Commit 57e266ab authored by Victor Zverovich's avatar Victor Zverovich

Rename handlers

parent d29c7c3a
......@@ -3346,8 +3346,8 @@ class dynamic_specs_handler :
ParseContext &context_;
template <typename Iterator, typename Handler>
constexpr Iterator parse_arg_id(Iterator it, Handler& handler) {
template <typename Iterator, typename IDHandler>
constexpr Iterator parse_arg_id(Iterator it, IDHandler &&handler) {
using char_type = typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type;
char_type c = *it;
if (c == '}' || c == ':') {
......@@ -3375,9 +3375,10 @@ constexpr Iterator parse_arg_id(Iterator it, Handler& handler) {
return it;
template <typename Handler, typename Char>
struct width_handler {
explicit constexpr width_handler(Handler &h) : handler(h) {}
// Adapts SpecHandler to IDHandler API for dynamic width.
template <typename SpecHandler, typename Char>
struct width_adapter {
explicit constexpr width_adapter(SpecHandler &h) : handler(h) {}
constexpr void operator()() { handler.on_dynamic_width(auto_id()); }
constexpr void operator()(unsigned id) { handler.on_dynamic_width(id); }
......@@ -3387,12 +3388,13 @@ struct width_handler {
constexpr void on_error(const char *message) { handler.on_error(message); }
Handler &handler;
SpecHandler &handler;
template <typename Handler, typename Char>
struct precision_handler {
explicit constexpr precision_handler(Handler &h) : handler(h) {}
// Adapts SpecHandler to IDHandler API for dynamic precision.
template <typename SpecHandler, typename Char>
struct precision_adapter {
explicit constexpr precision_adapter(SpecHandler &h) : handler(h) {}
constexpr void operator()() { handler.on_dynamic_precision(auto_id()); }
constexpr void operator()(unsigned id) { handler.on_dynamic_precision(id); }
......@@ -3402,7 +3404,7 @@ struct precision_handler {
constexpr void on_error(const char *message) { handler.on_error(message); }
Handler &handler;
SpecHandler &handler;
// Parses standard format specifiers and sends notifications about parsed
......@@ -3410,8 +3412,8 @@ struct precision_handler {
// it: an iterator pointing to the beginning of a null-terminated range of
// characters, possibly emulated via null_terminating_iterator, representing
// format specifiers.
template <typename Iterator, typename Handler>
constexpr Iterator parse_format_specs(Iterator it, Handler &handler) {
template <typename Iterator, typename SpecHandler>
constexpr Iterator parse_format_specs(Iterator it, SpecHandler &handler) {
using char_type = typename std::iterator_traits<Iterator>::value_type;
// Parse fill and alignment.
if (char_type c = *it) {
......@@ -3480,8 +3482,7 @@ constexpr Iterator parse_format_specs(Iterator it, Handler &handler) {
if ('0' <= *it && *it <= '9') {
handler.on_width(parse_nonnegative_int(it, handler));
} else if (*it == '{') {
width_handler<Handler, char_type> wh(handler);
it = parse_arg_id(it + 1, wh);
it = parse_arg_id(it + 1, width_adapter<SpecHandler, char_type>(handler));
if (*it++ != '}') {
handler.on_error("invalid format string");
return it;
......@@ -3494,8 +3495,8 @@ constexpr Iterator parse_format_specs(Iterator it, Handler &handler) {
if ('0' <= *it && *it <= '9') {
handler.on_precision(parse_nonnegative_int(it, handler));
} else if (*it == '{') {
precision_handler<Handler, char_type> ph(handler);
it = parse_arg_id(it + 1, ph);
it = parse_arg_id(
it + 1, precision_adapter<SpecHandler, char_type>(handler));
if (*it++ != '}') {
handler.on_error("invalid format string");
return it;
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