Commit 123d15c5 authored by KOBAYASHI Shuji's avatar KOBAYASHI Shuji

Remove unneeded check to `mrbtest` in `tasks/presym.rake`

With the change in #5267, `build.products` no longer contains `mrbtest` when
`tasks/presym.rake` is loaded.
parent 0290f066
mrbtest = "#{MRuby::Build.install_dir}/mrbtest"
all_prerequisites = ->(task_name, prereqs) do
Rake::Task[task_name].prerequisites.each do |prereq_name|
next if prereqs[prereq_name]
......@@ -21,9 +20,7 @@ MRuby.each_target do |build|
pps = []
build_dir = "#{build.build_dir}/"
mrbc_build_dir = "#{build.mrbc_build.build_dir}/" if build.mrbc_build
build.products.each do |product|
all_prerequisites.(product, prereqs) unless product == mrbtest
build.products.each{|product| all_prerequisites.(product, prereqs)}
prereqs.each_key do |prereq|
next unless File.extname(prereq) == build.exts.object
next unless prereq.start_with?(build_dir)
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