Commit c9574642 authored by Boris Djalal's avatar Boris Djalal


Signed-off-by: default avatarBoris Djalal <>
parent 3a36af47
...@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ class SSHConnection(): ...@@ -101,6 +101,7 @@ class SSHConnection():
self.desc = '' self.desc = ''
self.Build_eNB_args = '' self.Build_eNB_args = ''
self.Initialize_eNB_args = '' self.Initialize_eNB_args = ''
self.air_interface = 'lte'
self.eNBLogFile = '' self.eNBLogFile = ''
self.eNB_instance = '' self.eNB_instance = ''
self.eNBOptions = '' self.eNBOptions = ''
...@@ -139,6 +140,8 @@ class SSHConnection(): ...@@ -139,6 +140,8 @@ class SSHConnection():
self.UESourceCodePath = '' self.UESourceCodePath = ''
self.Build_OAI_UE_args = '' self.Build_OAI_UE_args = ''
self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args = '' self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args = ''
self.Initialize_OAI_eNB_args = ''
self.clean_repository = True
self.eNBOsVersion = '' self.eNBOsVersion = ''
def open(self, ipaddress, username, password): def open(self, ipaddress, username, password):
...@@ -349,7 +352,8 @@ class SSHConnection(): ...@@ -349,7 +352,8 @@ class SSHConnection():
# here add a check if git clone or git fetch went smoothly # here add a check if git clone or git fetch went smoothly
self.command('git config ""', '\$', 5) self.command('git config ""', '\$', 5)
self.command('git config "OAI Jenkins"', '\$', 5) self.command('git config "OAI Jenkins"', '\$', 5)
self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S git clean -x -d -ff', '\$', 30) if self.clean_repository:
self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S git clean -x -d -ff', '\$', 30)
# if the commit ID is provided use it to point to it # if the commit ID is provided use it to point to it
if self.eNBCommitID != '': if self.eNBCommitID != '':
self.command('git checkout -f ' + self.eNBCommitID, '\$', 5) self.command('git checkout -f ' + self.eNBCommitID, '\$', 5)
...@@ -498,7 +502,7 @@ class SSHConnection(): ...@@ -498,7 +502,7 @@ class SSHConnection():
# Launch eNB with the modified config file # Launch eNB with the modified config file
self.command('source oaienv', '\$', 5) self.command('source oaienv', '\$', 5)
self.command('cd cmake_targets', '\$', 5) self.command('cd cmake_targets', '\$', 5)
self.command('echo "ulimit -c unlimited && ./ran_build/build/lte-softmodem -O ' + self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/' + ci_full_config_file + extra_options + '" > ./my-lte-softmodem-run' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '.sh ', '\$', 5) self.command('echo "ulimit -c unlimited && ./ran_build/build/' + self.air_interface + '-softmodem -O ' + self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/' + ci_full_config_file + extra_options + '" > ./my-lte-softmodem-run' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '.sh ', '\$', 5)
self.command('chmod 775 ./my-lte-softmodem-run' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '.sh ', '\$', 5) self.command('chmod 775 ./my-lte-softmodem-run' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '.sh ', '\$', 5)
self.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S rm -Rf enb_' + self.testCase_id + '.log', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S rm -Rf enb_' + self.testCase_id + '.log', '\$', 5)
self.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S -E daemon --inherit --unsafe --name=enb' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '_daemon --chdir=' + self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets -o ' + self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/enb_' + self.testCase_id + '.log ./my-lte-softmodem-run' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '.sh', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S -E daemon --inherit --unsafe --name=enb' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '_daemon --chdir=' + self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets -o ' + self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/enb_' + self.testCase_id + '.log ./my-lte-softmodem-run' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '.sh', '\$', 5)
...@@ -629,7 +633,7 @@ class SSHConnection(): ...@@ -629,7 +633,7 @@ class SSHConnection():
# Launch UE with the modified config file # Launch UE with the modified config file
self.command('source oaienv', '\$', 5) self.command('source oaienv', '\$', 5)
self.command('cd cmake_targets/ran_build_oai/build', '\$', 5) self.command('cd cmake_targets/ran_build_oai/build', '\$', 5)
self.command('echo "ulimit -c unlimited && ./lte-uesoftmodem ' + self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args + '" > ./my-lte-uesoftmodem-run' + str(self.UE_instance) + '.sh', '\$', 5) self.command('echo "ulimit -c unlimited && ./'+ self.air_interface +'-uesoftmodem ' + self.Initialize_OAI_UE_args + '" > ./my-lte-uesoftmodem-run' + str(self.UE_instance) + '.sh', '\$', 5)
self.command('chmod 775 ./my-lte-uesoftmodem-run' + str(self.UE_instance) + '.sh', '\$', 5) self.command('chmod 775 ./my-lte-uesoftmodem-run' + str(self.UE_instance) + '.sh', '\$', 5)
self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S rm -Rf ' + self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/ue_' + self.testCase_id + '.log', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S rm -Rf ' + self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/ue_' + self.testCase_id + '.log', '\$', 5)
self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S -E daemon --inherit --unsafe --name=ue' + str(self.UE_instance) + '_daemon --chdir=' + self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/ran_build/build -o ' + self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/ue_' + self.testCase_id + '.log ./my-lte-uesoftmodem-run' + str(self.UE_instance) + '.sh', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S -E daemon --inherit --unsafe --name=ue' + str(self.UE_instance) + '_daemon --chdir=' + self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/ran_build/build -o ' + self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/ue_' + self.testCase_id + '.log ./my-lte-uesoftmodem-run' + str(self.UE_instance) + '.sh', '\$', 5)
...@@ -674,6 +678,90 @@ class SSHConnection(): ...@@ -674,6 +678,90 @@ class SSHConnection():
logging.debug('\u001B[1m Initialize OAI UE Completed\u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1m Initialize OAI UE Completed\u001B[0m')
self.close() self.close()
def InitializeOAIeNB(self):
if self.eNBIPAddress == '' or self.eNBUserName == '' or self.eNBPassword == '' or self.eNBSourceCodePath == '':
sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter')
#initialize_OAI_eNB_flag = True
#pStatus = self.CheckOAIeNBProcessExist(initialize_OAI_eNB_flag)
#if (pStatus < 0):
# self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.Initialize_OAI_eNB_args, 'KO', pStatus)
# self.CreateHtmlTabFooter(False)
# sys.exit(1), self.eNBUserName, self.eNBPassword)
self.command('cd ' + self.eNBSourceCodePath, '\$', 5)
# Initialize_OAI_eNB_args usually start with -C and followed by the location in repository
#full_config_file = self.Initialize_OAI_eNB_args.replace('-O ','')
#extIdx = full_config_file.find('.conf')
#if (extIdx > 0):
# extra_options = full_config_file[extIdx + 5:]
# # if tracer options is on, compiling and running T Tracer
# result ='T_stdout', str(extra_options))
## if result is not None:
# logging.debug('\u001B[1m Compiling and launching T Tracer\u001B[0m')
# self.command('cd common/utils/T/tracer', '\$', 5)
# self.command('make', '\$', 10)
# self.command('echo $USER; nohup ./record -d ../T_messages.txt -o ' + self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/enb_' + self.testCase_id + '_record.raw -ON -off VCD -off HEAVY -off LEGACY_GROUP_TRACE -off LEGACY_GROUP_DEBUG > ' + self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/enb_' + self.testCase_id + '_record.log 2>&1 &', self.eNBUserName, 5)
# self.command('cd ' + self.eNBSourceCodePath, '\$', 5)
# full_config_file = full_config_file[:extIdx + 5]
# config_path, config_file = os.path.split(full_config_file)
#ci_full_config_file = config_path + '/ci-' + config_file
#rruCheck = False
#result ='rru', str(config_file))
#if result is not None:
# rruCheck = True
## Make a copy and adapt to EPC / eNB IP addresses
#self.command('cp ' + full_config_file + ' ' + ci_full_config_file, '\$', 5)
#self.command('sed -i -e \'s/CI_eNB_IP_ADDR/' + self.eNBIPAddress + '/\' ' + ci_full_config_file, '\$', 2);
# Launch eNB with the modified config file
self.command('source oaienv', '\$', 5)
self.command('cd cmake_targets/ran_build_oai/build', '\$', 5)
#self.command('echo "ulimit -c unlimited && ./' + self.air_interface + '-softmodem ' + self.Initialize_OAI_eNB_args + '" > ./my-lte-softmodem-run' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '.sh', '\$', 5)
self.command('echo "ulimit -c unlimited && ./' + self.air_interface + '-softmodem ' + self.Initialize_OAI_eNB_args + '|& tee ' + self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/enb_' + self.testCase_id + '.log' + '" > ./my-lte-softmodem-run' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '.sh', '\$', 5)
self.command('chmod 775 ./my-lte-softmodem-run' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '.sh', '\$', 5)
self.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S rm -Rf ' + self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/enb_' + self.testCase_id + '.log', '\$', 5)
self.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S -E daemon --inherit --unsafe --name=enb' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '_daemon --chdir=' + self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/ran_build/build -o ' + self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/enb_' + self.testCase_id + '.log ./my-lte-softmodem-run' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '.sh', '\$', 5)
self.eNBLogFile = 'enb_' + self.testCase_id + '.log'
self.command('cd ../..', '\$', 5)
doLoop = True
loopCounter = 10
while (doLoop):
loopCounter = loopCounter - 1
if (loopCounter == 0):
# In case of T tracer recording, we may need to kill it
#result ='T_stdout', str(self.Initialize_OAI_eNB_args))
#if result is not None:
# self.command('killall --signal SIGKILL record', '\$', 5)
doLoop = False
logging.error('\u001B[1;37;41m eNB logging system did not show got sync! \u001B[0m')
self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.Initialize_OAI_eNB_args, 'KO', ALL_PROCESSES_OK, 'OAI eNB')
## In case of T tracer recording, we need to kill tshark on EPC side
#result ='T_stdout', str(self.Initialize_OAI_eNB_args))
#if result is not None:
#, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword)
# logging.debug('\u001B[1m Stopping tshark \u001B[0m')
# self.command('echo ' + self.EPCPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGKILL tshark', '\$', 5)
# self.close()
# time.sleep(1)
# pcap_log_file = 'enb_' + self.testCase_id + '_s1log.pcap'
# copyin_res = self.copyin(self.EPCIPAddress, self.EPCUserName, self.EPCPassword, '/tmp/' + pcap_log_file, '.')
# if (copyin_res == 0):
# self.copyout(self.eNBIPAddress, self.eNBUserName, self.eNBPassword, pcap_log_file, self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets/.')
self.command('stdbuf -o0 cat enb_' + self.testCase_id + '.log | egrep --text --color=never -i "wait|sync"', '\$', 4)
result ='got sync', str(self.ssh.before))
if result is None:
doLoop = False
self.CreateHtmlTestRow(self.Initialize_OAI_eNB_args, 'OK', ALL_PROCESSES_OK, 'OAI eNB')
logging.debug('\u001B[1m Initialize OAI eNB Completed\u001B[0m')
def checkDevTTYisUnlocked(self): def checkDevTTYisUnlocked(self):, self.ADBUserName, self.ADBPassword), self.ADBUserName, self.ADBPassword)
count = 0 count = 0
...@@ -1844,8 +1932,8 @@ class SSHConnection(): ...@@ -1844,8 +1932,8 @@ class SSHConnection():
def CheckOAIUEProcess(self, status_queue): def CheckOAIUEProcess(self, status_queue):
try: try:, self.OAIUEUserName, self.OAIUEPassword), self.OAIUEUserName, self.OAIUEPassword)
self.command('stdbuf -o0 ps -aux | grep -v grep | grep --color=never lte-uesoftmodem', '\$', 5) self.command('stdbuf -o0 ps -aux | grep -v grep | grep --color=never ' + self.air_interface + '-uesoftmodem', '\$', 5)
result ='lte-uesoftmodem', str(self.ssh.before)) result = + '-uesoftmodem', str(self.ssh.before))
if result is None: if result is None:
logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m OAI UE Process Not Found! \u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m OAI UE Process Not Found! \u001B[0m')
status_queue.put(OAI_UE_PROCESS_FAILED) status_queue.put(OAI_UE_PROCESS_FAILED)
...@@ -1858,8 +1946,8 @@ class SSHConnection(): ...@@ -1858,8 +1946,8 @@ class SSHConnection():
def CheckeNBProcess(self, status_queue): def CheckeNBProcess(self, status_queue):
try: try:, self.eNBUserName, self.eNBPassword), self.eNBUserName, self.eNBPassword)
self.command('stdbuf -o0 ps -aux | grep -v grep | grep --color=never lte-softmodem', '\$', 5) self.command('stdbuf -o0 ps -aux | grep -v grep | grep --color=never ' + self.air_interface + '-softmodem', '\$', 5)
result ='lte-softmodem', str(self.ssh.before)) result = + '-softmodem', str(self.ssh.before))
if result is None: if result is None:
logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m eNB Process Not Found! \u001B[0m') logging.debug('\u001B[1;37;41m eNB Process Not Found! \u001B[0m')
status_queue.put(ENB_PROCESS_FAILED) status_queue.put(ENB_PROCESS_FAILED)
...@@ -2228,12 +2316,12 @@ class SSHConnection(): ...@@ -2228,12 +2316,12 @@ class SSHConnection():
self.command('cd ' + self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets', '\$', 5) self.command('cd ' + self.eNBSourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets', '\$', 5)
self.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S daemon --name=enb' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '_daemon --stop', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S daemon --name=enb' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '_daemon --stop', '\$', 5)
self.command('rm -f my-lte-softmodem-run' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '.sh', '\$', 5) self.command('rm -f my-lte-softmodem-run' + str(self.eNB_instance) + '.sh', '\$', 5)
self.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGINT lte-softmodem || true', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGINT ' + self.air_interface + '-softmodem || true', '\$', 5)
time.sleep(5) time.sleep(5)
self.command('stdbuf -o0 ps -aux | grep -v grep | grep lte-softmodem', '\$', 5) self.command('stdbuf -o0 ps -aux | grep -v grep | grep ' + self.air_interface + '-softmodem', '\$', 5)
result ='lte-softmodem', str(self.ssh.before)) result = + '-softmodem', str(self.ssh.before))
if result is not None: if result is not None:
self.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGKILL lte-softmodem || true', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.eNBPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGKILL ' + self.air_interface + '-softmodem || true', '\$', 5)
time.sleep(5) time.sleep(5)
self.close() self.close()
# If tracer options is on, stopping tshark on EPC side # If tracer options is on, stopping tshark on EPC side
...@@ -2368,12 +2456,12 @@ class SSHConnection(): ...@@ -2368,12 +2456,12 @@ class SSHConnection():
self.command('cd ' + self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets', '\$', 5) self.command('cd ' + self.UESourceCodePath + '/cmake_targets', '\$', 5)
self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S daemon --name=ue' + str(self.UE_instance) + '_daemon --stop', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S daemon --name=ue' + str(self.UE_instance) + '_daemon --stop', '\$', 5)
self.command('rm -f my-lte-uesoftmodem-run' + str(self.UE_instance) + '.sh', '\$', 5) self.command('rm -f my-lte-uesoftmodem-run' + str(self.UE_instance) + '.sh', '\$', 5)
self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGINT lte-uesoftmodem || true', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGINT ' + self.air_interface + '-uesoftmodem || true', '\$', 5)
time.sleep(5) time.sleep(5)
self.command('stdbuf -o0 ps -aux | grep -v grep | grep lte-uesoftmodem', '\$', 5) self.command('stdbuf -o0 ps -aux | grep -v grep | grep ' + self.air_interface + '-uesoftmodem', '\$', 5)
result ='lte-uesoftmodem', str(self.ssh.before)) result = + '-uesoftmodem', str(self.ssh.before))
if result is not None: if result is not None:
self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGKILL lte-uesoftmodem || true', '\$', 5) self.command('echo ' + self.UEPassword + ' | sudo -S killall --signal SIGKILL ' + self.air_interface + '-uesoftmodem || true', '\$', 5)
time.sleep(5) time.sleep(5)
self.close() self.close()
# If tracer options is on, stopping tshark on EPC side # If tracer options is on, stopping tshark on EPC side
...@@ -2929,7 +3017,7 @@ def Usage(): ...@@ -2929,7 +3017,7 @@ def Usage():
print('------------------------------------------------------------') print('------------------------------------------------------------')
def CheckClassValidity(action,id): def CheckClassValidity(action,id):
if action != 'Build_eNB' and action != 'Initialize_eNB' and action != 'Terminate_eNB' and action != 'Initialize_UE' and action != 'Terminate_UE' and action != 'Attach_UE' and action != 'Detach_UE' and action != 'Build_OAI_UE' and action != 'Initialize_OAI_UE' and action != 'Terminate_OAI_UE' and action != 'Ping' and action != 'Iperf' and action != 'Reboot_UE' and action != 'Initialize_HSS' and action != 'Terminate_HSS' and action != 'Initialize_MME' and action != 'Terminate_MME' and action != 'Initialize_SPGW' and action != 'Terminate_SPGW' and action != 'Initialize_CatM_module' and action != 'Terminate_CatM_module' and action != 'Attach_CatM_module' and action != 'Detach_CatM_module' and action != 'Ping_CatM_module' and action != 'IdleSleep': if action != 'Build_eNB' and action != 'Initialize_eNB' and action != 'Terminate_eNB' and action != 'Initialize_UE' and action != 'Terminate_UE' and action != 'Attach_UE' and action != 'Detach_UE' and action != 'Build_OAI_UE' and action != 'Initialize_OAI_UE' and action != 'Terminate_OAI_UE' and action != 'Initialize_OAI_eNB' and action != 'Ping' and action != 'Iperf' and action != 'Reboot_UE' and action != 'Initialize_HSS' and action != 'Terminate_HSS' and action != 'Initialize_MME' and action != 'Terminate_MME' and action != 'Initialize_SPGW' and action != 'Terminate_SPGW' and action != 'Initialize_CatM_module' and action != 'Terminate_CatM_module' and action != 'Attach_CatM_module' and action != 'Detach_CatM_module' and action != 'Ping_CatM_module' and action != 'IdleSleep':
logging.debug('ERROR: test-case ' + id + ' has wrong class ' + action) logging.debug('ERROR: test-case ' + id + ' has wrong class ' + action)
return False return False
return True return True
...@@ -2943,7 +3031,12 @@ def GetParametersFromXML(action): ...@@ -2943,7 +3031,12 @@ def GetParametersFromXML(action):
SSH.eNB_instance = test.findtext('eNB_instance') SSH.eNB_instance = test.findtext('eNB_instance')
if (SSH.eNB_instance is None): if (SSH.eNB_instance is None):
SSH.eNB_instance = '0' SSH.eNB_instance = '0'
SSH.air_interface = test.findtext('air_interface')
if (SSH.air_interface is None):
SSH.air_interface = 'lte'
SSH.air_interface = SSH.air_interface.lower()
if action == 'Terminate_eNB': if action == 'Terminate_eNB':
SSH.eNB_instance = test.findtext('eNB_instance') SSH.eNB_instance = test.findtext('eNB_instance')
if (SSH.eNB_instance is None): if (SSH.eNB_instance is None):
...@@ -2958,12 +3051,33 @@ def GetParametersFromXML(action): ...@@ -2958,12 +3051,33 @@ def GetParametersFromXML(action):
if action == 'Build_OAI_UE': if action == 'Build_OAI_UE':
SSH.Build_OAI_UE_args = test.findtext('Build_OAI_UE_args') SSH.Build_OAI_UE_args = test.findtext('Build_OAI_UE_args')
SSH.clean_repository = test.findtext('clean_repository')
if (SSH.clean_repository == 'false'):
SSH.clean_repository = False
SSH.clean_repository = True
if action == 'Initialize_OAI_UE': if action == 'Initialize_OAI_UE':
SSH.Initialize_OAI_UE_args = test.findtext('Initialize_OAI_UE_args') SSH.Initialize_OAI_UE_args = test.findtext('Initialize_OAI_UE_args')
SSH.UE_instance = test.findtext('UE_instance') SSH.UE_instance = test.findtext('UE_instance')
if (SSH.UE_instance is None): if (SSH.UE_instance is None):
SSH.UE_instance = '0' SSH.UE_instance = '0'
SSH.air_interface = test.findtext('air_interface')
if (SSH.air_interface is None):
SSH.air_interface = 'lte'
SSH.air_interface = SSH.air_interface.lower()
if action == 'Initialize_OAI_eNB':
SSH.Initialize_OAI_UE_args = test.findtext('Initialize_OAI_eNB_args')
SSH.UE_instance = test.findtext('eNB_instance')
if (SSH.eNB_instance is None):
SSH.eNB_instance = '0'
SSH.air_interface = test.findtext('air_interface')
if (SSH.air_interface is None):
SSH.air_interface = 'lte'
SSH.air_interface = SSH.air_interface.lower()
if action == 'Terminate_OAI_UE': if action == 'Terminate_OAI_UE':
SSH.eNB_instance = test.findtext('UE_instance') SSH.eNB_instance = test.findtext('UE_instance')
...@@ -3174,10 +3288,10 @@ elif re.match('^LogCollectIperf$', mode, re.IGNORECASE): ...@@ -3174,10 +3288,10 @@ elif re.match('^LogCollectIperf$', mode, re.IGNORECASE):
sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter')
SSH.LogCollectIperf() SSH.LogCollectIperf()
elif re.match('^LogCollectOAIUE$', mode, re.IGNORECASE): elif re.match('^LogCollectOAIUE$', mode, re.IGNORECASE):
if SSH.UEIPAddress == '' or SSH.UEUserName == '' or SSH.UEPassword == '' or SSH.UESourceCodePath == '': if SSH.UEIPAddress == '' or SSH.UEUserName == '' or SSH.UEPassword == '' or SSH.UESourceCodePath == '':
Usage() Usage()
sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter') sys.exit('Insufficient Parameter')
SSH.LogCollectOAIUE() SSH.LogCollectOAIUE()
elif re.match('^InitiateHtml$', mode, re.IGNORECASE): elif re.match('^InitiateHtml$', mode, re.IGNORECASE):
if (SSH.ADBIPAddress == '' or SSH.ADBUserName == '' or SSH.ADBPassword == ''): if (SSH.ADBIPAddress == '' or SSH.ADBUserName == '' or SSH.ADBPassword == ''):
Usage() Usage()
...@@ -3305,6 +3419,8 @@ elif re.match('^TesteNB$', mode, re.IGNORECASE) or re.match('^TestUE$', mode, re ...@@ -3305,6 +3419,8 @@ elif re.match('^TesteNB$', mode, re.IGNORECASE) or re.match('^TestUE$', mode, re
SSH.InitializeOAIUE() SSH.InitializeOAIUE()
elif action == 'Terminate_OAI_UE': elif action == 'Terminate_OAI_UE':
SSH.TerminateOAIUE() SSH.TerminateOAIUE()
elif action == 'Initialize_OAI_eNB':
elif action == 'Initialize_CatM_module': elif action == 'Initialize_CatM_module':
SSH.InitializeCatM() SSH.InitializeCatM()
elif action == 'Terminate_CatM_module': elif action == 'Terminate_CatM_module':
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