fix up documentation for values

parent 2c868954
......@@ -40,12 +40,15 @@ SEARCH_INCLUDES = YES
INCLUDE_PATH = include include/mruby
CLANG_OPTIONS = -I./include
# This thing creates documentation elements for everything, even when its not documented. Its a little ugly to do it right now because huge swathes of code aren't documented.
# Document MRB_INLINE functions
# If you edit anything below this, bring it up here so its easier to read.
......@@ -443,7 +446,6 @@ EXTRACT_PACKAGE = NO
# included in the documentation.
# The default value is: NO.
# If the EXTRACT_LOCAL_CLASSES tag is set to YES, classes (and structs) defined
# locally in source files will be included in the documentation. If set to NO,
......@@ -31,99 +31,97 @@ with `"`, either `OP_EXT1` or `OP_EXT2` or `OP_EXT2` can be prefixed.
## table.1 Instruction Table
|Instruction Name |Operand type |Semantics
|OP_NOP | - |
|OP_MOVE" |BB |R(a) = R(b)
|OP_LOADL" |BB |R(a) = Pool(b)
|OP_LOADI" |BsB |R(a) = mrb_int(b)
|OP_LOADI_0' |B |R(a) = 0
|OP_LOADI_1' |B |R(a) = 1
|OP_LOADI_2' |B |R(a) = 2
|OP_LOADI_3' |B |R(a) = 3
|OP_LOADSYM" |BB |R(a) = Syms(b)
|OP_LOADNIL' |B |R(a) = nil
|OP_LOADSELF' |B |R(a) = self
|OP_LOADT' |B |R(a) = true
|OP_LOADF' |B |R(a) = false
|OP_GETGV" |BB |R(a) = getglobal(Syms(b))
|OP_SETGV" |BB |setglobal(Syms(b), R(a))
|OP_GETSV" |BB |R(a) = Special[b]
|OP_SETSV" |BB |Special[b] = R(a)
|OP_GETIV" |BB |R(a) = ivget(Syms(b))
|OP_SETIV" |BB |ivset(Syms(b),R(a))
|OP_GETCV" |BB |R(a) = cvget(Syms(b))
|OP_SETCV" |BB |cvset(Syms(b),R(a))
|OP_GETCONST" |BB |R(a) = constget(Syms(b))
|OP_SETCONST" |BB |constset(Syms(b),R(a))
|OP_GETMCNST" |BB |R(a) = R(a)::Syms(b)
|OP_SETMCNST" |BB |R(a+1)::Syms(b) = R(a)
|OP_GETUPVAR' |BBB |R(a) = uvget(b,c)
|OP_SETUPVAR' |BBB |uvset(b,c,R(a))
|OP_JMP |S |pc+=a
|OP_JMPIF' |SB |if R(b) pc+=a
|OP_JMPNOT' |SB |if !R(b) pc+=a
|OP_ONERR |sS |rescue_push(pc+a)
|OP_EXCEPT' |B |R(a) = exc
|OP_RESCUE" |BB |R(b) = R(a).isa?(R(b))
|OP_POPERR |B |a.times{rescue_pop()}
|OP_RAISE' |B |raise(R(a))
|OP_EPUSH' |B |ensure_push(SEQ[a])
|OP_EPOP |B |A.times{ensure_pop().call}
|OP_SENDV" |BB |R(a) = call(R(a),Syms(b),*R(a+1))
|OP_SENDVB" |BB |R(a) = call(R(a),Syms(b),*R(a+1),&R(a+2))
|OP_SEND" |BBB |R(a) = call(R(a),Syms(b),R(a+1),...,R(a+c))
|OP_SENDB" |BBB |R(a) = call(R(a),Syms(Bx),R(a+1),...,R(a+c),&R(a+c+1))
|OP_CALL' |B |R(a) =, frame.argv)
|OP_SUPER' |BB |R(a) = super(R(a+1),... ,R(a+b+1))
|OP_ARGARY' |BS |R(a) = argument array (16=5:1:5:1:4)
|OP_ENTER |W |arg setup according to flags (23=5:5:1:5:5:1:1)
|OP_KARG" |BB |R(a) = kdict[Syms(Bx)] # todo
|OP_KARG2" |BB |R(a) = kdict[Syms(Bx)]; kdict.rm(Syms(b)) # todo
|OP_RETURN' |B |return R(a) (normal)
|OP_RETURN_BLK' |B |return R(a) (in-block return)
|OP_BREAK' |B |break R(a)
|OP_BLKPUSH' |BS |R(a) = block (16=5:1:5:1:4)
|OP_ADD" |BB |R(a) = R(a)+R(a+1)
|OP_ADDI" |BBB |R(a) = R(a)+mrb_int(c)
|OP_SUB" |BB |R(a) = R(a)-R(a+1)
|OP_SUBI" |BB |R(a) = R(a)-C
|OP_MUL" |BB |R(a) = R(a)*R(a+1)
|OP_DIV" |BB |R(a) = R(a)/R(a+1)
|OP_EQ" |BB |R(a) = R(a)==R(a+1)
|OP_LT" |BB |R(a) = R(a)<R(a+1)
|OP_LE" |BB |R(a) = R(a)<=R(a+1)
|OP_GT" |BB |R(a) = R(a)>R(a+1)
|OP_GE" |BB |R(a) = R(a)>=R(a+1)
|OP_ARRAY' |BB |R(a) = ary_new(R(a),R(a+1)..R(a+b))
|OP_ARRAY2" |BB |R(a) = ary_new(R(b),R(b+1)..R(b+c))
|OP_ARYCAT' |B |ary_cat(R(a),R(a+1))
|OP_ARYPUSH' |B |ary_push(R(a),R(a+1))
|OP_AREF' |BB |R(a) = R(a)[b]
|OP_ASET' |BB |R(a)[b] = R(a+1)
|OP_APOST' |BB |*R(a),R(A+1)..R(A+C) = R(a)[B..]
|OP_STRING" |BB |R(a) = str_dup(Lit(b))
|OP_STRCAT' |B |str_cat(R(a),R(a+1))
|OP_HASH' |BB |R(a) = hash_new(R(a),R(a+1)..R(a+b))
|OP_HASHADD' |BB |R(a) = hash_push(R(a),R(a+1)..R(a+b))
|OP_LAMBDA" |BB |R(a) = lambda(SEQ[b],OP_L_LAMBDA)
|OP_BLOCK" |BB |R(a) = lambda(SEQ[b],OP_L_BLOCK)
|OP_METHOD" |BB |R(a) = lambda(SEQ[b],OP_L_METHOD)
|OP_RANGE_INC' |B |R(a) = range_new(R(a),R(a+1),FALSE)
|OP_RANGE_EXC' |B |R(a) = range_new(R(a),R(a+1),TRUE)
|OP_OCLASS' |B |R(a) = ::Object
|OP_CLASS" |BB |R(a) = newclass(R(a),Syms(b),R(a+1))
|OP_MODULE" |BB |R(a) = newmodule(R(a),Syms(b))
|OP_EXEC" |BB |R(a) = blockexec(R(a),SEQ[b])
|OP_DEF" |BB |R(a).newmethod(Syms(b),R(a+1))
|OP_ALIAS' |B |alias_method(R(a),R(a+1),R(a+2))
|OP_UNDEF" |BB |undef_method(R(a),Syms(b))
|OP_SCLASS' |B |R(a) = R(a).singleton_class
|OP_TCLASS' |B |R(a) = target_class
|OP_ERR' |B |raise(RuntimeError, Lit(Bx))
|OP_EXT1 |- |make 1st operand 16bit
|OP_EXT2 |- |make 2nd operand 16bit
|OP_EXT3 |- |make 1st and 2nd operands 16bit
|OP_STOP |- |stop VM
| Instruction Name | Operand type | Semantics |
| OP_NOP | - | |
| OP_MOVE" | BB | R(a) = R(b)
| OP_LOADL" | BB | R(a) = Pool(b)
| OP_LOADI" | BsB | R(a) = mrb_int(b)
| OP_LOADI_0' | B | R(a) = 0
| OP_LOADI_1' | B | R(a) = 1
| OP_LOADI_2' | B | R(a) = 2
| OP_LOADI_3' | B | R(a) = 3
| OP_LOADSYM" | BB | R(a) = Syms(b)
| OP_LOADNIL' | B | R(a) = nil
| OP_LOADSELF' | B | R(a) = self
| OP_LOADT' | B | R(a) = true
| OP_LOADF' | B | R(a) = false
| OP_GETGV" | BB | R(a) = getglobal(Syms(b))
| OP_SETGV" | BB | setglobal(Syms(b), R(a))
| OP_GETSV" | BB | R(a) = Special[b]
| OP_SETSV" | BB | Special[b] = R(a)
| OP_GETIV" | BB | R(a) = ivget(Syms(b))
| OP_SETIV" | BB | ivset(Syms(b),R(a))
| OP_GETCV" | BB | R(a) = cvget(Syms(b))
| OP_SETCV" | BB | cvset(Syms(b),R(a))
| OP_GETCONST" | BB | R(a) = constget(Syms(b))
| OP_SETCONST" | BB | constset(Syms(b),R(a))
| OP_GETMCNST" | BB | R(a) = R(a)::Syms(b)
| OP_SETMCNST" | BB | R(a+1)::Syms(b) = R(a)
| OP_GETUPVAR' | BBB | R(a) = uvget(b,c)
| OP_SETUPVAR' | BBB | uvset(b,c,R(a))
| OP_JMP | S | pc+=a
| OP_JMPIF' | SB | if R(b) pc+=a
| OP_JMPNOT' | SB | if !R(b) pc+=a
| OP_ONERR | sS | rescue_push(pc+a)
| OP_EXCEPT' | B | R(a) = exc
| OP_RESCUE" | BB | R(b) = R(a).isa?(R(b))
| OP_POPERR | B | a.times{rescue_pop()}
| OP_RAISE' | B | raise(R(a))
| OP_EPUSH' | B | ensure_push(SEQ[a])
| OP_EPOP | B | A.times{ensure_pop().call}
| OP_SENDV" | BB | R(a) = call(R(a),Syms(b),*R(a+1))
| OP_SENDVB" | BB | R(a) = call(R(a),Syms(b),*R(a+1),&R(a+2))
| OP_SEND" | BBB | R(a) = call(R(a),Syms(b),R(a+1),...,R(a+c))
| OP_SENDB" | BBB | R(a) = call(R(a),Syms(Bx),R(a+1),...,R(a+c),&R(a+c+1))
| OP_CALL' | B | R(a) =, frame.argv)
| OP_SUPER' | BB | R(a) = super(R(a+1),... ,R(a+b+1))
| OP_ARGARY' | BS | R(a) = argument array (16=5:1:5:1:4)
| OP_ENTER | W | arg setup according to flags (23=5:5:1:5:5:1:1)
| OP_KARG" | BB | R(a) = kdict[Syms(Bx)] # todo
| OP_KARG2" | BB | R(a) = kdict[Syms(Bx)]; kdict.rm(Syms(b)) # todo
| OP_RETURN' | B | return R(a) (normal)
| OP_RETURN_BLK' | B | return R(a) (in-block return)
| OP_BREAK' | B | break R(a)
| OP_BLKPUSH' | BS | R(a) = block (16=5:1:5:1:4)
| OP_ADD" | BB | R(a) = R(a)+R(a+1)
| OP_ADDI" | BBB | R(a) = R(a)+mrb_int(c)
| OP_SUB" | BB | R(a) = R(a)-R(a+1)
| OP_SUBI" | BB | R(a) = R(a)-C
| OP_MUL" | BB | R(a) = R(a)*R(a+1)
| OP_DIV" | BB | R(a) = R(a)/R(a+1)
| OP_EQ" | BB | R(a) = R(a)==R(a+1)
| OP_LT" | BB | R(a) = R(a)<R(a+1)
| OP_LE" | BB | R(a) = R(a)<=R(a+1)
| OP_GT" | BB | R(a) = R(a)>R(a+1)
| OP_GE" | BB | R(a) = R(a)>=R(a+1)
| OP_ARRAY' | BB | R(a) = ary_new(R(a),R(a+1)..R(a+b))
| OP_ARRAY2" | BB | R(a) = ary_new(R(b),R(b+1)..R(b+c))
| OP_ARYCAT' | B | ary_cat(R(a),R(a+1))
| OP_ARYPUSH' | B | ary_push(R(a),R(a+1))
| OP_AREF' | BB | R(a) = R(a)[b]
| OP_ASET' | BB | R(a)[b] = R(a+1)
| OP_APOST' | BB | *R(a),R(A+1)..R(A+C) = R(a)[B..]
| OP_STRING" | BB | R(a) = str_dup(Lit(b))
| OP_STRCAT' | B | str_cat(R(a),R(a+1))
| OP_HASH' | BB | R(a) = hash_new(R(a),R(a+1)..R(a+b))
| OP_HASHADD' | BB | R(a) = hash_push(R(a),R(a+1)..R(a+b))
| OP_LAMBDA" | BB | R(a) = lambda(SEQ[b],OP_L_LAMBDA)
| OP_BLOCK" | BB | R(a) = lambda(SEQ[b],OP_L_BLOCK)
| OP_METHOD" | BB | R(a) = lambda(SEQ[b],OP_L_METHOD)
| OP_RANGE_INC' | B | R(a) = range_new(R(a),R(a+1),FALSE)
| OP_RANGE_EXC' | B | R(a) = range_new(R(a),R(a+1),TRUE)
| OP_OCLASS' | B | R(a) = ::Object
| OP_CLASS" | BB | R(a) = newclass(R(a),Syms(b),R(a+1))
| OP_MODULE" | BB | R(a) = newmodule(R(a),Syms(b))
| OP_EXEC" | BB | R(a) = blockexec(R(a),SEQ[b])
| OP_DEF" | BB | R(a).newmethod(Syms(b),R(a+1))
| OP_ALIAS' | B | alias_method(R(a),R(a+1),R(a+2))
| OP_UNDEF" | BB | undef_method(R(a),Syms(b))
| OP_SCLASS' | B | R(a) = R(a).singleton_class
| OP_TCLASS' | B | R(a) = target_class
| OP_ERR' | B | raise(RuntimeError, Lit(Bx))
| OP_EXT1 | - | make 1st operand 16bit
| OP_EXT2 | - | make 2nd operand 16bit
| OP_EXT3 | - | make 1st and 2nd operands 16bit
| OP_STOP | - | stop VM
......@@ -25,6 +25,10 @@
** [ MIT license: ]
* @file mruby.h
#ifndef MRUBY_H
#define MRUBY_H
......@@ -97,11 +101,14 @@ MRB_BEGIN_DECL
typedef uint8_t mrb_code;
* Required arguments signature type.
* \class mrb_aspec
* Specifies the number of arguments a function takes
* Example: `MRB_ARGS_REQ(2) | MRB_ARGS_OPT(1)` for a method that expects 2..3 arguments
typedef uint32_t mrb_aspec;
struct mrb_irep;
struct mrb_state;
** mruby/array.h - Array class
** @file mruby/array.h - Array class
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
** mruby/boxing_nan.h - nan boxing mrb_value definition
** @file mruby/boxing_nan.h - nan boxing mrb_value definition
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
** mruby/boxing_no.h - unboxed mrb_value definition
** @file mruby/boxing_no.h - unboxed mrb_value definition
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
** mruby/boxing_word.h - word boxing mrb_value definition
** @file mruby/boxing_word.h - word boxing mrb_value definition
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
** mruby/class.h - Class class
** @file mruby/class.h - Class class
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
**"common.h - mruby common platform definition"
** @file common.h - mruby common platform definition"
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
** mruby/compile.h - mruby parser
** @file mruby/compile.h - mruby parser
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
** mruby/data.h - Data class
** @file mruby/data.h - Data class
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
** mruby/debug.h - mruby debug info
** @file mruby/debug.h - mruby debug info
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
** mruby/dump.h - mruby binary dumper (mrbc binary format)
** @file mruby/dump.h - mruby binary dumper (mrbc binary format)
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
** mruby/error.h - Exception class
** @file mruby/error.h - Exception class
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
** mruby/gc.h - garbage collector for mruby
** @file mruby/gc.h - garbage collector for mruby
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
** mruby/hash.h - Hash class
** @file mruby/hash.h - Hash class
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
** mruby/irep.h - mrb_irep structure
** @file mruby/irep.h - mrb_irep structure
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
** mruby/istruct.h - Inline structures
** @file mruby/istruct.h - Inline structures
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
** mruby/khash.c - Hash for mruby
** @file mruby/khash.h - Hash for mruby
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
** mruby/numeric.h - Numeric, Integer, Float, Fixnum class
** @file mruby/numeric.h - Numeric, Integer, Float, Fixnum class
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
** mruby/object.h - mruby object definition
** @file mruby/object.h - mruby object definition
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
** mruby/opcode.h - RiteVM operation codes
** @file mruby/opcode.h - RiteVM operation codes
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
** mruby/proc.h - Proc class
** @file mruby/proc.h - Proc class
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
** mruby/range.h - Range class
** @file mruby/range.h - Range class
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
** mruby/re.h - Regexp class
** @file mruby/re.h - Regexp class
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
** mruby/string.h - String class
** @file mruby/string.h - String class
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
......@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ struct RString {
#define RSTR_POOL_P(s) ((s)->flags & MRB_STR_POOL)
#define RSTR_SET_POOL_FLAG(s) ((s)->flags |= MRB_STR_POOL)
* Returns a pointer from a Ruby string
#define mrb_str_ptr(s) ((struct RString*)(mrb_ptr(s)))
......@@ -115,13 +115,13 @@ MRB_API void mrb_str_modify(mrb_state *mrb, struct RString *s);
/* mrb_str_modify() with keeping ASCII flag if set */
MRB_API void mrb_str_modify_keep_ascii(mrb_state *mrb, struct RString *s);
* Finds the index of a substring in a string
MRB_API mrb_int mrb_str_index(mrb_state*, mrb_value, const char*, mrb_int, mrb_int);
#define mrb_str_index_lit(mrb, str, lit, off) mrb_str_index(mrb, str, lit, mrb_strlen_lit(lit), off);
* Appends self to other. Returns self as a concatenated string.
......@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ MRB_API mrb_int mrb_str_index(mrb_state*, mrb_value, const char*, mrb_int, mrb_i
MRB_API void mrb_str_concat(mrb_state*, mrb_value, mrb_value);
* Adds two strings together.
......@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ MRB_API void mrb_str_concat(mrb_state*, mrb_value, mrb_value);
MRB_API mrb_value mrb_str_plus(mrb_state*, mrb_value, mrb_value);
* Converts pointer into a Ruby string.
* @param [mrb_state] mrb The current mruby state.
......@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ MRB_API mrb_value mrb_str_plus(mrb_state*, mrb_value, mrb_value);
MRB_API mrb_value mrb_ptr_to_str(mrb_state *, void*);
* Returns an object as a Ruby string.
* @param [mrb_state] mrb The current mruby state.
......@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ MRB_API mrb_value mrb_ptr_to_str(mrb_state *, void*);
MRB_API mrb_value mrb_obj_as_string(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value obj);
* Resizes the string's length. Returns the amount of characters
* in the specified by len.
......@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@ MRB_API mrb_value mrb_obj_as_string(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value obj);
MRB_API mrb_value mrb_str_resize(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str, mrb_int len);
* Returns a sub string.
* Example:
......@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ MRB_API mrb_value mrb_str_resize(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str, mrb_int len);
MRB_API mrb_value mrb_str_substr(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str, mrb_int beg, mrb_int len);
* Returns a Ruby string type.
......@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ MRB_API const char *mrb_string_value_ptr(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str);
/* obslete: use RSTRING_LEN() */
MRB_API mrb_int mrb_string_value_len(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str);
* Duplicates a string object.
......@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ MRB_API mrb_int mrb_string_value_len(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str);
MRB_API mrb_value mrb_str_dup(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str);
* Returns a symbol from a passed in Ruby string.
* @param [mrb_state] mrb The current mruby state.
......@@ -373,13 +373,13 @@ MRB_API mrb_value mrb_cstr_to_inum(mrb_state *mrb, const char *s, mrb_int base,
MRB_API double mrb_str_to_dbl(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str, mrb_bool badcheck);
MRB_API double mrb_cstr_to_dbl(mrb_state *mrb, const char *s, mrb_bool badcheck);
* Returns a converted string type.
* For type checking, non converting `mrb_to_str` is recommended.
MRB_API mrb_value mrb_str_to_str(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str);
* Returns true if the strings match and false if the strings don't match.
* @param [mrb_state] mrb The current mruby state.
......@@ -389,8 +389,8 @@ MRB_API mrb_value mrb_str_to_str(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str);
MRB_API mrb_bool mrb_str_equal(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str1, mrb_value str2);
* Returns a concated string comprised of a Ruby string and a C string.
* Returns a concatenated string comprised of a Ruby string and a C string.
* @param [mrb_state] mrb The current mruby state.
* @param [mrb_value] str Ruby string.
......@@ -401,8 +401,8 @@ MRB_API mrb_bool mrb_str_equal(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str1, mrb_value str2);
MRB_API mrb_value mrb_str_cat(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str, const char *ptr, size_t len);
* Returns a concated string comprised of a Ruby string and a C string.
* Returns a concatenated string comprised of a Ruby string and a C string.
* @param [mrb_state] mrb The current mruby state.
* @param [mrb_value] str Ruby string.
......@@ -414,17 +414,17 @@ MRB_API mrb_value mrb_str_cat_cstr(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str, const char *pt
MRB_API mrb_value mrb_str_cat_str(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str, mrb_value str2);
#define mrb_str_cat_lit(mrb, str, lit) mrb_str_cat(mrb, str, lit, mrb_strlen_lit(lit))
* Adds str2 to the end of str1.
MRB_API mrb_value mrb_str_append(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str, mrb_value str2);
* Returns 0 if both Ruby strings are equal. Returns a value < 0 if Ruby str1 is less than Ruby str2. Returns a value > 0 if Ruby str2 is greater than Ruby str1.
MRB_API int mrb_str_cmp(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str1, mrb_value str2);
* Returns a newly allocated C string from a Ruby string.
* This is an utility function to pass a Ruby string to C library functions.
......@@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ mrb_value mrb_str_pool(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str);
uint32_t mrb_str_hash(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str);
mrb_value mrb_str_dump(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str);
* Returns a printable version of str, surrounded by quote marks, with special characters escaped.
mrb_value mrb_str_inspect(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str);
** mruby/throw.h - mruby exception throwing handler
** @file mruby/throw.h - mruby exception throwing handler
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
** mruby/value.h - mruby value definitions
** @file mruby/value.h - mruby value definitions
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
......@@ -9,12 +9,27 @@
#include "common.h"
* MRuby Value definition functions and macros.
* @class mrb_sym
* @brief mruby Symbol
* You can create an mrb_sym by simply using mrb_str_intern() or mrb_intern_cstr()
typedef uint32_t mrb_sym;
* @class mrb_bool
* @brief mruby Boolean
* Used internally to represent boolean. Can be TRUE or FALSE.
* Not to be confused with Ruby's boolean classes, which can be
* obtained using mrb_false_value() and mrb_true_value()
typedef uint8_t mrb_bool;
struct mrb_state;
......@@ -178,8 +193,10 @@ typedef void mrb_value;
#define mrb_exception_p(o) (mrb_type(o) == MRB_TT_EXCEPTION)
#define mrb_test(o) mrb_bool(o)
* Returns a float in Ruby.
* Takes a float and boxes it into an mrb_value
MRB_INLINE mrb_value mrb_float_value(struct mrb_state *mrb, mrb_float f)
......@@ -200,8 +217,10 @@ mrb_cptr_value(struct mrb_state *mrb, void *p)
return v;
* Returns a fixnum in Ruby.
* Takes an integer and boxes it into an mrb_value
MRB_INLINE mrb_value mrb_fixnum_value(mrb_int i)
......@@ -228,8 +247,7 @@ mrb_obj_value(void *p)
return v;
* Get a nil mrb_value object.
* @return
......@@ -242,7 +260,7 @@ MRB_INLINE mrb_value mrb_nil_value(void)
return v;
* Returns false in Ruby.
MRB_INLINE mrb_value mrb_false_value(void)
......@@ -252,7 +270,7 @@ MRB_INLINE mrb_value mrb_false_value(void)
return v;
* Returns true in Ruby.
MRB_INLINE mrb_value mrb_true_value(void)
** mruby/variable.h - mruby variables
** @file mruby/variable.h - mruby variables
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
** mruby/version.h - mruby version definition
** @file mruby/version.h - mruby version definition
** See Copyright Notice in mruby.h
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