Default to using folly::LifoSem
Summary: Unless a service is overloaded, it should be able to clear its queue frequently. When this happens, threads fall asleep until more work is available in the queue. Waking up threads in LIFO order gives us a lot of benefits. First, threads that were most recently active are more likely to be mapped to the same cpu core and thereby experience better L1 cache hit rate. Second, we can madvise away jemalloc arenas on very idle threads. If we wake up threads in FIFO order, we will never get a thread to remain idle long enough for this to be worthwhile. folly::LifoSem does just that. Benchmark in which the queue is allowed to drain show that we get a substantial increase in throughput by waking up threads in LIFO order. Test Plan: QueueBenchmark results summary: As expected, benchmarks run faster in the case where the queue is able to frequently drain itself, particularly in cases where the number of threads is large. Benchmarks run slower when the consumers cannot keep up with the producers, particularly when we reach the queue capacity and we need to synchronize between producers and consumers. However, in this case I think we care less about the overhead of the queue itself and more about how quickly we can shed the actual underlying load. Reviewed By: FB internal diff: D1298343
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