Commit ddbcbac9 authored by Matthieu Kanj's avatar Matthieu Kanj

removing logs

parent fa26d90c
......@@ -159,8 +159,6 @@ int generate_SIB23(NB_IoT_eNB_NDLSCH_t *SIB23,
int G = get_G_NB_IoT(frame_parms);
uint8_t Nsf = SIB23->resource_assignment; //value 2 or 8
LOG_D(PHY,"[%3d][%2d] Generating SIB23\n",frame,subframe);
if(counter_rep == rep)
......@@ -193,12 +191,11 @@ int generate_SIB23(NB_IoT_eNB_NDLSCH_t *SIB23,
if(SIB23->counter_repetition_number == 0)
//printf("[%3d][%2d] Generate SIB23 done\n",frame,subframe);
SIB23->active = 0;
done =1;
done =1;
......@@ -235,8 +235,8 @@ int output_handler(eNB_MAC_INST_NB_IoT *mac_inst, module_id_t module_id, int CC_
dl_config_pdu = SCHED_info->DL_req->dl_config_request_body.dl_config_pdu_list;
DCI_pdu = schedule_result_list_DL-> DCI_pdu;
LOG_D(MAC,"frame:%d, subframe:%d NB-IoT fill SIB23 ResAssign: %d\n",frame,subframe,((DCIFormatN1_t *)DCI_pdu)->ResAssign);
// LOG_D(MAC,"frame:%d, subframe:%d NB-IoT fill SIB23 ResAssign: %d\n",frame,subframe,((DCIFormatN1_t *)DCI_pdu)->ResAssign);
SCHED_info->DL_req->dl_config_request_body.number_pdu = 1;
dl_config_pdu->pdu_type = NFAPI_DL_CONFIG_NDLSCH_PDU_TYPE;
dl_config_pdu->pdu_size = 2+sizeof(nfapi_dl_config_ndlsch_pdu_rel13_t);
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