Commit ffe2967d authored by Raymond Knopp's avatar Raymond Knopp

Split init and config USRP device. It seems to have solved the stop/restart...

Split init and config USRP device. It seems to have solved the stop/restart RAU without stopping the RRU
parent bc0ae0fc
......@@ -134,6 +134,9 @@ int load_lib(openair0_device *device, openair0_config_t *openair0_cfg, eth_param
return ret;
int openair0_check_device_loaded(){
int openair0_device_load(openair0_device *device, openair0_config_t *openair0_cfg) {
......@@ -283,6 +283,10 @@ struct openair0_device_t {
/* !brief ETH params set by application */
eth_params_t *eth_params;
/* !brief Indicates if device already initialized */
int is_init;
/*!brief Can be used by driver to hold internal structure*/
void *priv;
......@@ -293,6 +297,13 @@ struct openair0_device_t {
int (*trx_start_func)(openair0_device *device);
/*! \brief Called to configure the device
@param device pointer to the device structure specific to the RF hardware target
int (*trx_config_func)(openair0_device* device, openair0_config_t *openair0_cfg);
/*! \brief Called to send a request message between RAU-RRU on control port
@param device pointer to the device structure specific to the RF hardware target
@param msg pointer to the message structure passed between RAU-RRU
......@@ -1563,7 +1563,8 @@ static void* ru_thread_control( void* param ) {
// Start IF device if any
if (ru->start_if) {
LOG_I(PHY,"Starting IF interface for RU %d\n",ru->idx);
AssertFatal(ru->start_if(ru,NULL) == 0, "Could not start the IF device\n");
ru->start_if(ru,NULL) == 0, "Could not start the IF device\n");
if (ru->if_south != LOCAL_RF) wait_eNBs();
......@@ -1647,7 +1648,16 @@ static void* ru_thread_control( void* param ) {
//if (ru->is_slave == 1) lte_sync_time_init(&ru->frame_parms);
if (ru->rfdevice.is_init != 1){
ret = openair0_device_load(&ru->rfdevice,&ru->openair0_cfg);
"Failed to configure RF device for RU %d\n",ru->idx);
if (setup_RU_buffers(ru)!=0) {
printf("Exiting, cannot initialize RU Buffers\n");
......@@ -1879,7 +1889,7 @@ static void* ru_thread( void* param ) {
else if (ru->cmd == STOP_RU) {
ru->state = RU_IDLE;
ru->cmd = EMPTY;
LOG_I(PHY,"RU %d rf device stopped\n",ru->idx);
LOG_I(PHY,"RU %d stopped\n",ru->idx);
old_time = time_rf.tv_nsec;
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