Commit 829c7b4a authored by tyhsu's avatar tyhsu

Fix BN2LLR bug: add const_llr into the equation

parent 2de17c7e
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ __global__ void BNProcess(int *const_llr, int *bnbuf, int *cnbuf, int *c2b_idx,
__global__ void BN2llr(int *bnbuf, int *llrbuf, int *llr_idx)
__global__ void BN2llr(int *const_llr, int *bnbuf, int *llrbuf, int *llr_idx)
int tid = blockIdx.x*blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ __global__ void BN2llr(int *bnbuf, int *llrbuf, int *llr_idx)
for(int i = start; i < end; i++){
res += bnbuf[i];
llrbuf[tid] = res;
llrbuf[tid] = res + const_llr[tid];
......@@ -210,23 +210,24 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv)
print_arr("debug/const_llrbuf_d", const_llrbuf_d, 316*384);
char debug[] = "debug/";
char cn[] = "cnbuf";
char bn[] = "bnbuf";
char llrstr[] = "llrbuf_d";
char dir[] = "debug/", cn[] = "cnbuf", bn[] = "bnbuf", llrstr[] = "llrbuf_d";
char str[100] = {};
for(int i = 0; i < rounds; i++){
CNProcess<<<blockNum, threadNum>>>(cnbuf_d, bnbuf_d, b2c_idx_d, cnproc_idx_d);
// snprintf(str, 20, "%s%s_%d", debug, bn, i+1);
// print_arr(str, bnbuf_d, 316*384);
#ifdef debug
snprintf(str, 20, "%s%s_%d", dir, bn, i+1);
print_arr(str, bnbuf_d, 316*384);
BNProcess<<<blockNum, threadNum>>>(const_llr_d, bnbuf_d, cnbuf_d, c2b_idx_d, bnproc_idx_d);
// snprintf(str, 20, "%s%s_%d", debug, cn, i+1);
// print_arr(str, cnbuf_d, 316*384);
BN2llr<<<51, 512>>>(bnbuf_d, llrbuf_d, llr_idx_d);
// snprintf(str, 20, "%s%s_%d", debug, llrstr, i+1);
// print_arr(str, llrbuf_d, 26112);
#ifdef debug
snprintf(str, 20, "%s%s_%d", dir, cn, i+1);
print_arr(str, cnbuf_d, 316*384);
BN2llr<<<51, 512>>>(llr_d, bnbuf_d, llrbuf_d, llr_idx_d);
#ifdef debug
snprintf(str, 20, "%s%s_%d", dir, llrstr, i+1);
print_arr(str, llrbuf_d, 26112);
BitDetermination<<<33, 256>>>(llrbuf_d, decode_output_d);
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