Commit 677bed09 authored by Tudor Bosman's avatar Tudor Bosman Committed by Jordan DeLong

Subprocess library, modeled after python's subprocess module

Surprised we don't have one.  The API is modeled after Python's
subprocess module,

Inspired by, plus
I needed this functionality now.

Test Plan: test added

Reviewed By:

FB internal diff: D614056
parent f919a052
* Copyright 2012 Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "folly/Subprocess.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <wait.h>
#include <array>
#include <algorithm>
#include <system_error>
#include <boost/container/flat_set.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptors.hpp>
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include "folly/Conv.h"
#include "folly/ScopeGuard.h"
#include "folly/String.h"
#include "folly/experimental/io/Cursor.h"
extern char** environ;
namespace folly {
ProcessReturnCode::State ProcessReturnCode::state() const {
if (rawStatus_ == RV_NOT_STARTED) return NOT_STARTED;
if (rawStatus_ == RV_RUNNING) return RUNNING;
if (WIFEXITED(rawStatus_)) return EXITED;
if (WIFSIGNALED(rawStatus_)) return KILLED;
throw std::runtime_error(to<std::string>(
"Invalid ProcessReturnCode: ", rawStatus_));
void ProcessReturnCode::enforce(State s) const {
if (state() != s) {
throw std::logic_error(to<std::string>("Invalid state ", s));
int ProcessReturnCode::exitStatus() const {
return WEXITSTATUS(rawStatus_);
int ProcessReturnCode::killSignal() const {
return WTERMSIG(rawStatus_);
bool ProcessReturnCode::coreDumped() const {
return WCOREDUMP(rawStatus_);
std::string ProcessReturnCode::str() const {
switch (state()) {
return "not started";
return "running";
case EXITED:
return to<std::string>("exited with status ", exitStatus());
case KILLED:
return to<std::string>("killed by signal ", killSignal(),
(coreDumped() ? " (core dumped)" : ""));
CHECK(false); // unreached
CalledProcessError::CalledProcessError(ProcessReturnCode rc)
: returnCode_(rc),
what_(returnCode_.str()) {
namespace {
// Copy pointers to the given strings in a format suitable for posix_spawn
std::unique_ptr<const char*[]> cloneStrings(const std::vector<std::string>& s) {
std::unique_ptr<const char*[]> d(new const char*[s.size() + 1]);
for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {
d[i] = s[i].c_str();
d[s.size()] = nullptr;
return d;
// Helper to throw std::system_error
void throwSystemError(int err, const char* msg) __attribute__((noreturn));
void throwSystemError(int err, const char* msg) {
throw std::system_error(err, std::system_category(), msg);
// Helper to throw std::system_error from errno
void throwSystemError(const char* msg) __attribute__((noreturn));
void throwSystemError(const char* msg) {
throwSystemError(errno, msg);
// Check a Posix return code (0 on success, error number on error), throw
// on error.
void checkPosixError(int err, const char* msg) {
if (err != 0) {
throwSystemError(err, msg);
// Check a traditional Uinx return code (-1 and sets errno on error), throw
// on error.
void checkUnixError(ssize_t ret, const char* msg) {
if (ret == -1) {
// Check a wait() status, throw on non-successful
void checkStatus(ProcessReturnCode returnCode) {
if (returnCode.state() != ProcessReturnCode::EXITED ||
returnCode.exitStatus() != 0) {
throw CalledProcessError(returnCode);
} // namespace
Subprocess::Options& Subprocess::Options::fd(int fd, int action) {
if (action == Subprocess::PIPE) {
if (fd == 0) {
action = Subprocess::PIPE_IN;
} else if (fd == 1 || fd == 2) {
action = Subprocess::PIPE_OUT;
} else {
throw std::invalid_argument(
to<std::string>("Only fds 0, 1, 2 are valid for action=PIPE: ", fd));
fdActions_[fd] = action;
return *this;
const std::vector<std::string>& argv,
const Options& options,
const char* executable,
const std::vector<std::string>* env)
: pid_(-1),
returnCode_(RV_NOT_STARTED) {
if (argv.empty()) {
throw std::invalid_argument("argv must not be empty");
if (!executable) executable = argv[0].c_str();
spawn(cloneStrings(argv), executable, options, env);
const std::string& cmd,
const Options& options,
const std::vector<std::string>* env)
: pid_(-1),
returnCode_(RV_NOT_STARTED) {
if (options.usePath_) {
throw std::invalid_argument("usePath() not allowed when running in shell");
const char* shell = getenv("SHELL");
if (!shell) {
shell = "/bin/sh";
std::unique_ptr<const char*[]> argv(new const char*[4]);
argv[0] = shell;
argv[1] = "-c";
argv[2] = cmd.c_str();
argv[3] = nullptr;
spawn(std::move(argv), shell, options, env);
Subprocess::~Subprocess() {
if (returnCode_.state() == ProcessReturnCode::RUNNING) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Subprocess destroyed without reaping; killing child.";
try {
} catch (...) {
LOG(FATAL) << "Killing child failed, terminating: "
<< exceptionStr(std::current_exception());
try {
} catch (...) {
LOG(FATAL) << "close failed, terminating: "
<< exceptionStr(std::current_exception());
namespace {
void closeChecked(int fd) {
checkUnixError(::close(fd), "close");
} // namespace
void Subprocess::closeAll() {
for (auto& p : pipes_) {
void Subprocess::setAllNonBlocking() {
for (auto& p : pipes_) {
int fd = p.parentFd;
int flags = ::fcntl(fd, F_GETFL);
checkUnixError(flags, "fcntl");
int r = ::fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
checkUnixError(r, "fcntl");
void Subprocess::spawn(
std::unique_ptr<const char*[]> argv,
const char* executable,
const Options& optionsIn,
const std::vector<std::string>* env) {
if (optionsIn.usePath_ && env) {
throw std::invalid_argument(
"usePath() not allowed when overriding environment");
// Make a copy, we'll mutate options
Options options(optionsIn);
// Parent work, pre-fork: create pipes
std::vector<int> childFds;
for (auto& p : options.fdActions_) {
if (p.second == PIPE_IN || p.second == PIPE_OUT) {
int fds[2];
int r = ::pipe(fds);
checkUnixError(r, "pipe");
PipeInfo pinfo;
pinfo.direction = p.second;
int cfd;
if (p.second == PIPE_IN) {
// Child gets reading end
pinfo.parentFd = fds[1];
cfd = fds[0];
} else {
pinfo.parentFd = fds[0];
cfd = fds[1];
p.second = cfd; // ensure it gets dup2()ed
pinfo.childFd = p.first;
// This should already be sorted, as options.fdActions_ is
DCHECK(std::is_sorted(pipes_.begin(), pipes_.end()));
// Note that the const casts below are legit, per
char** argVec = const_cast<char**>(argv.get());
// Set up environment
std::unique_ptr<const char*[]> envHolder;
char** envVec;
if (env) {
envHolder = cloneStrings(*env);
envVec = const_cast<char**>(envHolder.get());
} else {
envVec = environ;
pid_t pid = vfork();
if (pid == 0) {
runChild(executable, argVec, envVec, options);
// This should never return, but there's nothing else we can do here.
// In parent
checkUnixError(pid, "vfork");
pid_ = pid;
returnCode_ = ProcessReturnCode(RV_RUNNING);
// Parent work, post-fork: close child's ends of pipes
for (int f : childFds) {
namespace {
// Checked version of close() to use in the child: abort() on error
void childClose(int fd) {
int r = ::close(fd);
if (r == -1) abort();
// Checked version of dup2() to use in the child: abort() on error
void childDup2(int oldfd, int newfd) {
int r = ::dup2(oldfd, newfd);
if (r == -1) abort();
} // namespace
void Subprocess::runChild(const char* executable,
char** argv, char** env,
const Options& options) const {
// Close parent's ends of all pipes
for (auto& p : pipes_) {
// Close all fds that we're supposed to close.
// Note that we're ignoring errors here, in case some of these
// fds were set to close on exec.
for (auto& p : options.fdActions_) {
if (p.second == CLOSE) {
} else {
childDup2(p.second, p.first);
// If requested, close all other file descriptors. Don't close
// any fds in options.fdActions_, and don't touch stdin, stdout, stderr.
// Ignore errors.
if (options.closeOtherFds_) {
for (int fd = getdtablesize() - 1; fd >= 3; --fd) {
if (options.fdActions_.count(fd) == 0) {
// Now, finally, exec.
int r;
if (options.usePath_) {
::execvp(executable, argv);
} else {
::execve(executable, argv, env);
// If we're here, something's wrong.
ProcessReturnCode Subprocess::poll() {
DCHECK_GT(pid_, 0);
int status;
pid_t found = ::waitpid(pid_, &status, WNOHANG);
checkUnixError(found, "waitpid");
if (found != 0) {
returnCode_ = ProcessReturnCode(status);
pid_ = -1;
return returnCode_;
bool Subprocess::pollChecked() {
if (poll().state() == ProcessReturnCode::RUNNING) {
return false;
return true;
ProcessReturnCode Subprocess::wait() {
DCHECK_GT(pid_, 0);
int status;
pid_t found = ::waitpid(pid_, &status, 0);
checkUnixError(found, "waitpid");
returnCode_ = ProcessReturnCode(status);
return returnCode_;
void Subprocess::waitChecked() {
void Subprocess::sendSignal(int signal) {
int r = ::kill(pid_, signal);
checkUnixError(r, "kill");
namespace {
void setNonBlocking(int fd) {
int flags = ::fcntl(fd, F_GETFL);
checkUnixError(flags, "fcntl");
int r = ::fcntl(fd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK);
checkUnixError(r, "fcntl");
std::pair<const uint8_t*, size_t> queueFront(const IOBufQueue& queue) {
auto* p = queue.front();
if (!p) return std::make_pair(nullptr, 0);
return io::Cursor(p).peek();
// fd write
bool handleWrite(int fd, IOBufQueue& queue) {
for (;;) {
auto p = queueFront(queue);
if (p.second == 0) {
return true; // EOF
ssize_t n;
do {
n = ::write(fd, p.first, p.second);
} while (n == -1 && errno == EINTR);
if (n == -1 && errno == EAGAIN) {
return false;
checkUnixError(n, "write");
// fd read
bool handleRead(int fd, IOBufQueue& queue) {
for (;;) {
auto p = queue.preallocate(100, 65000);
ssize_t n;
do {
n = ::read(fd, p.first, p.second);
} while (n == -1 && errno == EINTR);
if (n == -1 && errno == EAGAIN) {
return false;
checkUnixError(n, "read");
if (n == 0) {
return true;
bool discardRead(int fd) {
static const size_t bufSize = 65000;
// Thread unsafe, but it doesn't matter.
static std::unique_ptr<char[]> buf(new char[bufSize]);
for (;;) {
ssize_t n;
do {
n = ::read(fd, buf.get(), bufSize);
} while (n == -1 && errno == EINTR);
if (n == -1 && errno == EAGAIN) {
return false;
checkUnixError(n, "read");
if (n == 0) {
return true;
} // namespace
std::pair<std::string, std::string> Subprocess::communicate(
int flags,
StringPiece data) {
IOBufQueue dataQueue;
dataQueue.wrapBuffer(, data.size());
auto outQueues = communicateIOBuf(flags, std::move(dataQueue));
auto outBufs = std::make_pair(outQueues.first.move(),
std::pair<std::string, std::string> out;
if (outBufs.first) {
out.first.assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(outBufs.first->data()),
if (outBufs.second) {
out.second.assign(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(outBufs.second->data()),
return out;
std::pair<IOBufQueue, IOBufQueue> Subprocess::communicateIOBuf(
int flags,
IOBufQueue data) {
std::pair<IOBufQueue, IOBufQueue> out;
auto readCallback = [&, flags] (int pfd, int cfd) {
if (cfd == 1 && (flags & READ_STDOUT)) {
return handleRead(pfd, out.first);
} else if (cfd == 2 && (flags & READ_STDERR)) {
return handleRead(pfd, out.second);
} else {
// Don't close the file descriptor, the child might not like SIGPIPE,
// just read and throw the data away.
return discardRead(pfd);
auto writeCallback = [&, flags] (int pfd, int cfd) {
if (cfd == 0 && (flags & WRITE_STDIN)) {
return handleWrite(pfd, data);
} else {
// If we don't want to write to this fd, just close it.
return false;
communicate(std::move(readCallback), std::move(writeCallback));
return out;
void Subprocess::communicate(FdCallback readCallback,
FdCallback writeCallback) {
std::vector<pollfd> fds;
std::vector<int> toClose;
while (!pipes_.empty()) {
for (auto& p : pipes_) {
pollfd pfd;
pfd.fd = p.parentFd;
// Yes, backwards, PIPE_IN / PIPE_OUT are defined from the
// child's point of view. = (p.direction == PIPE_IN ? POLLOUT : POLLIN);
int r;
do {
r = ::poll(, fds.size(), -1);
} while (r == -1 && errno == EINTR);
checkUnixError(r, "poll");
for (int i = 0; i < pipes_.size(); ++i) {
auto& p = pipes_[i];
DCHECK_EQ(fds[i].fd, p.parentFd);
short events = fds[i].revents;
bool closed = false;
if (events & POLLOUT) {
DCHECK(!(events & POLLIN));
if (writeCallback(p.parentFd, p.childFd)) {
closed = true;
if (events & POLLIN) {
DCHECK(!(events & POLLOUT));
if (readCallback(p.parentFd, p.childFd)) {
closed = true;
if ((events & (POLLHUP | POLLERR)) && !closed) {
closed = true;
// Close the fds in reverse order so the indexes hold after erase()
for (int idx : boost::adaptors::reverse(toClose)) {
auto pos = pipes_.begin() + idx;
int Subprocess::findByChildFd(int childFd) const {
auto pos = std::lower_bound(
pipes_.begin(), pipes_.end(), childFd,
[] (const PipeInfo& info, int fd) { return info.childFd < fd; });
if (pos == pipes_.end() || pos->childFd != childFd) {
throw std::invalid_argument(folly::to<std::string>(
"child fd not found ", childFd));
return pos - pipes_.begin();
void Subprocess::closeParentFd(int childFd) {
int idx = findByChildFd(childFd);
pipes_.erase(pipes_.begin() + idx);
namespace {
class Initializer {
Initializer() {
// We like EPIPE, thanks.
::signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
Initializer initializer;
} // namespace
} // namespace folly
* Copyright 2012 Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Subprocess library, modeled after Python's subprocess module
* (
* This library defines one class (Subprocess) which represents a child
* process. Subprocess has two constructors: one that takes a vector<string>
* and executes the given executable without using the shell, and one
* that takes a string and executes the given command using the shell.
* Subprocess allows you to redirect the child's standard input, standard
* output, and standard error to/from child descriptors in the parent,
* or to create communication pipes between the child and the parent.
* The simplest example is a thread-safe version of the system() library
* function:
* Subprocess(cmd).wait();
* which executes the command using the default shell and waits for it
* to complete, returning the exit status.
* A thread-safe version of popen() (type="r", to read from the child):
* Subprocess proc(cmd, Subprocess::Options().stdout(Subprocess::PIPE));
* // read from proc.stdout()
* proc.wait();
* A thread-safe version of popen() (type="w", to write from the child):
* Subprocess proc(cmd, Subprocess::Options().stdin(Subprocess::PIPE));
* // write to proc.stdin()
* proc.wait();
* If you want to redirect both stdin and stdout to pipes, you can, but
* note that you're subject to a variety of deadlocks. You'll want to use
* nonblocking I/O; look at the implementation of communicate() for an example.
* communicate() is a way to communicate to a child via its standard input,
* standard output, and standard error. It buffers everything in memory,
* so it's not great for large amounts of data (or long-running processes),
* but it insulates you from the deadlocks mentioned above.
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <wait.h>
#include <exception>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <boost/container/flat_map.hpp>
#include <boost/operators.hpp>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include "folly/experimental/io/IOBufQueue.h"
#include "folly/MapUtil.h"
#include "folly/Portability.h"
#include "folly/Range.h"
namespace folly {
* Class to wrap a process return code.
class Subprocess;
class ProcessReturnCode {
friend class Subprocess;
enum State {
* Process state. One of:
* NOT_STARTED: process hasn't been started successfully
* RUNNING: process is currently running
* EXITED: process exited (successfully or not)
* KILLED: process was killed by a signal.
State state() const;
* Helper wrappers around state().
bool notStarted() const { return state() == NOT_STARTED; }
bool running() const { return state() == RUNNING; }
bool exited() const { return state() == EXITED; }
bool killed() const { return state() == KILLED; }
* Exit status. Only valid if state() == EXITED; throws otherwise.
int exitStatus() const;
* Signal that caused the process's termination. Only valid if
* state() == KILLED; throws otherwise.
int killSignal() const;
* Was a core file generated? Only valid if state() == KILLED; throws
* otherwise.
bool coreDumped() const;
* String representation; one of
* "not started"
* "running"
* "exited with status <status>"
* "killed by signal <signal>"
* "killed by signal <signal> (core dumped)"
std::string str() const;
* Helper function to enforce a precondition based on this.
* Throws std::logic_error if in an unexpected state.
void enforce(State state) const;
explicit ProcessReturnCode(int rv) : rawStatus_(rv) { }
static constexpr int RV_NOT_STARTED = -2;
static constexpr int RV_RUNNING = -1;
int rawStatus_;
* Exception thrown by *Checked methods of Subprocess.
class CalledProcessError : public std::exception {
explicit CalledProcessError(ProcessReturnCode rc);
~CalledProcessError() throw() { }
const char* what() const throw() FOLLY_OVERRIDE { return what_.c_str(); }
ProcessReturnCode returnCode() const { return returnCode_; }
ProcessReturnCode returnCode_;
std::string what_;
* Subprocess.
class Subprocess : private boost::noncopyable {
static const int CLOSE = -1;
static const int PIPE = -2;
static const int PIPE_IN = -3;
static const int PIPE_OUT = -4;
* Class representing various options: file descriptor behavior, and
* whether to use $PATH for searching for the executable,
* By default, we don't use $PATH, file descriptors are closed if
* the close-on-exec flag is set (fcntl FD_CLOEXEC) and inherited
* otherwise.
class Options {
friend class Subprocess;
Options() : closeOtherFds_(false), usePath_(false) { }
* Change action for file descriptor fd.
* "action" may be another file descriptor number (dup2()ed before the
* child execs), or one of CLOSE, PIPE_IN, and PIPE_OUT.
* CLOSE: close the file descriptor in the child
* PIPE_IN: open a pipe *from* the child
* PIPE_OUT: open a pipe *to* the child
* PIPE is a shortcut; same as PIPE_IN for stdin (fd 0), same as
* PIPE_OUT for stdout (fd 1) or stderr (fd 2), and an error for
* other file descriptors.
Options& fd(int fd, int action);
* Shortcut to change the action for standard input.
Options& stdin(int action) { return fd(0, action); }
* Shortcut to change the action for standard output.
Options& stdout(int action) { return fd(1, action); }
* Shortcut to change the action for standard error.
* Note that stderr(1) will redirect the standard error to the same
* file descriptor as standard output; the equivalent of bash's "2>&1"
Options& stderr(int action) { return fd(2, action); }
* Close all other fds (other than standard input, output, error,
* and file descriptors explicitly specified with fd()).
* This is potentially slow; it's generally a better idea to
* set the close-on-exec flag on all file descriptors that shouldn't
* be inherited by the child.
* Even with this option set, standard input, output, and error are
* not closed; use stdin(CLOSE), stdout(CLOSE), stderr(CLOSE) if you
* desire this.
Options& closeOtherFds() { closeOtherFds_ = true; return *this; }
* Use the search path ($PATH) when searching for the executable.
Options& usePath() { usePath_ = true; return *this; }
typedef boost::container::flat_map<int, int> FdMap;
FdMap fdActions_;
bool closeOtherFds_;
bool usePath_;
* Create a subprocess from the given arguments. argv[0] must be listed.
* If not-null, executable must be the actual executable
* being used (otherwise it's the same as argv[0]).
* If env is not-null, it must contain name=value strings to be used
* as the child's environment; otherwise, we inherit the environment
* from the parent. env must be null if options.usePath is set.
explicit Subprocess(
const std::vector<std::string>& argv,
const Options& options = Options(),
const char* executable = nullptr,
const std::vector<std::string>* env = nullptr);
* Create a subprocess run as a shell command (as shell -c 'command')
* The shell to use is taken from the environment variable $SHELL,
* or /bin/sh if $SHELL is unset.
explicit Subprocess(
const std::string& cmd,
const Options& options = Options(),
const std::vector<std::string>* env = nullptr);
* Append all data, close the stdin (to-child) fd, and read all data,
* except that this is done in a safe manner to prevent deadlocking.
* If WRITE_STDIN is given in flags, the process must have been opened with
* stdinFd=PIPE.
* If READ_STDOUT is given in flags, the first returned value will be the
* value read from the child's stdout; the child must have been opened with
* stdoutFd=PIPE.
* If READ_STDERR is given in flags, the second returned value will be the
* value read from the child's stderr; the child must have been opened with
* stderrFd=PIPE.
* Note that communicate() returns when all pipes to/from the child are
* closed; the child might stay alive after that, so you must still wait().
* communicateIOBuf uses IOBufQueue for buffering (which has the advantage
* that it won't try to allocate all data at once). communicate
* uses strings for simplicity.
enum {
WRITE_STDIN = 1 << 0,
READ_STDOUT = 1 << 1,
READ_STDERR = 1 << 2,
std::pair<IOBufQueue, IOBufQueue> communicateIOBuf(
int flags = READ_STDOUT,
IOBufQueue data = IOBufQueue());
std::pair<std::string, std::string> communicate(
int flags = READ_STDOUT,
StringPiece data = StringPiece());
* Communicate with the child until all pipes to/from the child are closed.
* readCallback(pfd, cfd) will be called whenever there's data available
* on any pipe *from* the child (PIPE_OUT). pfd is the file descriptor
* in the parent (that you use to read from); cfd is the file descriptor
* in the child (used for identifying the stream; 1 = child's standard
* output, 2 = child's standard error, etc)
* writeCallback(pfd, cfd) will be called whenever a pipe *to* the child is
* writable (PIPE_IN). pfd is the file descriptor in the parent (that you
* use to write to); cfd is the file descriptor in the child (used for
* identifying the stream; 0 = child's standard input, etc)
* The read and write callbacks must read from / write to pfd and return
* false during normal operation or true at end-of-file;
* communicate() will then close the pipe. Note that pfd is
* nonblocking, so be prepared for read() / write() to return -1 and
* set errno to EAGAIN (in which case you should return false).
* NOTE that you MUST consume all data passed to readCallback (or return
* false, which will close the pipe, possibly sending SIGPIPE to the child or
* making its writes fail with EPIPE), and you MUST write to a writable pipe
* (or return false, which will close the pipe). To do otherwise is an
* error. You must do this even for pipes you are not interested in.
* Note that communicate() returns when all pipes to/from the child are
* closed; the child might stay alive after that, so you must still wait().
* Most users won't need to use this; the simpler version of communicate
* (which buffers data in memory) will probably work fine.
typedef std::function<bool(int, int)> FdCallback;
void communicate(FdCallback readCallback, FdCallback writeCallback);
* Return the child's pid, or -1 if the child wasn't successfully spawned
* or has already been wait()ed upon.
pid_t pid() const;
static const int RV_RUNNING = ProcessReturnCode::RV_RUNNING;
static const int RV_NOT_STARTED = ProcessReturnCode::RV_NOT_STARTED;
* Return the child's status (as per wait()) if the process has already
* been waited on, -1 if the process is still running, or -2 if the process
* hasn't been successfully started. NOTE that this does not poll, but
* returns the status stored in the Subprocess object.
ProcessReturnCode returnCode() const { return returnCode_; }
* Poll the child's status and return it, return -1 if the process
* is still running. NOTE that it is illegal to call poll again after
* poll indicated that the process has terminated, or to call poll on a
* process that hasn't been successfully started (the constructor threw an
* exception).
ProcessReturnCode poll();
* Poll the child's status. If the process is still running, return false.
* Otherwise, return true if the process exited with status 0 (success),
* or throw CalledProcessError if the process exited with a non-zero status.
bool pollChecked();
* Wait for the process to terminate and return its status.
* Similarly to poll, it is illegal to call poll after the process
* has already been reaped or if the process has not successfully started.
ProcessReturnCode wait();
* Wait for the process to terminate, throw if unsuccessful.
void waitChecked();
* Set all pipes from / to child non-blocking. communicate() does
* this for you.
void setAllNonBlocking();
* Get parent file descriptor corresponding to the given file descriptor
* in the child. Throws if childFd isn't a pipe (PIPE_IN / PIPE_OUT).
* Do not close() the return file descriptor; use closeParentFd, below.
int parentFd(int childFd) const {
return pipes_[findByChildFd(childFd)].parentFd;
int stdin() const { return parentFd(0); }
int stdout() const { return parentFd(1); }
int stderr() const { return parentFd(2); }
* Close the parent file descriptor given a file descriptor in the child.
void closeParentFd(int childFd);
* Send a signal to the child. Shortcuts for the commonly used Unix
* signals are below.
void sendSignal(int signal);
void terminate() { sendSignal(SIGTERM); }
void kill() { sendSignal(SIGKILL); }
void spawn(
std::unique_ptr<const char*[]> argv,
const char* executable,
const Options& options,
const std::vector<std::string>* env);
// Action to run in child.
// Note that this runs after vfork(), so tread lightly.
void runChild(const char* executable, char** argv, char** env,
const Options& options) const;
* Close all file descriptors.
void closeAll();
// return index in pipes_
int findByChildFd(int childFd) const;
pid_t pid_;
ProcessReturnCode returnCode_;
// The number of pipes between parent and child is assumed to be small,
// so we're happy with a vector here, even if it means linear erase.
// sorted by childFd
struct PipeInfo : private boost::totally_ordered<PipeInfo> {
int parentFd;
int childFd;
int direction; // one of PIPE_IN / PIPE_OUT
bool operator<(const PipeInfo& other) const {
return childFd < other.childFd;
bool operator==(const PipeInfo& other) const {
return childFd == other.childFd;
std::vector<PipeInfo> pipes_;
} // namespace folly
#endif /* FOLLY_SUBPROCESS_H_ */
* Copyright 2012 Facebook, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "folly/Subprocess.h"
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include "folly/Format.h"
#include "folly/experimental/io/Stream.h"
using namespace folly;
TEST(SimpleSubprocessTest, ExitsSuccessfully) {
Subprocess proc(std::vector<std::string>{ "/bin/true" });
EXPECT_EQ(0, proc.wait().exitStatus());
TEST(SimpleSubprocessTest, ExitsSuccessfullyChecked) {
Subprocess proc(std::vector<std::string>{ "/bin/true" });
TEST(SimpleSubprocessTest, ExitsWithError) {
Subprocess proc(std::vector<std::string>{ "/bin/false" });
EXPECT_EQ(1, proc.wait().exitStatus());
TEST(SimpleSubprocessTest, ExitsWithErrorChecked) {
Subprocess proc(std::vector<std::string>{ "/bin/false" });
EXPECT_THROW(proc.waitChecked(), CalledProcessError);
TEST(SimpleSubprocessTest, ShellExitsSuccesssfully) {
Subprocess proc("true");
EXPECT_EQ(0, proc.wait().exitStatus());
TEST(SimpleSubprocessTest, ShellExitsWithError) {
Subprocess proc("false");
EXPECT_EQ(1, proc.wait().exitStatus());
TEST(PopenSubprocessTest, PopenRead) {
Subprocess proc("ls /", Subprocess::Options().stdout(Subprocess::PIPE));
int found = 0;
for (auto bline : byLine(proc.stdout())) {
StringPiece line(bline);
if (line == "etc" || line == "bin" || line == "usr") {
EXPECT_EQ(3, found);
TEST(CommunicateSubprocessTest, SimpleRead) {
Subprocess proc(std::vector<std::string>{ "/bin/echo", "-n", "foo", "bar"},
auto p = proc.communicate();
EXPECT_EQ("foo bar", p.first);
TEST(CommunicateSubprocessTest, BigWrite) {
const int numLines = 1 << 20;
std::string line("hello\n");
std::string data;
data.reserve(numLines * line.size());
for (int i = 0; i < numLines; ++i) {
Subprocess::Options options;
Subprocess proc("wc -l", options);
auto p = proc.communicate(Subprocess::WRITE_STDIN | Subprocess::READ_STDOUT,
EXPECT_EQ(folly::format("{}\n", numLines).str(), p.first);
TEST(CommunicateSubprocessTest, Duplex) {
// Take 10MB of data and pass them through a filter.
// One line, as tr is line-buffered
const int bytes = 10 << 20;
std::string line(bytes, 'x');
Subprocess::Options options;
Subprocess proc("tr a-z A-Z", options);
auto p = proc.communicate(Subprocess::WRITE_STDIN | Subprocess::READ_STDOUT,
EXPECT_EQ(bytes, p.first.size());
EXPECT_EQ(std::string::npos, p.first.find_first_not_of('X'));
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