Commit a182a0d3 authored by Daniel Bovensiepen's avatar Daniel Bovensiepen

Improve generator to output status

parent 88951ddb
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'pty'
c_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
MRUBY_ROOT = File.expand_path("#{c_dir}/../..")
DOC_DIR = File.expand_path(c_dir)
puts `#{DOC_DIR}/mrbdoc/mrbdoc.rb #{MRUBY_ROOT} #{DOC_DIR}`
cmd = "#{DOC_DIR}/mrbdoc/mrbdoc.rb #{MRUBY_ROOT} #{DOC_DIR}"
PTY.spawn(cmd) do |i,o,pid|
i.each { |l| print l }
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