/*! \file common/config/config_paramdesc.h * \brief configuration module, include file describing parameters, common to all implementations * \author Francois TABURET * \date 2017 * \version 0.1 * \company NOKIA BellLabs France * \email: francois.taburet@nokia-bell-labs.com * \note * \warning */ #include <stdint.h> #ifndef INCLUDE_CONFIG_PARAMDESC_H #define INCLUDE_CONFIG_PARAMDESC_H #define MAX_OPTNAME_SIZE 64 #define CONFIG_MAXOPTLENGTH 512 /* max full option length, full option name exemple: (prefix1.[<index>].prefix2.optname */ /* parameter flags definitions */ /* Flags to be used by calling modules in their parameters definitions to modify config module behavior*/ #define PARAMFLAG_MANDATORY (1 << 0) // parameter must be explicitely set, default value ignored #define PARAMFLAG_DISABLECMDLINE (1 << 1) // parameter cannot bet set from comand line #define PARAMFLAG_DONOTREAD (1 << 2) // parameter must be ignored in get function #define PARAMFLAG_NOFREE (1 << 3) // don't free parameter in end function #define PARAMFLAG_BOOL (1 << 4) // integer param can be 0 or 1 #define PARAMFLAG_CMDLINE_NOPREFIXENABLED (1 << 5) // on the command line, allow a parameter to be specified without the prefix /* Flags used by config modules to return info to calling modules and/or to for internal usage*/ #define PARAMFLAG_MALLOCINCONFIG (1 << 15) // parameter allocated in config module #define PARAMFLAG_PARAMSET (1 << 16) // parameter has been explicitely set in get functions #define PARAMFLAG_PARAMSETDEF (1 << 17) // parameter has been set to default value in get functions /* checkedparam_t is possibly used in paramdef_t for specific parameter value validation */ #define CONFIG_MAX_NUMCHECKVAL 20 typedef struct paramdef paramdef_t; typedef union checkedparam { struct { int (*f1)(paramdef_t *param); /* check an integer against a list of authorized values */ int okintval[CONFIG_MAX_NUMCHECKVAL]; /* integer array, store possible values */ int num_okintval; /* number of valid values in the checkingval array */ } s1; struct { int (*f1a)(paramdef_t *param); /* check an integer against a list of authorized values and set param value */ /* to the corresponding item in setintval array (mainly for RRC params) */ int okintval[CONFIG_MAX_NUMCHECKVAL]; /* integer array, store possible values in config file */ int setintval[CONFIG_MAX_NUMCHECKVAL]; /* integer array, values set in the paramdef structure */ int num_okintval; /* number of valid values in the checkingval array */ } s1a; struct { int (*f2)(paramdef_t *param); /* check an integer against an authorized range, defined by its min and max value */ int okintrange[CONFIG_MAX_NUMCHECKVAL]; /* integer array, store min and max values */ } s2; struct { int (*f3)(paramdef_t *param); /* check a string against a list of authorized values */ char *okstrval[CONFIG_MAX_NUMCHECKVAL]; /* string array, store possible values */ int num_okstrval; /* number of valid values in the checkingval array */ } s3; struct { int (*f3a)(paramdef_t *param); /* check a string against a list of authorized values and set param value */ /* to the corresponding item in setintval array (mainly for RRC params) */ char *okstrval[CONFIG_MAX_NUMCHECKVAL]; /* string array, store possible values */ int setintval[CONFIG_MAX_NUMCHECKVAL]; /* integer array, values set in the paramdef structure */ int num_okstrval; /* number of valid values in the checkingval array */ } s3a; struct { int (*f4)(paramdef_t *param); /* generic check function, no arguments but the param description */ } s4; struct { void (*checkfunc)(void) ; } s5; } checkedparam_t; /* paramdef is used to describe a parameter, array of paramdef_t strustures is used as the main parameter in */ /* config apis used to retrieve parameters values */ typedef struct paramdef { char optname[MAX_OPTNAME_SIZE]; /* parameter name, can be used as long command line option */ char *helpstr; /* help string */ unsigned int paramflags; /* value is a "ored" combination of above PARAMFLAG_XXXX values */ union { /* pointer to the parameter value, completed by the config module */ char **strptr; char **strlistptr; uint8_t *u8ptr; int8_t *i8ptr; uint16_t *u16ptr; int16_t *i16ptr; uint32_t *uptr; int32_t *iptr; uint64_t *u64ptr; int64_t *i64ptr; double *dblptr; void *voidptr; } ; union { /* default parameter value, to be used when PARAMFLAG_MANDATORY is not specified */ char *defstrval; char **defstrlistval; uint32_t defuintval; int defintval; uint64_t defint64val; int *defintarrayval; double defdblval; } ; char type; /* parameter value type, as listed below as TYPE_XXXX macro */ int numelt; /* number of elements in a list or array parameters or max size of string value */ checkedparam_t *chkPptr; /* possible pointer to the structure containing the info used to check parameter values */ int *processedvalue; /* used to store integer values computed from string original value */ } paramdef_t; #define TYPE_INT TYPE_INT32 #define TYPE_UINT TYPE_UINT32 #define TYPE_STRING 1 #define TYPE_INT8 2 #define TYPE_UINT8 3 #define TYPE_INT16 4 #define TYPE_UINT16 5 #define TYPE_INT32 6 #define TYPE_UINT32 7 #define TYPE_INT64 8 #define TYPE_UINT64 9 #define TYPE_MASK 10 #define TYPE_DOUBLE 16 #define TYPE_IPV4ADDR 20 #define TYPE_LASTSCALAR 25 #define PARAM_ISLISTORARRAY(P) (P->type > TYPE_LASTSCALAR ) #define PARAM_ISSCALAR(P) (P->type < TYPE_LASTSCALAR ) #define TYPE_STRINGLIST 50 #define TYPE_INTARRAY 51 #define TYPE_UINTARRAY 52 #define TYPE_LIST 55 #define ANY_IPV4ADDR_STRING "" typedef struct paramlist_def { char listname[MAX_OPTNAME_SIZE]; paramdef_t **paramarray; int numelt ; } paramlist_def_t; /* macro helpers for module users */ #define CONFIG_PARAMLENGTH(A) (sizeof(A)/sizeof(paramdef_t)) #endif /* INCLUDE_CONFIG_PARAMDESC_H */