Commit ac6747a9 authored by Nobuyoshi Nakada's avatar Nobuyoshi Nakada

fix optional block arguments in rhs

define optional block arguments as argument variables in the rhs
default expressions, as same as mere assignment expressions.

Import ruby/ruby@01740f0c273c89f7bcff3d5014d73c8ff6fb1986
parent 28f6cfe4
......@@ -3065,10 +3065,9 @@ f_opt : f_opt_asgn arg_value
f_block_opt : tIDENTIFIER '=' primary_value
f_block_opt : f_opt_asgn primary_value
local_add_f(p, $1);
$$ = cons(nsym($1), $3);
$$ = cons(nsym($1), $2);
......@@ -289,3 +289,7 @@ assert('optional argument in the rhs default expressions') do
assert_equal("method called", o.t2)
assert('optional block argument in the rhs default expressions') do
assert_nil(proc {|foo = foo| foo}.call)
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