Add "*!" argument specifier to avoid stack copying.

parent 059d707e
......@@ -896,16 +896,26 @@ mrb_get_args(mrb_state *mrb, const char *format, ...)
mrb_value **var;
mrb_int *pl;
mrb_bool nocopy = FALSE;
if (*format == '!') {
nocopy = TRUE;
var = va_arg(ap, mrb_value**);
pl = va_arg(ap, mrb_int*);
if (argc > i) {
*pl = argc-i;
if (*pl > 0) {
if (nocopy) {
*var = ARGV+arg_i;
else {
mrb_value args = mrb_ary_new_from_values(mrb, *pl, ARGV+arg_i);
RARRAY(args)->c = NULL;
*var = (mrb_value*)RARRAY_PTR(args);
i = argc;
arg_i += *pl;
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