Call envadjust() before updating VM stack.

parent ae4217e8
......@@ -164,10 +164,10 @@ stack_extend_alloc(mrb_state *mrb, int room)
mrb_exc_raise(mrb, mrb_obj_value(mrb->stack_err));
stack_clear(&(newstack[oldsize]), size - oldsize);
envadjust(mrb, oldbase, newstack);
mrb->c->stbase = newstack;
mrb->c->stack = mrb->c->stbase + off;
mrb->c->stend = mrb->c->stbase + size;
envadjust(mrb, oldbase, mrb->c->stbase);
/* Raise an exception if the new stack size will be too large,
to prevent infinite recursion. However, do this only after resizing the stack, so mrb_raise has stack space to work with. */
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