Commit 946fcad6 authored by Xiwen JIANG's avatar Xiwen JIANG

add thread_pool files

parent c57a990f
#include "thread_pool.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "PHY/defs.h"
thread_pool *new_thread_pool(
void *(*thread_fun)(PHY_VARS_eNB *arg),
int i;
pthread_t thread_id;
pthread_attr_t th_att;
thread_pool *ret;
eNB->pool = calloc(1, sizeof(thread_pool));
ret = eNB->pool;
if (ret == NULL) abort();
ret->mutex = calloc(1, sizeof(pthread_mutex_t));
if (ret->mutex == NULL) abort();
if (pthread_mutex_init(ret->mutex, NULL) != 0) abort();
ret->cond = calloc(1, sizeof(pthread_cond_t));
if (ret->cond == NULL) abort();
if (pthread_cond_init(ret->cond, NULL) != 0) abort();
ret->mutex_join = calloc(1, sizeof(pthread_mutex_t));
if (ret->mutex_join == NULL) abort();
if (pthread_mutex_init(ret->mutex_join, NULL) != 0) abort();
ret->cond_join = calloc(1, sizeof(pthread_cond_t));
if (ret->cond_join == NULL) abort();
if (pthread_cond_init(ret->cond_join, NULL) != 0) abort();
ret->number_of_threads = eNB->frame_parms.nb_antennas_tx;
ret->running = 0;
ret->done = ret->number_of_threads;
for (i = 0; i < ret->number_of_threads; i++) {
// struct sched_param th_params;
if (pthread_attr_init(&th_att) != 0) abort();
// if (pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&th_att, SCHED_FIFO) != 0) abort();
// th_params.sched_priority = 99; /* max priority */
// if (pthread_attr_setschedparam(&th_att, &th_params) != 0) abort();
// if (pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&th_att, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED) != 0) abort();
if (pthread_create(&thread_id, &th_att, thread_fun, eNB) != 0) abort();
if (pthread_attr_destroy(&th_att)) abort();
return ret;
void thread_pool_start(thread_pool *pool)
if (pool->done != pool->number_of_threads) {
fprintf(stderr, "thread_pool: ERROR: thread_pool_start called "
"with some threads still running\n");
pool->done = 0;
pool->running = pool->number_of_threads;
if (pthread_cond_broadcast(pool->cond)) abort();
void thread_pool_done(thread_pool *pool)
if (pthread_mutex_lock(pool->mutex_join)) abort();
if (pthread_cond_signal(pool->cond_join)) abort();
if (pthread_mutex_unlock(pool->mutex_join)) abort();
int thread_pool_wait(thread_pool *pool)
int ret;
if (pthread_mutex_lock(pool->mutex)) abort();
while (pool->running == 0) {
if (pthread_cond_wait(pool->cond, pool->mutex)) abort();
ret = pool->running;
if (pthread_mutex_unlock(pool->mutex)) abort();
return ret;
void thread_pool_join(thread_pool *pool)
if (pthread_mutex_lock(pool->mutex_join)) abort();
while (pool->done != pool->number_of_threads) {
if (pthread_cond_wait(pool->cond_join, pool->mutex_join)) abort();
if (pthread_mutex_unlock(pool->mutex_join)) abort();
#ifndef _THREAD_POOL_H_
#define _THREAD_POOL_H_
#include <pthread.h>
struct PHY_VARS_eNB_s;
typedef struct thread_pool {
pthread_mutex_t *mutex;
pthread_cond_t *cond;
pthread_mutex_t *mutex_join;
pthread_cond_t *cond_join;
int number_of_threads;
volatile int running;
volatile int done;
/* processing data */
volatile int subframe;
} thread_pool;
thread_pool *new_thread_pool(
void *(*thread_fun)(struct PHY_VARS_eNB_s *eNB),
struct PHY_VARS_eNB_s *eNB);
void thread_pool_start(thread_pool *pool);
void thread_pool_done(thread_pool *pool);
int thread_pool_wait(thread_pool *pool);
void thread_pool_join(thread_pool *pool);
#endif /* _THREAD_POOL_H_ */
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