Commit 451523ff authored by ksss's avatar ksss

Avoid Syntax Error on CRuby v1.8

CRuby v1.8 dose not support named capture
parent fa1a17cb
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ do |conf, _params|
if require 'open3'
Open3.popen3 do |_, _, e, _|
if /Version (?<v>\d{2}\.\d{2}\.\d{5})/ =~ e.gets && v.to_i <= 17
if /Version (\d{2})\.\d{2}\.\d{5}/ =~ e.gets && $1.to_i <= 17
m = "# VS2010/2012 support will be dropped after the next release! #"
h = "#" * m.length
puts h, m, h
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