Commit 1a1bb9d7 authored by Eric Niebler's avatar Eric Niebler Committed by Facebook Github Bot

executor wrappers don't take extra schedule parameters

Summary: The type-erasing executor wrappers and the generic executor wrappers accept extra parameters to their `schedule` member functions, but nowhere is that functionality used, and such executor types would fail to satisfy the Executor concepts anyway. Remove that functionality.

Reviewed By: kirkshoop

Differential Revision: D14541290

fbshipit-source-id: 8cf0fd7bdc6dea72e43d5decc9e70ba843ab2db8
parent 38694971
......@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ using not_is_t = std::enable_if_t<!is_v<std::decay_t<T>, C>, std::decay_t<T>>;
// define types for executors
template <class E, class... VN>
template <class E>
class any_executor {
union data {
void* pobj_ = nullptr;
std::aligned_union_t< 0, std::tuple<VN...> > buffer_;
std::aligned_storage_t< 2 * sizeof(void*) > buffer_;
} data_{};
template <class Wrapped>
static constexpr bool insitu() {
......@@ -48,10 +48,10 @@ class any_executor {
struct vtable {
static void s_op(data&, data*) {}
static void s_consume_op(data&&, data*) {}
static any_single_sender<E, any_executor_ref<E>> s_schedule(data&, VN...) { return {}; }
static any_single_sender<E, any_executor_ref<E>> s_schedule(data&) { return {}; }
void (*op_)(data&, data*) = vtable::s_op;
void (*consume_op_)(data&, data*) = vtable::s_consume_op;
any_single_sender<E, any_executor_ref<E>> (*schedule_)(data&, VN...) = vtable::s_schedule;
any_single_sender<E, any_executor_ref<E>> (*schedule_)(data&) = vtable::s_schedule;
static constexpr vtable const noop_{};
vtable const* vptr_ = &noop_;
......@@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ class any_executor {
dst->pobj_ = std::exchange(src.pobj_, nullptr);
delete static_cast<Wrapped const*>(src.pobj_);
static any_single_sender<E, any_executor_ref<E>> schedule(data& src, VN... vn) {
static any_single_sender<E, any_executor_ref<E>> schedule(data& src) {
return any_single_sender<E, any_executor_ref<E>>{::folly::pushmi::schedule(
*static_cast<Wrapped*>(src.pobj_), vn...)};
static const vtable vtbl{s::op, s::consume_op, s::schedule};
......@@ -89,9 +89,9 @@ class any_executor {
static_cast<Wrapped const*>((void*)src.buffer_)->~Wrapped();
static any_single_sender<E, any_executor_ref<E>> schedule(data& src, VN... vn) {
static any_single_sender<E, any_executor_ref<E>> schedule(data& src) {
return any_single_sender<E, any_executor_ref<E>>{::folly::pushmi::schedule(
*static_cast<Wrapped*>((void*)src.buffer_), vn...)};
static const vtable vtbl{s::op, s::consume_op, s::schedule};
......@@ -132,20 +132,15 @@ class any_executor {
new ((void*)this) any_executor(std::move(that));
return *this;
(requires sizeof...(VN) == sizeof...(AN)) //
any_single_sender<E, any_executor_ref<E>> schedule(AN&&... an) {
// moved this check out of the requires due to a
// mismatched pack size between VN and AN on gcc.
static_assert(And<Constructible<VN, AN>...>, "arguments must be convertible");
return vptr_->schedule_(data_, VN{(AN &&) an}...);
any_single_sender<E, any_executor_ref<E>> schedule() {
return vptr_->schedule_(data_);
// Class static definitions:
template <class E, class... VN>
constexpr typename any_executor<E, VN...>::vtable const
any_executor<E, VN...>::noop_;
template <class E>
constexpr typename any_executor<E>::vtable const
template <class SF>
class executor<SF> {
......@@ -157,11 +152,10 @@ class executor<SF> {
constexpr executor() = default;
constexpr explicit executor(SF sf) : sf_(std::move(sf)) {}
(requires PUSHMI_EXP(
lazy::Invocable<SF&, AN...>)) //
auto schedule(AN&&... an) {
return sf_((AN&&)an...);
(requires Invocable<SF_&>) //
auto schedule() {
return sf_();
......@@ -182,11 +176,10 @@ class executor<Data, DSF> {
constexpr executor(Data data, DSF sf)
: data_(std::move(data)), sf_(std::move(sf)) {}
(requires PUSHMI_EXP(
lazy::Invocable<DSF&, Data&, AN...>)) //
auto schedule(AN&&... an) {
return sf_(data_, (AN&&)an...);
(requires Invocable<DSF_&, Data&>) //
auto schedule() {
return sf_(data_);
......@@ -252,13 +245,13 @@ template <class T>
using not_any_executor_ref_t = not_is_t<T, any_executor_ref>;
} // namespace detail
template <class E, class... VN>
template <class E>
struct any_executor_ref {
using This = any_executor_ref;
void* pobj_;
struct vtable {
any_single_sender<E, any_executor_ref<E>> (*schedule_)(void*, VN...);
any_single_sender<E, any_executor_ref<E>> (*schedule_)(void*);
} const* vptr_;
template <class T>
using wrapped_t = detail::not_any_executor_ref_t<T>;
......@@ -273,9 +266,9 @@ struct any_executor_ref {
(requires Executor<wrapped_t<Wrapped>>) //
any_executor_ref(Wrapped& w) {
struct s {
static any_single_sender<E, any_executor_ref<E>> schedule(void* pobj, VN... vn) {
static any_single_sender<E, any_executor_ref<E>> schedule(void* pobj) {
return any_single_sender<E, any_executor_ref<E>>{
::folly::pushmi::schedule(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(pobj), vn...)};
static const vtable vtbl{s::schedule};
......@@ -283,8 +276,8 @@ struct any_executor_ref {
vptr_ = &vtbl;
template<class... AN>
any_single_sender<E, any_executor_ref<E>> schedule(AN&&... an) {
return vptr_->schedule_(pobj_, VN{(AN&&)an}...);
any_single_sender<E, any_executor_ref<E>> schedule() {
return vptr_->schedule_(pobj_);
......@@ -316,28 +309,36 @@ PUSHMI_TEMPLATE(class Wrapped)
// define types for constrained executors
template <class E, class CV, class... VN>
template <class E, class CV>
class any_constrained_executor {
union data {
void* pobj_ = nullptr;
std::aligned_union_t< 0, std::tuple<CV, VN...> > buffer_;
std::aligned_storage_t< 2 * sizeof(void*) > buffer_;
} data_{};
template <class Wrapped>
static constexpr bool insitu() {
return sizeof(Wrapped) <= sizeof(data::buffer_) &&
using exec_ref = any_constrained_executor_ref<E>;
struct vtable {
static void s_op(data&, data*) {}
static void s_consume_op(data&&, data*) {}
static any_single_sender<E, any_constrained_executor_ref<E>> s_schedule(data&, VN...) { std::terminate(); return {}; }
static any_single_sender<E, any_constrained_executor_ref<E>> s_schedule_cv(data&, CV, VN...) { std::terminate(); return {}; }
static any_single_sender<E, exec_ref> s_schedule(data&) {
return {};
static any_single_sender<E, exec_ref> s_schedule_cv(data&, CV) {
return {};
static CV s_top(data&) { return {}; }
void (*op_)(data&, data*) = vtable::s_op;
void (*consume_op_)(data&&, data*) = vtable::s_consume_op;
CV (*top_)(data&) = vtable::s_top;
any_single_sender<E, any_constrained_executor_ref<E>> (*schedule_)(data&, VN...) = vtable::s_schedule;
any_single_sender<E, any_constrained_executor_ref<E>> (*schedule_cv_)(data&, CV, VN...) = vtable::s_schedule_cv;
any_single_sender<E, exec_ref> (*schedule_)(data&) = vtable::s_schedule;
any_single_sender<E, exec_ref> (*schedule_cv_)(data&, CV) =
static constexpr vtable const noop_{};
vtable const* vptr_ = &noop_;
......@@ -355,16 +356,22 @@ class any_constrained_executor {
static CV top(data& src) {
return ::folly::pushmi::top(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(src.pobj_));
static any_single_sender<E, any_constrained_executor_ref<E>> schedule(data& src, VN... vn) {
return any_single_sender<E, any_constrained_executor_ref<E>>{::folly::pushmi::schedule(
*static_cast<Wrapped*>(src.pobj_), vn...)};
static any_single_sender<E, exec_ref> schedule(data& src) {
return any_single_sender<E, exec_ref>{::folly::pushmi::schedule(
static any_single_sender<E, any_constrained_executor_ref<E>> schedule_cv(data& src, CV cv, VN... vn) {
return any_single_sender<E, any_constrained_executor_ref<E>>{::folly::pushmi::schedule(
*static_cast<Wrapped*>(src.pobj_), cv, vn...)};
static any_single_sender<E, exec_ref> schedule_cv(data& src, CV cv) {
return any_single_sender<E, exec_ref>{::folly::pushmi::schedule(
*static_cast<Wrapped*>(src.pobj_), cv)};
static const vtable vtbl{s::op, s::consume_op, s::top, s::schedule, s::schedule_cv};
static const vtable vtbl{
data_.pobj_ = new Wrapped(std::move(obj));
vptr_ = &vtbl;
......@@ -385,16 +392,22 @@ class any_constrained_executor {
static CV top(data& src) {
return ::folly::pushmi::top(*static_cast<Wrapped*>((void*)src.buffer_));
static any_single_sender<E, any_constrained_executor_ref<E>> schedule(data& src, VN... vn) {
return any_single_sender<E, any_constrained_executor_ref<E>>{::folly::pushmi::schedule(
*static_cast<Wrapped*>((void*)src.buffer_), vn...)};
static any_single_sender<E, exec_ref> schedule(data& src) {
return any_single_sender<E, exec_ref>{::folly::pushmi::schedule(
static any_single_sender<E, any_constrained_executor_ref<E>> schedule_cv(data& src, CV cv, VN... vn) {
return any_single_sender<E, any_constrained_executor_ref<E>>{::folly::pushmi::schedule(
*static_cast<Wrapped*>((void*)src.buffer_), cv, vn...)};
static any_single_sender<E, exec_ref> schedule_cv(data& src, CV cv) {
return any_single_sender<E, exec_ref>{::folly::pushmi::schedule(
*static_cast<Wrapped*>((void*)src.buffer_), cv)};
static const vtable vtbl{s::op, s::consume_op, s::top, s::schedule};
static const vtable vtbl{
new (data_.buffer_) Wrapped(std::move(obj));
vptr_ = &vtbl;
......@@ -406,11 +419,13 @@ class any_constrained_executor {
using properties = property_set<is_constrained<>>;
any_constrained_executor() = default;
any_constrained_executor(const any_constrained_executor& that) noexcept : any_constrained_executor() {
any_constrained_executor(const any_constrained_executor& that) noexcept
: any_constrained_executor() {
that.vptr_->op_(that.data_, &data_);
std::swap(that.vptr_, vptr_);
any_constrained_executor(any_constrained_executor&& that) noexcept : any_constrained_executor() {
any_constrained_executor(any_constrained_executor&& that) noexcept
: any_constrained_executor() {
that.vptr_->consume_op_(std::move(that.data_), &data_);
std::swap(that.vptr_, vptr_);
......@@ -435,22 +450,18 @@ class any_constrained_executor {
CV top() {
return vptr_->top_(data_);
(requires And<Constructible<VN, AN>...>)
any_single_sender<E, any_constrained_executor_ref<E>> schedule(AN&&... an) {
return vptr_->schedule_(data_, VN{(AN &&) an}...);
any_single_sender<E, any_constrained_executor_ref<E>> schedule() {
return vptr_->schedule_(data_);
(requires And<Constructible<VN, AN>...>)
any_single_sender<E, any_constrained_executor_ref<E>> schedule(CV cv, AN&&... an) {
return vptr_->schedule_cv_(data_, cv, VN{(AN &&) an}...);
any_single_sender<E, any_constrained_executor_ref<E>> schedule(CV cv) {
return vptr_->schedule_cv_(data_, cv);
// Class static definitions:
template <class E, class CV, class... VN>
constexpr typename any_constrained_executor<E, CV, VN...>::vtable const
any_constrained_executor<E, CV, VN...>::noop_;
template <class E, class CV>
constexpr typename any_constrained_executor<E, CV>::vtable const
any_constrained_executor<E, CV>::noop_;
template <class SF, class ZF>
class constrained_executor<SF, ZF> {
......@@ -468,11 +479,10 @@ class constrained_executor<SF, ZF> {
return zf_();
(requires PUSHMI_EXP(
lazy::Invocable<SF&, AN...>)) //
auto schedule(AN&&... an) {
return sf_((AN&&)an...);
(requires Invocable<SF_&>) //
auto schedule() {
return sf_();
......@@ -501,11 +511,10 @@ class constrained_executor<Data, DSF, DZF> {
return zf_(data_);
(requires PUSHMI_EXP(
lazy::Invocable<DSF&, Data&, AN...>)) //
auto schedule(AN&&... an) {
return sf_(data_, (AN&&)an...);
(requires Invocable<DSF_&, Data&>) //
auto schedule() {
return sf_(data_);
......@@ -593,17 +602,16 @@ using not_any_constrained_executor_ref_t =
not_is_t<T, any_constrained_executor_ref>;
} // namespace detail
template <class E, class CV, class... VN>
template <class E, class CV>
struct any_constrained_executor_ref {
using This = any_constrained_executor_ref;
void* pobj_;
using exec_ref = any_constrained_executor_ref<E, CV>;
struct vtable {
CV (*top_)(void*);
any_single_sender<E, CV, any_constrained_executor_ref<E, CV>> (*schedule_)(
void*, VN...);
any_single_sender<E, CV, any_constrained_executor_ref<E, CV>> (
*schedule_cv_)(void*, CV, VN...);
any_single_sender<E, CV, exec_ref> (*schedule_)(void*);
any_single_sender<E, CV, exec_ref> (*schedule_cv_)(void*, CV);
} const* vptr_;
template <class T>
using wrapped_t = detail::not_any_constrained_executor_ref_t<T>;
......@@ -621,15 +629,13 @@ struct any_constrained_executor_ref {
static CV top(void* pobj) {
return ::folly::pushmi::top(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(pobj));
static any_single_sender<E, CV, any_constrained_executor_ref<E, CV>>
schedule(void* pobj, VN... vn) {
static any_single_sender<E, CV, exec_ref> schedule(void* pobj) {
return ::folly::pushmi::schedule(
::folly::pushmi::top(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(pobj)), vn...);
static any_single_sender<E, CV, any_constrained_executor_ref<E, CV>>
schedule_cv(void* pobj, CV cv, VN... vn) {
return ::folly::pushmi::schedule(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(pobj), cv, vn...);
static any_single_sender<E, CV, exec_ref> schedule_cv(void* pobj, CV cv) {
return ::folly::pushmi::schedule(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(pobj), cv);
static const vtable vtbl{s::top, s::schedule, s::schedule_cv};
......@@ -639,21 +645,11 @@ struct any_constrained_executor_ref {
CV top() {
return vptr_->top_(pobj_);
(requires sizeof...(VN) == sizeof...(AN)) //
any_single_sender<E, any_constrained_executor_ref<E>> schedule(AN&&... an) {
// moved this check out of the requires due to a
// mismatched pack size between VN and AN on gcc.
static_assert(And<Constructible<VN, AN>...>, "arguments must be convertible");
return vptr_->schedule_(pobj_, VN{(AN&&)an}...);
(requires sizeof...(VN) == sizeof...(AN)) //
any_single_sender<E, any_constrained_executor_ref<E>> schedule(CV cv, AN&&... an) {
// moved this check out of the requires due to a
// mismatched pack size between VN and AN on gcc.
static_assert(And<Constructible<VN, AN>...>, "arguments must be convertible");
return vptr_->schedule_cv_(pobj_, cv, VN{(AN&&)an}...);
any_single_sender<E, any_constrained_executor_ref<E>> schedule() {
return vptr_->schedule_(pobj_);
any_single_sender<E, any_constrained_executor_ref<E>> schedule(CV cv) {
return vptr_->schedule_cv_(pobj_, cv);
......@@ -689,28 +685,36 @@ PUSHMI_TEMPLATE(class Wrapped)
// define types for time executors
template <class E, class TP, class... VN>
template <class E, class TP>
class any_time_executor {
union data {
void* pobj_ = nullptr;
std::aligned_union_t< 0, std::tuple<TP, VN...> > buffer_;
std::aligned_storage_t< 2 * sizeof(void*) > buffer_;
} data_{};
template <class Wrapped>
static constexpr bool insitu() {
return sizeof(Wrapped) <= sizeof(data::buffer_) &&
using exec_ref = any_time_executor_ref<E>;
struct vtable {
static void s_op(data&, data*) {}
static void s_consume_op(data&&, data*) {}
static any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E>> s_schedule(data&, VN...) { std::terminate(); return {}; }
static any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E>> s_schedule_time(data&, TP, VN...) { std::terminate(); return {}; }
static any_single_sender<E, exec_ref> s_schedule(data&) {
return {};
static any_single_sender<E, exec_ref> s_schedule_time(data&, TP) {
return {};
static TP s_now(data&) { return {}; }
void (*op_)(data&, data*) = vtable::s_op;
void (*consume_op_)(data&&, data*) = vtable::s_consume_op;
TP (*now_)(data&) = vtable::s_now;
any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E>> (*schedule_)(data&, VN...) = vtable::s_schedule;
any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E>> (*schedule_time_)(data&, TP, VN...) = vtable::s_schedule_time;
any_single_sender<E, exec_ref> (*schedule_)(data&) = vtable::s_schedule;
any_single_sender<E, exec_ref> (*schedule_time_)(data&, TP) =
static constexpr vtable const noop_{};
vtable const* vptr_ = &noop_;
......@@ -728,16 +732,22 @@ class any_time_executor {
static TP now(data& src) {
return ::folly::pushmi::now(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(src.pobj_));
static any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E>> schedule(data& src, VN... vn) {
return any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E>>{::folly::pushmi::schedule(
*static_cast<Wrapped*>(src.pobj_), vn...)};
static any_single_sender<E, exec_ref> schedule(data& src) {
return any_single_sender<E, exec_ref>{::folly::pushmi::schedule(
static any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E>> schedule_time(data& src, TP tp, VN... vn) {
return any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E>>{::folly::pushmi::schedule(
*static_cast<Wrapped*>(src.pobj_), tp, vn...)};
static any_single_sender<E, exec_ref> schedule_time(data& src, TP tp) {
return any_single_sender<E, exec_ref>{::folly::pushmi::schedule(
*static_cast<Wrapped*>(src.pobj_), tp)};
static const vtable vtbl{s::op, s::consume_op, s::now, s::schedule, s::schedule_time};
static const vtable vtbl{
data_.pobj_ = new Wrapped(std::move(obj));
vptr_ = &vtbl;
......@@ -758,16 +768,22 @@ class any_time_executor {
static TP now(data& src) {
return ::folly::pushmi::now(*static_cast<Wrapped*>((void*)src.buffer_));
static any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E>> schedule(data& src, VN... vn) {
return any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E>>{::folly::pushmi::schedule(
*static_cast<Wrapped*>((void*)src.buffer_), vn...)};
static any_single_sender<E, exec_ref> schedule(data& src) {
return any_single_sender<E, exec_ref>{::folly::pushmi::schedule(
static any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E>> schedule_time(data& src, TP tp, VN... vn) {
return any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E>>{::folly::pushmi::schedule(
*static_cast<Wrapped*>((void*)src.buffer_), tp, vn...)};
static any_single_sender<E, exec_ref> schedule_time(data& src, TP tp) {
return any_single_sender<E, exec_ref>{::folly::pushmi::schedule(
*static_cast<Wrapped*>((void*)src.buffer_), tp)};
static const vtable vtbl{s::op, s::consume_op, s::now, s::schedule, s::schedule_time};
static const vtable vtbl{
new (data_.buffer_) Wrapped(std::move(obj));
vptr_ = &vtbl;
......@@ -808,22 +824,18 @@ class any_time_executor {
TP top() {
return vptr_->now_(data_);
(requires And<Constructible<VN, AN>...>)
any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E>> schedule(AN&&... an) {
return vptr_->schedule_(data_, VN{(AN &&) an}...);
any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E>> schedule() {
return vptr_->schedule_(data_);
(requires And<Constructible<VN, AN>...>)
any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E>> schedule(TP tp, AN&&... an) {
return vptr_->schedule_time_(data_, tp, VN{(AN &&) an}...);
any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E>> schedule(TP tp) {
return vptr_->schedule_time_(data_, tp);
// Class static definitions:
template <class E, class TP, class... VN>
constexpr typename any_time_executor<E, TP, VN...>::vtable const
any_time_executor<E, TP, VN...>::noop_;
template <class E, class TP>
constexpr typename any_time_executor<E, TP>::vtable const
any_time_executor<E, TP>::noop_;
template <class SF, class NF>
class time_executor<SF, NF> {
......@@ -841,11 +853,10 @@ class time_executor<SF, NF> {
return nf_();
(requires PUSHMI_EXP(
lazy::Invocable<SF&, AN...>)) //
auto schedule(AN&&... an) {
return sf_((AN&&)an...);
(requires Invocable<SF_&>) //
auto schedule() {
return sf_();
......@@ -874,11 +885,10 @@ class time_executor<Data, DSF, DNF> {
return nf_(data_);
(requires PUSHMI_EXP(
lazy::Invocable<DSF&, Data&, AN...>)) //
auto schedule(AN&&... an) {
return sf_(data_, (AN&&)an...);
(requires Invocable<DSF_&, Data&>) //
auto schedule() {
return sf_(data_);
......@@ -966,16 +976,16 @@ template <class T>
using not_any_time_executor_ref_t = not_is_t<T, any_time_executor_ref>;
} // namespace detail
template <class E, class TP, class... VN>
template <class E, class TP>
struct any_time_executor_ref {
using This = any_time_executor_ref;
using exec_ref = any_time_executor_ref<E, TP>;
void* pobj_;
struct vtable {
TP (*now_)(void*);
any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E, TP>> (*schedule_)(void*, VN...);
any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E, TP>> (
*schedule_tp_)(void*, TP, VN...);
any_single_sender<E, exec_ref> (*schedule_)(void*);
any_single_sender<E, exec_ref> (*schedule_tp_)(void*, TP);
} const* vptr_;
template <class T>
using wrapped_t = detail::not_any_time_executor_ref_t<T>;
......@@ -993,17 +1003,17 @@ struct any_time_executor_ref {
static TP now(void* pobj) {
return ::folly::pushmi::now(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(pobj));
static any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E, TP>> schedule(
void* pobj, VN... vn) {
return any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E, TP>>{::folly::pushmi::schedule(
static any_single_sender<E, exec_ref> schedule(
void* pobj) {
return any_single_sender<E, exec_ref>{::folly::pushmi::schedule(
::folly::pushmi::now(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(pobj)), vn...)};
static any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E, TP>> schedule_tp(
static any_single_sender<E, exec_ref> schedule_tp(
void* pobj,
TP tp,
VN... vn) {
return any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E, TP>>{::folly::pushmi::schedule(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(pobj), tp, vn...)};
TP tp) {
return any_single_sender<E, exec_ref>{
::folly::pushmi::schedule(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(pobj), tp)};
static const vtable vtbl{s::now, s::schedule, s::schedule_tp};
......@@ -1011,24 +1021,24 @@ struct any_time_executor_ref {
vptr_ = &vtbl;
PUSHMI_TEMPLATE(class Wrapped)
(requires TimeExecutor<wrapped_t<Wrapped>> && std::is_rvalue_reference<Wrapped>::value)
(requires TimeExecutor<wrapped_t<Wrapped>> && //
std::is_rvalue_reference<Wrapped>::value) //
any_time_executor_ref(Wrapped&& w) {
struct s {
static TP now(void* pobj) {
return ::folly::pushmi::now(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(pobj));
static any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E, TP>> schedule(
void* pobj, VN... vn) {
return any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E, TP>>{::folly::pushmi::schedule(
static any_single_sender<E, exec_ref> schedule(
void* pobj) {
return any_single_sender<E,exec_ref>{::folly::pushmi::schedule(
::folly::pushmi::now(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(pobj)), vn...)};
static any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E, TP>> schedule_tp(
void* pobj,
TP tp,
VN... vn) {
return any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E, TP>>{::folly::pushmi::schedule(
std::move(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(pobj)), tp, vn...)};
static any_single_sender<E, exec_ref> schedule_tp(void* pobj, TP tp) {
return any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E, TP>>{
static const vtable vtbl{s::now, s::schedule, s::schedule_tp};
......@@ -1038,21 +1048,11 @@ struct any_time_executor_ref {
TP top() {
return vptr_->now_(pobj_);
(requires sizeof...(VN) == sizeof...(AN)) //
any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E, TP>> schedule(AN&&... an) {
// moved this check out of the requires due to a
// mismatched pack size between VN and AN on gcc.
static_assert(And<Constructible<VN, AN>...>, "arguments must be convertible");
return vptr_->schedule_(pobj_, VN{(AN&&)an}...);
(requires sizeof...(VN) == sizeof...(AN)) //
any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E, TP>> schedule(TP tp, AN&&... an) {
// moved this check out of the requires due to a
// mismatched pack size between VN and AN on gcc.
static_assert(And<Constructible<VN, AN>...>, "arguments must be convertible");
return vptr_->schedule_tp_(pobj_, tp, VN{(AN&&)an}...);
any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E, TP>> schedule() {
return vptr_->schedule_(pobj_);
any_single_sender<E, any_time_executor_ref<E, TP>> schedule(TP tp) {
return vptr_->schedule_tp_(pobj_, tp);
......@@ -126,28 +126,26 @@ template <
class... VN>
class any_flow_many_sender;
template <class E = std::exception_ptr, class... VN>
template <class E = std::exception_ptr>
class any_executor;
template <class E = std::exception_ptr, class... VN>
template <class E = std::exception_ptr>
struct any_executor_ref;
template <class E = std::exception_ptr, class CV = std::ptrdiff_t, class... VN>
template <class E = std::exception_ptr, class CV = std::ptrdiff_t>
class any_constrained_executor;
template <class E = std::exception_ptr, class TP = std::ptrdiff_t, class... VN>
template <class E = std::exception_ptr, class TP = std::ptrdiff_t>
struct any_constrained_executor_ref;
template <
class E = std::exception_ptr,
class TP = std::chrono::system_clock::time_point,
class... VN>
class TP = std::chrono::system_clock::time_point>
class any_time_executor;
template <
class E = std::exception_ptr,
class TP = std::chrono::system_clock::time_point,
class... VN>
class TP = std::chrono::system_clock::time_point>
struct any_time_executor_ref;
namespace operators {}
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