Commit 4309d2bb authored by Eric Niebler's avatar Eric Niebler Committed by Facebook Github Bot

initial commit

fbshipit-source-id: f5fba149a4200b522bf90700f320685cbf0737f9
parent 799a718f
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7)
project(pushmi-project CXX)
add_library(pushmi INTERFACE)
target_include_directories(pushmi INTERFACE
#target_compile_features(pushmi INTERFACE cxx_std_17)
target_compile_options(pushmi INTERFACE
DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/external/networking-ts-impl/include/
DESTINATION include/net)
DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/external/meta/include/
DESTINATION include/meta)
DESTINATION include/Catch2)
install(TARGETS pushmi EXPORT pushmi-project)
install(EXPORT pushmi-project DESTINATION pushmi-project)
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# Contributing to pushmi
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2. If you've added code that should be tested, add tests.
3. If you've changed APIs, update the documentation.
4. Ensure the test suite passes.
5. Make sure your code lints.
6. If you haven't already, complete the Contributor License Agreement ("CLA").
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## Coding Style
* 2 spaces for indentation rather than tabs
* 80 character line length
## License
By contributing to pushmi, you agree that your contributions will be licensed
under the LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
MIT License
Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
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copies or substantial portions of the Software.
# Pushmi
## from None to Many
This library is counterpart to [P1055 - *A Modest Executor Proposal*](
*pushmi* is a header-only library that uses CMake to build, requires GCC trunk to build and has dependencies on catch2 for testing purposes.
*pushmi* is an implementation for prototyping how Futures, Executors can be defined with shared Concepts. These Concepts can be implemented over and over again to solve different problems and make different tradeoffs. User implementations of the Concepts are first-class citizens due to the attention to composition. Composition also enables each implementation of the Concepts to focus on one concern and then be composed to build more complex solutions.
## Callbacks
*Callbacks* are very familiar though they take many forms. It is precisely the multiplicity of forms that make Callbacks difficult to compose.
A minimal callback might be passed some state. The state might include an error or might only be a result code. Maybe this is delivered as one parameter, or as many parameters. Maybe the Callback is called once, or many or even zero times.
*Promises* provide a stable contract for Callbacks of a single result or error.
## `std::promise<>`
The interface for `std::promise<void>` is fairly straightforward.
struct promise<void> {
void set_value();
void set_exception(std::exception_ptr);
future<void> get_future();
usage is also simple, but a bit convoluted (the promise produces the future, has the result set_ function called, and only then is future::get called to get the result).
std::promise<void> p;
auto f = p.get_future();
// or
// p.set_exception(std::exception_ptr{});
it is this convolution that creates the race between the producer and consumer that requires expensive internal state to resolve.
## `none`
The `none` type in the library provides simple ways to construct new implementations of the None concept.
construct a sink type that accepts any error type (and aborts on error)
none<> n;
archetype_none an; // this is a using alias for none<>
construct new type using one or more lambdas, or with designated initializers, use multiple lambdas to build overload sets
// provide done
auto n0 = none{on_done{[](){}}};
// these are quite dangerous as they suppress errors
// provide error
auto n1 = none{[](std::exception_ptr){}, [](){}};
auto n2 = none{on_error{[](std::exception_ptr){}, [](auto){}}};
auto n3 = none{[](std::exception_ptr){}};
construct a new type with shared state across the lambdas. very useful for building a filter on top of an existing none. The state must be a None, but can be a super-set with additional state for this filter.
auto n0 = none{archetype_none{}};
auto n1 = none{archetype_none{}, on_done{
[](archetype_none& out, std::exception_ptr ep){out | set_done();}}};
// these are quite dangerous as they suppress errors
auto n2 = none{archetype_none{},
[](archetype_none& out, std::exception_ptr ep){out | set_done();},
[](archetype_none&){out | set_done();}};
auto n3 = none{archetype_none{}, on_error{
[](archetype_none& out, std::exception_ptr ep){out | set_done();},
[](archetype_none& out, auto e){out | set_done();}}};
construct a type-erased type for a particular E (which could be a std::variant of supported types). I have a plan to provide operators to collapse values and errors to variant or tuple and then expand from variant or tuple back to their constituent values/errors.
auto n0 = none<>{archetype_none{}};
auto n1 = none<std::exception_ptr>{archetype_none{}};
auto n2 = erase_cast<>(archetype_none{});
auto n3 = erase_cast<std::exception_ptr>(archetype_none{});
## `single`
The `single` type in the library provides simple ways to construct new implementations of the Single concept.
construct a sink type that accepts any value or error type (and aborts on error)
single<> s;
archetype_single as; // this is a using alias for single<>
construct new type using one or more lambdas, or with designated initializers, use multiple lambdas to build overload sets
// provide done
auto s0 = single{on_done{[](){}}};
// provide value
auto s1 = single{[](auto v){}};
auto s2 = single{on_value{[](int){}, [](auto v){}}};
// these are quite dangerous as they suppress errors
// provide error
auto s3 = single{[](auto v){}, [](std::exception_ptr){}, [](){}};
auto s4 = single{on_error{[](std::exception_ptr){}}, on_done{[](){}}};
auto s5 = single{on_error{[](std::exception_ptr){}, [](auto){}}};
auto s6 = single{on_error{[](std::exception_ptr){}}};
construct a new type with shared state across the lambdas. very useful for building a filter on top of an existing single. The state must be a Single, but can be a super-set with additional state for this filter.
auto s0 = single{archetype_single{}};
auto s1 = single{archetype_single{}, on_done{
[](archetype_single& out, std::exception_ptr ep){out | set_done();}}};
auto s2 = single{archetype_single{},
[](archetype_single& out, auto v){out | set_value(v);};
auto s3 = single{archetype_single{}, on_value{
[](archetype_single& out, int v){out | set_value(v);},
[](archetype_single& out, auto v){out | set_value(v);}}};
// these are quite dangerous as they suppress errors
auto s4 = single{archetype_single{},
[](archetype_single& out, std::exception_ptr ep){out | set_done();},
[](archetype_single&){out | set_done();}};
auto s5 = single{archetype_single{}, on_error{
[](archetype_single& out, std::exception_ptr ep){out | set_done();},
[](archetype_single& out, auto e){out | set_done();}}};
construct a type-erased type for a particular T & E (each of which could be a std::variant of supported types). I have a plan to provide operators to collapse values and errors to variant or tuple and then expand from variant or tuple back to their constituent values/errors.
auto s0 = single<int>{archetype_single{}};
auto s1 = single<int, std::exception_ptr>{archetype_single{}};
auto s2 = erase_cast<int>(archetype_single{});
auto s3 = erase_cast<int, std::exception_ptr>(archetype_single{});
## `deferred`
The `deferred` type in the library provides simple ways to construct new implementations of the NoneSender concept.
construct a producer of nothing, aka `never()`
deferred<> d;
archetype_deferred ad; // this is a using alias for deferred<>
construct new type using one or more lambdas, or with designated initializers, use multiple lambdas to build overload sets
auto d0 = deferred{on_submit{[](auto out){}}};
auto d1 = deferred{[](auto out){}};
auto d2 = deferred{on_submit{[](archetype_none out){}, [](auto out){}}};
construct a new type with shared state across the lambdas. very useful for building a filter on top of an existing deferred. The state must be a NoneSender, but can be a super-set with additional state for this filter.
auto d0 = deferred{archetype_deferred{}};
auto d1 = deferred{archetype_deferred{}, on_submit{
[](archetype_deferred& in, auto out){in | submit(out);}}};
auto d2 = deferred{archetype_deferred{},
[](archetype_deferred& in, auto out){in | submit(out);}};
construct a type-erased type for a particular E (which could be a std::variant of supported types). I have a plan to provide operators to collapse values and errors to variant or tuple and then expand from variant or tuple back to their constituent values/errors.
auto d0 = deferred<>{archetype_deferred{}};
auto d1 = deferred<std::exception_ptr>{archetype_deferred{}};
auto d2 = erase_cast<>(archetype_deferred{});
auto d3 = erase_cast<std::exception_ptr>(archetype_deferred{});
## `single_deferred`
The `single_deferred` type in the library provides simple ways to construct new implementations of the SingleSender concept.
construct a producer of nothing, aka `never()`
single_deferred<> sd;
archetype_single_deferred asd; // this is a using alias for deferred<>
construct new type using one or more lambdas, or with designated initializers, use multiple lambdas to build overload sets
auto sd0 = single_deferred{on_submit{[](auto out){}}};
auto sd1 = single_deferred{[](auto out){}};
auto sd2 = single_deferred{on_submit{[](archetype_single out){}, [](auto out){}}};
construct a new type with shared state across the lambdas. very useful for building a filter on top of an existing single_deferred. The state must be a SingleSender, but can be a super-set with additional state for this filter.
auto sd0 = single_deferred{archetype_single_deferred{}};
auto sd1 = single_deferred{archetype_single_deferred{}, on_submit{
[](archetype_single_deferred& in, auto out){in | submit(out);}}};
auto sd2 = single_deferred{archetype_single_deferred{},
[](archetype_single_deferred& in, auto out){in | submit(out);}};
construct a type-erased type for a particular T & E (which could be a std::variant of supported types). I have a plan to provide operators to collapse values and errors to variant or tuple and then expand from variant or tuple back to their constituent values/errors.
auto sd0 = single_deferred<int>{archetype_single_deferred{}};
auto sd1 = single_deferred<int, std::exception_ptr>{archetype_single_deferred{}};
auto sd2 = erase_cast<int>(archetype_single_deferred{});
auto sd3 = erase_cast<int, std::exception_ptr>(archetype_single_deferred{});
## `time_single_deferred`
The `time_single_deferred` type in the library provides simple ways to construct new implementations of the TimeSingleSender concept.
construct a producer of nothing, aka `never()`
time_single_deferred<> tsd;
archetype_time_single_deferred atsd; // this is a using alias for deferred<>
construct new type using one or more lambdas, or with designated initializers, use multiple lambdas to build overload sets
auto tsd0 = time_single_deferred{on_submit{[](auto at, auto out){}}};
auto tsd1 = time_single_deferred{[](auto at, auto out){}};
auto tsd2 = time_single_deferred{on_submit{[](auto at, archetype_single out){}, [](auto at, auto out){}}};
construct a new type with shared state across the lambdas. very useful for building a filter on top of an existing time_single_deferred. The state must be a SingleSender, but can be a super-set with additional state for this filter.
auto tsd0 = time_single_deferred{archetype_single_deferred{}};
auto tsd1 = time_single_deferred{archetype_single_deferred{}, on_submit{
[](archetype_single_deferred& in, auto at, auto out){in | submit(at, out);}}};
auto tsd2 = time_single_deferred{archetype_single_deferred{},
[](archetype_single_deferred& in, auto at, auto out){in | submit(at, out);}};
construct a type-erased type for a particular T & E (which could be a std::variant of supported types). I have a plan to provide operators to collapse values and errors to variant or tuple and then expand from variant or tuple back to their constituent values/errors.
auto tsd0 = time_single_deferred<int>{archetype_time_single_deferred{}};
auto tsd1 = time_single_deferred<int, std::exception_ptr>{archetype_time_single_deferred{}};
auto tsd2 = erase_cast<int>(archetype_time_single_deferred{});
auto tsd3 = erase_cast<int, std::exception_ptr>(archetype_time_single_deferred{});
## put it all together with some algorithms
### Executor
auto nt = new_thread();
nt | blocking_submit([](auto nt){
nt |
transform([](auto nt){ return 42; }) | submit_after(20ms, [](int){}) |
transform([](auto nt){ return "42"s; }) | submit_after(40ms, [](std::string){});
### Single
auto fortyTwo = just(42) |
transform([](auto v){ return std::to_string(v); }) |
on(new_thread()) |
via(new_thread()) |
just(42) |
transform([](auto v){ return std::to_string(v); }) |
on(new_thread()) |
via(new_thread()) |
#pragma once
// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
// This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include <chrono>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdio>
#include <exception>
#include <functional>
#include <utility>
#include "concepts.h"
namespace pushmi {
template<class T>
struct construct {
template<class... AN>
requires Constructible<T, AN...>
auto operator()(AN&&... an) const {
return T{std::forward<AN>(an)...};
template<template <class...> class T>
struct construct_deduced {
template<class... AN>
requires requires (AN&&... an) { T{(AN&&) an...}; }
auto operator()(AN&&... an) const {
return T{std::forward<AN>(an)...};
template <template <class...> class T, class... AN>
using deduced_type_t = std::invoke_result_t<construct_deduced<T>, AN...>;
// template <class Fn>
// struct apply {
// template <class Tup>
// requires requires (Tup&& tup) { std::apply(Fn{}, (Tup&&) tup); }
// decltype(auto) operator()(Tup&& tup) const {
// return std::apply(Fn{}, (Tup&&) tup);
// }
// };
// template <class Fn, class Gn>
// struct compose {
// template <class... AN>
// requires Invocable<Gn, AN...> &&
// Invocable<Fn, std::invoke_result_t<Gn, AN...>>
// decltype(auto) operator()(AN&&... an) const {
// return std::invoke(Fn{}, std::invoke(Gn{}, (AN&&) an...));
// }
// };
// template <class T>
// inline constexpr apply<construct<T>> from_tuple {};
// template <template <class...> class T>
// inline constexpr apply<construct_deduced<T>> from_tuple_deduced {};
template <class T, class... AN>
auto from_tuple(std::tuple<AN...>&& t) {
return std::apply(construct<T>{}, std::move(t));
template <template<class...> class T, class... AN>
auto from_tuple(std::tuple<AN...>&& t) {
using Deduced = decltype(T{std::declval<AN&&>()...});
return std::apply(construct<Deduced>{}, std::move(t));
template <class T>
void sfinae_from_tuple(...);
template <template<class... TN> class T>
void sfinae_from_tuple(...);
template <class T, class... AN,
class Constructor = construct<T>>
auto sfinae_from_tuple(std::tuple<AN...>&& t) ->
decltype(std::apply(Constructor{}, std::move(t))) {
return std::apply(Constructor{}, std::move(t));
template <template<class...> class T, class... AN,
class Deduced = decltype(T{std::declval<AN>()...}),
class Constructor = construct<Deduced>>
auto sfinae_from_tuple(std::tuple<AN...>&& t) ->
decltype(std::apply(Constructor{}, std::move(t))) {
return std::apply(Constructor{}, std::move(t));
struct ignoreVF {
template <class V>
void operator()(V&&) {}
struct abortEF {
template <class E>
void operator()(E) noexcept {
struct ignoreDF {
void operator()() {}
struct ignoreStpF {
void operator()() {}
struct ignoreStrtF {
template <class Up>
void operator()(Up&) {}
struct ignoreSF {
template <class Out>
void operator()(Out) {}
template <class TP, class Out>
void operator()(TP, Out) {}
struct systemNowF {
auto operator()() { return std::chrono::system_clock::now(); }
struct passDVF {
template <class V, Receiver Data>
requires requires(Data& out, V&& v) {
::pushmi::set_value(out, (V&&) v);
void operator()(Data& out, V&& v) const {
::pushmi::set_value(out, (V&&) v);
struct passDEF {
template <class E, NoneReceiver<E> Data>
void operator()(Data& out, E e) const noexcept {
::pushmi::set_error(out, e);
struct passDDF {
template <Receiver Data>
void operator()(Data& out) const {
struct passDStpF {
template <Receiver Data>
void operator()(Data& out) const {
struct passDStrtF {
template <class Up, Receiver Data>
requires requires(Data& out, Up& up) {
::pushmi::set_starting(out, up);
void operator()(Data& out, Up& up) const {
::pushmi::set_starting(out, up);
struct passDSF {
template <class Data, class Out>
void operator()(Data& in, Out out) {
::pushmi::submit(in, std::move(out));
template <class Data, class TP, class Out>
void operator()(Data& in, TP at, Out out) {
::pushmi::submit(in, std::move(at), std::move(out));
struct passDNF {
template <TimeSender Data>
auto operator()(Data& in) const noexcept {
return ::pushmi::now(in);
// inspired by Ovrld - shown in a presentation by Nicolai Josuttis
template <SemiMovable... Fns>
struct overload : Fns... {
constexpr overload() = default;
constexpr explicit overload(Fns... fns) requires sizeof...(Fns) == 1
: Fns(std::move(fns))... {}
constexpr overload(Fns... fns) requires sizeof...(Fns) > 1
: Fns(std::move(fns))... {}
using Fns::operator()...;
template <class... F>
overload(F...) -> overload<F...>;
template <class... Fns>
struct on_value : overload<Fns...> {
constexpr on_value() = default;
using overload<Fns...>::overload;
using Fns::operator()...;
template <class... F>
template <class... Fns>
struct on_error : overload<Fns...> {
constexpr on_error() = default;
using overload<Fns...>::overload;
using Fns::operator()...;
template <class... F>
template <class... Fns>
struct on_done : overload<Fns...> {
constexpr on_done() = default;
using overload<Fns...>::overload;
using Fns::operator()...;
template <class F>
template <class... Fns>
struct on_stopping : overload<Fns...> {
constexpr on_stopping() = default;
using overload<Fns...>::overload;
using Fns::operator()...;
template <class F>
template <class... Fns>
struct on_starting : overload<Fns...> {
constexpr on_starting() = default;
using overload<Fns...>::overload;
using Fns::operator()...;
template <class... F>
template <class... Fns>
struct on_submit : overload<Fns...> {
constexpr on_submit() = default;
using overload<Fns...>::overload;
using Fns::operator()...;
template <class... F>
} // namespace pushmi
// clang-format off
#pragma once
// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
// This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include "forwards.h"
#include "extension_points.h"
namespace pushmi {
// tag types
struct silent_tag {};
struct none_tag : silent_tag {};
struct single_tag : none_tag {};
struct flow_tag : single_tag {};
template <class Tag>
concept bool Silent = Derived<Tag, silent_tag>;
template <class Tag>
concept bool None = Silent<Tag> && Derived<Tag, none_tag>;
template <class Tag>
concept bool Single = None<Tag> && Derived<Tag, single_tag>;
template <class Tag>
concept bool Flow = Single<Tag> && Derived<Tag, flow_tag>;
template <class T>
using __sender_category_t = typename T::sender_category;
template <class T>
struct sender_traits : sender_traits<std::decay_t<T>> {
template <Decayed T>
struct sender_traits<T> {
template <Decayed T>
requires Valid<T, __sender_category_t>
struct sender_traits<T> {
using sender_category = __sender_category_t<T>;
template <class T>
using sender_category_t = __sender_category_t<sender_traits<T>>;
template <class T>
using __receiver_category_t = typename T::receiver_category;
template <class T>
struct receiver_traits : receiver_traits<std::decay_t<T>> {
template <Decayed T>
struct receiver_traits<T> {
template <Decayed T>
requires Valid<T, __receiver_category_t>
struct receiver_traits<T> {
using receiver_category = __receiver_category_t<T>;
template <class T>
using receiver_category_t = __receiver_category_t<receiver_traits<T>>;
template <class S, class Tag = silent_tag>
concept bool Receiver = Valid<receiver_traits<S>, __receiver_category_t> &&
Derived<receiver_category_t<S>, Tag> &&
SemiMovable<S> && requires (S& s) {
template <class S, class E = std::exception_ptr>
concept bool NoneReceiver = Receiver<S> &&
Derived<receiver_category_t<S>, none_tag> &&
requires(S& s, E&& e) {
::pushmi::set_error(s, (E &&) e);
template <class S, class T, class E = std::exception_ptr>
concept bool SingleReceiver = NoneReceiver<S, E> &&
Derived<receiver_category_t<S>, single_tag> &&
requires(S& s, T&& t) {
::pushmi::set_value(s, (T &&) t); // Semantics: called exactly once.
template <class D, class Tag = silent_tag>
concept bool Sender = Valid<sender_traits<D>, __sender_category_t> &&
Derived<sender_category_t<D>, Tag> && SemiMovable<D>;
template <class D, class S, class Tag = silent_tag>
concept bool SenderTo = Sender<D, Tag> &&
Derived<sender_category_t<D>, Tag> &&
Receiver<S, Tag> && requires(D& d, S&& s) {
::pushmi::submit(d, (S &&) s);
template <class D, class Tag = silent_tag>
concept bool TimeSender = Sender<D, Tag> && requires(D& d) {
{ ::pushmi::now(d) } -> Regular
template <class D, class S, class Tag = silent_tag>
concept bool TimeSenderTo = Receiver<S, Tag> && TimeSender<D, Tag> &&
requires(D& d, S&& s) {
::pushmi::submit(d, ::pushmi::now(d), (S &&) s);
template <TimeSender D>
using time_point_t = decltype(::pushmi::now(std::declval<D&>()));
// // this is a more general form where C (Constraint) could be time or priority
// // enum or any other ordering constraint value-type.
// //
// // top() returns the constraint value that will push the item as high in the
// // queue as currently possible. So now() for time and HIGH for priority.
// //
// // I would like to replace Time.. with Priority.. but not sure if it will
// // obscure too much.
// template <class D>
// concept bool PrioritySource = requires(D& d) {
// { ::pushmi::top(d) } -> Regular
// };
// template <PrioritySource D>
// using constraint_t = decltype(::pushmi::top(std::declval<D&>()));
// template <class D, class S>
// concept bool SemiPrioritySender = requires(D& d, S&& s) {
// ::pushmi::submit(d, ::pushmi::top(d), (S &&) s);
// };
// template <class D, class S, class E = std::exception_ptr>
// concept bool PrioritySender =
// NoneReceiver<S, E> && SemiPrioritySender<D, S> &&
// PrioritySource<D> && requires(D& d, S& s) {
// { ::pushmi::top(d) } -> constraint_t<D>;
// };
// template <class D, class S, class T, class E = std::exception_ptr>
// concept bool PrioritySingleSender = SingleReceiver<S, T, E> &&
// PrioritySender<D, S, E>;
// template <class D, class S>
// concept bool SemiPrioritySingleSender = SemiPrioritySender<D, S>;
// add concepts to support cancellation
template <class N, class Up, class PE = std::exception_ptr>
concept bool FlowNone = NoneReceiver<Up, PE> && requires(N& n, Up& up) {
::pushmi::set_starting(n, up);
template <
class D,
class N,
class Up,
class PE = std::exception_ptr,
class E = PE>
concept bool FlowNoneSender = FlowNone<N, Up, PE> &&
SenderTo<D, N> && NoneReceiver<N, E>;
template <
class S,
class Up,
class T,
class PE = std::exception_ptr,
class E = PE>
concept bool FlowSingle = SingleReceiver<S, T, E> && FlowNone<S, Up, PE>;
template <
class D,
class S,
class Up,
class T,
class PE = std::exception_ptr,
class E = PE>
concept bool FlowSingleSender =
FlowSingle<S, Up, T, PE, E> && FlowNoneSender<D, S, Up, PE, E>;
template <class D, class S>
concept bool SemiFlowSingleSender = SenderTo<D, S, single_tag>;
} // namespace pushmi
#pragma once
// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
// This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include "none.h"
namespace pushmi {
namespace detail {
struct erase_deferred_t {};
} // namespace detail
template <class E>
class deferred<detail::erase_deferred_t, E> {
union data {
void* pobj_ = nullptr;
char buffer_[sizeof(std::promise<void>)]; // can hold a void promise in-situ
} data_{};
template <class Wrapped>
static constexpr bool insitu() {
return sizeof(Wrapped) <= sizeof(data::buffer_) &&
struct vtable {
void (*op_)(data&, data*) = +[](data&, data*) {};
void (*submit_)(data&, any_none<E>) = +[](data&, any_none<E>) {};
static constexpr vtable const noop_ = {};
} const* vptr_ = &vtable::noop_;
template <class Wrapped, bool = insitu<Wrapped>()>
static constexpr vtable const vtable_v = {
+[](data& src, data* dst) {
if (dst)
dst->pobj_ = std::exchange(src.pobj_, nullptr);
delete static_cast<Wrapped const*>(src.pobj_);
+[](data& src, any_none<E> out) {
::pushmi::submit(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(src.pobj_), std::move(out));
template <class T, class U = std::decay_t<T>>
using wrapped_t =
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<U, deferred>, U>;
using sender_category = none_tag;
deferred() = default;
deferred(deferred&& that) noexcept : deferred() {
that.vptr_->op_(that.data_, &data_);
std::swap(that.vptr_, vptr_);
template <class Wrapped>
requires SenderTo<wrapped_t<Wrapped>, any_none<E>, none_tag>
explicit deferred(Wrapped obj)
: deferred() {
if constexpr (insitu<Wrapped>())
new (data_.buffer_) Wrapped(std::move(obj));
data_.pobj_ = new Wrapped(std::move(obj));
vptr_ = &vtable_v<Wrapped>;
~deferred() {
vptr_->op_(data_, nullptr);
deferred& operator=(deferred&& that) noexcept {
new ((void*)this) deferred(std::move(that));
return *this;
void submit(any_none<E> out) {
vptr_->submit_(data_, std::move(out));
// Class static definitions:
template <class E>
constexpr typename deferred<detail::erase_deferred_t, E>::vtable const
deferred<detail::erase_deferred_t, E>::vtable::noop_;
template <class E>
template <class Wrapped, bool Big>
constexpr typename deferred<detail::erase_deferred_t, E>::vtable const
deferred<detail::erase_deferred_t, E>::vtable_v;
template <class E>
template <class Wrapped>
constexpr typename deferred<detail::erase_deferred_t, E>::vtable const
deferred<detail::erase_deferred_t, E>::vtable_v<Wrapped, true> = {
+[](data& src, data* dst) {
if (dst)
new (dst->buffer_) Wrapped(
static_cast<Wrapped const*>((void*)src.buffer_)->~Wrapped();
+[](data& src, any_none<E> out) {
*static_cast<Wrapped*>((void*)src.buffer_), std::move(out));
template <class SF>
class deferred<SF> {
SF sf_;
using sender_category = none_tag;
constexpr deferred() = default;
constexpr explicit deferred(SF sf) : sf_(std::move(sf)) {}
template <Receiver<none_tag> Out>
requires Invocable<SF&, Out>
void submit(Out out) {
template <Sender<none_tag> Data, class DSF>
class deferred<Data, DSF> {
Data data_;
DSF sf_;
using sender_category = none_tag;
constexpr deferred() = default;
constexpr explicit deferred(Data data)
: data_(std::move(data)) {}
constexpr deferred(Data data, DSF sf)
: data_(std::move(data)), sf_(std::move(sf)) {}
template <Receiver<none_tag> Out>
requires Invocable<DSF&, Data&, Out>
void submit(Out out) {
sf_(data_, std::move(out));
deferred() -> deferred<ignoreSF>;
template <class SF>
deferred(SF) -> deferred<SF>;
template <Sender<none_tag> Wrapped>
deferred(Wrapped) ->
deferred<detail::erase_deferred_t, std::exception_ptr>;
template <Sender<none_tag> Data, class DSF>
deferred(Data, DSF) -> deferred<Data, DSF>;
template <class E = std::exception_ptr>
using any_deferred = deferred<detail::erase_deferred_t, E>;
// template <SenderTo<any_none<std::exception_ptr>, none_tag> Wrapped>
// auto erase_cast(Wrapped w) {
// return deferred<detail::erase_deferred_t, std::exception_ptr>{std::move(w)};
// }
// template <class E, SenderTo<any_none<E>, none_tag> Wrapped>
// requires Same<none_tag, sender_category_t<Wrapped>>
// auto erase_cast(Wrapped w) {
// return deferred<detail::erase_deferred_t, E>{std::move(w)};
// }
} // namespace pushmi
#pragma once
// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
// This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include <chrono>
#include <functional>
#include "time_single_deferred.h"
namespace pushmi {
namespace detail {
template<class TP>
struct any_time_executor_ref_vtable {
TP (*now_)(void*);
void (*submit_)(void*, TP, void*);
template <class E, class TP, class Other, class Wrapped>
auto any_time_executor_ref_vtable_v() {
static constexpr any_time_executor_ref_vtable<TP> const vtable_v {
+[](void* pobj) { return ::pushmi::now(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(pobj)); },
+[](void* pobj, TP tp, void* s) {
return ::pushmi::submit(
std::move(*static_cast<single<Other, E>*>(s)));
return &vtable_v;
} // namespace detail
template<class E, class TP, int i>
struct any_time_executor_ref {
// use two instances to resolve recurive type definition.
using This = any_time_executor_ref<E, TP, i>;
using Other = any_time_executor_ref<E, TP, i == 0 ? 1 : 0>;
template <class T, class U = std::decay_t<T>>
using wrapped_t =
!std::is_same_v<U, This> &&
!std::is_same_v<U, Other>, U>;
void* pobj_;
detail::any_time_executor_ref_vtable<TP> const *vptr_;
using sender_category = single_tag;
any_time_executor_ref() = delete;
template<int n>
any_time_executor_ref(any_time_executor_ref<E, TP, n>&& o) :
pobj_(o.pobj_), vptr_(o.vptr_) {
o.pobj_ = nullptr;
o.vptr_ = nullptr;
template<int n>
any_time_executor_ref(const any_time_executor_ref<E, TP, n>& o) :
pobj_(o.pobj_), vptr_(o.vptr_) {};
template <class Wrapped, TimeSender<single_tag> W = wrapped_t<Wrapped>>
// requires TimeSenderTo<W, single<Other, E>>
any_time_executor_ref(Wrapped& w) {
// This can't be a requirement because it asks if submit(w, now(w), single<T,E>)
// is well-formed (where T is an alias for any_time_executor_ref). If w
// has a submit that is constrained with SingleReceiver<single<T, E>, T'&, E'>, that
// will ask whether value(single<T,E>, T'&) is well-formed. And *that* will
// ask whether T'& is convertible to T. That brings us right back to this
// constructor. Constraint recursion!
static_assert(TimeSenderTo<W, single<Other, E>>);
if constexpr ((bool)TimeSenderTo<W, single<Other, E>>) {
pobj_ = std::addressof(w);
vptr_ = detail::any_time_executor_ref_vtable_v<E, TP, Other, Wrapped>();
std::chrono::system_clock::time_point now() {
return vptr_->now_(pobj_);
template<class SingleReceiver>
void submit(TP tp, SingleReceiver&& sa) {
// static_assert(
// ConvertibleTo<SingleReceiver, any_single<Other, E>>,
// "requires any_single<any_time_executor_ref<E, TP>, E>");
any_single<Other, E> s{(SingleReceiver&&) sa};
vptr_->submit_(pobj_, tp, &s);
using archtype_any_time_executor_ref = any_time_executor_ref<std::exception_ptr, std::chrono::system_clock::time_point, 0>;
template <class E = std::exception_ptr, class TP = std::chrono::system_clock::time_point>
any_time_executor_ref()->any_time_executor_ref<E, TP, 0>;
template <class Wrapped, class E = std::exception_ptr, class TP = std::chrono::system_clock::time_point>
any_time_executor_ref(Wrapped)->any_time_executor_ref<E, TP, 0>;
template<class E, class TP>
struct any_time_executor :
any_time_single_deferred<any_time_executor_ref<E, TP>, E, TP> {
constexpr any_time_executor() = default;
using any_time_single_deferred<any_time_executor_ref<E, TP>, E, TP>::
template <class E = std::exception_ptr, class TP = std::chrono::system_clock::time_point>
any_time_executor()->any_time_executor<E, TP>;
template <class E = std::exception_ptr, class TP = std::chrono::system_clock::time_point, class Wrapped>
any_time_executor(Wrapped)->any_time_executor<E, TP>;
} // namespace pushmi
#pragma once
// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
// This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include <future>
#include <functional>
#include "traits.h"
namespace pushmi {
namespace __adl {
template <class S>
requires requires(S& s) {
void set_done(S& s) noexcept(noexcept(s.done())) {
template <class S, class E>
requires requires(S& s, E e) {
void set_error(S& s, E e) noexcept(noexcept(s.error(std::move(e)))) {
template <class S, class V>
requires requires(S& s, V&& v) {
s.value((V&&) v);
void set_value(S& s, V&& v) noexcept(noexcept(s.value((V&&) v))) {
s.value((V&&) v);
template <class S>
requires requires(S& s) {
void set_stopping(S& s) noexcept(noexcept(s.stopping())) {
template <class S, class Up>
requires requires(S& s, Up& up) {
void set_starting(S& s, Up& up) noexcept(noexcept(s.starting(up))) {
template <class SD, class Out>
requires requires(SD& sd, Out out) {
void submit(SD& sd, Out out) noexcept(noexcept(sd.submit(std::move(out)))) {
template <class SD>
requires requires(SD& sd) {;
auto now(SD& sd) noexcept(noexcept( {
template <class SD, class TP, class Out>
requires requires(SD& sd, TP tp, Out out) {
{ } -> TP;
sd.submit(std::move(tp), std::move(out));
void submit(SD& sd, TP tp, Out out)
noexcept(noexcept(sd.submit(std::move(tp), std::move(out)))) {
sd.submit(std::move(tp), std::move(out));
template <class T>
void set_done(std::promise<T>& p) noexcept(
noexcept(p.set_exception(std::make_exception_ptr(0)))) {
std::logic_error("std::promise does not support done.")));
inline void set_done(std::promise<void>& p) noexcept(noexcept(p.set_value())) {
template <class T>
void set_error(std::promise<T>& s, std::exception_ptr e) noexcept {
template <class T, class E>
void set_error(std::promise<T>& s, E e) noexcept {
template <class T>
requires !Same<T, void>
void set_value(std::promise<T>& s, T t) {
template <class S>
requires requires (S& s) { set_done(s); }
void set_done(std::reference_wrapper<S> s) noexcept(
noexcept(set_done(s.get()))) {
template <class S, class E>
requires requires (S& s, E e) { set_error(s, std::move(e)); }
void set_error(std::reference_wrapper<S> s, E e) noexcept {
set_error(s.get(), std::move(e));
template <class S, class V>
requires requires (S& s, V&& v) { set_value(s, (V&&) v); }
void set_value(std::reference_wrapper<S> s, V&& v) noexcept(
noexcept(set_value(s.get(), (V&&) v))) {
set_value(s.get(), (V&&) v);
template <class S>
requires requires(S& s) { set_stopping(s); }
void set_stopping(std::reference_wrapper<S> s) noexcept(
noexcept(set_stopping(s.get()))) {
template <class S, class Up>
requires requires(S& s, Up& up) { set_starting(s, up); }
void set_starting(std::reference_wrapper<S> s, Up& up) noexcept(
noexcept(set_starting(s.get(), up))) {
set_starting(s.get(), up);
template <class SD, class Out>
requires requires(SD& sd, Out out) { submit(sd, std::move(out)); }
void submit(std::reference_wrapper<SD> sd, Out out) noexcept(
noexcept(submit(sd.get(), std::move(out)))) {
submit(sd.get(), std::move(out));
template <class SD>
requires requires(SD& sd) { now(sd); }
auto now(std::reference_wrapper<SD> sd) noexcept(noexcept(now(sd.get()))) {
return now(sd.get());
template <class SD, class TP, class Out>
requires requires(SD& sd, TP tp, Out out) {
submit(sd, std::move(tp), std::move(out));
void submit(std::reference_wrapper<SD> sd, TP tp, Out out)
noexcept(noexcept(submit(sd.get(), std::move(tp), std::move(out)))) {
submit(sd.get(), std::move(tp), std::move(out));
struct set_done_fn {
template <class S>
requires requires(S& s) {
set_error(s, std::current_exception());
void operator()(S&& s) const noexcept(noexcept(set_done(s))) {
try {
} catch (...) {
set_error(s, std::current_exception());
struct set_error_fn {
template <class S, class E>
requires requires(S& s, E e) {
{ set_error(s, std::move(e)) } noexcept;
void operator()(S&& s, E e) const
noexcept(noexcept(set_error(s, std::move(e)))) {
set_error(s, std::move(e));
struct set_value_fn {
template <class S, class V>
requires requires(S& s, V&& v) {
set_value(s, (V&&) v);
set_error(s, std::current_exception());
void operator()(S&& s, V&& v) const
noexcept(noexcept(set_value(s, (V&&) v))) {
try {
set_value(s, (V&&) v);
} catch (...) {
set_error(s, std::current_exception());
struct set_stopping_fn {
template <class S>
requires requires(S& s) {
void operator()(S&& s) const noexcept(noexcept(set_stopping(s))) {
struct set_starting_fn {
template <class S, class Up>
requires requires(S& s, Up& up) {
set_starting(s, up);
set_error(s, std::current_exception());
void operator()(S&& s, Up& up) const
noexcept(noexcept(set_starting(s, up))) {
try {
set_starting(s, up);
} catch (...) {
set_error(s, std::current_exception());
struct do_submit_fn {
template <class SD, class Out>
requires requires(SD& s, Out out) {
submit(s, std::move(out));
void operator()(SD&& s, Out out) const
noexcept(noexcept(submit(s, std::move(out)))) {
submit(s, std::move(out));
template <class SD, class TP, class Out>
requires requires(SD& s, TP tp, Out out) {
submit(s, std::move(tp), std::move(out));
void operator()(SD&& s, TP tp, Out out) const
noexcept(noexcept(submit(s, std::move(tp), std::move(out)))) {
submit(s, std::move(tp), std::move(out));
struct get_now_fn {
template <class SD>
requires requires(SD& sd) {
auto operator()(SD&& sd) const noexcept(noexcept(now(sd))) {
return now(sd);
} // namespace __adl
inline constexpr __adl::set_done_fn set_done{};
inline constexpr __adl::set_error_fn set_error{};
inline constexpr __adl::set_value_fn set_value{};
inline constexpr __adl::set_stopping_fn set_stopping{};
inline constexpr __adl::set_starting_fn set_starting{};
inline constexpr __adl::do_submit_fn submit{};
inline constexpr __adl::get_now_fn now{};
inline constexpr __adl::get_now_fn top{};
template <class T>
struct receiver_traits<std::promise<T>> {
using receiver_category = single_tag;
template <>
struct receiver_traits<std::promise<void>> {
using receiver_category = none_tag;
} // namespace pushmi
#pragma once
// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
// This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include "single.h"
namespace pushmi {
template <class V, class PE, class E>
class flow_single<V, PE, E> {
union data {
void* pobj_ = nullptr;
char buffer_[sizeof(std::promise<int>)]; // can hold a std::promise in-situ
} data_{};
template <class Wrapped>
static constexpr bool insitu() {
return sizeof(Wrapped) <= sizeof(data::buffer_) &&
enum struct op { destroy, move };
struct vtable {
void (*op_)(op, data&, data*) = +[](op, data&, data*) {};
void (*done_)(data&) = +[](data&) {};
void (*error_)(data&, E) noexcept = +[](data&, E) noexcept {
void (*value_)(data&, V) = +[](data&, V) {};
void (*stopping_)(data&) noexcept = +[](data&) noexcept {};
void (*starting_)(data&, any_none<PE>&) = +[](data&, any_none<PE>&) {};
static constexpr vtable const noop_ = {};
} const* vptr_ = &vtable::noop_;
template <class Wrapped, bool = insitu<Wrapped>()>
static constexpr vtable const vtable_v = {
+[](op o, data& src, data* dst) {
switch (o) {
case op::move:
dst->pobj_ = std::exchange(src.pobj_, nullptr);
case op::destroy:
delete static_cast<Wrapped const*>(src.pobj_);
+[](data& src) { ::pushmi::set_done(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(src.pobj_)); },
+[](data& src, E e) noexcept {
::pushmi::set_error(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(src.pobj_), std::move(e));
+[](data& src, V v) {
::pushmi::set_value(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(src.pobj_), std::move(v));
+[](data& src) {
+[](data& src, any_none<PE>& up) {
::pushmi::set_starting(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(src.pobj_), up);
template <class T, class U = std::decay_t<T>>
using wrapped_t =
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<U, flow_single>, U>;
using receiver_category = flow_tag;
flow_single() = default;
flow_single(flow_single&& that) noexcept : flow_single() {
that.vptr_->op_(op::move, that.data_, &data_);
std::swap(that.vptr_, vptr_);
template <class Wrapped>
requires FlowSingle<wrapped_t<Wrapped>, any_none<PE>, V, PE, E>
explicit flow_single(Wrapped obj)
: flow_single() {
if constexpr (insitu<Wrapped>())
new (data_.buffer_) Wrapped(std::move(obj));
data_.pobj_ = new Wrapped(std::move(obj));
vptr_ = &vtable_v<Wrapped>;
~flow_single() {
vptr_->op_(op::destroy, data_, nullptr);
flow_single& operator=(flow_single&& that) noexcept {
new ((void*)this) flow_single(std::move(that));
return *this;
void value(V v) {
vptr_->value_(data_, std::move(v));
void error(E e) noexcept {
vptr_->error_(data_, std::move(e));
void done() {
void stopping() noexcept {
void starting(any_none<PE>& up) {
vptr_->starting_(data_, up);
// Class static definitions:
template <class V, class PE, class E>
constexpr typename flow_single<V, PE, E>::vtable const
flow_single<V, PE, E>::vtable::noop_;
template <class V, class PE, class E>
template <class Wrapped, bool Big>
constexpr typename flow_single<V, PE, E>::vtable const
flow_single<V, PE, E>::vtable_v;
template <class V, class PE, class E>
template <class Wrapped>
constexpr typename flow_single<V, PE, E>::vtable const
flow_single<V, PE, E>::vtable_v<Wrapped, true> = {
+[](op o, data& src, data* dst) {
switch (o) {
case op::move:
new (dst->buffer_) Wrapped(
case op::destroy:
static_cast<Wrapped const*>((void*)src.buffer_)->~Wrapped();
+[](data& src) {
+[](data& src, E e) noexcept {::pushmi::set_error(
+[](data& src, V v) {
*static_cast<Wrapped*>((void*)src.buffer_), std::move(v));
+[](data& src) noexcept {
+[](data& src, any_none<PE>& up) {
::pushmi::set_starting(*static_cast<Wrapped*>((void*)src.buffer_), up);
template <class VF, class EF, class DF, class StpF, class StrtF>
requires Invocable<DF&>
class flow_single<VF, EF, DF, StpF, StrtF> {
VF vf_;
EF ef_;
DF df_;
StpF stpf_;
StrtF strtf_;
using receiver_category = flow_tag;
!detail::is_v<VF, on_error>,
"the first parameter is the value implementation, but on_error{} was passed");
!detail::is_v<EF, on_value>,
"the second parameter is the error implementation, but on_value{} was passed");
flow_single() = default;
constexpr explicit flow_single(VF vf)
: flow_single(std::move(vf), EF{}, DF{}) {}
constexpr explicit flow_single(EF ef)
: flow_single(VF{}, std::move(ef), DF{}) {}
constexpr explicit flow_single(DF df)
: flow_single(VF{}, EF{}, std::move(df)) {}
constexpr flow_single(EF ef, DF df)
: vf_(), ef_(std::move(ef)), df_(std::move(df)) {}
constexpr flow_single(
VF vf,
EF ef,
DF df = DF{},
StpF stpf = StpF{},
StrtF strtf = StrtF{})
: vf_(std::move(vf)),
strtf_(std::move(strtf)) {}
template <class V>
requires Invocable<VF&, V>
void value(V v) {
template <class E>
requires Invocable<EF&, E>
void error(E e) noexcept {
static_assert(NothrowInvocable<EF&, E>, "error function must be noexcept");
void done() {
void stopping() noexcept {
template <Receiver<none_tag> Up>
requires Invocable<StrtF&, Up&>
void starting(Up& up) {
template <
Receiver Data,
class DVF,
class DEF,
class DDF,
class DStpF,
class DStrtF>
requires Invocable<DDF&, Data&>
class flow_single<Data, DVF, DEF, DDF, DStpF, DStrtF> {
Data data_;
DVF vf_;
DEF ef_;
DDF df_;
DStpF stpf_;
DStrtF strtf_;
using receiver_category = flow_tag;
!detail::is_v<DVF, on_error>,
"the first parameter is the value implementation, but on_error{} was passed");
!detail::is_v<DEF, on_value>,
"the second parameter is the error implementation, but on_value{} was passed");
constexpr explicit flow_single(Data d)
: flow_single(std::move(d), DVF{}, DEF{}, DDF{}) {}
constexpr flow_single(Data d, DDF df)
: data_(std::move(d)), vf_(), ef_(), df_(df) {}
constexpr flow_single(Data d, DEF ef, DDF df = DDF{})
: data_(std::move(d)), vf_(), ef_(ef), df_(df) {}
constexpr flow_single(
Data d,
DVF vf,
DEF ef = DEF{},
DDF df = DDF{},
DStpF stpf = DStpF{},
DStrtF strtf = DStrtF{})
: data_(std::move(d)),
strtf_(std::move(strtf)) {}
template <class V>
requires Invocable<DVF&, Data&, V> void value(V v) {
vf_(data_, v);
template <class E>
requires Invocable<DEF&, Data&, E> void error(E e) noexcept {
NothrowInvocable<DEF&, Data&, E>, "error function must be noexcept");
ef_(data_, e);
void done() {
void stopping() noexcept {
template <class Up>
requires Invocable<DStrtF&, Data&, Up&>
void starting(Up& up) {
strtf_(data_, up);
template <>
class flow_single<>
: public flow_single<ignoreVF, abortEF, ignoreDF, ignoreStpF, ignoreStrtF> {
using archetype_flow_single = flow_single<>;
template <class VF>
requires !Receiver<VF> && !detail::is_v<VF, on_error> &&
!detail::is_v<VF, on_done> flow_single(VF)
->flow_single<VF, abortEF, ignoreDF, ignoreStpF, ignoreStrtF>;
template <class... EFN>
template <class DF>
->flow_single<ignoreVF, abortEF, on_done<DF>, ignoreStpF, ignoreStrtF>;
template <class V, class PE, class E, class Wrapped>
requires FlowSingle<Wrapped, V, PE, E> &&
!detail::is_v<Wrapped, none> flow_single(Wrapped)->flow_single<V, PE, E>;
template <class VF, class EF>
requires !Receiver<VF> && !detail::is_v<VF, on_error> &&
!detail::is_v<VF, on_done> && !detail::is_v<EF, on_value> &&
!detail::is_v<EF, on_done> flow_single(VF, EF)
->flow_single<VF, EF, ignoreDF, ignoreStpF, ignoreStrtF>;
template <class... EFN, class DF>
flow_single(on_error<EFN...>, on_done<DF>)
template <class VF, class EF, class DF>
requires Invocable<DF&> flow_single(VF, EF, DF)
->flow_single<VF, EF, DF, ignoreStpF, ignoreStrtF>;
template <class VF, class EF, class DF, class StpF>
requires Invocable<DF&>&& Invocable<StpF&> flow_single(VF, EF, DF, StpF)
->flow_single<VF, EF, DF, StpF, ignoreStrtF>;
template <class VF, class EF, class DF, class StpF, class StrtF>
requires Invocable<DF&>&& Invocable<StpF&> flow_single(VF, EF, DF, StpF, StrtF)
->flow_single<VF, EF, DF, StpF, StrtF>;
template <Receiver Data>
flow_single(Data d)
->flow_single<Data, passDVF, passDEF, passDDF, passDStpF, passDStrtF>;
template <Receiver Data, class DVF>
requires !detail::is_v<DVF, on_error> &&
!detail::is_v<DVF, on_done> flow_single(Data d, DVF vf)
->flow_single<Data, DVF, passDEF, passDDF, passDStpF, passDStrtF>;
template <Receiver Data, class... DEFN>
flow_single(Data d, on_error<DEFN...>)
template <Receiver Data, class DVF, class DEF>
requires !detail::is_v<DVF, on_error> && !detail::is_v<DVF, on_done> &&
!detail::is_v<DEF, on_done> flow_single(Data d, DVF vf, DEF ef)
->flow_single<Data, DVF, DEF, passDDF, passDStpF, passDStrtF>;
template <Receiver Data, class... DEFN, class DDF>
flow_single(Data d, on_error<DEFN...>, on_done<DDF>)
template <Receiver Data, class DDF>
flow_single(Data d, on_done<DDF>)
->flow_single<Data, passDVF, passDEF, on_done<DDF>, passDStpF, passDStrtF>;
template <Receiver Data, class DVF, class DEF, class DDF>
requires Invocable<DDF&, Data&> flow_single(Data d, DVF vf, DEF ef, DDF df)
->flow_single<Data, DVF, DEF, DDF, passDStpF, passDStrtF>;
template <Receiver Data, class DVF, class DEF, class DDF, class DStpF>
requires Invocable<DDF&, Data&>&& Invocable<DStpF&, Data&>
flow_single(Data d, DVF vf, DEF ef, DDF df, DStpF stpf)
->flow_single<Data, DVF, DEF, DDF, DStpF, passDStrtF>;
template <
Receiver Data,
class DVF,
class DEF,
class DDF,
class DStpF,
class DStrtF>
requires Invocable<DDF&, Data&>&& Invocable<DStpF&, Data&>
flow_single(Data d, DVF vf, DEF ef, DDF df, DStpF stpf, DStrtF strtf)
->flow_single<Data, DVF, DEF, DDF, DStpF, DStrtF>;
template <class V, class PE = std::exception_ptr, class E = PE>
using any_flow_single = flow_single<V, PE, E>;
// template <class V, class PE = std::exception_ptr, class E = PE, class Wrapped>
// requires FlowSingle<Wrapped, V, PE, E> && !detail::is_v<Wrapped, none> &&
// !detail::is_v<Wrapped, std::promise>
// auto erase_cast(Wrapped w) {
// return flow_single<V, PE, E>{std::move(w)};
// }
} // namespace pushmi
#pragma once
// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
// This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include "flow_single.h"
namespace pushmi {
template <class V, class PE, class E>
class flow_single_deferred<V, PE, E> {
union data {
void* pobj_ = nullptr;
char buffer_[sizeof(V)]; // can hold a V in-situ
} data_{};
template <class Wrapped>
static constexpr bool insitu() {
return sizeof(Wrapped) <= sizeof(data::buffer_) &&
enum struct op { destroy, move };
struct vtable {
void (*op_)(op, data&, data*) = +[](op, data&, data*) {};
void (*submit_)(data&, flow_single<V, PE, E>) =
+[](data&, flow_single<V, PE, E>) {};
static constexpr vtable const noop_ = {};
} const* vptr_ = &vtable::noop_;
template <class Wrapped, bool = insitu<Wrapped>()>
static constexpr vtable const vtable_v = {
+[](op o, data& src, data* dst) {
switch (o) {
case op::move:
dst->pobj_ = std::exchange(src.pobj_, nullptr);
case op::destroy:
delete static_cast<Wrapped const*>(src.pobj_);
+[](data& src, flow_single<V, PE, E> out) {
::pushmi::submit(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(src.pobj_), std::move(out));
template <class T, class U = std::decay_t<T>>
using wrapped_t =
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<U, flow_single_deferred>, U>;
using sender_category = flow_tag;
flow_single_deferred() = default;
flow_single_deferred(flow_single_deferred&& that) noexcept
: flow_single_deferred() {
that.vptr_->op_(op::move, that.data_, &data_);
std::swap(that.vptr_, vptr_);
template <class Wrapped>
requires FlowSingleSender<
flow_single<V, PE, E>,
explicit flow_single_deferred(Wrapped obj)
: flow_single_deferred() {
if constexpr (insitu<Wrapped>())
new (data_.buffer_) Wrapped(std::move(obj));
data_.pobj_ = new Wrapped(std::move(obj));
vptr_ = &vtable_v<Wrapped>;
~flow_single_deferred() {
vptr_->op_(op::destroy, data_, nullptr);
flow_single_deferred& operator=(flow_single_deferred&& that) noexcept {
new ((void*)this) flow_single_deferred(std::move(that));
return *this;
void submit(flow_single<V, PE, E> out) {
vptr_->submit_(data_, std::move(out));
// Class static definitions:
template <class V, class PE, class E>
constexpr typename flow_single_deferred<V, PE, E>::vtable const
flow_single_deferred<V, PE, E>::vtable::noop_;
template <class V, class PE, class E>
template <class Wrapped, bool Big>
constexpr typename flow_single_deferred<V, PE, E>::vtable const
flow_single_deferred<V, PE, E>::vtable_v;
template <class V, class PE, class E>
template <class Wrapped>
constexpr typename flow_single_deferred<V, PE, E>::vtable const
flow_single_deferred<V, PE, E>::vtable_v<Wrapped, true> = {
+[](op o, data& src, data* dst) {
switch (o) {
case op::move:
new (dst->buffer_) Wrapped(
case op::destroy:
static_cast<Wrapped const*>((void*)src.buffer_)->~Wrapped();
+[](data& src, flow_single<V, PE, E> out) {
*static_cast<Wrapped*>((void*)src.buffer_), std::move(out));
template <class SF>
class flow_single_deferred<SF> {
SF sf_;
using sender_category = flow_tag;
constexpr flow_single_deferred() = default;
constexpr explicit flow_single_deferred(SF sf)
: sf_(std::move(sf)) {}
template <Receiver<flow_tag> Out>
requires Invocable<SF&, Out>
void submit(Out out) {
flow_single_deferred() -> flow_single_deferred<ignoreSF>;
template <class SF>
flow_single_deferred(SF) -> flow_single_deferred<SF>;
template <class V, class PE = std::exception_ptr, class E = PE>
using any_flow_single_deferred = flow_single_deferred<V, PE, E>;
// // TODO constrain me
// template <class V, class E = std::exception_ptr, Sender Wrapped>
// auto erase_cast(Wrapped w) {
// return flow_single_deferred<V, E>{std::move(w)};
// }
} // namespace pushmi
#pragma once
// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
// This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include "traits.h"
namespace pushmi {
// tag types
struct silent_tag;
struct none_tag;
struct single_tag;
struct flow_tag;
template <class>
struct sender_traits;
template <class>
struct receiver_traits;
template <SemiMovable... TN>
class none;
template <SemiMovable... TN>
class deferred;
template <SemiMovable... TN>
class single;
template <SemiMovable... TN>
class single_deferred;
template <SemiMovable... TN>
class time_single_deferred;
template <SemiMovable... TN>
class flow_single;
template <SemiMovable... TN>
class flow_single_deferred;
template<class E, class TP, int i = 0>
struct any_time_executor_ref;
namespace operators {}
namespace extension_operators {}
namespace aliases {
namespace v = ::pushmi;
namespace op = ::pushmi::operators;
namespace ep = ::pushmi::extension_operators;
} // namespace pushmi
#pragma once
// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
// This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include "executor.h"
#include "trampoline.h"
namespace pushmi {
// very poor perf example executor.
struct __new_thread_submit {
template<Regular TP, Receiver Out>
void operator()(TP at, Out out) const;
template<Regular TP, Receiver Out>
void __new_thread_submit::operator()(TP at, Out out) const {
std::thread t{[at = std::move(at), out = std::move(out)]() mutable {
auto tr = trampoline();
::pushmi::submit(tr, std::move(at), std::move(out));
// pass ownership of thread to out
inline auto new_thread() {
return time_single_deferred{__new_thread_submit{}};
#pragma once
// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
// This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include "boosters.h"
namespace pushmi {
template <class E>
class none<E> {
bool done_ = false;
union data {
void* pobj_ = nullptr;
char buffer_[sizeof(std::promise<int>)]; // can hold a std::promise in-situ
} data_{};
template <class Wrapped>
static constexpr bool insitu() {
return sizeof(Wrapped) <= sizeof(data::buffer_) &&
enum struct op { destroy, move };
struct vtable {
void (*op_)(op, data&, data*) = +[](op, data&, data*) {};
void (*done_)(data&) = +[](data&) {};
void (*error_)(data&, E) noexcept = +[](data&, E) noexcept {
static constexpr vtable const noop_ = {};
} const* vptr_ = &vtable::noop_;
template <class Wrapped, bool = insitu<Wrapped>()>
static constexpr vtable const vtable_v = {
+[](op o, data& src, data* dst) {
switch (o) {
case op::move:
dst->pobj_ = std::exchange(src.pobj_, nullptr);
case op::destroy:
delete static_cast<Wrapped const*>(src.pobj_);
+[](data& src) { ::pushmi::set_done(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(src.pobj_)); },
+[](data& src, E e) noexcept {
::pushmi::set_error(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(src.pobj_), std::move(e));
}; // namespace pushmi
template <class T, class U = std::decay_t<T>>
using wrapped_t =
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<U, none>, U>;
using receiver_category = none_tag;
none() = default;
none(none&& that) noexcept : none() {
that.vptr_->op_(op::move, that.data_, &data_);
std::swap(that.vptr_, vptr_);
template <class Wrapped>
requires NoneReceiver<wrapped_t<Wrapped>, E>
explicit none(Wrapped obj) : none() {
if constexpr (insitu<Wrapped>())
new (data_.buffer_) Wrapped(std::move(obj));
data_.pobj_ = new Wrapped(std::move(obj));
vptr_ = &vtable_v<Wrapped>;
~none() {
vptr_->op_(op::destroy, data_, nullptr);
none& operator=(none&& that) noexcept {
new ((void*)this) none(std::move(that));
return *this;
void error(E e) noexcept {
if (done_) {return;}
done_ = true;
vptr_->error_(data_, std::move(e));
void done() {
if (done_) {return;}
done_ = true;
// Class static definitions:
template <class E>
constexpr typename none<E>::vtable const none<E>::vtable::noop_;
template <class E>
template <class Wrapped, bool Big>
constexpr typename none<E>::vtable const none<E>::vtable_v;
template <class E>
template <class Wrapped>
constexpr typename none<E>::vtable const none<E>::vtable_v<Wrapped, true> = {
+[](op o, data& src, data* dst) {
switch (o) {
case op::move:
new (dst->buffer_)
case op::destroy:
static_cast<Wrapped const*>((void*)src.buffer_)->~Wrapped();
+[](data& src) {
+[](data& src, E e) noexcept {::pushmi::set_error(
template <class EF, class DF>
requires Invocable<DF&> && !detail::is_v<EF, on_value> && !detail::is_v<EF, single>
class none<EF, DF> {
bool done_ = false;
EF ef_;
DF df_;
using receiver_category = none_tag;
// static_assert(
// !detail::is_v<EF, on_value>,
// "the first parameter is the error implementation, but on_value{} was passed");
none() = default;
constexpr explicit none(EF ef)
: none(std::move(ef), DF{}) {}
constexpr explicit none(DF df)
: none(EF{}, std::move(df)) {}
constexpr none(EF ef, DF df)
: done_(false), ef_(std::move(ef)), df_(std::move(df)) {}
template <class E>
requires Invocable<EF&, E>
void error(E e) noexcept {
static_assert(NothrowInvocable<EF&, E>, "error function must be noexcept");
if (done_) {return;}
done_ = true;
void done() {
if (done_) {return;}
done_ = true;
template <Receiver Data, class DEF, class DDF>
requires Invocable<DDF&, Data&> && !detail::is_v<DEF, on_value> && !detail::is_v<Data, single>
class none<Data, DEF, DDF> {
bool done_ = false;
Data data_;
DEF ef_;
DDF df_;
using receiver_category = none_tag;
// static_assert(
// !detail::is_v<DEF, on_value>,
// "the first parameter is the error implementation, but on_value{} was passed");
constexpr explicit none(Data d) : none(std::move(d), DEF{}, DDF{}) {}
constexpr none(Data d, DDF df)
: done_(false), data_(std::move(d)), ef_(), df_(std::move(df)) {}
constexpr none(Data d, DEF ef, DDF df = DDF{})
: done_(false), data_(std::move(d)), ef_(std::move(ef)), df_(std::move(df)) {}
template <class E>
requires Invocable<DEF&, Data&, E> void error(E e) noexcept {
NothrowInvocable<DEF&, Data&, E>, "error function must be noexcept");
if (done_) {return;}
done_ = true;
ef_(data_, e);
void done() {
if (done_) {return;}
done_ = true;
template <> class none<> : public none<abortEF, ignoreDF> {};
using archetype_none = none<>;
template <class EF>
requires !Receiver<EF> &&
!detail::is_v<EF, single> &&
!detail::is_v<EF, on_value> &&
!detail::is_v<EF, on_done>
none(EF)->none<EF, ignoreDF>;
template <class DF>
requires !Receiver<DF> &&
!detail::is_v<DF, on_value> &&
!detail::is_v<DF, single>
none(on_done<DF>)->none<abortEF, on_done<DF>>;
template <class E, class Wrapped>
requires NoneReceiver<Wrapped, E> &&
!detail::is_v<E, on_value> &&
!detail::is_v<Wrapped, single>
template <class EF, class DF>
requires Invocable<DF&> none(EF, DF)->none<EF, DF>;
template <Receiver Data>
requires !detail::is_v<Data, on_value> &&
!detail::is_v<Data, single>
none(Data)->none<Data, passDEF, passDDF>;
template <Receiver Data, class DEF>
requires !detail::is_v<DEF, on_done> &&
!detail::is_v<Data, on_value> &&
!detail::is_v<Data, single>
none(Data, DEF)->none<Data, DEF, passDDF>;
template <Receiver Data, class DDF>
requires !detail::is_v<Data, on_value> &&
!detail::is_v<Data, single>
none(Data, on_done<DDF>)->none<Data, passDEF, on_done<DDF>>;
template <Receiver Data, class DEF, class DDF>
requires Invocable<DDF&, Data&> &&
!detail::is_v<Data, on_value> &&
!detail::is_v<Data, single>
none(Data, DEF, DDF)->none<Data, DEF, DDF>;
template <class E = std::exception_ptr>
using any_none = none<E>;
// // this is ambiguous because NoneReceiver and SingleReceiver only constrain the done() method.
// // template <class E = std::exception_ptr, NoneReceiver<E> Wrapped>
// // auto erase_cast(Wrapped w) {
// // return none<erase_cast_t, E>{std::move(w)};
// // }
// template <class E = std::exception_ptr, class... TN>
// auto erase_cast(none<TN...> w) {
// return none<E>{std::move(w)};
// }
// template <class E = std::exception_ptr>
// auto erase_cast(std::promise<void> w) {
// return none<E>{std::move(w)};
// }
template <SenderTo<std::promise<void>, none_tag> S>
std::future<void> future_from(S sender) {
std::promise<void> p;
auto result = p.get_future();
submit(sender, std::move(p));
return result;
} // namespace values
// clang-format off
// clang format does not support the '<>' in the lambda syntax yet.. []<>()->{}
#pragma once
// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
// This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include "../deferred.h"
#include "../single_deferred.h"
namespace pushmi {
namespace operators {
template <class V>
auto empty() {
return single_deferred{
[]<class Out>(Out out) mutable PUSHMI_VOID_LAMBDA_REQUIRES(
SingleReceiver<Out, V>){
inline auto empty() {
return deferred{[]<class Out>(Out out) mutable PUSHMI_VOID_LAMBDA_REQUIRES(
} // namespace operators
} // namespace pushmi
// clang-format off
// clang format does not support the '<>' in the lambda syntax yet.. []<>()->{}
#pragma once
// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
// This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include "../piping.h"
#include "../boosters.h"
#include "../single.h"
namespace pushmi {
namespace detail{
// template <Sender In>
// struct out_from_fn {
// };
template<Sender In, class... AN>
auto out_from(std::tuple<AN...>&& args) {
using SingleReceiver =
using NoneReceiver =
if constexpr ((bool)TimeSenderTo<In, SingleReceiver, single_tag> ||
SenderTo<In, SingleReceiver, single_tag>) {
return pushmi::from_tuple<single>(std::move(args));
} else if constexpr ((bool)TimeSenderTo<In, NoneReceiver, none_tag> ||
SenderTo<In, NoneReceiver, none_tag>) {
return pushmi::from_tuple<none>(std::move(args));
template<Sender In, class... AN, class... DVFN, class... DEFN, class... DDFN>
auto out_from(
std::tuple<AN...>&& args,
on_value<DVFN...> vf,
on_error<DEFN...> ef,
on_done<DDFN...> df) {
auto out = out_from<In>(std::move(args));
if constexpr (::pushmi::detail::is_v<decltype(out), single>) {
return single{std::move(out), std::move(vf), std::move(ef), std::move(df)};
} else if constexpr (::pushmi::detail::is_v<decltype(out), none>) {
return none{std::move(out), std::move(ef), std::move(df)};
template<Sender In, Receiver Out, class... DVFN, class... DEFN, class... DDFN>
auto out_from(
Out&& out,
on_value<DVFN...> vf,
on_error<DEFN...> ef,
on_done<DDFN...> df) {
using SingleReceiver =
using NoneReceiver =
if constexpr ((bool)TimeSenderTo<In, SingleReceiver, single_tag> ||
SenderTo<In, SingleReceiver, single_tag>) {
return single{std::move(out), std::move(vf), std::move(ef), std::move(df)};
} else if constexpr ((bool)TimeSenderTo<In, NoneReceiver, none_tag> ||
SenderTo<In, NoneReceiver, none_tag>) {
return none{std::move(out), std::move(ef), std::move(df)};
template<Sender In, Receiver Out, class... DEFN, class... DDFN>
auto out_from(Out&& out, on_error<DEFN...> ef, on_done<DDFN...> df) {
using SingleReceiver =
using NoneReceiver =
if constexpr ((bool)TimeSenderTo<In, SingleReceiver, single_tag> ||
SenderTo<In, SingleReceiver, single_tag>) {
return single{std::move(out), std::move(ef), std::move(df)};
} else if constexpr ((bool)TimeSenderTo<In, NoneReceiver, none_tag> ||
SenderTo<In, NoneReceiver, none_tag>) {
return none{std::move(out), std::move(ef), std::move(df)};
template<Sender In, Receiver Out, class... DVFN>
auto out_from(Out&& out, on_value<DVFN...> vf) {
using SingleReceiver =
using NoneReceiver =
if constexpr ((bool)TimeSenderTo<In, SingleReceiver, single_tag> ||
SenderTo<In, SingleReceiver, single_tag>) {
return single{std::move(out), std::move(vf)};
} else if constexpr ((bool)TimeSenderTo<In, NoneReceiver, none_tag> ||
SenderTo<In, NoneReceiver, none_tag>) {
return none{std::move(out)};
template<Sender In, Receiver Out>
auto out_from(Out&& out) {
using SingleReceiver =
using NoneReceiver =
if constexpr ((bool)TimeSenderTo<In, SingleReceiver, single_tag> ||
SenderTo<In, SingleReceiver, single_tag>) {
return single{std::move(out)};
} else if constexpr ((bool)TimeSenderTo<In, NoneReceiver, none_tag> ||
SenderTo<In, NoneReceiver, none_tag>) {
return none{std::move(out)};
template<Sender In, class FN>
auto submit_transform_out(FN fn){
if constexpr ((bool)TimeSender<In>) {
return on_submit{
[fn = std::move(fn)]<class TP, class Out>(In& in, TP tp, Out out) {
::pushmi::submit(in, tp, fn(std::move(out)));
} else {
return on_submit{
[fn = std::move(fn)]<class Out>(In& in, Out out) {
::pushmi::submit(in, fn(std::move(out)));
template<Sender In, class SDSF, class TSDSF>
auto submit_transform_out(SDSF sdsf, TSDSF tsdsf){
if constexpr ((bool)TimeSender<In>) {
return on_submit{
[tsdsf = std::move(tsdsf)]<class TP, class Out>(In& in, TP tp, Out out) {
tsdsf(in, tp, std::move(out));
} else {
return on_submit{
[sdsf = std::move(sdsf)]<class Out>(In& in, Out out) {
sdsf(in, std::move(out));
template<Sender In, class Out, class... FN>
auto deferred_from(FN&&... fn) {
if constexpr ((bool)TimeSenderTo<In, Out, single_tag>) {
return time_single_deferred{(FN&&) fn...};
} else if constexpr ((bool)SenderTo<In, Out, single_tag>) {
return single_deferred{(FN&&) fn...};
} else if constexpr ((bool)SenderTo<In, Out>) {
return deferred{(FN&&) fn...};
template<Sender In, class Out, class... FN>
auto deferred_from(In in, FN&&... fn) {
if constexpr ((bool)TimeSenderTo<In, Out, single_tag>) {
return time_single_deferred{std::move(in), (FN&&) fn...};
} else if constexpr ((bool)SenderTo<In, Out, single_tag>) {
return single_deferred{std::move(in), (FN&&) fn...};
} else if constexpr ((bool)SenderTo<In, Out>) {
return deferred{std::move(in), (FN&&) fn...};
Sender In,
class Out,
bool SenderRequires,
bool SingleSenderRequires,
bool TimeSingleSenderRequires>
constexpr bool deferred_requires_from() {
if constexpr ((bool)TimeSenderTo<In, Out, single_tag>) {
return TimeSingleSenderRequires;
} else if constexpr ((bool)SenderTo<In, Out, single_tag>) {
return SingleSenderRequires;
} else if constexpr ((bool)SenderTo<In, Out>) {
return SenderRequires;
} // namespace detail
namespace extension_operators {
namespace detail{
struct set_value_fn {
template<class V>
auto operator()(V&& v) const {
return [v = (V&&) v]<class Out>(Out out) mutable PUSHMI_VOID_LAMBDA_REQUIRES(Receiver<Out>) {
::pushmi::set_value(out, (V&&) v);
struct set_error_fn {
template<class E>
auto operator()(E e) const {
return [e = std::move(e)]<class Out>(Out out) mutable noexcept PUSHMI_VOID_LAMBDA_REQUIRES(Receiver<Out>) {
::pushmi::set_error(out, std::move(e));
struct set_done_fn {
auto operator()() const {
return []<class Out>(Out out) PUSHMI_VOID_LAMBDA_REQUIRES(Receiver<Out>) {
struct set_stopping_fn {
auto operator()() const {
return []<class Out>(Out out) PUSHMI_VOID_LAMBDA_REQUIRES(Receiver<Out>) {
struct set_starting_fn {
template<class Up>
auto operator()(Up up) const {
return [up = std::move(up)]<class Out>(Out out) PUSHMI_VOID_LAMBDA_REQUIRES(Receiver<Out>) {
::pushmi::set_starting(out, std::move(up));
struct do_submit_fn {
template <class Out>
auto operator()(Out out) const {
static_assert(Receiver<Out>, "'Out' must be a model of Receiver");
return [out = std::move(out)]<class In>(In in) mutable {
::pushmi::submit(in, std::move(out));
template <class TP, class Out>
auto operator()(TP tp, Out out) const {
static_assert(Receiver<Out>, "'Out' must be a model of Receiver");
return [tp = std::move(tp), out = std::move(out)]<class In>(In in) mutable {
::pushmi::submit(in, std::move(tp), std::move(out));
struct get_now_fn {
auto operator()() const {
return []<class In>(In in) PUSHMI_T_LAMBDA_REQUIRES(decltype(::pushmi::now(in)), TimeSender<In>) {
return ::pushmi::now(in);
} // namespace detail
inline constexpr detail::set_done_fn set_done{};
inline constexpr detail::set_error_fn set_error{};
inline constexpr detail::set_value_fn set_value{};
inline constexpr detail::set_stopping_fn set_stopping{};
inline constexpr detail::set_starting_fn set_starting{};
inline constexpr detail::do_submit_fn submit{};
inline constexpr detail::get_now_fn now{};
inline constexpr detail::get_now_fn top{};
} // namespace extension_operators
} // namespace pushmi
// clang-format off
// clang format does not support the '<>' in the lambda syntax yet.. []<>()->{}
#pragma once
// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
// This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include "../single.h"
namespace pushmi {
namespace operators {
template <class V>
auto just(V v) {
return single_deferred{[v = std::move(v)]<class Out>(
Out out) mutable PUSHMI_VOID_LAMBDA_REQUIRES(SingleReceiver<Out, V>){
::pushmi::set_value(out, std::move(v));
} // namespace operators
} // namespace pushmi
#pragma once
// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
// This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include "../piping.h"
#include "../executor.h"
#include "extension_operators.h"
namespace pushmi {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
struct on_fn {
template <class ExecutorFactory>
auto operator()(ExecutorFactory ef) const;
template <class ExecutorFactory>
auto on_fn::operator()(ExecutorFactory ef) const {
return [ef = std::move(ef)]<class In>(In in) {
return ::pushmi::detail::deferred_from<In, archetype_single>(
[ef]<class Out>(In& in, Out out) {
auto exec = ef();
::pushmi::submit(exec, ::pushmi::now(exec), ::pushmi::single{[in = in, out = std::move(out)](auto) mutable {
::pushmi::submit(in, std::move(out));
[ef]<class TP, class Out>(In& in, TP at, Out out) {
auto exec = ef();
::pushmi::submit(exec, at, ::pushmi::on_value{[in = in, at, out = std::move(out)](auto) mutable {
::pushmi::submit(in, at, std::move(out));
} // namespace detail
inline constexpr detail::on_fn on{};
} // namespace operators
#if 0
namespace detail {
template <class ExecutorFactory>
class fsdon {
using executor_factory_type = std::decay_t<ExecutorFactory>;
executor_factory_type factory_;
template <class In>
class start_on {
using in_type = std::decay_t<In>;
executor_factory_type factory_;
in_type in_;
template <class Out, class Executor>
class out_on {
using out_type = std::decay_t<Out>;
using exec_type = std::decay_t<Executor>;
template <class Producer>
struct producer_proxy {
RefWrapper<Producer> up_;
std::shared_ptr<std::atomic_bool> stopped_;
exec_type exec_;
RefWrapper<Producer> p,
std::shared_ptr<std::atomic_bool> stopped,
exec_type exec)
: up_(std::move(p)),
exec_(std::move(exec)) {}
template <class V>
void value(V v) {
auto up = wrap_ref(up_.get());
exec_ |
execute([up = std::move(up),
v = std::move(v),
stopped = std::move(stopped_)](auto) mutable {
if (*stopped) {
template <class E>
void error(E e) {
auto up = wrap_ref(up_.get());
exec_ |
execute([up = std::move(up),
e = std::move(e),
stopped = std::move(stopped_)](auto) mutable {
if (*stopped) {
bool done_;
std::shared_ptr<std::atomic_bool> stopped_;
out_type out_;
exec_type exec_;
AnyNone<> upProxy_;
out_on(out_type out, exec_type exec)
: done_(false),
upProxy_() {}
template <class T>
void value(T t) {
if (done_) {
done_ = true;
template <class E>
void error(E e) {
if (done_) {
done_ = true;
void stopping() {
if (done_) {
done_ = true;
*stopped_ = true;
template <class Producer>
void starting(RefWrapper<Producer> up) {
upProxy_ =
producer_proxy<Producer>{std::move(up), stopped_, std::move(exec_)};
start_on(executor_factory_type&& ef, in_type&& in)
: factory_(std::move(ef)), in_(std::move(in)) {}
template <class Out>
auto then(Out out) {
auto exec = factory_();
auto myout = out_on<Out, decltype(exec)>{std::move(out), exec};
exec | execute([in = in_, myout = std::move(myout)](auto) mutable {
explicit fsdon(executor_factory_type&& ef) : factory_(std::move(ef)) {}
template <class In>
auto operator()(In in) {
return start_on<In>{std::move(factory_), std::move(in)};
} // namespace detail
namespace fsd {
template <class ExecutorFactory>
auto on(ExecutorFactory factory) {
return detail::fsdon<ExecutorFactory>{std::move(factory)};
} // namespace fsd
} // namespace pushmi
// clang-format off
// clang format does not support the '<>' in the lambda syntax yet.. []<>()->{}
#pragma once
// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
// This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include <functional>
#include "../single.h"
#include "../boosters.h"
#include "extension_operators.h"
#include "../trampoline.h"
namespace pushmi {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
inline constexpr struct make_receiver_fn {
template <class... AN>
deduced_type_t<none, AN...> operator()(none_tag, AN&& const {
return none{(AN&&) an...};
template <class... AN>
deduced_type_t<single, AN...> operator()(single_tag, AN&& const {
return single{(AN&&) an...};
} make_receiver {};
template <Sender In, class ...AN>
using receiver_type_t =
std::invoke_result_t<make_receiver_fn, sender_category_t<In>, AN...>;
template <class In, class ... AN>
concept bool AutoSenderTo = SenderTo<In, receiver_type_t<In, AN...>>;
template <class In, class ... AN>
concept bool AutoTimeSenderTo = TimeSenderTo<In, receiver_type_t<In, AN...>>;
struct submit_fn {
// TODO - only move, move-only types..
// if out can be copied, then submit can be called multiple
// times..
template <class... AN>
struct fn {
std::tuple<AN...> args_;
template <AutoSenderTo<AN...> In>
In operator()(In in) {
auto out{::pushmi::detail::out_from<In>(std::move(args_))};
::pushmi::submit(in, std::move(out));
return in;
template <AutoTimeSenderTo<AN...> In>
In operator()(In in) {
auto out{::pushmi::detail::out_from<In>(std::move(args_))};
::pushmi::submit(in, ::pushmi::now(in), std::move(out));
return in;
template <class... AN>
auto operator()(AN&&... an) const {
return submit_fn::fn<AN...>{{(AN&&) an...}};
struct submit_at_fn {
template <Regular TP, class... AN>
struct fn {
TP at_;
std::tuple<AN...> args_;
template <AutoTimeSenderTo<AN...> In>
In operator()(In in) {
auto out{::pushmi::detail::out_from<In>(std::move(args_))};
::pushmi::submit(in, std::move(at_), std::move(out));
return in;
template <Regular TP, class... AN>
auto operator()(TP at, AN... an) const {
return submit_at_fn::fn<TP, AN...>{std::move(at), {(AN&&) an...}};
struct submit_after_fn {
template <Regular D, class... AN>
struct fn {
D after_;
std::tuple<AN...> args_;
template <AutoTimeSenderTo<AN...> In>
In operator()(In in) {
// TODO - only move, move-only types..
// if out can be copied, then submit can be called multiple
// times..
auto out{::pushmi::detail::out_from<In>(std::move(args_))};
auto at = ::pushmi::now(in) + std::move(after_);
::pushmi::submit(in, std::move(at), std::move(out));
return in;
template <Regular D, class... AN>
auto operator()(D after, AN... an) const {
return submit_after_fn::fn<D, AN...>{std::move(after), {(AN&&) an...}};
struct blocking_submit_fn {
// TODO - only move, move-only types..
// if out can be copied, then submit can be called multiple
// times..
template <class... AN>
struct fn {
std::tuple<AN...> args_;
template <bool IsTimeSender, class In>
In impl_(In in) {
bool done = false;
std::condition_variable signaled;
auto out{::pushmi::detail::out_from<In>(
on_value{[&]<class Out, class V>(Out out, V&& v){
if constexpr ((bool)TimeSender<std::remove_cvref_t<V>>) {
// to keep the blocking semantics, make sure that the
// nested submits block here to prevent a spurious
// completion signal
auto nest = ::pushmi::nested_trampoline();
::pushmi::submit(nest, ::pushmi::now(nest), std::move(out));
} else {
::pushmi::set_value(out, (V&&) v);
done = true;
on_error{[&](auto out, auto e) noexcept {
::pushmi::set_error(out, std::move(e));
done = true;
on_done{[&](auto out){
done = true;
if constexpr ((bool)IsTimeSender) {
::pushmi::submit(in, ::pushmi::now(in), std::move(out));
} else {
::pushmi::submit(in, std::move(out));
std::mutex lock;
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> guard{lock};
signaled.wait(guard, [&](){
return done;
return in;
template <AutoSenderTo<AN...> In>
In operator()(In in) {
return this->impl_<false>(std::move(in));
template <AutoTimeSenderTo<AN...> In>
In operator()(In in) {
return this->impl_<true>(std::move(in));
template <class... AN>
auto operator()(AN... an) const {
return blocking_submit_fn::fn<AN...>{{(AN&&) an...}};
template <class T>
struct get_fn {
// TODO constrain this better
template <Sender In>
T operator()(In in) const {
std::optional<T> result_;
std::exception_ptr ep_;
auto out = single{
on_value{[&](T t){ result_ = std::move(t); }},
[&](auto e) noexcept { ep_ = std::make_exception_ptr(e); },
[&](std::exception_ptr ep) noexcept { ep_ = ep; }}
using Out = decltype(out);
static_assert(SenderTo<In, Out, single_tag> ||
TimeSenderTo<In, Out, single_tag>,
"'In' does not deliver value compatible with 'T' to 'Out'");
if (!!ep_) { std::rethrow_exception(ep_); }
return std::move(*result_);
} // namespace detail
inline constexpr detail::submit_fn submit{};
inline constexpr detail::submit_at_fn submit_at{};
inline constexpr detail::submit_after_fn submit_after{};
inline constexpr detail::blocking_submit_fn blocking_submit{};
template <class T>
inline constexpr detail::get_fn<T> get{};
} // namespace operators
} // namespace pushmi
// clang-format off
// clang format does not support the '<>' in the lambda syntax yet.. []<>()->{}
#pragma once
// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
// This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include "extension_operators.h"
#include "../deferred.h"
#include "../single_deferred.h"
#include "../time_single_deferred.h"
namespace pushmi {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
template <class SideEffects, class Out>
struct tap_ {
SideEffects sideEffects;
Out out;
using receiver_category = single_tag;
template <class V>
requires SingleReceiver<SideEffects, const V&>&& SingleReceiver<Out, V>
void value(V&& v) {
::pushmi::set_value(sideEffects, const_cast<const V&>(v));
::pushmi::set_value(out, (V&&) v);
template <class E>
requires NoneReceiver<SideEffects, E>&& NoneReceiver<Out, E>
void error(E e) noexcept {
::pushmi::set_error(sideEffects, const_cast<const E&>(e));
::pushmi::set_error(out, std::move(e));
void done() {
template <Receiver SideEffects, Receiver Out>
tap_(SideEffects, Out)->tap_<SideEffects, Out>;
struct tap_fn {
template <class... AN>
auto operator()(AN... an) const;
template <class... AN>
auto tap_fn::operator()(AN... an) const {
auto args = std::tuple{std::move(an)...};
return [args = std::move(args)]<class In>(In in) mutable {
auto sideEffects{::pushmi::detail::out_from<In>(std::move(args))};
using SideEffects = decltype(sideEffects);
::pushmi::detail::deferred_requires_from<In, SideEffects,
Receiver<SideEffects> &&
SenderTo<In, SideEffects>,
Receiver<SideEffects> &&
SenderTo<In, SideEffects, single_tag>,
Receiver<SideEffects> &&
TimeSenderTo<In, SideEffects, single_tag> >(),
"'In' is not deliverable to 'SideEffects'");
return ::pushmi::detail::deferred_from<In, SideEffects>(
[sideEffects = std::move(sideEffects)]<class Out>(Out out) {
::pushmi::detail::deferred_requires_from<In, SideEffects,
Receiver<Out> &&
SenderTo<In, Out>,
Receiver<Out> &&
SenderTo<In, Out, single_tag>,
Receiver<Out> &&
TimeSenderTo<In, Out, single_tag> >(),
"'In' is not deliverable to 'Out'");
auto gang{::pushmi::detail::out_from<In>(detail::tap_{sideEffects, std::move(out)})};
using Gang = decltype(gang);
::pushmi::detail::deferred_requires_from<In, SideEffects,
Receiver<Gang> &&
SenderTo<In, Gang>,
Receiver<Gang> &&
SenderTo<In, Gang, single_tag>,
Receiver<Gang> &&
TimeSenderTo<In, Gang, single_tag> >(),
"'In' is not deliverable to 'Out' & 'SideEffects'");
return gang;
} // namespace detail
inline constexpr detail::tap_fn tap{};
} // namespace operators
} // namespace pushmi
// clang-format off
// clang format does not support the '<>' in the lambda syntax yet.. []<>()->{}
#pragma once
// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
// This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include "../single.h"
#include "submit.h"
#include "extension_operators.h"
namespace pushmi {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
struct transform_fn {
template <class... FN>
auto operator()(FN... fn) const;
template <class... FN>
auto transform_fn::operator()(FN... fn) const {
auto f = overload{std::move(fn)...};
return [f = std::move(f)]<class In>(In in) {
// copy 'f' to allow multiple calls to connect to multiple 'in'
return ::pushmi::detail::deferred_from<In, archetype_single>(
[f]<class Out>(Out out) {
return ::pushmi::detail::out_from<In>(
// copy 'f' to allow multiple calls to submit
[f]<class V>(Out& out, V&& v) {
using Result = decltype(f((V&&) v));
"none of the functions supplied to transform can convert this value");
static_assert(SingleReceiver<Out, Result>,
"Result of value transform cannot be delivered to Out");
::pushmi::set_value(out, f((V&&) v));
} // namespace detail
inline constexpr detail::transform_fn transform{};
} // namespace operators
} // namespace pushmi
#pragma once
// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
// This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include "../piping.h"
#include "../executor.h"
#include "extension_operators.h"
namespace pushmi {
namespace operators {
namespace detail {
class via_fn {
template <class ExecutorFactory>
auto operator()(ExecutorFactory ef) const;
template<class Executor, class Out>
struct via_fn_data : public Out {
Executor exec;
via_fn_data(Out out, Executor exec) :
Out(std::move(out)), exec(std::move(exec)) {}
template<class Executor, class Out>
via_fn_data(Out, Executor) -> via_fn_data<Executor, Out>;
template <class ExecutorFactory>
auto via_fn::operator()(ExecutorFactory ef) const {
return [ef = std::move(ef)]<class In>(In in) {
return ::pushmi::detail::deferred_from<In, archetype_single>(
[ef]<class Out>(Out out) {
auto exec = ef();
return ::pushmi::detail::out_from<In>(
via_fn_data{std::move(out), std::move(exec)},
// copy 'f' to allow multiple calls to submit
::pushmi::on_value{[]<class V>(auto& data, V&& v){
::pushmi::single([v = (V&&)v, out = std::move(static_cast<Out&>(data))](auto) mutable {
::pushmi::set_value(out, std::move(v));
::pushmi::on_error{[](auto& data, auto e) noexcept {
::pushmi::single([e = std::move(e), out = std::move(static_cast<Out&>(data))](auto) mutable {
::pushmi::set_error(out, std::move(e));
::pushmi::on_done{[](auto& data){
::pushmi::single([out = std::move(static_cast<Out&>(data))](auto) mutable {
} // namespace detail
inline constexpr detail::via_fn via{};
} // namespace operators
#if 0
namespace detail {
template <class ExecutorFactory>
class fsdvia {
using executor_factory_type = std::decay_t<ExecutorFactory>;
executor_factory_type factory_;
template <class In>
class start_via {
using in_type = std::decay_t<In>;
executor_factory_type factory_;
in_type in_;
template <class Out, class Executor>
class out_via {
using out_type = std::decay_t<Out>;
using executor_type = std::decay_t<Executor>;
struct shared_type {
shared_type(out_type&& out) : out_(std::move(out)), stopped_(false) {}
out_type out_;
std::atomic_bool stopped_;
template <class Producer>
struct producer_proxy {
RefWrapper<Producer> up_;
std::shared_ptr<shared_type> shared_;
producer_proxy(RefWrapper<Producer> p, std::shared_ptr<shared_type> s)
: up_(std::move(p)), shared_(std::move(s)) {}
template <class V>
void value(V v) {
if (!!shared_-> {
template <class E>
void error(E e) {
if (!!shared_-> {
bool done_;
std::shared_ptr<shared_type> shared_;
executor_type exec_;
std::shared_ptr<AnyNone<>> upProxy_;
explicit out_via(out_type&& out, executor_type&& exec)
: done_(false),
upProxy_() {}
template <class T>
void value(T t) {
if (done_ || shared_->stopped_) {
done_ = true;
if (!upProxy_) {
done_ = true;
exec_ | execute([t = std::move(t), shared = shared_](auto) mutable {
template <class E>
void error(E e) {
if (done_ || shared_->stopped_) {
done_ = true;
if (!upProxy_) {
done_ = true;
exec_ | execute([e = std::move(e), shared = shared_](auto) mutable {
void stopping() {
if (done_) {
if (!upProxy_) {
done_ = true;
if (!shared_-> {
exec_ |
// must keep out and upProxy alive until out is notified that it
// is unsafe
execute([shared = shared_](auto) mutable {
template <class Producer>
void starting(RefWrapper<Producer> up) {
if (!!upProxy_) {
upProxy_ = std::make_shared<AnyNone<>>(AnyNone<>{
producer_proxy<Producer>{std::move(up), shared_}});
// must keep out and upProxy alive until out is notified that it is
// starting
exec_ | execute([shared = shared_, upProxy = upProxy_](auto) mutable {
start_via(executor_factory_type&& ef, in_type&& in)
: factory_(ef), in_(in) {}
template <class Out>
auto then(Out out) {
auto exec = factory_();
in_.then(out_via<Out, decltype(exec)>{std::move(out), std::move(exec)});
explicit fsdvia(executor_factory_type&& ef) : factory_(std::move(ef)) {}
template <class In>
auto operator()(In in) {
return start_via<In>{std::move(factory_), std::move(in)};
} // namespace detail
namespace fsd {
template <class ExecutorFactory>
auto via(ExecutorFactory factory) {
return detail::fsdvia<ExecutorFactory>{std::move(factory)};
} // namespace fsd
} // namespace pushmi
#pragma once
// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
// This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
template <class In, class Operator>
auto operator|(In&& in, Operator op) -> decltype(op(std::forward<In>(in))) {
return op(std::forward<In>(in));
namespace pushmi {
template<class T, class... FN>
auto pipe(T t, FN... fn) {
return (t | ... | fn);
} // namespace pushmi
#pragma once
// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
// This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include "none.h"
namespace pushmi {
namespace detail {
template<class data, class op, class V, class E>
struct single_vtable {
void (*op_)(op, data&, data*) = +[](op, data&, data*) {};
void (*done_)(data&) = +[](data&) {};
void (*error_)(data&, E) noexcept = +[](data&, E) noexcept {
void (*rvalue_)(data&, V&&) = +[](data&, V&&) {};
void (*lvalue_)(data&, V&) = +[](data&, V&) {};
static constexpr single_vtable const noop_ = {};
template <class data, class op, class V, class E, class Wrapped, bool insitu>
struct single_vtable_v;
template <class data, class op, class V, class E, class Wrapped>
struct single_vtable_v<data, op, V, E, Wrapped, false> {
static constexpr single_vtable<data, op, V, E> const vtable_v = {
+[](op o, data& src, data* dst) {
switch (o) {
case op::move:
dst->pobj_ = std::exchange(src.pobj_, nullptr);
case op::destroy:
delete static_cast<Wrapped const*>(src.pobj_);
+[](data& src) { ::pushmi::set_done(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(src.pobj_)); },
+[](data& src, E e) noexcept {
::pushmi::set_error(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(src.pobj_), std::move(e));
+[](data& src, V&& v) {
::pushmi::set_value(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(src.pobj_), (V&&) v);
+[](data& src, V& v) {
::pushmi::set_value(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(src.pobj_), v);
template <class data, class op, class V, class E, class Wrapped>
struct single_vtable_v<data, op, V, E, Wrapped, true> {
static constexpr single_vtable<data, op, V, E> const vtable_v = {
+[](op o, data& src, data* dst) {
switch (o) {
case op::move:
new (dst->buffer_) Wrapped(
case op::destroy:
static_cast<Wrapped const*>((void*)src.buffer_)->~Wrapped();
+[](data& src) {
+[](data& src, E e) noexcept {
+[](data& src, V&& v) {
::pushmi::set_value(*static_cast<Wrapped*>((void*)src.buffer_), (V&&) v);
+[](data& src, V& v) {
::pushmi::set_value(*static_cast<Wrapped*>((void*)src.buffer_), v);
// Class static definitions:
template<class data, class op, class V, class E>
constexpr single_vtable<data, op, V, E> const single_vtable<data, op, V, E>::noop_;
} // namespace detail
template <class V, class E>
class single<V, E> {
bool done_ = false;
union data {
void* pobj_ = nullptr;
char buffer_[sizeof(std::promise<int>)]; // can hold a std::promise in-situ
} data_{};
template <class Wrapped>
static constexpr bool insitu() {
return sizeof(Wrapped) <= sizeof(data::buffer_) &&
enum struct op { destroy, move };
using vtable = detail::single_vtable<data, op, V, E>;
vtable const* vptr_ = &vtable::noop_;
using receiver_category = single_tag;
single() = default;
single(single&& that) noexcept : single() {
that.vptr_->op_(op::move, that.data_, &data_);
std::swap(that.vptr_, vptr_);
template <class T, class U = std::decay_t<T>>
using wrapped_t =
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<U, single>, U>;
template <class Wrapped>
requires SingleReceiver<wrapped_t<Wrapped>, V, E>
explicit single(Wrapped obj) : single() {
static_assert(Invocable<decltype(::pushmi::set_value), Wrapped, V>,
"Wrapped single must support values of type V");
static_assert(NothrowInvocable<decltype(::pushmi::set_error), Wrapped, std::exception_ptr>,
"Wrapped single must support std::exception_ptr and be noexcept");
static_assert(NothrowInvocable<decltype(::pushmi::set_error), Wrapped, E>,
"Wrapped single must support E and be noexcept");
if constexpr (insitu<Wrapped>())
new (data_.buffer_) Wrapped(std::move(obj));
data_.pobj_ = new Wrapped(std::move(obj));
vptr_ = &detail::single_vtable_v<data, op, V, E, Wrapped, insitu<Wrapped>()>::vtable_v;
~single() {
vptr_->op_(op::destroy, data_, nullptr);
single& operator=(single&& that) noexcept {
new ((void*)this) single(std::move(that));
return *this;
template<class T>
requires ConvertibleTo<T&&, V&&>
void value(T&& t) {
if (done_) {return;}
done_ = true;
vptr_->rvalue_(data_, (T&&) t);
template<class T>
requires ConvertibleTo<T&, V&>
void value(T& t) {
if (done_) {return;}
done_ = true;
vptr_->lvalue_(data_, t);
void error(E e) noexcept {
if (done_) {return;}
done_ = true;
vptr_->error_(data_, std::move(e));
void done() {
if (done_) {return;}
done_ = true;
template <class VF, class EF, class DF>
requires Invocable<DF&> class single<VF, EF, DF> {
bool done_ = false;
VF vf_;
EF ef_;
DF df_;
using receiver_category = single_tag;
!detail::is_v<VF, on_error>,
"the first parameter is the value implementation, but on_error{} was passed");
!detail::is_v<EF, on_value>,
"the second parameter is the error implementation, but on_value{} was passed");
static_assert(NothrowInvocable<EF, std::exception_ptr>,
"error function must be noexcept and support std::exception_ptr");
single() = default;
constexpr explicit single(VF vf) : single(std::move(vf), EF{}, DF{}) {}
constexpr explicit single(EF ef) : single(VF{}, std::move(ef), DF{}) {}
constexpr explicit single(DF df) : single(VF{}, EF{}, std::move(df)) {}
constexpr single(EF ef, DF df)
: done_(false), vf_(), ef_(std::move(ef)), df_(std::move(df)) {}
constexpr single(VF vf, EF ef, DF df = DF{})
: done_(false), vf_(std::move(vf)), ef_(std::move(ef)), df_(std::move(df)) {}
template <class V>
requires Invocable<VF&, V> void value(V&& v) {
if (done_) {return;}
done_ = true;
vf_((V&&) v);
template <class E>
requires Invocable<EF&, E> void error(E e) noexcept {
static_assert(NothrowInvocable<EF&, E>, "error function must be noexcept");
if (done_) {return;}
done_ = true;
void done() {
if (done_) {return;}
done_ = true;
template <Receiver Data, class DVF, class DEF, class DDF>
requires Invocable<DDF&, Data&> class single<Data, DVF, DEF, DDF> {
bool done_ = false;
Data data_;
DVF vf_;
DEF ef_;
DDF df_;
using receiver_category = single_tag;
!detail::is_v<DVF, on_error>,
"the first parameter is the value implementation, but on_error{} was passed");
!detail::is_v<DEF, on_value>,
"the second parameter is the error implementation, but on_value{} was passed");
static_assert(NothrowInvocable<DEF, Data&, std::exception_ptr>,
"error function must be noexcept and support std::exception_ptr");
template<class... AN>
constexpr explicit single(std::tuple<AN...> t) : single(std::apply(construct<Data>{}, std::move(t)), DEF{}, DDF{}) {}
constexpr explicit single(Data d)
: single(std::move(d), DVF{}, DEF{}, DDF{}) {}
constexpr single(Data d, DDF df)
: done_(false), data_(std::move(d)), vf_(), ef_(), df_(df) {}
constexpr single(Data d, DEF ef, DDF df = DDF{})
: done_(false), data_(std::move(d)), vf_(), ef_(ef), df_(df) {}
constexpr single(Data d, DVF vf, DEF ef = DEF{}, DDF df = DDF{})
: done_(false), data_(std::move(d)), vf_(vf), ef_(ef), df_(df) {}
template <class V>
requires Invocable<DVF&, Data&, V> void value(V&& v) {
if (done_) {return;}
done_ = true;
vf_(data_, (V&&) v);
template <class E>
requires Invocable<DEF&, Data&, E> void error(E e) noexcept {
NothrowInvocable<DEF&, Data&, E>, "error function must be noexcept");
if (done_) {return;}
done_ = true;
ef_(data_, std::move(e));
void done() {
if (done_) {return;}
done_ = true;
template <>
class single<>
: public single<ignoreVF, abortEF, ignoreDF> {
using archetype_single = single<>;
template <class... AN>
single(std::tuple<AN...>) ->
single<decltype(single{std::declval<AN&&>()...}), passDVF, passDEF, passDDF>;
template <class VF>
requires !Receiver<VF> && !detail::is_v<VF, on_error> &&
!detail::is_v<VF, on_done>
single(VF) -> single<VF, abortEF, ignoreDF>;
template <class... EFN>
single(on_error<EFN...>) -> single<ignoreVF, on_error<EFN...>, ignoreDF>;
template <class DF>
single(on_done<DF>) -> single<ignoreVF, abortEF, on_done<DF>>;
template <class V, class E, class Wrapped>
requires SingleReceiver<Wrapped, V, E>
single(Wrapped)->single<V, E>;
template <class VF, class EF>
requires !Receiver<VF> && !detail::is_v<VF, on_error> &&
!detail::is_v<VF, on_done> && !detail::is_v<EF, on_value> &&
!detail::is_v<EF, on_done> && !Invocable<VF&> && !Invocable<EF&>
single(VF, EF) -> single<VF, EF, ignoreDF>;
template <class... EFN, class DF>
single(on_error<EFN...>, on_done<DF>) ->
single<ignoreVF, on_error<EFN...>, on_done<DF>>;
template <class VF, class EF, class DF>
requires !Invocable<VF&> && !Invocable<EF&> && Invocable<DF&>
single(VF, EF, DF)->single<VF, EF, DF>;
template <Receiver<single_tag> Data>
single(Data d) -> single<Data, passDVF, passDEF, passDDF>;
template <Receiver<single_tag> Data, class DVF>
requires !detail::is_v<DVF, on_error> &&
!detail::is_v<DVF, on_done>
single(Data d, DVF vf)
->single<Data, DVF, passDEF, passDDF>;
template <Receiver<single_tag> Data, class... DEFN>
single(Data d, on_error<DEFN...>)
->single<Data, passDVF, on_error<DEFN...>, passDDF>;
template <Receiver<single_tag> Data, class DVF, class DEF>
requires !detail::is_v<DVF, on_error> && !detail::is_v<DVF, on_done> &&
!detail::is_v<DEF, on_done> && !Invocable<DVF&, Data&> && !Invocable<DEF&, Data&>
single(Data d, DVF vf, DEF ef) -> single<Data, DVF, DEF, passDDF>;
template <Receiver<single_tag> Data, class... DEFN, class DDF>
single(Data d, on_error<DEFN...>, on_done<DDF>) ->
single<Data, passDVF, on_error<DEFN...>, on_done<DDF>>;
template <Receiver<single_tag> Data, class DDF>
single(Data d, on_done<DDF>)->single<Data, passDVF, passDEF, on_done<DDF>>;
template <Receiver<single_tag> Data, class DVF, class DEF, class DDF>
requires !Invocable<DVF&, Data&> && !Invocable<DEF&, Data&> && Invocable<DDF&, Data&>
single(Data d, DVF vf, DEF ef, DDF df) -> single<Data, DVF, DEF, DDF>;
template <class V, class E = std::exception_ptr>
using any_single = single<V, E>;
// template <class V, class E = std::exception_ptr, class Wrapped>
// requires SingleReceiver<Wrapped, V, E> && !detail::is_v<Wrapped, none>
// auto erase_cast(Wrapped w) {
// return single<V, E>{std::move(w)};
// }
template<class T>
std::future<T> future_from(auto singleSender) {
std::promise<T> p;
auto result = p.get_future();
submit(singleSender, single{std::move(p)});
return result;
} // namespace values
#pragma once
// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
// This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include "single.h"
namespace pushmi {
template <class V, class E>
class single_deferred<V, E> {
union data {
void* pobj_ = nullptr;
char buffer_[sizeof(V)]; // can hold a V in-situ
} data_{};
template <class Wrapped>
static constexpr bool insitu() {
return sizeof(Wrapped) <= sizeof(data::buffer_) &&
enum struct op { destroy, move };
struct vtable {
void (*op_)(op, data&, data*) = +[](op, data&, data*) {};
void (*submit_)(data&, single<V, E>) = +[](data&, single<V, E>) {};
static constexpr vtable const noop_ = {};
} const* vptr_ = &vtable::noop_;
template <class Wrapped, bool = insitu<Wrapped>()>
static constexpr vtable const vtable_v = {
+[](op o, data& src, data* dst) {
switch (o) {
case op::move:
dst->pobj_ = std::exchange(src.pobj_, nullptr);
case op::destroy:
delete static_cast<Wrapped const*>(src.pobj_);
+[](data& src, single<V, E> out) {
::pushmi::submit(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(src.pobj_), std::move(out));
template <class T, class U = std::decay_t<T>>
using wrapped_t =
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<U, single_deferred>, U>;
using sender_category = single_tag;
single_deferred() = default;
single_deferred(single_deferred&& that) noexcept : single_deferred() {
that.vptr_->op_(op::move, that.data_, &data_);
std::swap(that.vptr_, vptr_);
template <class Wrapped>
requires SenderTo<wrapped_t<Wrapped>, single<V, E>, single_tag>
explicit single_deferred(Wrapped obj)
: single_deferred() {
if constexpr (insitu<Wrapped>())
new (data_.buffer_) Wrapped(std::move(obj));
data_.pobj_ = new Wrapped(std::move(obj));
vptr_ = &vtable_v<Wrapped>;
~single_deferred() {
vptr_->op_(op::destroy, data_, nullptr);
single_deferred& operator=(single_deferred&& that) noexcept {
new ((void*)this) single_deferred(std::move(that));
return *this;
void submit(single<V, E> out) {
vptr_->submit_(data_, std::move(out));
// Class static definitions:
template <class V, class E>
constexpr typename single_deferred<V, E>::vtable const
single_deferred<V, E>::vtable::noop_;
template <class V, class E>
template <class Wrapped, bool Big>
constexpr typename single_deferred<V, E>::vtable const
single_deferred<V, E>::vtable_v;
template <class V, class E>
template <class Wrapped>
constexpr typename single_deferred<V, E>::vtable const
single_deferred<V, E>::vtable_v<Wrapped, true> = {
+[](op o, data& src, data* dst) {
switch (o) {
case op::move:
new (dst->buffer_) Wrapped(
case op::destroy:
static_cast<Wrapped const*>((void*)src.buffer_)->~Wrapped();
+[](data& src, single<V, E> out) {
*static_cast<Wrapped*>((void*)src.buffer_), std::move(out));
template <class SF>
class single_deferred<SF> {
SF sf_;
using sender_category = single_tag;
constexpr single_deferred() = default;
constexpr explicit single_deferred(SF sf)
: sf_(std::move(sf)) {}
template <Receiver<single_tag> Out>
requires Invocable<SF&, Out>
void submit(Out out) {
template <Sender<single_tag> Data, class DSF>
class single_deferred<Data, DSF> {
Data data_;
DSF sf_;
using sender_category = single_tag;
constexpr single_deferred() = default;
constexpr explicit single_deferred(Data data)
: data_(std::move(data)) {}
constexpr single_deferred(Data data, DSF sf)
: data_(std::move(data)), sf_(std::move(sf)) {}
template <Receiver<single_tag> Out>
requires Invocable<DSF&, Data&, Out>
void submit(Out out) {
sf_(data_, std::move(out));
single_deferred() -> single_deferred<ignoreSF>;
template <class SF>
single_deferred(SF) -> single_deferred<SF>;
template <Sender<single_tag> Data>
single_deferred(Data) -> single_deferred<Data, passDSF>;
template <Sender<single_tag> Data, class DSF>
single_deferred(Data, DSF) -> single_deferred<Data, DSF>;
template <class V, class E = std::exception_ptr>
using any_single_deferred = single_deferred<V, E>;
// template <
// class V,
// class E = std::exception_ptr,
// SenderTo<single<V, E>, single_tag> Wrapped>
// auto erase_cast(Wrapped w) {
// return single_deferred<V, E>{std::move(w)};
// }
} // namespace pushmi
#pragma once
// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
// This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include "single.h"
namespace pushmi {
template <class V, class E, class TP>
class time_single_deferred<V, E, TP> {
union data {
void* pobj_ = nullptr;
char buffer_[sizeof(std::promise<int>)]; // can hold a V in-situ
} data_{};
template <class Wrapped>
static constexpr bool insitu() {
return sizeof(Wrapped) <= sizeof(data::buffer_) &&
enum struct op { destroy, move };
struct vtable {
void (*op_)(op, data&, data*) = +[](op, data&, data*) {};
TP (*now_)(data&) = +[](data&) { return TP{}; };
void (*submit_)(data&, TP, single<V, E>) = +[](data&, TP, single<V, E>) {};
static constexpr vtable const noop_ = {};
} const* vptr_ = &vtable::noop_;
template <class Wrapped, bool = insitu<Wrapped>()>
static constexpr vtable const vtable_v = {
+[](op o, data& src, data* dst) {
switch (o) {
case op::move:
dst->pobj_ = std::exchange(src.pobj_, nullptr);
case op::destroy:
delete static_cast<Wrapped const*>(src.pobj_);
+[](data& src) -> TP {
return ::pushmi::now(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(src.pobj_));
+[](data& src, TP at, single<V, E> out) {
::pushmi::submit(*static_cast<Wrapped*>(src.pobj_), std::move(at), std::move(out));
using sender_category = single_tag;
time_single_deferred() = default;
time_single_deferred(time_single_deferred&& that) noexcept
: time_single_deferred() {
that.vptr_->op_(op::move, that.data_, &data_);
std::swap(that.vptr_, vptr_);
template <class T, class U = std::decay_t<T>>
using wrapped_t =
std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v<U, time_single_deferred>, U>;
template <class Wrapped, Sender<single_tag> W = wrapped_t<Wrapped>>
requires TimeSenderTo<W, single<V, E>>
explicit time_single_deferred(Wrapped obj)
: time_single_deferred() {
if constexpr (insitu<Wrapped>())
new (data_.buffer_) Wrapped(std::move(obj));
data_.pobj_ = new Wrapped(std::move(obj));
vptr_ = &vtable_v<Wrapped>;
~time_single_deferred() {
vptr_->op_(op::destroy, data_, nullptr);
time_single_deferred& operator=(time_single_deferred&& that) noexcept {
new ((void*)this) time_single_deferred(std::move(that));
return *this;
TP now() {
void submit(TP at, single<V, E> out) {
vptr_->submit_(data_, std::move(at), std::move(out));
// Class static definitions:
template <class V, class E, class TP>
constexpr typename time_single_deferred<V, E, TP>::vtable const
time_single_deferred<V, E, TP>::vtable::noop_;
template <class V, class E, class TP>
template <class Wrapped, bool Big>
constexpr typename time_single_deferred<V, E, TP>::vtable const
time_single_deferred<V, E, TP>::vtable_v;
template <class V, class E, class TP>
template <class Wrapped>
constexpr typename time_single_deferred<V, E, TP>::vtable const
time_single_deferred<V, E, TP>::vtable_v<Wrapped, true> = {
+[](op o, data& src, data* dst) {
switch (o) {
case op::move:
new (dst->buffer_) Wrapped(
case op::destroy:
static_cast<Wrapped const*>((void*)src.buffer_)->~Wrapped();
+[](data& src) -> TP {
return ::pushmi::now(*static_cast<Wrapped*>((void*)src.buffer_));
+[](data& src, TP tp, single<V, E> out) {
template <class SF, Invocable NF>
class time_single_deferred<SF, NF> {
SF sf_{};
NF nf_{};
using sender_category = single_tag;
constexpr time_single_deferred() = default;
constexpr explicit time_single_deferred(SF sf)
: sf_(std::move(sf)) {}
constexpr time_single_deferred(SF sf, NF nf)
: sf_(std::move(sf)), nf_(std::move(nf)) {}
auto now() {
return nf_();
template <Regular TP, Receiver<single_tag> Out>
requires Invocable<SF&, TP, Out>
void submit(TP tp, Out out) {
sf_(std::move(tp), std::move(out));
template <TimeSender<single_tag> Data, class DSF, Invocable<Data&> DNF>
class time_single_deferred<Data, DSF, DNF> {
Data data_{};
DSF sf_{};
DNF nf_{};
using sender_category = single_tag;
constexpr time_single_deferred() = default;
constexpr explicit time_single_deferred(Data data)
: data_(std::move(data)) {}
constexpr time_single_deferred(Data data, DSF sf, DNF nf = DNF{})
: data_(std::move(data)), sf_(std::move(sf)), nf_(std::move(nf)) {}
auto now() {
return nf_(data_);
template <class TP, Receiver<single_tag> Out>
requires Invocable<DSF&, Data&, TP, Out>
void submit(TP tp, Out out) {
sf_(data_, std::move(tp), std::move(out));
time_single_deferred()->time_single_deferred<ignoreSF, systemNowF>;
template <class SF>
time_single_deferred(SF)->time_single_deferred<SF, systemNowF>;
template <class SF, Invocable NF>
time_single_deferred(SF, NF)->time_single_deferred<SF, NF>;
template <TimeSender<single_tag> Data, class DSF>
time_single_deferred(Data, DSF)->time_single_deferred<Data, DSF, passDNF>;
template <TimeSender<single_tag> Data, class DSF, class DNF>
time_single_deferred(Data, DSF, DNF)->time_single_deferred<Data, DSF, DNF>;
template <
class V,
class E = std::exception_ptr,
class TP = std::chrono::system_clock::time_point>
using any_time_single_deferred = time_single_deferred<V, E, TP>;
// template <
// class V,
// class E = std::exception_ptr,
// class TP = std::chrono::system_clock::time_point,
// TimeSenderTo<single<V, E>, single_tag> Wrapped>
// auto erase_cast(Wrapped w) {
// return time_single_deferred<V, E>{std::move(w)};
// }
} // namespace pushmi
#pragma once
// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
// This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include <type_traits>
namespace pushmi {
template <class T, template <class> class C>
concept bool Valid = requires { typename C<T>; };
template <class T, template<class...> class Trait, class... Args>
concept bool Satisfies = bool(Trait<T>::type::value);
template <class T>
concept bool Object = requires(T* p) {
{ p } -> const volatile void*;
template <class T, class... Args>
concept bool Constructible = __is_constructible(T, Args...);
template <class T>
concept bool MoveConstructible = Constructible<T, T>;
template <class From, class To>
concept bool ConvertibleTo =
std::is_convertible_v<From, To>&& requires(From (&f)()) {
template <class T, class U>
concept bool Same = __is_same_as(T, U) && __is_same_as(U, T);
template <class A, class B>
concept bool Derived = __is_base_of(B, A);
template <class A>
concept bool Decayed = Same<A, std::decay_t<A>>;
template <class T, class U>
concept bool Assignable = Same<T, T&>&& requires(T t, U&& u) {
{ t = (U &&) u } -> Same<T>&&;
template <class T>
concept bool EqualityComparable = requires(std::remove_cvref_t<T> const & t) {
{ t == t } -> bool;
{ t != t } -> bool;
template <class T>
concept bool SemiMovable =
Object<T>&& Constructible<T, T>&& ConvertibleTo<T, T>;
template <class T>
concept bool Movable = SemiMovable<T>&& Assignable<T&, T>;
template <class T>
concept bool Copyable = Movable<T>&&
Assignable<T&, const T&> &&
ConvertibleTo<const T&, T>;
template <class T>
concept bool Semiregular = Copyable<T>&& Constructible<T>;
template <class T>
concept bool Regular = Semiregular<T>&& EqualityComparable<T>;
template <class F, class... Args>
concept bool Invocable = requires(F&& f, Args&&... args) {
std::invoke((F &&) f, (Args &&) args...);
template <class F, class... Args>
concept bool NothrowInvocable =
Invocable<F, Args...> && requires(F&& f, Args&&... args) {
{ std::invoke((F &&) f, (Args &&) args...) } noexcept;
namespace detail {
// is_ taken from meta library
template <typename, template <typename...> class>
struct is_ : std::false_type {};
template <typename... Ts, template <typename...> class C>
struct is_<C<Ts...>, C> : std::true_type {};
template <typename T, template <typename...> class C>
constexpr bool is_v = is_<T, C>::value;
template <bool B, class T = void>
using requires_ = std::enable_if_t<B, T>;
} // namespace detail
} // namespace pushmi
#if 1
#define PUSHMI_VOID_LAMBDA_REQUIRES(RequiresExp...) \
#define PUSHMI_T_LAMBDA_REQUIRES(T, RequiresExp...) \
->::pushmi::detail::requires_<(RequiresExp), T>
#elif 0
// unsupported syntax..
#define PUSHMI_VOID_LAMBDA_REQUIRES(RequiresExp...) ->void requires(RequiresExp)
#define PUSHMI_T_LAMBDA_REQUIRES(T, RequiresExp...) ->T requires(RequiresExp)
#define PUSHMI_VOID_LAMBDA_REQUIRES(RequiresExp...) ->void
#define PUSHMI_T_LAMBDA_REQUIRES(T, RequiresExp...) ->T
#pragma once
// Copyright (c) 2018-present, Facebook, Inc.
// This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#include <chrono>
#include <deque>
#include <thread>
#include "executor.h"
#include "time_single_deferred.h"
namespace pushmi {
struct recurse_t {};
constexpr const recurse_t recurse{};
namespace detail {
struct ownordelegate_t {};
constexpr const ownordelegate_t ownordelegate{};
struct ownornest_t {};
constexpr const ownornest_t ownornest{};
class trampoline_id {
std::thread::id threadid;
uintptr_t trampolineid;
template <class T>
explicit trampoline_id(T* trampoline)
: threadid(std::this_thread::get_id()), trampolineid(trampoline) {}
template <class E = std::exception_ptr>
class trampoline {
using time_point = std::chrono::system_clock::time_point;
using error_type = std::decay_t<E>;
using work_type =
any_single<any_time_executor_ref<error_type, time_point>, error_type>;
using queue_type = std::deque<std::tuple<time_point, work_type>>;
using pending_type = std::tuple<int, queue_type, time_point>;
inline static pending_type*& owner() {
static thread_local pending_type* pending = nullptr;
return pending;
inline static int& depth(pending_type& p) {
return std::get<0>(p);
inline static queue_type& pending(pending_type& p) {
return std::get<1>(p);
inline static time_point& next(pending_type& p) {
return std::get<2>(p);
inline static trampoline_id get_id() {
return {owner()};
inline static bool is_owned() {
return owner() != nullptr;
inline static time_point now() {
return std::chrono::system_clock::now();
template <class Selector, class Derived>
static void submit(Selector, Derived&, time_point awhen, recurse_t) {
if (!is_owned()) {
next(*owner()) = awhen;
template <class SingleReceiver>
requires !Same<SingleReceiver, recurse_t>
static void submit(ownordelegate_t, time_point awhen, SingleReceiver awhat);
template <class SingleReceiver>
requires !Same<SingleReceiver, recurse_t>
static void submit(ownornest_t, time_point awhen, SingleReceiver awhat);
template <class E = std::exception_ptr>
class delegator {
using time_point = typename trampoline<E>::time_point;
using sender_category = single_tag;
time_point now() {
return trampoline<E>::now();
template <class SingleReceiver>
requires Receiver<std::remove_cvref_t<SingleReceiver>, single_tag>
void submit(time_point when, SingleReceiver&& what) {
ownordelegate, when, std::forward<SingleReceiver>(what));
template <class E = std::exception_ptr>
class nester {
using time_point = typename trampoline<E>::time_point;
using sender_category = single_tag;
time_point now() {
return trampoline<E>::now();
template <class SingleReceiver>
void submit(time_point when, SingleReceiver&& what) {
trampoline<E>::submit(ownornest, when, std::forward<SingleReceiver>(what));
template <class E>
template <class SingleReceiver>
requires !Same<SingleReceiver, recurse_t>
// static
void trampoline<E>::submit(
time_point awhen,
SingleReceiver awhat) {
delegator<E> that;
if (is_owned()) {
// thread already owned
// poor mans scope guard
try {
if (++depth(*owner()) > 100 || awhen > trampoline<E>::now()) {
// defer work to owner
std::make_tuple(awhen, work_type{std::move(awhat)}));
} else {
// dynamic recursion - optimization to balance queueing and
// stack usage and value interleaving on the same thread.
::pushmi::set_value(awhat, that);
} catch(...){
// take over the thread
pending_type pending_store;
owner() = &pending_store;
depth(pending_store) = 0;
// poor mans scope guard
try {
trampoline<E>::submit(ownornest, awhen, std::move(awhat));
} catch(...) {
// ignore exceptions while delivering the exception
try {
::pushmi::set_error(awhat, std::current_exception());
for (auto& item : pending(pending_store)) {
auto& what = std::get<1>(item);
::pushmi::set_error(what, std::current_exception());
} catch (...) {
if(!is_owned()) { std::abort(); }
if(!pending(pending_store).empty()) { std::abort(); }
owner() = nullptr;
if(!is_owned()) { std::abort(); }
if(!pending(pending_store).empty()) { std::abort(); }
owner() = nullptr;
template <class E>
template <class SingleReceiver>
requires !Same<SingleReceiver, recurse_t>
// static
void trampoline<E>::submit(
time_point awhen,
SingleReceiver awhat) {
delegator<E> that;
if (!is_owned()) {
trampoline<E>::submit(ownordelegate, awhen, std::move(awhat));
auto& pending_store = *owner();
// static recursion - tail call optimization
if (pending(pending_store).empty()) {
auto when = awhen;
while (when != time_point{}) {
if (when > trampoline<E>::now()) {
next(pending_store) = time_point{};
::pushmi::set_value(awhat, that);
when = next(pending_store);
} else {
// ensure work is sorted by time
.push_back(std::make_tuple(awhen, work_type{std::move(awhat)}));
if (pending(pending_store).empty()) {
while (!pending(pending_store).empty()) {
[](auto& lhs, auto& rhs) {
auto& lwhen = std::get<0>(lhs);
auto& rwhen = std::get<0>(rhs);
return lwhen < rwhen;
auto item = std::move(pending(pending_store).front());
auto& when = std::get<0>(item);
auto& what = std::get<1>(item);
any_time_executor_ref<error_type, time_point> anythis{that};
::pushmi::set_value(what, anythis);
} // namespace detail
template <class E = std::exception_ptr>
detail::trampoline_id get_trampoline_id() {
if(!detail::trampoline<E>::is_owned()) { std::abort(); }
return detail::trampoline<E>::get_id();
template <class E = std::exception_ptr>
bool owned_by_trampoline() {
return detail::trampoline<E>::is_owned();
template <class E = std::exception_ptr>
inline detail::delegator<E> trampoline() {
return {};
template <class E = std::exception_ptr>
inline detail::nester<E> nested_trampoline() {
return {};
namespace detail {
template <class E>
requires TimeSenderTo<delegator<E>, recurse_t>
decltype(auto) repeat(delegator<E>& exec) {
::pushmi::submit(exec, ::pushmi::now(exec), recurse);
template <class AnyExec>
void repeat(AnyExec& exec) {
} // namespace detail
inline auto repeat() {
return [](auto& exec) { detail::repeat(exec); };
} // namespace pushmi
add_executable(PushmiTest catch.cpp PushmiTest.cpp)
#include "catch.hpp"
#include <type_traits>
#include <chrono>
using namespace std::literals;
#include "pushmi/flow_single_deferred.h"
#include "pushmi/o/empty.h"
#include "pushmi/o/just.h"
#include "pushmi/o/on.h"
#include "pushmi/o/transform.h"
#include "pushmi/o/tap.h"
#include "pushmi/o/via.h"
#include "pushmi/o/submit.h"
#include "pushmi/o/extension_operators.h"
#include "pushmi/trampoline.h"
#include "pushmi/new_thread.h"
using namespace pushmi::aliases;
SCENARIO( "empty can be used with tap and submit", "[empty][deferred]" ) {
GIVEN( "An empty deferred" ) {
auto e = op::empty();
using E = decltype(e);
REQUIRE( v::SenderTo<E, v::any_none<>, v::none_tag> );
WHEN( "tap and submit are applied" ) {
int signals = 0;
e |
[&](auto e) noexcept { signals += 1000; },
[&](){ signals += 10; }) |
[&](auto e) noexcept { signals += 1000; },
[&](){ signals += 10; });
THEN( "the done signal is recorded twice" ) {
REQUIRE( signals == 20 );
WHEN( "future_from is applied" ) {
THEN( "future_from(e) returns std::future<void>" ) {
REQUIRE( std::is_same_v<std::future<void>, decltype(v::future_from(e))> );
GIVEN( "An empty int single_deferred" ) {
auto e = op::empty<int>();
using E = decltype(e);
REQUIRE( v::SenderTo<E, v::any_single<int>, v::single_tag> );
WHEN( "tap and submit are applied" ) {
int signals = 0;
e |
[&](auto v){ signals += 100; },
[&](auto e) noexcept { signals += 1000; },
[&](){ signals += 10; }) |
[&](auto v){ signals += 100; },
[&](auto e) noexcept { signals += 1000; },
[&](){ signals += 10; });
THEN( "the done signal is recorded twice" ) {
REQUIRE( signals == 20 );
SCENARIO( "just() can be used with transform and submit", "[just][deferred]" ) {
GIVEN( "A just int single_deferred" ) {
auto j = op::just(20);
using J = decltype(j);
REQUIRE( v::SenderTo<J, v::any_single<int>, v::single_tag> );
WHEN( "transform and submit are applied" ) {
int signals = 0;
int value = 0;
j |
[&](int v){ signals += 10000; return v + 1; },
[&](auto v){ std:abort(); return v; }) |
[&](int v){ signals += 10000; return v * 2; }) |
[&](auto v){ value = v; signals += 100; },
[&](auto e) noexcept { signals += 1000; },
[&](){ signals += 10; });
THEN( "the transform signal is recorded twice, the value signal once and the result is correct" ) {
REQUIRE( signals == 20100 );
REQUIRE( value == 42 );
WHEN( "future_from<int> is applied" ) {
auto twenty = v::future_from<int>(j).get();
THEN( "the value signal is recorded once and the result is correct" ) {
REQUIRE( twenty == 20 );
REQUIRE( std::is_same_v<std::future<int>, decltype(v::future_from<int>(j))> );
#define CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN // This tells Catch to provide a main() - only do this in one cpp file
#include "catch.hpp"
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