Commit cb527272 authored by Adam Simpkins's avatar Adam Simpkins Committed by Jordan DeLong

change the mechanism for "internal" buffer storage

This removes kFlagExt, and instead implements the internal buffer
optimization using operator new and delete.

IOBuf::createCombined() will allocate a single buffer for the IOBuf,
SharedInfo, and the actual data itself.  Each heap allocated IOBuf now
contains a set of flags indicating if the memory segment indicating when
it can actually be deleted.  The delete operator won't actually free the
storage until both the IOBuf and the data buffer are unused (the
SharedInfo object always becomes unused at the same time as the data

This has a couple advantages over the old mechanism:

- Other IOBufs can continue to use and share the data storage space even
after the original IOBuf associated with it is deleted.  With the old
internal buffer mechanism, internal buffers could never be shared.

- This simplifies several parts of the code, since kFlagExt no longer
exists.  Code that previously required special handling for internal
buffers no longer needs to be aware of them.

One downside is that this can result in wasted space in some cases if
the original IOBuf is changed to point at a different buffer, since the
space for the data buffer cannot be freed until the IOBuf itself is also
destroyed.  The old internal buffer mechanism also had this problem,
which we mitigated simply by disallowing internal buffers for larger
than ~200 bytes.  With the new mechanism we currently allocate an
internal buffer for up to 1024 bytes by default, but we also allow
callers to explicitly decide if they want an internal buffer or not.

Test Plan:
Added some new unit tests for the combined buffer behavior.  Also ran
all of the existing IOBuf unit tests, with and without ASAN.  (ASAN
performs additional memory checking, but also changes IOBuf's behavior
slightly as usingJEMalloc() is false with ASAN.)

Reviewed By:

FB internal diff: D1072336

parent ec61097a
......@@ -28,16 +28,61 @@
using std::unique_ptr;
namespace {
enum : uint16_t {
kHeapMagic = 0xa5a5,
// This memory segment contains an IOBuf that is still in use
kIOBufInUse = 0x01,
// This memory segment contains buffer data that is still in use
kDataInUse = 0x02,
enum : uint32_t {
// When create() is called for buffers less than kDefaultCombinedBufSize,
// we allocate a single combined memory segment for the IOBuf and the data
// together. See the comments for createCombined()/createSeparate() for more
// details.
// (The size of 1k is largely just a guess here. We could could probably do
// benchmarks of real applications to see if adjusting this number makes a
// difference. Callers that know their exact use case can also explicitly
// call createCombined() or createSeparate().)
kDefaultCombinedBufSize = 1024
namespace folly {
const uint32_t IOBuf::kMaxIOBufSize;
// Note: Applying offsetof() to an IOBuf is legal according to C++11, since
// IOBuf is a standard-layout class. However, this isn't legal with earlier
// C++ standards, which require that offsetof() only be used with POD types.
// This code compiles with g++ 4.6, but not with g++ 4.4 or earlier versions.
const uint32_t IOBuf::kMaxInternalDataSize =
kMaxIOBufSize - offsetof(folly::IOBuf, int_.buf);
struct IOBuf::HeapPrefix {
HeapPrefix(uint16_t flg)
: magic(kHeapMagic),
flags(flg) {}
~HeapPrefix() {
// Reset magic to 0 on destruction. This is solely for debugging purposes
// to help catch bugs where someone tries to use HeapStorage after it has
// been deleted.
magic = 0;
uint16_t magic;
std::atomic<uint16_t> flags;
struct IOBuf::HeapStorage {
HeapPrefix prefix;
// The IOBuf is last in the HeapStorage object.
// This way operator new will work even if allocating a subclass of IOBuf
// that requires more space.
folly::IOBuf buf;
struct IOBuf::HeapFullStorage {
HeapStorage hs;
SharedInfo shared;
MaxAlign align;
: freeFn(NULL),
......@@ -56,48 +101,101 @@ IOBuf::SharedInfo::SharedInfo(FreeFunction fn, void* arg)
void* IOBuf::operator new(size_t size) {
// Since IOBuf::create() manually allocates space for some IOBuf objects
// using malloc(), override operator new so that all IOBuf objects are
// always allocated using malloc(). This way operator delete can always know
// that free() is the correct way to deallocate the memory.
void* ptr = malloc(size);
size_t fullSize = offsetof(HeapStorage, buf) + size;
auto* storage = static_cast<HeapStorage*>(malloc(fullSize));
// operator new is not allowed to return NULL
if (UNLIKELY(ptr == NULL)) {
if (UNLIKELY(storage == nullptr)) {
throw std::bad_alloc();
return ptr;
new (&storage->prefix) HeapPrefix(kIOBufInUse);
return &(storage->buf);
void* IOBuf::operator new(size_t size, void* ptr) {
assert(size <= kMaxIOBufSize);
return ptr;
void IOBuf::operator delete(void* ptr) {
// For small buffers, IOBuf::create() manually allocates the space for the
// IOBuf object using malloc(). Therefore we override delete to ensure that
// the IOBuf space is freed using free() rather than a normal delete.
auto* storageAddr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(ptr) - offsetof(HeapStorage, buf);
auto* storage = reinterpret_cast<HeapStorage*>(storageAddr);
releaseStorage(storage, kIOBufInUse);
unique_ptr<IOBuf> IOBuf::create(uint32_t capacity) {
// If the desired capacity is less than kMaxInternalDataSize,
// just allocate a single region large enough for both the IOBuf header and
// the data.
if (capacity <= kMaxInternalDataSize) {
void* buf = malloc(kMaxIOBufSize);
if (UNLIKELY(buf == NULL)) {
throw std::bad_alloc();
void IOBuf::releaseStorage(HeapStorage* storage, uint16_t freeFlags) {
CHECK_EQ(storage->prefix.magic, kHeapMagic);
// Use relaxed memory order here. If we are unlucky and happen to get
// out-of-date data the compare_exchange_weak() call below will catch
// it and load new data with memory_order_acq_rel.
auto flags = storage->prefix.flags.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
DCHECK_EQ((flags & freeFlags), freeFlags);
while (true) {
uint16_t newFlags = (flags & ~freeFlags);
if (newFlags == 0) {
// The storage space is now unused. Free it.
uint8_t* bufEnd = static_cast<uint8_t*>(buf) + kMaxIOBufSize;
unique_ptr<IOBuf> iobuf(new(buf) IOBuf(bufEnd));
assert(iobuf->capacity() >= capacity);
return iobuf;
// This storage segment still contains portions that are in use.
// Just clear the flags specified in freeFlags for now.
auto ret = storage->prefix.flags.compare_exchange_weak(
flags, newFlags, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
if (ret) {
// We successfully updated the flags.
// We failed to update the flags. Some other thread probably updated them
// and cleared some of the other bits. Continue around the loop to see if
// we are the last user now, or if we need to try updating the flags again.
void IOBuf::freeInternalBuf(void* buf, void* userData) {
auto* storage = static_cast<HeapStorage*>(userData);
releaseStorage(storage, kDataInUse);
unique_ptr<IOBuf> IOBuf::create(uint32_t capacity) {
// For smaller-sized buffers, allocate the IOBuf, SharedInfo, and the buffer
// all with a single allocation.
// We don't do this for larger buffers since it can be wasteful if the user
// needs to reallocate the buffer but keeps using the same IOBuf object.
// In this case we can't free the data space until the IOBuf is also
// destroyed. Callers can explicitly call createCombined() or
// createSeparate() if they know their use case better, and know if they are
// likely to reallocate the buffer later.
if (capacity <= kDefaultCombinedBufSize) {
return createCombined(capacity);
return createSeparate(capacity);
unique_ptr<IOBuf> IOBuf::createCombined(uint32_t capacity) {
// To save a memory allocation, allocate space for the IOBuf object, the
// SharedInfo struct, and the data itself all with a single call to malloc().
size_t requiredStorage = offsetof(HeapFullStorage, align) + capacity;
size_t mallocSize = goodMallocSize(requiredStorage);
auto* storage = static_cast<HeapFullStorage*>(malloc(mallocSize));
new (&storage->hs.prefix) HeapPrefix(kIOBufInUse | kDataInUse);
new (&storage->shared) SharedInfo(freeInternalBuf, storage);
uint8_t* bufAddr = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&storage->align);
uint8_t* storageEnd = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(storage) + mallocSize;
size_t actualCapacity = storageEnd - bufAddr;
unique_ptr<IOBuf> ret(new (&storage->hs.buf) IOBuf(
kCombinedAlloc, 0, bufAddr, actualCapacity,
bufAddr, 0, &storage->shared));
return ret;
unique_ptr<IOBuf> IOBuf::createSeparate(uint32_t capacity) {
// Allocate an external buffer
uint8_t* buf;
SharedInfo* sharedInfo;
......@@ -139,6 +237,11 @@ unique_ptr<IOBuf> IOBuf::takeOwnership(void* buf, uint32_t capacity,
bool freeOnError) {
SharedInfo* sharedInfo = NULL;
try {
// TODO: We could allocate the IOBuf object and SharedInfo all in a single
// memory allocation. We could use the existing HeapStorage class, and
// define a new kSharedInfoInUse flag. We could change our code to call
// releaseStorage(kFlagFreeSharedInfo) when this kFlagFreeSharedInfo,
// rather than directly calling delete.
sharedInfo = new SharedInfo(freeFn, userData);
uint8_t* bufPtr = static_cast<uint8_t*>(buf);
......@@ -175,16 +278,6 @@ unique_ptr<IOBuf> IOBuf::wrapBuffer(const void* buf, uint32_t capacity) {
IOBuf::IOBuf(uint8_t* end)
: next_(this),
flags_(0) {
assert(end - int_.buf == kMaxInternalDataSize);
assert(end - reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(this) == kMaxIOBufSize);
IOBuf::IOBuf(ExtBufTypeEnum type,
uint32_t flags,
uint8_t* buf,
......@@ -195,13 +288,12 @@ IOBuf::IOBuf(ExtBufTypeEnum type,
: next_(this),
flags_(kFlagExt | flags) {
ext_.capacity = capacity;
ext_.type = type;
ext_.buf = buf;
ext_.sharedInfo = sharedInfo;
sharedInfo_(sharedInfo) {
assert(data >= buf);
assert(data + length <= buf + capacity);
assert(static_cast<bool>(flags & kFlagUserOwned) ==
......@@ -218,9 +310,7 @@ IOBuf::~IOBuf() {
if (flags_ & kFlagExt) {
bool IOBuf::empty() const {
......@@ -279,40 +369,25 @@ unique_ptr<IOBuf> IOBuf::clone() const {
unique_ptr<IOBuf> IOBuf::cloneOne() const {
if (flags_ & kFlagExt) {
if (ext_.sharedInfo) {
if (sharedInfo_) {
flags_ |= kFlagMaybeShared;
unique_ptr<IOBuf> iobuf(new IOBuf(static_cast<ExtBufTypeEnum>(ext_.type),
flags_, ext_.buf, ext_.capacity,
unique_ptr<IOBuf> iobuf(new IOBuf(static_cast<ExtBufTypeEnum>(type_),
flags_, buf_, capacity_,
data_, length_,
if (ext_.sharedInfo) {
ext_.sharedInfo->refcount.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
if (sharedInfo_) {
sharedInfo_->refcount.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
return iobuf;
} else {
// We have an internal data buffer that cannot be shared
// Allocate a new IOBuf and copy the data into it.
unique_ptr<IOBuf> iobuf(IOBuf::create(kMaxInternalDataSize));
assert((iobuf->flags_ & kFlagExt) == 0);
iobuf->data_ += headroom();
memcpy(iobuf->data_, data_, length_);
iobuf->length_ = length_;
return iobuf;
void IOBuf::unshareOneSlow() {
// Internal buffers are always unshared, so unshareOneSlow() can only be
// called for external buffers
assert(flags_ & kFlagExt);
// Allocate a new buffer for the data
uint8_t* buf;
SharedInfo* sharedInfo;
uint32_t actualCapacity;
allocExtBuffer(ext_.capacity, &buf, &sharedInfo, &actualCapacity);
allocExtBuffer(capacity_, &buf, &sharedInfo, &actualCapacity);
// Copy the data
// Maintain the same amount of headroom. Since we maintained the same
......@@ -322,14 +397,14 @@ void IOBuf::unshareOneSlow() {
// Release our reference on the old buffer
// Make sure kFlagExt is set, and kFlagUserOwned and kFlagFreeSharedInfo
// are not set.
flags_ = kFlagExt;
// Make sure kFlagUserOwned, kFlagMaybeShared, and kFlagFreeSharedInfo
// are all cleared.
flags_ = 0;
// Update the buffer pointers to point to the new buffer
data_ = buf + headlen;
ext_.buf = buf;
ext_.sharedInfo = sharedInfo;
buf_ = buf;
sharedInfo_ = sharedInfo;
void IOBuf::unshareChained() {
......@@ -409,18 +484,16 @@ void IOBuf::coalesceAndReallocate(size_t newHeadroom,
assert(remaining == 0);
// Point at the new buffer
if (flags_ & kFlagExt) {
// Make sure kFlagExt is set, and kFlagUserOwned and kFlagFreeSharedInfo
// are not set.
flags_ = kFlagExt;
// Make sure kFlagUserOwned, kFlagMaybeShared, and kFlagFreeSharedInfo
// are all cleared.
flags_ = 0;
ext_.capacity = actualCapacity;
ext_.type = kExtAllocated;
ext_.buf = newBuf;
ext_.sharedInfo = newInfo;
capacity_ = actualCapacity;
type_ = kExtAllocated;
buf_ = newBuf;
sharedInfo_ = newInfo;
data_ = newData;
length_ = newLength;
......@@ -433,17 +506,15 @@ void IOBuf::coalesceAndReallocate(size_t newHeadroom,
void IOBuf::decrementRefcount() {
assert(flags_ & kFlagExt);
// Externally owned buffers don't have a SharedInfo object and aren't managed
// by the reference count
if (flags_ & kFlagUserOwned) {
assert(ext_.sharedInfo == NULL);
assert(sharedInfo_ == nullptr);
// Decrement the refcount
uint32_t newcnt = ext_.sharedInfo->refcount.fetch_sub(
uint32_t newcnt = sharedInfo_->refcount.fetch_sub(
1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
// Note that fetch_sub() returns the value before we decremented.
// If it is 1, we were the only remaining user; if it is greater there are
......@@ -466,7 +537,7 @@ void IOBuf::decrementRefcount() {
// SharedInfo object.) However, handling this specially with a flag seems
// like it shouldn't be problematic.
if (flags_ & kFlagFreeSharedInfo) {
delete ext_.sharedInfo;
delete sharedInfo_;
......@@ -507,8 +578,7 @@ void IOBuf::reserveSlow(uint32_t minHeadroom, uint32_t minTailroom) {
// If we have a buffer allocated with malloc and we just need more tailroom,
// try to use realloc()/rallocm() to grow the buffer in place.
if ((flags_ & (kFlagExt | kFlagUserOwned)) == kFlagExt &&
(ext_.sharedInfo->freeFn == nullptr) &&
if ((flags_ & kFlagUserOwned) == 0 && (sharedInfo_->freeFn == nullptr) &&
length_ != 0 && oldHeadroom >= minHeadroom) {
if (usingJEMalloc()) {
size_t headSlack = oldHeadroom - minHeadroom;
......@@ -519,7 +589,7 @@ void IOBuf::reserveSlow(uint32_t minHeadroom, uint32_t minTailroom) {
// much" headroom to be 25% of the capacity.
if (headSlack * 4 <= newCapacity) {
size_t allocatedCapacity = capacity() + sizeof(SharedInfo);
void* p = ext_.buf;
void* p = buf_;
if (allocatedCapacity >= jemallocMinInPlaceExpandable) {
int r = rallocm(&p, &newAllocatedCapacity, newAllocatedCapacity,
......@@ -538,7 +608,7 @@ void IOBuf::reserveSlow(uint32_t minHeadroom, uint32_t minTailroom) {
} else { // Not using jemalloc
size_t copySlack = capacity() - length_;
if (copySlack * 2 <= length_) {
void* p = realloc(ext_.buf, newAllocatedCapacity);
void* p = realloc(buf_, newAllocatedCapacity);
if (UNLIKELY(p == nullptr)) {
throw std::bad_alloc();
......@@ -557,7 +627,7 @@ void IOBuf::reserveSlow(uint32_t minHeadroom, uint32_t minTailroom) {
newBuffer = static_cast<uint8_t*>(p);
memcpy(newBuffer + minHeadroom, data_, length_);
if ((flags_ & (kFlagExt | kFlagUserOwned)) == kFlagExt) {
if ((flags_ & kFlagUserOwned) == 0) {
newHeadroom = minHeadroom;
......@@ -568,24 +638,24 @@ void IOBuf::reserveSlow(uint32_t minHeadroom, uint32_t minTailroom) {
initExtBuffer(newBuffer, newAllocatedCapacity, &info, &cap);
if (flags_ & kFlagFreeSharedInfo) {
delete ext_.sharedInfo;
delete sharedInfo_;
flags_ = kFlagExt;
ext_.capacity = cap;
ext_.type = kExtAllocated;
ext_.buf = newBuffer;
ext_.sharedInfo = info;
flags_ = 0;
capacity_ = cap;
type_ = kExtAllocated;
buf_ = newBuffer;
sharedInfo_ = info;
data_ = newBuffer + newHeadroom;
// length_ is unchanged
void IOBuf::freeExtBuffer() {
DCHECK((flags_ & (kFlagExt | kFlagUserOwned)) == kFlagExt);
DCHECK((flags_ & kFlagUserOwned) == 0);
if (ext_.sharedInfo->freeFn) {
if (sharedInfo_->freeFn) {
try {
ext_.sharedInfo->freeFn(ext_.buf, ext_.sharedInfo->userData);
sharedInfo_->freeFn(buf_, sharedInfo_->userData);
} catch (...) {
// The user's free function should never throw. Otherwise we might
// throw from the IOBuf destructor. Other code paths like coalesce()
......@@ -593,7 +663,7 @@ void IOBuf::freeExtBuffer() {
} else {
......@@ -614,7 +684,7 @@ size_t IOBuf::goodExtBufferSize(uint32_t minCapacity) {
// Determine how much space we should allocate. We'll store the SharedInfo
// for the external buffer just after the buffer itself. (We store it just
// after the buffer rather than just before so that the code can still just
// use free(ext_.buf) to free the buffer.)
// use free(buf_) to free the buffer.)
size_t minSize = static_cast<size_t>(minCapacity) + sizeof(SharedInfo);
// Add room for padding so that the SharedInfo will be aligned on an 8-byte
// boundary.
......@@ -650,8 +720,8 @@ void IOBuf::initExtBuffer(uint8_t* buf, size_t mallocSize,
fbstring IOBuf::moveToFbString() {
// malloc-allocated buffers are just fine, everything else needs
// to be turned into one.
if ((flags_ & (kFlagExt | kFlagUserOwned)) != kFlagExt || // not malloc()-ed
ext_.sharedInfo->freeFn != nullptr || // not malloc()-ed
if ((flags_ & kFlagUserOwned) || // user owned, not ours to give up
sharedInfo_->freeFn != nullptr || // not malloc()-ed
headroom() != 0 || // malloc()-ed block doesn't start at beginning
tailroom() == 0 || // no room for NUL terminator
isShared() || // shared
......@@ -668,11 +738,13 @@ fbstring IOBuf::moveToFbString() {
if (flags_ & kFlagFreeSharedInfo) {
delete ext_.sharedInfo;
delete sharedInfo_;
// Reset to internal buffer.
flags_ = 0;
// Reset to a state where we can be deleted cleanly
flags_ = kFlagUserOwned;
sharedInfo_ = nullptr;
buf_ = nullptr;
return str;
......@@ -222,6 +222,27 @@ class IOBuf {
static std::unique_ptr<IOBuf> create(uint32_t capacity);
* Create a new IOBuf, using a single memory allocation to allocate space
* for both the IOBuf object and the data storage space.
* This saves one memory allocation. However, it can be wasteful if you
* later need to grow the buffer using reserve(). If the buffer needs to be
* reallocated, the space originally allocated will not be freed() until the
* IOBuf object itself is also freed. (It can also be slightly wasteful in
* some cases where you clone this IOBuf and then free the original IOBuf.)
static std::unique_ptr<IOBuf> createCombined(uint32_t capacity);
* Create a new IOBuf, using separate memory allocations for the IOBuf object
* for the IOBuf and the data storage space.
* This requires two memory allocations, but saves space in the long run
* if you know that you will need to reallocate the data buffer later.
static std::unique_ptr<IOBuf> createSeparate(uint32_t capacity);
* Allocate a new IOBuf chain with the requested total capacity, allocating
* no more than maxBufCapacity to each buffer.
......@@ -455,7 +476,7 @@ class IOBuf {
* get a pointer to the start of the data within the buffer.
const uint8_t* buffer() const {
return (flags_ & kFlagExt) ? ext_.buf : int_.buf;
return buf_;
......@@ -465,7 +486,7 @@ class IOBuf {
* actually safe to write to the buffer.
uint8_t* writableBuffer() {
return (flags_ & kFlagExt) ? ext_.buf : int_.buf;
return buf_;
......@@ -476,9 +497,7 @@ class IOBuf {
* get a pointer to the end of the data within the buffer.
const uint8_t* bufferEnd() const {
return (flags_ & kFlagExt) ?
ext_.buf + ext_.capacity :
int_.buf + kMaxInternalDataSize;
return buf_ + capacity_;
......@@ -488,7 +507,7 @@ class IOBuf {
* method to get the length of the actual valid data in this IOBuf.
uint32_t capacity() const {
return (flags_ & kFlagExt) ? ext_.capacity : kMaxInternalDataSize;
return capacity_;
......@@ -830,15 +849,11 @@ class IOBuf {
return true;
// an internal buffer wouldn't have kFlagMaybeShared or kFlagUserOwned
// so we would have returned false already. The only remaining case
// is an external buffer which may be shared, so we need to read
// the reference count.
assert((flags_ & (kFlagExt | kFlagMaybeShared)) ==
(kFlagExt | kFlagMaybeShared));
bool shared =
ext_.sharedInfo->refcount.load(std::memory_order_acquire) > 1;
// kFlagMaybeShared is set, so we need to check the reference count.
// (Checking the reference count requires an atomic operation, which is why
// we prefer to only check kFlagMaybeShared if possible.)
DCHECK(flags_ & kFlagMaybeShared);
bool shared = sharedInfo_->refcount.load(std::memory_order_acquire) > 1;
if (!shared) {
// we're the last one left
flags_ &= ~kFlagMaybeShared;
......@@ -973,10 +988,12 @@ class IOBuf {
folly::fbvector<struct iovec> getIov() const;
// Overridden operator new and delete.
// These directly use malloc() and free() to allocate the space for IOBuf
// objects. This is needed since IOBuf::create() manually uses malloc when
// allocating IOBuf objects with an internal buffer.
* Overridden operator new and delete.
* These perform specialized memory management to help support
* createCombined(), which allocates IOBuf objects together with the buffer
* data.
void* operator new(size_t size);
void* operator new(size_t size, void* ptr);
void operator delete(void* ptr);
......@@ -1000,21 +1017,20 @@ class IOBuf {
enum FlagsEnum : uint32_t {
kFlagExt = 0x1,
kFlagUserOwned = 0x2,
kFlagFreeSharedInfo = 0x4,
kFlagMaybeShared = 0x8,
kFlagUserOwned = 0x1,
kFlagFreeSharedInfo = 0x2,
kFlagMaybeShared = 0x4,
// Values for the ExternalBuf type field.
// Values for the type_ field.
// We currently don't really use this for anything, other than to have it
// around for debugging purposes. We store it at the moment just because we
// have the 4 extra bytes in the ExternalBuf struct that would just be
// padding otherwise.
// have the 4 extra bytes that would just be padding otherwise.
enum ExtBufTypeEnum {
kExtAllocated = 0,
kExtUserSupplied = 1,
kExtUserOwned = 2,
kCombinedAlloc = 3,
struct SharedInfo {
......@@ -1027,33 +1043,15 @@ class IOBuf {
void* userData;
std::atomic<uint32_t> refcount;
struct ExternalBuf {
uint32_t capacity;
uint32_t type;
uint8_t* buf;
// SharedInfo may be NULL if kFlagUserOwned is set. It is non-NULL
// in all other cases.
SharedInfo* sharedInfo;
struct InternalBuf {
uint8_t buf[] __attribute__((aligned));
// The maximum size for an IOBuf object, including any internal data buffer
static const uint32_t kMaxIOBufSize = 256;
static const uint32_t kMaxInternalDataSize;
// Helper structs for use by operator new and delete
struct HeapPrefix;
struct HeapStorage;
struct HeapFullStorage;
// Forbidden copy constructor and assignment opererator
IOBuf(IOBuf const &);
IOBuf& operator=(IOBuf const &);
* Create a new IOBuf with internal data.
* end is a pointer to the end of the IOBuf's internal data buffer.
explicit IOBuf(uint8_t* end);
* Create a new IOBuf pointing to an external buffer.
......@@ -1088,6 +1086,8 @@ class IOBuf {
uint8_t** bufReturn,
SharedInfo** infoReturn,
uint32_t* capacityReturn);
static void releaseStorage(HeapStorage* storage, uint16_t freeFlags);
static void freeInternalBuf(void* buf, void* userData);
* Member variables
......@@ -1110,13 +1110,14 @@ class IOBuf {
* This may refer to any subsection of the actual buffer capacity.
uint8_t* data_;
uint8_t* buf_;
uint32_t length_;
uint32_t capacity_;
mutable uint32_t flags_;
union {
ExternalBuf ext_;
InternalBuf int_;
uint32_t type_;
// SharedInfo may be NULL if kFlagUserOwned is set. It is non-NULL
// in all other cases.
SharedInfo* sharedInfo_;
struct DeleterBase {
virtual ~DeleterBase() { }
......@@ -163,6 +163,61 @@ TEST(IOBuf, WrapBuffer) {
EXPECT_EQ(size2, iobuf2->capacity());
TEST(IOBuf, CreateCombined) {
// Create a combined IOBuf, then destroy it.
// The data buffer and IOBuf both become unused as part of the destruction
auto buf = IOBuf::createCombined(256);
// Create a combined IOBuf, clone from it, and then destroy the original
// IOBuf. The data buffer cannot be deleted until the clone is also
// destroyed.
auto bufA = IOBuf::createCombined(256);
auto bufB = bufA->clone();
// Create a combined IOBuf, then call reserve() to get a larger buffer.
// The IOBuf no longer points to the combined data buffer, but the
// overall memory segment cannot be deleted until the IOBuf is also
// destroyed.
auto buf = IOBuf::createCombined(256);
buf->reserve(0, buf->capacity() + 100);
// Create a combined IOBuf, clone from it, then call unshare() on the original
// buffer. This creates a situation where bufB is pointing at the combined
// buffer associated with bufA, but bufA is now using a different buffer.
auto testSwap = [](bool resetAFirst) {
auto bufA = IOBuf::createCombined(256);
auto bufB = bufA->clone();
if (resetAFirst) {
} else {
void fillBuf(uint8_t* buf, uint32_t length, boost::mt19937& gen) {
for (uint32_t n = 0; n < length; ++n) {
buf[n] = static_cast<uint8_t>(gen() & 0xff);
......@@ -392,8 +447,7 @@ TEST(IOBuf, Chaining) {
// since iob2 has a small internal buffer, it will never be shared
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