Commit 7deef5aa authored by mattn's avatar mattn

remove compiler warnings.

parent ee0f73a4
......@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@ MRuby.each_target do
f.puts %Q[void mrb_#{g.funcname}_gem_test(mrb_state *mrb);] unless g.test_objs.empty?
f.puts %Q[void GENERATED_TMP_mrb_#{g.funcname}_gem_test(mrb_state *mrb) {]
f.puts %Q[ mrb_state *mrb2;]
f.puts %Q[ mrb_value val1, val2, ary1, ary2;]
f.puts %Q[ int ai;]
unless g.test_rbfiles.empty?
f.puts %Q[ mrb_state *mrb2;]
f.puts %Q[ mrb_value val1, val2, ary1, ary2;]
f.puts %Q[ int ai;]
g.test_rbfiles.count.times do |i|
f.puts %Q[ ai = mrb_gc_arena_save(mrb);]
f.puts %Q[ mrb2 = mrb_open();]
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