Commit f72ccf72 authored by wujing's avatar wujing

seperate vnf_p7_start_thread into two thread

parent 860c5dc2
......@@ -359,11 +359,11 @@ int wake_eNB_rxtx(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB, uint16_t sfn, uint16_t sf) {
// wake up TX for subframe n+sf_ahead
// lock the TX mutex and make sure the thread is ready
if (pthread_mutex_timedlock(&L1_proc->mutex,&wait) != 0) {
LOG_E( PHY, "[eNB] ERROR pthread_mutex_lock for eNB RXTX thread %d (IC %d)\n", L1_proc->subframe_rx&1,L1_proc->instance_cnt );
exit_fun( "error locking mutex_rxtx" );
// if (pthread_mutex_timedlock(&L1_proc->mutex,&wait) != 0) {
// LOG_E( PHY, "[eNB] ERROR pthread_mutex_lock for eNB RXTX thread %d (IC %d)\n", L1_proc->subframe_rx&1,L1_proc->instance_cnt );
// exit_fun( "error locking mutex_rxtx" );
// return(-1);
// }
static uint16_t old_sf = 0;
......@@ -379,7 +379,23 @@ int wake_eNB_rxtx(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB, uint16_t sfn, uint16_t sf) {
if (old_sf == 0 && old_sfn % 100==0) LOG_W( PHY,"[eNB] sfn/sf:%d%d old_sfn/sf:%d%d proc[rx:%d%d]\n", sfn, sf, old_sfn, old_sf, proc->frame_rx, proc->subframe_rx);
// wake up TX for subframe n+sf_ahead
// lock the TX mutex and make sure the thread is ready
if (pthread_mutex_timedlock(&L1_proc->mutex,&wait) != 0) {
LOG_E( PHY, "[eNB] ERROR pthread_mutex_lock for eNB RXTX thread %d (IC %d)\n", L1_proc->subframe_rx&1,L1_proc->instance_cnt );
exit_fun( "error locking mutex_rxtx" );
if(L1_proc->instance_cnt < 0){
LOG_E(MAC,"RCC singal to rxtx frame %d subframe %d busy %d (frame %d subframe %d)\n",L1_proc->frame_rx,L1_proc->subframe_rx,L1_proc->instance_cnt,proc->frame_rx,proc->subframe_rx);
pthread_mutex_unlock( &L1_proc->mutex );
pthread_mutex_unlock( &L1_proc->mutex );
//LOG_D( PHY,"[VNF-subframe_ind] sfn/sf:%d:%d proc[frame_rx:%d subframe_rx:%d] L1_proc->instance_cnt_rxtx:%d \n", sfn, sf, proc->frame_rx, proc->subframe_rx, L1_proc->instance_cnt_rxtx);
......@@ -404,10 +420,6 @@ int wake_eNB_rxtx(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB, uint16_t sfn, uint16_t sf) {
//LOG_D(PHY,"%s() About to attempt pthread_mutex_unlock\n", __FUNCTION__);
pthread_mutex_unlock( &L1_proc->mutex );
//LOG_D(PHY,"%s() UNLOCKED pthread_mutex_unlock\n", __FUNCTION__);
......@@ -799,6 +811,7 @@ int vnf_pack_p4_p5_vendor_extension(nfapi_p4_p5_message_header_t* header, uint8_
static pthread_t vnf_start_pthread;
static pthread_t vnf_p7_start_pthread;
static pthread_t vnf_p7_time_pthread;
void* vnf_p7_start_thread(void *ptr) {
......@@ -813,6 +826,14 @@ void* vnf_p7_start_thread(void *ptr) {
return config;
void* vnf_p7_time_thread(void *ptr) {
printf("%s()\n", __FUNCTION__);
pthread_setname_np(pthread_self(), "VNF_P7");
nfapi_vnf_p7_config_t* config = (nfapi_vnf_p7_config_t*)ptr;
return config;
void set_thread_priority(int priority);
void* vnf_p7_thread_start(void* ptr) {
......@@ -856,6 +877,7 @@ void* vnf_p7_thread_start(void* ptr) {
NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_INFO, "[VNF] Creating VNF NFAPI start thread %s\n", __FUNCTION__);
pthread_create(&vnf_p7_start_pthread, NULL, &vnf_p7_start_thread, p7_vnf->config);
pthread_create(&vnf_p7_time_pthread, NULL, &vnf_p7_time_thread, p7_vnf->config);
return 0;
......@@ -884,6 +884,8 @@ void nfapi_vnf_p7_config_destory(nfapi_vnf_p7_config_t* config);
int nfapi_vnf_p7_start(nfapi_vnf_p7_config_t* config);
int nfapi_vnf_p7_time(nfapi_vnf_p7_config_t* config);
/*! Stop the VNF P7 library.
* \param config A pointer to an vnf p7 configuration structure
* \return A status value. 0 equal success, -1 indicates failure
......@@ -147,25 +147,8 @@ int nfapi_vnf_p7_start(nfapi_vnf_p7_config_t* config)
pselect_timeout.tv_sec = 0;
pselect_timeout.tv_nsec = 1000000; // ns in a 1 us
struct timespec pselect_start;
struct timespec pselect_stop;
//struct timespec sf_end;
long last_millisecond = -1;
struct timespec sf_duration;
sf_duration.tv_sec = 0;
sf_duration.tv_nsec = 1e6; // We want 1ms pause
struct timespec sf_start;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &sf_start);
long millisecond = sf_start.tv_nsec / 1e6;
sf_start = timespec_add(sf_start, sf_duration);
NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_INFO, "next subframe will start at %d.%d\n", sf_start.tv_sec, sf_start.tv_nsec);
while(vnf_p7->terminate == 0)
fd_set rfds;
......@@ -176,236 +159,130 @@ int nfapi_vnf_p7_start(nfapi_vnf_p7_config_t* config)
// Add the p7 socket
FD_SET(vnf_p7->socket, &rfds);
maxSock = vnf_p7->socket;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &pselect_start);
//long millisecond = pselect_start.tv_nsec / 1e6;
if((last_millisecond == -1) || (millisecond == last_millisecond) || (millisecond == (last_millisecond + 1) % 1000) )
//NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_INFO, "pselect_start:%d.%d sf_start:%d.%d\n", pselect_start.tv_sec, pselect_start.tv_nsec, sf_start.tv_sec, sf_start.tv_nsec);
if((pselect_start.tv_sec > sf_start.tv_sec) ||
((pselect_start.tv_sec == sf_start.tv_sec) && (pselect_start.tv_nsec > sf_start.tv_nsec)))
// overran the end of the subframe we do not want to wait
pselect_timeout.tv_sec = 0;
pselect_timeout.tv_nsec = 0;
//struct timespec overrun = timespec_sub(pselect_start, sf_start);
//NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_INFO, "Subframe overrun detected of %d.%d running to catchup\n", overrun.tv_sec, overrun.tv_nsec);
// still time before the end of the subframe wait
pselect_timeout = timespec_sub(sf_start, pselect_start);
//original_pselect_timeout = pselect_timeout;
// detemine how long to sleep in ns before the start of the next 1ms
//pselect_timeout.tv_nsec = 1e6 - (pselect_start.tv_nsec % 1000000);
//uint8_t underrun_possible =0;
// if we are not sleeping until the next milisecond due to the
// insycn minor adjment flag it so we don't consider it an error
//uint8_t underrun_possible =0;
nfapi_vnf_p7_connection_info_t* phy = vnf_p7->p7_connections;
if(phy && phy->in_sync && phy->insync_minor_adjustment != 0 && phy->insync_minor_adjustment_duration > 0 && pselect_start.tv_nsec != 0)
NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_NOTE, "[VNF] Subframe minor adjustment %d (%d->%d)\n", phy->insync_minor_adjustment,
pselect_timeout.tv_nsec, pselect_timeout.tv_nsec - (phy->insync_minor_adjustment * 1000))
if(phy->insync_minor_adjustment > 0)
// todo check we don't go below 0
if((phy->insync_minor_adjustment * 1000) > pselect_timeout.tv_nsec)
pselect_timeout.tv_nsec = 0;
pselect_timeout.tv_nsec = pselect_timeout.tv_nsec - (phy->insync_minor_adjustment * 1000);
//underrun_possible = 1;
else if(phy->insync_minor_adjustment < 0)
// todo check we don't go below 0
pselect_timeout.tv_nsec = pselect_timeout.tv_nsec - (phy->insync_minor_adjustment * 1000);
//phy->insync_minor_adjustment = 0;
//long wraps = pselect_timeout.tv_nsec % 1e9;
selectRetval = pselect(maxSock+1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &pselect_timeout, NULL);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &pselect_stop);
nfapi_vnf_p7_connection_info_t* phy = vnf_p7->p7_connections;
if (selectRetval==-1 && errno == 22)
NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "INVAL: pselect_timeout:%d.%ld adj[dur:%d adj:%d], sf_dur:%d.%ld\n",
pselect_timeout.tv_sec, pselect_timeout.tv_nsec,
phy->insync_minor_adjustment_duration, phy->insync_minor_adjustment,
sf_duration.tv_sec, sf_duration.tv_nsec);
if(selectRetval == 0)
// calculate the start of the next subframe
sf_start = timespec_add(sf_start, sf_duration);
//NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_INFO, "next subframe will start at %d.%d\n", sf_start.tv_sec, sf_start.tv_nsec);
if(phy && phy->in_sync && phy->insync_minor_adjustment != 0 && phy->insync_minor_adjustment_duration > 0)
long insync_minor_adjustment_ns = (phy->insync_minor_adjustment * 1000);
sf_start.tv_nsec -= insync_minor_adjustment_ns;
#if 1
if (sf_start.tv_nsec > 1e9)
else if (sf_start.tv_nsec < 0)
//NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_NOTE, "[VNF] BEFORE adjustment - Subframe minor adjustment %dus sf_start.tv_nsec:%d\n", phy->insync_minor_adjustment, sf_start.tv_nsec);
if(phy->insync_minor_adjustment > 0)
// decrease the subframe duration a little
if (sf_start.tv_nsec > insync_minor_adjustment_ns)
sf_start.tv_nsec -= insync_minor_adjustment_ns;
NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "[VNF] Adjustment would make it negative sf:%d.%ld adjust:%ld\n\n\n", sf_start.tv_sec, sf_start.tv_nsec, insync_minor_adjustment_ns);
sf_start.tv_nsec += 1e9 - insync_minor_adjustment_ns;
else if(phy->insync_minor_adjustment < 0)
// todo check we don't go below 0
// increase the subframe duration a little
sf_start.tv_nsec += insync_minor_adjustment_ns;
if (sf_start.tv_nsec < 0)
NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "[VNF] OVERFLOW %d.%ld\n\n\n\n", sf_start.tv_sec, sf_start.tv_nsec);
sf_start.tv_nsec += 1e9;
//phy->insync_minor_adjustment = 0;
NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_NOTE, "[VNF] AFTER adjustment - Subframe minor adjustment %dus sf_start.tv_nsec:%d duration:%u\n",
phy->insync_minor_adjustment, sf_start.tv_nsec, phy->insync_minor_adjustment_duration);
if (phy->insync_minor_adjustment_duration==0)
phy->insync_minor_adjustment = 0;
long pselect_stop_millisecond = pselect_stop.tv_nsec / 1e6;
if(millisecond == pselect_stop_millisecond)
// we have woke up in the same subframe
if(underrun_possible == 0)
NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_WARN, "subframe pselect underrun %ld (%d.%d)\n", millisecond, pselect_stop.tv_sec, pselect_stop.tv_nsec);
else if(((millisecond + 1) % 1000) != pselect_stop_millisecond)
// we have overrun the subframe
NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_WARN, "subframe pselect overrun %ld %ld\n", millisecond, pselect_stop_millisecond);
NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_WARN, "subframe underrun %ld\n", millisecond);
last_millisecond = millisecond;
millisecond ++;
// we have overrun the subframe advance to go and collect $200
if((millisecond - last_millisecond) > 3)
NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_WARN, "subframe overrun %ld %ld (%ld)\n", millisecond, last_millisecond, millisecond - last_millisecond + 1);
last_millisecond = ( last_millisecond + 1 ) % 1000;
selectRetval = 0;
if(selectRetval == 0)
vnf_p7->sf_start_time_hr = vnf_get_current_time_hr();
// pselect timed out
nfapi_vnf_p7_connection_info_t* curr = vnf_p7->p7_connections;
while(curr != 0)
curr->sfn_sf = increment_sfn_sf(curr->sfn_sf);
vnf_sync(vnf_p7, curr);
curr = curr->next;
//NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_INFO, "pselect_start:%d.%d sf_start:%d.%d\n", pselect_start.tv_sec, pselect_start.tv_nsec, sf_start.tv_sec, sf_start.tv_nsec);
selectRetval = pselect(maxSock+1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &pselect_timeout, NULL);
nfapi_vnf_p7_connection_info_t* phy = vnf_p7->p7_connections;
else if(selectRetval > 0)
// have a p7 message
if(FD_ISSET(vnf_p7->socket, &rfds))
if (selectRetval==-1 && errno == 22)
// pselect error
if(selectRetval == -1 && errno == EINTR)
// a sigal was received.
NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_INFO, "P7 select failed result %d errno %d timeout:%d.%d orginal:%d.%d last_ms:%ld ms:%ld\n", selectRetval, errno, pselect_timeout.tv_sec, pselect_timeout.tv_nsec, pselect_timeout.tv_sec, pselect_timeout.tv_nsec, last_millisecond, millisecond);
// should we exit now?
if (selectRetval == -1 && errno == 22) // invalid argument??? not sure about timeout duration
NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_ERROR, "INVAL: pselect_timeout:%d.%ld adj[dur:%d adj:%d], sf_dur:%d.%ld\n",
pselect_timeout.tv_sec, pselect_timeout.tv_nsec,
phy->insync_minor_adjustment_duration, phy->insync_minor_adjustment,
sf_duration.tv_sec, sf_duration.tv_nsec);
NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_INFO, "Closing p7 socket\n");
if(selectRetval > 0)
// have a p7 message
if(FD_ISSET(vnf_p7->socket, &rfds))
else if(selectRetval < 0)
// pselect error
if(selectRetval == -1 && errno == EINTR)
// a sigal was received.
NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_INFO, "P7 select failed result %d errno %d timeout:%d.%d orginal:%d.%d last_ms:%ld ms:%ld\n", selectRetval, errno, pselect_timeout.tv_sec, pselect_timeout.tv_nsec, pselect_timeout.tv_sec, pselect_timeout.tv_nsec, last_millisecond, millisecond);
// should we exit now?
if (selectRetval == -1 && errno == 22) // invalid argument??? not sure about timeout duration
NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_INFO, "Closing p7 socket\n");
NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_INFO, "%s() returning\n", __FUNCTION__);
return 0;
NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_INFO, "%s() returning\n", __FUNCTION__);
return 0;
int nfapi_vnf_p7_time(nfapi_vnf_p7_config_t* config){
vnf_p7_t* vnf_p7 = (vnf_p7_t*)config;
//struct timespec original_pselect_timeout;
nfapi_vnf_p7_connection_info_t* phy = vnf_p7->p7_connections;
//int8_t ret = 0;
struct timespec pselect_timeout;
pselect_timeout.tv_sec = 0;
pselect_timeout.tv_nsec = 1000000; // ns in a 1 us
struct timespec sf_duration;
sf_duration.tv_sec = 0;
sf_duration.tv_nsec = 1e6; // We want 1ms pause
struct timespec rem_time;
struct timespec pselect_start;
struct timespec sf_start;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &sf_start);
//long millisecond = sf_start.tv_nsec / 1e6;
sf_start = timespec_add(sf_start, sf_duration);
NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_INFO, "next subframe will start at %d.%d\n", sf_start.tv_sec, sf_start.tv_nsec);
while(vnf_p7->terminate == 0)
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &pselect_start);
if((pselect_start.tv_sec > sf_start.tv_sec) ||
((pselect_start.tv_sec == sf_start.tv_sec) && (pselect_start.tv_nsec > sf_start.tv_nsec)))
pselect_timeout.tv_sec = 0;
pselect_timeout.tv_nsec = 0;
// still time before the end of the subframe wait
pselect_timeout = timespec_sub(sf_start, pselect_start);
// calculate the start of the next subframe
sf_start = timespec_add(sf_start, sf_duration);
//NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_INFO, "next subframe will start at %d.%d\n", sf_start.tv_sec, sf_start.tv_nsec);
if(phy && phy->in_sync && phy->insync_minor_adjustment != 0 && phy->insync_minor_adjustment_duration > 0)
long insync_minor_adjustment_ns = (phy->insync_minor_adjustment * 1000);
sf_start.tv_nsec -= insync_minor_adjustment_ns;
if (sf_start.tv_nsec > 1e9)
else if (sf_start.tv_nsec < 0)
//phy->insync_minor_adjustment = 0;
if (phy->insync_minor_adjustment_duration==0)
phy->insync_minor_adjustment = 0;
vnf_p7->sf_start_time_hr = vnf_get_current_time_hr();
// pselect timed out
nfapi_vnf_p7_connection_info_t* curr = vnf_p7->p7_connections;
while(curr != 0)
curr->sfn_sf = increment_sfn_sf(curr->sfn_sf);
vnf_sync(vnf_p7, curr);
curr = curr->next;
NFAPI_TRACE(NFAPI_TRACE_INFO, "%s() returning\n", __FUNCTION__);
return 0;
int nfapi_vnf_p7_stop(nfapi_vnf_p7_config_t* config)
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