dl_config_pdu->mpdcch_pdu.mpdcch_pdu_rel13.resource_block_coding=getRIV(6,0,6);// Note: still to be checked if it should not be (getRIV(N_RB_DL,first_rb,6)) : Check nFAPI specifications and what is done L1 with this parameter
dl_config_pdu->mpdcch_pdu.mpdcch_pdu_rel13.mcs=4;// adjust according to size of RAR, 208 bits with N1A_PRB=3
dl_config_pdu->mpdcch_pdu.mpdcch_pdu_rel13.pdsch_reptition_levels=4;// fix to 4 for now
// Note need to keep sending this across reptitions!!!! Not really for PUCCH, to ask small-cell forum, we'll see for the other messages, maybe parameters change across repetitions and FAPI has to provide for that