Commit b98b2e98 authored by Victor Zverovich's avatar Victor Zverovich

Implement formatting of integers.

parent c5dce1ca
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ class Formatter {
struct {
union {
const char *string_value;
const wchar_t *wstring_value;
const void *pointer_value;
std::size_t size;
......@@ -74,7 +73,6 @@ class Formatter {
explicit Arg(char value) : type(CHAR), int_value(value) {}
explicit Arg(const char *value, std::size_t size = 0)
: type(STRING), string_value(value), size(size) {}
explicit Arg(const wchar_t *value) : type(WSTRING), wstring_value(value) {}
explicit Arg(const void *value) : type(POINTER), pointer_value(value) {}
explicit Arg(const void *value, FormatFunc f)
: type(CUSTOM), custom_value(value), format(f) {}
......@@ -92,10 +90,14 @@ class Formatter {
// Formats an argument of a built-in type, such as "int" or "double".
// Formats an integer.
template <typename T>
void FormatBuiltinArg(
const char *format, const T &arg, int width, int precision);
void FormatInt(T value, unsigned flags, int width, char type);
// Formats a floating point number.
template <typename T>
void FormatDouble(
T value, unsigned flags, int width, int precision, char type);
// Formats an argument of a custom type, such as a user-defined class.
template <typename T>
......@@ -199,11 +201,6 @@ class ArgFormatter {
return *this;
ArgFormatter &operator<<(const wchar_t *value) {
return *this;
ArgFormatter &operator<<(const std::string &value) {
formatter_->Add(Formatter::Arg(value.c_str(), value.size()));
return *this;
......@@ -214,10 +211,16 @@ class ArgFormatter {
return *this;
// This method is not implemented intentionally to disallow output of
// This method contains a deliberate error to disallow formatting
// arbitrary pointers. If you want to output a pointer cast it to void*.
template <typename T>
ArgFormatter &operator<<(const T *value);
ArgFormatter &operator<<(const T *value) {
"Formatting arbitrary pointers is not allowed" = value;
// This method is not implemented intentionally to disallow formatting
// wide characters.
ArgFormatter &operator<<(wchar_t value);
template <typename T>
ArgFormatter &operator<<(T *value) {
......@@ -253,13 +256,10 @@ void Formatter::FormatCustomArg(const void *arg, int width) {
std::ostringstream os;
os << value;
std::string str(os.str());
if (width < 0) {
// Extra char is reserved for terminating '\0'.
buffer_.reserve(buffer_.size() + str.size() + 1);
buffer_.reserve(buffer_.size() + std::max<std::size_t>(width, str.size()));
buffer_.insert(buffer_.end(), str.begin(), str.end());
FormatBuiltinArg("%-*s", str.c_str(), width, -1);
if (width > str.size())
buffer_.resize(buffer_.size() + width - str.size(), ' ');
inline ArgFormatter Formatter::operator()(const char *format) {
......@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ TEST(FormatterTest, NoArgs) {
EXPECT_EQ("test", str(Format("test")));
TEST(FormatterTest, Args) {
TEST(FormatterTest, ArgsInDifferentPositions) {
EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0}") << 42));
EXPECT_EQ("before 42", str(Format("before {0}") << 42));
EXPECT_EQ("42 after", str(Format("{0} after") << 42));
......@@ -86,13 +86,13 @@ TEST(FormatterTest, ArgErrors) {
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{}"), FormatError,
"missing argument index in format string");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0"), FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0}"), std::out_of_range,
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0}"), FormatError,
"argument index is out of range in format");
char format[256];
std::sprintf(format, "{%u", UINT_MAX);
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format(format), FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format");
std::sprintf(format, "{%u}", UINT_MAX);
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format(format), std::out_of_range,
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format(format), FormatError,
"argument index is out of range in format");
std::sprintf(format, "{%lu", UINT_MAX + 1l);
......@@ -130,8 +130,6 @@ TEST(FormatterTest, PlusFlag) {
FormatError, "format specifier '+' requires numeric argument");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:+}") << "abc",
FormatError, "format specifier '+' requires numeric argument");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:+}") << L"abc",
FormatError, "format specifier '+' requires numeric argument");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:+}") << reinterpret_cast<void*>(0x42),
FormatError, "format specifier '+' requires numeric argument");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:+}") << TestString(),
......@@ -152,8 +150,6 @@ TEST(FormatterTest, ZeroFlag) {
FormatError, "format specifier '0' requires numeric argument");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:05}") << "abc",
FormatError, "format specifier '0' requires numeric argument");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:05}") << L"abc",
FormatError, "format specifier '0' requires numeric argument");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:05}") << reinterpret_cast<void*>(0x42),
FormatError, "format specifier '0' requires numeric argument");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:05}") << TestString(),
......@@ -189,9 +185,8 @@ TEST(FormatterTest, Width) {
EXPECT_EQ(" 0xcafe",
str(Format("{0:10}") << reinterpret_cast<void*>(0xcafe)));
EXPECT_EQ("x ", str(Format("{0:11}") << 'x'));
EXPECT_EQ("narrow ", str(Format("{0:12}") << "narrow"));
EXPECT_EQ("wide ", str(Format("{0:13}") << L"wide"));
EXPECT_EQ("test ", str(Format("{0:14}") << TestString("test")));
EXPECT_EQ("str ", str(Format("{0:12}") << "str"));
EXPECT_EQ("test ", str(Format("{0:13}") << TestString("test")));
TEST(FormatterTest, Precision) {
......@@ -224,55 +219,97 @@ TEST(FormatterTest, Precision) {
FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2}") << 42,
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point type");
EXPECT_EQ("42.00", str(Format("{0:.2f}") << 42));
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2f}") << 42,
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2}") << 42u,
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point type");
EXPECT_EQ("42.00", str(Format("{0:.2f}") << 42u));
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2f}") << 42u,
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2}") << 42l,
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point type");
EXPECT_EQ("42.00", str(Format("{0:.2f}") << 42l));
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2f}") << 42l,
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2}") << 42ul,
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point type");
EXPECT_EQ("42.00", str(Format("{0:.2f}") << 42ul));
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2f}") << 42ul,
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument");
EXPECT_EQ("1.2", str(Format("{0:.2}") << 1.2345));
EXPECT_EQ("1.2", str(Format("{0:.2}") << 1.2345l));
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2}") << reinterpret_cast<void*>(0xcafe),
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point type");
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2f}") << reinterpret_cast<void*>(0xcafe),
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point type");
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2}") << 'x',
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point type");
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2f}") << 'x',
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point type");
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2}") << "str",
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point type");
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2f}") << "str",
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point type");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2}") << L"str",
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point type");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2f}") << L"str",
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point type");
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2}") << TestString(),
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point type");
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:.2f}") << TestString(),
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point type");
FormatError, "precision specifier requires floating-point argument");
TEST(FormatterTest, Type) {
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:v") << 42,
FormatError, "unmatched '{' in format");
EXPECT_THROW_MSG(Format("{0:v}") << 42,
FormatError, "unknown format code 'v' for integer");
TEST(FormatterTest, FormatInt) {
TEST(FormatterTest, FormatDec) {
EXPECT_EQ("0", str(Format("{0}") << 0));
EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0}") << 42));
EXPECT_EQ("-1234", str(Format("{0}") << -1234));
std::ostringstream os;
os << INT_MIN;
EXPECT_EQ(os.str(), str(Format("{0}") << INT_MIN));
os << INT_MAX;
EXPECT_EQ(os.str(), str(Format("{0}") << INT_MAX));
EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0:d}") << 42));
EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0}") << 42u));
EXPECT_EQ("-42", str(Format("{0}") << -42));
EXPECT_EQ("12345", str(Format("{0}") << 12345));
EXPECT_EQ("67890", str(Format("{0}") << 67890));
char buffer[256];
sprintf(buffer, "%d", INT_MIN);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0}") << INT_MIN));
sprintf(buffer, "%d", INT_MAX);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0}") << INT_MAX));
sprintf(buffer, "%u", UINT_MAX);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0}") << UINT_MAX));
sprintf(buffer, "%ld", 0ul - LONG_MIN);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0}") << LONG_MIN));
sprintf(buffer, "%ld", LONG_MAX);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0}") << LONG_MAX));
sprintf(buffer, "%lu", ULONG_MAX);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0}") << ULONG_MAX));
TEST(FormatterTest, FormatHex) {
EXPECT_EQ("0", str(Format("{0:x}") << 0));
EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0:x}") << 0x42));
EXPECT_EQ("42", str(Format("{0:x}") << 0x42u));
EXPECT_EQ("-42", str(Format("{0:x}") << -0x42));
EXPECT_EQ("12345678", str(Format("{0:x}") << 0x12345678));
EXPECT_EQ("90abcdef", str(Format("{0:x}") << 0x90abcdef));
EXPECT_EQ("12345678", str(Format("{0:X}") << 0x12345678));
EXPECT_EQ("90ABCDEF", str(Format("{0:X}") << 0x90ABCDEF));
char buffer[256];
sprintf(buffer, "-%x", 0u - INT_MIN);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0:x}") << INT_MIN));
sprintf(buffer, "%x", INT_MAX);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0:x}") << INT_MAX));
sprintf(buffer, "%x", UINT_MAX);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0:x}") << UINT_MAX));
sprintf(buffer, "-%lx", 0ul - LONG_MIN);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0:x}") << LONG_MIN));
sprintf(buffer, "%lx", LONG_MAX);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0:x}") << LONG_MAX));
sprintf(buffer, "%lx", ULONG_MAX);
EXPECT_EQ(buffer, str(Format("{0:x}") << ULONG_MAX));
TEST(FormatterTest, FormatChar) {
......@@ -283,8 +320,25 @@ TEST(FormatterTest, FormatString) {
EXPECT_EQ("test", str(Format("{0}") << std::string("test")));
TEST(FormatterTest, FormatPointer) {
EXPECT_EQ("0x0", str(Format("{0}") << reinterpret_cast<void*>(0)));
class Date {
int year_, month_, day_;
Date(int year, int month, int day) : year_(year), month_(month), day_(day) {}
friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Date &d) {
os << d.year_ << '-' << d.month_ << '-' << d.day_;
return os;
TEST(FormatterTest, FormatCustomArg) {
EXPECT_EQ("a string", str(Format("{0}") << TestString("a string")));
std::string s = str(fmt::Format("The date is {0}") << Date(2012, 12, 9));
EXPECT_EQ("The date is 2012-12-9", s);
TEST(FormatterTest, FormatStringFromSpeedTest) {
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