Commit daf650c4 authored by Victor Zverovich's avatar Victor Zverovich

Disallow formatting of multibyte strings into a wide buffer (#606)

parent ca93be13
......@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ template <typename Context, typename T>
FMT_CONSTEXPR basic_arg<Context> make_arg(const T &value);
#define FMT_MAKE_VALUE(TAG, ArgType, ValueType) \
template <typename C, typename Char = typename C::char_type> \
template <typename C> \
FMT_CONSTEXPR typed_value<C, TAG> make_value(ArgType val) { \
return static_cast<ValueType>(val); \
......@@ -589,20 +589,22 @@ FMT_MAKE_VALUE(long_double_type, long double, long double)
// Formatting of wide strings into a narrow buffer and multibyte strings
// into a wide buffer is disallowed (
FMT_MAKE_VALUE(cstring_type, Char*, const Char*)
FMT_MAKE_VALUE(cstring_type, const Char*, const Char*)
FMT_MAKE_VALUE(cstring_type, typename C::char_type*,
const typename C::char_type*)
FMT_MAKE_VALUE(cstring_type, const typename C::char_type*,
const typename C::char_type*)
FMT_MAKE_VALUE(cstring_type, signed char*, const signed char*)
FMT_MAKE_VALUE(cstring_type, const signed char*, const signed char*)
FMT_MAKE_VALUE(cstring_type, unsigned char*, const unsigned char*)
FMT_MAKE_VALUE(cstring_type, const unsigned char*, const unsigned char*)
FMT_MAKE_VALUE(string_type, basic_string_view<typename C::char_type>,
basic_string_view<typename C::char_type>)
typename basic_string_view<typename C::char_type>::type,
basic_string_view<typename C::char_type>)
FMT_MAKE_VALUE(string_type, const std::basic_string<typename C::char_type>&,
basic_string_view<typename C::char_type>)
FMT_MAKE_VALUE(pointer_type, void*, const void*)
FMT_MAKE_VALUE(pointer_type, const void*, const void*)
......@@ -47,22 +47,12 @@ endfunction ()
# check if the source file skeleton compiles
# MakeArg doesn't accept [const] volatile char *.
expect_compile_error("volatile char s[] = \"test\"; (fmt::internal::MakeArg<char>)(s);")
expect_compile_error("const volatile char s[] = \"test\"; (fmt::internal::MakeArg<char>)(s);")
# MakeArg<char> doesn't accept wchar_t.
# Writing a wide character to a character stream Writer is forbidden.
expect_compile_error("fmt::MemoryWriter() << L'a';")
expect_compile_error("fmt::MemoryWriter() << fmt::pad(\"abc\", 5, L' ');")
expect_compile_error("fmt::MemoryWriter() << fmt::pad(42, 5, L' ');")
# Formatting a wide character with a narrow format string is forbidden.
expect_compile_error("fmt::format(\"{}\", L'a';")
# Formatting a wide string with a narrow format string is forbidden.
expect_compile_error("fmt::format(\"{}\", L\"foo\";")
# Make sure that compiler features detected in the header
# match the features detected in CMake.
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