Commit af4734fd authored by Victor Zverovich's avatar Victor Zverovich

Fix warnings

parent a3a74672
6.0.0 - TBD
5.3.0 - 2018-12-28
......@@ -477,7 +477,10 @@ template <typename Rep, typename Period,
inline std::chrono::duration<Rep, std::milli> get_milliseconds(
std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> d) {
auto ms = mod(d.count() * Period::num / Period::den * 1000, 1000);
using common_type = typename std::common_type<Rep, std::intmax_t>::type;
auto ms = mod(d.count() * static_cast<common_type>(Period::num) /
static_cast<common_type>(Period::den) * 1000,
return std::chrono::duration<Rep, std::milli>(static_cast<Rep>(ms));
......@@ -20,12 +20,10 @@ FMT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
namespace safe_duration_cast {
* converts From to To, without loss. If the dynamic value of from
* can't be converted to To without loss, ec is set.
template <typename To, typename From,
FMT_ENABLE_IF(!std::is_same<From, To>::value)>
FMT_ENABLE_IF(!std::is_same<From, To>::value &&
std::numeric_limits<From>::is_signed ==
FMT_CONSTEXPR To lossless_integral_conversion(const From from, int& ec) {
ec = 0;
using F = std::numeric_limits<From>;
......@@ -33,10 +31,9 @@ FMT_CONSTEXPR To lossless_integral_conversion(const From from, int& ec) {
static_assert(F::is_integer, "From must be integral");
static_assert(T::is_integer, "To must be integral");
if (F::is_signed == T::is_signed) {
// A and B are both signed, or both unsigned.
if (F::digits <= T::digits) {
// From fits in To without any problem
// From fits in To without any problem.
} else {
// From does not always fit in To, resort to a dynamic check.
if (from < T::min() || from > T::max()) {
......@@ -45,7 +42,23 @@ FMT_CONSTEXPR To lossless_integral_conversion(const From from, int& ec) {
return {};
return static_cast<To>(from);
* converts From to To, without loss. If the dynamic value of from
* can't be converted to To without loss, ec is set.
template <typename To, typename From,
FMT_ENABLE_IF(!std::is_same<From, To>::value &&
std::numeric_limits<From>::is_signed !=
FMT_CONSTEXPR To lossless_integral_conversion(const From from, int& ec) {
ec = 0;
using F = std::numeric_limits<From>;
using T = std::numeric_limits<To>;
static_assert(F::is_integer, "From must be integral");
static_assert(T::is_integer, "To must be integral");
if (F::is_signed && !T::is_signed) {
// From may be negative, not allowed!
......@@ -261,7 +274,8 @@ To safe_duration_cast(std::chrono::duration<FromRep, FromPeriod> from,
// this can't go wrong, right? den>0 is checked earlier.
if (Factor::den != 1) {
count /= Factor::den;
using common_t = typename std::common_type<IntermediateRep, intmax_t>::type;
count /= static_cast<common_t>(Factor::den);
// convert to the to type, safely
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