIFIER_DCI_FORMATS:
-    {0,                             ((crossCarrierSchedulingConfig_ind == 0) ? 0:3),
-     0,                             ((crossCarrierSchedulingConfig_ind == 0) ? 0:3),
-     0,0,0,0}, // 1  CARRIER_IND: 0 or 3 bits, as defined in Subclause x.x of [5, TS38.213]
+    {
+      1,                             1,                             (((crc_scrambled == _p_rnti) || (crc_scrambled == _si_rnti) || (crc_scrambled == _ra_rnti)) ? 0:1),
+      1,                             0,0,0,0
+    {
+      0,                             ((crossCarrierSchedulingConfig_ind == 0) ? 0:3),
+      0,                             ((crossCarrierSchedulingConfig_ind == 0) ? 0:3),
+      0,0,0,0
+    }, // 1  CARRIER_IND: 0 or 3 bits, as defined in Subclause x.x of [5, TS38.213]
     {0,                             (sul_ind == 0)?0:1,            0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 2  SUL_IND_0_1:
     {0,                             0,                             0,                             0,                             1,0,0,0}, // 3  SLOT_FORMAT_IND: size of DCI format 2_0 is configurable by higher layers up to 128 bits, according to Subclause 11.1.1 of [5, TS 38.213]
     {0,                             0,                             0,                             0,                             0,1,0,0}, // 4  PRE_EMPTION_IND: size of DCI format 2_1 is configurable by higher layers up to 126 bits, according to Subclause 11.2 of [5, TS 38.213]. Each pre-emption indication is 14 bits
     {0,                             0,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 5  BLOCK_NUMBER: starting position of a block is determined by the parameter startingBitOfFormat2_3
     {0,                             0,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,1,0}, // 6  CLOSE_LOOP_IND
-    {0,                             (uint8_t)ceil(log2(n_UL_BWP_RRC)),
-     0,                             (uint8_t)ceil(log2(n_DL_BWP_RRC)),
-     0,0,0,0}, // 7  BANDWIDTH_PART_IND:
-    {0,                             0,                             ((crc_scrambled == _p_rnti) ? 2:0),
-     0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 8  SHORT_MESSAGE_IND 2 bits if crc scrambled with P-RNTI
-    {0,                             0,                             ((crc_scrambled == _p_rnti) ? 8:0),
-     0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 9  SHORT_MESSAGES 8 bit8 if crc scrambled with P-RNTI
-    {(uint8_t)(ceil(log2(n_RB_ULBWP*(n_RB_ULBWP+1)/2)))-n_UL_hopping,
-     n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_ul,
-     0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 10 FREQ_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT_UL: PUSCH hopping with resource allocation type 1 not considered
+    {
+      0,                             (uint8_t)ceil(log2(n_UL_BWP_RRC)),
+      0,                             (uint8_t)ceil(log2(n_DL_BWP_RRC)),
+      0,0,0,0
+    }, // 7  BANDWIDTH_PART_IND:
+    {
+      0,                             0,                             ((crc_scrambled == _p_rnti) ? 2:0),
+      0,                             0,0,0,0
+    }, // 8  SHORT_MESSAGE_IND 2 bits if crc scrambled with P-RNTI
+    {
+      0,                             0,                             ((crc_scrambled == _p_rnti) ? 8:0),
+      0,                             0,0,0,0
+    }, // 9  SHORT_MESSAGES 8 bit8 if crc scrambled with P-RNTI
+    {
+      (uint8_t)(ceil(log2(n_RB_ULBWP*(n_RB_ULBWP+1)/2)))-n_UL_hopping,
+      n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_ul,
+      0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0
+    }, // 10 FREQ_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT_UL: PUSCH hopping with resource allocation type 1 not considered
     //    (NOTE 1) If DCI format 0_0 is monitored in common search space
     //    and if the number of information bits in the DCI format 0_0 prior to padding
     //    is larger than the payload size of the DCI format 1_0 monitored in common search space
     //    the bitwidth of the frequency domain resource allocation field in the DCI format 0_0
     //    is reduced such that the size of DCI format 0_0 equals to the size of the DCI format 1_0
-    {0,                             0,                             (uint8_t)ceil(log2(n_RB_DLBWP*(n_RB_DLBWP+1)/2)),
-     n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_dl,
-     0,0,0,0}, // 11 FREQ_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT_DL:
-    {4,                             (uint8_t)log2(pusch_alloc_list),
-     4,                             (uint8_t)log2(pdsch_alloc_list),
-     0,0,0,0}, // 12 TIME_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 bits as defined in Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]. The bitwidth for this field is determined as log2(I) bits,
+    {
+      0,                             0,                             (uint8_t)ceil(log2(n_RB_DLBWP*(n_RB_DLBWP+1)/2)),
+      n_bits_freq_dom_res_assign_dl,
+      0,0,0,0
+    {
+      4,                             (uint8_t)log2(pusch_alloc_list),
+      4,                             (uint8_t)log2(pdsch_alloc_list),
+      0,0,0,0
+    }, // 12 TIME_DOM_RESOURCE_ASSIGNMENT: 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 bits as defined in Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]. The bitwidth for this field is determined as log2(I) bits,
     //    where I the number of entries in the higher layer parameter pusch-AllocationList
-    {0,                             0,                             1,                             (((dl_res_alloc_type_0==1)&&(dl_res_alloc_type_1==0))?0:1),
-     0,0,0,0}, // 13 VRB_TO_PRB_MAPPING: 0 bit if only resource allocation type 0
+    {
+      0,                             0,                             1,                             (((dl_res_alloc_type_0==1) &&(dl_res_alloc_type_1==0))?0:1),
+      0,0,0,0
+    }, // 13 VRB_TO_PRB_MAPPING: 0 bit if only resource allocation type 0
     {0,                             0,                             0,                             prb_BundlingType_size,         0,0,0,0}, // 14 PRB_BUNDLING_SIZE_IND:0 bit if the higher layer parameter PRB_bundling is not configured or is set to 'static', or 1 bit if the higher layer parameter PRB_bundling is set to 'dynamic' according to Subclause of [6, TS 38.214]
     {0,                             0,                             0,                             rateMatching_bits,             0,0,0,0}, // 15 RATE_MATCHING_IND: 0, 1, or 2 bits according to higher layer parameter rate-match-PDSCH-resource-set
     {0,                             0,                             0,                             n_zp_bits,                     0,0,0,0}, // 16 ZP_CSI_RS_TRIGGER:
-    {1,                             (((ul_res_alloc_type_0==1)&&(ul_res_alloc_type_1==0))||(freqHopping == 0))?0:1,
-     0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 17 FREQ_HOPPING_FLAG: 0 bit if only resource allocation type 0
+    {
+      1,                             (((ul_res_alloc_type_0==1) &&(ul_res_alloc_type_1==0))||(freqHopping == 0))?0:1,
+      0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0
+    }, // 17 FREQ_HOPPING_FLAG: 0 bit if only resource allocation type 0
     {0,                             0,                             0,                             5,                             0,0,0,0}, // 18 TB1_MCS:
     {0,                             0,                             0,                             1,                             0,0,0,0}, // 19 TB1_NDI:
     {0,                             0,                             0,                             2,                             0,0,0,0}, // 20 TB1_RV:
@@ -2398,17 +2460,23 @@ uint16_t nr_dci_format_size (PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
     {0,                             0,                             0,                             2,                             0,0,0,0}, // 23 TB2_RV:
     {5,                             5,                             5,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 24 MCS:
     {1,                             1,                             (crc_scrambled == _c_rnti)?1:0,0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 25 NDI:
-    {2,                             2,                             (((crc_scrambled == _c_rnti) || (crc_scrambled == _si_rnti)) ? 2:0),
-     0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 26 RV:
+    {
+      2,                             2,                             (((crc_scrambled == _c_rnti) || (crc_scrambled == _si_rnti)) ? 2:0),
+      0,                             0,0,0,0
+    }, // 26 RV:
     {4,                             4,                             (crc_scrambled == _c_rnti)?4:0,4,                             0,0,0,0}, // 27 HARQ_PROCESS_NUMBER:
     {0,                             0,                             (crc_scrambled == _c_rnti)?2:0,n_dai,                         0,0,0,0}, // 28 DAI: For format1_1: 4 if more than one serving cell are configured in the DL and the higher layer parameter HARQ-ACK-codebook=dynamic, where the 2 MSB bits are the counter DAI and the 2 LSB bits are the total DAI
     //    2 if one serving cell is configured in the DL and the higher layer parameter HARQ-ACK-codebook=dynamic, where the 2 bits are the counter DAI
     //    0 otherwise
     {0,                             codebook_HARQ_ACK,             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 29 FIRST_DAI: (1 or 2 bits) 1 bit for semi-static HARQ-ACK // 2 bits for dynamic HARQ-ACK codebook with single HARQ-ACK codebook
-    {0,                             (((codebook_HARQ_ACK == 2) && (n_HARQ_ACK_sub_codebooks==2))?2:0),
-     0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 30 SECOND_DAI: (0 or 2 bits) 2 bits for dynamic HARQ-ACK codebook with two HARQ-ACK sub-codebooks // 0 bits otherwise
-    {0,                             0,                             (((crc_scrambled == _p_rnti) || (crc_scrambled == _ra_rnti)) ? 2:0),
-     0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 31 TB_SCALING
+    {
+      0,                             (((codebook_HARQ_ACK == 2) &&(n_HARQ_ACK_sub_codebooks==2))?2:0),
+      0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0
+    }, // 30 SECOND_DAI: (0 or 2 bits) 2 bits for dynamic HARQ-ACK codebook with two HARQ-ACK sub-codebooks // 0 bits otherwise
+    {
+      0,                             0,                             (((crc_scrambled == _p_rnti) || (crc_scrambled == _ra_rnti)) ? 2:0),
+      0,                             0,0,0,0
+    }, // 31 TB_SCALING
     {2,                             2,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 32 TPC_PUSCH:
     {0,                             0,                             (crc_scrambled == _c_rnti)?2:0,2,                             0,0,0,0}, // 33 TPC_PUCCH:
     {0,                             0,                             (crc_scrambled == _c_rnti)?3:0,3,                             0,0,0,0}, // 34 PUCCH_RESOURCE_IND:
@@ -2418,13 +2486,17 @@ uint16_t nr_dci_format_size (PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
     {0,                             antenna_ports_bits_ul,         0,                             antenna_ports_bits_dl,         0,0,0,0}, // 38 ANTENNA_PORTS:
     {0,                             0,                             0,                             tci_bits,                      0,0,0,0}, // 39 TCI: 0 bit if higher layer parameter tci-PresentInDCI is not enabled; otherwise 3 bits
     {0,                             (sul_ind == 0)?2:3,            0,                             (sul_ind == 0)?2:3,            0,0,0,2}, // 40 SRS_REQUEST:
-    {0,                             0,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,tpc_cmd_bit_2_2,
-     tpc_cmd_bit_2_3},
+    {
+      0,                             0,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,tpc_cmd_bit_2_2,
+      tpc_cmd_bit_2_3
+    },
     // 41 TPC_CMD:
     {0,                             reportTriggerSize,             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 42 CSI_REQUEST:
-    {0,                             maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock,
-     0,                             maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock_dl,
-     0,0,0,0}, // 43 CBGTI: 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 bits determined by higher layer parameter maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock for the PDSCH
+    {
+      0,                             maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock,
+      0,                             maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock_dl,
+      0,0,0,0
+    }, // 43 CBGTI: 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 bits determined by higher layer parameter maxCodeBlockGroupsPerTransportBlock for the PDSCH
     {0,                             0,                             0,                             cbgfi_bit,                     0,0,0,0}, // 44 CBGFI: 0 or 1 bit determined by higher layer parameter codeBlockGroupFlushIndicator
     {0,                             ptrs_dmrs_bits,                0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 45 PTRS_DMRS:
     {0,                             betaOffsets,                   0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 46 BETA_OFFSET_IND:
@@ -2442,13 +2514,13 @@ uint16_t nr_dci_format_size (PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
     {0,                             0,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 52 SUL_IND_1_0 (random access procedure initiated by a PDCCH order not implemented, FIXME!!!)
     {0,                             0,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 53 SS_PBCH_INDEX (random access procedure initiated by a PDCCH order not implemented, FIXME!!!)
     {0,                             0,                             0,                             0,                             0,0,0,0}, // 54 PRACH_MASK_INDEX (random access procedure initiated by a PDCCH order not implemented, FIXME!!!)
-    {0,                             0,                             ((crc_scrambled == _p_rnti)?6:(((crc_scrambled == _si_rnti) || (crc_scrambled == _ra_rnti))?16:0)),
-     0,                             0,0,0,0}  // 55 RESERVED_NR_DCI
+    {
+      0,                             0,                             ((crc_scrambled == _p_rnti)?6:(((crc_scrambled == _si_rnti) || (crc_scrambled == _ra_rnti))?16:0)),
+      0,                             0,0,0,0
+    }  // 55 RESERVED_NR_DCI
   // NOTE 1: adjustments in freq_dom_resource_assignment_UL to be done if necessary
   // NOTE 2: adjustments in padding to be done if necessary
   uint8_t dci_size [8] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; // will contain size for each format
   for (int i=0 ; i<NBR_NR_FORMATS ; i++) {
@@ -2461,18 +2533,24 @@ uint16_t nr_dci_format_size (PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
       dci_fields_sizes[j][i] = dci_field_size_table[j][i];       // dci_fields_sizes[j] contains the sizes of each field (j) for a determined format i
     printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_format_size) dci_size[%d]=%d for n_RB_ULBWP=%d\n",
-	   i,dci_size[i],n_RB_ULBWP);
+           i,dci_size[i],n_RB_ULBWP);
   printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_format_size) dci_fields_sizes[][] = { \n");
-  for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; j++){
+  for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; j++) {
     for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_FORMATS ; i++) printf("%d\t",dci_fields_sizes[j][i]);
   printf(" }\n");
@@ -2483,10 +2561,11 @@ uint16_t nr_dci_format_size (PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
   // - 1 bit if the cell has two ULs and the number of bits for DCI format 1_0 before padding is larger than the number of bits for DCI format 0_0 before padding;
   // - 0 bit otherwise.
   // The UL/SUL indicator, if present, locates in the last bit position of DCI format 0_0, after the padding bit(s)
-  if ((dci_field_size_table[SUL_IND_0_0][0] == 1) && (dci_size[0] > dci_size[2])){
+  if ((dci_field_size_table[SUL_IND_0_0][0] == 1) && (dci_size[0] > dci_size[2])) {
     dci_field_size_table[SUL_IND_0_0][0] = 0;
   //  if ((format == format0_0) || (format == format1_0)) {
   // According to Section in TS 38.212
   // If DCI format 0_0 is monitored in common search space and if the number of information bits in the DCI format 0_0 prior to padding
@@ -2501,6 +2580,7 @@ uint16_t nr_dci_format_size (PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
   // If DCI format 0_0 is monitored in common search space and if the number of information bits in the DCI format 0_0 prior to padding
   // is larger than the payload size of the DCI format 1_0 monitored in common search space for scheduling the same serving cell,
   // the bitwidth of the frequency domain resource allocation field in the DCI format 0_0 is reduced
@@ -2526,20 +2606,20 @@ uint16_t nr_dci_format_size (PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
    * Not implemented. FIXME!!!
   //  }
   printf("\t\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_format_size) dci_fields_sizes[][] = { \n");
-  for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; j++){
+  for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; j++) {
     for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_FORMATS ; i++) printf("%d\t",dci_fields_sizes[j][i]);
   printf(" }\n");
   return dci_size[format];
@@ -2548,57 +2628,53 @@ uint16_t nr_dci_format_size (PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
 uint8_t nr_dci_decoding_procedure(int s,
-				  int p,
-				  PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
-				  NR_DCI_ALLOC_t *dci_alloc,
-				  NR_SEARCHSPACE_TYPE_t searchSpacetype,
-				  int16_t eNB_id,
-				  uint8_t nr_tti_rx,
-				  uint8_t dci_fields_sizes_cnt[MAX_NR_DCI_DECODED_SLOT][NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS][NBR_NR_FORMATS],
-				  uint16_t n_RB_ULBWP,
-				  uint16_t n_RB_DLBWP,
-				  crc_scrambled_t *crc_scrambled,
-				  format_found_t *format_found,
-				  uint16_t crc_scrambled_values[TOTAL_NBR_SCRAMBLED_VALUES]) {
+                                  int p,
+                                  PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
+                                  NR_DCI_ALLOC_t *dci_alloc,
+                                  NR_SEARCHSPACE_TYPE_t searchSpacetype,
+                                  int16_t eNB_id,
+                                  uint8_t nr_tti_rx,
+                                  uint8_t dci_fields_sizes_cnt[MAX_NR_DCI_DECODED_SLOT][NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS][NBR_NR_FORMATS],
+                                  uint16_t n_RB_ULBWP,
+                                  uint16_t n_RB_DLBWP,
+                                  crc_scrambled_t *crc_scrambled,
+                                  format_found_t *format_found,
+                                  uint16_t crc_scrambled_values[TOTAL_NBR_SCRAMBLED_VALUES]) {
   //                                  uint8_t dci_fields_sizes[NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS][NBR_NR_FORMATS],
   printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure) nr_tti_rx=%d n_RB_ULBWP=%d n_RB_DLBWP=%d format_found=%d\n",
-	 nr_tti_rx,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,*format_found);
+         nr_tti_rx,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,*format_found);
   int do_common = (int)searchSpacetype;
   uint8_t dci_fields_sizes[NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS][NBR_NR_FORMATS];
   crc_scrambled_t crc_scrambled_ = *crc_scrambled;
   format_found_t format_found_   = *format_found;
   uint8_t dci_cnt = 0, old_dci_cnt = 0;
   uint32_t CCEmap0 = 0, CCEmap1 = 0, CCEmap2 = 0;
   NR_UE_PDCCH **pdcch_vars = ue->pdcch_vars[ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx]];
   NR_UE_PDCCH *pdcch_vars2 = ue->pdcch_vars[ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx]][eNB_id];
   uint16_t pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id = pdcch_vars2->coreset[p].pdcchDMRSScramblingID;
   uint64_t coreset_freq_dom = pdcch_vars2->coreset[p].frequencyDomainResources;
   int coreset_time_dur = pdcch_vars2->coreset[p].duration;
   uint16_t coreset_nbr_rb=0;
   for (int i = 0; i < 45; i++) {
     // this loop counts each bit of the bit map coreset_freq_dom, and increments nbr_RB_coreset for each bit set to '1'
     if (((coreset_freq_dom & 0x1FFFFFFFFFFF) >> i) & 0x1) coreset_nbr_rb++;
   coreset_nbr_rb = 6 * coreset_nbr_rb;
   // coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,
   NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms = &ue->frame_parms;
   //uint8_t mi;// = get_mi(&ue->frame_parms, nr_tti_rx);
   //uint8_t tmode = ue->transmission_mode[eNB_id];
   //uint8_t frame_type = frame_parms->frame_type;
   uint8_t format_0_0_1_0_size_bits = 0, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes = 0; //FIXME
   uint8_t format_0_1_1_1_size_bits = 0, format_0_1_1_1_size_bytes = 0; //FIXME
   uint8_t format_2_0_size_bits = 0, format_2_0_size_bytes = 0; //FIXME
   uint8_t format_2_1_size_bits = 0, format_2_1_size_bytes = 0; //FIXME
   uint8_t format_2_2_size_bits = 0, format_2_2_size_bytes = 0; //FIXME
   uint8_t format_2_3_size_bits = 0, format_2_3_size_bytes = 0; //FIXME
    * The implementation of this function will depend on the information given by the searchSpace IE
@@ -2614,32 +2690,29 @@ uint8_t nr_dci_decoding_procedure(int s,
    * Implementation according to 38.213 v15.1.0 Section 10.
   NR_UE_SEARCHSPACE_CSS_DCI_FORMAT_t css_dci_format = pdcch_vars2->searchSpace[s].searchSpaceType.common_dci_formats;       //FIXME!!!
   NR_UE_SEARCHSPACE_USS_DCI_FORMAT_t uss_dci_format = pdcch_vars2->searchSpace[s].searchSpaceType.ue_specific_dci_formats;  //FIXME!!!
   // The following initialization is only for test purposes. To be removed
   css_dci_format = cformat0_0_and_1_0;
   uss_dci_format = uformat0_0_and_1_0;
    * Possible overlap between RE for SS/PBCH blocks (described in section 10, 38.213) has not been implemented yet
    * This can be implemented by setting variable 'mode = NO_DCI' when overlap occurs
   //dci_detect_mode_t mode = 3; //dci_detect_mode_select(&ue->frame_parms, nr_tti_rx);
   printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> searSpaceType=%d\n",do_common);
   if (do_common==0) {
     printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> css_dci_format=%d\n",css_dci_format);
   } else {
     printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> uss_dci_format=%d\n",uss_dci_format);
   // A set of PDCCH candidates for a UE to monitor is defined in terms of PDCCH search spaces
   if (do_common==0) { // COMMON SearchSpaceType assigned to current SearchSpace/CORESET
     // Type0-PDCCH  common search space for a DCI format with CRC scrambled by a SI-RNTI
@@ -2662,39 +2735,41 @@ uint8_t nr_dci_decoding_procedure(int s,
       // FIXME
       // We shall consider Table 10.1-1 to calculate the blind decoding only for Type0/Type0A/Type2-PDCCH
       // Shall we consider the nrofCandidates in SearSpace IE that considers Aggregation Levels 1,2,4,8,16? Our implementation considers Table 10.1-1
       // blind decoding (Type0-PDCCH,Type0A-PDCCH,Type1-PDCCH,Type2-PDCCH)
       // for format0_0 => we are NOT implementing format0_0 for common search spaces. FIXME!
       // for format0_0 and format1_0, first we calculate dci pdu size
       format_0_0_1_0_size_bits = nr_dci_format_size(ue,eNB_id,nr_tti_rx,p,_c_rnti,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,dci_fields_sizes,0);
       format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes = (format_0_0_1_0_size_bits%8 == 0) ? (uint8_t)floor(format_0_0_1_0_size_bits/8) : (uint8_t)(floor(format_0_0_1_0_size_bits/8) + 1);
       printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> calculating dci format size for common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d, format_0_0_1_0_size_bits=%d, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes=%d\n",
-	     css_dci_format,format_0_0_1_0_size_bits,format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes);
+             css_dci_format,format_0_0_1_0_size_bits,format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes);
       for (int aggregationLevel = 0; aggregationLevel<5 ; aggregationLevel++) { // We fix aggregationLevel to 3 for testing=> nbr of CCE=8
-	//for (int aggregationLevel = 2; aggregationLevel<5 ; aggregationLevel++) {
-	// for aggregation level aggregationLevel. The number of candidates (for L2= 2^aggregationLevel) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
-	printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d and aggregation_level=%d\n",
-	       css_dci_format,(1<<aggregationLevel));
-	old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-	nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, 
-				   crc_scrambled_values, aggregationLevel,
-				   cformat0_0_and_1_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
-				   format_0_0_1_0_size_bits, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
-				   &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_, pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id,&CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
-	if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
-	  // we will exit the loop as we have found the DCI
-	  aggregationLevel = 5;
-	  format_0_0_1_0_size_bits = nr_dci_format_size(ue,eNB_id,nr_tti_rx,p,crc_scrambled_,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,dci_fields_sizes,0); // after decoding dci successfully we recalculate dci pdu size with correct crc scrambled to get the right field sizes
-	  old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-	  for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
-	    for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
-	      dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
-	}
+        //for (int aggregationLevel = 2; aggregationLevel<5 ; aggregationLevel++) {
+        // for aggregation level aggregationLevel. The number of candidates (for L2= 2^aggregationLevel) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
+        printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d and aggregation_level=%d\n",
+               css_dci_format,(1<<aggregationLevel));
+        old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
+        nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,
+                                   crc_scrambled_values, aggregationLevel,
+                                   cformat0_0_and_1_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
+                                   format_0_0_1_0_size_bits, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
+                                   &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_, pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id,&CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
+        if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt) {
+          // we will exit the loop as we have found the DCI
+          aggregationLevel = 5;
+          format_0_0_1_0_size_bits = nr_dci_format_size(ue,eNB_id,nr_tti_rx,p,crc_scrambled_,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,dci_fields_sizes,
+                                     0); // after decoding dci successfully we recalculate dci pdu size with correct crc scrambled to get the right field sizes
+          old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
+          for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
+            for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
+              dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
+        }
@@ -2706,122 +2781,135 @@ uint8_t nr_dci_decoding_procedure(int s,
       format_2_0_size_bytes = (format_2_0_size_bits%8 == 0) ? (uint8_t)floor(format_2_0_size_bits/8) : (uint8_t)(floor(format_2_0_size_bits/8) + 1);
       printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> calculating dci format size for common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d, format2_0_size_bits=%d, format2_0_size_bytes=%d\n",
-	     css_dci_format,format_2_0_size_bits,format_2_0_size_bytes);
-      for (int aggregationLevelSFI = 0; aggregationLevelSFI<5 ; aggregationLevelSFI++){
-	printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d and aggregation_level=%d\n",
-	       css_dci_format,(1<<aggregationLevelSFI));
-	// for aggregation level 'aggregationLevelSFI'. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates-SFI) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
-	old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-	nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, 
-				   crc_scrambled_values, aggregationLevelSFI,
-				   cformat2_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
-				   format_2_0_size_bits, format_2_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
-				   &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
-	if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
-	  // we will exit the loop as we have found the DCI
-	  aggregationLevelSFI = 5;
-	  old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-	  for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
-	    for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
-	      dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
-	}
+             css_dci_format,format_2_0_size_bits,format_2_0_size_bytes);
+      for (int aggregationLevelSFI = 0; aggregationLevelSFI<5 ; aggregationLevelSFI++) {
+        printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d and aggregation_level=%d\n",
+               css_dci_format,(1<<aggregationLevelSFI));
+        // for aggregation level 'aggregationLevelSFI'. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates-SFI) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
+        old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
+        nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,
+                                   crc_scrambled_values, aggregationLevelSFI,
+                                   cformat2_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
+                                   format_2_0_size_bits, format_2_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
+                                   &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
+        if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt) {
+          // we will exit the loop as we have found the DCI
+          aggregationLevelSFI = 5;
+          old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
+          for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
+            for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
+              dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
+        }
     if (css_dci_format == cformat2_1) {
       // for format2_1, first we calculate dci pdu size
       format_2_1_size_bits = nr_dci_format_size(ue,eNB_id,nr_tti_rx,p,_int_rnti,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,dci_fields_sizes,5);
       format_2_1_size_bytes = (format_2_1_size_bits%8 == 0) ? (uint8_t)floor(format_2_1_size_bits/8) : (uint8_t)(floor(format_2_1_size_bits/8) + 1);
       printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> calculating dci format size for common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d, format2_1_size_bits=%d, format2_1_size_bytes=%d\n",
-	     css_dci_format,format_2_1_size_bits,format_2_1_size_bytes);
-      for (int aggregationLevel = 0; aggregationLevel<5 ; aggregationLevel++){
-	printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d and aggregation_level=%d\n",
-	       css_dci_format,(1<<aggregationLevel));
-	// for aggregation level 'aggregationLevelSFI'. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates-SFI) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
-	old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-	nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, 
-				   crc_scrambled_values, aggregationLevel,
-				   cformat2_1, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
-				   format_2_1_size_bits, format_2_1_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
-				   &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
-	if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
-	  // we will exit the loop as we have found the DCI
-	  aggregationLevel = 5;
-	  old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-	  for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
-	    for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
-	      dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
-	}
+             css_dci_format,format_2_1_size_bits,format_2_1_size_bytes);
+      for (int aggregationLevel = 0; aggregationLevel<5 ; aggregationLevel++) {
+        printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d and aggregation_level=%d\n",
+               css_dci_format,(1<<aggregationLevel));
+        // for aggregation level 'aggregationLevelSFI'. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates-SFI) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
+        old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
+        nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,
+                                   crc_scrambled_values, aggregationLevel,
+                                   cformat2_1, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
+                                   format_2_1_size_bits, format_2_1_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
+                                   &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
+        if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt) {
+          // we will exit the loop as we have found the DCI
+          aggregationLevel = 5;
+          old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
+          for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
+            for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
+              dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
+        }
     if (css_dci_format == cformat2_2) {
       // for format2_2, first we calculate dci pdu size
       format_2_2_size_bits = nr_dci_format_size(ue,eNB_id,nr_tti_rx,p,_tpc_pucch_rnti,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,dci_fields_sizes,6);
       format_2_2_size_bytes = (format_2_2_size_bits%8 == 0) ? (uint8_t)floor(format_2_2_size_bits/8) : (uint8_t)(floor(format_2_2_size_bits/8) + 1);
       printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> calculating dci format size for common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d, format2_2_size_bits=%d, format2_2_size_bytes=%d\n",
-	     css_dci_format,format_2_2_size_bits,format_2_2_size_bytes);
-      for (int aggregationLevel = 0; aggregationLevel<5 ; aggregationLevel++){
-	printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d and aggregation_level=%d\n",
-	       css_dci_format,(1<<aggregationLevel));
-	// for aggregation level 'aggregationLevelSFI'. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates-SFI) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
-	old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-	nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, 
-				   crc_scrambled_values, aggregationLevel,
-				   cformat2_2, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
-				   format_2_2_size_bits, format_2_2_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
-				   &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
-	if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
-	  // we will exit the loop as we have found the DCI
-	  aggregationLevel = 5;
-	  old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-	  for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
-	    for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
-	      dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
-	}
+             css_dci_format,format_2_2_size_bits,format_2_2_size_bytes);
+      for (int aggregationLevel = 0; aggregationLevel<5 ; aggregationLevel++) {
+        printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d and aggregation_level=%d\n",
+               css_dci_format,(1<<aggregationLevel));
+        // for aggregation level 'aggregationLevelSFI'. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates-SFI) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
+        old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
+        nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,
+                                   crc_scrambled_values, aggregationLevel,
+                                   cformat2_2, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
+                                   format_2_2_size_bits, format_2_2_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
+                                   &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
+        if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt) {
+          // we will exit the loop as we have found the DCI
+          aggregationLevel = 5;
+          old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
+          for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
+            for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
+              dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
+        }
     if (css_dci_format == cformat2_3) {
       // for format2_1, first we calculate dci pdu size
       format_2_3_size_bits = nr_dci_format_size(ue,eNB_id,nr_tti_rx,p,_tpc_srs_rnti,n_RB_ULBWP,n_RB_DLBWP,dci_fields_sizes,7);
       format_2_3_size_bytes = (format_2_3_size_bits%8 == 0) ? (uint8_t)floor(format_2_3_size_bits/8) : (uint8_t)(floor(format_2_3_size_bits/8) + 1);
       printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> calculating dci format size for common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d, format2_3_size_bits=%d, format2_3_size_bytes=%d\n",
-	     css_dci_format,format_2_3_size_bits,format_2_3_size_bytes);
-      for (int aggregationLevel = 0; aggregationLevel<5 ; aggregationLevel++){
-	printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d and aggregation_level=%d\n",
-	       css_dci_format,(1<<aggregationLevel));
-	// for aggregation level 'aggregationLevelSFI'. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates-SFI) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
-	old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-	nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms, 
-				   crc_scrambled_values, aggregationLevel,
-				   cformat2_3, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
-				   format_2_3_size_bits, format_2_3_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
-				   &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
-	if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
-	  // we will exit the loop as we have found the DCI
-	  aggregationLevel = 5;
-	  old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-	  for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
-	    for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
-	      dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
-	}
-      }
-    }
+             css_dci_format,format_2_3_size_bits,format_2_3_size_bytes);
+      for (int aggregationLevel = 0; aggregationLevel<5 ; aggregationLevel++) {
+        printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d and aggregation_level=%d\n",
+               css_dci_format,(1<<aggregationLevel));
+        // for aggregation level 'aggregationLevelSFI'. The number of candidates (nrofCandidates-SFI) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
+        old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
+        nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 1, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,
+                                   crc_scrambled_values, aggregationLevel,
+                                   cformat2_3, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
+                                   format_2_3_size_bits, format_2_3_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
+                                   &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
+        if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt) {
+          // we will exit the loop as we have found the DCI
+          aggregationLevel = 5;
+          old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
+          for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
+            for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
+              dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
+        }
+      }
+    }
   } else { // UE-SPECIFIC SearchSpaceType assigned to current SearchSpace/CORESET
     // UE-specific search space for a DCI format with CRC scrambled by C-RNTI, or CS-RNTI(s), or SP-CSI-RNTI
     if (uss_dci_format == uformat0_0_and_1_0) {
@@ -2830,29 +2918,32 @@ uint8_t nr_dci_decoding_procedure(int s,
       format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes = (format_0_0_1_0_size_bits%8 == 0) ? (uint8_t)floor(format_0_0_1_0_size_bits/8) : (uint8_t)(floor(format_0_0_1_0_size_bits/8) + 1);
       printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> calculating dci format size for UE-specific searchSpaces with format uss_dci_format=%d, format_0_0_1_0_size_bits=%d, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes=%d\n",
-	     css_dci_format,format_0_0_1_0_size_bits,format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes);
+             css_dci_format,format_0_0_1_0_size_bits,format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes);
       for (int aggregationLevel = 0; aggregationLevel<5 ; aggregationLevel++) { // We fix aggregationLevel to 3 for testing=> nbr of CCE=8
-	//for (int aggregationLevel = 2; aggregationLevel<5 ; aggregationLevel++) {
-	// for aggregation level aggregationLevel. The number of candidates (for L2= 2^aggregationLevel) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
-	printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d and aggregation_level=%d\n",
-	       css_dci_format,(1<<aggregationLevel));
-	old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-	nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 0, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,
-				   crc_scrambled_values, aggregationLevel,
-				   cformat0_0_and_1_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
-				   format_0_0_1_0_size_bits, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
-				   &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
-	if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
-	  // we will exit the loop as we have found the DCI
-	  aggregationLevel = 5;
-	  old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-	  for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
-	    for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
-	      dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
-	}
+        //for (int aggregationLevel = 2; aggregationLevel<5 ; aggregationLevel++) {
+        // for aggregation level aggregationLevel. The number of candidates (for L2= 2^aggregationLevel) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
+        printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d and aggregation_level=%d\n",
+               css_dci_format,(1<<aggregationLevel));
+        old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
+        nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 0, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,
+                                   crc_scrambled_values, aggregationLevel,
+                                   cformat0_0_and_1_0, uformat0_0_and_1_0,
+                                   format_0_0_1_0_size_bits, format_0_0_1_0_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
+                                   &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
+        if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt) {
+          // we will exit the loop as we have found the DCI
+          aggregationLevel = 5;
+          old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
+          for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
+            for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
+              dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
+        }
@@ -2862,38 +2953,41 @@ uint8_t nr_dci_decoding_procedure(int s,
       format_0_1_1_1_size_bytes = (format_0_1_1_1_size_bits%8 == 0) ? (uint8_t)floor(format_0_1_1_1_size_bits/8) : (uint8_t)(floor(format_0_1_1_1_size_bits/8) + 1);
       printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> calculating dci format size for UE-specific searchSpaces with format uss_dci_format=%d, format_0_1_1_1_size_bits=%d, format_0_1_1_1_size_bytes=%d\n",
-	     css_dci_format,format_0_1_1_1_size_bits,format_0_1_1_1_size_bytes);
+             css_dci_format,format_0_1_1_1_size_bits,format_0_1_1_1_size_bytes);
       for (int aggregationLevel = 0; aggregationLevel<5 ; aggregationLevel++) { // We fix aggregationLevel to 3 for testing=> nbr of CCE=8
-	//for (int aggregationLevel = 2; aggregationLevel<5 ; aggregationLevel++) {
-	// for aggregation level aggregationLevel. The number of candidates (for L2= 2^aggregationLevel) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
-	printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d and aggregation_level=%d\n",
-	       css_dci_format,(1<<aggregationLevel));
-	old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-	nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 0, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,
-				   crc_scrambled_values, aggregationLevel,
-				   cformat0_0_and_1_0, uformat0_1_and_1_1,
-				   format_0_1_1_1_size_bits, format_0_1_1_1_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
-				   &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
-	if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt){
-	  // we will exit the loop as we have found the DCI
-	  aggregationLevel = 5;
-	  old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
-	  for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
-	    for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
-	      dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
-	}
+        //for (int aggregationLevel = 2; aggregationLevel<5 ; aggregationLevel++) {
+        // for aggregation level aggregationLevel. The number of candidates (for L2= 2^aggregationLevel) will be calculated in function nr_dci_decoding_procedure0
+        printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> common searchSpaces with format css_dci_format=%d and aggregation_level=%d\n",
+               css_dci_format,(1<<aggregationLevel));
+        old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
+        nr_dci_decoding_procedure0(s,p,coreset_time_dur,coreset_nbr_rb,pdcch_vars, 0, nr_tti_rx, dci_alloc, eNB_id, ue->current_thread_id[nr_tti_rx], frame_parms,
+                                   crc_scrambled_values, aggregationLevel,
+                                   cformat0_0_and_1_0, uformat0_1_and_1_1,
+                                   format_0_1_1_1_size_bits, format_0_1_1_1_size_bytes, &dci_cnt,
+                                   &crc_scrambled_, &format_found_,pdcch_DMRS_scrambling_id, &CCEmap0, &CCEmap1, &CCEmap2);
+        if (dci_cnt != old_dci_cnt) {
+          // we will exit the loop as we have found the DCI
+          aggregationLevel = 5;
+          old_dci_cnt = dci_cnt;
+          for (int i=0; i<NBR_NR_DCI_FIELDS; i++)
+            for (int j=0; j<NBR_NR_FORMATS; j++)
+              dci_fields_sizes_cnt[dci_cnt-1][i][j]=dci_fields_sizes[i][j];
+        }
   *crc_scrambled = crc_scrambled_;
   *format_found  = format_found_;
   printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> at the end crc_scrambled=%d and format_found=%d\n",*crc_scrambled,*format_found);
   printf("\t<-NR_PDCCH_DCI_DEBUG (nr_dci_decoding_procedure)-> at the end dci_cnt=%d \n",dci_cnt);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_pbch.c b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_pbch.c
index 2280ded196d5566d5f6779192a1620de321d73cb..1ce2f347ab1357e35b72037ec393fdf4d97b78c5 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_pbch.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/NR_UE_TRANSPORT/nr_pbch.c
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 #ifdef OPENAIR2
-//#include "PHY_INTERFACE/defs.h"
+  //#include "PHY_INTERFACE/defs.h"
 #define PBCH_A 24
@@ -47,42 +47,39 @@
 #define print_shorts(s,x) printf("%s : %d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n",s,((int16_t*)x)[0],((int16_t*)x)[1],((int16_t*)x)[2],((int16_t*)x)[3],((int16_t*)x)[4],((int16_t*)x)[5],((int16_t*)x)[6],((int16_t*)x)[7])
 uint16_t nr_pbch_extract(int **rxdataF,
-			 int **dl_ch_estimates,
-			 int **rxdataF_ext,
-			 int **dl_ch_estimates_ext,
-			 uint32_t symbol,
-			 uint32_t s_offset,
-			 uint32_t high_speed_flag,
-			 NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms)
+                         int **dl_ch_estimates,
+                         int **rxdataF_ext,
+                         int **dl_ch_estimates_ext,
+                         uint32_t symbol,
+                         uint32_t s_offset,
+                         uint32_t high_speed_flag,
+                         NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms) {
   uint16_t rb;
   uint8_t i,j,aarx;
   int32_t *dl_ch0,*dl_ch0_ext,*rxF,*rxF_ext;
   int nushiftmod4 = frame_parms->nushift;
   unsigned int  rx_offset = frame_parms->first_carrier_offset + frame_parms->ssb_start_subcarrier; //and
   if (rx_offset>= frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size) rx_offset-=frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size;
-  AssertFatal(symbol>=1 && symbol<5, 
-	      "symbol %d illegal for PBCH extraction\n",
-	      symbol);
+  AssertFatal(symbol>=1 && symbol<5,
+              "symbol %d illegal for PBCH extraction\n",
+              symbol);
   for (aarx=0; aarx<frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx; aarx++) {
     rxF        = &rxdataF[aarx][(symbol+s_offset)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size];
     rxF_ext    = &rxdataF_ext[aarx][symbol*20*12];
 #ifdef DEBUG_PBCH
-     printf("extract_rbs (nushift %d): rx_offset=%d, symbol %d\n",frame_parms->nushift,
-	    (rx_offset + ((symbol+s_offset)*(frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size))),symbol);
-     int16_t *p = (int16_t *)rxF;
-     for (int i =0; i<8;i++){
-        printf("rxF [%d]= %d\n",i,rxF[i]);
-        printf("pbch extract rxF  %d %d addr %p\n", p[2*i], p[2*i+1], &p[2*i]);
-        printf("rxF ext addr %p\n", &rxF_ext[i]);
-     }
+    printf("extract_rbs (nushift %d): rx_offset=%d, symbol %d\n",frame_parms->nushift,
+           (rx_offset + ((symbol+s_offset)*(frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size))),symbol);
+    int16_t *p = (int16_t *)rxF;
+    for (int i =0; i<8; i++) {
+      printf("rxF [%d]= %d\n",i,rxF[i]);
+      printf("pbch extract rxF  %d %d addr %p\n", p[2*i], p[2*i+1], &p[2*i]);
+      printf("rxF ext addr %p\n", &rxF_ext[i]);
+    }
     for (rb=0; rb<20; rb++) {
@@ -95,41 +92,43 @@ uint16_t nr_pbch_extract(int **rxdataF,
               (i!=(nushiftmod4+8))) {
 #ifdef DEBUG_PBCH
-	    printf("rxF ext[%d] = (%d,%d) rxF [%d]= (%d,%d)\n",(9*rb) + j,
-		   ((int16_t*)&rxF_ext[j])[0],
-		   ((int16_t*)&rxF_ext[j])[1],
-		   rx_offset,
-		   ((int16_t*)&rxF[rx_offset])[0],
-		   ((int16_t*)&rxF[rx_offset])[1]);
+            printf("rxF ext[%d] = (%d,%d) rxF [%d]= (%d,%d)\n",(9*rb) + j,
+                   ((int16_t *)&rxF_ext[j])[0],
+                   ((int16_t *)&rxF_ext[j])[1],
+                   rx_offset,
+                   ((int16_t *)&rxF[rx_offset])[0],
+                   ((int16_t *)&rxF[rx_offset])[1]);
-	    j++;
+            j++;
-	  rx_offset=(rx_offset+1)&(frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size-1);
+          rx_offset=(rx_offset+1)&(frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size-1);
       } else { //symbol 2
-    	if ((rb < 4) || (rb >15)){
-    	  for (i=0; i<12; i++) {
-	    if ((i!=nushiftmod4) &&
-		(i!=(nushiftmod4+4)) &&
-		(i!=(nushiftmod4+8))) {
-	      rxF_ext[j]=rxF[rx_offset];
+        if ((rb < 4) || (rb >15)) {
+          for (i=0; i<12; i++) {
+            if ((i!=nushiftmod4) &&
+                (i!=(nushiftmod4+4)) &&
+                (i!=(nushiftmod4+8))) {
+              rxF_ext[j]=rxF[rx_offset];
 #ifdef DEBUG_PBCH
-	      printf("rxF ext[%d] = (%d,%d) rxF [%d]= (%d,%d)\n",(rb<4) ? (9*rb) + j : (9*(rb-12))+j,
-		     ((int16_t*)&rxF_ext[j])[0],
-		     ((int16_t*)&rxF_ext[j])[1],
-		     rx_offset,
-		     ((int16_t*)&rxF[rx_offset])[0],
-		     ((int16_t*)&rxF[rx_offset])[1]);
-	      j++;
-	    }
-	    rx_offset=(rx_offset+1)&(frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size-1);
-    	  }
-	  rxF_ext+=9;
-	}
-	else rx_offset = (rx_offset+12)&(frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size-1);
+              printf("rxF ext[%d] = (%d,%d) rxF [%d]= (%d,%d)\n",(rb<4) ? (9*rb) + j : (9*(rb-12))+j,
+                     ((int16_t *)&rxF_ext[j])[0],
+                     ((int16_t *)&rxF_ext[j])[1],
+                     rx_offset,
+                     ((int16_t *)&rxF[rx_offset])[0],
+                     ((int16_t *)&rxF[rx_offset])[1]);
+              j++;
+            }
+            rx_offset=(rx_offset+1)&(frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size-1);
+          }
+          rxF_ext+=9;
+        } else rx_offset = (rx_offset+12)&(frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size-1);
@@ -137,56 +136,59 @@ uint16_t nr_pbch_extract(int **rxdataF,
       dl_ch0     = &dl_ch_estimates[aarx][((symbol+s_offset)*(frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size))];
       dl_ch0     = &dl_ch_estimates[aarx][0];
     //printf("dl_ch0 addr %p\n",dl_ch0);
     dl_ch0_ext = &dl_ch_estimates_ext[aarx][symbol*20*12];
     for (rb=0; rb<20; rb++) {
       if (symbol==1 || symbol==3) {
-	for (i=0; i<12; i++) {
-	  if ((i!=nushiftmod4) &&
-	      (i!=(nushiftmod4+4)) &&
-	      (i!=(nushiftmod4+8))) {
-	    dl_ch0_ext[j]=dl_ch0[i];
+        for (i=0; i<12; i++) {
+          if ((i!=nushiftmod4) &&
+              (i!=(nushiftmod4+4)) &&
+              (i!=(nushiftmod4+8))) {
+            dl_ch0_ext[j]=dl_ch0[i];
 #ifdef DEBUG_PBCH
-	    if ((rb==0) && (i<2))
-	      printf("dl ch0 ext[%d] = (%d,%d)  dl_ch0 [%d]= (%d,%d)\n",j,
-		     ((int16_t*)&dl_ch0_ext[j])[0],
-		     ((int16_t*)&dl_ch0_ext[j])[1],
-		     i,
-		     ((int16_t*)&dl_ch0[i])[0],
-		     ((int16_t*)&dl_ch0[i])[1]);
+            if ((rb==0) && (i<2))
+              printf("dl ch0 ext[%d] = (%d,%d)  dl_ch0 [%d]= (%d,%d)\n",j,
+                     ((int16_t *)&dl_ch0_ext[j])[0],
+                     ((int16_t *)&dl_ch0_ext[j])[1],
+                     i,
+                     ((int16_t *)&dl_ch0[i])[0],
+                     ((int16_t *)&dl_ch0[i])[1]);
-	    j++;
-	  }
-	}
-	dl_ch0+=12;
-	dl_ch0_ext+=9;
-      }
-      else { 
-	if ((rb < 4) || (rb >15)){
-	  for (i=0; i<12; i++) {
-	    if ((i!=nushiftmod4) &&
-		(i!=(nushiftmod4+4)) &&
-		(i!=(nushiftmod4+8))) {
-	      dl_ch0_ext[j]=dl_ch0[i];
+            j++;
+          }
+        }
+        dl_ch0+=12;
+        dl_ch0_ext+=9;
+      } else {
+        if ((rb < 4) || (rb >15)) {
+          for (i=0; i<12; i++) {
+            if ((i!=nushiftmod4) &&
+                (i!=(nushiftmod4+4)) &&
+                (i!=(nushiftmod4+8))) {
+              dl_ch0_ext[j]=dl_ch0[i];
 #ifdef DEBUG_PBCH
-	      printf("dl ch0 ext[%d] = (%d,%d)  dl_ch0 [%d]= (%d,%d)\n",j,
-		     ((int16_t*)&dl_ch0_ext[j])[0],
-		     ((int16_t*)&dl_ch0_ext[j])[1],
-		     i,
-		     ((int16_t*)&dl_ch0[i])[0],
-		     ((int16_t*)&dl_ch0[i])[1]);
+              printf("dl ch0 ext[%d] = (%d,%d)  dl_ch0 [%d]= (%d,%d)\n",j,
+                     ((int16_t *)&dl_ch0_ext[j])[0],
+                     ((int16_t *)&dl_ch0_ext[j])[1],
+                     i,
+                     ((int16_t *)&dl_ch0[i])[0],
+                     ((int16_t *)&dl_ch0[i])[1]);
-	      j++;
-	    }
-	  }
-	  dl_ch0_ext+=9;
-	}
-	dl_ch0+=12;
+              j++;
+            }
+          }
+          dl_ch0_ext+=9;
+        }
+        dl_ch0+=12;
@@ -198,13 +200,10 @@ uint16_t nr_pbch_extract(int **rxdataF,
 //compute average channel_level on each (TX,RX) antenna pair
 int nr_pbch_channel_level(int **dl_ch_estimates_ext,
-			  NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
-			  uint32_t symbol)
+                          NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
+                          uint32_t symbol) {
   int16_t rb, nb_rb=20;
   uint8_t aarx;
 #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
   __m128i avg128;
   __m128i *dl_ch128;
@@ -216,75 +215,70 @@ int nr_pbch_channel_level(int **dl_ch_estimates_ext,
   for (aarx=0; aarx<frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx; aarx++) {
     //clear average level
 #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
     avg128 = _mm_setzero_si128();
     dl_ch128=(__m128i *)&dl_ch_estimates_ext[aarx][symbol*20*12];
 #elif defined(__arm__)
     avg128 = vdupq_n_s32(0);
     dl_ch128=(int16x8_t *)&dl_ch_estimates_ext[aarx][symbol*20*12];
     for (rb=0; rb<nb_rb; rb++) {
 #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
       avg128 = _mm_add_epi32(avg128,_mm_madd_epi16(dl_ch128[0],dl_ch128[0]));
       avg128 = _mm_add_epi32(avg128,_mm_madd_epi16(dl_ch128[1],dl_ch128[1]));
       avg128 = _mm_add_epi32(avg128,_mm_madd_epi16(dl_ch128[2],dl_ch128[2]));
 #elif defined(__arm__)
-// to be filled in
+      // to be filled in
       if (rb==0) {
-	print_shorts("dl_ch128",&dl_ch128[0]);
-	print_shorts("dl_ch128",&dl_ch128[1]);
-	print_shorts("dl_ch128",&dl_ch128[2]);
-	}*/
+      print_shorts("dl_ch128",&dl_ch128[0]);
+      print_shorts("dl_ch128",&dl_ch128[1]);
+      print_shorts("dl_ch128",&dl_ch128[2]);
+      }*/
-    avg1 = (((int*)&avg128)[0] +
-	    ((int*)&avg128)[1] +
-	    ((int*)&avg128)[2] +
-	    ((int*)&avg128)[3])/(nb_rb*12);
+    avg1 = (((int *)&avg128)[0] +
+            ((int *)&avg128)[1] +
+            ((int *)&avg128)[2] +
+            ((int *)&avg128)[3])/(nb_rb*12);
     if (avg1>avg2)
       avg2 = avg1;
     //LOG_I(PHY,"Channel level : %d, %d\n",avg1, avg2);
 #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
 void nr_pbch_channel_compensation(int **rxdataF_ext,
-				  int **dl_ch_estimates_ext,
-				  int **rxdataF_comp,
-				  NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
-				  uint32_t symbol,
-				  uint8_t output_shift) {
+                                  int **dl_ch_estimates_ext,
+                                  int **rxdataF_comp,
+                                  NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
+                                  uint32_t symbol,
+                                  uint8_t output_shift) {
   const uint16_t nb_re=symbol == 2 ? 72 : 180;
   AssertFatal((symbol > 0 && symbol < 4),
-	      "symbol %d is illegal for PBCH DM-RS\n",
-	      symbol);
+              "symbol %d is illegal for PBCH DM-RS\n",
+              symbol);
   //  printf("comp: symbol %d : nb_re %d\n",symbol,nb_re);
   for (int aarx=0; aarx<frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx; aarx++) {
     vect128 *dl_ch128          = (vect128 *)&dl_ch_estimates_ext[aarx][symbol*20*12];
     vect128 *rxdataF128        = (vect128 *)&rxdataF_ext[aarx][symbol*20*12];
     vect128 *rxdataF_comp128   = (vect128 *)&rxdataF_comp[aarx][symbol*20*12];
     printf("ch compensation dl_ch ext addr %p \n", &dl_ch_estimates_ext[aarx][symbol*20*12]);
     printf("rxdataf ext addr %p symbol %d\n", &rxdataF_ext[aarx][symbol*20*12], symbol);
-    printf("rxdataf_comp addr %p\n",&rxdataF_comp[aarx][symbol*20*12]); 
+    printf("rxdataf_comp addr %p\n",&rxdataF_comp[aarx][symbol*20*12]);
     for (int re=0; re<nb_re; re+=12) {
@@ -296,10 +290,8 @@ void nr_pbch_channel_compensation(int **rxdataF_ext,
 void nr_pbch_detection_mrc(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
-                        int **rxdataF_comp,
-                        uint8_t symbol)
+                           int **rxdataF_comp,
+                           uint8_t symbol) {
   uint8_t symbol_mod;
   int i, nb_rb=6;
 #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
@@ -311,23 +303,22 @@ void nr_pbch_detection_mrc(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
   if (frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx>1) {
 #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
-      rxdataF_comp128_0   = (__m128i *)&rxdataF_comp[0][symbol_mod*6*12];
-      rxdataF_comp128_1   = (__m128i *)&rxdataF_comp[1][symbol_mod*6*12];
+    rxdataF_comp128_0   = (__m128i *)&rxdataF_comp[0][symbol_mod*6*12];
+    rxdataF_comp128_1   = (__m128i *)&rxdataF_comp[1][symbol_mod*6*12];
 #elif defined(__arm__)
-      rxdataF_comp128_0   = (int16x8_t *)&rxdataF_comp[0][symbol_mod*6*12];
-      rxdataF_comp128_1   = (int16x8_t *)&rxdataF_comp[1][symbol_mod*6*12];
+    rxdataF_comp128_0   = (int16x8_t *)&rxdataF_comp[0][symbol_mod*6*12];
+    rxdataF_comp128_1   = (int16x8_t *)&rxdataF_comp[1][symbol_mod*6*12];
-      // MRC on each re of rb, both on MF output and magnitude (for 16QAM/64QAM llr computation)
-      for (i=0; i<nb_rb*3; i++) {
+    // MRC on each re of rb, both on MF output and magnitude (for 16QAM/64QAM llr computation)
+    for (i=0; i<nb_rb*3; i++) {
 #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
-        rxdataF_comp128_0[i] = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_srai_epi16(rxdataF_comp128_0[i],1),_mm_srai_epi16(rxdataF_comp128_1[i],1));
+      rxdataF_comp128_0[i] = _mm_adds_epi16(_mm_srai_epi16(rxdataF_comp128_0[i],1),_mm_srai_epi16(rxdataF_comp128_1[i],1));
 #elif defined(__arm__)
-        rxdataF_comp128_0[i] = vhaddq_s16(rxdataF_comp128_0[i],rxdataF_comp128_1[i]);
+      rxdataF_comp128_0[i] = vhaddq_s16(rxdataF_comp128_0[i],rxdataF_comp128_1[i]);
-      }
+  }
 #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
@@ -336,19 +327,16 @@ void nr_pbch_detection_mrc(NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
 void nr_pbch_unscrambling(NR_UE_PBCH *pbch,
-			  uint16_t Nid,
-			  uint8_t nushift,
-			  uint16_t M,
-			  uint16_t length,
-			  uint8_t bitwise,
-        uint32_t unscrambling_mask)
+                          uint16_t Nid,
+                          uint8_t nushift,
+                          uint16_t M,
+                          uint16_t length,
+                          uint8_t bitwise,
+                          uint32_t unscrambling_mask) {
   uint8_t reset, offset;
   uint32_t x1, x2, s=0;
   uint8_t k=0;
   int16_t *demod_pbch_e = pbch->llr;
   reset = 1;
   // x1 is set in first call to lte_gold_generic
   x2 = Nid; //this is c_init
@@ -358,48 +346,49 @@ void nr_pbch_unscrambling(NR_UE_PBCH *pbch,
     s = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &x2, reset);
     reset = 0;
   // Scrambling is now done with offset (nushift*M)%32
   offset = (nushift*M)&0x1f;
   for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
-      /*if (((i+offset)&0x1f)==0) {
-        s = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &x2, reset);
-        reset = 0;
-      }*/
-      if (bitwise) {
+    /*if (((i+offset)&0x1f)==0) {
+      s = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &x2, reset);
+      reset = 0;
+    }*/
+    if (bitwise) {
       if (((k+offset)&0x1f)==0 && (!((unscrambling_mask>>i)&1))) {
         s = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &x2, reset);
         reset = 0;
-        (pbch->pbch_a_interleaved) ^= ((unscrambling_mask>>i)&1)? ((pbch->pbch_a_prime>>i)&1)<<i : (((pbch->pbch_a_prime>>i)&1) ^ ((s>>((k+offset)&0x1f))&1))<<i;
-        k += (!((unscrambling_mask>>i)&1));
+      (pbch->pbch_a_interleaved) ^= ((unscrambling_mask>>i)&1)? ((pbch->pbch_a_prime>>i)&1)<<i : (((pbch->pbch_a_prime>>i)&1) ^ ((s>>((k+offset)&0x1f))&1))<<i;
+      k += (!((unscrambling_mask>>i)&1));
-    printf("i %d k %d offset %d (unscrambling_mask>>i)&1) %d s: %08x\t  pbch_a_interleaved 0x%08x (!((unscrambling_mask>>i)&1)) %d\n", i, k, offset, (unscrambling_mask>>i)&1, s, pbch->pbch_a_interleaved, (!((unscrambling_mask>>i)&1)));
+      printf("i %d k %d offset %d (unscrambling_mask>>i)&1) %d s: %08x\t  pbch_a_interleaved 0x%08x (!((unscrambling_mask>>i)&1)) %d\n", i, k, offset, (unscrambling_mask>>i)&1, s, pbch->pbch_a_interleaved,
+             (!((unscrambling_mask>>i)&1)));
-      }
-      else {
+    } else {
       if (((i+offset)&0x1f)==0) {
         s = lte_gold_generic(&x1, &x2, reset);
         reset = 0;
-    	  if (((s>>((i+offset)&0x1f))&1)==1)
-    		  demod_pbch_e[i] = -demod_pbch_e[i];
+      if (((s>>((i+offset)&0x1f))&1)==1)
+        demod_pbch_e[i] = -demod_pbch_e[i];
-		if (i<8)
-	printf("s %d demod_pbch_e[i] %d\n", ((s>>((i+offset)&0x1f))&1), demod_pbch_e[i]);
+      if (i<8)
+        printf("s %d demod_pbch_e[i] %d\n", ((s>>((i+offset)&0x1f))&1), demod_pbch_e[i]);
-      }
+    }
 void nr_pbch_quantize(int16_t *pbch_llr8,
                       int16_t *pbch_llr,
-                      uint16_t len)
+                      uint16_t len) {
   uint16_t i;
   for (i=0; i<len; i++) {
@@ -409,7 +398,6 @@ void nr_pbch_quantize(int16_t *pbch_llr8,
       pbch_llr8[i] = (char)(pbch_llr[i]);
@@ -419,20 +407,16 @@ unsigned char sign(int8_t x) {
 uint8_t pbch_deinterleaving_pattern[32] = {28,0,31,30,7,29,25,27,5,8,24,9,10,11,12,13,1,4,3,14,15,16,17,2,26,18,19,20,21,22,6,23};
-int nr_rx_pbch( PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
-		UE_nr_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
-		NR_UE_PBCH *nr_ue_pbch_vars,
-		NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
-		uint8_t eNB_id,
-		MIMO_mode_t mimo_mode,
-		uint32_t high_speed_flag)
+int nr_rx_pbch( PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
+                UE_nr_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
+                NR_UE_PBCH *nr_ue_pbch_vars,
+                NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
+                uint8_t eNB_id,
+                MIMO_mode_t mimo_mode,
+                uint32_t high_speed_flag) {
   NR_UE_COMMON *nr_ue_common_vars = &ue->common_vars;
   int max_h=0;
   int symbol;
   //uint8_t pbch_a[64];
   uint8_t *pbch_a = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * 32);
@@ -447,44 +431,37 @@ int nr_rx_pbch( PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
   //unsigned short idx_demod =0;
   uint32_t decoderState=0;
   //uint8_t decoderListSize = 8, pathMetricAppr = 0;
   //time_stats_t polar_decoder_init,polar_rate_matching,decoding,bit_extraction,deinterleaving;
   //time_stats_t path_metric,sorting,update_LLR;
   memset(&pbch_a[0], 0, sizeof(uint8_t) * NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS);
   //printf("nr_pbch_ue nid_cell %d\n",frame_parms->Nid_cell);
   int subframe_rx = proc->subframe_rx;
   pbch_e_rx = &nr_ue_pbch_vars->llr[0];
   // clear LLR buffer
   int symbol_offset=1;
   if (ue->is_synchronized > 0)
 #ifdef DEBUG_PBCH
-    //printf("address dataf %p",nr_ue_common_vars->common_vars_rx_data_per_thread[ue->current_thread_id[subframe_rx]].rxdataF);
-    write_output("rxdataF0_pbch.m","rxF0pbch",
-		 &nr_ue_common_vars->common_vars_rx_data_per_thread[ue->current_thread_id[subframe_rx]].rxdataF[0][(symbol_offset+1)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size],frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size*3,1,1);
+  //printf("address dataf %p",nr_ue_common_vars->common_vars_rx_data_per_thread[ue->current_thread_id[subframe_rx]].rxdataF);
+  write_output("rxdataF0_pbch.m","rxF0pbch",
+               &nr_ue_common_vars->common_vars_rx_data_per_thread[ue->current_thread_id[subframe_rx]].rxdataF[0][(symbol_offset+1)*frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size],frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size*3,1,1);
-    // symbol refers to symbol within SSB. symbol_offset is the offset of the SSB wrt start of slot
+  // symbol refers to symbol within SSB. symbol_offset is the offset of the SSB wrt start of slot
   for (symbol=1; symbol<4; symbol++) {
-		    nr_ue_common_vars->common_vars_rx_data_per_thread[ue->current_thread_id[subframe_rx]].dl_ch_estimates[eNB_id],
-		    nr_ue_pbch_vars->rxdataF_ext,
-		    nr_ue_pbch_vars->dl_ch_estimates_ext,
-		    symbol,
-		    symbol_offset,
-		    high_speed_flag,
-		    frame_parms);
+                    nr_ue_common_vars->common_vars_rx_data_per_thread[ue->current_thread_id[subframe_rx]].dl_ch_estimates[eNB_id],
+                    nr_ue_pbch_vars->rxdataF_ext,
+                    nr_ue_pbch_vars->dl_ch_estimates_ext,
+                    symbol,
+                    symbol_offset,
+                    high_speed_flag,
+                    frame_parms);
 #ifdef DEBUG_PBCH
     LOG_I(PHY,"[PHY] PBCH Symbol %d ofdm size %d\n",symbol, frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size );
     LOG_I(PHY,"[PHY] PBCH starting channel_level\n");
@@ -492,105 +469,90 @@ int nr_rx_pbch( PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
     if (symbol == 1) {
       max_h = nr_pbch_channel_level(nr_ue_pbch_vars->dl_ch_estimates_ext,
-				    frame_parms,
-				    symbol);
+                                    frame_parms,
+                                    symbol);
       nr_ue_pbch_vars->log2_maxh = 3+(log2_approx(max_h)/2);
 #ifdef DEBUG_PBCH
     LOG_I(PHY,"[PHY] PBCH log2_maxh = %d (%d)\n",nr_ue_pbch_vars->log2_maxh,max_h);
-				 nr_ue_pbch_vars->dl_ch_estimates_ext,
-				 nr_ue_pbch_vars->rxdataF_comp,
-				 frame_parms,
-				 symbol,
-				 nr_ue_pbch_vars->log2_maxh); // log2_maxh+I0_shift
+                                 nr_ue_pbch_vars->dl_ch_estimates_ext,
+                                 nr_ue_pbch_vars->rxdataF_comp,
+                                 frame_parms,
+                                 symbol,
+                                 nr_ue_pbch_vars->log2_maxh); // log2_maxh+I0_shift
     /*if (frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx > 1)
-    if (mimo_mode == ALAMOUTI) {
-      nr_pbch_alamouti(frame_parms,nr_ue_pbch_vars->rxdataF_comp,symbol);
-    } else if (mimo_mode != SISO) {
-      LOG_I(PHY,"[PBCH][RX] Unsupported MIMO mode\n");
-      return(-1);
-    }
+    /*
+        if (mimo_mode == ALAMOUTI) {
+          nr_pbch_alamouti(frame_parms,nr_ue_pbch_vars->rxdataF_comp,symbol);
+        } else if (mimo_mode != SISO) {
+          LOG_I(PHY,"[PBCH][RX] Unsupported MIMO mode\n");
+          return(-1);
+        }
+    */
     if (symbol==1) {
-                    (short*)&(nr_ue_pbch_vars->rxdataF_comp[0][symbol*240]),
-                    144);
+                       (short *)&(nr_ue_pbch_vars->rxdataF_comp[0][symbol*240]),
+                       144);
     } else {
-                    (short*)&(nr_ue_pbch_vars->rxdataF_comp[0][symbol*240]),
-                    360);
+                       (short *)&(nr_ue_pbch_vars->rxdataF_comp[0][symbol*240]),
+                       360);
 #ifdef DEBUG_PBCH
   pbch_e_rx = nr_ue_pbch_vars->llr;
   //demod_pbch_e = nr_ue_pbch_vars->demod_pbch_e;
   pbch_a = nr_ue_pbch_vars->pbch_a;
 #ifdef DEBUG_PBCH
   //pbch_e_rx = &nr_ue_pbch_vars->llr[0];
   short *p = (short *)&(nr_ue_pbch_vars->rxdataF_comp[0][20*12]);
   for (int cnt = 0; cnt < 864  ; cnt++)
     printf("pbch rx llr %d\n",*(pbch_e_rx+cnt));
   nushift = (Lmax==4)? ssb_index&3 : ssb_index&7;
   uint32_t unscrambling_mask = (Lmax==64)?0x100006D:0x1000041;
   //polar decoding de-rate matching
   const t_nrPolar_params *currentPtr = nr_polar_params( NR_POLAR_PBCH_MESSAGE_TYPE, NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS, NR_POLAR_PBCH_AGGREGATION_LEVEL);
+  decoderState = polar_decoder_int16(pbch_e_rx,(uint64_t *)&nr_ue_pbch_vars->pbch_a_prime,currentPtr);
-  decoderState = polar_decoder_int16(pbch_e_rx,(uint64_t*)&nr_ue_pbch_vars->pbch_a_prime,currentPtr);
   if(decoderState) return(decoderState);
-  //  printf("polar decoder output 0x%08x\n",nr_ue_pbch_vars->pbch_a_prime);
+  //  printf("polar decoder output 0x%08x\n",nr_ue_pbch_vars->pbch_a_prime);
   // Decoder reversal
   uint32_t a_reversed=0;
   for (int i=0; i<NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS; i++)
     a_reversed |= (((uint64_t)nr_ue_pbch_vars->pbch_a_prime>>i)&1)<<(31-i);
   nr_ue_pbch_vars->pbch_a_prime = a_reversed;
   //payload un-scrambling
   memset(&nr_ue_pbch_vars->pbch_a_interleaved, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) );
   nushift = ((nr_ue_pbch_vars->pbch_a_prime>>24)&1) ^ (((nr_ue_pbch_vars->pbch_a_prime>>6)&1)<<1);
   //printf("nushift %d sfn 3rd %d 2nd %d", nushift,((nr_ue_pbch_vars->pbch_a_prime>>6)&1), ((nr_ue_pbch_vars->pbch_a_prime>>24)&1) );
   //payload deinterleaving
   //uint32_t in=0;
   uint32_t out=0;
   for (int i=0; i<32; i++) {
     out |= ((nr_ue_pbch_vars->pbch_a_interleaved>>i)&1)<<(pbch_deinterleaving_pattern[i]);
 #ifdef DEBUG_PBCH
@@ -598,36 +560,37 @@ int nr_rx_pbch( PHY_VARS_NR_UE *ue,
- uint32_t payload = 0;
- uint8_t xtra_byte = 0;
- xtra_byte = (out>>24)&0xff;
+  uint32_t payload = 0;
+  uint8_t xtra_byte = 0;
+  xtra_byte = (out>>24)&0xff;
   for (int i=0; i<NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS; i++)
-	  payload |= ((out>>i)&1)<<(NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS-i-1);
+    payload |= ((out>>i)&1)<<(NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS-i-1);
- for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
-  decoded_output[i] = (uint8_t)((payload>>((3-i)<<3))&0xff);
+  for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
+    decoded_output[i] = (uint8_t)((payload>>((3-i)<<3))&0xff);
 #ifdef DEBUG_PBCH
- printf("xtra_byte %x payload %x\n", xtra_byte, payload);
- for (int i=0; i<(NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS>>3); i++){
-   //  	  printf("unscrambling pbch_a[%d] = %x \n", i,pbch_a[i]);
-   printf("[PBCH] decoder payload[%d] = %x\n",i,decoded_output[i]);
- }
+  printf("xtra_byte %x payload %x\n", xtra_byte, payload);
-    ue->dl_indication.rx_ind = &ue->rx_ind; //  hang on rx_ind instance
-    //ue->rx_ind.sfn_slot = 0;  //should be set by higher-1-layer, i.e. clean_and_set_if_instance()
-    ue->rx_ind.rx_indication_body[0].pdu_type = FAPI_NR_RX_PDU_TYPE_MIB;
-    ue->rx_ind.rx_indication_body[0].mib_pdu.pdu = &decoded_output[0];
-    ue->rx_ind.rx_indication_body[0].mib_pdu.additional_bits = xtra_byte;
-    ue->rx_ind.rx_indication_body[0].mib_pdu.ssb_index = ssb_index;            //  confirm with TCL
-    ue->rx_ind.rx_indication_body[0].mib_pdu.ssb_length = Lmax;                //  confirm with TCL
-    ue->rx_ind.rx_indication_body[0].mib_pdu.cell_id = frame_parms->Nid_cell;  //  confirm with TCL
-    ue->rx_ind.number_pdus = 1;
-    if (ue->if_inst && ue->if_inst->dl_indication)
-      ue->if_inst->dl_indication(&ue->dl_indication);
+  for (int i=0; i<(NR_POLAR_PBCH_PAYLOAD_BITS>>3); i++) {
+    //     printf("unscrambling pbch_a[%d] = %x \n", i,pbch_a[i]);
+    printf("[PBCH] decoder payload[%d] = %x\n",i,decoded_output[i]);
+  }
-    return 0;    
+  ue->dl_indication.rx_ind = &ue->rx_ind; //  hang on rx_ind instance
+  //ue->rx_ind.sfn_slot = 0;  //should be set by higher-1-layer, i.e. clean_and_set_if_instance()
+  ue->rx_ind.rx_indication_body[0].pdu_type = FAPI_NR_RX_PDU_TYPE_MIB;
+  ue->rx_ind.rx_indication_body[0].mib_pdu.pdu = &decoded_output[0];
+  ue->rx_ind.rx_indication_body[0].mib_pdu.additional_bits = xtra_byte;
+  ue->rx_ind.rx_indication_body[0].mib_pdu.ssb_index = ssb_index;            //  confirm with TCL
+  ue->rx_ind.rx_indication_body[0].mib_pdu.ssb_length = Lmax;                //  confirm with TCL
+  ue->rx_ind.rx_indication_body[0].mib_pdu.cell_id = frame_parms->Nid_cell;  //  confirm with TCL
+  ue->rx_ind.number_pdus = 1;
+  if (ue->if_inst && ue->if_inst->dl_indication)
+    ue->if_inst->dl_indication(&ue->dl_indication);
+  return 0;
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/defs_nr_UE.h b/openair1/PHY/defs_nr_UE.h
index 32afa7721a1a5b152f34bc42d47767a61e7b5559..a3c404ba6156e05db8c9d2aa689221fba64fafa9 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/defs_nr_UE.h
+++ b/openair1/PHY/defs_nr_UE.h
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 #include "CODING/nrPolar_tools/nr_polar_pbch_defs.h"
-#define _GNU_SOURCE 
+#define _GNU_SOURCE
 #include <stdio.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <malloc.h>
@@ -49,28 +49,28 @@
 //#include <complex.h>
 #include "assertions.h"
 #ifdef MEX
-# define msg mexPrintf
+  #define msg mexPrintf
-# ifdef OPENAIR2
-#   if ENABLE_RAL
-#     include "collection/hashtable/hashtable.h"
-#     include "COMMON/ral_messages_types.h"
-#     include "UTIL/queue.h"
-#   endif
-#   define msg(aRGS...) LOG_D(PHY, ##aRGS)
-# else
-#   define msg printf
-# endif
+  #ifdef OPENAIR2
+    #if ENABLE_RAL
+      #include "collection/hashtable/hashtable.h"
+      #include "COMMON/ral_messages_types.h"
+      #include "UTIL/queue.h"
+    #endif
+    #define msg(aRGS...) LOG_D(PHY, ##aRGS)
+  #else
+    #define msg printf
+  #endif
 //use msg in the real-time thread context
 #define msg_nrt printf
 //use msg_nrt in the non real-time context (for initialization, ...)
 #ifndef malloc16
-#  ifdef __AVX2__
-#    define malloc16(x) memalign(32,x)
-#  else
-#    define malloc16(x) memalign(16,x)
-#  endif
+  #ifdef __AVX2__
+    #define malloc16(x) memalign(32,x)
+  #else
+    #define malloc16(x) memalign(16,x)
+  #endif
 #define free16(y,x) free(y)
 #define bigmalloc malloc
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
 #if defined(UPGRADE_RAT_NR)
-#include "PHY/NR_REFSIG/ss_pbch_nr.h"
+  #include "PHY/NR_REFSIG/ss_pbch_nr.h"
@@ -167,12 +167,12 @@ typedef struct {
   uint8_t              CC_id;
   /// timestamp transmitted to HW
   openair0_timestamp timestamp_tx;
-//#ifdef UE_NR_PHY_DEMO
+  //#ifdef UE_NR_PHY_DEMO
   /// NR TTI index within subframe_tx [0 .. ttis_per_subframe - 1] to act upon for transmission
   int nr_tti_tx;
   /// NR TTI index within subframe_rx [0 .. ttis_per_subframe - 1] to act upon for reception
   int nr_tti_rx;
+  //#endif
   /// subframe to act upon for transmission
   int subframe_tx;
   /// subframe to act upon for reception
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ typedef struct {
   //pthread_t pthread_slot0_dl_processing;
   pthread_t pthread_slot1_dl_processing;
   /// pthread attributes for fep_slot1 processing thread
- // pthread_attr_t attr_slot0_dl_processing;
+  // pthread_attr_t attr_slot0_dl_processing;
   pthread_attr_t attr_slot1_dl_processing;
   /// condition variable for UE fep_slot1 thread;
   //pthread_cond_t cond_slot0_dl_processing;
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ typedef struct {
   //pthread_t pthread_slot0_dl_processing;
   pthread_t pthread_dlsch_td;
   /// pthread attributes for fep_slot1 processing thread
- // pthread_attr_t attr_slot0_dl_processing;
+  // pthread_attr_t attr_slot0_dl_processing;
   pthread_attr_t attr_dlsch_td;
   /// condition variable for UE fep_slot1 thread;
   //pthread_cond_t cond_slot0_dl_processing;
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ typedef struct {
   //pthread_t pthread_slot0_dl_processing;
   pthread_t pthread_dlsch_td1;
   /// pthread attributes for fep_slot1 processing thread
- // pthread_attr_t attr_slot0_dl_processing;
+  // pthread_attr_t attr_slot0_dl_processing;
   pthread_attr_t attr_dlsch_td1;
   /// condition variable for UE fep_slot1 thread;
   //pthread_cond_t cond_slot0_dl_processing;
@@ -394,23 +394,23 @@ typedef struct {
 typedef struct {
-	  /// \brief Holds the received data in the frequency domain.
-	  /// - first index: rx antenna [0..nb_antennas_rx[
-	  /// - second index: symbol [0..28*ofdm_symbol_size[
-	  int32_t **rxdataF;
-	  /// \brief Hold the channel estimates in frequency domain.
-	  /// - first index: eNB id [0..6] (hard coded)
-	  /// - second index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
-	  /// - third index: samples? [0..symbols_per_tti*(ofdm_symbol_size+LTE_CE_FILTER_LENGTH)[
-	  int32_t **dl_ch_estimates[7];
-	  /// \brief Hold the channel estimates in time domain (used for tracking).
-	  /// - first index: eNB id [0..6] (hard coded)
-	  /// - second index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
-	  /// - third index: samples? [0..2*ofdm_symbol_size[
-	  int32_t **dl_ch_estimates_time[7];
+  /// \brief Holds the received data in the frequency domain.
+  /// - first index: rx antenna [0..nb_antennas_rx[
+  /// - second index: symbol [0..28*ofdm_symbol_size[
+  int32_t **rxdataF;
+  /// \brief Hold the channel estimates in frequency domain.
+  /// - first index: eNB id [0..6] (hard coded)
+  /// - second index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
+  /// - third index: samples? [0..symbols_per_tti*(ofdm_symbol_size+LTE_CE_FILTER_LENGTH)[
+  int32_t **dl_ch_estimates[7];
+  /// \brief Hold the channel estimates in time domain (used for tracking).
+  /// - first index: eNB id [0..6] (hard coded)
+  /// - second index: ? [0..7] (hard coded) FIXME! accessed via \c nb_antennas_rx
+  /// - third index: samples? [0..2*ofdm_symbol_size[
+  int32_t **dl_ch_estimates_time[7];
 typedef struct {
   /// \brief Holds the transmit data in time domain.
@@ -512,9 +512,9 @@ typedef struct {
   int16_t *llr[2];
   /// \f$\log_2(\max|H_i|^2)\f$
   int16_t log2_maxh;
-    /// \f$\log_2(\max|H_i|^2)\f$ //this is for TM3-4 layer1 channel compensation
+  /// \f$\log_2(\max|H_i|^2)\f$ //this is for TM3-4 layer1 channel compensation
   int16_t log2_maxh0;
-    /// \f$\log_2(\max|H_i|^2)\f$ //this is for TM3-4 layer2 channel commpensation
+  /// \f$\log_2(\max|H_i|^2)\f$ //this is for TM3-4 layer2 channel commpensation
   int16_t log2_maxh1;
   /// \brief LLR shifts for subband scaling.
   /// - first index: ? [0..168*N_RB_DL[
@@ -663,7 +663,8 @@ typedef enum {
-  _format_2_3_found=7} format_found_t;
+  _format_2_3_found=7
+} format_found_t;
 #define _C_RNTI_           0
 #define _CS_RNTI_          1
@@ -678,20 +679,21 @@ typedef enum {
 #define _TPC_PUSCH_RNTI_  10
 #define _TPC_PUCCH_RNTI_  11
 #define _TPC_SRS_RNTI_    12
-  typedef enum {                          /* see 38.321  Table 7.1-2  RNTI usage */
-      _c_rnti         = _C_RNTI_,         /* Cell RNTI */
-      _cs_rnti        = _CS_RNTI_,        /* Configured Scheduling RNTI */
-      _new_rnti       = _NEW_RNTI_,       /* ? */
-      _tc_rnti        = _TC_RNTI_,        /* Temporary C-RNTI */
-      _p_rnti         = _P_RNTI_,         /* Paging RNTI */
-      _si_rnti        = _SI_RNTI_,        /* System information RNTI */
-      _ra_rnti        = _RA_RNTI_,        /* Random Access RNTI */
-      _sp_csi_rnti    = _SP_CSI_RNTI_,    /* Semipersistent CSI reporting on PUSCH */
-      _sfi_rnti       = _SFI_RNTI_,       /* Slot Format Indication on the given cell */
-      _int_rnti       = _INT_RNTI_,       /* Indication pre-emption in DL */
-      _tpc_pusch_rnti = _TPC_PUSCH_RNTI_, /* PUSCH power control */
-      _tpc_pucch_rnti = _TPC_PUCCH_RNTI_, /* PUCCH power control */
-      _tpc_srs_rnti   = _TPC_SRS_RNTI_} crc_scrambled_t;
+typedef enum {                          /* see 38.321  Table 7.1-2  RNTI usage */
+  _c_rnti         = _C_RNTI_,         /* Cell RNTI */
+  _cs_rnti        = _CS_RNTI_,        /* Configured Scheduling RNTI */
+  _new_rnti       = _NEW_RNTI_,       /* ? */
+  _tc_rnti        = _TC_RNTI_,        /* Temporary C-RNTI */
+  _p_rnti         = _P_RNTI_,         /* Paging RNTI */
+  _si_rnti        = _SI_RNTI_,        /* System information RNTI */
+  _ra_rnti        = _RA_RNTI_,        /* Random Access RNTI */
+  _sp_csi_rnti    = _SP_CSI_RNTI_,    /* Semipersistent CSI reporting on PUSCH */
+  _sfi_rnti       = _SFI_RNTI_,       /* Slot Format Indication on the given cell */
+  _int_rnti       = _INT_RNTI_,       /* Indication pre-emption in DL */
+  _tpc_pusch_rnti = _TPC_PUSCH_RNTI_, /* PUSCH power control */
+  _tpc_pucch_rnti = _TPC_PUCCH_RNTI_, /* PUCCH power control */
+  _tpc_srs_rnti   = _TPC_SRS_RNTI_
+} crc_scrambled_t;
 typedef enum {bundle_n2=2,bundle_n3=3,bundle_n6=6} NR_UE_CORESET_REG_bundlesize_t;
@@ -712,33 +714,33 @@ typedef struct {
    * define CORESET structure according to 38.331
-   * controlResourceSetId: 		Corresponds to L1 parameter 'CORESET-ID'
-   * 							Value 0 identifies the common CORESET configured in MIB and in ServingCellConfigCommon
-   *                       		Values 1..maxNrofControlResourceSets-1 identify CORESETs configured by dedicated signalling
-   * frequencyDomainResources: 	BIT STRING (SIZE (45))
-   * 							Corresponds to L1 parameter 'CORESET-freq-dom'(see 38.211, section
-   * 							Frequency domain resources for the CORESET. Each bit corresponds a group of 6 RBs, with grouping starting from PRB 0,
-   * 							which is fully contained in the bandwidth part within which the CORESET is configured.
-   * duration:					INTEGER (1..maxCoReSetDuration)
-   * 							Corresponds to L1 parameter 'CORESET-time-duration' (see 38.211, section
-   * 							Contiguous time duration of the CORESET in number of symbols
-   * cce-REG-MappingType:		interleaved
-   *								reg-BundleSize: ENUMERATED {n2, n3, n6}
-   *								interleaverSize: ENUMERATED {n2, n3, n6}
-   *								shiftIndex: INTEGER
-   *							nonInterleaved NULL
-   * precoderGranularity:		ENUMERATED {sameAsREG-bundle, allContiguousRBs}
-   * 							Corresponds to L1 parameter 'CORESET-precoder-granuality' (see 38.211, sections and
-   * tci-StatesPDCCH:			SEQUENCE(SIZE (1..maxNrofTCI-StatesPDCCH)) OF TCI-StateId OPTIONAL
-   * 							A subset of the TCI states defined in TCI-States used for providing QCL relationships between the DL RS(s)
-   * 							in one RS Set (TCI-State) and the PDCCH DMRS ports.
-   * 							Corresponds to L1 parameter 'TCI-StatesPDCCH' (see 38.214, section FFS_Section)
-   * tci-PresentInDCI:			ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL
-   * 							Corresponds to L1 parameter 'TCI-PresentInDCI' (see 38,213, section 5.1.5)
-   * pdcch-DMRS-ScramblingID:	BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL
-   * 							PDCCH DMRS scrambling initalization.
-   * 							Corresponds to L1 parameter 'PDCCH-DMRS-Scrambling-ID' (see 38.214, section 5.1)
-   * 							When the field is absent the UE applies the value '0'.
+   * controlResourceSetId:    Corresponds to L1 parameter 'CORESET-ID'
+   *              Value 0 identifies the common CORESET configured in MIB and in ServingCellConfigCommon
+   *                          Values 1..maxNrofControlResourceSets-1 identify CORESETs configured by dedicated signalling
+   * frequencyDomainResources:  BIT STRING (SIZE (45))
+   *              Corresponds to L1 parameter 'CORESET-freq-dom'(see 38.211, section
+   *              Frequency domain resources for the CORESET. Each bit corresponds a group of 6 RBs, with grouping starting from PRB 0,
+   *              which is fully contained in the bandwidth part within which the CORESET is configured.
+   * duration:          INTEGER (1..maxCoReSetDuration)
+   *              Corresponds to L1 parameter 'CORESET-time-duration' (see 38.211, section
+   *              Contiguous time duration of the CORESET in number of symbols
+   * cce-REG-MappingType:   interleaved
+   *                reg-BundleSize: ENUMERATED {n2, n3, n6}
+   *                interleaverSize: ENUMERATED {n2, n3, n6}
+   *                shiftIndex: INTEGER
+   *              nonInterleaved NULL
+   * precoderGranularity:   ENUMERATED {sameAsREG-bundle, allContiguousRBs}
+   *              Corresponds to L1 parameter 'CORESET-precoder-granuality' (see 38.211, sections and
+   * tci-StatesPDCCH:     SEQUENCE(SIZE (1..maxNrofTCI-StatesPDCCH)) OF TCI-StateId OPTIONAL
+   *              A subset of the TCI states defined in TCI-States used for providing QCL relationships between the DL RS(s)
+   *              in one RS Set (TCI-State) and the PDCCH DMRS ports.
+   *              Corresponds to L1 parameter 'TCI-StatesPDCCH' (see 38.214, section FFS_Section)
+   * tci-PresentInDCI:      ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL
+   *              Corresponds to L1 parameter 'TCI-PresentInDCI' (see 38,213, section 5.1.5)
+   * pdcch-DMRS-ScramblingID: BIT STRING (SIZE (16)) OPTIONAL
+   *              PDCCH DMRS scrambling initalization.
+   *              Corresponds to L1 parameter 'PDCCH-DMRS-Scrambling-ID' (see 38.214, section 5.1)
+   *              When the field is absent the UE applies the value '0'.
   int controlResourceSetId;
   uint64_t frequencyDomainResources;
@@ -762,21 +764,21 @@ typedef enum {uformat0_0_and_1_0=0,uformat0_1_and_1_1=1} NR_UE_SEARCHSPACE_USS_D
 // Corresponds to L1 parameter 'SRS-Num-PDCCH-cand' (see 38.212, 38.213, section 7.3.1, 11.3)
 typedef enum {mp1=1,mp2=2,mp4=4,mp5=5,mp8=8,mp10=10,mp16=16,mp20=20} NR_UE_SEARCHSPACE_MON_PERIOD_t;
 //typedef enum {n1=1,n2=2} NR_UE_SEARCHSPACE_nbrCAND_2_3_t;
-             // The number of PDCCH candidates for DCI format 2-3 for the configured aggregation level.
-             // Corresponds to L1 parameter 'SRS-Num-PDCCH-cand' (see 38.212, 38.213, section 7.3.1, 11.3)
+// The number of PDCCH candidates for DCI format 2-3 for the configured aggregation level.
+// Corresponds to L1 parameter 'SRS-Num-PDCCH-cand' (see 38.212, 38.213, section 7.3.1, 11.3)
 typedef enum {common=0,ue_specific=1} NR_SEARCHSPACE_TYPE_t;
 typedef struct {
- * searchSpaceType:      Indicates whether this is a common search space (present) or a UE specific search space (CHOICE)
- *                       as well as DCI formats to monitor for (description in struct NR_UE_PDCCH_SEARCHSPACE_TYPE
- *      common:          Configures this search space as common search space (CSS) and DCI formats to monitor
- *      ue-Specific:     Configures this search space as UE specific search space (USS)
- *                       The UE monitors the DCI format with CRC scrambled by
- *                       C-RNTI, CS-RNTI (if configured), TC-RNTI (if a certain condition is met),
- *                       and SP-CSI-RNTI (if configured)
- */
+  /*
+   * searchSpaceType:      Indicates whether this is a common search space (present) or a UE specific search space (CHOICE)
+   *                       as well as DCI formats to monitor for (description in struct NR_UE_PDCCH_SEARCHSPACE_TYPE
+   *      common:          Configures this search space as common search space (CSS) and DCI formats to monitor
+   *      ue-Specific:     Configures this search space as UE specific search space (USS)
+   *                       The UE monitors the DCI format with CRC scrambled by
+   *                       C-RNTI, CS-RNTI (if configured), TC-RNTI (if a certain condition is met),
+   *                       and SP-CSI-RNTI (if configured)
+   */
   NR_UE_SEARCHSPACE_CSS_DCI_FORMAT_t  common_dci_formats;
@@ -793,32 +795,32 @@ typedef struct {
 typedef struct {
- * define SearchSpace structure according to 38.331
- *
- * searchSpaceId:        Identity of the search space. SearchSpaceId = 0 identifies the SearchSpace configured via PBCH (MIB)
- *                       The searchSpaceId is unique among the BWPs of a Serving Cell
- * controlResourceSetId: CORESET applicable for this SearchSpace
- *                       0 identifies the common CORESET configured in MIB
- *                       1..maxNrofControlResourceSets-1 identify CORESETs configured by dedicated signalling
- * monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset:
- *                       Slots for PDCCH Monitoring configured as periodicity and offset.
- *                       Corresponds to L1 parameters 'Montoring-periodicity-PDCCH-slot' and
- *                       'Montoring-offset-PDCCH-slot' (see 38.213, section 10)
- * monitoringSymbolsWithinSlot:
- *                       Symbols for PDCCH monitoring in the slots configured for PDCCH monitoring
- *                       The most significant (left) bit represents the first OFDM in a slot
- *
- * nrofCandidates:       Number of PDCCH candidates per aggregation level
- *
- * searchSpaceType:      Indicates whether this is a common search space (present) or a UE specific search space
- *                       as well as DCI formats to monitor for (description in struct NR_UE_PDCCH_SEARCHSPACE_TYPE
- *      common:          Configures this search space as common search space (CSS) and DCI formats to monitor
- *      ue-Specific:     Configures this search space as UE specific search space (USS)
- *                       The UE monitors the DCI format with CRC scrambled by
- *                       C-RNTI, CS-RNTI (if configured), TC-RNTI (if a certain condition is met),
- *                       and SP-CSI-RNTI (if configured)
- */
+  /*
+   * define SearchSpace structure according to 38.331
+   *
+   * searchSpaceId:        Identity of the search space. SearchSpaceId = 0 identifies the SearchSpace configured via PBCH (MIB)
+   *                       The searchSpaceId is unique among the BWPs of a Serving Cell
+   * controlResourceSetId: CORESET applicable for this SearchSpace
+   *                       0 identifies the common CORESET configured in MIB
+   *                       1..maxNrofControlResourceSets-1 identify CORESETs configured by dedicated signalling
+   * monitoringSlotPeriodicityAndOffset:
+   *                       Slots for PDCCH Monitoring configured as periodicity and offset.
+   *                       Corresponds to L1 parameters 'Montoring-periodicity-PDCCH-slot' and
+   *                       'Montoring-offset-PDCCH-slot' (see 38.213, section 10)
+   * monitoringSymbolsWithinSlot:
+   *                       Symbols for PDCCH monitoring in the slots configured for PDCCH monitoring
+   *                       The most significant (left) bit represents the first OFDM in a slot
+   *
+   * nrofCandidates:       Number of PDCCH candidates per aggregation level
+   *
+   * searchSpaceType:      Indicates whether this is a common search space (present) or a UE specific search space
+   *                       as well as DCI formats to monitor for (description in struct NR_UE_PDCCH_SEARCHSPACE_TYPE
+   *      common:          Configures this search space as common search space (CSS) and DCI formats to monitor
+   *      ue-Specific:     Configures this search space as UE specific search space (USS)
+   *                       The UE monitors the DCI format with CRC scrambled by
+   *                       C-RNTI, CS-RNTI (if configured), TC-RNTI (if a certain condition is met),
+   *                       and SP-CSI-RNTI (if configured)
+   */
   // INTEGER (0..maxNrofSearchSpaces-1) (0..40-1)
   int searchSpaceId;
   int controlResourceSetId;
@@ -892,17 +894,17 @@ typedef struct {
   //Check for specific DCIFormat and AgregationLevel
   uint8_t dciFormat;
   uint8_t agregationLevel;
   int nb_searchSpaces;
   // CORESET structure, where maximum number of CORESETs to be handled is 3 (according to 38.331 V15.1.0)
   // SEARCHSPACE structure, where maximum number of SEARCHSPACEs to be handled is 10 (according to 38.331 V15.1.0)
-  // Each SearchSpace is associated with one ControlResourceSet 
+  // Each SearchSpace is associated with one ControlResourceSet
   uint32_t nb_search_space;
-  #endif
 #define PBCH_A 24
@@ -1189,7 +1191,7 @@ typedef struct {
-//#if defined(UPGRADE_RAT_NR)
+  //#if defined(UPGRADE_RAT_NR)
 #if 1
   SystemInformationBlockType1_nr_t systemInformationBlockType1_nr;
@@ -1231,7 +1233,7 @@ typedef struct {
   /// Scheduling Request Config
-//#if defined(UPGRADE_RAT_NR)
+  //#if defined(UPGRADE_RAT_NR)
 #if 1
   scheduling_request_config_t scheduling_request_config_nr[NUMBER_OF_CONNECTED_eNB_MAX];
diff --git a/openair1/SCHED_NR/phy_procedures_nr_gNB.c b/openair1/SCHED_NR/phy_procedures_nr_gNB.c
index bd8e7f6a306156e202662cc0d0a4e86e3530357c..eadd294fd301e53a68a3f77aadb28f31f51b0800 100644
--- a/openair1/SCHED_NR/phy_procedures_nr_gNB.c
+++ b/openair1/SCHED_NR/phy_procedures_nr_gNB.c
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 #include <time.h>
 #if defined(ENABLE_ITTI)
-#   include "intertask_interface.h"
+  #include "intertask_interface.h"
 extern uint8_t nfapi_mode;
@@ -77,31 +77,29 @@ int return_ssb_type(nfapi_config_request_t *cfg)
 // First SSB starting symbol candidate is used and type B is chosen for 30kHz SCS
-int nr_get_ssb_start_symbol(nfapi_nr_config_request_t *cfg, NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *fp)
+int nr_get_ssb_start_symbol(nfapi_nr_config_request_t *cfg, NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *fp) {
   int mu = cfg->subframe_config.numerology_index_mu.value;
   int symbol = 0;
   switch(mu) {
+    case NR_MU_0:
+      symbol = 2;
+      break;
-  case NR_MU_0:
-    symbol = 2;
-    break;
-  case NR_MU_1: // case B
-    symbol = 4;
-    break;
+    case NR_MU_1: // case B
+      symbol = 4;
+      break;
-  case NR_MU_3:
-    symbol = 4;
-    break;
+    case NR_MU_3:
+      symbol = 4;
+      break;
-  case NR_MU_4:
-    symbol = 8;
-    break;
+    case NR_MU_4:
+      symbol = 8;
+      break;
-  default:
-    AssertFatal(0==1, "Invalid numerology index %d for the synchronization block\n", mu);
+    default:
+      AssertFatal(0==1, "Invalid numerology index %d for the synchronization block\n", mu);
   if (cfg->sch_config.half_frame_index.value)
@@ -110,99 +108,90 @@ int nr_get_ssb_start_symbol(nfapi_nr_config_request_t *cfg, NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *f
   return symbol;
-void nr_set_ssb_first_subcarrier(nfapi_nr_config_request_t *cfg, NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *fp)
+void nr_set_ssb_first_subcarrier(nfapi_nr_config_request_t *cfg, NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *fp) {
   fp->ssb_start_subcarrier = (12 * cfg->sch_config.n_ssb_crb.value + cfg->sch_config.ssb_subcarrier_offset.value)/(1<<cfg->subframe_config.numerology_index_mu.value);
   LOG_D(PHY, "SSB first subcarrier %d (%d,%d)\n", fp->ssb_start_subcarrier,cfg->sch_config.n_ssb_crb.value,cfg->sch_config.ssb_subcarrier_offset.value);
 void nr_common_signal_procedures (PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,int frame, int slot) {
   NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *fp=&gNB->frame_parms;
   nfapi_nr_config_request_t *cfg = &gNB->gNB_config;
   int **txdataF = gNB->common_vars.txdataF;
   uint8_t *pbch_pdu=&gNB->pbch_pdu[0];
   int ss_slot = (cfg->sch_config.half_frame_index.value)? 10 : 0;
   uint8_t Lmax, ssb_index=0, n_hf=0;
   LOG_D(PHY,"common_signal_procedures: frame %d, slot %d\n",frame,slot);
   int ssb_start_symbol = nr_get_ssb_start_symbol(cfg, fp);
   nr_set_ssb_first_subcarrier(cfg, fp);
   Lmax = (fp->dl_CarrierFreq < 3e9)? 4:8;
-  if (slot == ss_slot)
-  {
+  if (slot == ss_slot) {
     // Current implementation is based on SSB in first half frame, first candidate
     LOG_D(PHY,"SS TX: frame %d, slot %d, start_symbol %d\n",frame,slot, ssb_start_symbol);
     nr_generate_pss(gNB->d_pss, txdataF[0], AMP, ssb_start_symbol, cfg, fp);
     nr_generate_sss(gNB->d_sss, txdataF[0], AMP, ssb_start_symbol, cfg, fp);
-    if (!(frame&7)){
+    if (!(frame&7)) {
       LOG_D(PHY,"%d.%d : pbch_configured %d\n",frame,slot,gNB->pbch_configured);
       if (gNB->pbch_configured != 1)return;
       gNB->pbch_configured = 0;
     nr_generate_pbch_dmrs(gNB->nr_gold_pbch_dmrs[n_hf][ssb_index],txdataF[0], AMP, ssb_start_symbol, cfg, fp);
-                      pbch_pdu,
-                      gNB->nr_pbch_interleaver,
-                      txdataF[0],
-                      AMP,
-                      ssb_start_symbol,
-                      n_hf,Lmax,ssb_index,
-                      frame, cfg, fp);
+                     pbch_pdu,
+                     gNB->nr_pbch_interleaver,
+                     txdataF[0],
+                     AMP,
+                     ssb_start_symbol,
+                     n_hf,Lmax,ssb_index,
+                     frame, cfg, fp);
 void phy_procedures_gNB_TX(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
-			   gNB_L1_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
-			   int do_meas)
+                           gNB_L1_rxtx_proc_t *proc,
+                           int do_meas) {
   int aa;
   int frame=proc->frame_tx;
   int slot=proc->slot_tx;
   uint8_t num_dci=0,num_pdsch_rnti;
   NR_DL_FRAME_PARMS *fp=&gNB->frame_parms;
   nfapi_nr_config_request_t *cfg = &gNB->gNB_config;
   int offset = gNB->CC_id;
   if ((cfg->subframe_config.duplex_mode.value == TDD) && (nr_slot_select(cfg,slot)==SF_UL)) return;
   if (do_meas==1) start_meas(&gNB->phy_proc_tx);
   // clear the transmit data array for the current subframe
-  for (aa=0; aa<1/*15*/; aa++) {      
+  for (aa=0; aa<1/*15*/; aa++) {
   if (nfapi_mode == 0 || nfapi_mode == 1) {
     nr_common_signal_procedures(gNB,frame, slot);
     //if (frame == 9)
-      //write_output("txdataF.m","txdataF",gNB->common_vars.txdataF[aa],fp->samples_per_frame_wCP, 1, 1);
+    //write_output("txdataF.m","txdataF",gNB->common_vars.txdataF[aa],fp->samples_per_frame_wCP, 1, 1);
   num_dci = gNB->pdcch_vars.num_dci;
   num_pdsch_rnti = gNB->pdcch_vars.num_pdsch_rnti;
   if (num_dci) {
     LOG_I(PHY, "[gNB %d] Frame %d slot %d \
     Calling nr_generate_dci_top (number of DCI %d)\n", gNB->Mod_id, frame, slot, num_dci);
-    if (nfapi_mode == 0 || nfapi_mode == 1){
+    if (nfapi_mode == 0 || nfapi_mode == 1) {
                           AMP, *fp, *cfg);
       if (num_pdsch_rnti) {
         LOG_I(PHY, "PDSCH generation started (%d)\n", num_pdsch_rnti);
@@ -213,6 +202,6 @@ void phy_procedures_gNB_TX(PHY_VARS_gNB *gNB,
diff --git a/targets/RT/USER/nr-ue.c b/targets/RT/USER/nr-ue.c
index 0c9cda5819c751e9ec984ef34f7046f440c4cccf..4ab07817872c2b7bda76fb9f76f67ef7b7f6ce48 100644
--- a/targets/RT/USER/nr-ue.c
+++ b/targets/RT/USER/nr-ue.c
@@ -992,20 +992,21 @@ void *UE_thread(void *arg) {
       proc->frame_tx = (proc->frame_tx + 1)%MAX_FRAME_NUMBER;
       proc->nr_tti_tx %= nb_slot_frame;
     if(slot_nr == 0) {
       for (th_id=1; th_id < RX_NB_TH; th_id++) {
-	UE->proc.proc_rxtx[th_id].frame_rx = UE->proc.proc_rxtx[0].frame_rx;
+        UE->proc.proc_rxtx[th_id].frame_rx = UE->proc.proc_rxtx[0].frame_rx;
     if (UE->mode != loop_through_memory) {
       for (i=0; i<UE->frame_parms.nb_antennas_rx; i++)
         rxp[i] = (void *)&UE->common_vars.rxdata[i][UE->frame_parms.ofdm_symbol_size+
-						    UE->frame_parms.nb_prefix_samples0+
-						    slot_nr*UE->frame_parms.samples_per_slot];
+                 UE->frame_parms.nb_prefix_samples0+
+                 slot_nr*UE->frame_parms.samples_per_slot];
       for (i=0; i<UE->frame_parms.nb_antennas_tx; i++)
         txp[i] = (void *)&UE->common_vars.txdata[i][((slot_nr+2)%NR_NUMBER_OF_SUBFRAMES_PER_FRAME)*UE->frame_parms.samples_per_slot];
@@ -1060,17 +1061,14 @@ void *UE_thread(void *arg) {
       // operate on thread sf mod 2
       AssertFatal(pthread_mutex_lock(&proc->mutex_rxtx) ==0,"");
-        if (!(proc->frame_rx%4000)) {
-          printf("frame_rx=%d rx_thread_busy=%ld - rate %8.3f\n",
-                 proc->frame_rx, g_ue_rx_thread_busy,
-                 (float)g_ue_rx_thread_busy/(proc->frame_rx*10+1)*100.0);
-          fflush(stdout);
-        }
+      if (!(proc->frame_rx%4000)) {
+        printf("frame_rx=%d rx_thread_busy=%ld - rate %8.3f\n",
+               proc->frame_rx, g_ue_rx_thread_busy,
+               (float)g_ue_rx_thread_busy/(proc->frame_rx*10+1)*100.0);
+        fflush(stdout);
+      }
@@ -1114,7 +1112,6 @@ void *UE_thread(void *arg) {
       //                    pickStaticTime(lastTime);
     } //UE->mode != loop_through_memory
     else {
     } // else loop_through_memory
@@ -1142,6 +1139,7 @@ void init_UE_threads(PHY_VARS_NR_UE *UE) {
   UE->proc.instance_cnt_synch = -1;
   // the threads are not yet active, therefore access is allowed without locking
   for (int i=0; i<RX_NB_TH; i++) {
     rtd = calloc(1, sizeof(struct nr_rxtx_thread_data));