Commit 965fe1f7 authored by Matthieu Kanj's avatar Matthieu Kanj

UL_indication bug fix

parent 7d361758
......@@ -558,9 +558,9 @@ typedef struct {
/// Pointer to the payload
uint8_t *b;
/// Pointers to transport block segments
/// RTC values for each segment (for definition see 36-212 V8.6 2009-03, p.15)
/// Current Number of Symbols
uint8_t Nsymb_pusch;
/// Index of current HARQ round for this ULSCH
......@@ -731,25 +731,7 @@ void ulsch_channel_compensation_NB_IoT(int32_t **rxdataF_ext,
// #ifdef OFDMA_ULSCH
// #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
// if (Qm == 4)
// QAM_amp128U = _mm_set1_epi16(QAM16_n1);
// else if (Qm == 6) {
// QAM_amp128U = _mm_set1_epi16(QAM64_n1);
// QAM_amp128bU = _mm_set1_epi16(QAM64_n2);
// }
// #elif defined(__arm__)
// if (Qm == 4)
// QAM_amp128U = vdupq_n_s16(QAM16_n1);
// else if (Qm == 6) {
// QAM_amp128U = vdupq_n_s16(QAM64_n1);
// QAM_amp128bU = vdupq_n_s16(QAM64_n2);
// }
// #endif
// #endif
for (aarx=0; aarx<frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx; aarx++) {
......@@ -771,80 +753,8 @@ void ulsch_channel_compensation_NB_IoT(int32_t **rxdataF_ext,
rxdataF_comp128 = (int16x8_t *)&rxdataF_comp[aarx][symbol*frame_parms->N_RB_DL*12];
// for (rb=0; rb<nb_rb; rb++) {
// printf("comp: symbol %d rb %d\n",symbol,rb);
// #ifdef OFDMA_ULSCH
// if (Qm>2) {
// // get channel amplitude if not QPSK
// #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
// mmtmpU0 = _mm_madd_epi16(ul_ch128[0],ul_ch128[0]);
// mmtmpU0 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpU0,output_shift);
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_madd_epi16(ul_ch128[1],ul_ch128[1]);
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpU1,output_shift);
// mmtmpU0 = _mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpU0,mmtmpU1);
// ul_ch_mag128[0] = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(mmtmpU0,mmtmpU0);
// ul_ch_mag128b[0] = ul_ch_mag128[0];
// ul_ch_mag128[0] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(ul_ch_mag128[0],QAM_amp128U);
// ul_ch_mag128[0] = _mm_slli_epi16(ul_ch_mag128[0],2); // 2 to compensate the scale channel estimate
// ul_ch_mag128[1] = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(mmtmpU0,mmtmpU0);
// ul_ch_mag128b[1] = ul_ch_mag128[1];
// ul_ch_mag128[1] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(ul_ch_mag128[1],QAM_amp128U);
// ul_ch_mag128[1] = _mm_slli_epi16(ul_ch_mag128[1],2); // 2 to compensate the scale channel estimate
// mmtmpU0 = _mm_madd_epi16(ul_ch128[2],ul_ch128[2]);
// mmtmpU0 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpU0,output_shift);
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpU0,mmtmpU0);
// ul_ch_mag128[2] = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(mmtmpU1,mmtmpU1);
// ul_ch_mag128b[2] = ul_ch_mag128[2];
// ul_ch_mag128[2] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(ul_ch_mag128[2],QAM_amp128U);
// ul_ch_mag128[2] = _mm_slli_epi16(ul_ch_mag128[2],2); // 2 to compensate the scale channel estimate
// ul_ch_mag128b[0] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(ul_ch_mag128b[0],QAM_amp128bU);
// ul_ch_mag128b[0] = _mm_slli_epi16(ul_ch_mag128b[0],2); // 2 to compensate the scale channel estimate
// ul_ch_mag128b[1] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(ul_ch_mag128b[1],QAM_amp128bU);
// ul_ch_mag128b[1] = _mm_slli_epi16(ul_ch_mag128b[1],2); // 2 to compensate the scale channel estimate
// ul_ch_mag128b[2] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(ul_ch_mag128b[2],QAM_amp128bU);
// ul_ch_mag128b[2] = _mm_slli_epi16(ul_ch_mag128b[2],2);// 2 to compensate the scale channel estimate
// #elif defined(__arm__)
// mmtmpU0 = vmull_s16(ul_ch128[0], ul_ch128[0]);
// mmtmpU0 = vqshlq_s32(vqaddq_s32(mmtmpU0,vrev64q_s32(mmtmpU0)),-output_shift128);
// mmtmpU1 = vmull_s16(ul_ch128[1], ul_ch128[1]);
// mmtmpU1 = vqshlq_s32(vqaddq_s32(mmtmpU1,vrev64q_s32(mmtmpU1)),-output_shift128);
// mmtmpU2 = vcombine_s16(vmovn_s32(mmtmpU0),vmovn_s32(mmtmpU1));
// mmtmpU0 = vmull_s16(ul_ch128[2], ul_ch128[2]);
// mmtmpU0 = vqshlq_s32(vqaddq_s32(mmtmpU0,vrev64q_s32(mmtmpU0)),-output_shift128);
// mmtmpU1 = vmull_s16(ul_ch128[3], ul_ch128[3]);
// mmtmpU1 = vqshlq_s32(vqaddq_s32(mmtmpU1,vrev64q_s32(mmtmpU1)),-output_shift128);
// mmtmpU3 = vcombine_s16(vmovn_s32(mmtmpU0),vmovn_s32(mmtmpU1));
// mmtmpU0 = vmull_s16(ul_ch128[4], ul_ch128[4]);
// mmtmpU0 = vqshlq_s32(vqaddq_s32(mmtmpU0,vrev64q_s32(mmtmpU0)),-output_shift128);
// mmtmpU1 = vmull_s16(ul_ch128[5], ul_ch128[5]);
// mmtmpU1 = vqshlq_s32(vqaddq_s32(mmtmpU1,vrev64q_s32(mmtmpU1)),-output_shift128);
// mmtmpU4 = vcombine_s16(vmovn_s32(mmtmpU0),vmovn_s32(mmtmpU1));
// ul_ch_mag128b[0] = vqdmulhq_s16(mmtmpU2,QAM_amp128b);
// ul_ch_mag128b[1] = vqdmulhq_s16(mmtmpU3,QAM_amp128b);
// ul_ch_mag128[0] = vqdmulhq_s16(mmtmpU2,QAM_amp128);
// ul_ch_mag128[1] = vqdmulhq_s16(mmtmpU3,QAM_amp128);
// ul_ch_mag128b[2] = vqdmulhq_s16(mmtmpU4,QAM_amp128b);
// ul_ch_mag128[2] = vqdmulhq_s16(mmtmpU4,QAM_amp128);
// #endif
// }
// #else // SC-FDMA
// just compute channel magnitude without scaling, this is done after equalization for SC-FDMA
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
mmtmpU0 = _mm_madd_epi16(ul_ch128[0],ul_ch128[0]);
......@@ -1028,299 +938,6 @@ void ulsch_channel_compensation_NB_IoT(int32_t **rxdataF_ext,
// #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
// __m128i QAM_amp128U_0,QAM_amp128bU_0,QAM_amp128U_1,QAM_amp128bU_1;
// #endif
// void ulsch_channel_compensation_alamouti_NB_IoT(int32_t **rxdataF_ext, // For Distributed Alamouti Combining
// int32_t **ul_ch_estimates_ext_0,
// int32_t **ul_ch_estimates_ext_1,
// int32_t **ul_ch_mag_0,
// int32_t **ul_ch_magb_0,
// int32_t **ul_ch_mag_1,
// int32_t **ul_ch_magb_1,
// int32_t **rxdataF_comp_0,
// int32_t **rxdataF_comp_1,
// NB_IoT_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
// uint8_t symbol,
// uint8_t Qm,
// uint16_t nb_rb,
// uint8_t output_shift)
// {
// #if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
// uint16_t rb;
// __m128i *ul_ch128_0,*ul_ch128_1,*ul_ch_mag128_0,*ul_ch_mag128_1,*ul_ch_mag128b_0,*ul_ch_mag128b_1,*rxdataF128,*rxdataF_comp128_0,*rxdataF_comp128_1;
// uint8_t aarx;//,symbol_mod;
// __m128i mmtmpU0,mmtmpU1,mmtmpU2,mmtmpU3;
// // symbol_mod = (symbol>=(7-frame_parms->Ncp)) ? symbol-(7-frame_parms->Ncp) : symbol;
// // printf("comp: symbol %d\n",symbol);
// if (Qm == 4) {
// QAM_amp128U_0 = _mm_set1_epi16(QAM16_n1);
// QAM_amp128U_1 = _mm_set1_epi16(QAM16_n1);
// } else if (Qm == 6) {
// QAM_amp128U_0 = _mm_set1_epi16(QAM64_n1);
// QAM_amp128bU_0 = _mm_set1_epi16(QAM64_n2);
// QAM_amp128U_1 = _mm_set1_epi16(QAM64_n1);
// QAM_amp128bU_1 = _mm_set1_epi16(QAM64_n2);
// }
// for (aarx=0; aarx<frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx; aarx++) {
// ul_ch128_0 = (__m128i *)&ul_ch_estimates_ext_0[aarx][symbol*frame_parms->N_RB_DL*12];
// ul_ch_mag128_0 = (__m128i *)&ul_ch_mag_0[aarx][symbol*frame_parms->N_RB_DL*12];
// ul_ch_mag128b_0 = (__m128i *)&ul_ch_magb_0[aarx][symbol*frame_parms->N_RB_DL*12];
// ul_ch128_1 = (__m128i *)&ul_ch_estimates_ext_1[aarx][symbol*frame_parms->N_RB_DL*12];
// ul_ch_mag128_1 = (__m128i *)&ul_ch_mag_1[aarx][symbol*frame_parms->N_RB_DL*12];
// ul_ch_mag128b_1 = (__m128i *)&ul_ch_magb_1[aarx][symbol*frame_parms->N_RB_DL*12];
// rxdataF128 = (__m128i *)&rxdataF_ext[aarx][symbol*frame_parms->N_RB_DL*12];
// rxdataF_comp128_0 = (__m128i *)&rxdataF_comp_0[aarx][symbol*frame_parms->N_RB_DL*12];
// rxdataF_comp128_1 = (__m128i *)&rxdataF_comp_1[aarx][symbol*frame_parms->N_RB_DL*12];
// for (rb=0; rb<nb_rb; rb++) {
// // printf("comp: symbol %d rb %d\n",symbol,rb);
// if (Qm>2) {
// // get channel amplitude if not QPSK
// mmtmpU0 = _mm_madd_epi16(ul_ch128_0[0],ul_ch128_0[0]);
// mmtmpU0 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpU0,output_shift);
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_madd_epi16(ul_ch128_0[1],ul_ch128_0[1]);
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpU1,output_shift);
// mmtmpU0 = _mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpU0,mmtmpU1);
// ul_ch_mag128_0[0] = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(mmtmpU0,mmtmpU0);
// ul_ch_mag128b_0[0] = ul_ch_mag128_0[0];
// ul_ch_mag128_0[0] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(ul_ch_mag128_0[0],QAM_amp128U_0);
// ul_ch_mag128_0[0] = _mm_slli_epi16(ul_ch_mag128_0[0],2); // 2 to compensate the scale channel estimate
// ul_ch_mag128_0[1] = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(mmtmpU0,mmtmpU0);
// ul_ch_mag128b_0[1] = ul_ch_mag128_0[1];
// ul_ch_mag128_0[1] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(ul_ch_mag128_0[1],QAM_amp128U_0);
// ul_ch_mag128_0[1] = _mm_slli_epi16(ul_ch_mag128_0[1],2); // 2 to scale compensate the scale channel estimate
// mmtmpU0 = _mm_madd_epi16(ul_ch128_0[2],ul_ch128_0[2]);
// mmtmpU0 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpU0,output_shift);
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpU0,mmtmpU0);
// ul_ch_mag128_0[2] = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(mmtmpU1,mmtmpU1);
// ul_ch_mag128b_0[2] = ul_ch_mag128_0[2];
// ul_ch_mag128_0[2] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(ul_ch_mag128_0[2],QAM_amp128U_0);
// ul_ch_mag128_0[2] = _mm_slli_epi16(ul_ch_mag128_0[2],2); // 2 to scale compensate the scale channel estimat
// ul_ch_mag128b_0[0] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(ul_ch_mag128b_0[0],QAM_amp128bU_0);
// ul_ch_mag128b_0[0] = _mm_slli_epi16(ul_ch_mag128b_0[0],2); // 2 to scale compensate the scale channel estima
// ul_ch_mag128b_0[1] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(ul_ch_mag128b_0[1],QAM_amp128bU_0);
// ul_ch_mag128b_0[1] = _mm_slli_epi16(ul_ch_mag128b_0[1],2); // 2 to scale compensate the scale channel estima
// ul_ch_mag128b_0[2] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(ul_ch_mag128b_0[2],QAM_amp128bU_0);
// ul_ch_mag128b_0[2] = _mm_slli_epi16(ul_ch_mag128b_0[2],2); // 2 to scale compensate the scale channel estima
// mmtmpU0 = _mm_madd_epi16(ul_ch128_1[0],ul_ch128_1[0]);
// mmtmpU0 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpU0,output_shift);
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_madd_epi16(ul_ch128_1[1],ul_ch128_1[1]);
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpU1,output_shift);
// mmtmpU0 = _mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpU0,mmtmpU1);
// ul_ch_mag128_1[0] = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(mmtmpU0,mmtmpU0);
// ul_ch_mag128b_1[0] = ul_ch_mag128_1[0];
// ul_ch_mag128_1[0] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(ul_ch_mag128_1[0],QAM_amp128U_1);
// ul_ch_mag128_1[0] = _mm_slli_epi16(ul_ch_mag128_1[0],2); // 2 to compensate the scale channel estimate
// ul_ch_mag128_1[1] = _mm_unpackhi_epi16(mmtmpU0,mmtmpU0);
// ul_ch_mag128b_1[1] = ul_ch_mag128_1[1];
// ul_ch_mag128_1[1] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(ul_ch_mag128_1[1],QAM_amp128U_1);
// ul_ch_mag128_1[1] = _mm_slli_epi16(ul_ch_mag128_1[1],2); // 2 to scale compensate the scale channel estimate
// mmtmpU0 = _mm_madd_epi16(ul_ch128_1[2],ul_ch128_1[2]);
// mmtmpU0 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpU0,output_shift);
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpU0,mmtmpU0);
// ul_ch_mag128_1[2] = _mm_unpacklo_epi16(mmtmpU1,mmtmpU1);
// ul_ch_mag128b_1[2] = ul_ch_mag128_1[2];
// ul_ch_mag128_1[2] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(ul_ch_mag128_1[2],QAM_amp128U_0);
// ul_ch_mag128_1[2] = _mm_slli_epi16(ul_ch_mag128_1[2],2); // 2 to scale compensate the scale channel estimat
// ul_ch_mag128b_1[0] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(ul_ch_mag128b_1[0],QAM_amp128bU_1);
// ul_ch_mag128b_1[0] = _mm_slli_epi16(ul_ch_mag128b_1[0],2); // 2 to scale compensate the scale channel estima
// ul_ch_mag128b_1[1] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(ul_ch_mag128b_1[1],QAM_amp128bU_1);
// ul_ch_mag128b_1[1] = _mm_slli_epi16(ul_ch_mag128b_1[1],2); // 2 to scale compensate the scale channel estima
// ul_ch_mag128b_1[2] = _mm_mulhi_epi16(ul_ch_mag128b_1[2],QAM_amp128bU_1);
// ul_ch_mag128b_1[2] = _mm_slli_epi16(ul_ch_mag128b_1[2],2); // 2 to scale compensate the scale channel estima
// }
// /************************For Computing (y)*(h0*)********************************************/
// // multiply by conjugated channel
// mmtmpU0 = _mm_madd_epi16(ul_ch128_0[0],rxdataF128[0]);
// // print_ints("re",&mmtmpU0);
// // mmtmpU0 contains real part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(ul_ch128_0[0],_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(mmtmpU1,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_sign_epi16(mmtmpU1,*(__m128i*)&conjugate[0]);
// // print_ints("im",&mmtmpU1);
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_madd_epi16(mmtmpU1,rxdataF128[0]);
// // mmtmpU1 contains imag part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
// mmtmpU0 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpU0,output_shift);
// // print_ints("re(shift)",&mmtmpU0);
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpU1,output_shift);
// // print_ints("im(shift)",&mmtmpU1);
// mmtmpU2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(mmtmpU0,mmtmpU1);
// mmtmpU3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(mmtmpU0,mmtmpU1);
// // print_ints("c0",&mmtmpU2);
// // print_ints("c1",&mmtmpU3);
// rxdataF_comp128_0[0] = _mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpU2,mmtmpU3);
// // print_shorts("rx:",rxdataF128[0]);
// // print_shorts("ch:",ul_ch128_0[0]);
// // print_shorts("pack:",rxdataF_comp128_0[0]);
// // multiply by conjugated channel
// mmtmpU0 = _mm_madd_epi16(ul_ch128_0[1],rxdataF128[1]);
// // mmtmpU0 contains real part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(ul_ch128_0[1],_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(mmtmpU1,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_sign_epi16(mmtmpU1,*(__m128i*)conjugate);
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_madd_epi16(mmtmpU1,rxdataF128[1]);
// // mmtmpU1 contains imag part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
// mmtmpU0 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpU0,output_shift);
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpU1,output_shift);
// mmtmpU2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(mmtmpU0,mmtmpU1);
// mmtmpU3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(mmtmpU0,mmtmpU1);
// rxdataF_comp128_0[1] = _mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpU2,mmtmpU3);
// // print_shorts("rx:",rxdataF128[1]);
// // print_shorts("ch:",ul_ch128_0[1]);
// // print_shorts("pack:",rxdataF_comp128_0[1]);
// // multiply by conjugated channel
// mmtmpU0 = _mm_madd_epi16(ul_ch128_0[2],rxdataF128[2]);
// // mmtmpU0 contains real part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(ul_ch128_0[2],_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(mmtmpU1,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_sign_epi16(mmtmpU1,*(__m128i*)conjugate);
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_madd_epi16(mmtmpU1,rxdataF128[2]);
// // mmtmpU1 contains imag part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
// mmtmpU0 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpU0,output_shift);
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpU1,output_shift);
// mmtmpU2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(mmtmpU0,mmtmpU1);
// mmtmpU3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(mmtmpU0,mmtmpU1);
// rxdataF_comp128_0[2] = _mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpU2,mmtmpU3);
// // print_shorts("rx:",rxdataF128[2]);
// // print_shorts("ch:",ul_ch128_0[2]);
// // print_shorts("pack:",rxdataF_comp128_0[2]);
// /*************************For Computing (y*)*(h1)************************************/
// // multiply by conjugated signal
// mmtmpU0 = _mm_madd_epi16(ul_ch128_1[0],rxdataF128[0]);
// // print_ints("re",&mmtmpU0);
// // mmtmpU0 contains real part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(rxdataF128[0],_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(mmtmpU1,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_sign_epi16(mmtmpU1,*(__m128i*)&conjugate[0]);
// // print_ints("im",&mmtmpU1);
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_madd_epi16(mmtmpU1,ul_ch128_1[0]);
// // mmtmpU1 contains imag part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
// mmtmpU0 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpU0,output_shift);
// // print_ints("re(shift)",&mmtmpU0);
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpU1,output_shift);
// // print_ints("im(shift)",&mmtmpU1);
// mmtmpU2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(mmtmpU0,mmtmpU1);
// mmtmpU3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(mmtmpU0,mmtmpU1);
// // print_ints("c0",&mmtmpU2);
// // print_ints("c1",&mmtmpU3);
// rxdataF_comp128_1[0] = _mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpU2,mmtmpU3);
// // print_shorts("rx:",rxdataF128[0]);
// // print_shorts("ch_conjugate:",ul_ch128_1[0]);
// // print_shorts("pack:",rxdataF_comp128_1[0]);
// // multiply by conjugated signal
// mmtmpU0 = _mm_madd_epi16(ul_ch128_1[1],rxdataF128[1]);
// // mmtmpU0 contains real part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(rxdataF128[1],_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(mmtmpU1,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_sign_epi16(mmtmpU1,*(__m128i*)conjugate);
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_madd_epi16(mmtmpU1,ul_ch128_1[1]);
// // mmtmpU1 contains imag part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
// mmtmpU0 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpU0,output_shift);
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpU1,output_shift);
// mmtmpU2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(mmtmpU0,mmtmpU1);
// mmtmpU3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(mmtmpU0,mmtmpU1);
// rxdataF_comp128_1[1] = _mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpU2,mmtmpU3);
// // print_shorts("rx:",rxdataF128[1]);
// // print_shorts("ch_conjugate:",ul_ch128_1[1]);
// // print_shorts("pack:",rxdataF_comp128_1[1]);
// // multiply by conjugated signal
// mmtmpU0 = _mm_madd_epi16(ul_ch128_1[2],rxdataF128[2]);
// // mmtmpU0 contains real part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_shufflelo_epi16(rxdataF128[2],_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_shufflehi_epi16(mmtmpU1,_MM_SHUFFLE(2,3,0,1));
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_sign_epi16(mmtmpU1,*(__m128i*)conjugate);
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_madd_epi16(mmtmpU1,ul_ch128_1[2]);
// // mmtmpU1 contains imag part of 4 consecutive outputs (32-bit)
// mmtmpU0 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpU0,output_shift);
// mmtmpU1 = _mm_srai_epi32(mmtmpU1,output_shift);
// mmtmpU2 = _mm_unpacklo_epi32(mmtmpU0,mmtmpU1);
// mmtmpU3 = _mm_unpackhi_epi32(mmtmpU0,mmtmpU1);
// rxdataF_comp128_1[2] = _mm_packs_epi32(mmtmpU2,mmtmpU3);
// // print_shorts("rx:",rxdataF128[2]);
// // print_shorts("ch_conjugate:",ul_ch128_0[2]);
// // print_shorts("pack:",rxdataF_comp128_1[2]);
// ul_ch128_0+=3;
// ul_ch_mag128_0+=3;
// ul_ch_mag128b_0+=3;
// ul_ch128_1+=3;
// ul_ch_mag128_1+=3;
// ul_ch_mag128b_1+=3;
// rxdataF128+=3;
// rxdataF_comp128_0+=3;
// rxdataF_comp128_1+=3;
// }
// }
// _mm_empty();
// _m_empty();
// #endif
// }
void fill_rbs_zeros_NB_IoT(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
int32_t **rxdataF_comp,
......@@ -1355,12 +972,6 @@ void fill_rbs_zeros_NB_IoT(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
//for (m=0;m<12;m++)
//{ // 12 is the number of subcarriers per RB
//printf(" rxdataF_comp32_%d = %d",m,rxdataF_comp32[m]);
void rotate_single_carrier_NB_IoT(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
......@@ -1430,10 +1041,6 @@ void rotate_single_carrier_NB_IoT(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
/*int ooo;
for (ooo=0;ooo<12;ooo++){
printf(" rx_data_%d = %d ",ooo,rxdataF_comp[0][symbol*frame_parms->N_RB_DL*12 + ooo]);
void rotate_bpsk_NB_IoT(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
......@@ -1462,81 +1069,7 @@ void rotate_bpsk_NB_IoT(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
void ulsch_alamouti_NB_IoT(NB_IoT_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,// For Distributed Alamouti Receiver Combining
int32_t **rxdataF_comp,
int32_t **rxdataF_comp_0,
int32_t **rxdataF_comp_1,
int32_t **ul_ch_mag,
int32_t **ul_ch_magb,
int32_t **ul_ch_mag_0,
int32_t **ul_ch_magb_0,
int32_t **ul_ch_mag_1,
int32_t **ul_ch_magb_1,
uint8_t symbol,
uint16_t nb_rb)
#if defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__i386__)
int16_t *rxF,*rxF0,*rxF1;
__m128i *ch_mag,*ch_magb,*ch_mag0,*ch_mag1,*ch_mag0b,*ch_mag1b;
uint8_t rb,re,aarx;
int32_t jj=(symbol*frame_parms->N_RB_DL*12);
for (aarx=0; aarx<frame_parms->nb_antennas_rx; aarx++) {
rxF = (int16_t*)&rxdataF_comp[aarx][jj];
rxF0 = (int16_t*)&rxdataF_comp_0[aarx][jj]; // Contains (y)*(h0*)
rxF1 = (int16_t*)&rxdataF_comp_1[aarx][jj]; // Contains (y*)*(h1)
ch_mag = (__m128i *)&ul_ch_mag[aarx][jj];
ch_mag0 = (__m128i *)&ul_ch_mag_0[aarx][jj];
ch_mag1 = (__m128i *)&ul_ch_mag_1[aarx][jj];
ch_magb = (__m128i *)&ul_ch_magb[aarx][jj];
ch_mag0b = (__m128i *)&ul_ch_magb_0[aarx][jj];
ch_mag1b = (__m128i *)&ul_ch_magb_1[aarx][jj];
for (rb=0; rb<nb_rb; rb++) {
for (re=0; re<12; re+=2) {
// Alamouti RX combining
rxF[0] = rxF0[0] + rxF1[2]; // re((y0)*(h0*))+ re((y1*)*(h1)) = re(x0)
rxF[1] = rxF0[1] + rxF1[3]; // im((y0)*(h0*))+ im((y1*)*(h1)) = im(x0)
rxF[2] = rxF0[2] - rxF1[0]; // re((y1)*(h0*))- re((y0*)*(h1)) = re(x1)
rxF[3] = rxF0[3] - rxF1[1]; // im((y1)*(h0*))- im((y0*)*(h1)) = im(x1)
// compute levels for 16QAM or 64 QAM llr unit
ch_mag[0] = _mm_adds_epi16(ch_mag0[0],ch_mag1[0]);
ch_mag[1] = _mm_adds_epi16(ch_mag0[1],ch_mag1[1]);
ch_mag[2] = _mm_adds_epi16(ch_mag0[2],ch_mag1[2]);
ch_magb[0] = _mm_adds_epi16(ch_mag0b[0],ch_mag1b[0]);
ch_magb[1] = _mm_adds_epi16(ch_mag0b[1],ch_mag1b[1]);
ch_magb[2] = _mm_adds_epi16(ch_mag0b[2],ch_mag1b[2]);
......@@ -1628,7 +1161,6 @@ uint8_t rx_ulsch_Gen_NB_IoT(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
LTE_eNB_PUSCH *pusch_vars = eNB->pusch_vars[UE_id];
LTE_eNB_COMMON *common_vars = &eNB->common_vars;
//NB_IoT_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms = &eNB->frame_parms;
// uint8_t Nsc_RU = eNB->ulsch_NB_IoT[UE_id]->harq_process->N_sc_RU; // Vincent: number of sc 1,3,6,12
LTE_DL_FRAME_PARMS *fp = &eNB->frame_parms;
// NB_IoT_eNB_NULSCH_t **ulsch_NB_IoT = &eNB->ulsch_NB_IoT[0];//[0][0];
NB_IoT_eNB_NULSCH_t *ulsch_NB_IoT = eNB->ulsch_NB_IoT[0];
......@@ -1636,14 +1168,12 @@ uint8_t rx_ulsch_Gen_NB_IoT(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
if (ulsch_NB_IoT->Msg3_active == 1)
uint8_t npusch_format = ulsch_NB_IoT->npusch_format; /// 0 or 1 -> format 1 or format 2
uint8_t subcarrier_spacing = ulsch_harq->subcarrier_spacing; // can be set as fix value //values are OK // 0 (3.75 KHz) or 1 (15 KHz)
uint16_t I_sc = ulsch_harq->subcarrier_indication; // Isc =0->18 , or 0->47 // format 2, 0->3 or 0->7
uint16_t I_mcs = ulsch_harq->mcs;
uint8_t npusch_format = ulsch_NB_IoT->npusch_format; /// 0 or 1 -> format 1 or format 2
uint8_t subcarrier_spacing = ulsch_harq->subcarrier_spacing; // can be set as fix value //values are OK // 0 (3.75 KHz) or 1 (15 KHz)
uint16_t I_sc = ulsch_harq->subcarrier_indication; // Isc =0->18 , or 0->47 // format 2, 0->3 or 0->7
uint16_t I_mcs = ulsch_harq->mcs; // values 0->10
uint16_t Nsc_RU = get_UL_N_ru_NB_IoT(I_mcs,ulsch_harq->resource_assignment,ulsch_NB_IoT->Msg3_flag);
uint16_t N_UL_slots = get_UL_slots_per_RU_NB_IoT(subcarrier_spacing,I_sc,npusch_format)*Nsc_RU; // N_UL_slots per word
uint16_t N_UL_slots = get_UL_slots_per_RU_NB_IoT(subcarrier_spacing,I_sc,npusch_format)*Nsc_RU; // N_UL_slots per word
uint16_t N_SF_per_word = N_UL_slots/2;
if(ulsch_NB_IoT->flag_vars == 1)
......@@ -1654,32 +1184,25 @@ uint8_t rx_ulsch_Gen_NB_IoT(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
ulsch_NB_IoT->flag_vars = 0;
if(ulsch_NB_IoT->counter_sf == N_SF_per_word) // initialization for scrambling
ulsch_NB_IoT->Msg3_subframe = rx_subframe; // first received subframe
ulsch_NB_IoT->Msg3_frame = rx_frame; // first received frame
uint8_t pilot_pos1, pilot_pos2; // holds for npusch format 1, and 15 kHz subcarrier bandwidth
int16_t *llrp, *llrp2;
uint32_t l,ii=0;
uint32_t rnti_tmp = ulsch_NB_IoT->rnti;
uint16_t ul_sc_start = get_UL_sc_index_start_NB_IoT(subcarrier_spacing,I_sc,npusch_format);
uint8_t Qm = get_Qm_UL_NB_IoT(I_mcs,Nsc_RU,I_sc,ulsch_NB_IoT->Msg3_flag);
uint8_t pilot_pos1_format1_15k = 3, pilot_pos2_format1_15k = 10; // holds for npusch format 1, and 15 kHz subcarrier bandwidth
uint8_t pilot_pos1_format2_15k = 2, pilot_pos2_format2_15k = 9; // holds for npusch format 2, and 15 kHz subcarrier bandwidth
uint8_t pilot_pos1_format1_3_75k = 4, pilot_pos2_format1_3_75k = 11; // holds for npusch format 1, and 3.75 kHz subcarrier bandwidth
uint8_t pilot_pos1_format2_3_75k = 0,pilot_pos2_format2_3_75k = 7; // holds for npusch format 2, and 3.75 kHz subcarrier bandwidth
uint8_t pilot_pos1, pilot_pos2; // holds for npusch format 1, and 15 kHz subcarrier bandwidth
uint8_t pilots_slot=0;
uint32_t rnti_tmp = ulsch_NB_IoT->rnti;
uint16_t ul_sc_start = get_UL_sc_index_start_NB_IoT(subcarrier_spacing,I_sc,npusch_format);
uint8_t Qm = get_Qm_UL_NB_IoT(I_mcs,Nsc_RU,I_sc,ulsch_NB_IoT->Msg3_flag);
uint8_t pilot_pos1_format1_15k = 3, pilot_pos2_format1_15k = 10; // holds for npusch format 1, and 15 kHz subcarrier bandwidth
uint8_t pilot_pos1_format2_15k = 2, pilot_pos2_format2_15k = 9; // holds for npusch format 2, and 15 kHz subcarrier bandwidth
uint8_t pilot_pos1_format1_3_75k = 4, pilot_pos2_format1_3_75k = 11; // holds for npusch format 1, and 3.75 kHz subcarrier bandwidth
uint8_t pilot_pos1_format2_3_75k = 0,pilot_pos2_format2_3_75k = 7; // holds for npusch format 2, and 3.75 kHz subcarrier bandwidth
uint8_t pilots_slot =0;
//void get_pilots_position(uint8_t npusch_format,uint8_t subcarrier_spacing,pilot_pos1,pilot_pos2)
switch(npusch_format + subcarrier_spacing*2)
case 0: // data
......@@ -1711,7 +1234,8 @@ uint8_t rx_ulsch_Gen_NB_IoT(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
for (l=0; l<fp->symbols_per_tti; l++) {
for (l=0; l<fp->symbols_per_tti; l++)
......@@ -1739,71 +1263,48 @@ uint8_t rx_ulsch_Gen_NB_IoT(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
l%(fp->symbols_per_tti/2), //symbol within slot
ulsch_NB_IoT->counter_sf, //counter_msg,
npusch_format, // proc->flag_msg5, ******** // check why this is needed ?? the function is called only for format 2 ?!!!! // =1
npusch_format, // proc->flag_msg5,
Qm, // =1
ul_sc_start, // = 0
/////////////////////////////////////// Equalization ///////////////////////////////////
for (l=0; l<fp->symbols_per_tti; l++)
/// Equalization
l%(fp->symbols_per_tti/2), //symbol within slot
l%(fp->symbols_per_tti/2), //symbol within slot
////////////////////////////////////// End Equalization /////////////////////////////////
if(npusch_format == 0)
for (l=0; l<fp->symbols_per_tti; l++)
/// In case of 1 subcarrier: BPSK and QPSK should be rotated by pi/2 and pi/4, respectively
UE_id, // UE ID
ulsch_NB_IoT->counter_sf, //counter_msg,
0); // or data
///////////////////////////////////////// Rotation ////////////////////////////////
for (l=0; l<fp->symbols_per_tti; l++)
/// In case of 1 subcarrier: BPSK and QPSK should be rotated by pi/2 and pi/4, respectively
UE_id, // UE ID
ulsch_NB_IoT->counter_sf, //counter_msg,
npusch_format); // or data
//////////////////////////////////////////End rotation ///////////////////////////////////
if(npusch_format == 0)
llrp = (int16_t*)&pusch_vars->llr[0+ (N_SF_per_word-ulsch_NB_IoT->counter_sf)*24]; /// 24= 12 symbols/SF * 2 // since Real and im
} else {
for (l=0; l<fp->symbols_per_tti; l++)
eNB_id, // eNB_ID ID
ulsch_NB_IoT->counter_sf, //counter_msg,
ul_sc_start, // carrier 0
Qm, // Qm
1); // for ACK
llrp = (int16_t*)&pusch_vars->llr[0+ (2-ulsch_NB_IoT->counter_sf)*16]; // 16 = 8 symbols/SF * 2 // since real and im
//////// create a function for this part
if(npusch_format == 0)
llrp = (int16_t*)&pusch_vars->llr[0+ (8-ulsch_NB_IoT->counter_sf)*24];
} else {
llrp = (int16_t*)&pusch_vars->llr[0+ (2-ulsch_NB_IoT->counter_sf)*16];
for (l=0; l<fp->symbols_per_tti; l++)
if (l==pilot_pos1 || l==pilot_pos2) // skip pilots // option 0 pilots = x,y, for option 1 pilots = 2,9 (subcarrier_spacing=1, npush_format=1)
......@@ -1824,9 +1325,8 @@ uint8_t rx_ulsch_Gen_NB_IoT(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
UE_id, // UE ID
&llrp[ii*2]); //// !!! Pensez à créer un buffer de longueur 8 subframes
///////////////////////////////////////////////// NPUSH DECOD //////////////////////////////////////
......@@ -1934,7 +1434,7 @@ uint8_t rx_ulsch_Gen_NB_IoT(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
///////////////////////////////// desin multi-tone
//if multi-RU
/// deinterleaving
j = 0;
j2 = 0;
......@@ -1950,7 +1450,8 @@ uint8_t rx_ulsch_Gen_NB_IoT(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
ep[6] = yp[6];
ep[7] = yp[7];
/// decoding
unsigned int r_offset=0,Kr_bytes,iind;
......@@ -2064,10 +1565,9 @@ uint8_t rx_ulsch_Gen_NB_IoT(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
///////////////////end decoding //////////////////////////////////////////////
if (ret != (1+ulsch_NB_IoT->max_turbo_iterations))
//printf("\n in last cdn \n");
if (r<ulsch_harq->Cminus)
Kr = ulsch_harq->Kminus;
......@@ -2090,30 +1590,27 @@ uint8_t rx_ulsch_Gen_NB_IoT(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
fill_crc_indication_NB_IoT(eNB,0,rx_frame,rx_subframe,0); // indicate ACK to MAC
//fill_rx_indication_NB_IoT(eNB,i,frame,subframe); // indicate SDU to MAC
} else {
fill_crc_indication_NB_IoT(eNB,0,rx_frame,rx_subframe,1); // indicate NAK to MAC
//fill_rx_indication_NB_IoT(eNB,i,frame,subframe); // indicate SDU to MAC
} // r loop end
}//////////// r loop end ////////////
uint8_t *msg3 = &eNB->msg3_pdu[0];
// uint8_t *msg3 = &eNB->msg3_pdu[0];
// printf("pdu[0] = %d \n",ulsch_harq->b[0]);
int m =0;
/* int m =0;
for(m=0; m<6;m++)
proc->flag_DCI_msg4 =1 ;
} else { //////////////////////////////////// ACK //////////////////////////////
......@@ -2146,14 +1643,14 @@ uint8_t rx_ulsch_Gen_NB_IoT(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
printf(" decoded msg5: ACK ");
fill_crc_indication_NB_IoT(eNB,0,rx_frame,rx_subframe,0); // indicate ACK to MAC
//fill_rx_indication_NB_IoT(eNB,i,frame,subframe); // indicate SDU to MAC
} else if (counter_ack<8) { //hard decision
printf(" decoded msg5: NACK ");
fill_crc_indication_NB_IoT(eNB,0,rx_frame,rx_subframe,1); // indicate NAK to MAC
//fill_rx_indication_NB_IoT(eNB,i,frame,subframe); // indicate SDU to MAC
} else { //when equality (8 bits 0 vs 8 bits 1), soft decision
......@@ -2169,14 +1666,14 @@ uint8_t rx_ulsch_Gen_NB_IoT(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
printf(" decoded msg5 (soft): ACK ");
fill_crc_indication_NB_IoT(eNB,0,rx_frame,rx_subframe,0); // indicate ACK to MAC
//fill_rx_indication_NB_IoT(eNB,i,frame,subframe); // indicate SDU to MAC
} else {
printf(" decoded msg5 (soft): NACK ");
fill_crc_indication_NB_IoT(eNB,0,rx_frame,rx_subframe,1); // indicate NAK to MAC
//fill_rx_indication_NB_IoT(eNB,i,frame,subframe); // indicate SDU to MAC
......@@ -2187,8 +1684,8 @@ uint8_t rx_ulsch_Gen_NB_IoT(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,
if(ulsch_NB_IoT->Msg3_flag == 1)
ulsch_harq->rvidx = ulsch_NB_IoT->counter_repetitions % 2; // rvidx toogle for new code word
}// else {} for other npusch cases ??
ulsch_harq->rvidx = (ulsch_NB_IoT->counter_repetitions % 2)*2; // rvidx toogle for new code word
} // else {} for other npusch cases ??
if( (ulsch_NB_IoT->counter_sf == 1) && (ulsch_NB_IoT->counter_repetitions == 0) )
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ uint32_t rx_nprach_NB_IoT(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int frame, uint8_t subframe, uint16_
void npusch_procedures(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc);
////////////////// NB-IoT testing ////////////////////
void fill_rx_indication_NB_IoT(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,uint8_t data_or_control);
void fill_rx_indication_NB_IoT(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,uint8_t data_or_control, uint8_t msg3_flag);
......@@ -3192,7 +3192,7 @@ void phy_procedures_eNB_common_RX(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc){
void fill_rx_indication_NB_IoT(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,uint8_t data_or_control)
void fill_rx_indication_NB_IoT(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,uint8_t data_or_control, uint8_t msg3_flag)
nfapi_rx_indication_pdu_t *pdu;
......@@ -3207,8 +3207,21 @@ void fill_rx_indication_NB_IoT(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc,uint8_t d
pdu->rx_ue_information.rnti = eNB->ulsch_NB_IoT[0]->rnti;
pdu->rx_indication_rel8.length = eNB->ulsch_NB_IoT[0]->harq_process->TBS>>3;
pdu->data = eNB->ulsch_NB_IoT[0]->harq_process->b;
if(msg3_flag == 1)
pdu->rx_indication_rel8.length = 6; //eNB->ulsch_NB_IoT[0]->harq_process->TBS>>3;
int m =0;
for(m=0; m<6;m++)
pdu->data[m] = eNB->ulsch_NB_IoT[0]->harq_process->b[2+m];
} else {
pdu->data = eNB->ulsch_NB_IoT[0]->harq_process->b;
//pdu->data = eNB->ulsch_NB_IoT[UE_id]->harq_processes[harq_pid]->b;
//eNB->UL_INFO.rx_ind.sfn_sf = frame<<4 | subframe;
......@@ -1561,9 +1561,9 @@ void fill_crc_indication_NB_IoT(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,int UE_id,int frame,int subfra
//pdu->instance_length = 0; // don't know what to do with this
// pdu->rx_ue_information.handle = handle;
pdu->rx_ue_information.rnti = eNB->ulsch[UE_id]->rnti;
///////////////////////pdu-> = NFAPI_RX_UE_INFORMATION_TAG;
pdu->rx_ue_information.rnti = eNB->ulsch_NB_IoT[0]->rnti; /// OK
//////////////////////////pdu-> = NFAPI_CRC_INDICATION_REL8_TAG;
pdu->crc_indication_rel8.crc_flag = crc_flag;
......@@ -1595,42 +1595,13 @@ void npusch_procedures(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB,eNB_rxtx_proc_t *proc)
//ulsch_harq = ulsch_NB_IoT->harq_process;
// if eNB is ready to receive UL data
// define a flag to trigger on or off the decoding process
//if ((ulsch) && (ulsch->rnti>0) && (ulsch_harq->status == ACTIVE) && (ulsch_harq->frame == frame) && (ulsch_harq->subframe == subframe) && (ulsch_harq->handled == 0))
//uint16_t N_slots = get_UL_slots_per_RU_NB_IoT(nulsch_harq->subcarrier_spacing, nulsch_harq->subcarrier_indication, nulsch->npusch_format)*get_UL_N_ru_NB_IoT(nulsch_harq->mcs,nulsch_harq->resource_assignment,nulsch->Msg3_flag);
// if ((nulsch->Msg3_active == 1) && (nulsch->Msg3_flag == 1)) // && (ulsch_harq->frame == framerx) && (ulsch_harq->subframe == subframerx))
// {
/* if(nulsch->flag_scramble == 1)
nulsch->Msg3_frame = framerx;
nulsch->Msg3_subframe = subframerx;
nulsch->flag_scramble = 0;
0, // this is the effective sector id
RB_IoT_ID, // 22 , to be included in // to be replaced by NB_IoT_start ??
rx_subframe, // first received subframe
rx_frame); // first received frame
///proc->counter_msg3, // this represents the number of Subframe after encoding the msg3 // proc->counter_msg3
// } else if((nulsch->Msg3_active == 1) && (nulsch->Msg3_flag == 0)){ //// case of NPUSCH other than Msg3
0, // this is the effective sector id
22, // 22 , to be included in // to be replaced by NB_IoT_start ??
nulsch->Msg3_subframe, // first received subframe
nulsch->Msg3_frame, // first received frame
N_slots/2, ///proc->counter_msg3, // this represents the number of Subframe after encoding the msg3 // proc->counter_msg3
subframerx); */
// }
0, // this is the effective sector id
RB_IoT_ID, // 22 , to be included in // to be replaced by NB_IoT_start ??
rx_subframe, // first received subframe
rx_frame); // first received frame
} // for UE loop
\ No newline at end of file
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