Commit 4fd93254 authored by Yukihiro Matsumoto's avatar Yukihiro Matsumoto

allow :"text" form; close #321

parent 04d24b31
......@@ -518,6 +518,22 @@ new_sym(parser_state *p, mrb_sym sym)
return cons((node*)NODE_SYM, (node*)sym);
static mrb_sym
new_strsym(parser_state *p, node* str)
const char *s = (const char*)str->cdr->car;
size_t len = (size_t)str->cdr->cdr;
return mrb_intern2(p->mrb, s, len);
// (:sym . a)
static node*
new_dsym(parser_state *p, node *a)
return cons((node*)NODE_DSYM, a);
// (:lvar . a)
static node*
new_lvar(parser_state *p, mrb_sym sym)
......@@ -890,7 +906,7 @@ var_reference(parser_state *p, node *lhs)
%token <num> tREGEXP_END
%type <nd> singleton string string_interp regexp
%type <nd> literal numeric cpath
%type <nd> literal numeric cpath symbol
%type <nd> top_compstmt top_stmts top_stmt
%type <nd> bodystmt compstmt stmts stmt expr arg primary command command_call method_call
%type <nd> expr_value arg_value primary_value
......@@ -906,7 +922,7 @@ var_reference(parser_state *p, node *lhs)
%type <nd> bv_decls opt_bv_decl bvar f_larglist lambda_body
%type <nd> brace_block cmd_brace_block do_block lhs none fitem f_bad_arg
%type <nd> mlhs mlhs_list mlhs_post mlhs_basic mlhs_item mlhs_node mlhs_inner
%type <id> fsym sym symbol operation operation2 operation3
%type <id> fsym sym basic_symbol operation operation2 operation3
%type <id> cname fname op f_rest_arg f_block_arg opt_f_block_arg f_norm_arg
%token tUPLUS /* unary+ */
......@@ -1474,7 +1490,7 @@ fname : tIDENTIFIER
fsym : fname
| symbol
| basic_symbol
fitem : fsym
......@@ -2458,9 +2474,6 @@ opt_ensure : keyword_ensure compstmt
literal : numeric
| symbol
$$ = new_sym(p, $1);
string : tCHAR
......@@ -2503,7 +2516,18 @@ string_interp : tSTRING_PART
regexp : tREGEXP
symbol : tSYMBEG sym
symbol : basic_symbol
$$ = new_sym(p, $1);
| tSYMBEG tSTRING_BEG string_interp tSTRING
p->lstate = EXPR_END;
$$ = new_dsym(p, push($3, $4));
basic_symbol : tSYMBEG sym
p->lstate = EXPR_END;
$$ = $2;
......@@ -2514,6 +2538,14 @@ sym : fname
$$ = new_strsym(p, $1);
$$ = new_strsym(p, $2);
numeric : tINTEGER
......@@ -3392,8 +3424,8 @@ parse_string(parser_state *p, int term)
return tSTRING;
static int
parse_qstring(parser_state *p, int term)
static node*
qstring_node(parser_state *p, int term)
int c;
......@@ -3429,9 +3461,20 @@ parse_qstring(parser_state *p, int term)
yylval.nd = new_str(p, tok(p), toklen(p));
p->lstate = EXPR_END;
return new_str(p, tok(p), toklen(p));
static int
parse_qstring(parser_state *p, int term)
node *nd = qstring_node(p, term);
if (nd) {
yylval.nd = new_str(p, tok(p), toklen(p));
return tSTRING;
return 0;
static int
......@@ -4123,21 +4166,7 @@ parser_yylex(parser_state *p)
p->lstate = EXPR_BEG;
return ':';
switch (c) {
case '\'':
#if 0
p->lex_strterm = new_strterm(p, str_ssym, c, 0);
case '"':
#if 0
p->lex_strterm = new_strterm(p, str_dsym, c, 0);
pushback(p, c);
p->lstate = EXPR_FNAME;
return tSYMBEG;
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