Commit 03796274 authored by Carson McDonald's avatar Carson McDonald

On overflow, clear new stack space before mrb_raise

parent 41dbcf7a
......@@ -131,10 +131,19 @@ envadjust(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value *oldbase, mrb_value *newbase)
static inline void
init_new_stack_space(mrb_state *mrb, int room, int keep)
if (room > keep) {
/* do not leave uninitialized malloc region */
stack_clear(&(mrb->c->stack[keep]), room - keep);
/** def rec ; $deep =+ 1 ; if $deep > 1000 ; return 0 ; end ; rec ; end */
static void
stack_extend_alloc(mrb_state *mrb, int room)
stack_extend_alloc(mrb_state *mrb, int room, int keep)
mrb_value *oldbase = mrb->c->stbase;
int size = mrb->c->stend - mrb->c->stbase;
......@@ -159,9 +168,11 @@ stack_extend_alloc(mrb_state *mrb, int room)
mrb->c->stack = mrb->c->stbase + off;
mrb->c->stend = mrb->c->stbase + size;
envadjust(mrb, oldbase, mrb->c->stbase);
/* Raise an exception if the new stack size will be too large,
to prevent infinite recursion. However, do this only after resizing the stack, so mrb_raise has stack space to work with. */
if (size > MRB_STACK_MAX) {
init_new_stack_space(mrb, room, keep);
mrb_raise(mrb, E_RUNTIME_ERROR, "stack level too deep. (limit=" TO_STR(MRB_STACK_MAX) ")");
......@@ -170,12 +181,9 @@ static inline void
stack_extend(mrb_state *mrb, int room, int keep)
if (mrb->c->stack + room >= mrb->c->stend) {
stack_extend_alloc(mrb, room);
if (room > keep) {
/* do not leave uninitialized malloc region */
stack_clear(&(mrb->c->stack[keep]), room - keep);
stack_extend_alloc(mrb, room, keep);
init_new_stack_space(mrb, room, keep);
static inline struct REnv*
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