Commit 1563cdfc authored by Yukihiro Matsumoto's avatar Yukihiro Matsumoto

float do not have enough precision to represent Fixnum if MRB_USE_FLOAT is set

parent 1d64ecf0
......@@ -806,11 +806,11 @@ raise_error(codegen_scope *s, const char *msg)
genop(s, MKOP_ABx(OP_ERR, 0, idx));
static mrb_float
static double
readint_float(codegen_scope *s, const char *p, int base)
const char *e = p + strlen(p);
mrb_float f = 0;
double f = 0;
int n;
if (*p == '+') p++;
......@@ -1589,7 +1589,7 @@ codegen(codegen_scope *s, node *tree, int val)
if (val) {
char *p = (char*)tree->car;
int base = (intptr_t)tree->cdr->car;
mrb_float f;
double f;
mrb_int i;
mrb_code co;
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