if(frame_type==FDD)return(table_6_3_3_2_2_prachConfig_Index[prach_ConfigIndex][0]);// if using table Random access configurations for FR1 and paired spectrum/supplementary uplink
elseif(fr==nr_FR1)return(table_6_3_3_2_3_prachConfig_Index[prach_ConfigIndex][0]);// if using table Random access configurations for FR1 and unpaired spectrum
elseAssertFatal(1==0,"FR2 prach configuration not supported yet\n");
printf("-a Use AWGN channel and not multipath\n");
printf("-n Number of frames to simulate\n");
printf("-s Starting SNR, runs from SNR0 to SNR0 + 5 dB. If n_frames is 1 then just SNR is simulated\n");
printf("-S Ending SNR, runs from SNR0 to SNR1\n");
printf("-g [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,I,N] Use 3GPP SCM (A,B,C,D) or 36-101 (E-EPA,F-EVA,G-ETU) or Rayleigh1 (I) or Rayleigh1_800 (N) models (ignores delay spread and Ricean factor)\n");
printf("-z Number of RX antennas used in gNB\n");
printf("-N Nid_cell\n");
printf("-O oversampling factor (1,2,4,8,16)\n");
// printf("-f PRACH format (0=1,1=2,2=3,3=4)\n");
printf("-d Channel delay \n");
printf("-v Starting UE velocity in km/h, runs from 'v' to 'v+50km/h'. If n_frames is 1 just 'v' is simulated \n");
printf("-V Ending UE velocity in km/h, runs from 'v' to 'V'");