Commit e8865049 authored by Mike Curtiss's avatar Mike Curtiss Committed by Sara Golemon


Take a random sample of size N from a range.  Clients
can also pass in a custom random number generator.

Test Plan: Added test and benchmark.

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FB internal diff: D811260
parent 9cbe6594
......@@ -156,8 +156,10 @@ class GenImpl : public FBounded<Self> {
* apply() - Send all values produced by this generator to given
* handler until it returns false. Returns true if the false iff the handler
* returned false.
* handler until the handler returns false. Returns true until the handler
* returns false. GOTCHA: It should return true even if it completes (without
* the handler returning false), as 'Chain' uses the return value of apply
* to determine if it should process the second object in its chain.
template<class Handler>
bool apply(Handler&& handler) const;
......@@ -773,6 +775,84 @@ class Take : public Operator<Take> {
* Sample - For taking a random sample of N elements from a sequence
* (without replacement).
template<class Random>
class Sample : public Operator<Sample<Random>> {
size_t count_;
Random rng_;
explicit Sample(size_t count, Random rng)
: count_(count), rng_(std::move(rng)) {}
template<class Value,
class Source,
class Rand,
class StorageType = typename std::decay<Value>::type>
class Generator :
public GenImpl<StorageType&&,
Generator<Value, Source, Rand, StorageType>> {
static_assert(!Source::infinite, "Cannot sample infinite source!");
// It's too easy to bite ourselves if random generator is only 16-bit
static_assert(Random::max() >= std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max() - 1,
"Random number generator must support big values");
Source source_;
size_t count_;
mutable Rand rng_;
explicit Generator(Source source, size_t count, Random rng)
: source_(std::move(source)) , count_(count), rng_(std::move(rng)) {}
template<class Handler>
bool apply(Handler&& handler) const {
if (count_ == 0) { return false; }
std::vector<StorageType> v;
// use reservoir sampling to give each source value an equal chance
// of appearing in our output.
size_t n = 1;
source_.foreach([&](Value value) -> void {
if (v.size() < count_) {
} else {
// alternatively, we could create a std::uniform_int_distribution
// instead of using modulus, but benchmarks show this has
// substantial overhead.
size_t index = rng_() % n;
if (index < v.size()) {
v[index] = std::forward<Value>(value);
// output is unsorted!
for (auto& val: v) {
if (!handler(std::move(val))) {
return false;
return true;
template<class Source,
class Value,
class Gen = Generator<Value, Source, Random>>
Gen compose(GenImpl<Value, Source>&& source) const {
return Gen(std::move(source.self()), count_, rng_);
template<class Source,
class Value,
class Gen = Generator<Value, Source, Random>>
Gen compose(const GenImpl<Value, Source>& source) const {
return Gen(source.self(), count_, rng_);
* Skip - For skipping N items from the beginning of a source generator.
......@@ -1706,6 +1786,11 @@ inline detail::Take take(size_t count) {
return detail::Take(count);
template<class Random = std::default_random_engine>
inline detail::Sample<Random> sample(size_t count, Random rng = Random()) {
return detail::Sample<Random>(count, std::move(rng));
inline detail::Skip skip(size_t count) {
return detail::Skip(count);
......@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
#include <algorithm>
#include <random>
#include <vector>
#include <unordered_set>
......@@ -210,6 +211,9 @@ class Until;
class Take;
template<class Rand>
class Sample;
class Skip;
template<class Selector, class Comparer = Less>
......@@ -280,6 +280,17 @@ BENCHMARK_RELATIVE(Composed_GenRegular, iters) {
BENCHMARK(Sample, iters) {
size_t s = 0;
while (iters--) {
auto sampler = seq(1, 10 * 1000 * 1000) | sample(1000);
s += (sampler | sum);
namespace {
const char* const kLine = "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.\n";
......@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include <glog/logging.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "folly/experimental/Gen.h"
......@@ -173,6 +174,40 @@ TEST(Gen, Take) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected, actual);
TEST(Gen, Sample) {
std::mt19937 rnd(42);
auto sampler =
seq(1, 100)
| sample(50, rnd);
std::unordered_map<int,int> hits;
const int kNumIters = 80;
for (int i = 0; i < kNumIters; i++) {
auto vec = sampler | as<vector<int>>();
EXPECT_EQ(vec.size(), 50);
auto uniq = fromConst(vec) | as<set<int>>();
EXPECT_EQ(uniq.size(), vec.size()); // sampling without replacement
for (auto v: vec) {
// In 80 separate samples of our range, we should have seen every value
// at least once and no value all 80 times. (The odds of either of those
// events is 1/2^80).
EXPECT_EQ(hits.size(), 100);
for (auto hit: hits) {
EXPECT_GT(hit.second, 0);
EXPECT_LT(hit.second, kNumIters);
auto small =
seq(1, 5)
| sample(10);
EXPECT_EQ((small | sum), 15);
EXPECT_EQ((small | take(3) | count), 3);
TEST(Gen, Skip) {
auto gen =
seq(1, 1000)
......@@ -672,6 +707,11 @@ TEST(Gen, DynamicObject) {
EXPECT_EQ(dynamic(6), from(obj.items()) | get<1>() | sum);
TEST(Gen, Collect) {
auto s = from({7, 6, 5, 4, 3}) | as<set<int>>();
EXPECT_EQ(s.size(), 5);
TEST(StringGen, EmptySplit) {
auto collect = eachTo<std::string>() | as<vector>();
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