Commit 36194671 authored by Mikhail Okunev's avatar Mikhail Okunev Committed by Sara Golemon

Utility that converts from prettyPrint format back to double (e.g. 10M = 10 000 000)

Summary: Utility is doing reverse of prettyPrint. This is a first sketch.

Test Plan:
1) We can reverse all tests from prettyPrint test and use for our function. For now I just reversed several of them
2) We can also test prettyPrint and prettyToDouble together by checking whether prettyToDouble(prettyPrint(X)) == X. This is implemented.

Reviewed By:

FB internal diff: D1159879
parent 72c2a0d3
......@@ -180,6 +180,31 @@ const PrettySuffix kPrettyUnitsBinaryIECSuffixes[] = {
{ 0, 0 },
const PrettySuffix kPrettySISuffixes[] = {
{ "Y", 1e24L },
{ "Z", 1e21L },
{ "E", 1e18L },
{ "P", 1e15L },
{ "T", 1e12L },
{ "G", 1e9L },
{ "M", 1e6L },
{ "k", 1e3L },
{ "h", 1e2L },
{ "da", 1e1L },
{ "d", 1e-1L },
{ "c", 1e-2L },
{ "m", 1e-3L },
{ "u", 1e-6L },
{ "n", 1e-9L },
{ "p", 1e-12L },
{ "f", 1e-15L },
{ "a", 1e-18L },
{ "z", 1e-21L },
{ "y", 1e-24L },
{ " ", 0 },
{ 0, 0}
const PrettySuffix* const kPrettySuffixes[PRETTY_NUM_TYPES] = {
......@@ -188,6 +213,7 @@ const PrettySuffix* const kPrettySuffixes[PRETTY_NUM_TYPES] = {
} // namespace
......@@ -218,6 +244,50 @@ std::string prettyPrint(double val, PrettyType type, bool addSpace) {
return std::string(buf);
//1) Benchmark & optimize
double prettyToDouble(folly::StringPiece *const prettyString,
const PrettyType type) {
double value = folly::to<double>(prettyString);
while (prettyString->size() > 0 && std::isspace(prettyString->front())) {
prettyString->advance(1); //Skipping spaces between number and suffix
const PrettySuffix* suffixes = kPrettySuffixes[type];
int longestPrefixLen = -1;
int bestPrefixId = -1;
for (int j = 0 ; suffixes[j].suffix; ++j) {
if (suffixes[j].suffix[0] == ' '){//Checking for " " -> number rule.
if (longestPrefixLen == -1) {
longestPrefixLen = 0; //No characters to skip
bestPrefixId = j;
} else if (prettyString->startsWith(suffixes[j].suffix)) {
int suffixLen = strlen(suffixes[j].suffix);
//We are looking for a longest suffix matching prefix of the string
//after numeric value. We need this in case suffixes have common prefix.
if (suffixLen > longestPrefixLen) {
longestPrefixLen = suffixLen;
bestPrefixId = j;
if (bestPrefixId == -1) { //No valid suffix rule found
throw std::invalid_argument(folly::to<std::string>(
"Unable to parse suffix \"",
prettyString->toString(), "\""));
return suffixes[bestPrefixId].val ? value * suffixes[bestPrefixId].val :
double prettyToDouble(folly::StringPiece prettyString, const PrettyType type){
double result = prettyToDouble(&prettyString, type);
detail::enforceWhitespace(, + prettyString.size());
return result;
std::string hexDump(const void* ptr, size_t size) {
std::ostringstream os;
hexDump(ptr, size, std::ostream_iterator<StringPiece>(os, "\n"));
......@@ -268,7 +268,8 @@ bool unhexlify(const InputString& input, OutputString& output);
* PRETTY_UNITS_METRIC - k, M, G, etc (goes up by 10^3 = 1000 each time)
* PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY - k, M, G, etc (goes up by 2^10 = 1024 each time)
* PRETTY_SI - full SI metric prefixes from yocto to Yotta
* @author Mark Rabkin <>
enum PrettyType {
......@@ -284,11 +285,38 @@ enum PrettyType {
std::string prettyPrint(double val, PrettyType, bool addSpace = true);
* This utility converts StringPiece in pretty format (look above) to double,
* with progress information. Alters the StringPiece parameter
* to get rid of the already-parsed characters.
* Expects string in form <floating point number> {space}* [<suffix>]
* If string is not in correct format, utility finds longest valid prefix and
* if there at least one, returns double value based on that prefix and
* modifies string to what is left after parsing. Throws and std::range_error
* exception if there is no correct parse.
* Examples(for PRETTY_UNITS_METRIC):
* '10M' => 10 000 000
* '10 M' => 10 000 000
* '10' => 10
* '10 Mx' => 10 000 000, prettyString == "x"
* 'abc' => throws std::range_error
double prettyToDouble(folly::StringPiece *const prettyString,
const PrettyType type);
* Same as prettyToDouble(folly::StringPiece*, PrettyType), but
* expects whole string to be correctly parseable. Throws std::range_error
* otherwise
double prettyToDouble(folly::StringPiece prettyString, const PrettyType type);
* Write a hex dump of size bytes starting at ptr to out.
......@@ -312,115 +312,176 @@ double pow2(int exponent) {
} // namespace
struct PrettyTestCase{
std::string prettyString;
double realValue;
PrettyType prettyType;
TEST(PrettyPrint, Basic) {
// check time printing
EXPECT_EQ(string("8.53e+07 s "), prettyPrint(85.3e6, PRETTY_TIME));
EXPECT_EQ(string("85.3 s "), prettyPrint(85.3, PRETTY_TIME));
EXPECT_EQ(string("85.3 ms"), prettyPrint(85.3e-3, PRETTY_TIME));
EXPECT_EQ(string("85.3 us"), prettyPrint(85.3e-6, PRETTY_TIME));
EXPECT_EQ(string("85.3 ns"), prettyPrint(85.3e-9, PRETTY_TIME));
EXPECT_EQ(string("85.3 ps"), prettyPrint(85.3e-12, PRETTY_TIME));
EXPECT_EQ(string("8.53e-14 s "), prettyPrint(85.3e-15, PRETTY_TIME));
EXPECT_EQ(string("0 s "), prettyPrint(0, PRETTY_TIME));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 s "), prettyPrint(1.0, PRETTY_TIME));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 ms"), prettyPrint(1.0e-3, PRETTY_TIME));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 us"), prettyPrint(1.0e-6, PRETTY_TIME));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 ns"), prettyPrint(1.0e-9, PRETTY_TIME));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 ps"), prettyPrint(1.0e-12, PRETTY_TIME));
PrettyTestCase prettyTestCases[] =
{string("8.53e+07 s "), 85.3e6, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("8.53e+07 s "), 85.3e6, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("85.3 ms"), 85.3e-3, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("85.3 us"), 85.3e-6, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("85.3 ns"), 85.3e-9, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("85.3 ps"), 85.3e-12, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("8.53e-14 s "), 85.3e-15, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("0 s "), 0, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("1 s "), 1.0, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("1 ms"), 1.0e-3, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("1 us"), 1.0e-6, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("1 ns"), 1.0e-9, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("1 ps"), 1.0e-12, PRETTY_TIME},
// check bytes printing
EXPECT_EQ(string("853 B "), prettyPrint(853., PRETTY_BYTES));
EXPECT_EQ(string("833 kB"), prettyPrint(853.e3, PRETTY_BYTES));
EXPECT_EQ(string("813.5 MB"), prettyPrint(853.e6, PRETTY_BYTES));
EXPECT_EQ(string("7.944 GB"), prettyPrint(8.53e9, PRETTY_BYTES));
EXPECT_EQ(string("794.4 GB"), prettyPrint(853.e9, PRETTY_BYTES));
EXPECT_EQ(string("775.8 TB"), prettyPrint(853.e12, PRETTY_BYTES));
EXPECT_EQ(string("0 B "), prettyPrint(0, PRETTY_BYTES));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 B "), prettyPrint(pow2(0), PRETTY_BYTES));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 kB"), prettyPrint(pow2(10), PRETTY_BYTES));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 MB"), prettyPrint(pow2(20), PRETTY_BYTES));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 GB"), prettyPrint(pow2(30), PRETTY_BYTES));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 TB"), prettyPrint(pow2(40), PRETTY_BYTES));
EXPECT_EQ(string("853 B "), prettyPrint(853., PRETTY_BYTES_IEC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("833 KiB"), prettyPrint(853.e3, PRETTY_BYTES_IEC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("813.5 MiB"), prettyPrint(853.e6, PRETTY_BYTES_IEC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("7.944 GiB"), prettyPrint(8.53e9, PRETTY_BYTES_IEC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("794.4 GiB"), prettyPrint(853.e9, PRETTY_BYTES_IEC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("775.8 TiB"), prettyPrint(853.e12, PRETTY_BYTES_IEC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("0 B "), prettyPrint(0, PRETTY_BYTES_IEC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 B "), prettyPrint(pow2(0), PRETTY_BYTES_IEC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 KiB"), prettyPrint(pow2(10), PRETTY_BYTES_IEC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 MiB"), prettyPrint(pow2(20), PRETTY_BYTES_IEC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 GiB"), prettyPrint(pow2(30), PRETTY_BYTES_IEC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 TiB"), prettyPrint(pow2(40), PRETTY_BYTES_IEC));
{string("853 B "), 853., PRETTY_BYTES},
{string("833 kB"), 853.e3, PRETTY_BYTES},
{string("813.5 MB"), 853.e6, PRETTY_BYTES},
{string("7.944 GB"), 8.53e9, PRETTY_BYTES},
{string("794.4 GB"), 853.e9, PRETTY_BYTES},
{string("775.8 TB"), 853.e12, PRETTY_BYTES},
{string("0 B "), 0, PRETTY_BYTES},
{string("1 B "), pow2(0), PRETTY_BYTES},
{string("1 kB"), pow2(10), PRETTY_BYTES},
{string("1 MB"), pow2(20), PRETTY_BYTES},
{string("1 GB"), pow2(30), PRETTY_BYTES},
{string("1 TB"), pow2(40), PRETTY_BYTES},
{string("853 B "), 853., PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
{string("833 KiB"), 853.e3, PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
{string("813.5 MiB"), 853.e6, PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
{string("7.944 GiB"), 8.53e9, PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
{string("794.4 GiB"), 853.e9, PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
{string("775.8 TiB"), 853.e12, PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
{string("0 B "), 0, PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
{string("1 B "), pow2(0), PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
{string("1 KiB"), pow2(10), PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
{string("1 MiB"), pow2(20), PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
{string("1 GiB"), pow2(30), PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
{string("1 TiB"), pow2(40), PRETTY_BYTES_IEC},
// check bytes metric printing
EXPECT_EQ(string("853 B "), prettyPrint(853., PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("853 kB"), prettyPrint(853.e3, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("853 MB"), prettyPrint(853.e6, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("8.53 GB"), prettyPrint(8.53e9, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("853 GB"), prettyPrint(853.e9, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("853 TB"), prettyPrint(853.e12, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC));
{string("853 B "), 853., PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC},
{string("853 kB"), 853.e3, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC},
{string("853 MB"), 853.e6, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC},
{string("8.53 GB"), 8.53e9, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC},
{string("853 GB"), 853.e9, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC},
{string("853 TB"), 853.e12, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC},
EXPECT_EQ(string("0 B "), prettyPrint(0, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 B "), prettyPrint(1.0, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 kB"), prettyPrint(1.0e+3, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 MB"), prettyPrint(1.0e+6, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC));
{string("0 B "), 0, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC},
{string("1 B "), 1.0, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC},
{string("1 kB"), 1.0e+3, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC},
{string("1 MB"), 1.0e+6, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC},
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 GB"), prettyPrint(1.0e+9, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 TB"), prettyPrint(1.0e+12, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC));
{string("1 GB"), 1.0e+9, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC},
{string("1 TB"), 1.0e+12, PRETTY_BYTES_METRIC},
// check metric-units (powers of 1000) printing
EXPECT_EQ(string("853 "), prettyPrint(853., PRETTY_UNITS_METRIC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("853 k"), prettyPrint(853.e3, PRETTY_UNITS_METRIC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("853 M"), prettyPrint(853.e6, PRETTY_UNITS_METRIC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("8.53 bil"), prettyPrint(8.53e9, PRETTY_UNITS_METRIC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("853 bil"), prettyPrint(853.e9, PRETTY_UNITS_METRIC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("853 tril"), prettyPrint(853.e12, PRETTY_UNITS_METRIC));
{string("853 "), 853., PRETTY_UNITS_METRIC},
{string("853 k"), 853.e3, PRETTY_UNITS_METRIC},
{string("853 M"), 853.e6, PRETTY_UNITS_METRIC},
{string("8.53 bil"), 8.53e9, PRETTY_UNITS_METRIC},
{string("853 bil"), 853.e9, PRETTY_UNITS_METRIC},
{string("853 tril"), 853.e12, PRETTY_UNITS_METRIC},
// check binary-units (powers of 1024) printing
EXPECT_EQ(string("0 "), prettyPrint(0, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 "), prettyPrint(pow2(0), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 k"), prettyPrint(pow2(10), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 M"), prettyPrint(pow2(20), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 G"), prettyPrint(pow2(30), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 T"), prettyPrint(pow2(40), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1023 "),
prettyPrint(pow2(10) - 1, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1024 k"),
prettyPrint(pow2(20) - 1, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1024 M"),
prettyPrint(pow2(30) - 1, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1024 G"),
prettyPrint(pow2(40) - 1, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY));
EXPECT_EQ(string("0 "), prettyPrint(0, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 "), prettyPrint(pow2(0), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 Ki"), prettyPrint(pow2(10), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 Mi"), prettyPrint(pow2(20), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 Gi"), prettyPrint(pow2(30), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1 Ti"), prettyPrint(pow2(40), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1023 "),
prettyPrint(pow2(10) - 1, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1024 Ki"),
prettyPrint(pow2(20) - 1, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1024 Mi"),
prettyPrint(pow2(30) - 1, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC));
EXPECT_EQ(string("1024 Gi"),
prettyPrint(pow2(40) - 1, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC));
{string("0 "), 0, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY},
{string("1 "), pow2(0), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY},
{string("1 k"), pow2(10), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY},
{string("1 M"), pow2(20), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY},
{string("1 G"), pow2(30), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY},
{string("1 T"), pow2(40), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY},
{string("1023 "), pow2(10) - 1, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY},
{string("1024 k"), pow2(20) - 1, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY},
{string("1024 M"), pow2(30) - 1, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY},
{string("1024 G"), pow2(40) - 1, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY},
{string("0 "), 0, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC},
{string("1 "), pow2(0), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC},
{string("1 Ki"), pow2(10), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC},
{string("1 Mi"), pow2(20), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC},
{string("1 Gi"), pow2(30), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC},
{string("1 Ti"), pow2(40), PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC},
{string("1023 "), pow2(10) - 1, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC},
{string("1024 Ki"), pow2(20) - 1, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC},
{string("1024 Mi"), pow2(30) - 1, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC},
{string("1024 Gi"), pow2(40) - 1, PRETTY_UNITS_BINARY_IEC},
//check border SI cases
{string("1 Y"), 1e24, PRETTY_SI},
{string("10 Y"), 1e25, PRETTY_SI},
{string("1 y"), 1e-24, PRETTY_SI},
{string("10 y"), 1e-23, PRETTY_SI},
// check that negative values work
EXPECT_EQ(string("-85.3 s "), prettyPrint(-85.3, PRETTY_TIME));
EXPECT_EQ(string("-85.3 ms"), prettyPrint(-85.3e-3, PRETTY_TIME));
EXPECT_EQ(string("-85.3 us"), prettyPrint(-85.3e-6, PRETTY_TIME));
EXPECT_EQ(string("-85.3 ns"), prettyPrint(-85.3e-9, PRETTY_TIME));
{string("-85.3 s "), -85.3, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("-85.3 ms"), -85.3e-3, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("-85.3 us"), -85.3e-6, PRETTY_TIME},
{string("-85.3 ns"), -85.3e-9, PRETTY_TIME},
// end of test
{string("endoftest"), 0, PRETTY_NUM_TYPES}
TEST(PrettyPrint, Basic) {
for (int i = 0; prettyTestCases[i].prettyType != PRETTY_NUM_TYPES; ++i){
const PrettyTestCase& prettyTest = prettyTestCases[i];
prettyPrint(prettyTest.realValue, prettyTest.prettyType));
TEST(PrettyToDouble, Basic) {
// check manually created tests
for (int i = 0; prettyTestCases[i].prettyType != PRETTY_NUM_TYPES; ++i){
PrettyTestCase testCase = prettyTestCases[i];
PrettyType formatType = testCase.prettyType;
double x = testCase.realValue;
std::string testString = testCase.prettyString;
double recoveredX;
recoveredX = prettyToDouble(testString, formatType);
} catch (std::range_error &ex){
double relativeError = fabs(x) < 1e-5 ? (x-recoveredX) :
(x - recoveredX) / x;
EXPECT_NEAR(0, relativeError, 1e-3);
// checks for compatibility with prettyPrint over the whole parameter space
for (int i = 0 ; i < PRETTY_NUM_TYPES; ++i){
PrettyType formatType = static_cast<PrettyType>(i);
for (double x = 1e-18; x < 1e40; x *= 1.9){
bool addSpace = static_cast<PrettyType> (i) == PRETTY_SI;
for (int it = 0; it < 2; ++it, addSpace = true){
double recoveredX;
recoveredX = prettyToDouble(prettyPrint(x, formatType, addSpace),
} catch (std::range_error &ex){
double relativeError = (x - recoveredX) / x;
EXPECT_NEAR(0, relativeError, 1e-3);
// check for incorrect values
EXPECT_THROW(prettyToDouble("10Mx", PRETTY_SI), std::range_error);
EXPECT_THROW(prettyToDouble("10 Mx", PRETTY_SI), std::range_error);
EXPECT_THROW(prettyToDouble("10 M x", PRETTY_SI), std::range_error);
StringPiece testString = "10Mx";
EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(prettyToDouble(&testString, PRETTY_UNITS_METRIC), 10e6);
EXPECT_EQ(testString, "x");
TEST(PrettyPrint, HexDump) {
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