Commit 722c8e4a authored by vitaut's avatar vitaut

Update changelog

parent 13d6b2d3
2.0.0 - TBD
* Migrated from ReadTheDocs to GitHub Pages for better responsiveness
and reliability
(`#128 <>`_).
New documentation address is
* Fixed ``initializer_list`` detection
(`#136 <>`_).
Thanks to `@Gachapen (Magnus Bjerke Vik) <>`_.
* [Breaking] Named arguments
(`#169 <>`_,
`#173 <>`_,
`#174 <>`_):
* [Breaking] Fixed formatting of enums with numeric format specifiers in
(`#131 <>`_,
`#139 <>`_):
.. code:: c++
fmt::print("The answer is {answer}.", fmt::arg("answer", 42));
Thanks to `@jamboree <>`_.
* [Experimental] User-defined literals for format and named arguments
(`#204 <>`_,
`#206 <>`_,
`#207 <>`_):
.. code:: c++
enum { ANSWER = 42 };
fmt::printf("%d", ANSWER);
using namespace fmt::literals;
fmt::print("The answer is {answer}.", "answer"_a=42);
Thanks to `@Naios <>`_.
Thanks to `@dean0x7d (Dean Moldovan) <>`_.
* Improved compatibility with old versions of MinGW
(`#129 <>`_,
`#130 <>`_,
`#132 <>`_).
Thanks to `@cstamford (Christopher Stamford) <>`_.
* [Breaking] Formatting of more than 16 arguments is now supported when using
variadic templates
(`#141 <>`_).
Thanks to `@Shauren <>`_.
* Runtime width specification
(`#168 <>`_):
.. code:: c++
fmt::format("{0:{1}}", 42, 5); // gives " 42"
Thanks to `@jamboree <>`_.
* [Breaking] Enums are now formatted with an overloaded ``std::ostream`` insertion
operator (``operator<<``) if available
(`#232 <>`_).
* [Breaking] Changed default ``bool`` format to textual, "true" or "false"
(`#170 <>`_):
.. code:: c++
fmt::print("{}", true); // prints "true"
To print ``bool`` as a number use numeric format specifier such as ``d``:
.. code:: c++
fmt::print("{:d}", true); // prints "1"
* ``fmt::printf`` and ``fmt::sprintf`` now support formatting of ``bool`` with the
``%s`` specifier giving textual output, "true" or "false"
(`#223 <>`_):
.. code:: c++
fmt::printf("%s", true); // prints "true"
Thanks to `@LarsGullik <>`_.
* [Breaking] ``signed`` and ``unsigned char`` are now formatted as integers by default
(`#217 <>`_).
* [Breaking] Pointers to C strings can now be formatted with the ``p`` specifier
(`#223 <>`_):
.. code:: c++
fmt::print("{:p}", "test"); // prints pointer value
Thanks to `@LarsGullik <>`_.
* [Breaking] ``fmt::printf`` and ``fmt::sprintf`` now print null pointers as ``(nil)``
and null strings as ``(null)`` for consistency with glibc
(`#226 <>`_).
Thanks to `@LarsGullik <>`_.
* [Breaking] ``fmt::(s)printf`` now supports formatting of objects of user-defined types
that provide an overloaded ``std::ostream`` insertion operator (``operator<<``)
(`#201 <>`_):
.. code:: c++
fmt::printf("The date is %s", Date(2012, 12, 9));
* [Breaking] The ``Buffer`` template is now part of the public API and can be used
to implement custom memory buffers
(`#140 <>`_).
Thanks to `@polyvertex (Jean-Charles Lefebvre) <>`_.
* [Breaking] Formatting of more than 16 arguments is now supported when using
variadic templates
(`#141 <>`_).
Thanks to `@Shauren <>`_.
* [Breaking] Improved compatibility between ``BasicStringRef`` and
(`#100 <>`_,
`#159 <>`_,
`#183 <>`_):
* [Breaking] Reduced `compiled code size
(`#143 <>`_,
`#149 <>`_).
- Comparison operators now compare string content, not pointers
- ``BasicStringRef::c_str`` replaced by ``BasicStringRef::data``
- ``BasicStringRef`` is no longer assumed to be null-terminated
* Fixed a compile error on MSVC with disabled exceptions
(`#144 <>`_).
* Dependency on pthreads introduced by Google Test is now optional
(`#185 <>`_).
* Added a workaround for broken implementation of variadic templates in MSVC2012
(`#148 <>`_).
* New CMake options ``FMT_DOC``, ``FMT_INSTALL`` and ``FMT_TEST`` to control
generation of ``doc``, ``install`` and ``test`` targets respectively, on by default
(`#197 <>`_,
`#198 <>`_,
`#200 <>`_).
Thanks to `@maddinat0r (Alex Martin) <>`_.
* ``noexcept`` is now used when compiling with MSVC2015
(`#215 <>`_).
Thanks to `@dmkrepo (Dmitriy) <>`_.
* Added an option to disable use of ``windows.h`` when ``FMT_USE_WINDOWS_H``
is defined as 0 before including ``format.h``
(`#171 <>`_).
Thanks to `@alfps (Alf P. Steinbach) <>`_.
* [Breaking] ``windows.h`` is now included with ``NOMINMAX`` unless
``FMT_WIN_MINMAX`` is defined. This is done to prevent breaking code using
......@@ -57,6 +136,49 @@
`#154 <>`_).
Thanks to `@DevO2012 <>`_.
* Improved support for custom character types
(`#171 <>`_).
Thanks to `@alfps (Alf P. Steinbach) <>`_.
* Added an option to disable use of IOStreams when ``FMT_USE_IOSTREAMS``
is defined as 0 before including ``format.h``
(`#205 <>`_,
`#208 <>`_).
Thanks to `@JodiTheTigger <>`_.
* Improved detection of ``isnan``, ``isinf`` and ``signbit``.
* Made formatting of user-defined types more efficient with a custom stream buffer
(`#92 <>`_,
`#230 <>`_).
Thanks to `@NotImplemented <>`_.
* Further improved performance of ``fmt::Writer`` on integer formatting
and fixed a minor regression. Now it is ~7% faster than ``karma::generate``
on Karma's benchmark
(`#186 <>`_).
* [Breaking] Reduced `compiled code size
(`#143 <>`_,
`#149 <>`_).
* [Breaking] Headers are now installed in
(`#178 <>`_).
Thanks to `@jackyf (Eugene V. Lyubimkin) <>`_.
* [Breaking] Changed the library name from ``format`` to ``cppformat``
for consistency with the project name and to avoid potential conflicts
(`#178 <>`_).
Thanks to `@jackyf (Eugene V. Lyubimkin) <>`_.
* C++ Format is now available in `Debian <>`_ GNU/Linux
(`stretch <>`_,
`sid <>`_) and
......@@ -75,18 +197,23 @@
Thanks to `@ortho <>`_, Anatoliy Bulukin.
* [Breaking] Changed default ``bool`` format to textual, "true" or "false"
(`#170 <>`_):
.. code:: c++
fmt::print("{}", true); // prints "true"
To print ``bool`` as a number use numeric format specifier such as ``d``:
* Migrated from ReadTheDocs to GitHub Pages for better responsiveness
and reliability
(`#128 <>`_).
New documentation address is
.. code:: c++
* Added `Building the documentation
section to the documentation.
fmt::print("{:d}", true); // prints "1"
* Documentation build script is now compatible with Python 3 and newer pip versions.
(`#189 <>`_,
`#209 <>`_).
Thanks to `@JodiTheTigger <>`_ and
`@xentec <>`_.
* Documentation fixes and improvements
(`#36 <>`_,
......@@ -100,74 +227,47 @@
Thanks to `@syohex (Syohei YOSHIDA) <>`_ and
bug reporters.
* Improved support for custom character types
(`#171 <>`_).
Thanks to `@alfps (Alf P. Steinbach) <>`_.
* Placed the anonymous namespace within ``fmt`` namespace for the header-only
(`#171 <>`_).
Thanks to `@alfps (Alf P. Steinbach) <>`_.
* Added an option to disable use of ``windows.h`` when ``FMT_USE_WINDOWS_H``
is defined as 0 before including ``format.h``
(`#171 <>`_).
Thanks to `@alfps (Alf P. Steinbach) <>`_.
* Runtime width specification
(`#168 <>`_):
.. code:: c++
* Fixed out-of-tree documentation build
(`#177 <>`_).
Thanks to `@jackyf (Eugene V. Lyubimkin) <>`_.
fmt::format("{0:{1}}", 42, 5); // gives " 42"
Thanks to `@jamboree <>`_.
* Fixed ``initializer_list`` detection
(`#136 <>`_).
Thanks to `@Gachapen (Magnus Bjerke Vik) <>`_.
* [Breaking] Named arguments
(`#169 <>`_,
`#173 <>`_,
`#174 <>`_):
* [Breaking] Fixed formatting of enums with numeric format specifiers in
(`#131 <>`_,
`#139 <>`_):
.. code:: c++
fmt::print("The answer is {answer}.", fmt::arg("answer", 42));
Thanks to `@jamboree <>`_.
* Fixed out-of-tree documentation build
(`#177 <>`_).
Thanks to `@jackyf (Eugene V. Lyubimkin) <>`_.
* [Breaking] Changed the library name from ``format`` to ``cppformat``
for consistency with the project name and to avoid potential conflicts
(`#178 <>`_).
Thanks to `@jackyf (Eugene V. Lyubimkin) <>`_.
enum { ANSWER = 42 };
fmt::printf("%d", ANSWER);
* [Breaking] Headers are now installed in
(`#178 <>`_).
Thanks to `@jackyf (Eugene V. Lyubimkin) <>`_.
Thanks to `@Naios <>`_.
* [Breaking] Improved compatibility between ``BasicStringRef`` and
(`#100 <>`_,
`#159 <>`_,
`#183 <>`_):
* Improved compatibility with old versions of MinGW
(`#129 <>`_,
`#130 <>`_,
`#132 <>`_).
Thanks to `@cstamford (Christopher Stamford) <>`_.
- Comparison operators now compare string content, not pointers
- ``BasicStringRef::c_str`` replaced by ``BasicStringRef::data``
- ``BasicStringRef`` is no longer assumed to be null-terminated
* Fixed a compile error on MSVC with disabled exceptions
(`#144 <>`_).
* Dependency on pthreads introduced by Google Test is now optional
(`#185 <>`_).
* Added a workaround for broken implementation of variadic templates in MSVC2012
(`#148 <>`_).
* Further improved performance of ``fmt::Writer`` on integer formatting
and fixed a minor regression. Now it is ~7% faster than ``karma::generate``
on Karma's benchmark
(`#186 <>`_).
* Placed the anonymous namespace within ``fmt`` namespace for the header-only
(`#171 <>`_).
Thanks to `@alfps (Alf P. Steinbach) <>`_.
* Fixed warnings reported by Coverity Scan
* Fixed issues reported by Coverity Scan
(`#187 <>`_,
`#192 <>`_).
......@@ -190,6 +290,9 @@
`#194 <>`_,
`#196 <>`_,
`#216 <>`_,
`#218 <>`_,
`#220 <>`_,
`#229 <>`_,
`#233 <>`_,
`#234 <>`_).
Thanks to `@seanmiddleditch (Sean Middleditch) <>`_,
......@@ -200,23 +303,10 @@
`@LevskiWeng (Levski Weng) <>`_,
`@rpopescu <>`_,
`@gabime (Gabi Melman) <>`_,
`@cubicool (Jeremy Moles) <>`_ and
`@jkflying (Julian Kent) <>`_.
* New CMake options ``FMT_DOC``, ``FMT_INSTALL`` and ``FMT_TEST`` to control
generation of ``doc``, ``install`` and ``test`` targets respectively, on by default
(`#197 <>`_,
`#198 <>`_,
`#200 <>`_).
Thanks to `@maddinat0r (Alex Martin) <>`_.
* [Breaking] ``fmt::(s)printf`` now supports formatting of objects of user-defined types
that provide an overloaded ``std::ostream`` insertion operator (``operator<<``)
(`#201 <>`_):
.. code:: c++
fmt::printf("The date is %s", Date(2012, 12, 9));
`@cubicool (Jeremy Moles) <>`_,
`@jkflying (Julian Kent) <>`_,
`@LogicalKnight (Sean L) <>`_ and
`@inguin (Ingo van Lil) <>`_
* Fixed portability issues (mostly causing test failures) on ARM, ppc64, ppc64le,
s390x and SunOS 5.11 i386 (
......@@ -229,34 +319,6 @@
Thanks to `@Naios <>`_,
`@jackyf (Eugene V. Lyubimkin) <>`_ and Dave Johansen.
* [Experimental] User-defined literals for format and named arguments
(`#204 <>`_,
`#206 <>`_,
`#207 <>`_):
.. code:: c++
using namespace fmt::literals;
fmt::print("The answer is {answer}.", "answer"_a=42);
Thanks to `@dean0x7d (Dean Moldovan) <>`_.
* Added an option to disable use of IOStreams when ``FMT_USE_IOSTREAMS``
is defined as 0 before including ``format.h``
(`#205 <>`_,
`#208 <>`_).
Thanks to `@JodiTheTigger <>`_.
* Added `Building the documentation
section to the documentation.
* Documentation build script is now compatible with Python 3 and newer pip versions.
(`#189 <>`_,
`#209 <>`_).
Thanks to `@JodiTheTigger <>`_ and
`@xentec <>`_.
* Fixed a name conflict with macro ``free`` defined in
``crtdbg.h`` when ``_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC`` is set
(`#211 <>`_).
......@@ -269,42 +331,12 @@
(`#214 <>`_).
Thanks to `@slavanap (Vyacheslav Napadovsky) <>`_.
* ``noexcept`` is now used when compiling with MSVC2015
(`#215 <>`_).
Thanks to `@dmkrepo (Dmitriy) <>`_.
* [Breaking] ``signed`` and ``unsigned char`` are now formatted as integers by default
(`#217 <>`_).
* Pointers to C strings can now be formatted with the ``p`` specifier
(`#223 <>`_):
.. code:: c++
fmt::print("{:p}", "test"); // prints pointer value
Thanks to `@LarsGullik <>`_.
* ``fmt::printf`` and ``fmt::sprintf`` now support formatting of ``bool`` with the
``%s`` specifier giving textual output, ``true`` or ``false``
(`#223 <>`_):
.. code:: c++
fmt::printf("%s", true); // prints "true"
Thanks to `@LarsGullik <>`_.
* [Breaking] ``fmt::printf`` and ``fmt::sprintf`` now print null pointers as ``(nil)``
and null strings as ``(null)`` for consistency with glibc
(`#226 <>`_).
Thanks to `@LarsGullik <>`_.
* Improved compatibility with bcc32
(`#227 <>`_).
* Enums are now formatted with an overloaded ``std::ostream`` insertion operator
(``operator<<``) if available.
* Fixed ``static_assert`` detection on Clang
(`#228 <>`_).
Thanks to `@dean0x7d (Dean Moldovan) <>`_.
1.1.0 - 2015-03-06
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