Commit 0600259d authored by Stephen Chen's avatar Stephen Chen Committed by Jordan DeLong

Add MultiLevelTimeSeries to folly.

Add MultiLevelTimeSeries class which represents a timeseries which keeps several
levels of data granularity (similar in principle to the loads reported by the
UNIX 'uptime' command).  It uses several instances (one per level) of
BucketedTimeSeries as the underlying storage.

This can easily be used to track sums (and thus rates or averages) over several
predetermined time periods, as well as all-time sums.  For example, you would
use to it to track query rate or response speed over the last 5, 15, 30, and 60

Test Plan: unittest included.

Reviewed By:

FB internal diff: D851444
parent cdf9c435
......@@ -27,10 +27,14 @@
#include "folly/stats/Histogram.h"
#include "folly/stats/Histogram-defs.h"
#include "folly/stats/MultiLevelTimeSeries.h"
#include "folly/stats/MultiLevelTimeSeries-defs.h"
namespace folly {
template class BucketedTimeSeries<int64_t>;
template class Histogram<int64_t>;
template class detail::HistogramBuckets<int64_t, Histogram<int64_t>::Bucket>;
template class MultiLevelTimeSeries<int64_t>;
} // folly
* Copyright 2013 Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <glog/logging.h>
namespace folly {
template <typename VT, typename TT>
MultiLevelTimeSeries<VT, TT>::MultiLevelTimeSeries(
size_t numBuckets,
size_t numLevels,
const TimeType levelDurations[])
: numBuckets_(numBuckets),
cachedCount_(0) {
CHECK_GT(numLevels, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < numLevels; ++i) {
if (levelDurations[i] == TT(0)) {
CHECK_EQ(i, numLevels - 1);
} else if (i > 0) {
CHECK(levelDurations[i-1] < levelDurations[i]);
levels_.emplace_back(numBuckets, levelDurations[i]);
template <typename VT, typename TT>
void MultiLevelTimeSeries<VT, TT>::addValue(TimeType now,
const ValueType& val) {
addValueAggregated(now, val, 1);
template <typename VT, typename TT>
void MultiLevelTimeSeries<VT, TT>::addValue(TimeType now,
const ValueType& val,
int64_t times) {
addValueAggregated(now, val * times, times);
template <typename VT, typename TT>
void MultiLevelTimeSeries<VT, TT>::addValueAggregated(TimeType now,
const ValueType& sum,
int64_t nsamples) {
if (cachedTime_ != now) {
cachedTime_ = now;
cachedSum_ += sum;
cachedCount_ += nsamples;
template <typename VT, typename TT>
void MultiLevelTimeSeries<VT, TT>::update(TimeType now) {
for (int i = 0; i < levels_.size(); ++i) {
template <typename VT, typename TT>
void MultiLevelTimeSeries<VT, TT>::flush() {
// update all the underlying levels
if (cachedCount_ > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < levels_.size(); ++i) {
levels_[i].addValueAggregated(cachedTime_, cachedSum_, cachedCount_);
cachedCount_ = 0;
cachedSum_ = 0;
template <typename VT, typename TT>
void MultiLevelTimeSeries<VT, TT>::clear() {
for (auto & level : levels_) {
cachedTime_ = TimeType(0);
cachedSum_ = 0;
cachedCount_ = 0;
} // folly
* Copyright 2013 Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <chrono>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "folly/stats/BucketedTimeSeries.h"
namespace folly {
* This class represents a timeseries which keeps several levels of data
* granularity (similar in principle to the loads reported by the UNIX
* 'uptime' command). It uses several instances (one per level) of
* BucketedTimeSeries as the underlying storage.
* This can easily be used to track sums (and thus rates or averages) over
* several predetermined time periods, as well as all-time sums. For example,
* you would use to it to track query rate or response speed over the last
* 5, 15, 30, and 60 minutes.
* The MultiLevelTimeSeries takes a list of level durations as an input; the
* durations must be strictly increasing. Furthermore a special level can be
* provided with a duration of '0' -- this will be an "all-time" level. If
* an all-time level is provided, it MUST be the last level present.
* The class assumes that time advances forward -- you can't retroactively add
* values for events in the past -- the 'now' argument is provided for better
* efficiency and ease of unittesting.
* The class is not thread-safe -- use your own synchronization!
template <typename VT, typename TT=std::chrono::seconds>
class MultiLevelTimeSeries {
typedef VT ValueType;
typedef TT TimeType;
typedef folly::BucketedTimeSeries<ValueType, TimeType> Level;
* Create a new MultiLevelTimeSeries.
* This creates a new MultiLevelTimeSeries that tracks time series data at the
* specified time durations (level). The time series data tracked at each
* level is then further divided by numBuckets for memory efficiency.
* The durations must be strictly increasing. Furthermore a special level can
* be provided with a duration of '0' -- this will be an "all-time" level. If
* an all-time level is provided, it MUST be the last level present.
MultiLevelTimeSeries(size_t numBuckets,
size_t numLevels,
const TimeType levelDurations[]);
* Return the number of buckets used to track time series at each level.
size_t numBuckets() const { return numBuckets_; }
* Return the number of levels tracked by MultiLevelTimeSeries.
size_t numLevels() const { return levels_.size(); }
* Get the BucketedTimeSeries backing the specified level.
* Note: you should generally call update() or flush() before accessing the
* data. Otherwise you may be reading stale data if update() or flush() has
* not been called recently.
const Level& getLevel(int level) const {
CHECK(level >= 0);
CHECK_LT(level, levels_.size());
return levels_[level];
* Get the highest granularity level that is still large enough to contain
* data going back to the specified start time.
* Note: you should generally call update() or flush() before accessing the
* data. Otherwise you may be reading stale data if update() or flush() has
* not been called recently.
const Level& getLevel(TimeType start) const {
for (const auto& level : levels_) {
if (level.isAllTime()) {
return level;
// Note that we use duration() here rather than elapsed().
// If duration is large enough to contain the start time then this level
// is good enough, even if elapsed() indicates that no data was recorded
// before the specified start time.
if (level.getLatestTime() - level.duration() <= start) {
return level;
// We should always have an all-time level, so this is never reached.
LOG(FATAL) << "No level of timeseries covers internval"
<< " from " << start.count() << " to now";
return levels_.back();
* Return the sum of all the data points currently tracked at this level.
* Note: you should generally call update() or flush() before accessing the
* data. Otherwise you may be reading stale data if update() or flush() has
* not been called recently.
ValueType sum(int level) const {
return getLevel(level).sum();
* Return the average (sum / count) of all the data points currently tracked
* at this level.
* The return type may be specified to control whether floating-point or
* integer division should be performed.
* Note: you should generally call update() or flush() before accessing the
* data. Otherwise you may be reading stale data if update() or flush() has
* not been called recently.
template <typename ReturnType=double>
ReturnType avg(int level) const {
return getLevel(level).template avg<ReturnType>();
* Return the rate (sum divided by elaspsed time) of the all data points
* currently tracked at this level.
* Note: you should generally call update() or flush() before accessing the
* data. Otherwise you may be reading stale data if update() or flush() has
* not been called recently.
template <typename ReturnType=double, typename Interval=TimeType>
ValueType rate(int level) const {
return getLevel(level).template rate<ReturnType, Interval>();
* Return the number of data points currently tracked at this level.
* Note: you should generally call update() or flush() before accessing the
* data. Otherwise you may be reading stale data if update() or flush() has
* not been called recently.
int64_t count(int level) const {
return getLevel(level).count();
* Return the count divided by the elapsed time tracked at this level.
* Note: you should generally call update() or flush() before accessing the
* data. Otherwise you may be reading stale data if update() or flush() has
* not been called recently.
template <typename ReturnType=double, typename Interval=TimeType>
ReturnType countRate(int level) const {
return getLevel(level).template countRate<ReturnType, Interval>();
* Estimate the sum of the data points that occurred in the specified time
* period at this level.
* The range queried is [start, end).
* That is, start is inclusive, and end is exclusive.
* Note that data outside of the timeseries duration will no longer be
* available for use in the estimation. Specifying a start time earlier than
* getEarliestTime() will not have much effect, since only data points after
* that point in time will be counted.
* Note that the value returned is an estimate, and may not be precise.
* Note: you should generally call update() or flush() before accessing the
* data. Otherwise you may be reading stale data if update() or flush() has
* not been called recently.
ValueType sum(TimeType start, TimeType end) const {
return getLevel(start).sum(start, end);
* Estimate the average value during the specified time period.
* The same caveats documented in the sum(TimeType start, TimeType end)
* comments apply here as well.
* Note: you should generally call update() or flush() before accessing the
* data. Otherwise you may be reading stale data if update() or flush() has
* not been called recently.
template <typename ReturnType=double>
ReturnType avg(TimeType start, TimeType end) const {
return getLevel(start).template avg<ReturnType>(start, end);
* Estimate the rate during the specified time period.
* The same caveats documented in the sum(TimeType start, TimeType end)
* comments apply here as well.
* Note: you should generally call update() or flush() before accessing the
* data. Otherwise you may be reading stale data if update() or flush() has
* not been called recently.
template <typename ReturnType=double>
ReturnType rate(TimeType start, TimeType end) const {
return getLevel(start).template rate<ReturnType>(start, end);
* Estimate the count during the specified time period.
* The same caveats documented in the sum(TimeType start, TimeType end)
* comments apply here as well.
* Note: you should generally call update() or flush() before accessing the
* data. Otherwise you may be reading stale data if update() or flush() has
* not been called recently.
int64_t count(TimeType start, TimeType end) const {
return getLevel(start).count(start, end);
* Adds the value 'val' at time 'now' to all levels.
* Data points added at the same time point is cached internally here and not
* propagated to the underlying levels until either flush() is called or when
* update from a different time comes.
* This function expects time to always move forwards: it cannot be used to
* add historical data points that have occurred in the past. If now is
* older than the another timestamp that has already been passed to
* addValue() or update(), now will be ignored and the latest timestamp will
* be used.
void addValue(TimeType now, const ValueType& val);
* Adds the value 'val' at time 'now' to all levels.
void addValue(TimeType now, const ValueType& val, int64_t times);
* Adds the value 'val' at time 'now' to all levels as the sum of 'nsamples'
* samples.
void addValueAggregated(TimeType now, const ValueType& sum, int64_t nsamples);
* Update all the levels to the specified time, doing all the necessary
* work to rotate the buckets and remove any stale data points.
* When reading data from the timeseries, you should make sure to manually
* call update() before accessing the data. Otherwise you may be reading
* stale data if update() has not been called recently.
void update(TimeType now);
* Reset all the timeseries to an empty state as if no data points have ever
* been added to it.
void clear();
* Flush all cached updates.
void flush();
size_t numBuckets_;
std::vector<Level> levels_;
// Updates within the same time interval are cached
// They are flushed out when updates from a different time comes,
// or flush() is called.
TimeType cachedTime_;
ValueType cachedSum_;
int cachedCount_;
} // folly
......@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
#include "folly/stats/BucketedTimeSeries.h"
#include "folly/stats/BucketedTimeSeries-defs.h"
#include "folly/stats/MultiLevelTimeSeries.h"
#include "folly/stats/MultiLevelTimeSeries-defs.h"
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
......@@ -711,3 +713,199 @@ TEST(BucketedTimeSeries, rateByInterval) {
EXPECT_EQ(1.0, b.countRate(seconds(0), kDuration * 2));
EXPECT_EQ(1.0, b.countRate(seconds(0), kDuration * 10));
namespace IntMHTS {
enum Levels {
const seconds kMinuteHourDurations[] = {
seconds(60), seconds(3600), seconds(0)
TEST(MinuteHourTimeSeries, Basic) {
folly::MultiLevelTimeSeries<int> mhts(60, IntMHTS::NUM_LEVELS,
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.numLevels(), IntMHTS::NUM_LEVELS);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.numLevels(), 3);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.sum(IntMHTS::MINUTE), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.sum(IntMHTS::HOUR), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.sum(IntMHTS::ALLTIME), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.avg(IntMHTS::MINUTE), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.avg(IntMHTS::HOUR), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.avg(IntMHTS::ALLTIME), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.rate(IntMHTS::MINUTE), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.rate(IntMHTS::HOUR), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.rate(IntMHTS::ALLTIME), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.getLevel(IntMHTS::MINUTE).elapsed().count(), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.getLevel(IntMHTS::HOUR).elapsed().count(), 0);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.getLevel(IntMHTS::ALLTIME).elapsed().count(), 0);
seconds cur_time(0);
mhts.addValue(cur_time++, 10);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.getLevel(IntMHTS::MINUTE).elapsed().count(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.getLevel(IntMHTS::HOUR).elapsed().count(), 1);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.getLevel(IntMHTS::ALLTIME).elapsed().count(), 1);
for (int i = 0; i < 299; ++i) {
mhts.addValue(cur_time++, 10);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.getLevel(IntMHTS::MINUTE).elapsed().count(), 60);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.getLevel(IntMHTS::HOUR).elapsed().count(), 300);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.getLevel(IntMHTS::ALLTIME).elapsed().count(), 300);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.sum(IntMHTS::MINUTE), 600);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.sum(IntMHTS::HOUR), 300*10);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.sum(IntMHTS::ALLTIME), 300*10);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.avg(IntMHTS::MINUTE), 10);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.avg(IntMHTS::HOUR), 10);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.avg(IntMHTS::ALLTIME), 10);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.rate(IntMHTS::MINUTE), 10);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.rate(IntMHTS::HOUR), 10);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.rate(IntMHTS::ALLTIME), 10);
for (int i = 0; i < 3600*3 - 300; ++i) {
mhts.addValue(cur_time++, 10);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.getLevel(IntMHTS::MINUTE).elapsed().count(), 60);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.getLevel(IntMHTS::HOUR).elapsed().count(), 3600);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.getLevel(IntMHTS::ALLTIME).elapsed().count(), 3600*3);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.sum(IntMHTS::MINUTE), 600);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.sum(IntMHTS::HOUR), 3600*10);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.sum(IntMHTS::ALLTIME), 3600*3*10);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.avg(IntMHTS::MINUTE), 10);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.avg(IntMHTS::HOUR), 10);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.avg(IntMHTS::ALLTIME), 10);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.rate(IntMHTS::MINUTE), 10);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.rate(IntMHTS::HOUR), 10);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.rate(IntMHTS::ALLTIME), 10);
for (int i = 0; i < 3600; ++i) {
mhts.addValue(cur_time++, 100);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.sum(IntMHTS::MINUTE), 60*100);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.sum(IntMHTS::HOUR), 3600*100);
3600*3*10 + 3600*100);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.avg(IntMHTS::MINUTE), 100);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.avg(IntMHTS::HOUR), 100);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.avg(IntMHTS::ALLTIME), 32.5);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.rate(IntMHTS::MINUTE), 100);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.rate(IntMHTS::HOUR), 100);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.rate(IntMHTS::ALLTIME), 32);
for (int i = 0; i < 1800; ++i) {
mhts.addValue(cur_time++, 120);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.sum(IntMHTS::MINUTE), 60*120);
1800*100 + 1800*120);
3600*3*10 + 3600*100 + 1800*120);
for (int i = 0; i < 60; ++i) {
mhts.addValue(cur_time++, 1000);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.sum(IntMHTS::MINUTE), 60*1000);
1740*100 + 1800*120 + 60*1000);
3600*3*10 + 3600*100 + 1800*120 + 60*1000);
EXPECT_EQ(mhts.sum(IntMHTS::ALLTIME), 0);
TEST(MinuteHourTimeSeries, QueryByInterval) {
folly::MultiLevelTimeSeries<int> mhts(60, IntMHTS::NUM_LEVELS,
seconds curTime(0);
for (curTime = seconds(0); curTime < seconds(7200); curTime++) {
mhts.addValue(curTime, 1);
for (curTime = seconds(7200); curTime < seconds(7200 + 3540); curTime++) {
mhts.addValue(curTime, 10);
for (curTime = seconds(7200 + 3540); curTime < seconds(7200 + 3600);
curTime++) {
mhts.addValue(curTime, 100);
struct TimeInterval {
seconds start;
seconds end;
TimeInterval intervals[12] = {
{ curTime - seconds(60), curTime },
{ curTime - seconds(3600), curTime },
{ curTime - seconds(7200), curTime },
{ curTime - seconds(3600), curTime - seconds(60) },
{ curTime - seconds(7200), curTime - seconds(60) },
{ curTime - seconds(7200), curTime - seconds(3600) },
{ curTime - seconds(50), curTime - seconds(20) },
{ curTime - seconds(3020), curTime - seconds(20) },
{ curTime - seconds(7200), curTime - seconds(20) },
{ curTime - seconds(3000), curTime - seconds(1000) },
{ curTime - seconds(7200), curTime - seconds(1000) },
{ curTime - seconds(7200), curTime - seconds(3600) },
int expectedSums[12] = {
6000, 41400, 32400, 35400, 32130, 16200, 3000, 33600, 32310, 20000, 27900,
int expectedCounts[12] = {
60, 3600, 7200, 3540, 7140, 3600, 30, 3000, 7180, 2000, 6200, 3600
for (int i = 0; i < 12; ++i) {
TimeInterval interval = intervals[i];
int s = mhts.sum(interval.start, interval.end);
EXPECT_EQ(expectedSums[i], s);
int c = mhts.count(interval.start, interval.end);
EXPECT_EQ(expectedCounts[i], c);
int a = mhts.avg<int>(interval.start, interval.end);
EXPECT_EQ(expectedCounts[i] ?
(expectedSums[i] / expectedCounts[i]) : 0,
int r = mhts.rate<int>(interval.start, interval.end);
int expectedRate =
expectedSums[i] / (interval.end - interval.start).count();
EXPECT_EQ(expectedRate, r);
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