Commit 67bc1788 authored by Andrii Grynenko's avatar Andrii Grynenko Committed by JoelMarcey

Remove locking when getting ptr to Singleton

Summary: This removes one layer on locking on the fast path, when ptr to singleton object is read from SingletonEntry.

Test Plan:
unit test


folly/experimental/test/SingletonTest.cpp       relative  time/iter  iters/s
NormalSingleton                                            335.26ps    2.98G
MeyersSingleton                                   99.50%   336.96ps    2.97G
FollySingleton                                     0.28%   120.64ns    8.29M


folly/experimental/test/SingletonTest.cpp       relative  time/iter  iters/s
NormalSingleton                                            336.76ps    2.97G
MeyersSingleton                                   99.91%   337.07ps    2.97G
FollySingleton                                     0.36%    92.69ns   10.79M

Reviewed By:

Subscribers: trunkagent, folly-diffs@

FB internal diff: D1727604

Signature: t1:1727604:1418701171:1728b516191a8ec4439e981d78634370b4bcf7a1
parent 3490aa71
......@@ -40,8 +40,7 @@ void SingletonVault::destroyInstances() {
for (auto type_iter = creation_order_.rbegin();
type_iter != creation_order_.rend();
++type_iter) {
auto type = *type_iter;
......@@ -55,22 +54,17 @@ void SingletonVault::destroyInstances() {
* a read lock on mutex_.
* @param typeDescriptor - the type key for the removed singleton.
void SingletonVault::destroyInstance(
const detail::TypeDescriptor& typeDescriptor) {
auto it = singletons_.find(typeDescriptor);
CHECK(it != singletons_.end());
auto& entry = it->second;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> entry_guard(entry->mutex);
if (entry->instance.use_count() > 1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Singleton of typeDescriptor "
<< << " has a living "
void SingletonVault::destroyInstance(SingletonMap::iterator entry_it) {
const auto& type = entry_it->first;
auto& entry = *(entry_it->second);
if (entry.instance.use_count() > 1) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Singleton of type " << << " has a living "
<< "reference at destroyInstances time; beware! Raw pointer "
<< "is " << entry->instance.get() << " with use_count of "
<< entry->instance.use_count();
<< "is " << entry.instance.get() << " with use_count of "
<< entry.instance.use_count();
entry->state = SingletonEntryState::Dead;
entry.state = SingletonEntryState::Dead;
void SingletonVault::reenableInstances() {
......@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@
#pragma once
#include <folly/Exception.h>
#include <folly/Hash.h>
#include <folly/Memory.h>
#include <folly/RWSpinLock.h>
#include <algorithm>
......@@ -221,18 +222,8 @@ class SingletonVault {
TeardownFunc teardown) {
RWSpinLock::UpgradedHolder wh(&mutex_);
auto& entry = singletons_[type];
if (!entry) {
entry.reset(new SingletonEntry);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> entry_guard(entry->mutex);
CHECK(entry->instance == nullptr);
entry->create = create;
entry->teardown = teardown;
entry->state = SingletonEntryState::Dead;
singletons_[type] = folly::make_unique<SingletonEntry>(std::move(create),
/* Register a mock singleton used for testing of singletons which
......@@ -244,14 +235,25 @@ class SingletonVault {
RWSpinLock::ReadHolder rh(&stateMutex_);
RWSpinLock::ReadHolder rhMutex(&mutex_);
auto existing_entry_it = singletons_.find(type);
auto entry_it = singletons_.find(type);
// Mock singleton registration, we allow existing entry to be overridden.
if (existing_entry_it != singletons_.end()) {
// Upgrade to write lock.
RWSpinLock::UpgradedHolder whMutex(&mutex_);
if (entry_it == singletons_.end()) {
throw std::logic_error(
"Registering mock before the singleton was registered");
auto& entry = *(entry_it->second);
// Destroy existing singleton.
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> entry_lg(entry.mutex);
entry.create = create;
entry.teardown = teardown;
// Upgrade to write lock.
RWSpinLock::UpgradedHolder whMutex(&mutex_);
// Remove singleton from creation order and singletons_.
// This happens only in test code and not frequently.
......@@ -265,13 +267,6 @@ class SingletonVault {
// This method will re-upgrade to write lock for &mutex_.
// Mark registration is complete; no more singletons can be
// registered at this point.
void registrationComplete() {
......@@ -298,12 +293,6 @@ class SingletonVault {
// singletons once again until reenableInstances() is called.
void destroyInstances();
/* Destroy and clean-up one singleton. Must be invoked while holding
* a read lock on mutex_.
* @param typeDescriptor - the type key for the removed singleton.
void destroyInstance(const detail::TypeDescriptor& typeDescriptor);
// Enable re-creating singletons after destroyInstances() was called.
void reenableInstances();
......@@ -338,8 +327,7 @@ class SingletonVault {
size_t ret = 0;
for (const auto& p : singletons_) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> entry_guard(p.second->mutex);
if (p.second->instance) {
if (p.second->state == SingletonEntryState::Living) {
......@@ -358,12 +346,10 @@ class SingletonVault {
// Each singleton in the vault can be in three states: dead
// (registered but never created), being born (running the
// CreateFunc), and living (CreateFunc returned an instance).
// Each singleton in the vault can be in two states: dead
// (registered but never created), living (CreateFunc returned an instance).
enum class SingletonEntryState {
......@@ -378,24 +364,33 @@ class SingletonVault {
// its state as described above, and the create and teardown
// functions.
struct SingletonEntry {
// mutex protects the entire entry
SingletonEntry(CreateFunc c, TeardownFunc t) :
create(std::move(c)), teardown(std::move(t)) {}
// mutex protects the entire entry during construction/destruction
std::mutex mutex;
// state changes notify state_condvar
SingletonEntryState state = SingletonEntryState::Dead;
std::condition_variable state_condvar;
// State of the singleton entry. If state is Living, instance_ptr and
// instance_weak can be safely accessed w/o synchronization.
std::atomic<SingletonEntryState> state{SingletonEntryState::Dead};
// the thread creating the singleton
// the thread creating the singleton (only valid while creating an object)
std::thread::id creating_thread;
// The singleton itself and related functions.
// holds a shared_ptr to singleton instance, set when state is changed from
// Dead to Living. Reset when state is changed from Living to Dead.
std::shared_ptr<void> instance;
// weak_ptr to the singleton instance, set when state is changed from Dead
// to Living. We never write to this object after initialization, so it is
// safe to read it from different threads w/o synchronization if we know
// that state is set to Living
std::weak_ptr<void> instance_weak;
void* instance_ptr = nullptr;
CreateFunc create = nullptr;
TeardownFunc teardown = nullptr;
SingletonEntry() = default;
SingletonEntry(const SingletonEntry&) = delete;
SingletonEntry& operator=(const SingletonEntry&) = delete;
SingletonEntry& operator=(SingletonEntry&&) = delete;
......@@ -433,32 +428,32 @@ class SingletonVault {
SingletonEntry* get_entry_create(detail::TypeDescriptor type) {
auto entry = get_entry(type);
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> entry_lock(entry->mutex);
if (LIKELY(entry->state == SingletonEntryState::Living)) {
return entry;
if (entry->state == SingletonEntryState::BeingBorn) {
// If this thread is trying to give birth to the singleton, it's
// a circular dependency and we must panic.
// There's no synchronization here, so we may not see the current value
// for creating_thread if it was set by other thread, but we only care about
// it if it was set by current thread anyways.
if (entry->creating_thread == std::this_thread::get_id()) {
throw std::out_of_range(std::string("circular singleton dependency: ") +;
entry->state_condvar.wait(entry_lock, [&entry]() {
return entry->state != SingletonEntryState::BeingBorn;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> entry_lock(entry->mutex);
if (entry->state == SingletonEntryState::Living) {
return entry;
if (entry->instance == nullptr) {
entry->creating_thread = std::this_thread::get_id();
RWSpinLock::ReadHolder rh(&stateMutex_);
if (state_ == SingletonVaultState::Quiescing) {
entry->creating_thread = std::thread::id();
return entry;
CHECK(entry->state == SingletonEntryState::Dead);
entry->state = SingletonEntryState::BeingBorn;
entry->creating_thread = std::this_thread::get_id();
// Can't use make_shared -- no support for a custom deleter, sadly.
auto instance = std::shared_ptr<void>(entry->create(), entry->teardown);
......@@ -468,30 +463,35 @@ class SingletonVault {
// constructor
CHECK(entry->state == SingletonEntryState::BeingBorn);
entry->instance = instance;
entry->instance_weak = instance;
entry->instance_ptr = instance.get();
entry->state = SingletonEntryState::Living;
entry->creating_thread = std::thread::id();
// This has to be the last step, because once state is Living other threads
// may access instance and instance_weak w/o synchronization.
RWSpinLock::WriteHolder wh(&mutex_);
CHECK(entry->state == SingletonEntryState::Living);
return entry;
mutable folly::RWSpinLock mutex_;
typedef std::unique_ptr<SingletonEntry> SingletonEntryPtr;
typedef std::unordered_map<detail::TypeDescriptor,
detail::TypeDescriptorHasher> singletons_;
detail::TypeDescriptorHasher> SingletonMap;
/* Destroy and clean-up one singleton. Must be invoked while holding
* a read lock on mutex_.
* @param typeDescriptor - the type key for the removed singleton.
void destroyInstance(SingletonMap::iterator entry_it);
mutable folly::RWSpinLock mutex_;
SingletonMap singletons_;
std::vector<detail::TypeDescriptor> creation_order_;
SingletonVaultState state_{SingletonVaultState::Running};
bool registrationComplete_{false};
......@@ -315,9 +315,9 @@ TEST(Singleton, SingletonDependencies) {
// A test to ensure multiple threads contending on singleton creation
// properly wait for creation rather than thinking it is a circular
// dependency.
class Slowpoke {
class Slowpoke : public Watchdog {
Slowpoke() { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); }
Slowpoke() { std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(10)); }
TEST(Singleton, SingletonConcurrency) {
......@@ -348,6 +348,31 @@ TEST(Singleton, SingletonConcurrency) {
EXPECT_EQ(vault.livingSingletonCount(), 1);
TEST(Singleton, SingletonConcurrencyStress) {
SingletonVault vault;
Singleton<Slowpoke> slowpoke_singleton(nullptr, nullptr, &vault);
std::vector<std::thread> ts;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
ts.emplace_back([&]() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
std::chrono::milliseconds d(20);
for (auto& t : ts) {
// Benchmarking a normal singleton vs a Meyers singleton vs a Folly
// singleton. Meyers are insanely fast, but (hopefully) Folly
// singletons are fast "enough."
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