Commit c51c8dd1 authored by Yukihiro Matsumoto's avatar Yukihiro Matsumoto

RMatch.regexp should not be mrb_value

parent c401b753
......@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ match_backref_number(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value match, mrb_value backref)
int num;
struct re_registers *regs = RMATCH_REGS(match);
mrb_value regexp = RMATCH(match)->regexp;
struct RRegexp *regexp = RMATCH(match)->regexp;
match_check(mrb, match);
switch(mrb_type(backref)) {
......@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ match_backref_number(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value match, mrb_value backref)
name = mrb_string_value_cstr(mrb, &backref);
num = onig_name_to_backref_number(mrb_regex_ptr(regexp)->ptr,
num = onig_name_to_backref_number(regexp->ptr,
(const unsigned char*)name,
(const unsigned char*)name + strlen(name),
......@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ mrb_reg_search(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value re, mrb_value str, mrb_int pos, mrb_int
RMATCH(match)->str = str_new4(mrb,, str);
RMATCH(match)->regexp = re;
RMATCH(match)->regexp = mrb_regex_ptr(re);
RMATCH(match)->rmatch->char_offset_updated = 0;
mrb_backref_set(mrb, match);
......@@ -811,9 +811,7 @@ read_escaped_byte(const char **pp, const char *end, onig_errmsg_buffer err)
int code;
int meta_prefix = 0, ctrl_prefix = 0;
size_t len;
int retbyte;
retbyte = -1;
if (p == end || *p++ != '\\') {
//errcpy(err, "too short escaped multibyte character");
printf("too short escaped multibyte character");
......@@ -1359,6 +1357,14 @@ mrb_reg_init_copy(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value re/*, mrb_value copy*/)
return re;
static int
reg_equal(mrb_state *mrb, struct RRegexp *re1, struct RRegexp *re2)
if (re1->ptr->options != re2->ptr->options) return FALSE;
if (!mrb_equal(mrb, re1->src, re2->src)) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
static int
mrb_reg_equal(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value re1, mrb_value re2)
......@@ -1367,14 +1373,7 @@ mrb_reg_equal(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value re1, mrb_value re2)
if (mrb_type(re2) != MRB_TT_REGEX) return FALSE;
mrb_reg_check(mrb, re1);
mrb_reg_check(mrb, re2);
/*if (FL_TEST(re1, KCODE_FIXED) != FL_TEST(re2, KCODE_FIXED)) return Qfalse; */
if (RREGEXP(re1)->ptr->options != RREGEXP(re2)->ptr->options) return FALSE;
if (RREGEXP_SRC_LEN(re1) != RREGEXP_SRC_LEN(re2)) return FALSE;
/*if (ENCODING_GET(re1) != ENCODING_GET(re2)) return mrb_false_value();*/
if (memcmp(RREGEXP_SRC_PTR(re1), RREGEXP_SRC_PTR(re2), RREGEXP_SRC_LEN(re1)) == 0) {
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
return reg_equal(mrb, RREGEXP(re1), RREGEXP(re2));
/* */
......@@ -1636,11 +1635,11 @@ mrb_reg_source(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value re)
static int
name_to_backref_number(mrb_state *mrb, struct re_registers *regs, mrb_value regexp, const char* name, const char* name_end)
name_to_backref_number(mrb_state *mrb, struct re_registers *regs, struct RRegexp*regexp, const char* name, const char* name_end)
int num;
num = onig_name_to_backref_number(RREGEXP(regexp)->ptr,
num = onig_name_to_backref_number(regexp->ptr,
(const unsigned char* )name, (const unsigned char* )name_end, regs);
if (num >= 1) {
return num;
......@@ -1676,7 +1675,7 @@ match_alloc(mrb_state *mrb)
m->str = mrb_nil_value();
m->rmatch = 0;
m->regexp = mrb_nil_value();
m->regexp = 0;
m->rmatch = mrb_malloc(mrb, sizeof(struct rmatch));//ALLOC(struct rmatch);
memset(m->rmatch, 0, sizeof(struct rmatch));
......@@ -1718,13 +1717,12 @@ mrb_match_aref(mrb_state *mrb, /*int argc, mrb_value *argv,*/ mrb_value match)
mrb_value argv[16];
int argc;
mrb_value idx, rest;
mrb_value idx;
match_check(mrb, match);
//mrb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &idx, &rest);
mrb_get_args(mrb, "*", &argv, &argc);
idx = argv[0];
rest = argv[1];
if (argc<2) {
if (mrb_type(idx) == MRB_TT_FIXNUM) {
if (mrb_fixnum(idx) >= 0) {
......@@ -1777,7 +1775,7 @@ update_char_offset(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value match)
struct re_registers *regs;
int i, num_regs, num_pos;
long c;
char *s, *p, *q, *e;
char *s, *p, *q;
mrb_encoding *enc;
pair_t *pairs;
......@@ -1816,7 +1814,6 @@ update_char_offset(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value match)
qsort(pairs, num_pos, sizeof(pair_t), pair_byte_cmp);
s = p = RSTRING_PTR(RMATCH(match)->str);
e = s + RSTRING_LEN(RMATCH(match)->str);
c = 0;
for (i = 0; i < num_pos; i++) {
q = s + pairs[i].byte_pos;
......@@ -2526,9 +2523,9 @@ mrb_match_inspect(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value match)
struct re_registers *regs = RMATCH_REGS(match);
int num_regs = regs->num_regs;
struct backref_name_tag *names;
mrb_value regexp = RMATCH(match)->regexp;
struct RRegexp *regexp = RMATCH(match)->regexp;
if (regexp.value.p == 0) {
if (!regexp) {
return mrb_sprintf(mrb, "#<%s:%p>", cname, (void*)&match);
......@@ -2537,7 +2534,7 @@ mrb_match_inspect(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value match)
names = mrb_malloc(mrb, sizeof(struct backref_name_tag)*num_regs);
memset(names, 0, sizeof(struct backref_name_tag)*num_regs);
match_inspect_name_iter, names);
str = mrb_str_new_cstr(mrb, "#<");//mrb_str_buf_new2("#<");
......@@ -2588,7 +2585,8 @@ mrb_match_equal(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value match1)
if (mrb_obj_equal(mrb, match1, match2)) return mrb_true_value();
if (mrb_type(match2) != MRB_TT_MATCH) return mrb_false_value();
if (!mrb_str_equal(mrb, RMATCH(match1)->str, RMATCH(match2)->str)) return mrb_false_value();
if (!mrb_reg_equal(mrb, RMATCH(match1)->regexp, RMATCH(match2)->regexp)) return mrb_false_value();
if (!reg_equal(mrb, RMATCH(match1)->regexp, RMATCH(match2)->regexp)) return mrb_false_value();
regs1 = RMATCH_REGS(match1);
regs2 = RMATCH_REGS(match2);
if (regs1->num_regs != regs2->num_regs) return mrb_false_value();
......@@ -2767,7 +2765,7 @@ mrb_reg_regsub(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str, mrb_value src, struct re_registers
name_end += c == -1 ? mbclen(name_end, e, str_enc) : clen;
if (name_end < e) {
no = name_to_backref_number(mrb, regs, regexp, name, name_end);
no = name_to_backref_number(mrb, regs, RREGEXP(regexp), name, name_end);
p = s = name_end + clen;
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ struct RMatch {
mrb_value str;
struct rmatch *rmatch;
mrb_value regexp; /* RRegexp */
struct RRegexp *regexp;
struct RRegexp {
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