Commit 7e60086f authored by Matthieu Kanj's avatar Matthieu Kanj

adding shared channel (npdsch) functions for NB-IOT

parent 7e542243
/*! \file PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/dlsch_coding_NB_IoT.c
* \brief Top-level routines for implementing Tail-biting convolutional coding for transport channels (NPDSCH) for NB_IoT, TS 36-212, V13.4.0 2017-02
* \author M. KANJ
* \date 2017
* \version 0.0
* \company bcom
* \email:
* \note
* \warning
#include "PHY/defs.h"
#include "PHY/extern.h"
#include "PHY/CODING/defs.h"
#include "PHY/CODING/extern.h"
#include "PHY/CODING/lte_interleaver_inline.h"
#include "PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/defs.h"
#include "PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/proto.h"
#include "SCHED/defs.h"
#include "defs.h"
#include "UTIL/LOG/vcd_signal_dumper.h"
#define is_not_pilot(pilots,first_pilot,re) (1)
#include "PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/defs_NB_IoT.h" // newly added for NB_IoT
void ccode_encode_npdsch_NB_IoT (int32_t numbits,
uint8_t *inPtr,
uint8_t *outPtr,
uint32_t crc)
uint32_t state;
uint8_t c, out, first_bit;
int8_t shiftbit=0;
/* The input bit is shifted in position 8 of the state.
Shiftbit will take values between 1 and 8 */
state = 0;
first_bit = 2;
c = ((uint8_t*)&crc)[0];
// Perform Tail-biting
// get bits from last byte of input (or crc)
for (shiftbit = 0 ; shiftbit <(8-first_bit) ; shiftbit++) {
if ((c&(1<<(7-first_bit-shiftbit))) != 0)
state |= (1<<shiftbit);
state = state & 0x3f; // true initial state of Tail-biting CCode
state<<=1; // because of loop structure in CCode
while (numbits > 0) { // Tail-biting is applied to input bits , input 34 bits , output 102 bits
c = *inPtr++;
for (shiftbit = 7; (shiftbit>=0) && (numbits>0); shiftbit--,numbits--) {
state >>= 1;
if ((c&(1<<shiftbit)) != 0) {
state |= 64;
out = ccodelte_table_NB_IoT[state];
*outPtr++ = out & 1;
*outPtr++ = (out>>1)&1;
*outPtr++ = (out>>2)&1;
int dlsch_encoding_NB_IoT(unsigned char *a,
NB_IoT_eNB_DLSCH_t *dlsch,
uint8_t Nsf, // number of subframes required for npdsch pdu transmission calculated from Isf (3GPP spec table)
unsigned int G; // G (number of available RE) is implicitly multiplied by 2 (since only QPSK modulation)
time_stats_t *rm_stats,
time_stats_t *te_stats,
time_stats_t *i_stats)
unsigned int crc=1;
//unsigned char harq_pid = dlsch->current_harq_pid; // to check during implementation if harq_pid is required in the NB_IoT_eNB_DLSCH_t structure in defs_NB_IoT.h
unsigned int A;
uint8_t RCC;
A = dlsch->harq_processe->TBS; // 680
dlsch->harq_processe->length_e = G*Nsf // G*Nsf (number_of_subframes) = total number of bits to transmit
int32_t numbits = A+24;
if (dlsch->harq_processe->round == 0) { // This is a new packet
crc = crc24a(a,A)>>8; // CRC calculation (24 bits CRC)
// CRC attachment to payload
a[A>>3] = ((uint8_t*)&crc)[2];
a[1+(A>>3)] = ((uint8_t*)&crc)[1];
a[2+(A>>3)] = ((uint8_t*)&crc)[0];
dlsch->harq_processe->B = numbits; // The length of table b in bits
ccode_encode_npdsch_NB_IoT(numbits, dlsch->harq_processe->b, dlsch->harq_processe->d+96, crc); // step 1 Tail-biting convolutional coding
RCC = sub_block_interleaving_cc_NB_IoT(numbits,dlsch->harq_processe->d+96,dlsch->harq_processe->w); // step 2 interleaving
lte_rate_matching_cc_NB_IoT(RCC,dlsch->harq_processe->length_e,dlsch->harq_processe->w,dlsch->harq_processe->e); // step 3 Rate Matching
/*! \file PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/dlsch_modulation_NB_IoT.c
* \brief Top-level routines for generating the NPDSCH physical channel for NB_IoT,
* \author M. KANJ
* \date 2017
* \version 0.0
* \company bcom
* \email:
* \note
* \warning
#include "PHY/defs.h"
#include "PHY/extern.h"
#include "PHY/CODING/defs.h"
#include "PHY/CODING/extern.h"
#include "PHY/CODING/lte_interleaver_inline.h"
#include "PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/defs.h"
#include "defs.h"
#include "UTIL/LOG/vcd_signal_dumper.h"
int allocate_REs_in_RB_NB_IoT(NB_IOT_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
int32_t **txdataF,
uint32_t *jj,
uint32_t symbol_offset,
uint8_t *x0,
uint8_t pilots,
int16_t amp,
unsigned short id_offset,
uint32_t *re_allocated) // not used variable ??!!
MIMO_mode_t mimo_mode = (frame_parms->mode1_flag==1)?SISO:ALAMOUTI;
uint32_t tti_offset,aa;
uint8_t re, diff_re;
int16_t gain_lin_QPSK;
uint8_t first_re,last_re;
int32_t tmp_sample1,tmp_sample2;
gain_lin_QPSK = (int16_t)((amp*ONE_OVER_SQRT2_Q15)>>15);
for (re=first_re; re<last_re; re++) { // re varies between 0 and 12 sub-carriers
tti_offset = symbol_offset + re; // symbol_offset = 512 * L , re_offset = 512 - 3*12 , re
if (pilots != 1 || re%3 != id_offset) // if re is not a pilot
// diff_re = re%3 - id_offset;
if (mimo_mode == SISO) { //SISO mapping
*re_allocated = *re_allocated + 1; // variable incremented but never used
for (aa=0; aa<frame_parms->nb_antennas_tx; aa++) {
((int16_t*)&txdataF[aa][tti_offset])[0] += (x0[*jj]==1) ? (-gain_lin_QPSK) : gain_lin_QPSK; //I //b_i
*jj = *jj + 1;
for (aa=0; aa<frame_parms->nb_antennas_tx; aa++) {
((int16_t*)&txdataF[aa][tti_offset])[1] += (x0[*jj]==1) ? (-gain_lin_QPSK) : gain_lin_QPSK; //Q //b_{i+1}
*jj = *jj + 1;
} else if (mimo_mode == ALAMOUTI) {
*re_allocated = *re_allocated + 1;
((int16_t*)&tmp_sample1)[0] = (x0[*jj]==1) ? (-gain_lin_QPSK) : gain_lin_QPSK;
((int16_t*)&tmp_sample1)[1] = (x0[*jj]==1) ? (-gain_lin_QPSK) : gain_lin_QPSK;
// second antenna position n -> -x1*
((int16_t*)&tmp_sample2)[0] = (x0[*jj]==1) ? (gain_lin_QPSK) : -gain_lin_QPSK;
((int16_t*)&tmp_sample2)[1] = (x0[*jj]==1) ? (-gain_lin_QPSK) : gain_lin_QPSK;
// normalization for 2 tx antennas
((int16_t*)&txdataF[0][tti_offset])[0] += (int16_t)((((int16_t*)&tmp_sample1)[0]*ONE_OVER_SQRT2_Q15)>>15);
((int16_t*)&txdataF[0][tti_offset])[1] += (int16_t)((((int16_t*)&tmp_sample1)[1]*ONE_OVER_SQRT2_Q15)>>15);
((int16_t*)&txdataF[1][tti_offset])[0] += (int16_t)((((int16_t*)&tmp_sample2)[0]*ONE_OVER_SQRT2_Q15)>>15);
((int16_t*)&txdataF[1][tti_offset])[1] += (int16_t)((((int16_t*)&tmp_sample2)[1]*ONE_OVER_SQRT2_Q15)>>15);
// fill in the rest of the ALAMOUTI precoding
if ( pilots != 1 || (re+1)%3 != id_offset) {
((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][tti_offset+1])[0] += -((int16_t *)&txdataF[1][tti_offset])[0]; //x1
((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][tti_offset+1])[1] += ((int16_t *)&txdataF[1][tti_offset])[1];
((int16_t *)&txdataF[1][tti_offset+1])[0] += ((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][tti_offset])[0]; //x0*
((int16_t *)&txdataF[1][tti_offset+1])[1] += -((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][tti_offset])[1];
} else {
((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][tti_offset+2])[0] += -((int16_t *)&txdataF[1][tti_offset])[0]; //x1
((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][tti_offset+2])[1] += ((int16_t *)&txdataF[1][tti_offset])[1];
((int16_t *)&txdataF[1][tti_offset+2])[0] += ((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][tti_offset])[0]; //x0*
((int16_t *)&txdataF[1][tti_offset+2])[1] += -((int16_t *)&txdataF[0][tti_offset])[1];
re++; // skip pilots
*re_allocated = *re_allocated + 1;
re++; // adjacent carriers are taken care of by precoding
*re_allocated = *re_allocated + 1; // incremented variable but never used
int dlsch_modulation_NB_IoT(int32_t **txdataF,
int16_t amp,
NB_IOT_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
uint8_t control_region_size, // control region size for LTE , values between 0..3, (0 for stand-alone / 1, 2 or 3 for in-band)
NB_IoT_eNB_DLSCH_t *dlsch0,
int G, // number of bits per subframe
unsigned npdsch_data_subframe, // subframe index of the data table of npdsch channel (G*Nsf) , values are between 0..Nsf
unsigned short NB_IoT_RB_ID)
//uint8_t harq_pid = dlsch0->current_harq_pid;
//NB_IoT_DL_eNB_HARQ_t *dlsch0_harq = dlsch0->harq_processes[harq_pid];
uint32_t jj=0;
uint32_t re_allocated,symbol_offset;
uint16_t l;
uint8_t id_offset,pilots=0;
unsigned short bandwidth_even_odd;
unsigned short NB_IoT_start, RB_IoT_ID;
// testing if the total number of RBs is even or odd
bandwidth_even_odd = frame_parms->N_RB_DL % 2; // 0 even, 1 odd
// step 5, 6, 7 // modulation and mapping (slot 1, symbols 0..3)
for (l=control_region_size; l<14; l++) { // loop on OFDM symbols
if((l>=4 && l<=8) || (l>=11 && l<=13))
pilots =1;
} else {
id_offset = frame_parms->Nid_cell % 3; // Cell_ID_NB_IoT % 3
if(RB_IoT_ID < (frame_parms->N_RB_DL/2))
NB_IoT_start = frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size - 12*(frame_parms->N_RB_DL/2) - (bandwidth_even_odd*6) + 12*(RB_IoT_ID%(ceil(frame_parms->N_RB_DL/(float)2)));
} else {
NB_IoT_start = (bandwidth_even_odd*6) + 12*(RB_IoT_ID%(ceil(frame_parms->N_RB_DL/(float)2)));
symbol_offset = frame_parms->ofdm_symbol_size*l + NB_IoT_start; // symbol_offset = 512 * L + NB_IOT_RB start
return (re_allocated);
/*! \file PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/dlsch_scrambling_NB_IoT.c
* \brief Routines for the scrambling procedure of the NPDSCH physical channel for NB_IoT, TS 36-211, V13.4.0 2017-02
* \author M. KANJ
* \date 2017
* \version 0.0
* \company bcom
* \email:
* \note
* \warning
#include "PHY/defs.h"
#include "PHY/CODING/extern.h"
#include "PHY/CODING/lte_interleaver_inline.h"
#include "defs.h"
#include "extern.h"
#include "PHY/extern.h"
#include "UTIL/LOG/vcd_signal_dumper.h"
#include "defs_NB_IoT.h"
void dlsch_scrambling_NB_IoT(NB_IOT_DL_FRAME_PARMS *frame_parms,
NB_IoT_eNB_DLSCH_t *dlsch,
int G, // total number of bits to transmit
uint8_t Nf, // Nf is the frame number (0..9)
uint8_t Ns) // slot number (0..19)
int i,j,k=0;
uint32_t x1, x2, s=0;
uint8_t *e=dlsch->harq_processes->e; //uint8_t *e=dlsch->harq_processes[dlsch->current_harq_pid]->e;
x2 = (dlsch->rnti<<14) + ((Nf%2)<<13) + ((Ns>>1)<<9) + frame_parms->Nid_cell; //this is c_init in 36.211 Sec
s = lte_gold_generic_NB_IoT(&x1, &x2, 1);
for (i=0; i<(1+(G>>5)); i++) {
for (j=0; j<32; j++,k++) {
dlsch->s_e[k] = (e[k]&1) ^ ((s>>j)&1);
s = lte_gold_generic_NB_IoT(&x1, &x2, 0);
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