Commit 6f8006c2 authored by Victor Zverovich's avatar Victor Zverovich

Add printf overloads that takes a writer (#476)

parent db0d54f8
......@@ -517,10 +517,15 @@ void PrintfFormatter<Char, AF>::format(BasicCStringRef<Char> format_str) {
write(writer_, start, s);
template <typename Char>
void printf(BasicWriter<Char> &w, BasicCStringRef<Char> format, ArgList args) {
PrintfFormatter<Char>(args, w).format(format);
inline void printf(Writer &w, CStringRef format, ArgList args) {
PrintfFormatter<char>(args, w).format(format);
FMT_VARIADIC(void, printf, Writer &, CStringRef)
inline void printf(WWriter &w, WCStringRef format, ArgList args) {
PrintfFormatter<wchar_t>(args, w).format(format);
FMT_VARIADIC(void, printf, WWriter &, WCStringRef)
......@@ -500,3 +500,9 @@ TEST(PrintfTest, OStream) {
EXPECT_EQ("Don't panic!", os.str());
EXPECT_EQ(12, ret);
TEST(PrintfTest, Writer) {
fmt::MemoryWriter writer;
printf(writer, "%d", 42);
EXPECT_EQ("42", writer.str());
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