Update `doc/opcode.md` to reflect the latest bytecode.

- Add `OP_LOADI16`
- Update keyword argument related ops (e.g. OP_KEY_P, etc.)
- Fix some wrong descriptions
parent fa8668c7
......@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ In the table.1 below, the second field describes the size (and
sign) of operands.
* B: 8bit
* sB: signed 8bit
* S: 16bit
* sS: signed 16bit
* W: 24bit
......@@ -32,96 +31,106 @@ with `"`, either `OP_EXT1` or `OP_EXT2` or `OP_EXT2` can be prefixed.
## table.1 Instruction Table
| Instruction Name | Operand type | Semantics |
| OP_NOP | - | |
| OP_MOVE" | BB | R(a) = R(b)
| OP_LOADL" | BB | R(a) = Pool(b)
| OP_LOADI" | BsB | R(a) = mrb_int(b)
| OP_LOADI_0' | B | R(a) = 0
| OP_LOADI_1' | B | R(a) = 1
| OP_LOADI_2' | B | R(a) = 2
| OP_LOADI_3' | B | R(a) = 3
| OP_LOADSYM" | BB | R(a) = Syms(b)
| OP_LOADNIL' | B | R(a) = nil
| OP_LOADSELF' | B | R(a) = self
| OP_LOADT' | B | R(a) = true
| OP_LOADF' | B | R(a) = false
| OP_GETGV" | BB | R(a) = getglobal(Syms(b))
| OP_SETGV" | BB | setglobal(Syms(b), R(a))
| OP_GETSV" | BB | R(a) = Special[b]
| OP_SETSV" | BB | Special[b] = R(a)
| OP_GETIV" | BB | R(a) = ivget(Syms(b))
| OP_SETIV" | BB | ivset(Syms(b),R(a))
| OP_GETCV" | BB | R(a) = cvget(Syms(b))
| OP_SETCV" | BB | cvset(Syms(b),R(a))
| OP_GETCONST" | BB | R(a) = constget(Syms(b))
| OP_SETCONST" | BB | constset(Syms(b),R(a))
| OP_GETMCNST" | BB | R(a) = R(a)::Syms(b)
| OP_SETMCNST" | BB | R(a+1)::Syms(b) = R(a)
| OP_GETUPVAR' | BBB | R(a) = uvget(b,c)
| OP_SETUPVAR' | BBB | uvset(b,c,R(a))
| OP_JMP | S | pc+=a
| OP_JMPIF' | SB | if R(b) pc+=a
| OP_JMPNOT' | SB | if !R(b) pc+=a
| OP_ONERR | sS | rescue_push(pc+a)
| OP_EXCEPT' | B | R(a) = exc
| OP_RESCUE" | BB | R(b) = R(a).isa?(R(b))
| OP_POPERR | B | a.times{rescue_pop()}
| OP_RAISE' | B | raise(R(a))
| OP_EPUSH' | B | ensure_push(SEQ[a])
| OP_EPOP | B | A.times{ensure_pop().call}
| OP_SENDV" | BB | R(a) = call(R(a),Syms(b),*R(a+1))
| OP_SENDVB" | BB | R(a) = call(R(a),Syms(b),*R(a+1),&R(a+2))
| OP_SEND" | BBB | R(a) = call(R(a),Syms(b),R(a+1),...,R(a+c))
| OP_SENDB" | BBB | R(a) = call(R(a),Syms(Bx),R(a+1),...,R(a+c),&R(a+c+1))
| OP_CALL' | B | R(a) = self.call(frame.argc, frame.argv)
| OP_SUPER' | BB | R(a) = super(R(a+1),... ,R(a+b+1))
| OP_ARGARY' | BS | R(a) = argument array (16=5:1:5:1:4)
| OP_ENTER | W | arg setup according to flags (23=5:5:1:5:5:1:1)
| OP_KARG" | BB | R(a) = kdict[Syms(Bx)] # todo
| OP_KARG2" | BB | R(a) = kdict[Syms(Bx)]; kdict.rm(Syms(b)) # todo
| OP_RETURN' | B | return R(a) (normal)
| OP_RETURN_BLK' | B | return R(a) (in-block return)
| OP_BREAK' | B | break R(a)
| OP_BLKPUSH' | BS | R(a) = block (16=5:1:5:1:4)
| OP_ADD" | BB | R(a) = R(a)+R(a+1)
| OP_ADDI" | BBB | R(a) = R(a)+mrb_int(c)
| OP_SUB" | BB | R(a) = R(a)-R(a+1)
| OP_SUBI" | BB | R(a) = R(a)-C
| OP_MUL" | BB | R(a) = R(a)*R(a+1)
| OP_DIV" | BB | R(a) = R(a)/R(a+1)
| OP_EQ" | BB | R(a) = R(a)==R(a+1)
| OP_LT" | BB | R(a) = R(a)<R(a+1)
| OP_LE" | BB | R(a) = R(a)<=R(a+1)
| OP_GT" | BB | R(a) = R(a)>R(a+1)
| OP_GE" | BB | R(a) = R(a)>=R(a+1)
| OP_ARRAY' | BB | R(a) = ary_new(R(a),R(a+1)..R(a+b))
| OP_ARRAY2" | BB | R(a) = ary_new(R(b),R(b+1)..R(b+c))
| OP_ARYCAT' | B | ary_cat(R(a),R(a+1))
| OP_ARYPUSH' | B | ary_push(R(a),R(a+1))
| OP_AREF' | BB | R(a) = R(a)[b]
| OP_ASET' | BB | R(a)[b] = R(a+1)
| OP_APOST' | BB | *R(a),R(A+1)..R(A+C) = R(a)[B..]
| OP_STRING" | BB | R(a) = str_dup(Lit(b))
| OP_STRCAT' | B | str_cat(R(a),R(a+1))
| OP_HASH' | BB | R(a) = hash_new(R(a),R(a+1)..R(a+b))
| OP_HASHADD' | BB | R(a) = hash_push(R(a),R(a+1)..R(a+b))
| OP_LAMBDA" | BB | R(a) = lambda(SEQ[b],OP_L_LAMBDA)
| OP_BLOCK" | BB | R(a) = lambda(SEQ[b],OP_L_BLOCK)
| OP_METHOD" | BB | R(a) = lambda(SEQ[b],OP_L_METHOD)
| OP_RANGE_INC' | B | R(a) = range_new(R(a),R(a+1),FALSE)
| OP_RANGE_EXC' | B | R(a) = range_new(R(a),R(a+1),TRUE)
| OP_OCLASS' | B | R(a) = ::Object
| OP_CLASS" | BB | R(a) = newclass(R(a),Syms(b),R(a+1))
| OP_MODULE" | BB | R(a) = newmodule(R(a),Syms(b))
| OP_EXEC" | BB | R(a) = blockexec(R(a),SEQ[b])
| OP_DEF" | BB | R(a).newmethod(Syms(b),R(a+1))
| OP_ALIAS' | B | alias_method(R(a),R(a+1),R(a+2))
| OP_UNDEF" | BB | undef_method(R(a),Syms(b))
| OP_SCLASS' | B | R(a) = R(a).singleton_class
| OP_TCLASS' | B | R(a) = target_class
| OP_ERR' | B | raise(RuntimeError, Lit(Bx))
| OP_EXT1 | - | make 1st operand 16bit
| OP_EXT2 | - | make 2nd operand 16bit
| OP_EXT3 | - | make 1st and 2nd operands 16bit
| OP_STOP | - | stop VM
| OP_MOVE" | BB | R(a) = R(b) |
| OP_LOADL" | BB | R(a) = Pool(b) |
| OP_LOADI" | BB | R(a) = mrb_int(b) |
| OP_LOADINEG" | BB | R(a) = mrb_int(-b) |
| OP_LOADI__1' | B | R(a) = mrb_int(-1) |
| OP_LOADI_0' | B | R(a) = mrb_int(0) |
| OP_LOADI_1' | B | R(a) = mrb_int(1) |
| OP_LOADI_2' | B | R(a) = mrb_int(2) |
| OP_LOADI_3' | B | R(a) = mrb_int(3) |
| OP_LOADI_4' | B | R(a) = mrb_int(4) |
| OP_LOADI_5' | B | R(a) = mrb_int(5) |
| OP_LOADI_6' | B | R(a) = mrb_int(6) |
| OP_LOADI_7' | B | R(a) = mrb_int(7) |
| OP_LOADI_16' | BsS | R(a) = mrb_int(b) |
| OP_LOADSYM" | BB | R(a) = Syms(b) |
| OP_LOADNIL' | B | R(a) = nil |
| OP_LOADSELF' | B | R(a) = self |
| OP_LOADT' | B | R(a) = true |
| OP_LOADF' | B | R(a) = false |
| OP_GETGV" | BB | R(a) = getglobal(Syms(b)) |
| OP_SETGV" | BB | setglobal(Syms(b), R(a)) |
| OP_GETSV" | BB | R(a) = Special[b] |
| OP_SETSV" | BB | Special[b] = R(a) |
| OP_GETIV" | BB | R(a) = ivget(Syms(b)) |
| OP_SETIV" | BB | ivset(Syms(b),R(a)) |
| OP_GETCV" | BB | R(a) = cvget(Syms(b)) |
| OP_SETCV" | BB | cvset(Syms(b),R(a)) |
| OP_GETCONST" | BB | R(a) = constget(Syms(b)) |
| OP_SETCONST" | BB | constset(Syms(b),R(a)) |
| OP_GETMCNST" | BB | R(a) = R(a)::Syms(b) |
| OP_SETMCNST" | BB | R(a+1)::Syms(b) = R(a) |
| OP_GETUPVAR' | BBB | R(a) = uvget(b,c) |
| OP_SETUPVAR' | BBB | uvset(b,c,R(a)) |
| OP_JMP | S | pc=a |
| OP_JMPIF' | SB | if R(b) pc=a |
| OP_JMPNOT' | SB | if !R(b) pc=a |
| OP_ONERR | sS | rescue_push(pc+a) |
| OP_EXCEPT' | B | R(a) = exc |
| OP_RESCUE" | BB | R(b) = R(a).isa?(R(b)) |
| OP_POPERR | B | a.times{rescue_pop()} |
| OP_RAISE' | B | raise(R(a)) |
| OP_EPUSH' | B | ensure_push(SEQ[a]) |
| OP_EPOP | B | A.times{ensure_pop().call} |
| OP_SENDV" | BB | R(a) = call(R(a),Syms(b),*R(a+1)) |
| OP_SENDVB" | BB | R(a) = call(R(a),Syms(b),*R(a+1),&R(a+2)) |
| OP_SEND" | BBB | R(a) = call(R(a),Syms(b),R(a+1),...,R(a+c)) |
| OP_SENDB" | BBB | R(a) = call(R(a),Syms(Bx),R(a+1),...,R(a+c),&R(a+c+1)) |
| OP_CALL | - | R(0) = self.call(frame.argc, frame.argv) |
| OP_SUPER" | BB | R(a) = super(R(a+1),... ,R(a+b+1)) |
| OP_ARGARY' | BS | R(a) = argument array (16=5:1:5:1:4) |
| OP_ENTER | W | arg setup according to flags (23=5:5:1:5:5:1:1) |
| OP_KEY_P" | BB | R(a) = kdict.key?(Syms(b)) |
| OP_KEYEND | - | raise unless kdict.empty? |
| OP_KARG" | BB | R(a) = kdict[Syms(b)]; kdict.delete(Syms(b)) |
| OP_RETURN' | B | return R(a) (normal) |
| OP_RETURN_BLK' | B | return R(a) (in-block return) |
| OP_BREAK' | B | break R(a) |
| OP_BLKPUSH' | BS | R(a) = block (16=5:1:5:1:4) |
| OP_ADD" | BB | R(a) = R(a)+R(a+1) |
| OP_ADDI" | BBB | R(a) = R(a)+mrb_int(c) |
| OP_SUB" | BB | R(a) = R(a)-R(a+1) |
| OP_SUBI" | BB | R(a) = R(a)-mrb_int(c) |
| OP_MUL" | BB | R(a) = R(a)*R(a+1) |
| OP_DIV" | BB | R(a) = R(a)/R(a+1) |
| OP_EQ" | BB | R(a) = R(a)==R(a+1) |
| OP_LT" | BB | R(a) = R(a)<R(a+1) |
| OP_LE" | BB | R(a) = R(a)<=R(a+1) |
| OP_GT" | BB | R(a) = R(a)>R(a+1) |
| OP_GE" | BB | R(a) = R(a)>=R(a+1) |
| OP_ARRAY" | BB | R(a) = ary_new(R(a),R(a+1)..R(a+b)) |
| OP_ARRAY2" | BBB | R(a) = ary_new(R(b),R(b+1)..R(b+c)) |
| OP_ARYCAT' | B | ary_cat(R(a),R(a+1)) |
| OP_ARYPUSH' | B | ary_push(R(a),R(a+1)) |
| OP_AREF" | BBB | R(a) = R(b)[c] |
| OP_ASET" | BBB | R(a)[c] = R(b) |
| OP_APOST" | BBB | *R(a),R(a+1)..R(a+c) = R(a)[b..] |
| OP_STRING" | BB | R(a) = str_dup(Lit(b)) |
| OP_STRCAT' | B | str_cat(R(a),R(a+1)) |
| OP_HASH" | BB | R(a) = hash_new(R(a),R(a+1)..R(a+b)) |
| OP_HASHADD" | BB | R(a) = hash_push(R(a),R(a+1)..R(a+b)) |
| OP_LAMBDA" | BB | R(a) = lambda(SEQ[b],OP_L_LAMBDA) |
| OP_BLOCK" | BB | R(a) = lambda(SEQ[b],OP_L_BLOCK) |
| OP_METHOD" | BB | R(a) = lambda(SEQ[b],OP_L_METHOD) |
| OP_RANGE_INC' | B | R(a) = range_new(R(a),R(a+1),FALSE) |
| OP_RANGE_EXC' | B | R(a) = range_new(R(a),R(a+1),TRUE) |
| OP_OCLASS' | B | R(a) = ::Object |
| OP_CLASS" | BB | R(a) = newclass(R(a),Syms(b),R(a+1)) |
| OP_MODULE" | BB | R(a) = newmodule(R(a),Syms(b)) |
| OP_EXEC" | BB | R(a) = blockexec(R(a),SEQ[b]) |
| OP_DEF" | BB | R(a).newmethod(Syms(b),R(a+1)) |
| OP_ALIAS" | BB | alias_method(target_class,Syms(a),Syms(b)) |
| OP_UNDEF' | B | undef_method(target_class,Syms(a)) |
| OP_SCLASS' | B | R(a) = R(a).singleton_class |
| OP_TCLASS' | B | R(a) = target_class |
| OP_DEBUG" | BBB | print a,b,c |
| OP_ERR' | B | raise(RuntimeError, Lit(Bx)) |
| OP_EXT1 | - | make 1st operand 16bit |
| OP_EXT2 | - | make 2nd operand 16bit |
| OP_EXT3 | - | make 1st and 2nd operands 16bit |
| OP_STOP | - | stop VM |
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